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Show AVm. new.spapers of the paper all to thyself, frr much at the proper time the cl- even Ihople generally, and dor (dive 1 ranches take turn11? tu termed be steady At w psptr, read flections. anil pater ha to those who may A have close nnserveys, and lord : Fen stiuns of be on hand to answer qui iutn"t the of the to mag! general IVvoU-but a faint conception puzzlers too'sonietinicsurround and the press o: the peofleof San lVte ami I tell you, I have to wake up and nitude and influence TO-DA- Ths Homs Ssntinel aSI mioicui! 1 -- 1 eounry ha- - attained Fjoli: nice with the tn - j this exa mnation oi the a.. cateful a or kiiowlcdm of my nalI i ravin-Veditioi e- - of tli" e nunierou pro deny Ana t lii - jv,vau Dim-I Ate Vn( 'jiftyCi is oil brov.iht a bout by lav ;a of the 1 bv ' (eo. 1st, Bailed My.y per, or rather, I should say, o r onj. Rowell A Co., of New York, it paper, for all, down to our ten that there are 14 ID vyrn old claim it and digest it appears contents. Therefore, I r,?sort newspapers ami PodicaP published m the I nited States anu most holemnly, calmly, aiy that I would rather Canada; of these the UnitedofSfttcs ora has 12,1473, an avarage at anv time go without a Ii :;,8i7 for persons. every -buil-apaper shut or a 'pur news1M1 the total number of peal, than do without uvr pap, r. of kind 1 papers was less by 323 than at Here will tell you tig 1 mad. present, and while tho gain this paper my family aud as in sonu It is pure and truthful i if D J U'st tear is not so market consideris still it and foarkss ; it Uwitiy but not picvious years, show the greatest Kansas able. t unadul-coars.,' it gntH tho news 7 number the being increase, ; it v;id rati d, crisp andcoiwpo noth follows again while Illinoise uphold the r rh, and denounce of tha to notice is ctuious It 77, our is it tli wrong, in fact, much so scene of New the Yoik, r fu.,e iu tho h,iUr of need ami the last our pr p and counselor at all political activity during about have should nly there egist campaign, times, but rs as a.- many new sueli an acio of perte- tion in ptpi As a. Yes, tlank toy!, t:e State of iUni tin re are a tea 'dear bright an index to tho comparative ol ditlerent am! guiding strt's iiimng through growth of prosperity the sictions c i country, especiimy Lie clouds of jourualB corrup-tthe numbei of new 1 the Tenitories, wish m Ibge i4 the point to get at When wu sue fuikvus papers forms an inteves.ing study, in nur mi 1st sowing tho nets for and may wel( ot cupy the attention is it not of the (ou,iois. this grand the M.y of overy true, hearted and intolhi'Uit npu and woman Salt Lh kors are having straw-anto w h thorn Hod spec! and Iwi lies cream, an4 give them tl.e.r hearty ipport? Manli, mure ruin. Am Iv it is to our own advanIn Lo!piti them tage tu do so. v;o rk t'o keen r- loy Railway . Railroad Office, Moioni, ovti. Monday, from 12 m. biff p, ,u ' t'on-uit:itionl- ! lso I'huToii. P. Harris i r . HIIOW THD i f lew v . In rt a rowing the lives of i.ur great statesmen R.A politicians, it is tugtaudy a sad retlctnn that wlle id mast en-- e their cageneral coivlk'A am puhUc reers are replete with good works, their private and dome-ti- c lives when carefully and lniiyibjy scrutinized, hear a strong impgri'S of marital infidelity and a lack of proper conjugal affection. I is peculiar to notice, too, that our historians in writing tly n id fiuiue-ntni- ' ionic ment g any oi avoid heroes ; tlieir of the Weaknesses vet they are very zealous in panting their virtues in the brightest . hm s ami thus causing them t If eland out in buhl rt lit tern h to is truly designed wmuld it pbilosopbv by example, certainly be thr part of wisdom for our biographers, in p!;ieo of seeking to palliate and apologize btudi-omd- 11-- for tho Vf douie'-t- akne-'Se- Oi : IVu Blocks IvA go-.y- of Main Street, Ut ih, Vay 2, jSS5. Notice is groat men,' to wttorth facta in heir true col r. If this were done and if the various which exUt in th uak,ms-',life of every proumeiit iritieised poison wove properly and the noble trait? proper eulogized it would have the fore pf moro propirly prepaung the the student oi Voting loan an i t r v to meet the ieinsituden of li to by showing him its breakers, nhu'cment-- i and reahties, anu at the samo time teaching tho obvious fact that oven our heroes of history deplored tlieir weal;, nesses amt that they would have bet ui all the greater if they had only powered the moral touragu to withstand them. Inthi- - cornua lion we do not wish to he understood that it is tlie p;ut of wisdom to parade all s ly WTs S&.A rfcr m umami, rnKiw: WISH O THE . d.-e- one-thir- d reim-ylvaui- -- S IEQULK OF SAN Tt) Cali attention to PETE COUNTY. fa ts worth kiKsv 'tt;. -- B Lep ourselyea Cultivate all things in pioder-atioRe icia ier that Mlotuo was not but one tiling in perfection. ''Tho oak tree built jn a day. hade Morgan. To my was hi acorn once. own km le Ige, the most powur-circulated paper d and i They are never alone whp are in this country hi a smaller behv noldo thoughts. ginning th,n till i on which your KToinpamed IMiip Sidney. eyes now ry.it. Tin n lend a hand and sensible people of this region (it is alone tt you I Accuse not nature, she hath the good work alma done her pan, da tlioc but thine spe tk) and join withr U not Milton. with me in claiming the J1o.uk 1 1 indirectly of the weaknesses of a pun jn his biography ; hut we d main tain that enough of tin sc fact.-should he prt rated as to show V X I U VI M W li EC U RAT ION h. ?3 ,, l .Hj-D- D; D rill U8, ,a I, yp I'prietur MElLXT-d(i- t wcsrO" pre-ente- inf-t.- , an-pic- jss es 1 th-ha- v - OPERAflYf MreantilZnstitn,tiosi L . GE1SEAI e, e unty, Utah. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation (of, said Lind, viz : Ansil P. II, UiiMWilliam J. JcJm-.'-- i, AVood, and Simeon Stephenmn, all of Holden, Mill ard countv, Utah. -. 8 F.tirvievv, May la, 1S3.'1 Editou Skn t iNKi, 13th the r iul (haunter ; and thus'the of was observed as a general May 11 lives of great men will truly retho citizens' of Fair-- v mind us that we may auks oi: galaw day bya k iiui cnpeeidv hv the i'vrs sahlitni Th1 t '!'( hers gnd pupils young. Apropos to what lias just been ofthe Sabbath met at the CO s id uewi-- h to draw iitteuliou hotme at 3 oYlnt k u. m. meeting to the lvu and cundilet i.f tie A procession was formed at 8 30; leadimg imn among the Lnttir-tln- headed by the bra-- 8 band in a Saints. It is mally refreshwagon draw n by four black hot sos. to noe, that while tho ad Wetlien njarehed to the foothills ing The S. P. V, Ota. desires to Ui'so phases of their liven have e ist oftowu,tbi band discoursing give notice th itlty been minutely and we may say .ivelv trains on alter this and of music. Arriving viudietively s rutinied an erit-- at the place appointed the child- date they1 will ship grain, in cur I Dealers in I load lots, for parties w Fio are not Bed bv their encodes, nut one ren for llowers to dispensed gather in the contract with them at 2o wiU ub-- t antiateif instance of a short time ;w hen they were callcents Jl:.rant immorality have they ed together per hundred to Salt Lake by the band and a or intermediate bet n able to find. I.ut on the stations. Lumprocession again formed. We (o trirv their lives have shown then return' d to the meeting ber can be shipped to Tintic at uniform purity, and marital in f- liou.