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Show Pago 2 PAROWAN -V " ''.'MTIPI TIMES, PAROWAN UTAH. MARCH 3. 1335 That green grass is nothin' Notice To HIRYL FARMER PRAISLs less nor than niore grass Fser.s Wal dry CO.YCRm: DITCHES y v v 4 11 0 f pa ink'd green. Some people The following poup applicaI'KIVini) AM) PUBLISHED find this out soon, others like ith the have been filed tions Soil and Conservation Service Agent County AT ourselves take longer, but we II Arvilla UTAH PUtOWAN. ley who have been thinking State Engineer by think our lesson has been to change learned. in terms of concrete hn?J Day, Parowan, Utah, AVOID WORRIES WITH H'H.lkt i! the points of diversion and places Game Range inThe nostalgia of the print CERTIFIED SEED flitches, will probably lx of use of water from the followGets Under Way I'uhii her, terested in what other farm- - ing wells in Iron County, State Project shop, with all its headaches overcame us about a week Drug developments in re ers now using it think of it. of Utah. All locations are from What kind of crop seed Restoring big game browse ago and right now the smell .shall I hove made it possible 'Especially years this in times of in SLBAM. v.ior at the Post Office at of plant spring? plants on depleted range lands printers ink is sweeter than Farmers who are askj for Utah poultry men, an im- - creaM,d I'..' uii Utah, October 27 1915 and and a 2905 - 0 erg? sec ft, as evi- over the state is the goal of a a rose. nt segment of Ltahs,c j6now is still on the ground porta denced by Underground Water recent cooperative agreement are more apt to be ready for economy, to reduce disease Claim No. 4554, which has been between the Intermountain Ranto Willard According it stmks.it wont wash off,Mlves that uhiIe losses from coccidiosis alone quesUon diverted from a well at a point Forest and Range Experiment new his ve ove ' f the planting season, accord- - bv an estimated $.100,000 Station and the Utah Depart55 ft. and E. C35 ft. from Wt S. now erete him ditch j permits ,ing to County Agnt Wallace to wa Cor. Sec. 35. T33S, R9W and used ment of Fish and Game. whr? fle An' D. Sjoblom, than those who industry spokesman, 1 to Oct. 31 to irri Importance of the project Dr. S telling Brackett, said pn: vlou,sly ha coud irnga,e from May wait for spring weather. in 40 Thls s acres NWUNW'i, jis readily seen since it is reprcser-lgate devel-ionl- y de- - here today that a new One If farmer has a ery loud criticism already that browse forage 25 of. an cent increase SW'iNWU Sec. 35, R9W, known T33S, I per no h.iii- heard regarding the cided what crop he will plant opment in the anticoccidial on limited bigi garni each land domestic and for and d plants day. irrigated j in which field, he should order field probably will see more;more 'limes, is it's lack of size. animal winter ranges hold the lTns The farm purposes. watir Wrt ei tm lily want to remedy poultry feds than ever bethe see! now, the agent numbers and to heard rom a well 140 feet - 0 167 scc.-fas evi- key vises. Often, high quality fore containing drugs to la s and any other complaint future hunting sucess alike. The pump lifts the wadenced by Underground atcr seed of the best variety is in come the costly parasitic As- - ldlfP the situation in jmt as Mxn as possible, but At present and Claim No. 20538, which has been ..c are going to have to ask short supply. Waiting toojeaseof the more Utah finds many Uons co.st diverted from a well at a point For the Best In All Kinds Of Dr. Brackett, director oft' your indulgence, and cooplong may mean dissapoint browse valuable species deal month sc$o;30 00: houTny S 28 ft. and E. 850 ft, from eration till we can get around ment to the farmer and mite animal industry application for or dying, with little or no reLIFE - AUTOMOBILE ratesJ aTcf ,36 86. cc1nls' ln'f W'i Cor. Sec. 35, T33S, R9W 'ait of the obsticles involv-- e require his taking an infer- the Fine Chemicals Division crased efficiency in the use and used from Apr. 1 to Oct. placement reproduction. BONDS of the American Cvanamid FIRE SURELY To explain to our readers ior substitute variety. in results water Reseeding of grasses on irrigation 31 as a supplemental supply to tin tilings we are up against mean Co noted that if coccidiosis a direct may Early ordering overused on ranges has helped IV IV pumping saving E I S U II A existed now in the United irrigate 40 acres in NW'iNWU, in .rereasijig sie they must money in the pocket of the the livestock situation in many costs acre. per SW'iNW'i Sec. 35, T33S, R9W. forward-lookinunderstand part of the mechSee man too, be- States to the same extent had an cases and probably ditches likes his Willard a 0 2907 167 sec.