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Show I i ' J S I jgjSnSMCWlOK to U' Ml j Use irica fi U harlft tolnr 4ott the ca the hC; Benevolent Association of Chicago. Henrietta A. S. Marsh, President Benevolent Association, of 327 Woodlawn, Chicago. job Park Terrace, dociij restraa .'t throKi loiK 16 says la grippe for seven I tried ajad nothing helped me until had at last I once that felt at I jna ured the right medicine and kept steadily Within three weeks I was fully roving. Henrietta A. S. Marsh pi Order of Good Templar, of Impendent Washington. I. O. G. in T. W. Collins,' Treasurer of Everett, Wash., has used the great nrhal tonic, Peruna, for an aggravated She writes : e of dyspepsia. tfter having a severe attack of la grippe, suffered with bt 1114 ve4 - T Iowa ir lov. f heaat you 'Iti lot, 1 Wife '. ' It Writ After could eat my regular meals un4 y was built up, my k relish, my system to k i'ih returned, and I have remained in of kf dlent strength and vigor now for over a ed u "Mrs T W, Collins. wife r .0u do not derive prompt and satisrom I fy results from the use of Peruna, m st once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full were If idsent of your case and he will be bis valuable advice he ks oed te give you suffered with dyspepsia. hera .ddress ItOr utjssn loot" 1 Dr. Hartman, President of The Sanitarium. Columbus, O. CARBOLIC SALVE will prevent blood poisoning in Out I, ruhblt; t is, a t tak-pen- 1 rattte M Wounds, Sores, and heal 25 cents, Bruises, too. bol' them, yon have te, iuti drear. Scents? v for 30THACHE CXAl OurJap-Toot- h Ache rid you ops will both. sarlK r m I DeCOSTAS LIVER m I! Health Insurance for FILLS is thoLgt 'bat to 25 cents a policy. What is your health worth? n lire rnaks J that Lung Diseases lriitai art U. RECORD OF THE PAST. The best guarantee of the future Is Sunday the record of the past, and over fifty Mr. Rockefellers School Gave Good Answer. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., as is w ell known, is an ardent Sunday Schoul worker and superintends a gathering of youngsters every Sunday. His experiences are not unlike those of other religious workers and the answers to some of his queries are amusing. In fact, one answer was embarrassing rather than amusing. He desired to encourage the members of his class to commit to memory certain bible verses. Sometimes the teacher would quote a portion of the sentence, halt, and almost involuntarily the student would complete It The earth is the Lords? geBted the teacher. The boy could not continue. And the fullness there couraged Mr. Rockefeller. Be!ongs to the Standard Oil added the pupil. lo J ' In Pupil For Fe-ru- CatarrhalTiseases. - HAD HIS LESSON LEARNED thousand fied have publicly testi- people that Doans Kidney Pills have cured them of numerous kidney Hts, from common backache to dangepgua diabetes, and all the attendant annoyances and sufferings from urinary disorders. They have been cured to stay cured. Here is one case: Samuel J. Taylor, retired carpenter, residing at 312 South Third St, Goshen, Ind., says: 0n the 25th day cf August, 1897, 1 made an affidavit before Jacob C. Mann, notary public, stating my experience with Doan's Kidney Pills. 1 had suffered for thirty years, and was compelled at times to walk by the aid of crutches, frequently passed gravel and suffered 1 took every mediexcruciatingly. cine on the market that ! heard about and some gave me temporary relief. 