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Show Tko Ensign. as a short lime since we furnished our readers editorially a breif histoty cl the A Democratic party from the eaily days, order that the young men of Utah might become posted or so many of them as read The Ensign, as to Itie origin and principles of tlwat organization. It will be remembeieJ that Democrats, no matter by what name they have been called, have always been opposed to a monarchy and to Federalism, its They have always been iii favor of political sell government, opposed to a United States bank, and in favor a revenue of tariff. It will be seen from the following Ills tory of the Republican party, which we quote from an unknown, but impartial source, that that party, under whatsoever name, has opposed the principles advocated by Democrats. We commend this party history to the farelul consideration of our readers. 'It is no ordinary task to attempt the tracing of the great parties of y back through the vale of bygones to the germ of existence. Names which are supposed to signifyso much are so jumbled together that the Whig of colonial times and the Whig of Clays days, while the same in spelling and pronunciation, were in reality no more alike than day and night. The Tories of 1760 were the advocates of a strong and centralized government, as lepresented in the Crown, but nevertheless the Federalists of Washingtons time were tlui victors over just the very principles advanced by the Tolies Spll the Fedeiahsts based their inception as a parly upon the power of the national administration and its control over the states. Such, practically were the principles of the Loose Constructionists, as weie termed the remaining adherents of the Federalist party and the disaffected membeis of the Jefferson party who joined then). As time progressed, Clay organized the p.lfiy name of National Republican, into winch fold were gathered Federalists, Ixiose Constructionists and the large following which, with Clay as their leader, abandoned the Strict Constructionists or Republicans, as the Jefferson Democratic party of the period was called. The principle was the strength of the Federal governand ment, and whan the later onthe powerful Whig.Paity which hass wallowed up tin National Republicans, gained the uay.thjparty cry was the same. Federalist, Loose Constructionist, Whig, Republican, through all the vears, has been pfotective tariff, internal improvement and a strong governin half-brothe- r. to-da- Anti-Mason- (r ment. , Thus it is that the Republican party of is traced back to its root in the federal patty of 7S7, and Washington and Adams classed as Roputlicans. It should be understood that the object is to note principles, platform and positition of the Republican party ajid its antecedents. V 1 Federalists advocating strong government, looking, it was claimed by the but denied, to a monarchy, Objected to the confederation on the ground that it would be destroyed by the first organized attacks of a foreign enemy or by internal contei.fon. ui.-s- Free-So- il Democrats refuse to join g with Whigs, who had elected a President. All parties much New England representatives became mixed. active in advocacy, of peace measures, 1550. and the result was the Hartford Convention. But one. session Was held when s and Whigs opposed com peace was proclaimed, and its object promise of 1850 on slavery question. therefore made unnecessary. End of the Several northern legislatures passed war, and practical end of tlie Federalist personal liberty laws to protect free Federalists supported Rufus negroes party. against operations of fugitive King, of New York for President, and slave law'. had no candidate for Free-Soiler- Vice-Preside- 1S52. fi 'IH IsUItEKA Cti Lid VA L t slave-holdin- 1815 . t ..