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Show THB PROOF OF THE PUDDINOI IN THE EATING. Tha doctors axe dumbfounded, the druggists astonished, and the people excited and Joyful over the wonderful cures and tremendous sales of the great Remedy, St Jacobs Oil. Every case of Rheumatism some of many years standing--ha- s given way to this powerful remedy Thousands of certificates like the following can be furnished as to its value: George Scleyer, Publisher of the Chilton, Whs., Volksboto, used St. Jacohs Oil for "almost unbearable pains In the back, which had completely prostrated him." A few applications cured him entirely. Mrs. Fred Eberle, Bellalre, 0., was for a long time severely troubled with Rheumatism. St. Jacohs Oil Instantly relieved and entirely cured her. Rev. Dr. B. Pick of Rochester. N. Y., suffered so Intensely from Rheumatic pains that lie was unable to preach. Several applications from a bottle of St Jacobs Oil relieved him. F. Radder, Cleveland, Ohio, says: Two applications of St. Jacobs Oil cured me of great and long continued pain in ray foot Messrs. C. L. Brundage and Son, Druggists, Muskegon, Mich., write: "St Jacobs Oil has a wonderful sale. We sold eight bottles at retail yesterday. This will give you some idea of how well it is liked In this section. Mr. Louis Hinkel, of Fast Ioesten, I rail St. Jacohs Kill, N. Y., says: Oil the best liniment I pver used. It cured me of Rheumatism and pain In the back. Herman Rittner, Manchester, N. I have tried St. Jacobs Oil, and H.: found It excellent. All those who have purchased it speak of it as simply PAY THE CURRENT PRICE. UE3 wil! 1 Cooking toaj t, eDt!ettt 3. IF. Alfred o 4, Ct id iaP( a bcr t,i Josmizc Uie real symptoms jeran?enient of the female Tjs until too late. i It Iapy backac! ay id ne. the ac 0D, ird 'count and bought a bottle to ; glad I am that 1 did 6o fllow brought me immense re- more jnd after using thgee bottles and blood surging pt new life It seemed as rny veins. a regular house i h there had been my systt in, that all cksess and poison had been taken !.'nd new life given me instead. I dozens of mv friends to use (lneya. 4 I needed be pat from territ; '3 re;: ras?T; -- leap i;.' s obs-ri- Pinkiiani.s Vegetable llipound- - Hood health is indis-SjPl- e to eomph'te happiness, and jdia K. Pinkhoms Vegetable pound has secured this to me. Laura L. Buemxr, Crown Indiana, Secretary Ladies Relief jt, 15000 forfeit If original of abooo totter :m tn let aiou . sat 1 U- - idia a and at along my pains Pmkhams at; to caiti terrible had cord for two years and suffered I was e'iven different fully 5 lines wore plasters; none of 1 thin- -s helped me Heading of fires that Lylm II. table Compound has brought f,t 1 souk how felt that it was to (3 and doctors do ivonipn leveicj,. ie 00 produced. gtmintnesi cannot t ey cos rery sick ciricln woman who does not her ailment should Iinkham. Lynn, llcr advice is free and Icrstand te Mrs. - s i a letter: nail car ayilielpfuL attra'tfc y ttes Valuable Find In Denmark. ag e. ia i bog on the Island of Zeeland, irhat t Vmark, a votive bronze chariot hai a b:i ,u found with the image of a horse i Inches high In front and with an ro tSi v :lj Lid gold Cannot He Cured oiaUpiilK'ali'Oi- - as they raniHit r.'iieh the Tnere is oiilv one b port inn of the to i "ip (leal ins'., mitl lh.it is tv eoiisii-- S "ml wnsliis pi .ifncss is eaii'ei) hv an n.Hlromi'lion of ili mucus lutim- - of thl i urban Tutic When this tube is Inllumeij a tuir a riinii'i'.m," s.imii or imiierfeet bear-- f an1 wuen it n t ii el v elosi il deafness is reult. aid unless the Intl.iuim.itimi ean Is 4 n out a'i'i ihis tnhe restored to its normal allllon, hr, nine will lie destnned forever; a- - rases cut of ten are caused bv catarrh, ch nothing Imt an inti, lined condition of surfaces tmuris Hollars foranvease f ewiilfiveone Hundred (caused liv catarrh I that cannot tired hv iliill'a ( alarrh Cura. Send for r Jiars, free. F. J. ClIKNEY & IX)., Toledo, 0l tea .e (r t a;: i at; mo: ll mid: n rdt S Kite 3 . i Dntnni is. i son on one c: ecu; i ut IS d bv Prmrtrisis. T.V. ali a Family Fills 5kKd are the bcsL Kid:" irci em e! bta::g Disinterested. was iMitllda I think that Frank in to me disinterested asking plly More Than his wife CIX Me tlo ber l'nele wrs uisi, iveh I. ? Georg"--Disinter-d- s! 5V.t :;u: Stock. and we pay one Ban pak for Farm Food Every farmer that wishes to care for his animals in the best way should have utensils for