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Show SORRY!.. Mechanical difficulties Annual Report Of Activities Of Soil made it impossible to print the Social and Personal column this week in the Uintah Basin Record. This news will appear next week. The Editor Conservation District Released By Uintah Basin Officials UINTAH BASIN RECORD Kent Robison Is Thursday, June 7, 1956 Top Winner In Telephone Company Elects Officers, Holds Annual Meeting- Livestock Show Sen. A. V. Watkins Cited For Work On River Project - Not only did Kent Robison, Ioka Wanless Shields. Bridgeland A comprehensive report of the tional practical information for the Future Farmer of America, disfarmer and rancher, Monday night activities during 1955 of the Urn-ta- following: was elected' president of the board play the grand champion fat steer 1 Basin Soil Conservation Irrigation water requirements in the FFA class at the Uintah of directors of the Uintah Basin has been released by the fol for the major soil groups, includBasin Junior Livestock show at Telephone Association, following members of the who board, lowing ing proper length of run, frequenVernal last week, but his entry the annual meeting of the memberreport a very active year: Harold cy of application, etc. Senator Arthur V. Watkins (R was declared the grand champion ship. The entire board was re2 Our farms need additional Dudley, chairman, Randlett; Ray elected. S. Brown, vice chairman, Rt. 2 cash crops. We need to know what Utah) is the recipient of a cher- of the show. of Merit presentOther officers are Frank MorEver since he wras nine years Roosevelt; Forrest Hancock, sec- crops can be grown commercially ished Certificate ed to him in his office by Chair- old Kent who is the son of Mr. area, rill, Lapoint-Tride- ll retary - treasurer, Myton; Marvin and where a market could be de- man Tom Bolack of Upper Colo- and Mrs. Russen Robison, tias b en and James Lindsay, Mtn. Smith, member, Vernal; W. C. Foy veloped for such crops. Home as secretary. Retiring ofof Duchesne. They encourage the 3 Some research data on the rado River Grass Roots, Inc. and showing beef calves at livestock his fellow Aqualantes. adeach time he has finficers are Myron Brough, president, in and the Basin to take farmers shows, response of crops to commercial The Aqualantes are a four-stat- e and Mr. Shields, ished high in the rankings. This vantage of the services offered by fertilizers, especially nitrogen, unWilliam R. Evans, secretary. ElmeT the Soil Conservation Service. der local soil conditions would organization of citizens interested year is the first time he has shown in assuring the full development in the FFA class, the remaining The board of supervisors meet help promote use of these fertilizYergensen and Charles Crozier are of the water resources of the Upthe other members of the board has found his fat beef enterthe second Friday of each month ers. years Colorado River Basin. Senator ed in the in addition to the new and retiring His second class. 4 at 8 p.m. in the office of the SCS Determination of irrigation per of the four-stat- e officers. Tal Wardle is the associawon third place in the FFA at Roosevelt. water losses in canals due to seep- Watkins is a member entry delegation which campaigned class. He is a member of the tion manager. Cooperative Attitude of People ing, evaporation, transpiration and for this an effort capped Roosevelt FFA project, will and causes. other chapter In The District by passage this session of the Up- be a junior at Union High next 5 Interest in the districts conserFeasibility of using soil per if FISHING SEASON Colorado Storage Project, a is (Continued from Page One) vation program increasing amendments such as gypsum in $760 million development involv- year. j Following the judging at the ers will- - be planted, however, as , among farmers, ranchers and irri- improving the alkaline soils of the ing four states. y? soon as they are accessible and gation companies. Requests for as- district Chairman Bolack previously had Vernal show, Kents choice beef Information and field' trials on sistance in conservation planning conditions permit. a Certificate of Merit sold for 73d per pound to the presented Hotel Vernal, which brought a as well as for technical assistance new grasses which