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Show taf9-- r The Homs Sentinel Pahl!h"l HAMUNGTOM of spring. The FiOple'b o Party Ye'en.y Materially Increa Chain it. It is rumored teat Fullet and JAKE MAN Farmer are in town again. A ' hy O'C TUVE FIDELITY. scenes have oocttred Fe in the history ofour country which leads us to believe that the era of religious jntoleration is -- being iJted as that which was witness d in the third District Court on Saturday lasted hree men wre arraigned and convicted f r "thrir .fidelity to religious talief and hoc ause they could not and would not give assurance of their willingness to act contrary to the revealed willofGodjntheif future course, they were punched to the full inaly pf thp law. Them) men Angus M. Cannon, A. Milton Musser and J, C. Watson have plainly shown hy their that they are willing jfneed he- - to heconm martyrs for their religious faith; and their course also fhows that while the hare thought of being incarcerated in a gloomy prison is repulsive, they are willing to make self subordinate to principle and. they show to th4 world ty unmistakeahle evident o that tlioif faith and belief it Something more tliaii a mere form of godliness; atul that as servants of (iod itistheir dntvto do Ilis bidding even though it should meet the opposition of persons who delight to persecute re-e- n et cou-du- men for j --- - - Ac-eu- tered. to see the Manti Don't Dramatic Club jn the Social Glass at theEpliraimtbeatrc tonight. The play wiil he supplemented hy a tine scene from The Merchant of Venice, In all the city of Manti (to her credit he it said) not one person M ITTE E AN I) PEEK JDENT CLEVELAND. could he found who was willing to act us register for this precinct under the commissions rules : hence we were compelled to import a person from Ephraim to The Chief Kxi entire (Here At'r-(Hir- e that he oill trek to hare the law Impartially th i-- (hi Wednesday last another victim, Mr. Isaac' UrieJ, of the Dth ward, Salt Lake City, was brought before Commissioner Me Ivay dn a charge of unlaw fill cohabitation, lie waived examination and has hound over iit tin' sum of to await the action of tho Grand Jury. Con- May gressional Derogate Johu T. Caine, of Utah, John V. Taylor son of .the PjoGdi nt of the Mormon i Lurch, and John Q. Cnnnoaon Dolomite Canof who the non, delegation compose sent by the Mormon Church to lay befoiglhelVsident a statement of gi ievanees of the Mutinous and recently present the address adopted hy the mass meeting of Mormons againsi the action of tin Cedeifd o'lii i'ils, eidled tV nt at the Exeeutivo mansion tlii nji'irfiing and vverorereiv 'd hy the President in tho library. As tin delegalion cntcIVd, the Piesideiit w a seated at his desk, but immediately arhsc, slmok hands with Mr. Caine, and was then introduced to Mr, Taylor and Mr. Cannon. Mr. Caine then read lh a Idre-- s to the President, who iciuained standing during the in' ttrview. The President listened mirteously and nttt hLvfly to the addnss, and upon its com luiin 'Wa-hiligti- the otiee. till $1,-30- y. such a case, all the wives, or all hut oilC have died or been divorced, file man is rn titled to he regjsfcfed. 3. The first or legal wife is not entitle to !o registered, if sat the 1 time sLenders to Register she cohabits vtith a b grtmist tr pidyg-nniis(unless the oilier wives aro dead or divorced), nor i she to be registered if she cohabits with a person cohabiting with more than one woman. (I. The disfranchisement operates upon the existing state and condition of the person, and not upon a past oilense. It is, therefore, not retrospective. He alone is deprived of his vote, vvhtkwhcn lie oilers hi register is then in the state or Condition of a bigamist or polygamist) or is then actually cohabiting with mote than But a bigamist Or one woman. a polygamist is such a person as js described in paragraph 2 above, (which see). t, . . lt ()- 4 good attendance. The carjienter work on the other Among borne of the Methodist Chapel i? nearing hildrcn were things flower seed'. given completion. Ennn this vve infir that Manti1 whole army of Dr. OVien- - Rabbit Valley p l w .ij .soon ;ue tiei.t ha.' vo far iteovereii that