-faddevit. as anics involved. Secoral years cause seed prices are usual- it did 20 years ago, an on browse indirect effect W. CLAIR ROWLEY would graded up above the ground denced by Underground Water a.o. when the times had ly higest right at planting itional $112000.000 Nation's level, and used game. by big his normally siphons says tight pages, four of them time, Mr. Sjoblom points out. be tacked on the 5!al!!!0;-20!3Wh!fh I135 bee" j Yet the browse-typ- e plants to a greater advantage divertcd 7 a well at a point have continued to "'ere what is known to th As ye sow, so shall ye poultry bill each year. He operate is elevated dissapear ditch the where disease from the losses said A trade a.s ready-prinS. 28 ft. 855 ft. from W!4 and E. that is, reap" is an important point on be or many range the to used are depleted get Siphons 89 per Cor. Sec. 35, T33S, R9W and areas. to remember about crop seed. have decreased nearly piin'el in another shop This unto from the ditch water ABSTRACTERS 1930's. LICENSED mid cent since the service has been discontinued used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 as Plants produce their likeness Limited data from minor or a v our suppliers. To give you To poultrymcn, the loss the land either for border A glance animals. as same the supplemental supply to irri- previous Affiliated with watWhen experiments w;ll furrow irrigating. an eight page paper, which at a prospective herd sire from coccidiosis measured in gate 40 acres in be incorporated in the present small a siphon SECURITY TITLE CO. "ve would like to do. involves SWLNWti Sec. 35, T33S. R9V. work. and dam will tell what the the value of birds killed bv ,erin2 UTrT0WS 1S USt of fTW severe outbreaks the wall calf retting just twice the amount be, . probably - 0.167 as evidairy Sportsmen, stockmen, and of news and advertising as Office at Cenrt Ilonae, Parowaa but seeds of many crop s ease; in stunted birds that with borders several large denced Water by Underground all others have a big stake are used, depending siphons he presnt paper has. This are too much alike to grow slowly; in fewer good on Claim No. 18386, which has been in the final success of this needof water volume the is "hero you. our readers tell the seed variety by pullets for the laying house diverted from a well at a point project. It will be watched and advertisers, have to give Unfurnished home, located in looking at it. A farmer often and in extra feed used be- ed for the border. Willard says, A concrete S. 38 ft. and W. 3135 ft. from with interest over the three us your cooperation. First, west side of Farowan. $25 90 wonders wheat her the seed cause of lowered feed conditch. 2 5 inches thick, 44 inch- E Cor. See. 55, T33S, R9V and or more years needed to bring bv seeing that we dont miss per month. will even grow after it is version. used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 to it to a conclusion. 12 inches botContact 0. Winston Orton, planted. Dr. Brackett said the Amer- es top width, nothing newsworthy, and tom, and 16 inches deep cost irrigate 50 acres in NE4SWVi bv using our advertising fac-tl- .t administrator of the Estate of a certified seed tag will pro- ican Cyanamid Co. has de- him a linear foot. The Sec. 35, T33S, R9V and for 195 4 Fishing License es more fully. Mary Ann Frith. tect the farmer from worry. veloped a more effective A C P$1.15 constructpur- - GooJ assisted with Tjn A j, 15 The tough part of the job Viability, or germination, and blend of its Megasul 1954. poses. in ditch of the ion is to get enough advertising the first ccononvcal freedom from noxious weed a 2909 - 0 178 sec.