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Show v w i cJ. r MANTI Vol.I. 7hs Homs Ssntinsl CITY, A DREAM OF LOVE. SjAN PETE. COUNTY, UTAH, LOCAL AND OTHERWISE THE DRUNKARDS IT TIOA: so-call- ed ......... tlv-Sout- h . . Co-op- Sniv . - I dw-drop- s No. 11 WARN ypj,4HIHa ING. June trailed her green translucent Gunnison is to have a variety robes entertainment on the evening of Oer hilj and dale and bower. the Fourth. The enteitaigment 0 I could not still my dreaming s ul 1.25 Had neither the' will ncr power; will be given under the direction So yielded all my being up of the Sunday school. Three mouths 73 To the influence of the hour, A?, a matter of propriety- - it is Advertising rates on application, weary of struggling with my (Imfate that the rules governsuggested Jas, T. Jakema.v, ing the management of resWhen, it eeeja? all in vain. Manager I sink, dispairmg to the earh, erved ( ?). seats at Griers Hall To rioe, and etrive again. be revised, so that wh n a perTo sift the purple sands of life son pays an extrl fee for a Atid find each golden grainf) OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. reserved seat he.ppay not We all wear masks before our hearts have to alternate with his lady Who truly deeply feel. SAN Pt'TU COVXfliy OFFICERS. in standing. to the parsing careless crowd Nor Wm. Anderson Our dearest Judge,. hepes reveal. The committee say that they hide them, and ourdeepest woes pU?nkrtrl John Reid But v will spure no pains t make the Till time shall break the seal. y which is to bo in James Metcalf Fettered and boq,nd by earthly clay party ward on the given John Gaiter I ve sought a higher goal. eyening f .Piirlin McFarlane This once, I wa content to dripk, the 6th, a fitting ciinnx to the Assessr. it, Col. .A. E. Merrraiu Light which o'er eaith doth roll, proceedings of the (Jloriou&u Stolen Water1? sweet to fed Fourth ; so dont fail t ' se'-e Treasurer ,F. W. Cqx On of my soul. The hunger Sheriff Jens P. Larsen tickets," which are "on sale a ., But dreams like these are heaven Manti Tuttle & pis and Prosecuting Atty. w K K'(1 borne, Schools! . Store. the Diug City Supt. Dist. dreams them, but believes?) L. P, Christensen (VVho, Coroner A mellow gladness filled the air The quarterly review, of the Surveyor. . .John II, Ilougaard And thrilled the budding leaves. Manti' North. ' Ward gatneod up lifes scattered hopes School which Jacob Johnson, United States IAnd was hel iq the twiued them into wreaths. Commissioner for San Pete. on Sunday Dstwa Tabernacle Tbesoft moist eai;t(i, bright SET'S SCH FRIDAY, JULY As per announcement in the Sentinel the Drunkards Warning and a Cantata were presented at Griers Hall on Saturday evening last by members of the C, urmann, Proprietor, One ami a half blocks east of Main St., Ephral m, Utah. and done Hailing to order. A full line Sawing Sun lay School. of ftrk,ts and Lath in ttocf;. the players made North Ward While some of all out of their parts that wag Home Made Cofins in awry style constantly on hand. possible to be made,it can scarcealso have be facilities said the was that a ly for chopping all Linds of grain. IV i d R i el play Ml success, as the Manti public has and Oatmeal alien yc on hand. already been almost surfeited with Co tx tipiperance plays; lienee the eoleetjon and rendition of the '.Drunkards Warning wif we may judge from the general criticism o(f- the audience was quite unhappy and inopportune Another feature wlrcb s rvod to m tigate against the virtues of the play was the exceedingly slow u terance of some of tlje, speakers and tne consequent dragging of seyoral scenes. With ah d fferenee to the ability and t.ist oftue gei tlemen who sustained the characters of Tipton aud Smasher we would suggest th t they practice a little more of the rapid movement of voice, audience will not SQ taat the iw gr impatient in waiting for a terminal point in their dialogue, and if they really deem it necessary tp emply the guttural quality, we suggest that they consult ilaniils Science of Elocution, pp. 8G, wherein he shows that it is possible to use moderate and rapd movement even wjth the gutfural quality. The Cantata wuli concluded he evenings performance