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Show mm mum a MANTI CITY, vol.l- - - Home Sentinel The - - at fAanti, San A Weekly ha was called a wart op the It 'was a town of mudprairie. inferior houses and roads, dy imited business. y the city has a population of (1,835 thriving and prosperous people, has many miles of neatly paved streets, hundreds of beautiful residence and business house, miliums of dollars invested in raiious enterprises, and a jobbing and wholesale trade of mam-mot- h proportions. Come and see the, Omaha of Come and lie one of us during fhe fair our visit will he ipude pleasant and pi oil table. To-da- Pete Co. U. T Xetcpaper, Devoted to the general Interest of jhe peopleof San Pcte.ftnd surtond-ingCouutie- recipe for diphtheria. B. to-da- y. The following recipe fox the has been (jure of diphtheria for harfded to us publication by pideon Wilsop who say's it lias SPJHNGVIELE POINTS. proven very efficacious in several ases of diphtheria. kTliere are a The District schools, of this great many ways of treating this city were opened on Aug!, 31st. most dreadful disease. It has to with the tqllowing teachers. be treated according to the stage John Walton-r-JFirsWard; Lilthe it is in. Thc.fitst ea-i-stage ofcured. lie Boyer Second Ward jllvriim disease is very Thomas Third Ward; E. W Qive the patient some opening Robinson Fourth Waid; Mary medecine you must keep the Crandal Fifth Ward. fever the to bowels open keep Very few' pupils are at school down, and give the following: - at present, hut a full attendance Alcohol, in water enough to in- is anticipated next term.. toxicut?, an4 keep the patient Teachers are under the influence of it until to the number paid according they teach, therewell. Make the following gargle : it to, their is, fore advantage to Strong vitlegaf, a UUle b'.tnt elevate the standard of their alum - and a. Little borax and .schools fu the highest possible gargle ut the mouth as oftjen as pitch. you can., Fruit drying is womans rage urnt affiip, Another gargle: here at present. With all the pnlverized, and sugar p,ot burned willing membeis of their famines fine as flour. Press Sulverized, they are almost day and night tongue and blow some fruit for market. Not preparing in the throat. The main object because fruit is in such demand is to get the patient to. spit very is it thus dried, hut because the will -freely, In a mild .case this Women of- Utah economical have when be enough ; but they are grieved on seeing bad it three, days and getting it SO)to sptely waste. go very dumpish, I use- a medicine Grain is being hauled and which Dr. Anderson prepare, " threshed very rapidly now, and The throat paint and chloride. 'the threshers5, report of-- bushels o brush a, throat paint is used is. to. exceed threshed made on purposo to- - clean tjie the records ofexpected past years. . roat oat, wic.h must be done. , A party of young folks at You mmt keep their spirits tended a social gathering in dp with liquor. Milk punch is Provo last at which all evening, g made with, gootl and to them seemed, selves. enjoy liquor. In a bad case the more 1 kim nun liquor, the, better. This disease is accompanied with high fever. General George B McClellan On this account, some people in Salt Lake City a few anived are afraid to give liquor. Then ago accompanied by his is the time the patient needs it days and! wife' daughter.! In response the worst. "Keep, the head cool to a question propounded by a and the bowels open arpl in 99 S. L.Herald the eminent reporter cases out of 100, you will succeed. and gentleman distinguished This is conqmon diphtheria. d commander said when lie There 33 another kind called the evidences of Mormon croup diphtheria. The throat the homes the farms is