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Show illLE and a lean to, and had forty acres of Ho. eh? Aunt Jinny. impressively, You have got to . land attached to it. twhen thet boy ob mine g'is married. try to escape I'll dll 5) 1 Soplemest Maybe It was the Sunday fare; There lived with his parents, Jeru- - tie gits 'four Iiuu'erd dollars an head oil'. It Alayt e ibe Suudav sermon; salem, my oilier hero, until the liend twenty acres ob good lan. The poor y on n f Perhaps taa hut a piain nightmare Wh 1 nc er can fit n riii.ue. of jealousy entered his otherwise pla- - j 'ihat settled it; as Aunt Jenny on !; ISLI'ULU AT with fPioig eid home met her and about ruin when wreck left and bosom, MAX ri. way UTAH Sophy I dreamed I was an errant shade, somewhat uncasdV .half way there, ilu re could be but one pulled out a flask iSiWh With other rbadoas hieing there. bV, I::!' Ah nr a road whore downward grade Five mile3 off was another little set- - j result. That night, bv previous enhim a Pretty stiff dr4SV Some men are a good deal like the Waa kiuipij terrify ;ng. took a and here tlement Miss of the Ju same to gagement, After ,V10 Ufluor i genus, Sophy beer they drink all froth and no subHo Miss Sophy, my heroine, Helped bake festival held at tne residence of tho Be 'ore them all, with haughty head, stored his stance. fie. in" the ancestral mansion, )ne h. Id the i hief posit on. Kev. Capsicum Grant, on the way hoe the cake Now, Nias, It is commendable to work for some Whose loity mien and stately tread and by washing for the neighboring back got bis courage to the sticking I tell you thatbrae P Proclaimed lua high condition. Ju j3 thing, but better to bo honest when V,el planters families, earned the shekels point, (old bis love and was coyly but and will run just as'an you have won. Wh'le In the eves of ail the rest sorn, i hia that went to purchase articles of promptly accepted. The kiss that Ji pistol at him. hat trouble and dejection, Often is the result of a false step feminine adornment, articles so dear followed nearly made an owl tumble ' g111 be His orbs alone expressed more to be endured than others com' to the average feminine heart: ifrom his perch near by, and so bewild-ere- d wo ot Apj irovmg introrpeetioo. ft ments upon it Ananias was tall and thin, elaborate' him that an audacious tree toad We readied a river ai d embarked Guud principles are tenacious, and so as to ly l"iou a calli v gloomy ; legs, and ttie stinsof twenty 'sang an air from Norma right under The seat the s'rang-- took, I marked. live years had enhanced the dingy yelhis very nose. tenacity in the right direction makes Ju was a sight, if, . Bill, Was elegant and roomy. i low of his complexion. good principles. The news of the betrothal was known rolling, hiseneeks ' it; His Most people are charitable as far as Whin came to punch his fare, eyes were of the vintage known 'all over the neighborhood next morn0D could they get under The as pop, and the premature removal ing. and then the storm came, specter sympathy goes, but few have the kind xnent his of JJ?hWe13 cuticle him with a stony stare, of three front teeth had given him a j That same that costs money. t33 morning I was sitting in for in the M;ljor's And set ined to say, Director. at weirdly poetical pearanee. strikes and others Jealousy jmy office trying to evolve an editorial huge pistols of revolm- - cac We reached at length the heavenly gate on the beauties of carpet-bagiswounds itself, which shows that jealAmong intensely black surroundwhen with flint locks, a half The press had free adm Ssions The e hi, mon herd was torced to wait ings. the fairness of his sk:n was a the door thrilled beneath a most lugua monkey-wrenc- h ousy is And loaded with conditions. drawback, more especially as his pa- brious knock. Moro than one man has, astride of dippers. P'you rents, by some strange oversight, aro In answer to my come in! behold bis hobby, paraded it up and down, J he major saluted me t bub The stranger handed in Ids card, both of the same orthodox color. W hiJcruiind the j the long, lank liguro of Ananias. door we hovered, formal manner. only to return on foot. iNo i In temperament he was somewhat Amt to the high celestial Ilis countenance wore a look of guard To swear