- - a yai i'jit'jni f'ltv all ' LOOSE CONSTRUCTIONISTS. t t EVa-un- !,, J an cri'rhvjKsT inr. .ct AJdre?6 When I ay Cuke I do not mean merely to time, and then have them re stop them forI amean A RADICAL turn again. x Lave made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or rutile L Heavy hiUt"GMJ Muuung Lfcfri. lielh laJici' md gents sizes, wttli works FALLING SICKNESS, study. I Warrant my Temedy to Curb the worst cases. Because otheis have failed is uo reason for not now receiving acui e. Send at once for a treatise and a'FuEE BotI lh of my InfallibLb Kkmedy. Give Expiess and Post Office. It costs you nothing lor a trial, and it will cure you. Address H. C. BOOT, M.C., 83 Pearl St., New York A and cues of equal value. One PerNon in escb c&n set ure one free, together mih our large and valuable Loa of Household These samples, ss Samples well ss the watch, we send anti after yon have kept tooths and shown them to thoso eeoms your own property. These sure of receiving the Watch Wo pay all express, freight, etc. Address life-lon- g 1 free, end Samples hUnsoa Jc Co., General Scott nominated for President Bus 8X2, ForUsad, Alulae platform, cominof 1850,- Fugitive slave law Henry Clay became leader of the new promise disparty in opposition to the Republicans, dorsed. Undeniable md cations of and favoring increase of army and navy, integration of Whig party. Claimed to protective tariff, general public improve- be largely resulting front indorsing slave ments at national expense, and to make law. the federal government strong in foreign REPUEUCAN FARTV. affairs. Tlie party became distinguished Competition ta the Life of Trade, anil If you have not seen our latest Improved goodsofyou eannot Imagine how lively trade is, or how hard oitr competltoia have to woi k to keep within bight us. 1856. from the other as Loose Constructionists, Ask your letaller for the JAJlEd MEANS $3 SHOE, ortho JAMES MEANS St SHOE to needs. bill in succeded for a the your They a carrying men adopted name of acccrllng loulti vely none genuine unless havlrg onr name and price stamped plainly on tho soles. Your maintenance of the Cumberland road, Republican retailor wilt supply you with shoes so stamped if you Insist upuu his doing so; If you do not Insist some party. will coax you lntd buj lng Inferior shoes upon w hlch they make a larger prollt. retailers it but was vetoed be the Piesidcnt. Republican convention adopted Loose interConstructionist platform, favoring 1824 JAMES MEANS JAMES MEANS nal improvements, right of Congress to Loose Constructionists in the majority SHOE SHOE prohibit slavery, against repeal of MisUNEXCELLED in Congress adopted the tariff by small souri IN FAIL CANNOT and against the excompromise, STYLE UNEQUALLED majority; also passed bill for surveys for tension of slavery. Nominated Fremont TO national" canal system. No organized DURABILITY and Dayton. S ATI S F AND drm e parties, Loose Constructionists generally 1857. THE MOST i$ $vnRFECTIO!f supporting for President Ciav, of KenAt session of Congress giants of public tucky, and Adams, of MQiachuselts of. FIT. Presidential election settled by tlie lands to railroads. Tar ft of 1857 passed Presiand both hutiJfcs, by in favor of House of Representatives approved by Adams,' Loose Constructionist; Calhoun, dent. It reduced duties to a river rate s than any tar'll rce :8iS. t. Republican, 1817. on Loose Construction - THE MARCH OF PROGRESS! - OUR LATEST IMPROVEMENTS! $3 $4 ete I'allea Jan THIE TABLE NO. 3. To take effect Monday, October 22, 1888. Going North. STATIONS. Going South. No. 1 ' No. 2 a. m. p. m. Ar. 3 9.00 Lv. Chester " Moroni Lv. 2.30 9.30 945 2.15 Draper 10.10 Fi.unlaui Green 155 I'lvde" 1 3u 10.30" 11 2j ':.i n Si Neplii " ,12.30 Lv. 123 11.25 Ai. Nephi 'I rains run daijy. Sunciav exi epted n Fiains st-at st;u ns niaiked . signaled. Stages connect i' of Sanpete and A. r t. . THEODORE IiRlji.V',1 ,Gei !;.,i H. S. KERR. Gen. Supem lemk 1.1 i.j-alie- "it p 3 :&ES.MEi22 1 1S59. 