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Show V w Jv ; J Vol. I. MANTI sThs Horns Ssntinsi EASTERN SAX PETE COUNTY, UTAI1, CITY, SOCIAL TullCS. NEWS Emma Nevada, has gone to Aim Arbor. Mien., M iv 9, So. K l I r. it S e nt i x n : T he se. England. $2.oo The liquor license has been rev.inti lingers long into 1.25, duced 50 per cent for Salt Lake -- prng. Ewn yet the leaves have Co. SUJiSCRl rriO.Y: i One year, Six months, ; j Three months lnmson. ( Thirty-fiv- e wagon loads uf oats went out ol here lab week for. Frisco. Twenty-seve- n were loaded at Richfield andeignt from the iunnison Co-oFarm ing late on account of wet on da v land. Dover. C. Alston ha eon traeted for riprapping the wings of the new bridge and tilling ii approaches. Wrong time for such, work as the river is very higi and the water prevents gettim down to the proper foundation Cause official procrastination. No roads laid out as yet to ti.o bridge. Mayfu.i.ii. Rural repose. Chi:istian!:l'u:. More land be in taken up and canals built to irrigRteJlio same. Fayette. Mml holes and Pleasant p. but begun to sprig and the earth ' The only daughter of Edwin on her put carpet of green.. Booth was married on the lCth The farmers begin to awaken ultimo. Dealers in J from their winter rest to renewyd Victor the ami honored Th labor. domestic charms of Hugo, F. II. Kenner, corn popping, Jaffy making, renowned French writer is seriJ. I. 7anson, nut cracking, (while sparking ously ill. Abram ,olinson, the fanners daughters,) have to IT. II irst. The woman sufferatre movePhilip bed a ul aside to take up the churn ment in Massaebusets has been Jm-i-. IT. M..t, dasher and plow handle. David Ciimliand, , Political matte: s are quiet, nearly strangled. Robert .lain. A rupture has occurred in. the with the exception of party grumJohn Larson, blers, over patronage and civil negotiations for a commercial J.I.Jenson. Elsinore, Sevier between England and S. T. Kenner, Sterling service, or tiie greedy merchant treaty Is the largest establishment in the county. Call on us for Spain. Whiles over the unstable market; and Jonathan Midglev, R. IL Len. ll vn, Fountain Orceii the press is kept alive by the The last g ip in the Canad an (Reil) rebellion, Pacific railway is filled, ami there Joseph Christiansen Mayfield northwestern G-oo- d n Persons wishing to subscribe the affairs, or is now an unbroken transit to the S Snow isor is lEKU.vii. Super for the .S'kxtixki, orv transae. Central American troubles; while Columbia river. utilizing the poll tax to the best other business with this ollie.' in religious matters there seems China and Japan have adjust- advantage on the county roads. should call on the above gentle- a poverty of thought or earnest- ed their difficulties. The scttle- - Mart. Taylor et al will pui ANDREW MADB0X, Superintendent. ness under cover of a cold, empmen at their respective towns. melit is looked upon as a peace-- , a bteam saw mill in Six Mile crr.is. HAMPSHIRE, Salesman. ty pathos of intellectual life a ful for Jas. T. JakemaN, canon as soon as the weather victoty Japan. perfeeling of superiority over classes " William Fotheringhnm has mits. The traveleis involuntary Manager. of less pretentions. Some seem to have an idea of loftiness-obeen found guilty in the 2nd exclamation at each mud bole is. hades average dis in their own estimation district court. He will, no doubt, Oh h greatness MAXTI MARKETS. but are as far from resembling it suffer the' full penalty of the law. tance apart of said holes is one I5 rod. lien. at Nine Mile V .t Oem-ra$1.2.5 per cwt as the rolling waste from the Flour, Grant is working as- grist mill haDraper in fenced of part It is often siduously on his Rocky Mountains. Wheat. 9 History of the the county ro.ul. Whers the the most repulsive and ridicu- War. Oats, The disease in throat supervisor? Tne Sanpit.