-- and after the usual $6 per thousand feet, and to Salt opening idelity B a t ling almost unknown exercises, the Queen was crowned Lake at 20 cents per hundred among tht in. Thus it is that by the Maids yf Honor, who each pounds. Wool, irrespective of they are so gieatlv beloved by otl'ered a short speech which was quantity, will lie forwarded to the people nml that the people to by tho Queen of May. Salt Lake at 45 cents per hunhve Mieh impiuit faith in their replied After which we had songs, recita- dred pounds, Parties shipping The tions, car loads will he allowed 48 (i 'nee! an I teachings. speeches, and a dialogue. by uhl-bhours to load or unload, and 1 2 royeneratovs of Utah Our organized brass band will bo voultldo well to profit hv th'- furni.-he-newly charged for every day d music at intervals, and f;n t ot history ml seek to gain did that oars aro detained thereafter, well considering the I! t love and of the shortveiy time they have been prac- or cars so detained may ho un- A. full lino of Dry Goods, CTothing, Hats and Caps, Boots loaded at owners expense. Minby being in very deed ticing. and Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, Farming workers for imum true, whole-soule0 capa ity of car loads, The people met again at two the good of humanity. lbs. Maximum capacity of Implements, and a oclock. The children to go To our new judge we would forth in ear loads, 24,000. the dance, and the rest must respectfully suggest, that of the citizens S. Bamberger, to witness a match Full Lino of DRUGS, etc. wishes to be indeed a justice i II. S. Kerr, of base ball, between the Manager. game -jiosMssing the paramount attri Agt nt. Olympic and :l)auntle-sduh- s tutot impartiality (witlumt both jJST 5 '4 discount on till Cah Sales over ll.'Hh of Fairview. Tho Olympics Moroni, May 9, 1885. with b all court proceeding must Are the old club that have been neccssaiily he farcical) he should pla)ing fur some time, while the Wm. T. REID, President. SAN PETE VALLEY i nmlate the virtues of the pioneers Dauntless is H. J. a WODSKOW, newly Secretary. organized ROAD. ami fath rs of this Lot hv Mount- club who arc contending for the i nut after Deeemher 8, 1884, 0 ain country and keep himself The first half of aloof from the vitae ofthe Federal championship. tho game was very close with ti'uim v',U Dare daily $ foZotr King of Utah. the Dauntless boys in the had; 8 inuht!. excepted): but the Oli topics finally cunio off leu re Miron! 9:00 a, m victorious. The score being 32 " Draper OUR TAP Ell. m 9:dVa, to 20 in their favor, it was the F tR nt. Green Mill 9:o0 a, m best game ver played at Fair-viericatnt Hill . . .lOMa. m For the Homk Sextinei. and was , witnessed by OKU ) Hul'oirtn 10:80 a. m cpENSEN I ENSEX lORCr large crowd of people who gave h,Y;a L ( 5 ) A 11:00 in Next to mv familv, mvv s the eontesung nines all tho np- oiu; ENSEX ) fir.. u.nf) in HId llld-- t Hit y merited. - Ihlnr.m In the amoiijpks-i.-IJ.dt) p. w BOOT, SHOE, and HARNESS and ui ml is mv in evening the young peope met at Dlc'iuiit IhU. in Mini, vi't pajier, for XAKEIIS. Hall, and enjoyed H't'n Dreen Mill .1:10 p. n and paper. 