11 arse pas ed homestead b.ll, giving The Presidents nomination of Clay to a cabinet position created a scandal that heads of lanvlies right to purchase one hundred and sixty acres of land at $1 25 for years disturbed political citcles. per c.c e. 1825. NATIONAL REPUIIUCANS. 1! 182 Clay and Adams factions united and assumed party name of National Republicans. National Republicans 'passed bill increasing tariff; this was defeated by casting the deciding vote in the Senate. Vice-Preside- 1827. 60. National Republican convention reaffirmed Loose Con: tructi 11 st principles, denounced Democratic adm nisiration in Kansas and Washington, declared Congress bound to preserve and defend freedom 111 teritories, declared in favor of protection, internal improvements, homestead bill, and a Pacific railroad, Suih has hwn tin recFut pro?rAs In our branrhof Industry that wo are now able Jo affirm that tho Jannta Hotuw 8ho - in ew ry respect pqual to the shoes which only afc.w years aco were rutatUNl at eight or ten dollars. If you will try on a nalr you will becoming! that vyo do not exaRcrute. Ours are the an I $4 Shoe, and time w no imitate our sy uf bumeNS me unable to compete with us iu original quuiUv ot factory prntiu' tn. In our urios y are Lhe largest mnnaf udurers in the United states. who is now vlaltln- -' the shoe rt ta.Ws of the jPaciile CoJot aud Rocky One of our tiavelluit v Mountain RKirm rites fioia there a f Mows : I am moro t!"m ulm tho result of n.vtrip. I have tints" fur succeeded lu placing our full Ho goes on to a.v, line In the bauds of A No. 1 dealers iu every point I have visited This is a mo'-- t t f t! tnelr customers at region for us to sll shots in, be.au-rffultn nru h irim; splendid onu tjuvme is that the retail ftDont double tho .rufs which tho tdo s hive e sfc tc whole1 Ih: ro p ivltuc mx or s ven doll .is a pah f shoes id e who wear shop m l an not w.u th njuen us our Sco cd on the mul g I tell hKft. Our hms with their r low retail pth o et ll l.S M E soles ot evt ry p dr au breuKOu clow n the hlch piles s which have hitherto ruled m the retail uiimj irkets here, and when a retail r puts a fall Uno of goods iu bis block they at puce begin to uo oil UU hot ckea, so gieat lithe demand thei). Now, kiml reider, lust stop an 1 consider s'hrt the nlovo iRTiIfles so farasvoii are concerned Ii Insure j ou that If mi LunonV mi? shoes bearin,; nomunufactureis'' name or fixed retail pi It e stum; d ou pav lo ible on tho soles, you cannot tell what ou me kcUIl and jour u tilth r Is probably marf!n vh it your bhoes ha cost him No a, can u affopl to do this while we are protei time ou by stampiuif our factory to that you cur tiamo aud ihe fixed retidl price upon tue boles of our shoes before they leave cumud be made to pay more fur ur shoes than tnev are w oi th ? rcfullers in nil nrln of Slioi9 fromweour r clebrnleil factory are poll! by wlde-nwnU- e Ihi willplac them caLy witlilu j ar rcata la any State or Tcrritorj if ou u Ul luveat one cent rouuiry. in a postal card ami write to us. W fr Lincoln JtUiloe MEANS & CO., 41 Mass. 1S61. St., Abandoned advocating connected conof canals roads be and to system UNION 1ARIV. structed and maintained by Federal On of withdrawal government. Higher tariff than that of southern members torequisite number of give Republicans P--. National convention 182; demanded. of Protectionists at Harrisburg. Passage majority, Kansas was admitted, bud of Nevada, Colorado and Dakota of tariff of 1S28, after debate of six weeks. organized. Morull tariff of 1861 passed. 