-- rhor lous are held up as leaders in so- is Parley, mak'ng slow hut sure progress. is overflowing its hanks at, Nine 20 per bu ciety, who give themselves up to Potatoes, Mile bridge. II. K. frivolity, and know only the SaltLake police raided a gaming Butter, room on a lGtiiand the pulled pleasures of time ; yet if they put Eggs, dozen la-- ' breakers. Deputy on their and Sunday Beef, religion pay ..5010 LIBERTY'S BUJEriTAL. their dimes to the Lord (Priest) marshal Collins was conspicuous 10 Bacon, the idleness and sins of the week among them. Beans 6 cte-It is that, within a are forgiven. The Priest seems Dried Apples Extensive forest fires near East month, exp' 6 French Iranspo.t the Corrected weekly by theMmti to hold himself out as the vice-- , Saginaw, Michigan, are destroyarrive in New York harn and Tuttle A Co Manti. gerant of Christ and the building ing timber and property7 at an bor bearing Bartholdis colossal as His source of blessings. It is alarming rate. Unless rain falls Sliii The weight tie of o or wealthy soon great dafnage will be done. of the statinLiberty. only the is 444,1)00 pounds that are encouraged to attend A delegation of Good Templars of which 176,000 pounds is cop Wheat . . 4 Sets church, while the poor and igper, and the remainder wrought Oats norant who are not furnisimd recently called ontie . . 75 iron. Wien placed in postion Dealers in HiiTfto take into conFlour with Christianity are left in the requesting ,$l 40 wil Rodino's it. on torch Island, Butter cold. . Some have inquired ; sideration the personal habits of . . 12 '. gleam 301 fact a hove high vat o Wrhat shall we do to bring them thuso whom ho appoints to ... S g much higher than any other P oi k or Bacon lnv" They have no system of .. 10 point in or around New York As a mark of approval the Cz teachers, elders, etc., Wno look Over half of this commanding after their outside welfare, and ar has presented General Komer the foun is to he given 0FE1CIAL DIRECTORY. look height upon them as infidels who off with a sword. The hilt is of dation and pedestal, by statute the do not come within, the walls of solid gold, and the scabboard itself measure! ug something less the building. So the skating richly emblazoned with COMMISSIONERS. than 150 feet from the footstoi theatres, dance houses, etc., mom Is. to tlie torch. It is natural, there haler the Edmund's ate inviting resorts that anxiety should he felt It is fore, that Lam. Salary, $3, 000 each. officially reported Society is classified so that the the Are still at their old stand, to have the work on Bellocs Iscent is fifty per poorAlexander Ramsey, of Minneso- rich grow richer and the poor er this year for a good crop of land prnelieall completed, or at grow poorer. ta, President. They separate themselves in every day dealings, cerials in nearly till the grain least wholly provided for, upon A. B. Carlton, of Indiana. growing states, than at any time the here with her colossal pas3 1. L, worship and social affairs. There in Godfrey, of Iowa. the past ten years. ongcr. is that haul yoat of manners of A. S. Paddock, of Nebraska. the 19 In of there the class Herald the R. J. that permeates upper Pettigrew, of Arkansas. At Whentfield township 4ich their very souls, so that they do are 24 residences advertised for not even associate in the same sale within the limits of Salt a family named Turah, butcherTLHIUTOKtAL OFFICERS. divine semce with their less Lake City. The aggregate value ed a hog which had been sick Superintendent ofDistrictScliools unfortunate brethren.is $54,450. They range in price but afterwards recovered. The L. John Nuttall, Salt Lake; family and several others, eigli Again it is a curious fact to front $450 to $7,500 each salary $1,500. notice on a Sunday morning as persons in all. partook of the After assiduous labor for fif-l-e meat Auditor, salary, $1,500) and about a week or ten Xeplii i liurch hells toll numerous teen years by the most profound-- e Recorder of Marks and I W. Clay were taken sick, a lonr, tie populace ail divid- - My learned men of the age, the lays later Brands, salary, fees ton, am going m different direc- - new translation of the Old Testa, being similarly affected. On Librarian, salary, $200 J Salt L. ing ions to church, with views wide- - meat frnm the Hebrew, has been Monday last John Turah, lSyears Treasurer, James