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Show W UINTAH BASIN RECORD LOOSEN GRIP 1 siating - Id aya beliefs aR n, t. 98.44 1 capital k,nt;sts at Atlantic of the state of med elplit ropu-no- t . Canal true thus: what Its 'thinks before the are ilirtn marks sees or . mother j is born; or child average length than j ninth longer :o said "jpnced by A cans, on or aly, at :ash nr st and , (1 are always orders are caused cons-,,0- d jujren of first a IBECK ' rator l June good parentage, are lication heavy persons limbs great physical e of evolution descended from minded HfMe ; a on Jtes lm-ar- iWry ke, one ikes in 20 and of the hysical unbased In fact interesting because' y;cfs n venerable None of cepted errors is of them arises from the youngest even y; (incernlng the theory ,f a considerable age; cum-jina- a is s mind. people re-,e- ram in on the Y, U immit. r contra.j have been and time again, ry in vigor apparently there is no sign that sum-2- fol- - j ground under suing filial. accepted by the poplins more lives than a The earnest incul-jnctrin- e . who attempts an almost indertafces Nor tked. does this mean The untruth Is eturesquely, dressed; circumstances that It are vividly related d lamp 1 every memory, while the likely to be a drab the 'he old tis and is jnt lire ifs and bills. with d Hair persuade grow their hair and in order to help the Bobbed a to trying h s, NKS sand schools for girls of young plaits and big decorativeiy ar- - posters : :s long most Relief Safe , iposure Drug t To and Dust nd W, Stores Chicago, for Free Book nine? INI hard-ridin- g r' ' Lzj OF THE Mry m m VINGIE alr-ma- C.ROE.... llv-ln- wind-swep- . ttimm Irritated ss tic soubriquet, ne was very old, get the chill It gave her. Shed and the rigors of life had leaned be all right by day. him to the bone; Its suns had And so she was, visiting with burned his wrinkled skin to the color Myra, laughing and happy, watching of old leather. But there was In the Servant ride away, his saddle his face a flame that shamed the bags bulging with Myra Little's gen evil out of men beholding, hard, cyn- erotis gifts of food. ical as they might be She stayed two dajs at the They put him up and fed his bur- Black Sheep and left early on the ros, and listened quietly, these third, much to Myras dissatisfacdark, men of cattle ramp tion, who held her hand as she and sheep camp, while lie told them leaned from Darkness saddle and ') A of their sins and the Hope of the talked till the last minute. World that never died. How much '' KJ-f of It went in he never knew, since CHAPTER IV they are a silent let, but It was not his job to know. That was to The Spots of the Leopard. amafiAT give the Word, that only. u A T THE home ranch Sonya found So now Sonya watched him, smiltwo letters from Rodr?1 ing a little In gentle sympathy, and ney Blake which completed her enB recalled the stories of his good- tire return to the commonplace. I ness and his unbounded courage She smiled as she read them, and COPYRIGHT DOUBLE PAY. PORAN &Cq Inc. which she had heard. A strange for the first time It seemed as If W.N.U. SERVICE little old man, filled with undying there might be a charm or two In zeal, his a fire of evangel, the great city he depicted so colorSYNOPSIS twins, and that Sam Savina, notori- like those spirit amazing padres who had fully. ous border thief, had been found She rode over to Chee wash to see Seeking death by throwing herself Just across the Iiio Grande cruci- walked the West In an earlier day, he commanded the respect of all Two Fingers and Little Moon the from the summit of Lone Mesa, to a fied, Mexican grim escape dishonor, at the hands of a warning to his who came In contact with him next day and found tiie Indian womdrunken desperado, Sonya Savarin kind. the gentle, mad old Servant of the an up, and about the simple matallows herself to be rescued by her Also that the Servant of the Lord Lord. ters of her hogan, her rug, and her suddenly sobered and repentant at- was coming In to the Black Sheep tacker. The girl is a The sun went down entirely, and family. that very night on one of his cong physician to the Navajo Indians, It gave the girl a thrill to see her the vast spread of the sandy levels on an Arizona sheep ranch with stant Journeys. The two bits of clothed themselves In royal purple so, the flush of joy that .such her brother Serge, his wife, Lila, news seemed to suggest each other ; and their small daughter, Babs. She the a painters dreams. The vindication of her work always crucifixion and the gentle, half-ma- d beyond Is engaged to Rodney