iuiijuvci lie lioitieultuiists. u think? of stinting fo hi'-- homej The ;;, uit.suggi s is thepin- u. a few d;tvs. h Mr.Miller of tl.eOshimie Co. imi ' lr D Vf ,llf ' i cha our Fah-H- e hanq.ious le.gmg week. been in town during the for emU the cbampmn.hip Peter v'ew was tli guest of If the ITo- , of the two counties Es(i (fre iTcs .V are . hoy really eager, for the Then. Tnorpe- will eoninHiUe. jvo Wc laro siiy that our Fair- rtpairs vn his grist inill ini Mon- vil,v ju New machinery ami a . day t j a general ovelluuling is eontein- lr KliaHJ kor,Mf Richfield. while out after a load of posts pvlatl. of, the .Farm-- , Ijtst.weelc iuel y.itha voj-- goveru J, IV Meil.-tr.u-p ci(lent hy havings one , of (iH efs Exchange gives LK)''iCe that beems that lie w is es to 0.1V thrye car loails eyes put, .out. of wheat and twoi Car loads, of while loading ,hi wagon a fell hitting him in the eye, thus ode immediately, . blinding Jiim and in- J. P. Madsen was nt town' on completely a bad wound. ilmung Monday making arrangments for " the ' entertainment ' to he given M'oul.l it not he a, wise thing here on Friday1 Alight hy' the for our school autlirities to Manti Dramatic Club. ' .A propriety of building a Our young men and Indies nice central school buiking, so have shown commendable enter-jth.Manti may have a good week t the school? ,bv tiring graded prise dining out and thoroughly cleaning tin Tabernacle for conference. One ol the pressing needs-oIt has become proverbial that Manti is a barber shop. , AVjho will open up Saturday afternoons the butter sold by tiur Alain Street? on j Parties is a superior quality; in Salt Lake certify to this and n The young people and the firm is not without honor in Monroe Alav celebrated of its own country. Day witli genuine, enthusiasm. Paul Von Nofdeck Las removed to his new Drug store One Stake Quarterly .Conference beMock south of his old stand, gins tomorrow morping, t 10 where he will ho pleased to 'See his old patrons and as many new ones as may wish to call. XOTICK TO CREDITORS. Our citizens are getting anx ious that Mr. Bamberger should ESTATE of Rasmus.' is hereby given carry out his promises to extend the rail road further smith. 13 the undersigned, executrix of tl; Twelve miles is too far to haul estate ot Rasmus Andersen, tl the creditors of, and all persons freight by team when it claims against the said dehaving just as well be landed ceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within four Ephfaim depot! months alter the first pubb cation of On Monday lasl the tli is notice to the saiu executrix :ml South wind Primary at her res id i wees in Ephraim City ations under the direction of in the County of .an lete, U. '1 . Rated at Ephraim City lT. T their respective presidents, artd 14, K May hislmps Dorius and Anderson, Annie farie Anderson, visited Manti hHhe purpose of EXecutrix of the Jast w ill aud testaseeing the Temple and other ment ot Rasmus Anderson, deceased points of interest which Manti lias to pnient. A programme PJ t of miscellaneous exercise was lri,8t 4IW.J gone through with, after which BZfo. recreative exercises, sightseeing, ir. etc. were indulged in until about 4 oclock Px m., when the party returned home. Altogether the little folks enjoyed tluif trip moder2fl ta 2 2J ' z0 ately well, thow.sh they were quite 'i disappointed at not being permitted to s.'C the interior of the Tetn ,' 1 Ab-on- self-style-d i 11 - s- -- o i; . ja vi , - rr u t j , De? lor m r T i o t N r I t sir.,: '? . m-x- . t e.. x r. k I - a - , i ). !: o y - Merchamli-f- ( . i , 1 , SdU'.l.A.T.I nvS , , . , 1 Main r Kpiuaii., ) , agl-tatiyt- he i it i . Go-o- p Ghenpcst . place out. Pc-- 1 t 1(r. gains to customers. (J jj sold on smallest protit- A good force of affahl 'i'1 'mployees to wait on our patrons. ' j ! J . 'r cliil-lre.- i - StSC ('all and sie for your.