have been de- to President How much of the High Uinta EisenhowD. Dwight total of $608.00. The champion of in installing conservation practices veloped. mountain country can be reached er, who emphatically endorsed the -Robison THE OF Kent i SHOW GRAND CHAMPION are increasing. The District Program on the June 9th opening will be occasions the show came from Winterton Project on numerous in RooseIoka Future Farmer of America, proudly displays his fat HereRequests by irrigation companThe Uintah Basin Soil Conserv- and' signed the bill making it pub- Brothers Herford' farms dependent upon weather conditions ford beef steer which won grand champion of the Vernal Junior ies for engineering assistance were ation district is the second to this date. Continuing cold, are velt and Kamas, and was acclaimlic law. Other Certificates prior largest FFA in was beef His best week. Show last Livestock judged wet weather will mean many of greater last spring than could be in the United States For this rea- to be awarded, Mr. Bolack said, ed by Marden Broadbent, judge, division and grand champion of the show. Hotel Vernal bought handled by district technicians. son, the Soil Conservation Service to members of the Congressional as the best fat beef he has seen the high country trails and roads the calf for 73 per lb. the present year. Some additional SCS engineering has established three unit offices during will be blocked to travel. in four the participatdelegations time was made available to the Vernal, Roosevelt and Duchesne from the ' FFA The fishing hours are 5:00 a.m. Algo placing ing states of Utah, Colorado, Wydistrict, and some companies were lo work wuh the farmers. The oming and New Mexico. 9:00 p.m. daily, with the close to chapter of Roosevelt were: Creig Funds City Operation able to secure the services of pri- district is divided into five ar.-aRoss, second in fitting and showof the 128 day general season set Now Apportioned vate engineers, so all the com- if for October 14, 1956. ing swine; Gary Houston, with si. respOi..i i i ty. one 'or two choice and one good steer, panies were able to proceed on pervisor. The supervisor is re Sportsmen were reminded toFrom Tax Assements their projects. with Gilbert and fat activiHullinger for the day by the Utah Department of sponsible ordinary Considerable interest has been ties witoin his area. These areas lambs. Fish and Game to know the rules of the Apportionment major shown by farmers and ranchers in of Laird Evans of Arcadia won a amount of $9,044.31 tax money and regulations covering the 1956 responsibility are so arranged soil surveys and land' use capabil- that each unit conservationist is registered Duroc gilt from the from the 1955 assessment to the angling season before going afield Utah Swine Breeders Assn. ity information. There has also in close contact with two superCounters of deer herds in West- city funds have been announced opening day this year. It could be that the Altonah been an increased interest in drain- visors for coordinating district acern Duchesne County area have by Mrs. Hildur W. Johnstun, DuCopies of these regulations are American Legion post could have age. available from license agents over tallied 550 head during the annual chesne City clerk. tivities. Educational Activities . For next year steps have been another junior baseball winner Various funds set up for the op- the state, or may be had by callcounty by airplane. This count A very successful educational taken to develop a bigger and and successfully defend their 1955 was made in Red Creek, Currant eration of the city government ing at, or writing to, department title. With Alan Iorg pitching program was carried on by the better educational and publicity Creek, on Currant Creek Moun- received the following amounts offices at 1596 West North Temple, ball, and his team mates back By Bob Murdock district. Fifty eight articles were program, and to work with more tain and on Tabby Mountain. of the $9,044.31: General, collect- Salt Lake City. 10 him up with 9 hits and' Director J. Perry Egan noted, Counters were Dave Thomas, Du- ed on a 5.00 mill levy, $1,739.29; published in one or more of the farmers. Goals have been estab ing BEEF CULLING Each year several changes in fishlocal newspapers, and 20 articles lished