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Show Intemountain Hews OIL GOULD TARE! THE TOUGHEST TEST A MOTOR Briefly told for Busy Readers GERM NEW AND IMPROVED CONOCO "DESTRUCTION' TEST! MOTOR OIL WINS THE TERRIFIC CHOICE EMPLOYMENT RISES FIGHTING THE TESTS TOISON IS lREVYLENT DROITII RELIEF REGINS BOISE 1933 $ i - H s t 4&S- hs 1 Washington. Congress did a of wrestling, In its closing hours, ith new tion designed to h e ncfmrage New Debt buil(lim; of more homes by Individuals, and in connection with this debate there develone of the oped what I believe to be of the times. questions outstanding The housing bill, as it was called, would make borrowing easier for those who want to own their own homes. In other words, it is a program that will put more people into debt if they take advantage of the And that Is the bills w provisions. question : After the conditions that have obtained through the last four sound econjears, is it or is it not to Individuals to encourage omy debts? new contract Debate on the housing bill, therefore, centered attention on one phase of the whole New Deal program that has caused concern In the Up to this Lack of many heads. of time, however, apparently few tb legislators had paused to think of the trend of the course upon which the administration had embarked. I noted in the committee hearings In the house that a number of the representatives exhibited a fear of too much new debt. Such stolid men as Luce of Massachusetts, Busby of Mississippi, and Ilollibter of Ohio, and some who are inclined to the Inflationary side, like Goldsborough of Maryland, questioned whether the proposal was sound. Mr. Luce, for example, called attention to the theory about debts, and the horror in which debt used to be held. Mr. Luce, of course, reflected the New England feeling wholesome and the attitude of New Englanders Mr. Busby, a southern on savings. made observahowever, Democrat, tions that were of much the same tenor. To them, he added that a recent visit to his home bailiwick had indicated to him the need of watching the governments step In He suggested encouraging debt. further that where the government has extended help In the South, things continued to hum until that Thereafter, aid was eliminated. there was another tnllspln Insofar as recovery was concerned. Whatever ones conclusion about going Into debt may be, the fact Is unchanged that the federal govern ment has put out approximately in the last year In various types of loans. The individuals or the corporations to which that money was loaned are In debt to Uncle Sam, therefore, In a corresponding amount President Rnose velt and his associates and advisers defend their course with the argument that by making the loans they have enabled all of those folks to weather the storm. He argues that the economic casualty list would hare been much higher had the He holds loans not been made. that those who borrowed from the federal government were actually unable to get money elsewhere and that the government was merely looking after Its own folks. To those who criticize the use of taxpayers money In this manner, Mr. Roosevelt has said repeatedly that these loans will be repaid and that the government will suffer no loss In the end. old-tim- e Is that troublesome International phase. The United States loaned something like eleven billion dollars to foreign governments to aid In prosecution of the World war against Germany. For a long time after the money was loaned, the United States got nothing at all. In the meanwhile, there was a terrific bombardment of propaganda from the borrowing nations and from some of the misguided folks in our ow n country calling for absolute cancellation. But cancellation could So not w in. It was Impossible. there followed a lot of negotiations In which commissions from foreign governments came here and conferred at length with our debt funding commission. were eventually Settlements worked out. The debts were funded. That Is, the debtor nations w'ere given a long time In which to pay. They were given enormous concessions by our debt commission in order to get some agreement for repayment of the various loans. I know whereof I speak, regarding those concessions because it happens that I am the only newspaper correspondent in Washington who reported every one of the debt conferences. and I say unequivocally that those funding settlements represented on the average a reduction In the total of more than amount which the debtors contracted originally to pay. IDAHO FALLS, IDA. Borne was named the 1033 convention city by the Idaho Federation of Business and Professional Womens Clubs at the closing session of the fourteenth annual convention here recently. Campers rOCATELI.O, IDA. and hikers are warned to be on the lookout for poison oak and poison Ivy tlds summer while in the hills adjacent to Iooatello. SALT LAKE CITY, UT. Thru an employment