-- 1 1V( ot'H line sphtpri-- r : cess-ed,t- , Finest line vof Ehiijting ju-- t m. Full line of Calicoes, 7 to s ct iTs Best Ginghams, 12 j cents. T. Cashmere,J only, t B. ,121 mi-- , 1 i ) ; . r ElltAJ.fi.tlu JiAl rr-' m ('nt-'-nrwi- - C , z. ig : Car)entcrs, Harness and heathy c cc 5 Will cmiVinve Gm that the SKnNf-:- ''gives tic call - timo-M- - Up am! bo : doing. M g, Ring hits, Ilames, cic., etc Rivets, alarm it is ,c k a B , -. and I oxt when " Hioc-maker- ii reijuisites in largcsvar:'-tysucii as Hinges, Butts, S rcnihyies', Bits., .Carriage A Tw-- complete, I L: MI OLSON, Supl gc ai'es EgNl&S-Sl- 1 w-d- y c 1 p. af-tl-ii I Pie-iden- 1 . . -- 1 . TI s 1 , pos-oble- ! j Agnsa ds YgNl e- 1 p.c--cn- 1 a- t pre-an- t Eu-rk- VV -- 1 - i 1 , d , s- v-r- ri-:- 1 1 1 - p- ! . 1 i i l 1 for a lcvvard V have received from Felt Pros,, Provo, the last numbers of Frank Leslies III udt atul PERSONAL.' and Vr., Tiny contain several cartoon and illustrations Bp. W, T. Rei.l returned last of the present political situation of Kmope and the Canadian night from lVov0. troubles with Hiel and hie allies, Miss BfaithwaiteV lhitlinefy lienee they aio especially interstore presents ft very neat apo esting. -- MV The tl mV our third page pearance. Mc alvvavp find the County ('prilled 'Calls" will doubth ss he John Reid) at Ifis post dur pie. lerk, to mighty interesting reading most of our pat ions, as it per- ing ollice liottrs SPUING CITY POINTS. tinently illustrates the fact that G. di.-Am K. In of the too many of the 1 Eihtok Suntixkt, -- Your last1 (jphtt of the MrcL and Lowly 'doi'"U Mt. W, IT Kenner vvil Dsue was duly revolted and is Jisus aie wont to make the sUitain the Chahictcr of (Mias. tri( t letter ot the gospel a see Tliornlev in the. Social Ul;s8. highly ajipreeiated. It ought to. have a large' cireidatiOn n this aidi ,Wi 11, gentlemen, fro far, ondary ftongidefatipp' w'hen : of course, as too Edmunds law is 1 N. is jii feaeh. DfiseUb'etry and and adjoining counties. Lot UP Judge V iiigher home enterprise' oneemej, had nothing to do I Ion. S. R. Thurman, ' of lroyo, sustain everybecome 'jcrt with tluil: of eon so, it is inv there! and y wealthy. ho S. P, V, lty Co. desires to are in town on legill business. duty to see that it is onfiHecd as give nntieu thu,n and after this Mr.Thunnan Oallcd in to see us to ' Ur farmers are aU smiles at l as all other laws. You are date vlill Miip gr.iiil, in ear day. He speAkS in connmii tato-r- the beautiful weather. They anutitled to lair onsideiation.and load they Infs, tor pahtios who are not terms of thcSRvnvKi, and says ticipate big crops. to have the law impartially ad- u tnl; cohtraet with them at 23 it is well liked in the north by A number of our boys are enministered as you have asked, cents to hundred Salt Lake those who have seen it. per and so far as any appointment or intermediate gaged cutting and hauling ties stations, hum-he- r -' used on the U. 0. U. Ik to which shall make are eoneern-d- , Tho-- e who Can 1' Shipped to Tint ic at attended the lliea-ti- e I will endeavor t give you a $ lias The Spring City Go-on the evening of thousand feet, and to Salt piT aluulay, t hurnoter of men who will see Lake at 20 cents 10 a of dividend 2nd Wilt ju-the Mf. (hvlrred inst.. S.v that jv r hundred that the law is impartially adliam 1L Luke gave a very realis- for the past six months. Trade UMoh, of pounds. imspeetive ministered. i hope soon to ho has been less than usitaly otherquant itv, will be forwarded to tic n presentation of a person a Li to get pt these matters, hut Salt I, ike at 43 cents per hun-df(- d ted with th linn m tnmtiii wise the institution is solid. it will take a little time. pounds, Parties shipping Keep on friend. Will there Is alTwelve births are recorded in ts The face broke into loads will hr allowed 14 ways room mi the top shelves. cur hy ward during the last quarter our u smile as he eoneluded : hour' t load nr unload, and $2 (hJj "ales and nine females. three wish you out there could he like will ho chatted for every day Geo. Quimt the Register of Manti Wilt this not interfere with the the re- -t ot us. 111 it eaisafe 'letamed tlureatter. pnk'net wishes us to say that h Edniw All we ash,' rejoined Mr. or ear- - o art in the future? If so mav le un- - will he at Lowry ftnd Sms Furnis blame. All is peace to who is tin it law th shall be loaded at owners Caine, expellee. Min- - iture Store, Manti, tor a few days an good health prevails. administered. impartially inuaa '! tar loads, 20,- - in .Time nett. So that persons