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Show UINTAH BASIN RECORD PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT DUCHESNE, UTAH Roy A. Schonlan, Publisher and Editor ADVERTISING RATES second-clas- s matter Fintarori Display Advertising at Postoffice 1922 the at 26, Flat Rate, For Plates, Per Agate May of act under the Duchesne, Utah, Line, 1879. March 3, Per Column Inch, 30c. Classified and Reading Notices For Sale, For Rent, Wanted, Lost SUBSCRIPTION RATES and Found, Miscellaneous, 10c per One 52.00 Year line, first insertion; 5c qer line for 1.00 Months Six each succeeding issue minimum .75 Three Months charge, 30c. 2c, A Committee composed of a representative from each of the up per towns met with the School Board, Tuesday for the purpose of sufficiently impressng those mem. bers that we are greatly desirous to have Prncipal, Ray Utley back with us next season, as the Principal of Central High School, as we feel he is a teacher and a man that would be extremely hard If not impossible to duplicate. We fear with out him back with us our school would suffer. We hope the Board will kindly grant our wishes in this matter. CUTOFF TROUBLE Unofficial but authoritative word has it that the Miss Maurine Lister accompanied her uncle, Leo to Springville celebration to have been held Saturday, when the for a visit. Mr. Earl Lister returno Cutoff ed from a trip there. first train was to pass over the and through the Moffitt tunnel, may be postponed Mrs. because of a dispute over a sum of $1,000,000 said to Mr3. Edgar Miles, Mr.B.and Cannon Mrs. Ira Jowett Fortie, be due the Moffatt line from the D. & R. G. W. are attending conference at Salt Uintah Basin residents never did think much of Lake City. the Cutoff anyway, and see no reason for a celebraMr. Jack Archelette was a guest tion of the opening at all. When the Cutoff was at the J. P. Wall home the weekbuilt, a railroad through the basin was postponed end. just that much longer. Mrs. Earl Murray is ill again, DOT-SER- O Dot-ser- ROOSEVELT LIKES TO DIG A short article 'on the front page of the Standard last week, written as news, but expressing purely personal opinions, took a rather unfair dig at Duchesne sportsmen. To correct the article, which must have been printed entirely from rumor, the hour after which the parties were accused of having fished, was nine oclock, not ten. The case was dismissed, after it was found that the overtime was so slight, that evidence was lacking. Legal Advertising Committeemen of Utah Contribute Their Time she consulted a physician, Saturd- ay.County Clerk, Wm. H. Case and family visited relatives here Sunday. A. B. Taylor left for Salt Lake City Saturday. The talks given Sunday evening by F. Earl Case and Mr. Berch Bennion were greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Wealths Thacker and babies are visiting relatives at Duchesne. in Committeemen Counties of Utah are contributing their time, effort and in some cases, actual expense the purpose of settling debts, particularly farm debts. Often, after the stress and strain of extenuating circumstances and conditions, new methods and plans are evolved and applied to the working out of difficult problems We can scarcely find in American procedure, a more potent and ef fective method of settling farm financial difficulties than the one now used in 39 States of the Un ion. It is a departure from old methods and the Applying of new ones. It is a veritable New Deal effectively applied in this troublesome field of endeavor. Upward of 2,000 Committees and 10,000 appoint persons have accepted ments from the Governors their respective states to work without pay, with the hope that they may be able to assist their fellow citizens who are in finan cial distress. It is apparent that the time has come in which all persons irre spective of their perferred legal rights, are yielding to the demands of justice and "fair play and are willing to accept the invitation of commitan unbiased, tee to meet with them and in conversational and friendly way finwork out these complicated ancial problems. This is the met hod used by the Farm Debt Ad justment Committees. In 23 Counties of the State Gov ernor Blood has appointed men tc act in this important and useful If you could hear the capacity. NOTICE TO WATER USERS Seventy-fiv- e twenty-thre- e property of said estate of SWi4 NWi4 Sec. 16 NEi and NE BE Sec S sJt 1 S, L 0: 3 S GI ; :AR 17 R. 4 w, U. S. M, with 98 44 shares of water of the stock of the Farnsworth capita, Canal and Reservoir Company, appurtenant thereto, and also any property that may belong to estate, at my office in Duchesne Duchesne County, Utah, on after the second day of July 0r at 2 oclock p. m 1934. For cash rr on terms, and to the highest and best bidder. Dated June 5th, 1934. L. A. HOLLENBECK (Signed) Administrator Date of first Publication June 8. 