Blake, wealthy wmrld was a lovely plnce, the brought She was poor as the goods old man who rode the desert New Yorker, but her heart is with of this world went, they were all the friendless Navajos and she country year In, year out, In the Servant said in his soft old voice, fit footstool for the feet of God. fairly so, Serge and Lila and little evades a wedding. Sonya pulls Lit- effort to save souls. Sonya had There was no evil in tle Moon, wife of Two Fingers, a it of Itself. Babs, but she felt very rich inside Navajo, through the crisis of an Ill- seen him a time or two before. man made evil. Man, with his her, arrogantly rich, and she could Only ness. Two Fingers Is deeply grateIn her turn she told Myra of the smile up at the blue heavens with greed and his cruelty. ful. Sonya again meets the man who sickness of Little Moon, of Mr. Sat-te- r a secret sense of fellowship. had insulted her. He tells her he Beelzebub was abroad In the land and the children he had gathSo she left her last Instructions bitterly regrets his action and has Beelzebub and his henchman. He never had a minute's peace since ered In from Blue Sand wash, and with the little family at the hogan, had seen them with his own ejes, that dav. Sonya Is affected, but finally of the man of Lone Mesa patted the cheek of the youngest and what had happened that day he the Servant of the Lord In hum- round-eyechild, and rode away ble places. They traveled together erect In her saddle and t on the top of the table-land- . pretty well by night, and danger waited on satisfied with herself CHAPTER III Continued and the world death and danger and disas- at 4 My heavens! said Myra breath- them, large. ter. had struck Just across the It as she visioned the girl hangIt was In this mood that she came So she Jogged away down Chee lessly In that stark form hung Border wash, her hat down over her eyes, ing on the face of the precipice, upon a cross. It was no common under the tall face of Lone Mesa. As she swung round its southeastsmiling a little Just In the Joy of why did you take that jump? thief who rotted there In the windy ern flushed. Sonya side, she decided to go tip. Tiie the of and the desert beauty living sun, but one who had betrayed Ills Why? Do you think I'd care to trail, cut Into the sheer face by There was no one sick about, now master. Beelzebub that himself, that Little Moon was getting well, live after after being the plaything master, dark and cold and wicked those long dead inhabitants of the a of went np from here, angling drunken I? would some do renegade? of she the things and as Infernal fire. He was a power pueblo, and so that none but What did he look like? asked sharply, she wanted to do for herself for a and a force not to be reckoned with the level headed steep to make It. dared Was cowa he Myra curiously. she For would time. one, go long or questioned. Though several hun- She was such, and so was the good over and spend a couple of days boy? dred rnlies lay between the Border horse under her, though they had Sonya considered. with her friend Myra Little, on the and this sheltered spot, still the both sweated in a cool day the first was he dressed like Well, one, Black Sheep ranch. She hadnt seen time they had attempted It. her for three months, and she was yet I wondered what outfit he could It was a stiff and slow climb, but work for, since were all sheep over very fond of her. presently they gnined the top and She started early to avoid as much there, you know. And he was good scrambled up through tiie small deof the days heat as possible, and to look at Tall and slim hipped, file that was the steep trails end. blue the with strangest long In eyes made the long hard ride good As they went forward Sonya felt Odd saw. ever could I that eyes Into door time, trotting Myras yard the In a surge and thrill she always felt second. were They on change Just as she was putting dinner at sight of the vast reach of the fierce at first, like a hawks, reckthe table. world about her, spread out so far Myra, a tail, gaunt woman, des- less and selfish. They made me fubelow. Taking off her hat, site sat to at look And them. rious Just ert bitten of face and form but long In contemplation, her hands dawn fair Inside her soul; was at then, when he saw I was In dead the hat resting on her pommel. and about earnest this about disthing her stirrup before she could a long time she sat so, then For terrible with they turned perfectly mount. reined away toward the right. Site a who a sees man's like catchanxiety, My soul alive! she cried would circle the mesa, look