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Show 0m - r- - The Homs Ssntins 4 r". Local query. Ought a printer to combine farming with printing, if he lets his potato crop go by default? 1 ? Published at Mr. William Hill has return-e- l from the cir-ulati- .' nt Co-o- - hi-W- ay rth g CJ acon-templat- p'-'p--r. X to-da- y. r, saw-log- I Ma-Farla- e wi-hi- Ex-bish- r. to-da- ' y Safins Notice - andsurround-HngCounties- - THE- "COUNTY POINTS. NOTICE OP tALEOF REAL ESTATE. WESTERN j Richfield, Aug. 10, lSv). . is iIereby given, Editor Sentinel. Inasmu' h 'mi?. pursuance of an ora3 your paper has quite a Court of the der of the Probate in this county, per-iaRecord, San Pete, Territory of, of County be a few items peiiclit IT the made on i. of day Utah, to its readers, matter the in of Baflifa . 1SS5, August, Mr. J. M. Peterson and part-er- s the estate of George Sidwell, de- - SWEET are putting up a rockbuild-o- g ceased, the undersigned, the ad- ' .XX, .. FIHISj of the estate of Geo. BOUND on Main Htreet "for store mini-tiatri- x T 5 erect-.nsale g Co-oat will sell p jis Sidwell, the and private j purposes TASTI a new store buildng in front to the highest bidder,' for cash, TONE C: ! V, ; and subject' to - confirmation' f the old one. QUICK by- the said Probate Court, on The weather here is very warm Monday, the 31st day of August, ind dty ;and has been foFa long 18;n5, at 1 oclock, p. m. at the' BesDonsEfX '-Ibc 'J- this, residence of sail administratrix. tme. Notwithstanding" -- lu re never was raised, perhaps, in Manti City, County of San' j Few as and this Equalled by valley,' fay Surpassed interest and all large a' crop in title, Pete, rightx heie ha3 been this season'; and estate of the said Georze Sidwell Acknowledged by competent judee tn be one of the :he fruit prop neyer was better. at the time of his death, in and FOB BIST THE t HOME I to all that certain lot, piece or IT you are gHlng to buy anFEAST do not Our Hist, school will comorgan eend for our catalog and pnee list n of Situate, lyinzancl mence its term this year on Mon-la- parcel m San of said in the County the 31st Srtstg with bro.'R. being as V. Rasmussert of 'Moroni TEE WESTERN COTTAGE ORGUn bounded and described as follows, ' of the health Tfie principal. JaEADQTA, ILL, : ; Beginning at the South leople is good and we have no East corner of Lot Block 77 as lb S. Commissioners, or Marplatted inllat A, MantiCity surshals to mar our peace as y et. vey,! thence we- -t 2fil0 chains ; Our townsman, Mr. I. K thence horth 1.25 chains; thence A' right, and several others have west .85 of a chain, thenbe north 2.00 chains, thence cast . 3.25 organized themselves into a chains, thence, south 3,?5 chains callecj the Eureka Company. having for to place of beginning, containing 0 of an acre. its object tbe manufacturing of etc and conditions of sale : Terms Lumber, Laths, Molding, ten are a saw steam They Cash, running per cent, of the purnill, a steam planingmiiil and chase money to be paid to the a blacksmith shop. auctioneer on the day of sale, balance on confirmation of sale Yesterday Mr. G. T. Bean of by said Probate Court.' Deed at this place captured John Watrin, expense of purchaser. t ie convjct who was serving out Adelia B. Sidwell. i few years term ir the penitenAdministratrix of the estate of 'fhe Old Reliable and Beat One Sw tiary, for placing obstructions on George Sidwell, deceased. ' Baking Powder made, t ie truck of the D. A R. G. R (One Teaspoonful to a quart of Floor.) 1885. 17, August Os the market for 10 years find recommends Ry., and who lately escaped, Wm.T.Reid, Atty.j by prominent physicians as healthful, woilethe guard ha him with 'Warranted to lie free from Ammaiiii ; ithers qut to work. He came to (and ail injurious ingredients and to give pm. f Mr. Bqans house and for fset satisfaction. mine breakfast, which he got; Uskycur grocsr for a free sample fortrli I ind during the conversation a'sk-e- d HAM ONLY BY . Oil IT, 1885, and refei could to him august any ifthey ajter CHIP.:.! f.iASUFACTURIKa GO., i one that would give him employ- trainr will leave daily, Sundays Also manufacturers of Quaker Table Sauce, Jet . ment.' Mr. Bean bring in the excepted, as follows: Going north ties, Preserves, Maple Syrups, Flavor- ing Extracts, eto., etc. :25 m. 8 at a. Chester Leave said business he would L.OOTB UO. BT. 8ti0 in ploy him, and would take Arrive at Moroni 