1828. It protected manufacturers, and rendera W II- GAGE Pr.urti' for. d National nominated ed revenue a secondary cousiderauoti . Republicans Civil war War a fact. Ul Democrats enterCI.3 AMains for Prsident, and Rush, of PennCLP 0 V. the it until Republican organization, Candidates ing sylvania, for on both sides nominated largely by state was frequently called tlie Union party. legislatures, congiessional caucuses hav-:nC lOEVKt Ti 13.CL become a thing of the past. Among WATER POWER. the last acts ofthe Adams administration iic3L was the approval of tlie large appropriaQj The great ti Jal streams throughout the tion for internal improvement. 233.0 3.1 OCLl lpTLi2.'"'530-3Cj- e country, or' tiiat generated at the coal 1829. vv c3 td leader of the Nat- mines, here fuel ischeap, could be transClay mitted hundreds cf miles, and sold for is ional Republicans. G Started in western New Yoik, and mere song In an adlJss delivered in Glas d ). w CT3 OO opposed to the election of any Freema- gow some years since, Professor Simons, GO i son to office, I11 all essential political in eminent said the that electrician, 1 C TOR r, 1 zyo PRICES SA TIS1 principles, those of the new party were CTj anteans of transmitting power by the same as those of the National RepA SPgCIALTV. AND GOODS cr3 CIGARS BOTTLED the ublicans. soon must be electricity all'niportant CX3 1832. CT3 question of the day.What are the English 5 For the firsttime in the country's to do, he inquired, "When their coal is history national conventions were held exhausted? Of Niagara Falls he said: for the nomination of Presidential cat.-- d "The amount of water falling over. Niidates. tons an PiesidctUs message recommended agara is equal to ioo,coo,oco of taking out deposits of the United States hour, falling 150 feet. The amount revenue sind sale of stock in United coal to laise such a weight up required States Bank. Defeated under leaderto the point form which it fell, which is ship of Clay. National Republicans with of a ivv er yieldmeasure of the amount in States p (Jdhoun rghts Democracy major. ty against the a lministiaior. ed by the water in falling, would tequire President censured for removing de- the consumption of 25o,coo,oco tons of TDealer.s posits which is the amount Vf coal now coal, 1S35. rt consumed by tlie entire woild. Now. HUTTON a r,cb Opposed to state bank system, favor-- , if lUn ol the power used to chive BEEF, cent, 50 per ifff howwhich was, mg plan, tlie first dynamo machine could be reever, voted down. National Republicans chatting to covered from the second, and hence if VEAL . Whigs, Sepaiate candidates nominated the whole power of Niagara could be Conventions. by Whigs and it might he distributed over the Passage of bill for loaning Surplus of itilized, liUdoUB. revenue over $5,000,000 equally to states, United States so as to give from that direction of to be recalled by watci fall alone a power equal to the Congress. presgnt entire mechanical force of the jSgo. of the Passed independent treasury scheme world, estimating that one-hal- f used coal for is mechanical solely aud purBuren Van proposed by President, signed it.' At the Whig National Con- poses." The means by which Professor P. 0 BOX 46 KEPKI. vention, fur purpose of securiug Simnos would dra-- the power from the faction, the convention aband- Falls would consist of a series tff flumes oned Clay and nominated Harrison, who was elected by an overwhelming major- from the edge of the descent ot the American Falls to the level of the wutei ity, cariying all but seven states. 