program inaugurated by the Denver & Rio Grande 1 n Western Railroad company March, the number of men employed in the shops and the maintenance of way departments Is fast approaching the 1930 level, and during July will equal or exceed tlds level, it was stated recently by II. Wilson, division superintendent. SALT LAKE CITY, UT. Drouth relief projects in the Wasatch National forest have been started. The projects are In Tooele, Wasatch and Summit counties and involve the development of springs and piping water to troughs constructed for the use of livestock. Development of the springs will make the entire area of the forest available for live- 7 W These s- - sji AAA :,S SANCTION NO. 3001 A - six new strictly stock cars were used in the destruction test. under AAA supervision . .7 DARING, competitive test and what a result! New and Improved outConoco Germ Processed Motor Oil to thanks rivals, distanced five worthy and film strength the extraordinary penetrativeness our recently patented of this reprocess gives it. Five quarts a markable new oil lubricated motor for the almost unbelievable distance of 4,729 ! miles before the motor was wrecked Five other oils, all nationally known, Cocompeted with New and Improved Oil in this Motor noco Germ Processed 3- && Ay,, test. All cars were driven under AAA consupervision, under exactly the same no longer ditions until the motors could five is that notable The thing operate. Conoco quarts of New and Improved 'x. r A f t I ,i v f , Germ Processed Motor Oil went more than 3,000 miles farther than the first oil to fail, and over 1,400 miles farther than the best of its competitors! The results of this test should guide now on. your motor oil purchases from Red Triangle Sign. Look for the a I tiva quarts of each brand of oil ot the eame S A E. grade from measures checked by the Bureau of Weightsand Measures , State of Indiana, were care fully put in the cars by AAA officials F ' 4 V J J,.; i ',W , s' 'fy . '. yv THE (r ( - $, - 1 A ? t, ft f '3! - I "'4 &0 5V STAY . stock. The official sealing of crankcases after yu?,aY fill of five quarts was put in. No addi SHOSHONE, IDA. Two tons of tion of oil was permitted irt this "de poison proved inadequate in construction" test. Lincoln trolling grasshoppers in (PARAFFIH BASE) county, and five more tons have been received. This material is being distributed among farmers on RECENT U. S. PATENTS ne EXCLUSIVE NEW FEATURES PROTECTED UNDER several tracts of the Big Wood proof In midst we are the western in the Now, again part ject, particularly rou Sight-Saing Review he recent new efforts to get something done In of the North Shoshone tract where Tear Bet Eye Antiseptic was the spook that disclosed ever, showinP'e Spook Wa Burglar the way of repay- - the hopper invasion was greatest The most potent eye antiseptic ported laboratory tests who dressed Stories of a white-claghost seen an enterprising burglar, nownal tears are hundreds of ,rJ;m ments. The for- - this season. nature by is that Dodge available supplied to n In a suburban cemetery of himself up in white flowing robes, nations are UT. In a grasshopper walking tears, according to Dr. William L, more effective in protecting tt t( Repayment elgn poing t0 pay TOOELE, started the resi- alarm householders, while he pracfrightened solutions Istanbul, Turkey, usele than commonly In the at Ibapali by Benedict of the Mayo clinic. campaign ticed his regular profession. th If it can be avoided. They put up County Agent A. G. Kilburn, five dents. Police investigations, how the very natural argument thnt ob- anil one-hatons of bait was put tains with every one who is in debt out along the Deep creek section. nnd who has been hit on the chin BOISE, IDA. Attorney General by depression conditions. They can- Bert II. Miller has been advised not raise the money, so they say. that the test suit on the constitu To avoid defaults, some of the for- tlonallty of the state chain store eign nations made what they called tax will not he appealed and thnt token payments a year ago at this protesting companies will pay the time. Some of them have offered tax. The attorney general estimattoken payments again. But token ed the tax would approximate $90,-00- 0 for flie half of 1933 and all of payments amount to about the same thing ns when your friend eats the 1934 for which it is due. The tax apple and hands you the core. It was enacted by the 1933 legislature. was a nice apple to begin with, and MOSCOW, IDA. Several hundred the funding settlements were nice club hoys and girls of Idaho atsettlements when they were signed. tended the 12th Annual junior short Frankly, I suspect that the United course at the University of Idaho Slates Is never going to get more this month. than about 10 per cent of the total BOISE, IDA. Miles of snow now due. There will be plenty of fence owned by the state highway arguments, propositions and