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Show t feelings are engeit leie-iIt sometimes Lapp ns th it a of a mail Mtttlf by Bishop become-jealou- s u Spit-csuHk-ien- : because he 11. tht at South Aostli' John qualifications to berenie Ha abb hnt (taorh'ily ('on wreure and elfichnt preacher; he thereof Snu We t, Me,. Held fore sets to work to throw Lj , ks in the 2ibenunie at ?n tine way of his advancement. iSoiy, (in nnytters.ot Jfiis kind wc Monti. aliow our own lack of faith in oyielves. ami ve he cfo. e di -s After some preliminary re- - play our own weakness ip to defeat to in lnothe his in regard to his y.islt tempting odinavia and his reception in attempts at mental development ihgt country by liro. Lund V e are not wise if we make any efforts to impede his progress. If has intellectual qualitL-superior to ours let us not exert outstlws in trying to rob him of these IleayeiLv gifts ; . i in the scriptures that God is but let us rather put the rou i Is him in jealous God, and being fujly iu bis hand and let of this fact, we cannot surmounting every obstacle bim ascend to e.'ethe that highest expect lyan .k as he is can be wholly yatiou attiiyable, and from the frequent manifes- e tlize that in d dug this of jealousy, helped all of us. tMigion c ,11s dons i this u- - to assist and - creep into the sometime.protect our aay fellow we and be in should re- man, of families; may jins husband rjea.loys of his wife, juice at hfs gucc.'S; if wedo not. . ue of his children ; or it may we exhibit a we ikncss and show Let the he its appearance in the wifes a lack of appreciation. .or her them her of and young dovelop, by husband, g jealous we their name are all more ome by or blest, 'gaily filter, In ' organized Strangers judge our community ed female. cils and quorums, frequent by them. Tl;e people throughout' the lays of.this spirit of jealousy, :oticable, and they frequent- - world judge Great Britian by her J E ALOVS Y. . po.4-ess- es U):.de appIU- - AK. "W partake!'. The sune A mu d .He t a in t or young enty 'j'wihe. ,uiu refilling .in the ome li i'e lie saine pp r r- - privi.l ges given tjis a ; itliem to an ed lea-t- i tluv attend .the s .lye S hool and are probably taught by the s.un; i m M3 RESTS iiEATlXS A RCCM THE COST BY f? USIKS 1 tiji-t- . tvm BCtE 1 ross Table Bed. Jen Styles, fco?a . tp aj-;k- st to.i t should be jeal- imate. 'our rights, ayd' of our ; ty; we should spurn every- v tfiaut" has a tendency to rob f these yights iuyd privileges. m doing this, we should We rW si; r form-cation- s r- I s y With til btddlsg tnrirfa FOREST CITY FURNITURE CO., spirit of jealo :sy. A school teach r to whom I once went but one day, afterward claimed to in forming my haye mind and character and tilting me for the duties of an apostle, lie claimed his credit and so aught we all to claim credit for assistance rendered in forming the lives and character? of those .?nong whom we move in our daily avocations. We should rvsMrrrsx xiifCTACTWBa. gpjjtAiT, JAaokford. IU. OPEN FIRE ..s-i-t- ed yiNXJlATOR PATENTEB Burn any kind of Fuel! SOFT OR HARD COAL. air In H.cpp a room pure by Perfect SAVE ... - iio -- ome . w. te4 e 9. t In. loo. Ul Instead o,f atienipting his over-ma- n FULL BED ifirow every m m among Ids er school-mate- s should rejoice in SISGIE BED bis development. They should he glad t realize th it bv his p i CHILDS BED.1 tieipants in the sh iring of honor bestowed upon him. lwoudim-;nixan- t ABE TOUR TUBS DEALER press up y tly niind ofthepeo-onablFOR IT. p!e the import nice of exercising CLOSED - -- 4 OPKH-ffl- K08E f admigatioy upon t.he pecyliag .trample another under foot characteristicfs ,o,f nature as cause.of superior qualifications shown is his wonnerfyl produc- - and thereby show .forth our own inferiority. tioys, Before I close I wish to bear Tlie European traveler will in- yerialply search out from alj 7 testimony of the truth of be-o- THA Ventilation' SH FUEL THEY COST Keep fit' inutfn miun any ; ml vf xtotw, GIVE HO CAS ' OUT BURN IT ALL THEY , SmilE Combustion, i Comfort, By Open Flro, By Umlorm, Equable Warmth. and not commit ayy overt for which we may afterward I sorry ; nor should we sow seeds if strife; and thereby i unqepessary trouble in the miinity. ?shoidlboose yvelj aud not - or slander Uriother by in- Aelvvords. It may be that a ' of "Td ,a.y Jearor ant ; development of a mail or young man under . illustrious Englands dead.- - The Aryericiays look with equal pride to' Vernon the birthplace of their honored son, Washington, they revere him and are proud that tl.ey iyhabit even the same coup- trv in which such a noble patri- 0t has lived and figured so prom- - inently - . y, are h;,110re4 M1 ai.colmt of hU lab s are .-- exalted e T0SPel bas been revealed orm b Lord to man ; that God has made his appearance to men, by revelations in these last days ; bas set up HisJiicgdom jlistitytipns and its 'buances never again to be overthrown ; that He Shall fully accomplish all things which in hi proridence He ha. wt about tat ."r1. bV ? that tl,.e is trueandinalris and honoreJ dev8iQpIB(,llt to janahcUen.tnd attempt f our meninourowneommuni- - l,Krlllg WItness f io nl .Hem do.., yea, i may be t , themeelves, of slakes, or Apes- also are to u an exceedius they : be some all lere may in , in lhdr tlllcVM;i .W1V1' p;r.,i might they a.send and rest as it .usy Paul ; we?e in a halo of glory, of which inal.tokeepluspassiaos ' r arta) so r subjection strong 'was e, the Latter-da- y baiuts, are nature. lavs of this spirit 1 care adored by the worfd, because ctf whom it may be,' whether' a Brigham Young, who acknowl- - IMrt of Bd ' rf." juuK. 1 E! ffiti Oil ! Ctio. ;s c;t, r w I Lii.. kerTitj Syruiv etc., sm or i 4he womon, who wantonly throw a stone in Ji to prevent the natural )went of apother individu- exhibit a weakness. I thus show our own weak, virtually acknowledge (we would attempt to pull S O.ur superior. - Jn f this spirit lasting and :v uovey. to be forgiven ma er JUt - W -- -- et,ge b1 u.greatjuoneer ; jfcey beheld the wouks superintended -- - low in price as the cheapest WSEast Uth St.. HEATER F.IF6. CO. New York, 024-04- 2 T lle- - 0 x"f JC w -- by bin?, the wopderoua .labors in these valleys to y bance their beauty and comfort have caused the people universal-a- d ly to adnb;e him as a thinkey, ndm?auyarw the exclamatioiis of amazement when beholding iublems of his wonderful Tov, in .this wre are T0VVCTe- Pformed Illumination as from an Open-Grat- e Fire. Worth iu.ro than the most costly. See ui Open FreVentilator 8to, with hre in it, before boyunr any store. A?k your stove dealer to show yon oes and testiU one ; if he has none send to us for gnoi4& km en-pl- 5 1!uS5!! M. co craaw"1 c gii B e tis - p.i f f-- 1 fill M-lL- ss.fi |