for the 1956 action program runs, the kids from Toyack post 1.00 Roosemill and chesne, Nickell, water, irrigation levy, Lynn turned back Roosevelt 10-Topnotch foundation stock and velt, wardens. A Utah Fish and $347.86; street published in newspapers with state- to include each coil conservation lights, 2.50 mills, ing regulations are made by our Pete Nyberg, with three bingles a program of continuous and care-fu- Game wide circulation. Conserva- practice, soil surveys and farm 3.50 mills, commission as conditions and facts was $869 65; public safety, Department airplane in three trips to the plate and' A. culling of animals that fail used in tion films were shown to 20 groups planning. 4.00 mills, that have been gained from studbond the $1,217.50; interest, tally. making Denver with 2 for 4, led the upper to equal or improve upon their at schools, civic clubs and other 7.00 bond Mr. Thomas this count Our economy is built around the $1,391.43; mills, ies show these changes are needsinking, explained kids in their successful parents are necessary in breeding 1955 airplane $2,435.00; parks and' cemerery, 1.00 ed in the advancing management less the than was meetings. Ten conservation talks production of beef, sheep, dairy country were presented over radio station products and alfalfa seed. The dis- conquest of the Roosevelt lads. superior lines of beef cattle. 1.00 mill; of the states fishery resources. This is the advice of George count, and explained the reasons mill, $347.86; airport, KVEL. Six conservation talks were tance to market has not permitted Craig Pack and Leon Killpack mill Total for Deer this. have into moved $347.86. levy s for the He urged all license buyers to the two hits for Roose- Henderson, extension animal hus- the know the regulations in the interwas 26.00 mills. areas timbered' given in civic clubs. the use of high cash producing picked up city higher heavy bandman at Utah State Agricul- on est of better fishing and more to the mountains due Thirty meetings were held with crops. Higher taxes and high cost velt. the extra tural College, based on results of Pitched in season fishing pleasure in the season this irrigation company officials or of production are making some of area; early spring A Indian boy from research. ahead'. other irrigation groups. Twenty-fou- r the farmers wonder if they, too, in count would the resulted have S. U. the Prof. Henderson says named Walter The following were listed by the a greater tally had it been made neighborhood group meetings can raise other cash crops since Fort Duchesne The Scouing Division of Carter entered the junior baseball Department of Agricultures range as among the importwere held with groups of district all farms and farmers are not department a week earlier.' Oil Co. released the following sumstation in just as he beat Vernal 4 livestock experiment ant rule changes this year: latcooperators. Conservation material adapted to livestock or dairying. hall of fame The count the made ground oil of activities well found Miles that drilling City, Mpntana, Bate Regulations was distributed to all of the The production of beef and dairy in the other junior baseball game ter part of March in the area east mary for the week ending May 28, 1956: will be permitted with churches in the district for Soil products is the largest source of of the week. Vemal scored their selection and line breeding over a and west of the Golden Stairs Angling Drill Whiterocks Unit No. 2 4 runs on errors, thus spoiling a period of 20 years increased the any bait except cheese, corn, live Stewardship Sunday and appropri- income in the district. The alfalfa road tallied 996 deer, Mr. Thomas Stem Test No. 3, 4981-499- 5 n feet, desirable of t, level for many young average game ate observance of this day was seed market was very poor this said In comparison, the 1955 weak initial blow, dead in 18 min- fish, meat andor liver products Walter who looked mighty sharp. characteristics in individuals and' therefrom. Game made. Land judging contests were year. count area in this totaled utes, ground tool after iy2 manufactured specific lines of cattle. or cannot be thereof fish conducted in three of the high count this was part but continued 1,011, drill5 the ft. of District recovered Problems steers hours, blow, 