coun- department will he made available ter propositions, negotiations and in southern Idaho to conduct rab500-Mi- le hauling nnd filling, and after awhile bit drives, according to Gov. C. some of the foreign governments Ben Ross. The first district from will have succeeded In creating which an application for fence came enough public sentiment among was Dietrich, and a large supply their home people to cause a na- now stored at Shoshone will lie the most tional action of the same character turned over to farmers for use in lYFKY winner in the 500-Mil- e Indianapolis Race as tlmt taken by France a year drives, the governor stated. Herded Firestone on to world drove High victory gruelling tire test in the into inclosures made by the fence, ago. Speed Tires. The conditions as regards the for- tiie rabbits can lie slaughtered with eign debts owing the UnltPd Slates, clubs. Other snow fence is stored Race drivers know that heat generated by friction inside the cotton am afraid, will he paralleled in rocatello nnd Idaho Fulls nnd cords is the greatest enemy of tire life. These men will not risk their FMCE 'Hub right here at home by Individual will be available for use In the camone-thir- d MOTOR OIL NEW AND IMPROVED CONOCO GERM PROCESSED x d lf 4-- Tires have been en the winning cars in the Race grueiiing Indianapolis FOR 15 CONSECUTIVE YEARS t 'vSreslcr.e corporation and bank debts the federal government. owing Many borrowers will run Into hard luck, as they always have done, and they will appeal to the politicians to save them. When those debts become a political Issue, It will be an Issue too strong for politicians to withstand. They will arise on the floors of congress and weep about the plight of those poor people. and paigns against the animals, the governor said, upon application of those in charge of the proposed drives. WYO. A hunting acci BASIN, dent took tiie life of I.og.in Riley, 1(5, near here. The youth laid his 22 caliber rifle in a hush, nnd later pulled the weapon out, with the muzzle pointing toward him. The gun was discharged nnd the bullet eutered his heart. But, after all, there are the debts 1 1) A. ParticipaPOCATELLO, debts on top of debts. They must protion in tiie federal corn-hobe either repaid The special senate committee Is gram tliis year will net Bannock Debts on or repudiated. If getting under way with Its Inquiry county farmers approximately ?13,-00th ,lpy are Into 'the various according to the county agent. Top of Debts borrowers must Stir I n d u s t rios that IDAHO FALLS, IDA. Increased May nianufacture pay them out of future enrnings. club work in the Up a Stink terlals for war, Interest in That condition, according to the of the Idaho extendistrict eastern latest line of argument that develnml it appears now that It Is headed sion sen lee is noted in the number oped under the housing hill dehnte, Into an Investigation that will dis- of enrollments tills year as comparmeans the borrowers can create lit close plenty of things that will ed lo last jear, said G. W. Cleve tie or no reserve for the future. cause a slink to arise when the land, in charge of tliis work. It Is heing said that the recovery Investigators have laid their findTiie wool men UT. lAROWAN, program and the New Deal generalings before the committee headed of tlds district have succeeded in ly contemplates planning for the by Senator Be of North Dakota. of approximately future In such a manner as to ward I spent a couple of hours the other putting their wool on the market, 90 fleeces 40,000 off a recurrence of the calamity of day with one of the wheelhorses per cent of which was consigned, In a I But asked have depression. commanding the Investigating force with an advance ot from 14 to good many places: what If the theand It was certainly Ids opinion From 20 to 23 ories of economic planning fail to thnt there are things awaiting rev- 1G cents per pound. cents was paid to Hie growers who work at all, or work only In part? elation tlmt will cause surprise. Due to much dry sold outright. The answers 1 obtained depended The evening I was In the chief the wool is not somewhat on the slant of the per Investigators oflice eight men were weather nnd wind, so good ns in previous years, and son questioned. If they are followtheir credentials nnd carries more dirt. receiving ing the professors blindly, they said money with which to start out on OGDEN, UT. Plans and specifito me that the plans could not fall the trail. They were headed for because they were sound by every what amounts to a raid on the tiles cations for the first unit ot tiie dam project have been theory under which they are drawn. and hooks of some factory which Pine View Denver U. S. reclamato sent the to whom the If the person Inquiry the Investigators believed had been tion office for printing. The first was directed examined the problem of war In the nmnufqeture engaged the