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Show THE HOME PAPER. N. Q N Elder cover to thoroughly N who desire 3 read in is & County must css the papet that S the homes of the people, the Bos Elder .ju j News. It also covers southern daho. The home paper works tor the welfare S of Its town and is dearly loved on that Its columns are always open to every inhabitant. Charles N. Kent . g& IP REPORT OF APPRAISERS. Valuation of Electric Light Plant Other Work Placed at $9,377. At the session of the city council Tuesday night a written report of the committee appointed to appraise the value of the plant of the Brigham City Electric company, etc., was submitted by J. D. Peters. The report is as fol- JUST RECEIVED. New lace and portier curtains, window couce covers, table covers, baby carriages, wash stands, chiffoneers, etc etc. go-cart- s, lows: WE ARE PREPARED to furnish you anything you want in our line. Call and see us. XX2C Stohl Furniture Company THE CANNING Selected CO. SHOOTING AFFRAY AT MATLIN. Near Depot A Desperate Tramp Attacks a Train Crew Machinery Ordered. and is Shot by Brakeman Malin. The Brigham City Canning Co. has A shooting affray took place at leased a site for its building from the Co. west on L. S. 6ide of the 0. By. Matlin, a small station on the S. P. a little north of the depot. is for a term of five years but may be renewed at the expiration of that time and it is understood the canning company will have control of this location for many years to come. The consideration is nominal and the tbe track The lease all site is that could be desired. Jensen, president of the canning company, says that the erection of tbe buildings will begin as soon as the weather is favorable. They will be built of rustic and be large enough to accommodate the business for Mr. years to matoes come. Over 100 acres of to- have been subscribed and it is expected that this will be conThe machinery siderably increased. and seed have been ordered and everything is progressing favorably. Railroad to Fielding. E. O. Wilcox of Fielding was in Brigham Tuesday on business connected with securing a right-of-wafor the ,Malad Valley railroad from the sugar factory north to Fielding. Mr. Wilcox says that the Utah Sugar company has made a proposition to extend the railroad to Fielding provided the people there will raise three bundled acres of sugar beets and furn-s- h the right-of-wa- y free. The required acreage has been and the right-of-wa- y has been nearly secured though some difficulty has been encountered with a few properly owners but it is believed that this will soon be settled. The people of Fielding are working hard to secure the railroad as they have land tnat wilt raise the finest sugar beets in the state. Mr. y sub-aenb- ed Railway about ten miles from Terrace, last Sunday night in which C. S. Malin, brakeman on a freight train shot and fatally wounded Pat Cortello, a tramp who was trying to beat his way to Ogden. When the train stopped at Matlin Malin and another brakeman named Stevenson found some tramps In one of the cars and told them to get out. They al did so hut when Castello got out he pulled a pistol and ordered the brakemen to throw up their hands. MaliD threw his up, but Stevenscn began to run. Costello then began shooting at him but missed him each time. Malin, seeing his companions danger, then pulled out his pistol and shot Costello twice, one bullet going through the lower part of the stomach and tbe other took effect In the groin. The wounded man was put on tbe train and taken to Ogden where be was placed in the hospital. The oext morning the two brake-meE. T. Anderson, the conductor, and two of the tramps who were ordered out of the car just before the shooting, came to this city. They were interviewed by County Attorney Perry aDd all told practically the same story. The attorney decided that the evidence would not justify hin in holding Malm and he was released. Malin is A young man whose home is in Ogden and he has a good The Tabernacle Concert- to be regretted that the attendance was so small Tuesday night reputation. at the tabernacle, the concert by the Costello died Tuesday afternoon in Philharmonic Lady Quartette of Chi- the hospital. Before bis death he cago on that evening being one of the stated that Malin was justified In greatest musical events here in recent him. shooting years. Whether in quartettes, duets or solos the voices were beautiful and Announceshowed the highest degree of training. Erery number was enthusiastically applauded and an encore demanded, which was generously responded to by Saturday, March 14th, Prof. Dignan the ladies. of Ogden, will organize the dancing Miss Daisy A. Torrey in her humoroannounced as folus selections and impersonations also classes heretofore showed great ability and was recalled lows: alter every number. Adult, 8:30 p. m. It is to be hoped tbe small attend-aoc-e Juvenile, 5:0 p. m. will not discourage the ladles Children, 3:30 f. m. from visiting Brigham City again for For further Information apply to the fame of their voices will .insure Victor E. Madsen or Lerenzo N. Stohl. large attendance next time. is Dancing Class ment. The 1900" Washer Save Womens Uvoe. not rub your clothes to pieces and Your life away over an old washboard Do