1934. Date of last Publication itnLS Miss Betty Jo Morrison spent of Miss State Engineers Office, Monday afternoon visiting Salt Lake City, Utah, Lucille Rhodes. ,re nut May 28, 1934. inencet and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hadden Notice is hereby given that Abr thiuh Salt to motored Micheal Esauk birth ram Gines, Tabiona, Utah, has Lake City, Sunday. nn made application in accordance ; a to change of Utah Laws her el the p with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abplan-al' the the point of diversion and nature and famly motored to Du- of use 0.75 sec. ft. of water from of r.5 Dlllt chesne, Saturday afternoon. Duchesne e alwa in Duchesne River said Heretofore Utah. people County, The following young iiililren at water has been diverted at a point ld from here attended the dance 29 min. E 8 S. bears which deg. and rfM Hanna, Saturday night: Mr. Sec cor. 30, NW 910 ft. from the Mrs. Burdett Turnbow, Mr. and T. 1 S., R. 7 W., U. S. B. & M, June 29. 1934. on a Hadden S Mrs. W. B. Brennick, Hope aies tc 1st and used from January Steve Esauk and Eddie Kielbasa December 31st incl. of each year The 23rd Timpanogos Hike, one eory of are dei to irrigate 53 acres of land em- of the largest community hikes in Howard Stewart was a home braced in the SW!i Sec. 33, T. 1 S. the world, will be held July 20 and He was fiiers nr visitor over the week-enU. S. B. & M. It is now 21. under the sponsorship of the 7 R. W., Anderson Kieth interes accompanied by B. Y. U. department of physical proposed to divert said water at v, o js Is a of Manti. 58 89 education. deg. a point which bears N. .man mi childand Mrs. W. B. Brennick Last year about 10,000 people min. W. 1986 ft. from the N fppted e: ren and Clayton Brennick and cor. Sec. 14, T. 1 S., R. 8 W., U. enjoyed the pre-hik- e program in e of the Duchesne Chris Merkley both of S. B. & M. and convey via the the Theatre of the Pines on the1,,, ever were visiting at the home of Mrs Farm Creek Irrigation Co. canal Aspen .Grove campus of B. Y, U ,'0ncernl J. A. Morrison Sunday. and use to irrigate the land above about 2,000 reached the summit. ,f a cor The Alpine term of the Y" sum- - a have intended is also and described. It Hope Hadden, Steve Esauk said water as mer quarter begins July 23, fol- - rfty tii of much as that Eddie Kielbasa were the guests of .tinrk may be necessary will be used dur- lowing the hike. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fullmer Sunthere each entire year for domestic t ing day afternoon. Historic English Palace siring purposes. The Court of St. James received . This application is designated in Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lang and name because St. James pal- - S' nccrptc this as File Office State the BrenEngineers children, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. was the London residence of fias m01 aee nick and Mrs. J. A. Morrison were No. The the British sovereigns from Wil- All protests against the grantDuchesne visitors Saturday. liana III to the accession of Queen Joctriue stating Victoria. The palace Is still used I mdertah ing of said application, 1 Nor dn Miss Hope Hadden spent several the reasons therefor, must be by for levees and drawing rooms. of Miss affidavit in duplicate, accompaniI I fked. 1 days last week as a guest ed with a fee of $1.00 and filed in Marie Hadden in Duchene. eturesqi this office within thirty (30) days circun It are v Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lang and after the completion of the pubhe mem children were visitors of Mr. and lication of this notice. iislll:e1-1, Hadden June Sunday. Ed Mrs. that of first Date publication, ' wicks, if cut even lengths and stories and read the reports 1934. stored in tin, make excellent lire ,6 with come to us from these Committees and Date of last J as they solemly apply themselves Mrs. Burdett Turnbow publication, June 29, lighters. Renee would and Anita Connie you 1934. to this arduous work, daughters . Bobbed be convinced as we are, that this were the guests of Mrs. J. A. MorT. H. HUMPHERYS, is rison, Wednesday. trying methods old from departure State Engineer headgrow tin and making respect gaining in orde way; and that a New Deal for Loans Refinance is difficulties SALE NOTICE OF debt farm settling SANDWICHES - DRINKS nd schi Farmers Debts in vogue. PASTRIES : posters One of the things that deeply JUDICIAL IN THE FOURTH COOKIES - CAKES long pi, A total of 513,000 of Federal concerns the State Committee is DISTRICT COURT OF THE most dec ComCANDIES to know how to get correct infor- land bank and Land Bank IN STATE OF UTAH SITTING mation about the object of this missioners farm mortgage loans AND FOR THE COUNTY OF County, DUCHESNE. organization across to every farm- was made in Duchesne er who is in a distressed financial Utah, from Junel, 1933, to May 1, condition and who is or may be 1934, according to the Farm CredIn the matter of the Estate of threatened with foreclosure. The it Administration. D. Bunce, Deceased. Joseph Of this total, farmers in DuCommittee wants him to know Notice is hereby given