1 began taking Doan's Kidney Pills and the results I gave to the public in the statement above referred to. At NO LAUNDRIES IN CHINA. this time, on the 19th day of July, Sailor Ponders Over What to Him Is 1902, I make this further statement that during the five years which have a Mystery, ft's the funniest thing to me, said elapsed i have bad no occasion to use an old sea captain who for many years either Doans Kiduey Pills or any was In the China trade, as he settled other medicine for my kidneys. The himself comfortably back in his chair cure effected was a permanent one. A FREE TRIAL of this great kidand blew a few rings of smoke Into medicine which cured Mr. Tayney the air, that nine out of every ten Chinamen who come to this country lor, will be mailed on application, to of the United States. Adopen laundries and engage in a busi- any part Co., Buffalo, N. ness which does not exist in their dress Foster-MllburY. For sale by all druggists. Price native land. As everyone knows, the Chinese 50 cents per box. at home wear soft cotton and woolen Irving's Fondness for Tea. garments, according to the season, and Sir Henry Irving has a weakness for there Is not a pound of starch In all China. Stiffly starched clothes are tea. He likes to brew It himself, and unknown, and the Chinese men do not never travelB any long distance withdo the washing, as they do In this out taking a full tea equipment with country. Neither is there any regular him. Sir Henrys favorite brand la an laundry in the Flowery Kingdom. sxpensive China tea. Therefore It is more than passing Mr. Winslow Soothing hyrop.' children Uwlhlng, anflrn. tlte iiiuiii, reduce. f strange that Chinamen should all come For Ounm.Uun, ilUyt pain, cure, wind colic. 36e botU. to America to engage in a trade so foreign to their home industries. Ths Mean Things. The editor of the Glasgow Echs Queen Exhibits Bantams. avers be Is not inclined to be much at Eight varieties of bantams are a sport, but be says, when we meet exhibited by the Queen of a cinch in the road we recognize it. at a show at Barnstable. Thus habit led, him to accept a prop osltlon made by a friend the other Many of ns might be happy If we day, and every time a passing womai did not suffer from disorders of th felt to learn if her skirt was gapln liver. Then we ought to use Dr. Au- or tucked In under her belt the frlen4 gust Koenigs Hamburg Drops, which was to give the editor a nickel, whDi cure the disorders and bring the for each woman who did not do one of whole system to a healthy condition. these things In walking a block tiu editor was to give a dims. We got 19 nickels, ths molder of opinion com Rarity Among Women There may be some husbands who eludes, and paid him one dims a win be filled with envy when they read lady with both arms full of parceli that the deep melancholy in which the oame along. Kansas City Journal czarina 1 said to be leads her to preWhere He Slept serve silence for long periods even in Hoax Sundays such a slow day. the presence of guests. Certainly her alleged mania might take a mors Why, I was In bed and asleep by o'clock last Sunday night Joax acute and objectionable form. Huh! I was asleep at 7:45. Corns off! I am sure Plao's Cure for Connumptto saves You never went to bed that early." Oh, no; but I was in church at that my life three yean ago. Mr. Taos. RoaaiM. time. lteple Street. Norwich, N V.. Feb. 17. IMA Philadelphia Record, n C. M. Preacher Alee a Physician. Tbs Rev. Charles A. Trotman, pastor of the Church of the Redeemer, 8L Louis, Is also a practicing physidurcian, having regular offlea hours week. ing the I. 3s GET READY FOR BAD WEATHER. i!d weather Is sure to ripen a crop of Old Aches and Pains. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT rs ache and Injuries. It ought to be In easy reach In every home. e tkuM slsea.ee .. Runs Thrcugh Natural TunntL The railway from Bristol, Tenn., IS m Big Ston Gap, Vs., is ths only which runs through s natural tunnel This tunnel Is 930 feet long, and bfi been formed by s rlvsr known ai Stock Creek. Carpet can be colored on the floor with PUTNAM FADELESS DYES. by eolilisMa n,lr7 tsiilmnnUl.tr Basis 'Bf Mtooo plomrououo QdrtrpMPQ. it r) t! i toimto our ouroo to orivoto bstrs, ! M.iii ..111 I la r. Wynsiis Tbit It out " ; ( I'M. Long Racs en Stilts. erin"r For stla i I Ssmitsl Wte.ntti, Vr1n1. ttomirtbno. NvittaHHI inf CottTUMOliOd OU4 OdTlOO into fetwl 9 4UaTZ 7J 1 M CURE CATARRH t.sg, nsf. Ski, aart UJJe,ef tbsHIM.f."Nr, ..