at the If you ing the girls hand, now Just Isnt child dying and cant help, silent white houses with their fiat this a treat! Ah, Sonya, how glad I see what I mean. Well, anyway, its roofs, still amazingly intact, look at ancient history, and I hope I never am to see you! the great stone basin which was She put her arm around the girls lay eyes on him again, the always sweet with water nearly now me And tell about waist and the two women entered In the yearly rains. caught the ranch Hows going? the wide low ranch house where the yourself. she left the ancient Presently It was twilight when they came savory smell of baked mutton and tank and went on toward the north, some ranch and Into the out yard, potatoes scented the warm air. circling the huddled houses, and was one was coming into the round Sonya smiled around at the cool, turning eastward around them when corral where the tanks stockade big deep room, so plain, so comfortable, she stopped dead stilL sweet waters from with where this courageous and intrepid shimmered A horse stood there In the blue This well under the windmill. Myra lived her hard working life. the shadow of the silent walls and a If ever creature a there was strange The meal steaming on the table man sat on his haunches smoking was plain but good: hot bread, the was one, that sat wearily on his a cigarette. The horse was golden another little leading burro, gray mutton and potatoes, onions sliced as a raw Ingot, and tiie man was In vinegar, and a can of fruit and hazing a third ahead of him bronzed and lean. The light of hjs a thin, stooped figure In rusty black head shone In the cool shade. opened In her honor. Myra owned bare Tank Ancient She them Left the about bore that Presently garments and ran the Black Sheep ranch. looked He up, and Sonya looked North. the and Went On Toward something of the dignity of chancel down, and the girls eyes dilated Oh, Sonya, said Myra happily, and brimmed A wide Wicked One could with swift excitement. I just cant tell you how good it Is black sacristy, hat sat squarely on the finger of the So! she said coldly, her lips The old man had even to see you! Its been a long time head of here. reach long white hair that fell You come here shadows. suddenly tight seen shadows. since we had a talk, an I'm Just in Many shoulhis to dusty ringlets goin to lay off the whole afternoon ders. The tired burros drank as If Chief of them the Master's blue- again? The man arose, a single motion henchman. No good stayed Come on, Sonya, for the matter. famished, and the master stepped eyed Blue-eyeOne went by. beautifully correlated. the where let's go an rest. paoff the one he rode, standing Sonya, not conscious of what she Sonya followed her Into the dark- tiently beside It while It slaked Its He had beard of him across the the tall one with was doing, sat looking at him, and as last Line year, ened room beyond, which served thirst. bronze-colorehair who was always presently he looked up at her, a the best room of the house. On Its Myra laid down her pan and was to follow. straight look, humble and still. of when disaster seen walls were astonishing paintings went toward this newcomer, her I like the mesa, he said. Its A sign and a symbol of disaster, the desert land In oils: rich, true, hand extended-Hello- , from so so and far And wild the austere, one with high eyes. have tail would this glowing canvases that sir, she said. Were drawn their crowds In any gallery glad to see you. Theres plenty of he had seen him three days back from everything. At the contact of his glance tiie of the world. These were Myra Lit- feed In th barns yonder. Put up riding down the trail to Red Rock tles romance, her satisfying draught your stock an come on In. Sup- canyon on a horse of solid gold. strange tense feeling which this So did the Wicked One mount his man's presence had caused at every of beauty, her outlet for that Inner perll soon be ready. followers. meeting took hold on Sonya. It was fineness which found so little chance said the Good day, my daughter, not fear It had never been nor reand In the stark service of the sheep. was It late, growing Well, old man, shaking hands with her. The old were al- pugnance, nor tiie anger which had Always they struck Sonya anew I'm glad to be here, too. The he was tired. So he would find his stirred her, but a little of all shot tired. with their austere magnitude, and road Is ways Ive come long sometimes. If his friends through with something which she before now stood and sh6 as sleep, blankets always from Juniper Tank today. could not define, a sense