will not help on your urned it as ilis sliaj e.y head uncovered. graWell and his and haughty by passionate, mingled ferocity and melancholy. plans. Swearing may convince you, Tying our hordes 'u f 1 saw t Peter smile and demeanor seemed to be continually probow, but it never will others. Cappen, said he, I has como to saplings and leaving 01. Fin t L rb me and his environment. deferential; against for testing some disvice. you I havo always preferred to give freo The sti anger's greeting was somehow charges seated, withViV iue. Although entirely ignorant of I shoved my writing materials aside not A shade more to stir, the Moior'4 .Vsd advice rather than boarding and lodg. or, in fact, of any letters, he and motioned him to a chair. Then I some distance for eon5ut rve ing at the same the Angel was shrewd and forehanded, and was lit a tjler cried, IIow is your man? cigar, the brand I particularly afA page straightway in a Nothing is so easy as detecting in appearing. wav to fair become something of fect O. I. and (I don't remember that tried a capitalist, when the unlucky collapse said Proceed. (other people's), your friends the faults that you are To wholly keep from hearing.) Scared to most familiar with yourself. . of the Freedmans Hank swept away j He shuttled to the chair, hadtobnvee him upwii, I caught the words Orchestra chair awkwardly I despise egotism, and yet a limited the bulk of his IS sure took position on the extreme edge of garnered hoards. you get the right one amount ot eonlidenco in ones self This made him moody and irritablo it, and See the harp tuner; and take care began his monody: lets have a circus, Ttavj 1V lends eonlidenco in self to others. at times, but did not impair his ability i The halo is a t right one. I has been courtin Miss pistols AVhy, Cappen, as a cotton picker, which was someLook lively, too, St. Peier said, People who cultivate a view of outer two Sophy Giggles heavilyPtha gwine tcti,ef. year. f 1 ,b"1 he ; la waitiug.1 thing wonderful to behold. thought best adapted to make thorn I. has boughteu her lots ob candy, knock the devil out otrJ e I lie bent his head, register, miserable generally succeed. Jerusalem, or Ju, was short and pinders, an sech like truck, kerried ha great hook indicating. first lire. The fat, and, like my old friend, Hamlet, her to fcstibules, camp meetints, an Most people aro good theorists, but The stranger wrote. I read the scrawl That will be a good t'Ht. somewhat of scant breath. few protit by theory, and they are the scurshins, an ob course I was spect-i- n swered. for their The sacicd page engro-seon; His skin was so black that soot pastor. Some ones who reduce theory to practice. The on me vy.is n to ax her to the place was all yield, yister- - that lie has been trying wate would have made a white mark upon dav, which wa3 marry me, but J. Hmlhrop Wigg.ns, Boston. It seems to bo a sort of soothing Chusedav, she went the last three years. 1, but I it. Ills were small and eyes Life. twinkling, an promise ter marry dat brack no We gave the heroes a:r havi eyrup with many to lay their ill luck indices of tho good huiflor that ani- count to circumstances over which we Jerusalem. I don care and placed them in THE HEEL AT TOSSUJI nigger, ERANCII. mated his being. have no control. so much about dat, Cappen; but dis pistol in hand. ftainty Ilis lips were large and luscious, like he stuck out his tongue at apart, is the of lot is morniDg Ananias Pickett, yellow', lived on one slices of a The Experience all, and won the wort 5s riPe Major No. 14 and a ripe mango, an I nebber me, our best instructor. However, but side of tho branch and Jerusalem shoe lows no Uow i it sonorously: gave him a dignity otherwise im- ter do that to me, so I axes gentleman few are willing to bo taught, and a Johnson, Fire! you what black, commonly called possible to obtain. '.Plug I urns do. largo majority are trying to beat exThere was a terrific Ju, lived ou the other side. Miss Ilis speech was slow and b It is the principal weakness of my cloud of smoke and boi heard perience. Sophy Giggles, the color of an under- indicative of a mind muchdeliberate, to The safest rule that I know of is to done buckwheat cake, lived given weaknesses never to allow an prone upon the ground, jool