that I that a friendly group of his fellow chesne County used approximately will sell at private sale the real citizens has bep organized by ap- $13,000, or 94.2 per cent to refininance their indebtedness. By repointment from the Governor of new obtained for the propose farmers to a Committee financing, used farm his which in loans him they solving mortgage assisting to repay their old debts. They debt difficulties. If you are one of them, it will generally reduced their annual ingive you courage and fill you with terest charges in doing so. In a Safer of new hope if you will in confidence number of cases, scale-dowes connecmemin Irrij indebtedness occurred lay your problem before any tion with the new loams These and ber of your local Committee. iposure We can assure you that you will other advantages benefited farmnd and be received with kindness by any ers primarily. Secondarily, creditof member of your Committee and ors benefitted from the receipt Drug St, that they will give the same care cash or bonds in exchange for obW.Chicagf and determination to the solving ligations they held. of your problems as they would if Of the loan money used by farmit were their own. What more ers in Duchesne County for recan you ask? financing their debts, about $2,300 Please be a Committee of one it was estimated, repaid their & to spread the good news of this debts to banks; $1,300, their taxes; worthwhile organization. $9,400, their debts to others, or Added impetus was given this creditors not separately classified il Miner IS MOST EFFIGIEIII SEIHlj work last week when Mr. R. L including private mortgage lendsy Help Jex, Utah Director of the Federal ers, mortgage loan companies, reLand Bank of Berkeley, and Mr tired fanners and many others to Alvin T. Anderson, Special Invest- whom farmers were in debt. I FIND I A total of about $800 of loans in igator for the Farm Credit AdW BEN ministration of Washington, D. C. the county was used for purposes the other than the refinancing of bormet with the members of ALIMONY & DIVORCE LAWS State Farm Dept. Adjustment rowers debts. Of this sum, $600 OF ANY STATE in the Union and ex-- years the Committee and the Supervisors was used for the purchase of land Mexico, with plain English annotate and discussed the development of and equipment, the construction or .. , rd, planatory comment and P this work, in other sections. Mr improvement of buildings, and for ions. A different publication fo r:c'ja MERRIL II. LARSEN dl- Anderson complimented the Utah general agricultural uses, includaches and each state. Covers marriage, State Committee, the Supervisors ing the provision df capital, while Attorney-at-Lacerla vorce, alimony, legal separation, her clirom and the County Committees on the $200, the balance, was used for the annulment, separate maintenance, rtimated t! excellent progress made in this purchase of stock in national farm custody and support of children, Utah Duchesne $1U State. He also reported that Farm loan associations, for loan fees, etc. Specify state wanted. priue Debt Adjustment has been approv- etc. $L00. ed under FERA as a preferred T. R. COPE TIIE CRIMINAL LAWS OF AN icse foreii ed am,ua project, indicating that funds will STATE In plain English with Wl be provided for its continuance for ilenn8 INDIAN TALES explanation. Price $1.00. an indefinite period. L. A. HOLLENBECK By LAWS fuJ uturafmh THE BANKRUPTCY Albert B. Reagan, Ph, D. marveloi who may become explained; Attorney-at-Lar- v (All rights, reserved.) involuntae ,n country-ily- . Employment Increases bankrupt, voluntarily, f Duchesne In State of Utah Utah Price $1.00. and d The Beautiful LAWS MEXICAN DIVORCE actiDue mainly to increased '? of all, information gratis. Maiden j vity on public works projects, emDELAWARE CHARTERS; safe Jay youc in ployment in Utah gained by 254 hours The earth is the offspring of jter sa sound, sure; obtained in 24 WM. II. FITZWATER jobs during the week ending May the beautiand is filled with ANY LAW QUESTION sky vatc' 26, as compared with the week ful creatures that we cannot see. Vtal form swered by competent, tr Notary Public ending May 19, George A. Yager In the rm or great, great long ago, long state director of the National Relawyers for $1.00. Postofflce Bldg., before the coming of the present Service, announced race of employment LEGAL RESEARCH SOCIETY men, the earth was peoDuchesne Utah today. Maltman Ave. Los Ang a add Ci; loot come Private employment also gained pled with a race of giants, who nuking (Clip this adv., it may died off, leaving the earth unin. sometime.) during the week ending May 26 habited. Js to be Of the 1176 who were employed P'llt-Then a a after time long very enROY A. SCnONIAN through the service, 654 were Cr beautiful virgin, a child of the ; 'V $1.50 gaged on public works and 522 by a on ruled who all gods high things, Registered private employers. Compared with came down to earth from the blue this, of the 922 who were employMortician ed during the week preceding, 413 above. She was so pleased with NEED NO LONGER SUFFER the of the earth that she beauty Duchesne were engaged on public works and Utah AT PERIODIC INTERVALS remained and for a great, great 509 by private employers. WORRY ABOUT DELAY OR while was she sole its inhabitant. The greater activity on public Then a drop of dew fell upon L A X V I B U R N U works projects materially changed her from heaven she and bore two the distribution of new placements Relieves the most stubborn 1) children, a son and a daughter among employment groups. cases quickly and effects J lYST from whence sprang all the people P .r- 26 the week 7 During ending May Different from anything of earth. 