0:00, .dm on trial for a few day. His Leave imPZ HIGH RERTS I4D THE COST Dl 9:15 Draper appoaranca, however, being fiEATIXS 4 ROCa BY USIK3 Fov ntoinGrecn1 9:40 somewhat suspicious, they hapu FlesaaJh Hill 9:50 j pened to think of the notice in li10:l J the newspapers' abqut the fellqw Hollomy '"10:40 u who lately made his escape from Arrive at Nephi I t Ten Style, from $13 to $30. the pen., and comparing the de going south. atll :55 seription With the person himself, Leave Nephi 12 :25 soon found it to harmonize ; and n Holloway 12 Vlcasant llill .N aeeordinuly told him who they', 1:00 considered hiiq to be At firs? Fountain,Grcen 1 :20 ledeniei it; but he soon hurst Draper. p. m. 1 :80 into tears, and confes'-ethe Arrjpe at Morgai 1:50 whole. He declared to Mr. Reqn Leave 2:00 that he woqld rather Up taken Arrive at Chester (Lmm OPEN FuU bed 6 ft. S In. long. oit and shot than takep back to Stages connect at Chester for all the penitentiary. This is the parts of San Pete and Sevier. s cond tjme he has escaped. Breakfast and Dinner at ,lo'o- - FULL BED He is now in the county jail here, m. SINGLE BED and Mr. Bean ha? telegraphed Nothing but Car load lots will the matter to the prqper author- be :eceived at Chester until t0 ut- CHILDS BED.1 ities, puti n of station house.. 8. BAMBERGER, Mauuf. i ASK YOUR FURNIBfNDSLEy. H. S. KEER, Freight Agt Richfield Aug., 19, 1885. TURE UEALER .TIER 3 PERSONAL. Mr.J.H.Crockwell of SahLakc Mt Pleasant has an excellent T U. Co. on Monday Sanpete flapti, brass band, and it discoursed left for; the South ' . i , ' last. some very nice inuric between A Weekly Newspajwr, meetings at the lute conference. Dr. Bruntll Is still on deck or Devoted to the general interest of Read the new time tables of the the dentist' score, and dont yo the people of San Pete S. P. V. and the U. C. Kys. forget it. Thy are specially interesting to Commissioner Jacob Johnson SlTBSClilTTIO. business men and traveler?, of Spring City is visiting tin 2.00 f seat; One year, la-county Within the t few weeks the ' - ' 1.25 Mt. Plea-a4x months. has shipped Mr. Emmit Lynch, the genial 75 )t car lo.ids of grain to Pueblo, Three months, ating enlarger, : still photo, Colorado. Madson Supt. town. about ; Advertising rates on application. rustles. Mr. W. C. A. Smoot, Agt.fo; All Communications intended is on Green corn the tapis. C. Cutler A- Co., is visitir.j. J. for this paper should be addressWe have not been told about this ; our merchants and business men ed The Home Sentinel. We received a consignment in Whitelaw Reid of the New Ja?. T. Jakeman, the form of a nice white sack York Tribune passed through Manager snugly filled. on Tuesday on Lake Salt' The Lord wasted mud when he home. made men that will take a paper LOCAL' AND OTHERWISE. out of the postoflice for sever-.- 1 Wm. Moiiis'oii, the Stake rethen tefuse to and of Sevier, was among those corder pay years Spring City "again looms up for if! Tuscarora Times AVtuw. who occupied the rpstrum at two stores. t meet-triLast Tuesdays session of the the Tabernacle, during tlic of Lst evening. Monday i The late conference was in Mant Yi L. Association was rendered specially interesting by Jerestmgand well attended. Apos. J.II.Smith spent part ot the very instructive and timely Monday in Manti. He addressIt is said that the Ibfrrce has remarks of Sisters, Hyde and ed a large audience in the Tab again dropped into oblivion. Snow. ernacle id tho evening, and started oft his return trip on Tuesday Mr. Funk is preparing a floor Henry Draper is moving his suitable for dancufg.and making grist null from Nine' Mile to morning.. other improvements at his lake Goshen, Utah County. The citiAxel Einerson Esq., of Willow The Hevitr Stake quarterly zens of Goshen are giving gratu-iou- s Creek, dropped in to see us ot aid in moving the mill; Wednesday. He says that the conference will commence to1 Richfield at they have also insur d him a people in the south are just i a. m., morrow ot good mjll site including a water the midst of harvest, and Crops on the Seyier are sail lower. hence they are1 as busy as bees. the to ho very' promisin' am There is a great scarcity of Oq Tuesday next Mr. Wallace harvest is, just now, at its height fruit n the northern part of the Billings will sart on his trip Tuttle it Co. have recently County, especially at Mt. Pleas- througlibut the county in ,thi ot ant and received ft consignment