ha, inward thought, and liis ears were jtuanv bo faithful at present work, so that miles from the branch and aboutlive 1 rushed to Ananias amjfViYl!, was the large and wayward, restless with .opportunity to pass for fun. Hero was a brilliant chance. I embraced when accomplished the result of past cause of an undue secretion of bile in The huge horse pistr g p. motion that it flitted every across his it. efforts will guarantee us, when found, both Nias and Ju. had his nose, and struck face. hat expansive for better things, The branch itself is not of sufficient Nias I said, are a gentle . As an only son and hvhy, ing profusely. presumptive man are you not? you All the recorded truths, all the imPortance to be indicated in red col- - heir to much len paces awav, Jujnstfr their land and some his stock, rs 0,1 anF maP of these blessed United presence was always a desirable Yes sah, said he a Souf Car'linv his senses saw the blood; J o the timely warnings in tho world, coupled one with good counsel, will not deter some 'States, and yet its local coloring j3 Cn- - at the little social sah. gentleman, antagonist and yellinv' tl si enthat from folly so effectually as once real- tertaining enough to warrant its being livened either side gatherings him, broke for the woods L, Then, I replied, vou must chalthe branch. The taken from tne somewhat We called after him, b lj)roc1 izing its real and evil effects. moldy woman in the case, Miss Sophy Gig- lenge him. To allow others as much credit for He and What is was on a Placed sah? winsome dat, kept on running, and gles, of creature j of some i never muting center table seen him since wes;?Vs' the present 10 years, voluptuous as to outline You integrity as they claim is good docmust send a note to him. say. trine, but to give them a thirty days and tasty as to dress. ho must meet you on the field of running still. t V'T Th i i. ing b .odE !,'T trial before you turn your business tneitv About a month later ? Her complexion was a a, honor. In other words you must ground of Ken- over to them is better sense. into my office, and look- :- ''.Un lV 8e3Crat,on?onthe field brown, and dazzling white Seth cS him. V ' It is better to hsjve a barp with one A smile played over his fully, said: Cappen, is " sl,!dor frequent gentle coun? town frlL'e ?V? anii dishonor, tenance. string, and know how to produce upon havo iuii, k Lord bless you, Ihewayshe ' I am, I answered. it Its fullest note, than one with a , said he, sen dat note rightCappen, oil: I kin ' 7 s convinced all of her inherent Den thousand strings whoso only echo that Us Iliad if sff butt dat you please, ter ,Wl,th nigger of womans pieces. follows the touch is a discordant one. pos'ollls fer Ananias Giggles 'In r y genius, aud her singing is said to have That wont do. said I votion, and the fearless heroism of sternly; as niado many a mocking-bira 1 ho worst kind of lios are those I thought you namewiir.il. a out ed hearts. The branch must gentleman you fight him with I said itself is its tad feathers in sheer envy. pull which have a semblanco of truth about a a dull, sluggish stream about ten or gentlemans weapons. You must She had worked two seasons in TalDat was my them, and tho worst kiud of liars are twclvo feet challenge him to fight you with pis- - he wide, running through the lahassee, also, so to those who redueo tho practice to a southern with dignity.' .ti her g replied other charms portion of Leon County. Ja were added the ried dis mawnin ter ikisiiiH; 4 ou science, and render it moro plausiblo but His delicious yaguo face turned a shade b,e calle1 a creek. In reiinemcnts of city life. paler and he gles. than the truth. Hamilton Jay. If ol : co tho UWlmi?l!t hesitated. I turned on him might be dignified by tho No wonder the little quicklv, No doubt many of us would bo sur- name of river. Lty an drew boy Cupid used V,V'VI1 "Y" In FlnrY.iq "if'iq my chair close to him and said Kansas Sheep, n.r mind. bow from .which to launch his b"asa prised to learn that out of all the good a branch. impressively: branch Nias, there of what, I is a tide arrows. Given the and evil spoken of us that the good am not at this j .ts m the a flairs of Sheep there were, indeed moment prepared to dainty material he could not have place