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Show UINTAII BASIN RECORD TO VARIOUS OF ,iTTERN SUITED frocks Sally Sez Our Pet Peer- e- Along the Concrete and fabrics TYPES OF FLOWER? HERE tAVT YEAR. I PfflV SEE ANY N( INCOME OFTHW 3&! rT J'&jt S-- HipeheS1 1& (OMZ SOME ttORB ttnrn fan ph)!ophy. Is rno wa ail should larn That ha who aervea well when ha er?e, served wall in return Get Let aerva our frienda by PATR0N17ING HOME INDUSTRY Xh tfV: w (Otpyrtglit ... W N U) THIS WEEKS PRIZE STORY mMinHf THE FEATHERHEADS VeS-O- U po weep A NEW WATC- PONf 5ES wmlNE H- BBT m Bv Osborne 0 T WHY-- Tq WHY Tell oneAI f'ME WH Economy vs. Quality tMa Vesta Mwpp I'LL TeLL You K J always WELL-Yo- ure ECOMOMY ?REACHk)(s ro me Ypu never Yes-- sut j You'll soon be needing one of these ,AwirP,etely new morning dresses, as on the way. The i of firm days are well tWs little frock 13 80 adapt ectlne tl s'n of iile t0 Ideas of your own you caD nly used. the same pattern to make sev- Make it all of rtl different dresses. d (printed wash silk or of pale blue, green or rose cotton e Sine. Or you can make the effect of a harmonizing or and youll have intrasting material 'Kill another new and very exciting iress. Really as lovely for after-ion-s as for mornings, and expresses I j.iety in no small way J Pattern 1782 is available In sizes l,l,16, 18, 20, 22, 84, 3G, 38, 40, 42 and it Size 10 takes 3 M, yards Stele. Illustrated sew-'Instructions Included. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) In nns or stamps (coins preferred) for his pattern. Write plainly name, Idreas and style number, BE SURE . pour buy A WATCH EVERY two MONTHS WANT ME To FiiY EXPENSIVE1 HATS ir III r -. AMP a two HfMDREP . polLAR COAT IT ISNT ONLY EVERT HATS -I- TS - I BUY THINSB UY so 'MS 1 INEXPENSIVE PRESSES, SHOES' ANP j CHEAP-STOCKlN- oO WHY CANT YOU EE- CONTENT WITH A CHEAP WATCH? " T" r-- ' BECAUSE J CAN BE Yoil SURE- m will gu about WATCH How s THE - SToCKiH; THAT TH f There ara many rcaaon other than local patriotism why you should use Intermoun Products tain Product, lntermoontam made by your own nelRhbora a re equal In elaewhero manufactured to products quality and ara sold on a favorable price hasia. Buy from your neighboring producer and help build the Intermountalit Country. BERWYN BURKE, Pytta, Idaho. At 400 Utah Oil Refining Service Stations in Utah and Idaho R) SPECIAL For The Month 01 JUNE J75 furl Cccipleti Sa Months Beauty Csursi i can now learn a piofenion that will make you Indipendent lot tho rent of your daja. C 5 per month only far tho eomplcto eourao of atx month. I'hone or write for our catoloyuo. solld-col-te- & Yoo T l i.J'ii. wing-sleev- FINNEY OF THE FORCE Recommendation By Ted OLougMin Wntin Ntwtpapw Uniw o COULD NOT SAY -- Ol N1VER. HHARD, THAT 121 SCHOOL HIEH OF BEAUTY CULTURE Lakt Bo. Main Bf., Salt CKy j i I O' ennybupdy stayin' that h USE Berry Cups and Berry Crates SALT LAKE BOX & BASKET CO. 4 step-by-ste- p HUH 619 So. 5 West, Salt lako City, tit. Was. 6170 ASK YOUIt DKUCCI8T FOR j WAVE SET STATE SIZE. Address orders to Sewing Circle ittern Department, 243 West Sev-Peen- 10 J AN INTEKMOUNTAIN PRODUCT MADE fE THE KINfST INUREMENTS AND I.FAVF3 NO RESIDUE. street, New York City. Eu-ro- ie The shire horse, popular in as being the heaviest in tha world, is of the same breed as those uqd in the Middle ages by I armc -- clad knights. ASK FOR BEET SUGAR HOME SUGAR WOW! Hub ghtT $?.es 150,000 feet Used & New Pipa Sizes W', 8A" 1" Structural Steel and Plates Monsey Iron & Metal Co. 1 vet. fcS Iluhl I saw our neighbor, ( i DeSnob, I wearing one Just like gave it to the next door laun-fs- s and made her wear It while Sing up the clothes so the snooty Cln-ua58 could see her with It on. Enquirer. so 15.10 f THE ONLY Wheres that new dress you I havent seen you wearing Wife 1 Salt 3rd Watt 730 SoU Uki City. , OUl ti Not Her Worry said the friend who had Pped in from out of town, wont e j ir wife be sore at you for brlng-mhome to dinner without let-8 ber know in advance? Heck, no I he replied, "I always up the makings for dinner at 4 delicatessen on the way home, the kid3 and I get It on the table 'ore she blows in from the bridge Cincinnati Enquirer. - But, ROUNDTRIP TO 1 Bob-Haire- "Were ed OS tir:s 01l L ! d LOS ANGELES MATTER POP AH Fixed For Sitting VIA SAN FRANCISCO From Salt Lake City and Ogden, travel to Los Angeles via San Irannno for exactly the same roundtrip fare as via direct routes. This low fare is good in standard Pullmans (plus berth charge). Bandit you excited when you first yur husband for money? no I was calm Times. and collect $12 TO SAN FRANCISCO $19.87 TO LOS ANGELES mw been on, rrom Salt Lake City and Ogden, in roomy coaches on fast trains. ndianoMJi Section tore bee , Pi he PB, J t ,nd hate beckon p on (D. one '' fI KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES ' " had oerrfc THAT3 FONNy! X (you th Vheoeu THAT TH FIND IT KNOW I POT IT OH ec VAN F3 Th tbeO AN. HOUR .DrUES dSHlR-TO 03 EvCpecT A EO I IT3 OF Htwe? id Cconoff TH-QNI.- INNweii AT PUT IT ot TH BE1 , eujht Oclock DRCS S 5H1?T t S-- I HAM, S IU? ,ion ' y TOO !i CszillLcm Pasllls WHAT A LlFE'VHATA !. H LIFE ell, - Ste th The l- -Tll look .iiHi'sy TSINO '1 ''-w- ij im KITCHCH, THATJ' or write .'! nyHiT.J' ny only only placc r ?(p 's ? JJjL i f Am '0 i-- i I& ,rs WU Tli' rt.'Tf'oM per week will b paid lor articla tha bftt on Hhjr you ohould oa Intorinountaln mad (ouli"b1I,iM ta above, bend your ulorv In proa ar vora to InternmunHtn f'rorlucU Column, 1. O, Uux lir5 Salt lnka City If ory appvam in your $3.00 w C, I. Flying FKh Like Glider The flving fish is like a glider mid-ai- r. It gains top Boaring in before rising from the waspeed ter to sail on. CHltkT haven't LOOKED!', ijr.iitSiiK't J Tor details, see your local railroad agent R. OWLN, General Agent, 41 South Mata Street, Salt Lake City. WHAT TH' yw1iwj tbit ctilnn you will check for 'rtetk No. 4 VIA I .Salt Laka City |