not sore but the patient is industry other tlie apd improvements that hoarse, which, makes them sick made in Utah he been haye at the stomach. For the cure of did believe that such results not this, with lobelia apd ipecac ppf could or would have been attaina big mustard plaster on the ed by a people such as the chest. Change anti put it on are popularly supposed to again not to blister and keep on be. In Ips opinion, he said a with the other medicine. Never who could have wrought people two hours withlet the patient go these muat bp possessed changes he out something, except sleep of of industristerling integrity, Another thing, put ous habits, and naturally. engaged in other a soft piece of fat bacon with a matters crime. Qgden than little mustard sprinkled on it up Hera.lu. firoudd the jaws and change by turning the - bacon over. Now you must be careful what they If your blacksmith insists upon eat. Something easy to digest. burning your horses feet, says the Give soda twice a day. It will National in orStockman, help. Don't let them out to der to make shoes fit, hunt up soon, or .they will have a relapse another larrier at once. The which most always prove-- , fatal. horse-shoe- r who will do such a I think I have written enough. thing is either an ignoramus or There is no certain process to too lazy to do his work properly. go by, only as they act worse they should have the more treatA Texas gentleman discoverment. The more dumpish they them. ed his seivant Helping lmuself to more the act, liquor give This disease acts more like the the iixmers cigais: Sam, I rm is I lx ms. 1 than any am surprised bite of a rattle-snak- e other, and liquor will cure it if lowed you had dun gone out intaken in time. So says Dr. ter de country. Gunn.' f ly I - -- - egg-no- - per-peive- Moi-nio- ns .4 t 5 n Trti iHNr J'T : : Notice is hereby given that the ttlers have following name,! filed notice of their intention fo make final proof in support of their claims, and secure finabentry thereof ;' and that each of said proofs will he,' made before the ProBatc Judge of San Pete County, Utah Territory? or in his absence, before the County Clerk of said County on Tuesday the loth day of September, A. D. 1885, at the Court House in Man-t- i City, San Pete Co., Utah Ter. John A. Erickson, Entry Np! 534S, for the E Jlonie-stea- Has Constantly Every DepartNew Arrivals of ment Bristling Goods. LowPrices cropping from every' with Bargains. NotSpasmodic but Perpetual Shelf. Ladies Dusters, Lawns, COME TOcar 8TA load u S T j M ItAsmusneii .. j has a full . of. . , VI M E R SmPlemento P A R S. v Kid Just arrived. Have you seeii the d.arrmd .V.O w.e.t.s and R.a k i ILnot,call and see ant ,otta1i a bargain. Also Agent for ths Gloves, Chambray Ginghams, Wheel and Catch On n Cart Straw Hats. , , .. Auj .rrkah at TEAS DEL d J SWt give your nutter away Will.rgise cream in six hours. come ami examine the renowned S Wilsox. epwix&.'Ar. r t . .achine Oew.ing E 4 Sec. 36, Tp. 13, S, II '4 E, . t , j and names the following witness MainStreet,SaltLakeCity. . es to prove his contiguous resiexhibitions represented, That rege.lyed the highest award of merit at f farming npjementami requndte. dence upon, tan4 cultivation of, ' together with al! other kind t General agent for the nix ve ljoe of goMls for Southern Lth. said land ; viz ; PRoyaNEws Dqrox, Christa in Olsen, Anders An; ; M, R. SMUSSRX, Books, Stationery, Magazines, derson, Ears Larsen, and Charles Periodicals an Newspapers of : Rigby, ail of Fairview, San Pete all . Utah Ephraim kinds!, County, Utah Ter. The, Best Supply Hoyse south Aaron D. Squires, Homestead of Salt Eake City. Orders by mail solicited. Entry No. 5072, for the E 4 S W j HARNESS 'AND SADDLE .Tt CENTRE ST., PROVO. i N W 4 S li 4 Sec. 23, and.N E N r . 