-f- t In 1954, 3,015 feet of conas eviThe 19o4 fishing regulations to keep us in business, for seeds are revealed on the anticoccidial drug Nitrophen-id- e RENT FOR or. denced by Underground Water are effective until installed was ditch crete . 2 Modern bedroom hi!e April 16, in apartas a ,1949 acts a are first " must, apperaed gaurantee suberiptions tag, which farm. He plans to Claim No. 18388, which has been 1955. The new angling regment, recently redecorated, of 'high quality because; and is the most widely Used Willards they wall not pay for the pa of ditch effective anticoccidial. complete 2,000 feet feet to diverted from a well at a point ulations effective that date per stock and help needed floor covering throughout, will 1. The certified seed was and 2,600 in 1955, leaving S. 38 ft. and W. 3085 ft. from Eli will be published and availrent by month or on long time to put out a paper. and harvested he said. be constructed in 1956. Th. Cor. See. 35, T33S, R9W, and able during late March or -- planted, grown lease. a Contact month. $50 We realise that we as pubHe pointed out that science under close supervision of a of water and its con lishers aKo have a great re- V. M. Norman or telephone 2112. recognized certifying agency, has not, and probably never saving connection with time used as a supplemental supply early April. Commission actin trol from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 to irri- - ion has already set the general 2. Only seed of reliable or- - j will, found a way to stamp sponsibility to our readers. STAR will pay gate 50 acres in labor and irriagating COAL Sec. game fish season to open May POINT We must publish all the new: igin can be used and it must out coccidiosis. The disease dividends in the future. R9W. 28 and close October 9. T33S, 35, as it happens and get the is a parasitic ailment, and the be planted on clean land from Cur bon Count y technicians SCS through a 2910 0 167 sec.-fThe fish and game license evias paper into the hands of our 3. Field inspections during parasites, coccida, are present the Iron Soil Conserv County also begins each April denced Water raised is by year Underground leaders on time. We cant wherever poultry Coal the growing season eliminate ation District are rendering Claim No. 18387, which has been 16, at which time the 1955 n disour advertisers commercially. expect seed which might bear from Emery County the technical assistance nec- diverted from a well at a point licenses will be available pav for space that does not The value of an effective ease, weeds and possible mixto install the above delivered to either fell goods. anticoccidial drug is that it essary of concrete lined ditch- - S. 38' ft. and W. 3185 ft. from from agents over the state. tures. system Eli Cor. Sec. 35, T33S, R9W, Bportsmen angling on waters Parovvan or Paragonah Besides the Editor bring 4. Harvesting and cleaning reduces the number of parasitand used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 open to year around fishing Linoout of practice, a new are handled carefully to pre es to the point where they a as on effects supplemental supply to ir- - must display the 1954 license brodisease has to no 1 be have type operator vent mixtures or contaminat-motto, To Learn By Doipg. the1 birds. The comparative- The program encourages fam- - rigate 50 acres in NEliSWli until April 16. ken in. For the first few' weeks Phone 2051 ion. which remain ily participation and interest, Sec. 35, T33S, R9W. dont expect to much, and 5 Samples are tested at the ly few coccid.a STOK ERRATIC Hereafter, it is proposed to 1955 Deer Range Ride you cant be dissapointed. thereby strengthing the home, state seed laboratory for germ-- ; induce a mild mnoculaticn floe the skills is which Halterman Keith the neyi To Start March 17 divert o 6C8 sec ft., 0 167 see teaching young people ination, purity and freedom with helps provide, INDEPENDENT outno and homemak0 167 ft 0 167 and sec. see ft . , in agriculture immunity against ft., Linotype operator, from weed seeds. disease. breaks of even more 0178 sec ft., 0167 sec ft., re-- ' The 1955 range inspection