10 of A Major year comparison 2 TEACHERS NAMED used as bait at any time. This schools of the district, and an farther up Red Creek than it was 5669 feet. Requests for technical engineer- BY SCHOOL DISTRICT sired at the station by a single this year, Mr. Thomas explained. ing fluid. Drilling at contest was held with regulation shows the addition of line of inbred bulls stands out as ing assistance, especially from irthree schools participating. cheese, corn, and live fish (or minHe said' count the indicated that GOLDEN GLEANER AWARD are much companies, The district gave a plaque to rigation Kindergarten teachers have been an example to which desirable deer herds in this area have not nows) to tlje baits that are illegal from 1) he can be improved (Continued Page each of the five schools in the dis- greater than can be supplied by named by the Uintah County charactesistics to any ex- Arcadia for the past 13 years. to use on any water at any time. in fluctuated numbers force. If School District for the Alterra says. Angling will be permitted with trict, and on it was engraved the the present technical Four Groups of steers started in tent the past year. This count She is now captain of the Red name of the student or team mak- these companies are to accom- and Whiterocks schools. Clair Holmechanical, lure, except no any to was from Duchesne made west the of View Ante Daughters Camp and objec- lingsworth will be the teacher at the feedlot at weaning weights lure shall have more than three ing the highest score in the school plish their programs Currant Creek, Mountain, Tabby of Pioneers. Utah of three hooks, and no line contest. The district also awarded tives, it appears they will have to Alterra and Mrs. Viola Horrocks averaging 442 pounds gained an Red Creek, Avintaquin and Sams Mrs. Horrocks was bom August gangs average of 1.99 pounds daily. Ten a trophy to the school winning the rely more and more on assistance will be the Whiterocks teacher. shall have attached thereto more J. Canyon. of a Vm. 1908, 26, steers of daughter Classes for the children began years later another group inter-schoarcontest This trophy from other sources, including priDuring the March survey range Workman and Elsie Dean Ander-- s than two baited hooks of two in The this flies. tificial will pass to the winning school vate engineers, unless more tech Tuesday and will continue until from the same inbred line averag- conditions were found to be good, o n Workman. change She married each year, and any school winning nical assistance is granted the dis July 13. They will be held from ed 456 pounds at weaning, and Mr. Thomas reported. The sage Clarence Horrocks at Heber, Utah, rule allows the use of any num9 a.m. to 12 noon daily. Trans- gained 2.48 pound's daily. Pounds brush the trophy three successive years trict. was in extra good condition March 16, 1934. The marriage ber of spinning blades on a mowProper management and use of portation for most of the children of grain for each 100 pounds of in most, areas. Some of the browse was solemnized in the Salt can keep it. Lake ing lure. gain increased slightly, from 586 had been eaten; however, One conservation tour was held, water is still a major problem, has been arranged. Angling shall mean fishing with LDS are the very ten-yeparents They But Temple. ir593 in to the period. For further information contact a single line attached to a rod or with 28 farmers participating. A both on the farms and in the of browse little the of Marva a a and important son, reusual daughter conservation display booth was ex- rigation projects. Much progress elementry school principals or the this is chargeable to the pole, or trolling board held in in cattle as plants were found to be in low Mae and Evan. hands or attended and having the hibited at the Duchesne County has been made in obtaining more board of education office at Ver- duced feed efficiency overuse. because of Last Tuesday night, the Mia fattening increases, USDA experts vigor attached thereto any legal bait Fair. A conservation program and efficient distribution and use of nal. of ward Arcadia Maids prethe note. tour was held jointly with the Ex- water, but there remains a great with a or lure. The word tended is sented Mrs Horrocks tension Service in connection