-n- Y. rti.s.is ta t of sa nsiV5 Ri.nms. f in a , . I eutt-i.j- SHORES Is5- r0N mi, aaiats IlnUrt.Y.I rt ORES a SHORES. ! I0UAYS Ifootmrnl u. belt Lake - N METALS Mining Joirnl In the the LsaSlHf es.no Ier tsar it AJeSMthr a, nuuta.ua O' Wssfc - - Sample la every S' U fr H w. I uiiw w rlr u inSlv iwr lsy naimssMii. . Tbs longest race ever run on stilts ttok place from Bordeaux to Blsrrlts 1893. The distance Is 303 miles. U- - Hunting The Gator an Exciting Sport him quickly. Sometimes It happons that the creature has not died as he should, an in that case there will be vast trouble, a great deal more inter-- , estlng to read about than to experience. A alligator, hurt grievously and erazy mad, a canoe that remains right side up even under ordinary circumstances only because the occupants are lucky, a pitch dark bayou and black water full of various undesirable reptiles, from water moccasins to other alligators, makes a combination equal to a first-clas- s nightmare. Many alligator skin hunters In Florida and the gulf states carry marks tha accrued to them because they made such a mistake about tbe death of an alligator. Stalking" an alligator with a rifle is a pretty sport, especially If the hunter is a blueblood and willing to call It a fair deal only If he shoots the reptile through the eye. An alligators eye Is not big. If the bullet even so much as grazes the bony eye socket, the chances are that it will glance off aiid the alligator will plunge away, unharmed except for astonishment and anger at the unreasonableness of man. , Causes Intoxication tt There is atmosphere that really intoxicates. and not because It is full of ozone and oxygen, but because it Is laden with alcohol. London authorities who have been making an Investigation have found that the air of distilleries, wine vaults and drinking saloons contains appreciable amounts of alcoholic vapor that , Is prejudicial to health. It is set down as an established fact that a walk through the cellars at the London docks, where large quantities of spirits are stored, has at first a peculiarly stimulating effect, followed by depression and headache and nausea. In the same way the stranger on his first visit to the great sherry bodegas In the south of Spain experiences at first a decided sense of exhilaration, with quickening of the pulse, followed lanby a narcotic effect, a feeling of the In headache. great and guor brandy stores at Cognac, again, to some people the air is sickening. It might be naturally expected that the more volatile constituents of wines and spirits would he the first to evaporate Into the air. and possibly the volatile odors would thus prevail. The effect of Inhaling the air of the . Onto, riw or Toiioo, I M ft,iu rt ocnvr, that I. t'hvni-- insHc rail f tooo, ooptoor, toft prloto bss. U. .hnt tob wSlta Thompsons 1 in in.. .tup,i M.miss a n- -L J rtnr ofmHi Ihfirm r. .11, afmrtialtlii Otll ihtll M ISIUAIW J" ONln fiffll v'U of iwK IICVl.KK.il rennet be f uisrrh every rs-- e uJ to u- -e of 1UM Y'r Nr,y, . Iwfnrs me nt Milrrll.J to, tht I U A uy PnhHn . To? Eye Water 11 v It UTAH JUNK sherry vaults Is more marked than when other spirituous liquids are kept In the store. It Is, of course, well known that sherry Is a highly etheral wine. There would, therefore, appear to be some ground for concluding that when air Is Impregnated with the volatile vapors of spirits or wines It has a marked effect upon health. Whether this effect would be or not upon those Inhaling the air day by day does n it appear to have been ascertained wlto certainty. It Is probable, however, that at any rate some slight deterioration of health would take place. It Is pretty commonly asserted that saloonkeepers and those employed in drinking places experience 111 effects from the constant Inhalation of an atcohol-contaInated air, hut their environment, of course, provides a combination of unhealthy factors. According to an examination made of the air of a distillery It would appear that no less than an ounce of proof spirit or half an ounce of absolute alcohol may be present