1 i ' . , 4 Sec 2(j,Tp. 18 S, R 2 E.pmd names the following witnesses to NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ' prove his continuous residence No.. 20G3. and 'said cultivation of, upon, land ; viz : Laiyl Office at Salt Lake City, U. ' Elias DeMiH, F. M. Cox, F. W. T.- , Aug 2fi., 1885. Cox, and E&ra, K. Funk j all of is hereby given, that 'JHOTICE Want i Sap Pete County, Utah the following-name- d settler J has filed notice of his intention peter Christensen, Homestead to make- final proof in support Entry No SGGfi, for the lots 1, 2, of his claim, and that said proof 3, and 4, Sec. 6.Tp. l&SR 3. E, will be made before the Probate and names the following witnessJudge, or in his absence the es to prove his continuous County Clerk of Emery County, upon, and cultivation of, U. T.. at the County Court ' said land ; viz : , House at Castle Dale, U. T., on Edmund Edmunds, Elisha Monday 0 tober 1,2, 1885, viz : Stevens, Henry Lamia, ,aod Benjamin Jonesunder the act of and William Lamb, alEof Wales Mar'llth. 1880, 1L, E. No. 6246 San pete County, Utah Ter. for the W. I N. E. i, E. 4 N. W. Elisha Stevens, Statement 4, Sec. 14, Tp. 17 S...R.8E No. 8759, foe the N N E He names the following wit4 Sec. 7S E 4S EI-Sec- . 6 S nesses to prove his continuous w 4 S W Sec. 5 Tp.16 8, residence upon, and cultivation R 3 E, and names the following of, said lalid, viz,:. Chrifctens.en witnesses to prove his contin- Olteson, Elias IL Cox,4 Peder uous residence upon, and cultiva-of- , Nielsen and CharlesBrown all' of said land ; viz : William Lamb, Huntington, Emery county, U T H." McMaster, Register. Henry Lamb, Charles Gudnersen, and Alfred Lamb, all of Wales, Stayner & Simmons, Atty. . 24 San Pete County,' Utah Ter. II. McMaster, Register. Win. T. Reid Atty. for applicant-22 , Dentist. Special attention paid the natural Teqth! Teeth carePEOPLES DRUG STORE, fully extracted1. False Teeth Prices to suit inserted. PAUL VON NOBDECK, PROPRIETOR the Times. First Class Dealer in Work Guaranteed. Of-Pure1 Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet. " fice next door to Articles, Wines and Liquors Co-ofor medicinal purposes, comXT tah !Q"ephi Oity, rtescriptions accurately pounded.. FELT BROTHERS. EPHRAIM, Sam Fete Co.,UTAII. Order by mail solicited, and attended to promptly , 1- - - jfi'si-den- -- I. , r-- 1-- 4 . C. H. BIRD p. i S P -- R V HA. and alV kinds of Shoemakers' and Harness Makr SuardifK.'wish to call tht. aUeutyni of 'On amf ajtcr Auynxt' 17, of Manti and Haq lete eoun ,trainr n ill leave daily, Sunday ty generally to the fact that I keepof. full fine Goiny narth eoupitantly on liand'a HaddbMO excepted, a folloici: Hameiytand IJeathe' $ Leave a.tm. yd prne1 as'' low as the lowest. S :40, f , Arrive al Moroni Give me a call. 9 :00 Leave . hr (L KJAlt. ' 9:15 DraperUTA H. I Compcinyb - , t tin-publ- , I - MANTI. FbuidainGuen1 9:40 Nctannl- Hillil-9:5- - t JO Ilvlhntny :13 Uarness! Harness!. 10:40 Arrive at Kephi (joing south. Leave at 11 :55 Ncphi Holloway Flensa-ntfiFouidahn-(liei- Quin", tlie, luyriiesH maker, Is sell, hi'J line at lied, 12 :25, iugevert t h mg in 12:45 1:00 tsken rock prices. est. PI so l-- e exi-lmnx- e piSq Harness! hand harness fur new. lligh1 fir 'product Hides, warned.' lie Call ami ie '10 S pairing i specialty. That vnu i iot get good einen coll 1:50 Leave work clast per LU'in clieap and 2 :00 f Arm-at Chester so tore (leal al Quinns Harness east Jif the Meeting 'Stmjes'codneel at Chester Jor tilj Hhopjdireeliv Utah. Eutoatm, PuhHouse, Sevier. parts of Saw P. K I ull tidt e undersold tty Moro'TUrin ut and' tr Breakfast .nmiing 'seruh in, any oilier par.u-si .Q ni . Utah. Tty anp,'.i?ee lot local bat nill Cur ) "T Xot.hi'ng be :eceived at Chester until -- a o station, ho-- use. lr MT tfzW rt. BAMKRRGHR, Mauagor d ( L;U!t H. S. KKLK, Freight Agt. 