1ID Jli! below of a size large enough to carry tSgr. -the waters of the Niagtra River through Death ot President Harrison. John wheels. water Bill President. abolish became to Tyler Head-stone- s, passed tyy both houses, and bill to incorporate fiscal bank of the When cattle were at an abnormally United States passed, but vetoed by All cf Stone Cmiki President. Another bill proposed, and high price, so that they could not posand with of the sibly vetoed, Cabinet, must higher, go being again necessity EXECUTED IN THE NEATEST STYLE AND FROM THE ' BEAUTIFUL but oile exception, resigned. Whigs depreciate, men "went tiieir stieiiith, declarthe addresses WHITE OOLITE STONE OF SX PEiK. to sent out people and so far beyond as borrow and morting John Tiler read out of the party. would adni't of, in buying cattle, Passage, of an act to distribute proceeds gage of public land sales among the states. says an authority. Now that the prices 2 2G P. 0 Box 9. Reduction of duties by compromise tariff' are belov' the bottom, and by the laws renders government revenues less than of trade, and in and demand, supply the expenses. The Whig bill to continue nature of things they must just as cerduties under tariff of 1833 vetoed. Upon the clause for distribution of surplus tainly come up again, we seem cracd teveuue. President signed the bill, and it with a desire to give them away. Tue became the tarift of 1842. man who stays now will be ,11 luck, E5" 1S44. and cold judgment migV now take all nominated. Party opposed to the Chances that m id excUemeiU courtClay annexation of Texas. Clays letter of . The state of things is not . conciliation' to southern Democrats ed in 1 183-4desuahle ex peeled, hut tlie very nor his downfall. pioves Cariics a full line ofl'atent Medicine, Vrug-- , Fine Toilet Soaps, Face 1846. long lane lias its point of turning, and it t v. hom ike Teeth 1'ruLlx'.3, Spouse-- . --4 oyrh.goa-tic- . etc,' Icrhmiea Whigs votfunderprotest lonMexican is not far ahead. Ear j bitwar appropriations. New England cattle business is "good enough, there . by tlie ounce or bottle. Imported and Domestic Cigars, terly opposed the war. is a brighter day in the near future. m . ti GUI lioston, I LIQUOR STORE. TIME GASDo Passengei Trains leave Nephi daiiv follows' Going North at 5 48 a. m. and 2 25 p 1; Soul h 11.35 8 iS , Arrie at Salt Lake m a. m. &. 6 40 p. r Leave Sait Iake City at 7 20 a. in. and 4 ni. Passenger Trains leave Salt Lak for the North, to connect with ii, daily, U. P, Ry. andjiie U N N. Ry.,at 8;2u a.n 6 4 10 p.m. and ai me in Salt lake ..1 it 11 io a. in. aud 7.20 p. in. leave Nephi for the Freight North at 6 25 a. in. and for the voh al 7 20 p. Francis Cope, Gen 1 & P. Agi (oiin Sharp, Gen. Supt. Geneiai Offices, Mam Street. Salt Lak Citv. s cp - OXiarge Stools, oflootli Amci- POHT- - 0 rn ffllilQTTHJS for and I'nnail 3' trado. u Vice-Preside- PEOPLES MEAT- DENVER ANI) Rio C4 rnnde "VV ful! Sconls Lias of !!is IN EFFECT OC EAST Ogikn... Salt I ake tity 1IOVO . .. Springvitle J leaver .. tor, Lit is, pS8. BO I' Nil TRAINS: . . No 8 Lv. (1 1(J a 111 Ar. 11 IK a m .50 p in Ar. Ar . . . .. Chicago Ar. Ar. 1 CJ p in p m M am ti.lH) !l TRAINS. WE.Sl-BOU- iUe Sj rin Salt La.kcCity Oud r San Xraiicisco K ET MA in nil kinds of UiveStock. . Massachusetts, and Thomas Pinckney, of Maryland, claiming support as tlie authors of the government, advocates of neunality, prospeiity and peace, and the diiect inheritors of ' Washingtons pole". Adams receiving 71 to 68 for jellerson, was declared elected JPres;. ai dent. n 5cc-ia!- ZMiirrfi y V I . he, - Fiompt attention. Orders.ioEicl to mail parties agregipg. Wright - Party opposed the President iu his apenvoys to France. pointment of threeHamilton Trouble between and Adams. & Co., Anti-Mason- ic B iSco. Congressional caucuses named Adams and Pinckney. Federalist defeat in New York, leading to distuptiou of Cabinet, the President dismissing Hamiltons fiisocjs, wiiuin he bitterly termed a Hamilton attacked "British faction. I the President in severe language. m T $, i rr N Tablets. Monuments, ry SI! tNs 1S01. Federal.st party out of control of all blanches of government except the judi- ciary. Party still maintaining Its position iu advocacyol giving moie power to Federal government, JuJeralists ridiculed and attacked Fiesident Jefferson for his position m being adveise to increasing expenses by budding a navy, and his economy in the THE DRUG STORE Construction of small gunboats. 