Spring City. Even interest of Wests new map of Call early apples of which Manti has such Utah. Mr. Reasonable goods. Billing? is authorized and secure rare bargains, an abundant crop this year, art to' tike subscriptions and transin the nrch.idsof act other business for this office E. L. Tarrys new fence, now rarely the above towns. The late fios s piat is has lieen uicejy painted, of last spring arq tho cause ot the Qn Wednesday M ssrs. J. II. adds very much to the appearWodskow, F. Y. Tayloi, C. Lardepletion. ance of his residence. son, and Jas. Blake visited For several days past Dr. F. Funks lake fqi; the purpose of Rock work oq the east tower R. Ivenner has been in attend- making arrangements for of the temple will shortly ance at the bed side of his son picniq and excursion pomtnenqo. Enough, or nearly William ami his daughter-in-lafar the North Ward Sunday pnough rock is now quarried to Mrs. Ida" Kenner'. Roth of tho School. The gentlqmen sucpompleto the whole work. above' parties as well as their ceeded in arranging agreeable JCmti Canyon is becoming little daughter hayq been sqrious terms and it is' understood that ir as &sv turner report. ly ill and we are pleased to learn the excursion will take place one guitc o Wd heard of a raspberrying that they are now in a fair way week from that contemplates a trip for recovery. CORRESPONDENCE. Jiar.y direction in the near Artesian wells are being sucfuture. As you al cessfully sunk, and operated iq EditobSentinel. Yrith all sincerity our press-ma- various parts of the Territory. ready know, the dreadful diph"ecenly stated thq he Could not this enterprise he suc- theria has qqite a hold in our the uht, he would go into th cessfully introduced into Han generally healthy locality. There s car. ea rod chop fora Pete and Seyier counties. There was another family quarantined pest. Who wilt say that a are tracts of country lying south this morning, making in all six of Gunnisqu and north of Rich- families which have been placed printer's work is nqt arduous? field whch might be reel dine 1. under that regulation. The field The advanced sheets of; the and which po doubt would prove also has been visited by the un. Personal memoirs of U. S. lo be very fertile, if a water sup- welcome guest diphtheria. As GnnV are out. J. Dewing A ply could only be re iched. yet we have no pksuality to reCo. of hau Fraaewpo are the onlv cord, excepting the one reported Dwyers Bqok Stqrq is still fit agents for the work head quarters for the Christenburg. Most of the very best cases are very on ting coa:-t- . light, and Dr. and literature of the periodicals i at' doing all he can to ngo. As will be seen by his The ll.S. and Y. L. .M. I. card in another columq,his stock help the suffering. All public will convene in Confermeetings are discontinue4 for ence at r,rantl on the 11th and of school.hlank, and miscellane- the present. Our health com. is complete. His 12th of Sept, It is requested ous books mittee, together with the bishop and office stationery appurtenS. R. he sen to the .hat ene tbe justice of the peace-arreports stake Sect., on the first, vyithout ances are varied and have been dcing ail they can to prevent selected with tho utiqo-- t eare, fail. and with special regard to the the spread of the diseace. We the blessing of God, 0. E. Andersons new photo- wants of the territory. Parties hqpe, with will soon leave opr otherit that is whith being graphic gallery anything iq the hook or cm ted n Main Street, will, stationery lme would do well to wise prosperous little town. John Larson. when completed, be second to correspond with Mr. Dwyer. 20, Gunnison, Aug. 1885, pone south of HaU Lake. It will Tho friends of many also be a credit to the county QNp FOR HAN PETE. and a nice acquisition td Jlunti. G. W. Bradley of Moroni will lv learn that to on grieved Friday Comparisons are said to be On tuesfi.iy morning last a last, while engmw'd in tho Mel 1, odious but a comparison between he a On G. W. to roepived sunstroke. Dunbar pow belonging of the 20th Ward, Halt Lake City Monday severe oom plications the order of exercises at the services held at was stunu to death by a swarm appeared and his life was almost memorial Pete Sgq of. on Sat Dr. Ephraim, Win. Co., Olsten of infuriated hornets which had despaired II, been d sturhed in the orchard of Ephraim was iqimedi itelv urday with that of this city on near where tho