FURNITURE COMPANY, To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Brigham City, Dear Sirs: The appraisement committee mentioned in your proceedings at the session of the city council of Feb. 24, 1903, Mr. J. D. Peters for the city and Mr. Jensen for the Electric Light Co , met In the eouncil chambers, Monday, March 2nd, at 10 a. m. for the purpose of placing a valuation upon the old electric plant and also auditing the accounts of the work done on the contemplated new plant. We had proceeded but a short way in our deliberations until it became evident that a disagreement would occur. We therefore made an effort to agree on a third person. After many attempts the name of Mr. Orson Hudson was suggested and submitted to the Electric Light company by Mr. Jensen and afterwards to the mayor and to two of the city council by Mr. Peters. Both parties expressed a willingness to accept him as a third appraiser. Accordingly we made the appointment and on Thursday, March 5th, met for the purpose of taking up the matter anew and proceeded to consider the appraisement of the old electric light plant and auditing of the accounts in connection with the work of the contemplated new plant and the following is the appraisement as agreed upon by a majority of the appraisers The committee were unanimous as to the accounts, viz: $2377.90. Respectfully submitted, J. D. Peters, M. M. Jensen, Orson Hudson. APPRAISEMENT. when taken to the City Drug Store, is filled by a competent druggist with whom you are acquainted from years of satisfactory dealing. After being filled it is checked by a reliable assistant. This checking consists of a comparison of the drugs and quantities prescribed with the drugs and weights used by the pharmacist in filling the prescription. This system virtually renders a mistake impossible. i L. Eddy. . Another Sale. REAL ESTATE LOANS. We have a few good things we are going to sell at prices that can't help but suit you. Buys g Large Nickel -plated Rochester Lamp with chimney and globe complete woyth $2.50, MONEY ON HAND insures promptness and quick Being our own, makes delivery it possible for us to nuke and close loans with Buys 6 Fancy Decorated Cupg end Saucers. Buys 6 large Fancy Decorated Dinner Plates. ' Delay Commissions'' Expenses . Mortgage Tax Third Party No Attorney Fee No Appraiser Fee. No No No No No Buys a Fancy Imitation Cut Class Cake Plate, Buys your choice of a number of pretty Class Pickle Dishes. - Wtttldtt Cut - Christensen Knudson. & EDWAR.O ' land and water v whether the crop sugar beets. By the way some have expressed the fear that the sugar beet industry will iu time decline if everybady rushes into it; but if every foot of Box Elder county was irrigated aDd put into sugar beets every ton could be sold for spot cash. This is our sure pay crop and it can never be overdone here. The idea that Hammond Bros, should begin work on our present showing of water subscription, which is fully a thousand acres short of the requiied amount, is shared by many of the subscribers. There certainly has been a hard and united effort made by the people to reach the re- 8. KIRK, OGDEN, UTAH Artificial Illness, B; Dr. . TREES A. Rich. FOR SALE. Prevention is always better than " Leave your orders with cure and a whole lot cheaper. In France a new scheme is being tested S, A, SACKETT & SONS of paying the physician as long as he For Choice Peach and Apricot Trees We bring half of our keeps on to ourselves by our foolsickness hardiness and carelessness, and tbe LORENZO II. STOHL, other half by our Ignorance. - one-wel- l. A new comer looks upon the ordi- - Real Estate, Loans and Insurance, S nary and common with unacustomed eyes and consequently may see things differently than does an older resident It is not my purpose to censure but simply to call attention to certain unhygienic customs that are practiced in Brigham City and vicinity. : I hare been asked to offer brief suggestions for the public good, weekly, and will gladly do so for a short time. Room 22- - Tetephono No. 22. quired amount. Notwithstandisg FIRST. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING-- " this, I should like to emphasize the fact that there are two sides to every It costs something for a question. QARTHEY & DUMBECK, big construction outfit to make a move. Their expenses run up into THE PERNICIOUS TEAKETTLE. the hundreds and perhaps thousands Owing te the relative cost of buildA false step with them per day. material tlie greater part of out TELEPHONE 88. , means tremendous loss. It is an easy ing 219 State St - - - Salt Lake City, Utah houses constructed fire of dwelling thing for a farmer who has subscribed for all the water-righe feels he can brick or adobe. Throughout the possibly take, to say the Hammond winter months the interiors are heatTHE BANK OF BRIGHAM CITY Bros, should go ahead with the work; ed by stoves. It very often happens the canal can be constructed for less cook stove is to be found in than $240,000, etc. I do not think any that the CAPITAL $50,000.00, farmer knows what that canal will the living room. Day and night a cost. I do not believe we can justly roaring fire is kept burning, and on Accounts and Correspondence judge this company and say they are top the range sets the teakettle. not