1807. MINER & CO. Condemned the President for the arrest of Purr, declaring it an executive usurpation of power. Burr acquitted for want of jurisdiction tSii." n i Pi os', 1. 111 u u, " v 11 v Leticoi- - hu.a, I oiveisal I.a-- i na( Wtakness, Inipotency .11 u loss t f power of tlie Gintiat.veOig.il. in eithc Sex, caused hy ind'screin n i r over exertion, and which lilt inately lead to PrtniaUiie Old Age, Insaimy and fi.coa box or six loxes fir I5.00. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Full particulars in pam- ;,!.. n. phlet, sent free to every applicant Vk Guarantee Six Boxi s to cure any case. F01 every $5.00 lATBKl older ieceived. we send six boxes, vv th a written guaiantee to refund tin; money if our Specific does not effect a cuie. Address all communication to the Sole Manufacturers. 1 HE MURRAY MEDICINE CO., Kansas Cuy, Mo Cal! on or address 11 in 8: WmruuXh Sale agents, Nephi. S, MAIN STREET, MANTI. 1805. la L - A gn'aia'iKee,! cm t discasi-:- , stum ,i I., vs ot Br on Pi Anti-Mason- Party approved Alien a Sedition law. Advocated increase.of navy to protect American ships against France, both Li Jackson, UNDERTAKER. MANUfACTUneR AND INPORTER OF ALL KINDS OF Caskets and Coffin Hardware Home made Coffins constantly on hand Embalming done on the shortest notice. He also lias a good line cf al cost. yFuii)iluie ndofsells Repainng al! kinds done on heffiori-es- t Coffins, no! n e .Sewing Marini t ygenl lor New Home and .Mach.ne extras, Neadies, Give him a call. Nephi, Utaii, e.c. eU th-.-'- to the trcngly opposed war policy of the Republicans, and supported Clinton, Republican (Democrat) for President and Ingersoll, of Pennsylt. vania, for 1S47. Whig majority in the House, and held The Utaii Produce Excliange will bv a large majority that the general s government had power to improve 1S12. open an office in the Grand Opera Block aud rivers. Salt Lake City in a short time. This Issued protest addressed to their conwill prove of great convenience to tlie 1848. war. stituents in opposition to the No Con- nominated. General Massachusetts aud of members. plat Taylor tpverpprs Tobaccos and Cigaretts. rerscriptions J&KNSONS SSENCE OF LIFE car-full- y FOR Vice-Presiden- hai-bor- M,. pvti Railway. viioli:sale and retail iuitciiers First contested Prts'dential election, Fe leiahsts naming Johi Adams, of le :fP- - jjEKTRL (jTAH 2- 1796. Federalists CONVENTION. no Ii, n 3t Eu-gan- Hamilton resigned from the Cabinet, and his plan of internal taxation indorsed and adopted. Indorsed, the president's approval of the Jay treaty with England, ' HARTFORD tor IV t4! r-- 1795. 1799- owUW g,5it fceLe locitf Ir' n j its L.t(n v effectual. : PURITY GUARANTEE 17S7 795- ElOLfckl 1549. g to-da- y 1 lesult. v Ireserlp has ha a nf tresJrt ADS. VAFEP. n PENNYROYAL v PARTY HISTORY. t 2SSS42 nccticut reAneJ to allow their militia to form adopted. Affirmation of the Wil-nileave their states. proviso as a party principle repeatvoted down Taylor elected. Whig edly 1S13 m ijority in the House strongly condemnFederahsls still contesting the war ed sale of slaves in Washington. River policy, strongly supported by Rustem and harbor bill passed House, but not states, and talk of a division between acted upon by the Senate. Whig party New Eagland and the rest of the Union rejected Wffmot proviso. V , SUIVIWER Compounded. n MINIS & 0, Ilawltins Building; Main Street, Nephi, -- , 1IF. eroaie-- t discf-vtr- ' COMPLAINTS, of the dty for the positive cure of colic. Cramp9. Cholera Morbjs, D.arrhcea, etc. Ji nfteraus lRY.f 60c all stores. C. E. Johnson mfr bait Lake City TOT! SALE NEPHI CO-O1 Al HIE P |