construction of the Includes on a practical basis and studied It materials and which they thought with the background of history In also had been engaged In propa- dam, tunnels and spillways, the Ogden city water supply alterations mind, I believe without exception gating Information that would cause nnd n portion of the Eden and be It will was: answer "Well, the a couple of foreign nations to look Ilmitsc ille highways. just too had." with suspicion upon each other. My own feeling coincides with the SALT LAKE CITY, UT. Farm Suspicion between two nations Is latter view, If the New Deal pro- obviously a prelude to more serious loans in tlio wiMem region this gram for economic planning, for differences, nnd eventually war Is year approximated only CO per cent adjusting production to ennstimp the result. 'The committee has start- of the loans made daring 1933. Geo. ft. Glen, regional manager of the tlon, for controlling crop plantin ed out to expose such conditions, and distribution, nml the otfn-- i if they exist, nnd the Investigators crop product Ion loan section of the Items that enter Into the plan fall ure convinced thnt things of that farm credit iidm'nMratiou, said reto operate according to the theories sort are being practiced by some cently. GENOA, NEV. Tally days were upon which they are based, there of the makers of munitions. In Genoa, historic Morcan he no doubt of the result. It I have no way of knowing where will ho just too had. There will hi ic Investigators are going In their mon seitlonant nnd Neiadas olde.st millions of persons more debt rid ontinulng effort, hut from all lo- town, recently, uhen an estimated ih'n than now, and there will he no cations they have ordeis to dig nowd of 2(XH gathered to pay tribway out. 'I he government will hi ep Into files nnd records to see ute to Hie pony exprt s ridirs ulib dedleailon of n lnomiinont. bolding the hag. hat they ran find. On tlds question of debt, there by W i stein New rarer Enina. g 0, 4-- -- -- lives on any but Firestone Tires, because they know the high stretch cords in every Firestone Tire are protected by the Firestone patented process of Gum-Dippin- wji; ffiiimufa. ... ... 4.50-2- 0 g. 4.75-1- 9 soaks the high stretch cords in liquid rubber and saturates and coats the millions of fibers inside the cords, counteracting destructive friction and heat. It provides greater adhesion between the cord body and the tread. plies of the tire, and between the Firestone chemists and engineers kept pace with new car developments by building stronger, safer tires to meet the exacting demands. See your Firestone Dealer or Service Store today and equip your car with new Firestone High Speed Tires for 1934, with deeper, tread, more and tougher rubber, more thicker, flatter, and wider non-skithan more 50 longer non-skimileage. traction, giving you is Greater Strength there Tires Firestone in Remember, High Speed Greater Safety and Greater Blowout Protection than in any tire made. Gum-Dippin- SIZE g Gum-Dippe- d 5.50-1- 7 ... 6.00-1- 7 IID- - 6.00-2- 0 1I.D. ,50.1711.0. MP C yet, C,tS ir.10 c ffife-12- ' 50 .P 1 ss 8 aging rt co 175 nati d d THE ADHESIOH TEST v ( - ,5 v t kuLber in an ordinary tire pulls away from the cords that have not been soaked and rubber in a Firestone Tircclings to the high I yV, I I Note how the Note how the ' v fetrelch Gum-Dippe- d cords. Tliis greater adhesion and S' strength is made possible by tiie Firestone patented process of Gum-Dippin- Insulated with rubber. This causes friction and heat within the cords, resulting in separation. COME IN AND MAKE THIS TEST FOR YOURSELF THE HEW AIR BALLOOIi FOR 1934 The new Firestone Air Balloon for 1931 embodies nil the Improvements in the new Firestone High Speed Tire. The lower air pressure provides maximum traction and safety-lork- s riding comfort. the cords, providing 30 to 40 greater deflection and blowout protection. Cet 1933 stjle by equipping your far today villi t!ee new tire and wheels in rolors to mat'h your core Your Firestone Gam-Dippin- g j vvV,s J 7; ' g TRIAL OH YOUR CAS FEaF03E rl J RECOHiS FIRESTONE HIGH SPEED TIRES for fifteen con seen tire year bnrcbeerlC' India , the winning cart in the 500-mil- e . f Race. This Means BIowoul Protection c. a. ujk 1F for teren consecutive years hare the irinnin enra in the tiering I JJ If climb where a slip meant death Tra-- " and Non-Ski- d Safely This Means for three consecutive years have the 131 buses of the Washington c(U- ; Railway and Lleclric Company nm , 11.357.810 bus miles without one delay due to lire trouble. This Means Dependably and Economy were on the IVciman Motors 0Tlrl,t0ri' . Truck that made a new of 67 hours, 45 minutes, 30 seconds running time. This Means Endurance if coast-to-coa- . 1 1 Listen t Monday Nig See these New Firesto ne High Speed Tires made a the Firestone Factory and Exhibition a A Century of Progress Chicago .it f' - By5- ? |