contains a very pretty plot and it Call! PA T 9 tp 9 TJWJP IVE mm l7 a success iq the vpry best gens gemmed; of the terin. Out of 34 appointtears. of no thoughts They brought 1'he sound of music faint and ew eel ments not one failure oecu red Wm. II. OLSTEN, M. D., Came to my dreanong ears, but every pupil wa,qi hand to in those few timers I gathered all take his part, The .class exe for and burgeon. Lifes lotus flowers years. cisqs wore exception illy good Quivering wih sflept ecstasy, and the puffijs evinced unmis. J Dealers in J. EPHRAIM CITY ; UTAH. I'lie moon Imht floated dow n. evidence of good traintakable Her giiversiiim.ineied oer tne clouds Office at Drug Store. ing, The Sabbath schools of Piled like eider down. burgeon 9t the Nan Pete Val- Naturewhite, stilled every mournful voice Manti are a predit to the tow i ley Railway, Consultations a. Oly dies in of love to crown. and wo trust that thp officers Railroad, Office, Moroni, even and teachers will cqntinue tp-Alone, and still one face, one form, Monday, from 12 pi. to 4 p. m, ceive the heaity One piesence dear was nigh of And tenderly, hand clasped in parents that they enabled e may band, fo raise their standard o exdl-lenc- e We let. the bouts drift by, to a still higher plane, in ,he county. vneteiftCblishment was very creditably rendered by Enraptured with the bliss of earth, Call on us for AhDLJkM M You I. and 1 ARSON, together. Superintendent. the juvenile singers. Much crediftosforil gofin CIIAS. HAMPSHIRE, Sar,na,n. A l ily bowel her graceful hed, M B.,R. A., M. O Jndia War Claims. Claipa' it is due to Miss Sidwell for her Kofi swayed her slender rods. unselfi-li, assiduous efforts Aa e were Physcian & Accoucheur She kissed with purejmUk white aggregates METjCU op PoSrd iliis fy-- t ..lhe.,inusicalfea preparing lips Arxi also Quar inline Physicia Toe emerald of the sods. Examinees, in session at Carson ture of the programme. for Manti City. Diseases of Ladie Oar souls entranced with love The entertainment is to be reon the 10th inBt. In many in- at.d Children a Specialty. divine stances, says the Appeal, interest peated on the evening of the Telegrams romptly responded to Drai k m p'.af with the Gods. believe at 6 per cent for twenty-fiv- e years Fouith, arpl we certainly Utah We spoke hq word, nor measured will be limit i. which defects that tle if 80ne asked ibr. The heaviest Importers and Dealers in all hinds pf time, is that of L. M. Pearlman, we have adverted to are correcclaim Hope sang a blissful tune, hoe original claim was $32, ted the play will giye much bet-- ! tVe knew that life and love for us Wm. K. REID, W in its regal June, 904.50, hut with the interest ter satis Cacti on We would suggest, too, that iq Aid only feared the night would added reaches the respectable ATTORNEY-AULA- Y, A- -p pass; sum of $82,488. One man has selecting plays for the future That day would come too soon. the some that secure an item in his bill : gopd For slandtroupe But I awoke, my dream was done; ing up for Piute Indians to shoot 80 Lty or historical plays as the Manti, Snap etQ Co., Utah, The Woven Wire Mattresses at $0.00, Back came lifes hopeless pain, efforts of our home 'companies olaimant $100. Another fit Hot tears, (repelling heavens grace testified that he walked from t,ius far have b(n well received OHioe at Court House. A storm of pnde an pain, Wadsworth to Virginia City and patronized by the public, As I, alone in all this artli, Took up lifes cri-- s have an( were sure they do not wish barefooted, and his J. II. HOUGAARD. Cash Paid for Wool, Jakemax. been Ellen since. never On to allow their popularity to wane, Hides, Pelts, etc. straight Co u n ty offi ring to put his in as Desides, good plays are educat-evidenc- e Surveyor a n a ive and when judiciously selected LAND AGENT, the Attorney-Genera- l SAN PETE EDUCATIONAL was next to the olaimant) maJ d a gLaat deal toward hold-- y (who - Utah, Manti, INSTITUTE, tiled that a simple affidavit UV? ,tbe mirror up to life.