of prophthem marveling. permitted. Is Wliewl whistled Myra. That ecy, a forecast of destiny. said she a a bowed with lean Myra, Its shame, He rose and a long trail, an a hard one, espeIt chilled her within and sent a forsome of remnant now, shaking her head, that these vague grace, cially for burros. wave of fire across the chill, and York. In New be cant went toward and away hung pictures time, Oh, they do well, my little fel- gotten made with his for a wild moment she felt as If the Maybe some day when I'm there I'll of the the camp he had servants betrue lows. They're see about the matter. his burros, and solid rock were falling away and weary packs You goln there, Sonya? Takin Word, never complaining, always Sonya Savarin sat still in every neath her. Tlien she caught herself DarkTheir reward Is certain, willing. with a strange together severely and lifted a trip? asked Myra quickly. he un- atom of her body ness rein, and the man spoke again. If husha and yes. No Im sure. If I werent, Id as seemed It No, said Sonya, stillness. he said, please. Miss Please, happy; they are so patient, so gentrip. Going to stay, I guess. ing hand had been laid upon her tle. Ill go dont go away. Savarin, and sinister cold What? He looked at Myra anxiously with spirit, something her like a cloud. right gladly. and came word The sharp. came down upon quick his faded old dark eyes. He reached for the bridle of the Evil seemed to fall with the night Sonya moved uneasily, nodded. woman the said hastily, horse and drew It to him, Sure, golden and presI think so, she said, turning to mans old words, as and the be rewarded. Just sure theyll hesitating. a When look at Myra gravely. ently she shivered and wrapped her I know Ive got no right even to woman Is engaged to marry a man, sure ns anything. arms aeross each other as If to smiled relievedly. to you, he said, or look at Servant The speak hershook doesnt she goes where he lives, shut It out. Then she I knew you'd understand, Mrs. after that day up here, after you she? self and listened to Myra, who was he said. Some people dont. but If I W'as to be hung for It next Little, was. know I Servant mad the how didnt Why, second I couldn't help It And I smile when I tell them that. saying No. It Isn't public property, but They A strange old creature. Gentle and want to cause you another Now up. Ill go I am. Itodney Blake, an old college kind and quite, quite mad, so Myra dont trouble or unhappiness. If to down minute's sat all later A little they man. friend of Serges. Fine thou gilt. rnea's a favorite place of here studied this and Sonya Myra stood silent, searching a simple meal, But Sonya thought he was some- yours, I'll never come again. Don't had She careful him with glances. her clear gray Sonyas face with how akin to her In this quixotic cruslay away yourself. It's too sweet heard so much about- him. eyes. Only he had to he lost. sade suffering. against the come from, Where he had she said presentWhy, Sonya, added sin ns well. But you'd lose It, Sonya said did not know, or where he ly, how will we all ever do with- country And he seemed to have a vision. had ever If he or against her will. out you? And yet thats only selfish- made his habitat, It was tills prophetic vision, fitI'd lose my right hand If It would summer's and In rain one. shine, Youve ness. It will he fine for you. so closely with her own sense help, ho said doggedly, looking ting the rode he cold, lived so fast and deeply In this des- heat and winters of disaster concerning certain down and fiddling with his latigo. mounts, on his stretches tiny back lonely ert Hint Its only right you go first-aitilings, which seemed to fall upon Hui, said the girl through her where you belong, get the rest an carrying his Bible and Ids so chill a touch. with her a sharp and cynlcJtl sound. in nostrils, saved had life thats coinin to you. You de- kit. Many a life he herold was he repeated, an ad She Biffle! I would, getting emergency; many a difference he serve it. and the al- you've got to do Is set a mark to was the It self! night coura of bit Well nia, be. But now lets sit had patched np; many ienee of the vast country under Its prove It. Is there anything anv We havent had age lie bad put In some falling down and visit. stars. What were rumors of single thing that a man ran do to and him great far called They a real talk fest for months and heart. bandit to ber? A dark prove his word? Tell me, and 111 a Border from shortened wide the Sen ant, months. crucified Ids who do It. of the Lord, and he renegade Sonya heard thru the Brights still