hadnt seen the machine untheir with along has ing seed the after 6, Only of inand til lart week. He is learning as described spectively, sPf count of the deer above, important passed the rigid standards; Home enthusnerd on the Dixie Division and fart, and though we dont a LLADLK.blt.LL from well bet. 300 initiative, and dustry, during all these inspections OF ADVANTAGF.S want him. to see this, he is our of 600 ft. deep at a point N. 33 ft. of fhe Dixie National Forest all If iasm. teenagers CONTACT sealed is the seed container could actively going to be good. engaged in and W. 1353 ft. from S14 Cor. wil1 Set underway Monday and tagged with an official arcb 14. The count thi L. A. 4 H club The first week anything two million Sec. 35, T33S, R9W and use 0 668 Over projects and enboys blue tag of certified seed. wil1 start at the Leeds their . and will we year but by sec.-ftin United States helped and 1 the from try to happen, 31 may couraged Oct girls May blue tag is a farmers This Corra1 and continue through have Parowan Agency For take part in the 4 II Club parents we wouldnt and the remaining 0 846 sec ft. derperatv to have the paper guarentee of quality. He can delinof in the post office every Thursof problems from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 to irri- - l?lg ,Sad Coal J1111 Leap juvenile afford to plant any- Program. Ten thousand hardly reek CVe and Dry Sandv, in our 400 we At are today. over least and in country these are Utah, day. claiming quency gate 200 acres in SWM, thing else, the agents says. in Iron County. Mrs. Howard thus as our publication day. Home the Emma Nielsen, Sec. 35, T33S, R9W and in pDa WhktwEa? Sowine' In the next few weeks a Your help in getting your of Paragonah mother Demonstration Agent, helps .or domestic ar,6 will appear articals of series xhen Bull Mt. Middle Ridge c ub to news and advertising in not of Hetty Ann a program .or wa ering purposes. organize the in this paper giving informat- - memberar,d Potters Peak. The remain- later than Tuesday will help are clubs 's 4H for the girls. She says Any Protesfs resisting ion on reomended varieties Vacuum of the ride will include der us materially. while. are much worth Its which the girls project of any of the foregoing applica-- 1 Diamond of the differant field crops very Valley, Cove Mt.. Easy Terms Available helpful and gives Hetty Ann interested in can be worked tions, with reasons for Utah. therefor, Holt VTneaitgrass, Carlyon, club program. must be in something to do in the sum- int0 the affidavit form, with Little Pinto Creek, Kane Mt., in ProSramMost girls select projects t if'P rriMTHDI F mer' Anyne in extra copy, and filed with the Iron Peg and Pinto Creek recieves more from U than foods, clothing or home Parowan crrirTTrx Telephone 3872 State Engineer, 403 State Capiwill commplete the inspection. MAKi iNUW the time they put in it. Since we can remember, ishings, but they can work tol, Salt Lake City 1, Utah, on The ride is being underHetty Ann says 4 H clubjn arts and crafts, or in agri'he smell 'and feel of printers or before April 2, 1955. should control lice Cattle Benson taken contact Laura while work js a i0t 0f fun and !cuture and livestock. A girl by the Forest Service, ink has been almost as much ranches Iron on 2 bedroom and Game Dept., home Utah start M. Fish County Furnished are fun Joseph aj-you Tracy having a part of our daily lives as can select a differant project y0U soon as as and farms pleasant STATE of Land Manand Bureau the in ENGINEER isn't It or continuue something. food. This of course is not eacj1 year, - jearnng Walstates Published in weather the Parowan Times, agement. arrives, Sportsmen organwast;ng time. that one field. I feel that a quite true, however it has lace D. Sjoblom, county ag-- i Leone Ramussen has been!very important part of the Parowan. Ut. from Feb. 3 to izations and others interested chived a big part in our lives. ricultural agent. in this ride have again been i J,3r0.''ram is the social devel- - Mar. 3, 1955. supervisor of the girls The editor went to work in or dipping will ciuhs of Parowan invited to participate. for six Spraying he