'y; if "fnir-Ht- r TKU(he iVor ' bU J J. iC. : Scenic Line 1 1 DraperArrive at Moroni :20 p. m. pelK, fprs Hod CHS i ! ' s , edm-pleti- - Thu on , 'ttij.ip? I vijAwl s Record. f DENVER RIO & GRANDE RAILWAY. WESTERN FOR Uutver8ally eomieeded totie tine Popular assenger SiVEEl BETWEEN TJIK EAST AND, WESy. Salt Lfrke ami Denver without The oidy line between Chango The only line between Salt Lat e and Chicago with but -- O N EP3TJN f)L - ROUND TONE? lWM The Only Line Between the West and the East Running Equaled fc; pd Surpassed by Kos3, Acknosk'dged by competent Judge to be one of thg WilMlE Through Salt Lake City." P ULLMA X B UFFR Taud-BEST FOR SLEEVING CARS U you are going1 to Manufacturer of and Dealer in all kinds of CTThe Only Line from Salt iTLake City Running Sleep-,Tin- TEE WESTERS C0TTA6E GSGAX G0 Cars Free for the use of HRNDOTA ILL. 0"Passengers holding Second mt tickets. Xclass and Emigr The Atlantic Express. Leaves Ogden daily at 0:30a. iu. F. R. STROM, On all Through Sjl.1 1 Co-o- p Mt. I LEAST MONET. buy an organ do not fail S send for our catalogue and price list. Wa have been established since lb65 and have a iX) repordL ssenger Trains. g Picture Frames constantly in stock and made to order in all sizes and styles, prit es to defy competition. Store 2 doors west of "BEUJARE haltl.akeCn.v Du et ciMtneetion M m t le al P.e-hland Deior foi Omaha, K i sai'ity ami ali peintH i1 1 . Tim i'a Lc Express rnves at i,a'e CM.i fra n tlie La-- t at mil) p m. anu impA for Ogden at r: J p. m. making connec-ioi- i il paejrtc fur tiie witn toe o Pleasant, Utah, OF ILllTATIOrJG a-- David Q o aNdland VANDLAND UNDERTAKER Pi-oe- Fa. l - Prof Dwight told tlie graduates and the Columbia law school that of OMAHA. Personal Funeral Directo lawyers were 'divided into four when desired. classes the jurist, the advocate 15 to In sending us an invitation below Provo or Salt cent, per he present at the Sept. Fair, the the toiling lawyer, and the shys Lake City. Omaha Fair and Exposition ter. In one h ilf hour I can furnish a ommittee have the following advise-voun- g superior coffin, tastily lined, An E isteru paper Tather encouraging remarks to mountings, superior worueft not to marry men make : with an extra box. td what t Burial robes for Lrent3 and ladies. We want you to come and of genius. Wonder see us. We want to show you edi.or Las got against us. Decolorations R jiU . the best fair ever held in the avoided by using my prqvrat'on West. We want to show you Cohiin tr.rnrnings kept in In rink parli ment: ry the busiest and nm-- t progre-l- ve stock and 'ackcti furnished in can take tuefiunf every body and 8an hours. city between Chicago ta1 e it twen:y-:ou- r Francisco. Ten years ago Oma- - h wards it hut he cunt Pete County. San Chester, ou of the rink. . i 1. 2044. U. S. Land Office at Salt Lake City! Utah Ter., Aug. 10, 1885. : U i I FRIDAY, SF,PT. 11, 1885. NOTICE QF FINAL Pool'S. viz ! lUgU b Gut) ! SAN PETE COUNTY, UTAH, ; pmn. Sk 1 Man u!.u tun is (u est. .MONUMENTS Local Trains. Liave Salt Lake City a- - follows: For Bingham and Alta at 7 :80 Headstones, Tablets Watertahh's, Siil,. Caps, Arche-- , Corners, Hearthstones. etc., nl) uculer- a in tieccleora'ed San U Pete Wiiite Oolite Stone. P. O. Box S. H MAM' I UTAH. For Og len r L 5 ;10 p. m. Arrive at " It Lake dy: From Bingham and Alta at 1 :50 " Ogden a 1U :5!) i. m. Ticket1- - for all puints East and Wed erm iw pu renamed at ie Deoot office and City Ticket office, White Hoc-- Corner, Sill Lake City. a. m. - . e x. v, I n: ecvles, L P. A W. T. Agt. II. Banciioi t, Rtccivar. . The Housekeepers Friend ask for, AND TAKE NOOTHEf? Soli bvtta Grocery Mr . |