The Sonant She would for- (TO BB CONT1YUSD.) fantas Nothing. that but name no other hud of a bad east pair oer farther al Mineral Water 3y Help d IFIND IT y BENEFICIAL LAWS riion and sh ex-- years the great World, given to us aye proven them-d- l tloa for ,al n the treatment acllcs ai,d pains, nesS( certain stomach tenancy ter chronic ailments, children, itmiated that Ameri-d. Prlc: spent $100,000,000 a the mineral wells 1 3 EurPe- - Over foreign mineral .vltll full rted annually into this i ,JsuiIcrmg humanity. Eu- ,VS fullj iCf5,y lP E to . y,atural mineral water. :o tfarvelous mineral roluntor n country many ex-- I iirts to which you can "7 water treatment yg ani Jches and pains. f a!l, I however, is Jay ;; gale you can make a w .iter in your own !t hourf in ex- , . saving full? an .. atcr Crstals train tal form, healthful lrm one of tin ,fral waters. Just th, , PIETY :;K?'iungis added. AngeM ('tC,a7-- Watc ie hand, drmkm(, watcr aii 't nmural water tin.-;uiis to better health a-3 "Wss. a .. )F ANT k :it, ' s f . and is sulh thorough jj f ;n'rri;ltic Pains. Crazy Wells, Texas. FFER . "Cl-k- s VALS LAVi ' wAKsr ky$rAiu - Cl, f 4 i'ers displaying ctiviy- you r 5.00 rappe" ;!) Fr?:y Water d doulde-crosser- 2 1 ,l That Body of Yours By JAMES V. BARTON, M. D. Natural Defenses of the Body ALTHOUGH man has a there are a number of things done by tiie body to protect him that are not directed by man's will. Something irritates tiie nose and a sneeze removes it. Something Ir- ritates tiie throat or bronchial tubes and a cough sends It up and out of the body. Some food or other substance, placed In the mouth, Is Irritant (acid) or likely to Interfere with free movement of the parts and Immediately there Is a great flow of saliva or the mouth digestive Juice. Tills dilutes the substance so as to be less Irritant, or If It disturbs movements It is washed away. If an offending substance gets down Into the stomach, It Is usually quickly thrown upward and outward by the walls of the stomach. Similarly with the eye. Although it Is set In a bony socket, and has a quick acting curtain (the eyelid) to shield It from harm, little substances do get Into the eye. When this hap pens tiie tears flow abundantly to wash the substance out. However, as Dr. Walter B. Can non, Harvard, points out, there are other processes going on In the body which, while they do not act as quickly as sneezing, coughing, vomiting, and the flow of tears, are protecting you all the time from various troubles. Something rough rubs or presses the skin and a callous Is formed which serves both as a cushion and as a shield. If tiie skin Is broken, little blood vessels appear In the clot which fills the gap, and the surrounding skin reaches out and fills the gap, with only a whitish sear remaining. In a person living at or about sea level the number of red corpuscles Is about 5,000,000 to the cubic mill meter, whereas if they go to live In high mountains, 14,000 feet, the number slowly Increases to 7,000,-000- , thus providing more oxygen which Is now needed. If the need continues, the blood forming organs In the marrow of the long bones become more active and the blood is thus enriched until the Individual comes down to the lower altitude again. Then there are the white corpuscles of the blood which attack and kill harmful organisms that en ter the body. The above ore Just a few of the natural defenses of the body. Surely we are fearfully and won derfully made. Lessening the Distress in Hay Fever are a hay fever victim. YOU exhave tried the pollen find yourself one of the number not helped by them. You have heard about the all chambers or air rooms where victims may spend a number of hours a day free from the Irritation of the pollen that Is In the air, but there Is none of these chambers In your vicinity or you are unable to afford the time and money even if there were. What enn you do to lessen the Irritation from liny fever? These Is no question but that some of tiie preparations sold by your druggist will give you some relief. Most of them contain adrenalin, and some have some pain killing preparations mixed with the tracts and RETIRING CHIEFS OF STATE FACED WITH DIRE CARES The problem confronting every e President Is a difficult one. Grant tried to support himself In business with a partner, lie knew nothing about business matters and Hie failure of his firm was a national scandal He was driven to spend the last of his life, through a long Illness that ended in Ids death, writing hi memoirs, in order to get money. President Roosevelt once remarked that any man