Jack, SaltLake ; died. There are three others j aPar , et hoping to reach the completed. Copies of it will old salary, $GO0. who cannot recover, and the othsame end It is rather strange for doubtless reach 'Utah within a ers are one raised in the Church of the violently ill. Examinaweck SAX IETE COUXEY OFFICERS-Latter-Da- y tion the fact that the revealed Saints to notice the was Win. Anderson poeu.iar programme of a sectarian Judge fork Lowel dined with literally alive with tri1 Clerk china. f that section all service People remained and . .John Reid man. all conducted by one the Queen, castle Recorder ) on the 16th, are greatly, alarmed. There is The priest reads his hymn night at the .Jaines Metcalf lefure it is sung, and even reads and aeI' bidding her farewell, no demand for pork. It is doubtSelectmen j ? . John Carter returned to London to meet am ful if any of the victims can relnqiorters and Dealers in all kinds f Parliu McEarlahe welcome Ins successor, Mr. cover. Asyessr. it Col. .A. E. Mefriam Phelps. Treasurer F. W. Cox Reil has Lhen captured, which !eriff English eftliscrs are occupy...Jens P. Larsen puts a stop to the rebellvirtually ing port Ilartiilton greatly to the ion in Manilobia. Prosecuting Atty. 1 It is said Reid K' emliarrassntctit of the Japanese Supt. Dist. Schools) to give Wav the on was he that Coroner L. P. Christensen government. Japan believes her himself when captured. He lip endai?Sef was Surveyor . . .John H. Ilougaard and dissatisfied tl,e.rV tUrit7 miserabld a in plight, and will Certainly put in a Jacob Johnson, United States make continual debalJ 0vfi ed, he was not the head that says r CS Commissioner for San Pete. man In the rebellion. His prisuhjec'ts which become iMda ct forma, widely different its they A cyclone passed through Rook vate papers were also Captured. arc advanced; and one is ill all County, Kan., on the loth, about ease if he ednnot defend himsdlf j 4 p. m. starting near the line be WILLIAM T. RElb, I Gn all sides. tWeen Osborrie and Rook Ceun- - Hot For public a tion. j tifes, at the southeast corner of Igxu'IcA Lind Office at Silt I.ake City, land & pro&ate attorney Medicine township, and follow-- , Mhjt 19, 188$. dealt death a westerly course, N. 1978. The Woven Wire Mattresses at $6.00, Auet a just, merciful, and dig- - Jj and destruction throughout the iMtfcV W MANTI, - UTAH. kHVbjr tfiven iM lh nifiea trial the dynamiters Burk j his intention of its entire conrse. ettlrr h filed notice of hi claim, lofiiake final trortf in and CUnbinghatn have been sCt-- 1 pathway be nlarie before the Neatly fifty persons Were Injured and that Haul funnf will itiipdrt teneed to penal servitude for life, and a great many of them fatally. Jud6 of ProbitS or inhisabseHce before the County Clerk at Manti, San PYtte county. Utah on Saturday. Jaht 7. 188$, vi: Lni Hansen They WefO provided with the best J The toss at Bull City and TO ORDER. 'Vm. K. REID, Sad Pete county, Utah. ), 5, No, 9 tot tnfr glCTUKE FRAMES and given every op- - ton consists cf chimneys blown of K R 3 K Swc Tfi the Nv En name it foliowiiijr v.ir.'Hswa to roVi and windows brokert by hi Hecontinuous portunity to prove their ATT0RNEYat-LAupon, and cultivatoin rednce Rut the foiif of tkc hailtnesnteasuHhg Neils C. of, rttd land, vii Jacob cec'.e' mag'tsty .Ma P. Uuderdne, S, Sorenh. ot Sfrin? City dtid taw littows Uo partiality es iff GlametOh The dantige ?n Peter uti, S a a pels Ud., Ifah Hatmenot fountain Gree, Utah. j iAIN SI, M A NTT CITY, b'i.Ui or subterfuges heilCe they were. Rook County Vill probably rat 'i H Rmh Qua h iitd for lmh L'iL1, belts, etc O,r,co sit Court iloufcp, T C. $5d.OOK properly convicted: , Advertising rateson ar11nliCHtion. OCR A Uh.XTS, l j -- . GENERAL U k -- -- ECHANDISE Anglo-Russia- tl . 1 1 I l s 4 . h-Wi- ll m. Co-o- well-to-d- . t , -- Rj-r- I J lOf rir- - .!'. Uts, etc that ti"' am! dia-rin- k, Anti-Pulyqa-- out-loo- k stiti City, tJtAh. I UJil I , JOHETLOWSY& SOW, . J I . . , FURNIT-URE- . I we BABY CARRIAGES, foJIowinff-IiAiHp- :VER ' Y 4 OBOE? Btock-ofcouhs- inno-jdow- iurh-Britis- h YORK . GA f |