In five cubic feet of air. money from her. Then her hushand complained that she had varied the Pennsylvania Man Can Lay Claims to punlhment by throwing coffee at him aa be sat at table and tossing bis ths Distinction. The new man has arrived. The clothe out of the window. And all thl time, judge, lie pitialleged funny writers have been prowas fully pleaded, all this time I wa phesying him for a long time. He to have been the logical consequence maklftg the buds, rooking tbe meals of woman's emancipation, hut. sad to and sweeping the floors." Woman "Yes." Interposed Mrs. Hoff, and relate, he Is not a success. woman that's all you ever do. Why don't you one at least Ilk him; doesn't doesn't, and she Is his wife, which support me Instead of letting your has an Important bearing on the ques- mother do It?" The magistrate saw nothing to do tion. in the premises but to bold Hoff In Warren Hoff Is the new man." HI Both are lioo ball to answer in eourt. Philawife Is Mr. Anna Hoff. delphia North American. young, scarcely more than twenty-oneand they live In Manayunk. Ths evidence In the case la Mrs, Hoff's, Bbe No Maid Mads It that told Magistrate Kochmperger A farmer "up the state made some for Warren bad a ladylike passion and grape wine and waa very pmud of his cooking meat, making bed own brand, He invited several peofloors. sweeping to coi.e to a little festival and She did not mind this so much, but ple his wine. lante work. other to any doing be objected what do you think of It? "Well, breadbe the Bhs thought he ought to Possibly It he asked a man from Philadelphia. winner of the famtlly. the finest doWhy, Knrtes, it wa thl nothm that Induced her to 1 ever lasted. nmear him all over with dough and mestic wine Domottc thunder! I made It all flour the other day. Warren ald he Ledger. had done thl. "I was just going to a inj new job 1 got. he added, and of A mati'a love for a woman should course I couldn't go." Mr, lloff admitted the vmrartri. he respect, nrier ahjict oihcrwlsg but said It wu bei ante be bad taken It will he reject. NEW MAN" PUT mi1 hr I. Ukn inwrnullv. " rthd . for ."JJI1 V i t HKSfc.VatU..e"d - ,iu I t Met nto Lhto bO0V Remedy for Whooping Cough. Baked mouse, It Is alleged, is stlB considered a good remedy for whoop-In-g cough in tom parts of Yorkshires England. ; i j t FREE MEDICAL ADVICE Every working; girl who Is not well Is cordially invited to write to Mrs. Pinliham, Lynn, Mass., for advice; it is freely given, and has restored thousands to health. Hiss Paines Experience. I want to thank you for what yon have done for me. and recommend Vegetable Lydia li. Pinklianis whose work Compound to all girls on their feet la keeps them standing the store. The doctor said I must atop work ; he did not seem to realise that a girl cannot afford to stop working. My back ached, my appetite was poor, I could not sleep, and menstruation waa scanty and very painfuL One day when suffering I commenced to take Lydia E. IMnkliams Vegetable Compound, and found that it helped me. 1 continued lta use, and noon found that my menstrual periods were free from pain and natural everyone ie surprised at the change in me, and I am well, and cannot be too grateful for what you have done tot me." Mrs Janet Paine, 630 West 135th St, New York City. iooo ftrfoii tf orlgtnol tf atoo Ittttr proving gtnulnonut not to protocol. Take no substitute, for it is Lydia E. Plnkbums Vegetable Compound that cures. 8aloone Are Plentiful. Lynn, Norfolk, England, has one saloon for every hundred Inhabitants. In Winter Use Allen's Foot-EasYour feet feel uncomfortable, nervous and often cold and sore feet damp. If you have sweating, Foot-Easor tight shoes, try Allen's Sold by all druggists and shoe stores, 25 cents. Sample rent free. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. A powder. STRANGE CASE OF PARRICIDE.' Inhuman Act Committed In French Dependency of Algeria. Quite extraordinary Is the parricide which Is reported from Alglera, the capital of the French dependency of Algeria. Not very far from that town' dwelt an old man, upwards of 112 years of age. with three of hta sona. the eldest of whom Is 75, while the youngest was to him, at least, a Juvenile of (5 summer. The three aone felt aggrieved because their father, bad not gone over to the majority mad left his property to them. He waa, however, atlil hale and hearty, ao they frequently exhorted him to divide hi estate between them, a cool proposal which be naturally enough atoutly declined to entertain. A few evening ago, ai the venerable patriarch waa returning homeward .with a mule laden with dates, his eldest son wen out to meet, and after confronting Llm with an ijltlmatum which ho rejected with contempt, pulled out a pistol and hot him through the heart The mur-der- er and his brothers then took fllghtj but they were captured after h hot chase. They would Inevitably have been lynched tf the gendarmes had at strained every nerve to protect! J them. 20 i I i I 5 to t r 4 MILLION BOTTLES OLD EVERY YEAR. Dated goods won't stand too much polish. HAS ARRIVED. , a art Si to s Sue a Hut 223 Mil VHVtBT SP1CIAUSTS. BLOCK, 9k W. S teend Ss. ALT LAKE CITV. Hoxixs heulhtt pros. CO i. i fw oiscovmri 'ROPQV rr misf Bhilrtirooworrl w I quicb N e THE taw .... 8T. PAUL CALENDAR FOR 1903 els 10x15 inches, of beautiful ictlons, In colors, of pastel now ready for gs by Bryson, is mailed on rs-i-f be will and ion it (25) cents cola twenty-fivF. A. Miller, Gew Address ips. IE If ftm toffot from nf or dl of tbo 0$ , iJV" k. n ,rt CURED. ib.-- Mr. Anderson tells a good story f Miss Elswortby during one of his In tbs midst of American tours. something approaching ths wreck of th ship la which ths company was traveling from a northern port to New Orleans, Anderson, rushing to ths saloon to help ths ladles, found Miss Eto worthy with her maid, both in agony of fear which had cured their Ths perspiration was seasickness. down their face. I assured rolling No danthem there was no danger. actresi cried ths No danger! ger! Why. I can see ths sky hysterically. and aea through the ship's side. Ws are going down; the beat Is suffocsl Ing oh, dear, oh, dear; we are goto down, I tell you, and and (looklni I everywhere around her) my God! have no fan! A SOUND ARGUMENT. PAY WHEN it d Air un smscT anuaoiava on arouse whom i i t t as If several persons were at work. An amusing incident occurred lu the Denver office of the company last week. The long distance operator at Colorado Springs called Denver over one wire and Informed the local office that another wire was out of order. An investigation resulted In a report being made to the effect that the wire was crossed with a dozen others and that It was Impossible to use it until the trouble could be located. An InspiH'tor asserted that he believed the wire was crossed with one connecting with the tower of Babel, and the hello girls" upstairs wore ready to agree with him when a Chinaman walked out of a booth, glared around the room for a minute then said: and f Me nntte pay when big fool monkey with mo and call me names alloe A nee me notte know any hetteo, Me wntee talk to Srui Lee, Trinidad, not Mellcans mans and gals In Denver. And the mystery was explained. What had been tnlsiaken for a crossed wire was only two Chinamen, ona in Denver and one In Trinidad, each one trying to get his money's worth of conversation at so much per minute. The Mongolian received an apology and was once more allowed to enter the booth, where he talked to his friend, Sam Lee, In Trinidad. Rocky Mountain News, long-distanc- h or quarter? t "A Chinaman at the telephone Is a funny thing," remarked a telephone operator a few days You see, it Is impossible to ago. tell whether one person or a half a dozen are talking, and we often become mixed up In listening to them. When one Is speaking it seems as if half a dozen are talking, and we often imagine the wires are out of order. To make matters worse the Chinese delight in talking as fast as possible, and we never know