with deal to be done in the way of obbeautiful friendship quilt, at the new in this definition and means the Uintah Basin Industrial Con- taining overall surveys and plans CONTROL WEEDS IN SPRING close of the past two years work that an angler must at all - times for the various irrigation systems. be within ten feet of the quip-men- t vention in August GRAIN them with Reclamation and improvements Conservation projects were carbeing used.. Memorial services were conductJUNE 2 If there are more than a few All the above rule changes and ried on in all schools of the dis- of saline and alkali soils is being UINTA SALES BARN NOfES CATHOLIC 17 ed of at in the soldiers it graves 151 CATTLE scattered weeds in grain fields it other regulations recognized more and more as a coverning the trict,. page one) are should in the Commercial cows, 11.25' - 13.50; pays to take control measures, re- the Duchesne, Utahn and Straw- of (Continued from major problem. Drainage problems Reason angling Research Needs and the royalty 1957 many bishops berry cemeteries on Memorial 'Day ; canners, proclamation. ports Lloyd Smith, Duchesne DisThis district is in need of addi- - are extensive and complex. Re- utility, the Duchesne American Legion of Catholic nations, the Feast of by commercial and steers, trict quests for assistance in draining utility agricultural agent. was Jesus of Sacred the Heart Poppy wreaths and American flags and improving these soils are in- 14.10 - 16.20; commercial bulls, Early planted spring grain has were used to decotate the graves granted. for the first time to many 15.00; utililty, 13.00; good veal, made rapid growth the past few creasing. Duchesne Unit, American dioceses by a decree of the Sacred the There is a real need for a con- 19.50-22.2utility and commer- days. But good soil moisture and by Congregation of Rites during the educational cial, 15.00-18.0stocker and feed- warm days are also favorable to Legion Auxiliary. Pontificate of Pope Clement XIII. Women over 35. Good income tinued and expanded was Titus Jones, chaplain, 16.00-18.7post Electric Motor with plainer weed1 growth, Mr. Smith says. Wiring program in the district, especially er steers, After another hundred years, in in Color of the services. contacting established Avon 10.25-15.0charge ranchstocker - Building Eait and and farmers of moisture soil rob in These New kinds, Location acquainting pests Pius IX granted the customers. Experience un1856, as well as businessmen with feeder heifers, 15.00 16.75, with and fertility and reduce yields. bearers were Ralph Madsen, John Feast Pope Roosevelt of Standard ers, Church. whole to Manthe to Avon May Rex necessary. Write Chester Lyman. ; cows They also make grain difficult to Burdick, the role of the Soil Conservation common kinds, Utah in an Roosevelt, result centennial this year were Ronald' and ager, 164 No. 700 East, Provo, District as it Davis Bishop harvest. applies to the over- with calves at side, 130.00-134.0- 0 Phone Roosevelt 335 increase of devotion to the Sacred Utah. most buglers. Members of the firing Heart. all agricultural program. There per pair with common kinds, By spraying with 2, Bernell were Bailey, Troy squad comHouse Work or tend children, in seems to be a lack of complete baby calves, white- annual weeds can be killed Weston Despain, Robert or around Duchesne. Contact Mrs. understanding as to just how each face calVes, 15.00-18.0- 0 per head; pletely and at least the tops killed Despain, Woodrow Gunter, Day, Eugene into of Holstein various fit This the is on most calves, posagencies Jersey perennials. Sally Wheeler. Davis and Albert Petersoit the complete program. sible without injury to grain. calves, members assisting Auxiliary POULTRY WANTED 313 SHEEP Utah State Louis A. Jensen, Cash paid at your coop. Write Good to choice fat lambs, 22.85-23.7- Agricultural College extension ag- with decoration of graves were: South Washington Poultry, 3253 Parents Reminded Of and commercial, ronomist, says spraying should be Maxine Burdick, Sarah Rasmussen, dtility Carma Gunter, Helen B Mott, Lily Wash. Blvd. Ogden, Utah. 16.00 21.00; slaughter yearlings done after grain has stooled out and 4th Grade Physicals well and before it reaches the Goff, Dorothea W. Morton and old' crop lambs 10 HOUSE MOVING