w ho "Von are entitled to that, OOO is.tapacity RlT(.s-have not dnne so and vvlio are M.iinnn . said the President, and so Ur as car loads, l.tKxi li.s, :(o): tliem'-elvcof vDgible may avail J am concerned. Some Lw days ago through shall see that S. Irivinnan-uthe opportunity of registering be. coii'-nsof l)r. I. B. Brunei, I done-the is will it give these H S. ID Ri:, Manager. fore the time for election. vve weie p rmitted to witness tkq matters my attention os careful.Agent. . tof ly as Mav .), I sva. Mr. (Henry Robbins, ?op of oiieration of the extraction Mor'ni, h hy Nlayo's V apor process. toe Another delegation chfelcd nt James Robbins, Esq., of Eureka, The rsons who were the victithis time, and the Mormons saTintie, called in on Thursday. m--of p the withluted the President and process were Misses He says that business is quite ll.ittm drew. Taylor and Martha Hanbri-- k at Euo'ka. The chif Thi sel. pro' -1 of extracting mines of the and those the troublesome masSevTtalif The ahovt ni'tiful drama, in which are doingcamp the hulk of the teemed to be gone The II rah! ticators rcmimn Wagon thri e in t. w ill h d at hiislue-:-a- t are the vvithoat -t with k. arrived in town The pain and Grier's Hall, on the 2ith and dO;h e( owned he Raekurd A through evident relief to the ap--y an ibrtimste w'th drawer' -- Mr. hUn inst . und r the ampices an iof ,jnT(mr, ; the Mona, owned by o Riuhaiun- is hiehlv lated ov er t Im Held Leant. iio? tic Nod!, Rnhhins. and the Bullion, vvlio Were Far.nef and Fail'd his prize, and well play nuo.-hv John Bevk. . of inira'-gro'eh ' a ilg-on for he utidoubud y the p()S( lie Supplciii, larceny ;hc huixoi- b(f'ore Justice Ghrisiensen, of tor of the boss w.tgcuM.f the (ins fin e cmilka ike -- Ron ,jli Ihcwiihris n D ,t .i,o' " 1. i ountv. ) Ul id j Hel.ttf Id, on Friday hist, to rapidlv ' ' I n NEv is the liti.a to Pe, oraliot an river i of (,S, barged on the giofud of in j hrat tuion Day hy rep ing hr the llovn- SfrsflM 1. terred su, hei( tv v of evidence. to the ti 0.,!,, , a n- mi. la- -t vars dis.uuvs r.i Xeir-paii.- 1 . , 4. If, in fail TI I E COM Wedne-da- the o!h- of thriYrmmrv Asportations ot the two wards of , Afar.ti, distributed prizes to thehildrcu as .ImIiiimui r (fonimis-ione- On Wt d.w sdav Orr ( By observing the following When creek meet- crick, then by explanation recently comes mir annual frcGet. it will b: tin Ctah Coiitmi.-riuii- , seen that a great many people, in the Territory who were formerly barred from voting, will be enabled to exercise tko rights of Our theatrical people are franchise. I. The Registration Oilicers working hard to make their next are success. decided required to exclude from the entertainment ft ,, registry list every man who is a On Tuesday a thunder storm polygamist or hi ga mist. and every cohabiring with more than pissed over Manti. It didnt pers.-- woman. one down hr They are alsw to stop to rain it just came exclude woman cohabiting every the ton. with any of the persons described oWe aro ttnahle to print the in- as aforesaid. '( ' Hugh 2. A bigamist (or8thpolygamist) teresting article sectioli of Enough in this issue. Jt will in the sense of the is man who law a Edmunds the appear in our next. has entered into the statu of plu-fa- l h majriage, at anytime in the The April numU r of the The past and still maintains that rem ie R. i'ViC is at hand. been dislast numb'd like it - predecessors lation it not having ' solved deatli, divorce,' or is Tory interesting U ing replete by .and effective mannei1,' other matter-', with original pithy lie is still a polygamist even This county though he restricts his cohabit' new spring suit. The prospects ation tu but one woman. . If a man has married severwere never better for fruit of grain. and he has died, the women al as smiles Nature just as serenely Edmund's no was there surviving women (if otherwise though law, qualified) are entitled to ho regis- opinions sake. .S. in town on to Ll wa- - - Mani.SanPeteCo., U.T. ErilUAlM POINTS. STURM I E. Winter still lingers in the lap by LIST OF TfON's. NEW LOCAL. atum - 4 ! hlttU I ?ES M ft 3 ; lETStlMBEi! UN!C V,ves ' g.3 -u SQUARE NEW YORK hjt-A.- MUSS. r 0 Ft SALt BY GA i j a J |