- fille I all the constitutional re-- 1 Last Saturday v,as the day quiretnents of the law. Pioche, WILLIAM T, REID, appoin'ed for the members of (Nev.) Record. this association to hold the tr PROBATE ATTORNEY quarterly session, hut owing to LAND A few days since in company i Priesthood meeting being held EQUALIZATION OF TAXES. with two of the members of the it Ephraim the attendance &a a pity cquncil reporter UTAH. MANTI, Notice is hereby given, that wended l.is Sentinel small. On this account none of to the residence way the exercises on the programme the Hoard of Equalization will of Mr. James Iloggan in the convene at the County Court eastern were rendered. Manti for the of part This being the day for the House, in the town of Manti, of witnessing the modu purpose DRUGS ! DRUGS ! ! DRUGS looting of new officers that County of S.m Pete, Territory of operand i of making damask from msiness was' attended to. The Utah, at JO oc ock a.m., standard the cotton fibre. ITMADSON & OCKEYj following officers vveie elected by mountain time, oil Monday, the Mr. Iloggan is the possessor unanimous vote to serve for the 29th dry of July, A, D. 1885, to of one of the DEALERS IN ingenious Jacquard hear and determine all com- looms ure Drugs and Medicines, Fancy ensuing year : machine by the way (a to made in the which is President, W. K. Reid, of plaints regard rarely seen in America) assessd value of any property and he and Man i. Godos, Toilet Articles, Toys, have his assessed in said County, for become so skilled daughter Vice First F. John President, in its use tbat . Statinery, Candy, ToAired, Spring City, County, Territorial and School they arc turning out a very nice Second Vice President, N. W. Taxes for the year 1885, at which article cf damask in various bacco, Cigars, Etc. time and place all parties inter AnlcrSon, Manti. ETE for THE JX.GENT for SAN and colors and especitttri esbd may appear and make designes Treasurer and Secretary, Orders by mail prompily attendally adopted for table spreads. such complaint. George E. Scott, Manti. Mr. II. talks of getting up a ed to. Dated at M int:, San Pete NSBORNE & Correspondent Secretary, A. design for table covers with the County, Utah Territor-- , this 1st Manti Temple as a central figure. Johnson, Mt. Pleasant. 8 BORNE k. A shoit time was spent in day of June, A. D. 1885. This we think would bo a good Located at Manti, two doors of order the County Court, move as such a scheme would By discussing the advisability of Store south of 'BORNE & John Reip, please the people and it would intioducing the graded school of the Cleik No Court, defimte'fconclus'ion system. County be of pecuniary benefit to the 8 BORNE & was arrived at, but it was agreed San Pete County, Utah Territory. manufacturer. In the meantime HARNESS AND SADDLES. that the Press, the trustees, the parties wishing to secure table teachers, and all interested, in covers and a superior quality of and all kinds of NOTICE. the cause of education, to use damask should see Mr. Hoggans MOWERS, mid TWINE BINDERS. A S.ionnalcrs an Harness Malum their influence in that direction ; Sealed proposals will he re-- 1 article before purchasing from Supply of Extras Constantly in Stock, viz : to grade our district schools. ceived until the 10th Supplies. of abroad, day July t wish to call the attention of the Adjourned to meet in Monti at for Mining Coal for Deseret Coke 0 oclock a. in. on Saturday and Coal Company, from one to A Davenport, Iowa, Irishman public of Manti and Kan Pe'e eoun ty generally to the Tact that I keep September 26th 1885. three thousand tons. discussing a strike with a friend, constantly on hand a full line of N. AV. Anderson, , Address protested that hed rather stand Leather, Harness and Saddles. W. IL Folsom, Iret., Secretary. up and be shot at, a ,d kilt, than Prices as low as the lowest. I N P A Y M E N T. T A K E N 12 Manti City. to live all the while starved to Hi vc me a call. Hotel life is for women what d ath. C. KJR garrison life is to men leisure L, The most bear that Utah AdA boughs Ephraim, without repose. II, UTAH, Worth makes the woman. hang lowesh -- Ppiriau I f Jr. Merciiiicaijso. i- pre-S.at- " J QHW I.OWSY&S OH 1 y ST-d"- . -g-e-b, Eictdhb frames hade to order., toe-nai- ls toe-nai- ls c-a-r-Vi-a- Manti City, Utah. , P 1 Co-o- ! e T ! e E p. SJ 1 lete j&CF-Comp- 6 is 4.n at |