H. Jones. Nellie Parents are reminded by the slaughter ewes, 4.75- 7.00, with booting stage. Houses moved' anywhere. Free There were 11 graves decorated He recommends that 2, 4 D be breeding ewes, estimates. Or we will buy houses Duchesne County Board of Ed younger in the Duchesne cemetery, 5 at 50 canner canner 34 of the 3.00; rate used at ewes, pounds per or buildings and move them away. ucation that June is the month and one at Strawberry. Utahn 2.50; ewes with lambs at acre for small weeds. The applisuggested for physical examina bucks, 20.50-24.5Phone Roosevelt 014-Jper pair; older cation should be increased' up to tions for fourth graders who will side 1 12 enroll in Duchesne County Schools ewes, 11.50-17.5pounds per acre for larger Taxpayers Meetings 137 HOGS weeds. this fall. Printed forms to use in and Planned Butcher hogs, 170 - 190 lbs., Most of the common brands on Reported Full line of Ferguson parts and recording physical examination in Heres the great new herbicide discovery youve a half dozen taxpayers than Less - the market 17.00of 15.75 one contain 17.60; lbs., pound Farm Equipment. Carter Ranch formation aie obtainable at the been reading about in the leading farm magazines. County lbs., active 2, 17.70; packing sows, 300-40of office of doctors in the county. per quart. Therefore met with the Duchesne Supply'. li mile south-weBoard of Equalization at its first 11.75; 720 lbs., 8.00; feeder pigs, apply ?4 to 1 12 quarts of 2, Roosevelt on Highway 40. 5 16.00-18.7100-15- 0 0 lbs., per acre. Mix the chemical with meeting for 1956, reports Porter Mechanic and service man wantThe reformer must be a hero at lbs., ; county clerk. This meetweiner pigs, 3.50- - water and use 10 or more gallons L Merr ed. Contact Carter Ranch Supply, all points, and he must have con- 7.75 per head. of solution per acre, Prof. Jensen ing was held at Roosevelt May 1 31. The second meeting was held of Roosevelt on quered himself before he can con2 mile 27 HORSES says. Du014-J40. Phone . Baker others. Highway Killer horses, He warns that farmers should June 5 at the courthouse in quer Eddy Mary lbs., 6.30-6.7horses over 1000 lbs., be careful when spraying sensi- chesne, and the final meeting will tive crops, flowers or desirable be held at the courthouse on June 55.00 65.00 per head; 51.00-63.0RUSSIAN KNAPWEED Dont spray near them 20. lbs., per head; unbroke trees. QUACK GRASS he lbs., colts, 550-75- 0 per when the wind is blowing, Does not sterilize the soil Restrictions Lifted adds. head; saddle horses, 51.00-63.0uer head. FREE ESTIMATES On Culinary Water Great men are they who see Restrictions on the use of culAnd he gave is for his opinion, that spiritual is stronger than any Theres nothing else like it. rule could make material two ears whoever inary water for sprinkling lawns that force; that thoughts Kill your really tough problem weeds. was lifted last week by the Duof com, or two blades of grass, the world. chesne City Council. City officials to grow upon a spot of ground DEALER TODAY. TREK BULLETIN ON REQUEST. YOUR SIS The people of a land reflect may find it necessity to reinstate where only one grew before, Write to: H. A. THOMPSON schedule unless would deserve better of mankind, that land. And people with pin- tha regulation Town Motel, Heber City, Utah and do more essential service to ched faces and hopeless spirits water users restrict their water as the MYTON, UTAH his country, than the whole race have no excitement in freedom use voluntarily, PHONE HEBER CITY 129-of politicians put together." and security and the dream of water pressure has been very low Clare Leighton the past few days. Swift. democracy. Dis-tric- vice-preside- nt 4-- - 550 Deer Counted s Pitchers Shine In Opening Junior In Western Duchesne County Baseball Contests tn( ll No-Hott- er NEWS OIL Six-kill- 7-- no-hi- no-ru- Memorial Services Held For Soldiers Livestock Market REPORT 7.00-9.00- 9.50-11.0- 0; WANT ADS E. A. Call Service REFRIGERATION 0; Cosmetics 12.00-14.00- 4-- 85.50-120.0- 5.00-10.0- 1.00-1.5- 8.25-130- 3 0 (An Ferguson Parts 190-24- Aminotriazole Weedkiller) 0 0 st 4-- 4-- e 70-10- 5; 14.25-15.75- KILLS So.-we- st 3. 1000-140- 0 CANADA THISTLE 800-1000- UPHOLSTERING 0 18.00-64.0- 0 Non-selecti- ve THOMPSONS MOBILE UPHOLSTERING SERVICE MOODY BROTHERS R |