Times office when all opment and the citizenship Mr. Sjob- cattle control Dates for rides in the other lice, for a leader and dub years and the training and leadership ty pe was set by hand, LOST will be announced at n areas enI sever years. She said which the boys and girls get was what is commonaly calldate. later the with club work. joy working in ed a printers devil! It has Reward offerd for inform-at:o- n stock should be dipped. Cows ciuhs, and if the girls get in is been almost an impossibility club The program concerning whereabouts being milked should be spray- apd work they can go a long fo get out of it since that the U. S. Dept, of long haired black and he cautions, even though way. And we certainaly need sponsered by ed, and the Land white dog. Answers to the MILLARD DIVISION LEAGUE bine. AOVANTAGISYOU 111 gives a the cooperation of the parents of Agriculture generally dipping 11 tAJI ML wwttat t 19 In through the name of Fuzzy. Mn the Times was leased more complete kill of both to make a success of 4--H Colleges working and far MM wvwtv (W state County Anvone having information o Claud Orton. The thought Federal fury, IWf (MtfMMWl vwt bloodsucking and biting lice work. fa Mil Offices. call Ken Jensen Extension at the time being, that this on cattle. Wallace Sjoblom, Iron Co. noMiva nATVtH would be our last contact assistance to the In addition be Beef cattle may sprayed Agent, who has charge of the j fMM mi. th it. but it didnt last. In f of the County Commissioners, or dipped with wettable DHC, eewNwti iktu-f- a projects for the boys of thousands of volunteer leadATTENTION ALL 941 we again took it over. chlordane, DDT, toxaphene, counjVi saVs, "1 know of no clubs. Th individual didnt last long, and the MT4T-Adirect FERGUSON TRACTOR me.thoxycihlor or rotenone. other youlh' prograrn that ers he Times was sold. This , Parents assist and give enWhenever rotenone is used,:offers voung the OWNERS pcople .me ve imagined that we Civic groups retreat the animals couragement, to achicve ;nd chanch lengp u re through for good, and I can overhaul your old TE or organizations within 14 to 16 days, t e that they recieve in work. and business hat those green pastures on the oung people to 20 tractor and replace some encouraSe emphasizes. county agent Members are encouraged to ., rp 'er side of the fence IM Farmers should spray cows develop leadership and cd.jby awarding educational trips cxtra parts hich wjll give it o row become a reality, ml QImTi I the power of a new Ferguson 30 scholarships for 3 tyiM be.ing milked only with ro-- ten.ship while practicing the , f. c weight of a week- in club for $120 AH work ring SCHEDULE melhoxylindane, tenone, guaranteed around our This overhaul includes new chlor or pyrethrum insect- - residents can get a free copy work. 1955 V k s'eeves and pistons, and this so that no undesirable 0f Extens.on Circular 184, icides, MARCH 4, FRIDAY In ' ht and a half years nsecticide residue can possib-- . Cattle Lice Control, by con-special is for the next 4 months Millard at Milford ar.d thinking that look get into the milk. the countv agent at OIL STOVES REPAIRED & only. tacting Beaver at Parowan found them at last. Call or write J. Henry For further details on con- - hls ofLce ln tje Federal SERVICED. Call Whit Orton "jcT.rr.sr.L-ri,.- .. Delta . bye .o vered something - Tel. 011J4 Cedar City, trolling these pests. Iron Co. Building. 3566 evenings and Saturdays fc . , - ABOUT THE FARM FISH & GAME or NEWS & VIEWS vv g . . -- - A NOTE TO OUR READERS 1 an-lda- j ' j . - ear-roun- fr j c stock-waterin- t. over-lconi- I478 - ; 1 , g Parcclls t; Stone NW'-iNWVi- , d.s-to.ac- b sec.-ft- var-itie- FOR RENT j year-roun- stock-waterin- d Nitro-phenid- e. -- NE'-iSW'- i I t. J , Drowning j Frank Onnlon j -- -- j Automatic -- -- . neater i" 16-i- j Robinson -- Singer Machines and Singer Cleaners PRINTERS INK Parteer 'nes year-roun- 4-- H 4-- H ( - I 4-- Kent Marsden furn-MIUUL- D For Sale or Rent i v j 0C3a j 4-- 4-- H 4-- H 4-- 12 w Ofay w44 mm . pmtmt j Myfa 7 M4T-TOW- chal-alwa- ys 4-- H i. outstand-achievcment- s 1 kSIC 1 j ! . y Grim-sha- . , , pilstovos Roiiaireil Parowan Times |