who had been in public life long enough to he PreMdtuit had so lost touch with his previous profession or business that making a living of the sort required by his station was often a serious problem, lie pointed to tiie case of Grover Cleveland, who after his retirement after his second term was forced to supplement his income by writing for magazines. Finally his friend, Thomas F. Ryan, obtained his appointment at a good salary ns a trustee for tiie majority stock of a life Insurance society, which relieved him of financial worries. President Taft retired to a dignified lectureship In the Yale law school until his appointment to he Supreme court President Coolidge had saved enough of his salary to support him. But he supplemented his Income by his writings. He was of a placid temperament and so was content to live ns a sort of national sage at Northampton. It 1ms been suggested that the great experience of ought to he available to the country by an automatic retirement to the federal senate. Tiffs would require a Constitutional amendment. To the objection that such procedure would state more give the than two members of tiie seriate, tiie answer Is made that an more than any other man, has a national rather than a state viewpoint and ulleglance, Kansas City Star. -- Proof Potitivo The moon shone down brightly on the two lovers nestled together on the park bench. lie was whispering sweet nothings Into her ear. darling, I Darling, he cooed, gwear I have never loved like tiffs pfore. She started. Oh, Jack, she exclaimed, "you that Isnt true, Know llow about when you ran Into a tree when you were out with Doris, and a telegraph pole with Mary? NEVER FELT BETTER SIKCE SHE LOST 39 P0B3B3 CF FAT Throe months ago I rtnrled using Krusohen and weighed 201 lbs. Todav after starting my 4th jar I've lost 39 11)8. and am in perfei t condition really I never felt bo well." Mrs. li. C. Terry, Tampa, 11a. lion stay fat and tinaltnielive not when its so easy and mfa to get rid of double chins, ugly hip fat and unbecoming plumpness on upper arms at tiie same time build up strength and increase vitality feel younger and keep free from headaches, indigestion, scidity, fatigue and shortness of breatfi. Just take a half teaspoonful of Krusohen Salts first thing every morning in a glass of hot water. If not joyfully Fatished with results of one 85 cent jar (lasts 4 weeks) money back from any drugstore the woild over. But make sure you get Krusthen the SAFE way to reduce. S VM 75 PARKERS HALS AM HAIR Hnlr tillo Removna fr adrenalin. 4 Impart Color and to tray and Faded Hair Is there anything else you can do j&JBeiUy fcxawi$l no at to help carry you through tills tryh. nWfc,!-iit Meal fur in reHXlKtMOW hHAMI'OO ing time until the frost brings Conner? ion wt h Parkers Hair HalRm.Mkea t he lief? bair soft and Hull y. M ronis by mail or at Hay fever sufferers have found gibta, Ih&cox Chemiral Works. Palchoguo, N. Y, that If they keep themselves In good condition physically, paying strict attention to their diet and to Intestinal movement, they get a great measure of relief from tiie hay feBlisters, cracked skin, itching or ver symptoms. burning soon relieved and besliog Diet Is most Important. It has promoted with soothing been found that an acid diet aggravates tiie symptoms In a great many cases, so that while acid foods must be eaten they should be eaten In smuller quantities during tiie hay fever season. Tiffs means Hint cereals, meat, eggs, fish, coffee and tea must be cut down; butter and sugar kept at their usual amounts; and vegetables, fewest Hotel fruits and milk Increased. Tiie bowels must be kept active by tiie use of fruits and rough or coarse 9 i ; vegetables. In some rases very small a salts half doses of epsom h . (; U vV j t every morning has been DamJrafT-Kto- j Salt Lake City :k , , S found helpful. No one ever dies of bay fever but It Is a very miserable ailment during tiie weeks It exists, and until a cure Is found for each case, following tiie above suggest long may be of some help. (Copyright ) W NU Srv!c. Blankets Four-Poi- In referTiie term, ence to a blanket, means weight. A point Is a Canadian unit of weight A slightly nmre than a pound. Hudson Bay blanket Is a very heavy blanket used by trappers and traders like an nrmy blanket, except that It Is even heavier. It may he gray, tan or patterned, but a favmite color is red. four-poin- . , t.v y . i : i ' ' i . , a . . i I. i, HOTEL TEMPLE t, 200 Rooms 2C0 Tile Baths Radio connection in every room. RATES TROM J51.30 Just opposite Mormon Tabtmocln ERNEST C. ROSSITER, Afr. - |