56 per cent of the placements were ever used. Priced $5.00 ; , c sib have And the name of this celestial made on public works and 44 per (ct full size. Sent in plain wrarP cent were made with private in- virgin was Arizunia. postpaid Sold only by dustry, whereas, during the week U. S. LABORATORIES Character ending May 19, 45 per cent of the n hum-2006 Hollywood Sta Box Every being intended placements were made on public to have a Los Angeles diameter of his own to works and 55 per cent were with be what no other Is, to do what no and put away!) (Clip FURNITURE private Industry. other can do, Channlng. X S s 1 11 I1 d. fair-mind- - 5 rf BASEBALL! Get A Family Pass and See ELEVEN GAMES FOR Mr. and Mrs. Frank Munks and children visited her sister, Mrs Chester Hartman and Mrs. Elvira Marsing Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Stewart of Myton, Mrs. Hannah Stewart of Spanish Fork visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Folder and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Case Tuesday. $2.50 Short Passes Admit the Entire Family to Two Games for 75c On sale at Conoco Service Station or at the gate , Mortensen Bakery 1 Good for entire family at all home games Quick Lunch Mr. Glen Cowan of Payson and Mr. Harold Wimmer are spending a few days in Argyle, Mr. Cowan is visiting with the Wimmers here, Mr. Archie Price of Indian Canyon is helping Gussie Gordon put up his hay. U ns Blalz Old Heidelberg Beer DRAFT NOW ON BILLIARDS CANDY AND TOBACCO Pass Time Pool Hall Duchesne, Utah Mrs. Perry Grant who has been staying with her mother, Mrs Berthena Holfeltz, has returned to her home in Duchesne. Miss Elizabeth Emery spent Tuesday night with Miss Ailene Curran. Mrs. Berthena Holfeltz went to Vernal this week for medical aid. We wonder if Frank Liddell is still fishing. Mr. Elton Potter is helping Mr. W. J. Seaton hay. Providing Mr. Wimmers hay crew get some pep they will fin ish their job today. STERLING TRANSPORTATION COMPANY Uintah Basin Points to Salt Lake Uintah Busin Points to Price Every Day Service Each Way Mr. Harold Gee was calling at the Curran home Tuesday evening, For Company o- Wim- AAA Modifies Contract Eastern Utah Transportation -- Verd Olsen is helping the mers and Currans hay. o- - MORE MONEY Corn-IIog- s Corn and grain sorghums may be planted for forage on farms under corn-ho- g contracts, according to advice received from Washington by William Peterson, director of AAA work for Utah. Previous regulations prevented a contract signer from increasing his corn acreage as compared with the past two years. This new regulation will make it possible where moisture conditions permit for farmers to plant corn for silage or sorghums for hay, regardless of what they planted in previous years. The limitation on planting corn and sorghums did not apply to signers of wheat contracts, Director Peterson said. Banking, Shorthand YOU can learn Bookkeeping, in half the time, and at home at Typewriting h the cost of attending a business college. You can complete the course in bookkeeping' or banking, and receive your diploma in two months. You can words a minute in shorthand learn to write over-10two less in than months, and you can become an Soil Fertility Necessary expert, rapid typist in six weeks. Urges Dr. T. L. Martin and easy monthly terms will A small Keep up soil fertility during get you started immediately. Complete satisfaction urges Dr. and a good position guaranteed, or your tuition will drought periods Thomas L. Martin, head of the be refunded in full. Send ten cents in coin or stamps agronomy department at Brigham for complete descriptive literature of the courses in Young University. The more fertile the soil, the which you are interested. Do it today. unit of water the one-fift- 0 down-payme- nt AMERICAN CORRESPONDENT SCHOOL 1850 Downing St. Denver, Colo. Covers the ENTIRE United States greater yield per he points out. Therefore he stresses the necessity for employing all the usual methods of fertilization by use of manure and vegetable mutter especially in times of ex- treme drought. Phosphate may under some ditions be beneficial to soils. con- letter Light letter Sight t un ran EIEOKIII Liiim to. ! Professional Cards w Sun-Belove- W WOMEN !.!$$ - J RADIO TUBES BATTERIES ACCESSORIES SCHONI AN COMPANY .n |