and of exceod the evil words, yet I believe them, objects of unfaiii Y.f p y slate. taken displayed at which, the leads flood, on to to the much .yeater wisdom. and del: A tfirou they do. Humanity doesnt sufmarriage. I knowJu well. He is a ladies. gentlemen vnroLIir!f'LVitl1 Hve 0ak water oak, ficient credit for benevolence. get !?' ig. WUh her; terrible coward, and will run just as hl In order to get assistance from 2Cieie7oiTreesU is that stone JwasZnTy?o be stm What soon as you present your 'Stl at him. one others in this world it is best to apMiss Sophy will' hear of pistol afternoon, a lady Siiu. it. All rrustif "brhK i pear satisfied with what little f v an piazza with her do despise cowards. She will kick as to on whom the choice would for you, even if you aro not. they That stono wall, madiuL, JUU. him and you will carry off the cake. fall Show and decrepit, thA nucleus of I like most any bophy, of her sex. was a will go with your appreciation for small helps and dents.nt f FSSlbl aud Probable no you, act as your friend, a Harvard graduate, poI.f accD born coquette, and gave no sio-in to the you stimulate them to do more. of and see that all goes right. Will sheep coming favoritism. If she went to a half with leave yon Tho water is about ten I do not believo tliero are anv peoTo see the sheep go a 1 yoi the matter to me? feetde .onn 'gbtslie went to a festival in dark. heaven Is very who N0 never one but ple night and morning, was if. lore committed an you coroner with Ananias the next, and error but lived perfect lives hero on could possibly find ing amusement. SometiE'cor accepted pen? lovmcnk the sticks ot sugar cane with earth. If I reach thero and find my- looking at it. the down to the wandered same am. I Certainly. Now sweet smile and self mistaken 1 shall ask to return, honeyed thanks from home. Keep quiet. I will you go set to see the herds come 111 ' servps ,as a ort cut one, as she did the v1 see vou k the even with harps going and angels fopmbitor foxes secki of peanuts through tnis supposed them matter, and when Vou would havo and suspender bucklequart from the f a other Muss singing. for Sophy, will dance at 'tlio ing ihmK tlw ?,lbiWay? tb Neither liad ever kissed her so she marry with banners, from the ear nl Any man who begins lifo honestly wedding. k Saisehoiunf the the had which they exclaimed, 0U merits espeet; ho wiio remains honest been attempt vight, he - often made, and it was sah, medduck! and replied, icine an open ques-tio- n with a are! the I, if is a man of a thousand and the man buoyant, smiling face left the come! there they bells as to who would At times the trees that who can leavo this world with tho rewin faint office. ie of the eventually e line this tinkling Iho climax came one day in on a vivid a if distance. If two herd; I spect for his honesty unchanged is balmy Half beauty. an hour when June, the x birds were at once from opposite d , justly crowned with veneration? Chi- of I ho bamboo (limbs to the tops 1 1. friend ththo tallest ones 7 W mud one with lambs had the j, tles NLaj8 Swivels'1 y wat cago Ledger. and flings a fdrthe'THit of ait graceful crown over their swavino- bosoms joy m their gentle and Sly, the To him I repeated the whole way, s ri and old Aunt Jenny was beauty. affair commander tlio the Treatment of Beggars in England. and besought him to seek Ju only cause of it pity and act ed troops tho part of second for that by sitting down iinie For an , man to be cauo-hthe meeting Shebad,droPlediuto house the hold thorn of would T no, a third timo begging was considered a 40 m for a offico parents birds social lambs I tiny wrote a check till the nPn r I 1 0,t and and tindingno oae borne but hischit , crime deserving death, according to watch with challenge to Ju in the name of housed. The lambs born 1 the ther, good an old law in England, which re m?ii tLucie Ilypothenuso Ananias and quietly awaited results. during the day friskedtheirbao,. . I sec ied in force for Ju, through his second, Maj. Swiv- to oliiik, b"nres, Jolnson, the conversation sixty years. Tho poor that pass slowly Tv the corral beside man might not change his master els, accepted the challenge, 0 at ditM,no,bi, lamb four hours old beingyy , not pistols Ins will or wander from were named