cow was browsing. summoned to his bedside ; anil the same occasion will reflect faunder vigorous treatment he vorably upon the former. Our We regret to learn that sister gucoeeded in rallying the patient. San Pete friends divided the hisEliza Yorhees has been quite The Bishop is 73 years of age tory of Gen. Grant up into secBick for several day3 past. Dr. and being in feeble health, bis tions or epochs, and allotted one St. John and members of tho sufferings at present requite the to a speaker, thus avoiding such as must necessarily ladys family have done all in utmost care and nursing to repetitions have occurred if all had been aptheir power to effeot a recovery, avoid u fatal issue. and we understand that she is pointed to speak at random upon A Goon Showing. Some few his general fife, or choose their slowly improving, we received from the own subjects. Deseret News days ago nenry M. Copp, editor of the farm of Axel Einersen of Willow Aug. 11th. American Settlers Guide, has our Creek two stalks of sugar cane thanks for a copy of his valua- which plainly attest the possibilFob Funks Lake. A party of ble work. The fact that the hook ity and the practicability of excursionists cf Mr. has reached its ninth edition raising cane in, at least, the S R. Marks andconsisting wife ofSaltLake fully attests the power in which southern part of this county. The Mr. Charles Andrews and it is held. Persons wish- cane in question measures more and Mr Henry Goldsbroughwife, and ing fo acquaint themselves with than 7 feet in height; it bears wife of Nephi, passed through the public land system of the evidences of thr.ft; it is well Manti on their wav to U. or who wish to understand tasseled, and we doubt not that Funks Lake The party spent the theory and the practice of it will make a good article of several hours iu Manti, visitim the several kinds of land entries, molasses. Mr. Axel E. has quite the th tuple, and viewing the town should not fail to secure a copy an area devoted to the cane in- gener illy. They left for the lake of this excellent work. It is dustry and he is to be congratu- about 3 oclock this afternoon .urblrihcd nvtlie editor, at Wash- - lated on the success thus far and will probably start on their D i fonrn trip . i - ed ars ps - i (;r' - 1 - i- -i y. td-w- it com-mn- " Manu-act'irin- 86-10- ' 5 j i S P V 1 Company. j , mw-mi- ll ; 11 ' noss Table (ho. 1 4 J, d FOR IT. aU beddlnj bulk CLOBED-W- ith The cholera scourge is still raiging with unabated fury throughout the various cities and towns of Spain. On the 12th inst., within the space of 24 hours, 6, 164 new cases of cholera and 2,109 de iths were reported at Madrid, On the 19th inst. 4,291 new cases and 1.338 deaths were al-- o reported. When it is known that the FOREST CITY FURNITURE'tl, WBOLBSJlLS rURNXTtTRK KAKVyXCTTHXBS. Rookfordi 111, BEWARE OF IITHTATIONS alcove figures are scarce- ly an exception to what daily happens throughout the Spanish provinces and country, it almost leads us to believe that the ravages will not cease until the coyrury is well nigh depopulated. Surely the fatality of this scourge is without a parallel in any eru of the worlds history. On Wedne-da- v last a old son of M. C. Anderson of this city met with a painful accident by having his arm run over and broken by a wagon. For some reason surgical aid was not sought until la-- t evening when Dr. Kenner was asked to attend to the case. Owing to a press of engagements, however, the Dr. could not go until this ar morning when the broken limb was'properly attended to. The Housekeepers Friend ASK FOR, AND TAKE NO OTHER Sold by the Grocery Trade genesaUF- - toedvertcr mmmnrm The Recently, a little daughter of Henry Norstrom of Piute tvas taken to Ephraim and operated upon by Surgeon Olsten. The little girl wTas born with a- double thumb on her right hand. The Dr. amputated the extra member. three-year-o- ld having been permanentlv cared oi that droid diaeap, Coneumption, by a simple ttanedy, is auxioua io rruike known to his fellow fferers tbemsan of rnm. To all who desire it, ft copy of the wSJk11 used, (FRER ) with the directions- for prescriptionand ning th prepanujr which a nd a sure Cure f?r jame they r Coughs Colds, Consumption, Asthmi wibhing the PreecnppronchitiSf &c. addrs. Key. aTwILSON, W tionv wul nl are ftt., N. Y. - Pd'r-- - pate, sure, cure. 1.00. xi.vvcu Book for2h.-(tets. VU, 6fA Sixth 'venue, tow |