treating the people right. They Out of this teakettle there belches Solicited, agreed to do the work on certain terms; a continuous breath of moisture. and we have not fully complied with A frame structure would dissipate All Business given prompt attention those terms. As an interested farmer this moisture or at least be more apt I feel we should unitedly lend our ef- to, but brick 01 adobe walls absorb it. forts to raise the required number of As a JIM. Jenson, JohnPingree, consequence shortly after the acres. We are the nearest we have President. Cashier. winters confinement these begins e ever beeo to making the walls have become saturated with canal an assured fact and we should DO YOU WANT moisture. There they join with tbe not let it slip through our hands. The teakettle in a of dampness. conspiracy Loans on Real Estate canal means great prosperity to the I have entered many an at lowest interest; Scores of our citizens who are compelled to seek employment compactly built house and have at Homestead Entries and proofs; elsewhere can get homes and em- once felt the depressing influence of To buy or sell Real Estate; Industries will this moisture laden atmosphere. Imployment here. Titles examined and conveyed; I have became conscious spring up, our population will rapidly mediately Reliable legal work; increase and we will find ourselves en that my breathing apparatus was a mere abused and visit being CONSULT by the threshold of au era of business LIVED there. people activity and improvement such as we Is it any wonder that the housewife never experienced before. . FRED HOLTON- is ever catching cold or has a backing brother land Corhp on, owner, let us cough continually when compelled to subscribe for the required acreage. Utah, Brigham City, breath such musty, sour, soggy air? Come on, big land owners, take your Is it any wonder that the baby has share of the water and let us make the snuffles or something worse every the canal an assured thing. time he escapes into the glorious By a united effort we can raise the Utah air without? rx lints to think of when yon Three ' required amount and now is the time get Ah itracts of Title to Real Now the solution. Keep the perEstate: to show our patriotism. nicious teakettle off the stove except O. W. Snow. when you must have hot water. 1. ' PLUM BIN. air-tigh- e. i. ABSTRACTS. 2. 3. i Completeness; 19 Opera House j SANDY FRIDAY, Carters Comedy Drama, THE DARKEST L Call and investigate our prescription department end methods of attending to your wants. ty are extravagent, they are spending money like water. They have In prospect for the coming year a sugar factory, a railroad, two electric light plants, a canning factory and, ye gods! another canal. But how is it to be done? The people will have to go in debt to build the canning factory and especially the canal Tbe city will have to go into debt to build the electrie light plant. All we can see is debt, debt, nothing but debt. In answer, I call attention to the fact that all these improvements are good, sound financial enterprises; and there never was a financial enterprise established without involving a debt in some way or another. Debt always has and always will figure in the development of any and all resources that are developed. The west side canal or the Brigham city water system would never have been in existence today if the promoters had been afraid of debt. None of these prospective enterprises will ever be established if we wait until it can be done without debt. There is justifiable and unjustifiable debt. It is neither wise nor prudent to go into debt for unprofitable things, especially the luxuries of life. II becomes necessary at times to contract a justifiable debt. The people should not let debt stand between them and these enterprises, because they mean so much for the developmeut and progress of our community. Some ate afraid that these times of prosperity; the spending of all this money, etc., will be followed by times EDWARD R!HRK,,QGDENrUTAH I ht Lincoln J. Your Prescription, Prescription Druggist. Some of Jbe members of our munity are getting a little frightened; they say the people of Box Elder coun- We consider the value of the electric light plant, owned and held by the of depression, the day of leckoning, Brigham City Electric Light Co., with the financial crash will come and leave its holdings, at $7,000 and that the us all in the hole. company has expended on their work In answer, I will state for the lat on the contemplated new plant half century or more there has been a M. M. Jensen, perpetual stream, an artery of gold Orson Hudson, flawing through this great country of Appraisers. an artery with many branches J. if. Peters also submitted a writ- ours, filaments. and It ponied its millions ten statement giving his reasons for all the eastern cities; and into Chicago refusing to sign the report of the other two appraisers as to the value and finally into leaver, Salt Lake of tbe old plant. The reasons briefly City and Ogden. Nine years ago a . are: The only witness appearing be- filament reached over and dropped a east-sidfore the committee was S. N. Lee, million of gold into our parched counsecretary and treasurer of the company, who testified that the capital ty. The result: the west side canal stock paid in is $5,050. No dividend and the prosperity of that region . t, has ever been paid. A debt of $4,500, There was no panic followed that east-sidincurred through mismanagement, The main arterial expenditure. has been paid off. A six heur service of wealth stream scarcely felt it had has been given; if an attempt was of a lost its golden store. drop made to run longer they could not run and million could be is of out date another at all. 