whether the Chinaman at this end of the wire is talking, or if It Is the one at the other end. After the conversation is ended the Chink walks out of the booth with a smile on his face, and pays for a three-minuttalk. We have lately discovered that he iniarlably says as muh during that time as could have been said by a white man In fifteen minutes. To be sure, the telephone company is not really "out" anything by the transaction, as it Is paid by the minute. hut nevertheless In the case of the Chinaman the company would be the gainer by charging for volume instead of time. A Chinaman always begins bis talk In pidgin English. Ho says: Hello! Is this Sam Ling? I bette you don't know yi hi yi he yahbo benno ne and so on; and it sounds on the wires Night hunting for alligators in the south Is one of the weirdest forms of American sport. The canoe glides softly over coal black water, with heavy trees hanging over the banks and everything lost In gloomy mystery. A lantern with a strong reflector Is carried. The dazzle of It makes a drifting or swimming alligator hesitate Just long enough to provide a good chance for a shot. Sometimes the lantern is affixed to the bow of the boat. Sometimes it is affixed to the front of the sportsmans hat so that Its beam of light shines straight In the direction of the line of aim. This method of night hunting is If the gator Is known as shining. asleep when the shine" falls on him, he will glare stupidly at It for a moment or two before he Is awake fully enough to get away Into the darkness. Then Is the time to shoot. The shotgun Is most used for this kind of hunting, and the charge Is sent into the joints between the head and shoulders. One of the exciting stages of alligator hunting is after the beast has been alligator sinks almost tor CMkM bit. As a dead Po wd Mother Gray's 8 Prof. Dolbesrs Career. Is to get bold of it necessary at once, auras Successfully used by Mother Gray, Prof. A. E. Dolbear of Tufts colOura fat ths Children's Horn In New York. lege has just celebrated his sixty-fiftFsvsrUhnses, Bad Stomach, Teething twenty-eigh- t over For birthday. orders, move and regulate the Bowels aaO Alcohol-Lade- n at years he has been a professor Destroy Worm. Over 80,000 taetimonlsla Tufts. He was born In the same At all druggists, 35c. Sample FREE, id-d- r Alien S. Olmsted. LeKoy, N. Y . house In which Benedict Arnold was Japanese Com Cnre will rid you of a born. WHAT WAS SHE THINKING OF! dozen CORNS for a To Care a Cold In One day. AH Tablet. quarter. Which do Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Actress, In Fear of Death, Regretted If It fails to corn ms She Had No Fan. you love the best-c- orns druggists refund money GIRLS TO WORKING : wt with a cough, you will cough up quarter for a hot-o- f Cough Balsam all stop coughing Z. Tricks of Chinamen At the Telephone -- Is Hipptn. M tl Ik obtnn-- of ftn. and miliar it.v b--.n m:l hrr lim-it- h Mny to-r- d fcr r.r Jaco. Oil d NHUJMAT15M, H PAD-ACH- E. M URALCIA, TOOTHACHK. . SCALDS. BUNNl, UMFNr'-'-lEKFAINS. BKUUIS ri 'l pin lor wbteh (all c.n b ppld. t.mlrmd 7 hcuunrt. who k.ra (0 cur. II I norol bi Inearth! ( blh nrt In h.ipU). hra thrown w their erulih-- .. k1r cured HIM UWn St, jAno.i Oiu Direction In bom. Uncu(l tecomfuny m v'f CONQUERS i i PAIN I 0e Lead RELIABLE ASSAYS. SU.ee .s .......4 .Uildnrt (.. hii.r, U'Kr,. I Prompt rvtumt on Ogden Assay Co. ) Lie utopia. i "r.SSSfSffm? to women rnrr I II til Prot tb healing and clruuning power uf Pckxtlne Toilet Antiseptic we mall with trial will large trcstmenl book of instructions absolutely free. Thl la not a tloy sample, but a Jar gw package, enough to convince any one that it t the uiot eucomsful preparation known to mnllcine a a rlcan.lng vaginal douche and fur the l(Hl treat ment of woman special 111, curing discharge and all iurt.immatlm, also cato clean. the Irclh, mouth, and cure tnrrh. Scud today; a cimtal will du nidi (Mill It iirtatttiN lurlt iiol. !. I ton Mm fUltoe JAfclO1 , ItMuuiUus I4 i ' |