as the weapons aVd U e a mile. place to place a wh lf out of employment, preferring following Friday as the time. be to i When shcaring-tini- s no ldlo, he might bo demanded for !'ik rant iioht? afternoon j, of Thursday rays rilli, the 'Kf;1'0. oucie C.V J5 work the sheds and went into i. evei i the dat anv so? met ters and of master tho craft to which said Aunt Jenny, inquisitive by below. perfected all the detiils i the thick wool fall in Ife. ho belonged, and That night for fear Nias to work compelled 3re . like the a a hed(t the lose shears, might T whether ho would or no. If in,Tm-u.Ui!un.oSO I dunno, dunno. courage and desert me, I made him their own darlings: gr , rl caught hoggin it oneo, being neither A $lxo guard over a few acres of vbL "out n sue merries thnt sleepinmy ofiiceand fastened doors amazement to see the u nor aged ' infirm, ho was whipped at tho carts and windows on him. as much off friend fleece taken tail. If caught a second time his ear About 5 a. m. the next stiiUri .. was slit or bored morning I an overcoat, looking harnessed my roan mare Nellv with a tlm rolled up in a ball, h'!.. from to Irou. if caught athrough third timo, e in d.t boy t0k NiaS in and started off. sheep, andoften quite a right peart S'm, Each demesno has its thereby proved to bo of no use upofi p. hi? feeth boy, on wri It diminished and shorn this earth Put to live his brightened, cLtrabadIy bunch obattle1 in of ill-upon it to his chicken house, its rheumaU-EeJfoSart ? f and been rfJt I once had part could do the retlectivo mule and lt3 "r Rni1 10 that of hardly " somewhar. control my risibles. anc braved Ls hot suffered death as a felon. others, he plavful swine. boudrfor they day ' Eight smart bunch ob cattle' said ? JC!lTecs movement of my for the sake t Soi'e' ' ' I if trea foot 1 dislodged le. the sheep how o! see cover oefRot to of a box m prairie Eccentricities of Hoes. ','SoTESrf the front part of the alonf,.J ? Hs r of stead scattering allowed him a glance at tho cStents shade 00: M , y?1? recf.nl,y Wo moved a couple seeking singly the nI.4 ' Ye? V that were sitting onabux These consisted of a hand trees tall or the Uluhe abovo tho and 1 " near the creek, they a u.g c: Luma guttering knife and an man pruning bced .ld pl.icul them, when moved, ground to t,t.ak, a ? th the morrow V,!b? three in the middle of the sum! musty old ordinary butchers- cleaver. trunk that stood inopened ' ft, het from the ground. 'Theabout one corner of the surp: hang bees, on hats dem fer, Cappen, room, and, after much ho closely than c?er, s sonii returning loaded, would light on tho aid. delving theie the shadow of eachotbe m, and much hard about the height of the former ing elf (S for breathing brought' motionless out an old stocking into sur2:ical instruments, I remain W e g noticed, also, nig be to is U ma be badly wounded, single head on returning go to the old placJ'aZui iTi Glancing cautiously and anH T m at The tYm Tot V r Sanitary onJ even around, herd; the have cut olT Jour arm or jroach V? wrue Ana- nigoing to the aoor to see if .anJouo was mg to save the br field of woolly backs, your life. took thorn over & eh approaching, he showed Aunt Jennv little of le?j. to learn their new let small forest me'gitri Sur , , place and VuS Cap'pen, in Boltins, outen dis buggy. lie kin ington roundings. Iho habit even of a bee cnd & for June. controls them when once formed tbe excePbon that one a sprii of it, he re the bouscs wa3 of t 10 Quitman ( (Ja.) New South. t.kes h d frame, with two rooms sumed his seat. mule dis The term mean temperd pk i tie me Huh! Bight smart bunch eiuniiic11 ob cat- r more significantly Silence,-F 8aid . the past six month peremptorily. A Mel H CLEAfl. ri OH- - . 'Kit -- , Y r Cha-o- n Tran-fixe- d near-sighte- J aE I j I I belles-lctter- s, tariff-rate- ! j sal-iti- 1 JJ ; , gcnlh-ina- a.-- 1 d to positio-'H- e! . t t I it ) I I i j 1 1 fio-li- t noS wr.'rv.T ilg Su.u f1? Zrhtf io fas-cm- ter-day- ! d . . I love-sic- k nio-o-er- s I suit 'oTi mi . xvo-m- en I opera-glas- . f, corr-i- i ' said-altho- J t Fourth-of-Jul- L ugh bank-tak- sino-ml- - - able-bodie- d t emphasizo0??0??61? I ot irVn11'11 fa-ol- I . 01 d , A I l - Y 1 fc 3 . 1 Cl 1 - ) ite? f ,h. w I V ,.,:ypstbbars, - P .E , Xiv'sot . during |