'Iho one Iheim-iTveti mce until 12 in the ' 1:40 p. m IIarnM, S nbPc, Harness Hard ih propagators of all that o'clock. The weather was not rr.rc Draper...' at Moroni d:00 p. t,i war- -, Wait-- , Bridle- -, Nose is ennobling, exhilarat'rg ami as favorable as it might have S! a ;r$ ronnrd at Moroni f ral! hug-- , II .Miles, Fite. ii trio live; th'1 other the foul been, hut everything the went S of nod tn P0 Srr!tr. parti Repairing promptly attended to. and loathsome re epuoieof vice off smoothly, and tha events of Private tt smis and wagons spring Califo- nia Leather. art! corruption. My fendy is the day will be long remembered can be ordered by telephone at t Main Street iu more smses by tlie young folks of Fairview. Nephi, to be ready on arrival of co )i Rkhjkld, Utah. trains at Moroni, iriee Si per day, than one, so I am not allowtd to t. I. Hi all clink o.T into so no quht snug-- ; In belialf of the committee of unver paying his own expen-eS. lJAMBliror.R, g v ami devour the contails Manager. -- Oasis, Co., Utah. Also John Qunmherg, II. p No. 5501, for the S. W. IN Ft ,S, E. dN. AV. and N 18.F 4' Sec. 30, Tp. IS. H., R. 2 AV. He names the following to prove his couti'nimu-- n sidence ppon, and enHii atimi .ff, said land, viz; Jam, s Mathews, Thoma F, Robin-- , ( e an rge Alonroe Daniel 'Ihonapson, all of Sm'pie, 4AV. Agnss ds Yerfi. The abovp beautiful diama, ii three an: s, will ho d a (triers Ilall, on the 2b'th and 30t! and lor under the the benefit of the Xorth Ward Sunday School. The pi iv will he suppb ngnte by the humo;-oii- s farce entitled the Thrash Diamond. Dont fail to celebrate Decoration Day by going to the theatre. Trices as wit-nes- prove hiat mtimmii.-residencupon, isi'I nltivatiun of, said land, viz; Lat IIium.m Janacs 0. Ohristiam-en- , Ivdiv.i. AYebb and Cyrus Warren, all of n ai Otirl'dptr, IvXoUuu. to fy ; 1 Ilum ful owing Aim Albert Steven-- , nd D. S. No. Ud2, forth.' AV. N, E, I Sec. 81 V 20 S R it-goo-d Kh..vriMl lie names fht, Alil-lar- d 1 i X-o- . et f e - II. McMastre, Register. Notice for Puhlicatioa No. 19G3. Land Oflce at Salt Lake Citv, U. T., April 30, 1885. Notice is hereby given that the follqvving named settlor hiu filed notice of his intern ion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made befoi a the Probate Judge or in his absence tho County Clerk of Emery county, U, T.. at tho County Court House, at Castle Dale. U, ., on Monday, June 15, 18,85, viz: 1 Edward Smith. Transmutid H, E No, 5639, for tjie S. Y d N. AV. I and Lot 4, and AV, 6. AV. i See. 4, Tp. 19 S., R, 8- - E. (160 acres.) Ilenam1- - the foil nving witnesses to prove Lis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz : Peter Ander- 21-1- 00 sen,. olm Y. Jensen, Azariah Tuitlo and Rolxrt Johnson, all of Cast'e Dale, Emery Co., U- T. - il. ,1 c v aster, Register. Stayne.it Simmons 7 Attorneys. 1 conri-Kne- d 20,-00- - X-A- ! ! y . D-- j ( tsic-eme- j .U.-'iOp- . j 'ppu s I i j - . r-- s. -- L county, at Uitv, June 13, 185, im pp.pj Rut. a r rd, li. E. 533) qu. the N, E. J K. AV. - mid N.Tsz E. d See." 34, Tp. 17 S R. ! n, tt-l- pu-d- following vit-ness- V d - - i ! w- hereby given that named settlor- hate filed notice of their intention to make final proofs in sup. port of tlieir claim... nml that said proofs will he .made befb'm the Jud,go or Clerk of .Milhtr( th- disc-duratio- our xotkt FOR PUBLIC ATIOY No HUM. Land Office at Salt Lake City l - ,r ox solida ted - 1 l ami furgeen, EPHRAIM CITY, UTAH. Office at Drug 5tore. Nurgeon of the San IVte Vv), d lug Counties. II. OLSTEN, M, D MUPTUH-Safe, nro, cure. crnT:!5 -i Lci a Itsmn- $1.00. i 2 cent sc i A lull directions. Book lor Ste CO 601 Sixlfe Avenue, . run .c. r |