'The system Today net for last The earnings in dangerous. spent developing our resources with year was about 114 per cent on $5,050. no danger whatever of a financial Mr. Peters thinks from all Informapanic or bust up. In fact, the result tion the committee could obtain, that ould be just the opposite; it would $3,000 would be a fair valuation. The in an era of prosperity to tend usher not basis a fair temporary earnings it more and capital and wealth our bring to fix the pride hut the prospect of Its way. perpetuity, and the plant can only be Of course general depression and considered a temporary one. do come, but anything that panics P. was read J. After the report little this community might do could ChristeftSSff moved that the following not one, or effect the general bring done: resolution be adopted which was tone of the money market. Be it resolved ;by the Mayor and These conditions might well be comCouncil that J. D. Peters he tendered A few days ago Lorenzo N. to a six year old boy attaching Accuracy; pared Larenzo a vote of thanks fer his services as an Stohl. sled vehicle to and a his little expectfor Mutual the Stohl, Life agent hearResponsibility. council Managar. appraiser, and that the he is going to stall the big, strong Insurance 6 SJpm. ing urtaln, maintained he the endorse received a position Go., tily specteam; but they drag him along nLt The value of au abstract depends on On motion of I. A. Jensen the matand ially printed finely a has been feather engraved knowing weight THESE THREE VITAL POINTS, ter of the appraisement of the Elec- added to their load. So the few hun- policy issued that company. by was referred to tric Light company dreds of thousands that we might The Mutual Life was organized the committee of the whole. I invite an examination of the methborrow now to help up develop these HAMPTON & HOPKINS ods adopted to secure accuracy, and of and x, February 1843, every my ability to make good any leueaused resources, while it means everything by error or omission In my abstracts. -to us, is nothing compared to the many tenth anniversary of that event FRESENTLorenzo I Stohl. millions spent ia other pluces every the company issues this kind of a Manager. A Beautiful Story of Backwood Folks Curtain 8 JU p m year -policy. By the way, the insured I confine myself exclusively to Some of the farmers consider this was a well known of young lady eanal as a sort of calamity that will ABSTRACTING, ' drive them from home and their land this city. CONVEYANCING aid and leave them penniless because they NOTARY WORK The new school books are all have not the cash iu hand to meet here. Old books taken in exthese payments. And can give the promptest atten loschange, Brigham City Pharmacy. Tnere is no occasion for anyone By John Crittenden Webb. tion to all work In my line. this $30 water March 13, YoUrs Respectfully, r Thursday, Mar. PRICE CIS. HANSEN Hour- - Opera House , and durable that it will not get ut ol order, so easy of action that a child can operate it, so effective in its work that it will wash any garment clean without boiling, without scrubbing, without the least wear and tear, and without the use of destructive chemicals, with nothing but soap and water. It washes the finest fabrics without breaking a thread, and will wash a carpet with ease. Full instructions how to use It go with each machine. It is so simple JOS. F. The Question of the com- NEW GOODS. It ALL ADVERTISERS Bj HOUR. An Amusing and Interesting Story A Strong Company. The Eminent German Comedian, CHAS. A, (KAKLj GARDNER. Usual Prices of Admis sion. Box office opens to a. ms. BOTTOM, debt ing his land from if judgment is used. In the first place subscribe for water for all the good land yon wish to use or rent and sell the remainder. Then consider the $30 as a debt tle land itself must pay. Get along time loan and the union of For good, sellable insurance Pipe A Companion Play to Arizona" and Way Down East." Presented by an excel-Sh- t company A COMPLETE SCENIC CALL ON JOSEPH Room 22, Telephone 22, N. STOHL, Special Room 25. 1 First NatI Bank Bldg Feature PICTURE FRAMES. pictures; mouldings frames to select' from. picture -- . .Box office open 10 a. Next door to the new Livery. " CALL AND SEE HIM. $100,000 to Loan at c per cent SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY interest on improved dry or irrigated farms,... SHOE AND Fred Jp Holton; Our prices the lowest. ART GALLE&Y. BARBER, m, . and COMPTONS Abstracter. First Nat. Bank Bldg Brigham, Utaa Village Quartette Prices: 25, 35, 50 & 75c REG BERROW, Pictures and picture frames is our line. We can make your frames and frame your pictures on short order. We have the largest and best line of colored Norman Lee, Bonded N. P. HANSENS FURNISHING STORE. f Prompt Offfce Room 23, SI, Firt Nat. Bank Bid?. |