the heating of water CARBOLIC SALVE c. will prevent blood poisoning in Cuts, Wounds, Sores, and heal them, too. 25 cent3. you have Bruises, A- Would 3C0THACHE for cents? Our jnops Jap-Toot- h Ache will rid you Feeding Fodder to Draft Horses. At a convention of stockmen, the writer heard one of them assert that Americans feed (heir horses too much corn fodder, at h ast in that part of the country included in the corn belt. The man that made the asseition was one of the horse breeders in this country. Ilis declaration was contradicted by a horseman present, who claimed that he was feeding h:s horses very largely on corn fodder There was a great deal of truth in the declaration of the man at first referred to The foreign buyers realize the Importance of this and are said to discriminate sharply in favor of draft horses raised outside of the corn belt. They take it for granted that t he horses taised outside of the corn bell are fed on oats and other highly nitrogenous materia! Id mips they arc not iiuiie right about li is. for there are few m tions of this country in in which orn (odder is not ral-eiiiaii(itii'5 lor stock. . laiscil in Belgium anil ad joining i iiiintiii's in'" said to tiring a good dial more tmin ..neridin taised ho.. os tor tin rca on tunt It is positively Known that they have been fed on nitrogenous feeds, such as the American bred draft horse seldom gets in the corn licit. Of course the material out of which the teed Is made up applies more to the feeding of Fie growing horse than it does to the feeding of the mature horse. Corn fodder, though a talualde feed. Is not Siiltnble to the Imildirg up of tie f rutne of the growing draft horse When corn Is added to It, us Is often tiie case, U becomes a latbni still more badly Imlamed. The horse that has lie ll comp lied to subsist very time largely or oiu (odder for a long and life lacks spirit. best-know- DeCOSTAS LIVER Health Insurance for PILLS is a policy. Whatisyourhealth worth? 25 cents p Lung; Diseases v rr with a cough, L, m will cough up ax x w v ill quarter for a bot fof Cough Balsam X ?3llst0DC0Usrhin!r Japanese Corn Cure will rid you of a dozen CORNS for a quarter. Which do you love the best-co- rns or quarter? U&9IT OR PROM I TORI I I z. C. M. I I I. , Ml". l"l Si lld , ef "I "11 CP, I,t re I ,'k , .tt it ,,.,l lull f. r lll m )U)S CO MI IIP .' mi illiLui" it sr.l. l " m.a- v.:',:,,vv.',.,v.v ltii,tun .Vm'Hm it f, " mnitj hagr. COULD NOT Pc-ru-n- for Coughs, Colds, Grip and a Catarrh-- Congressmans Letter. A f I SADDLE. USE SIDE Woman Turned Down by Livery Keeper. e Ido not believe Plsos Cure for Conmimptloi has on equal fur conges and colds. John F Good News by Wholesale. card sent from Blllvllle to postal Iod., Feb. &. 1900. BoTSh, TrlD.lv one of the absent brethren reads: "Dear but good news The Real Trouble. Your to tell r you. amcrap covt-repaid off the of the golden The "dls mortgage, your brother broke out o ber varnish of the Cremona violins has been visiting New York newspa- jail, an your daddy has jest got $1,000 r out the railroad riinni n over bis pers offices again. There are enough Providence Aint leg. providin'! were Would there that good violins. Atlantic Constitution. fewer bad violinists! A Sp-ng- s. Jlm--Nutbi- ii f.-- In every country of the civilized world Sisters of Charity are known. Not only do they minister to Hie spiritual and intellectual needs of the charges committed to their care, but they also minister to their bodily needs. With so man v children to take rare of and to protect from climate and disease, these wise and prudent listers have found Ierunaa never failing safeguard. Dr. Haitiuau receives many letters from Catholic Sisters from all over the United Mates. A recommend recently received from a Catholic institution in Detroit, Mieli., reads as follows: Dr. S. li. Hartman. Columbus, Ohio: Dear Sir They ounggtrl who used the 1erunn was suffering Irom laryngitis, and loss of voice. The result of the treatment was most satisfactory. She found great relief, and after further use of the medicine we hope to be able to say she Is entirely cured. Sisters of Charity. The young girl xx as under the care of the Sisters of lun-i- t v and used Ieruna for catarrh of the throat with good results as the above letter testifies Send to The Ieruna MedicineCo.. Columbus, Ohio, for a free book written by Dr. Hartman. The following letter isfroin Congressman Meckisoii, of Napoleon, Ohio: The leruna Medicine Co.,Columbna, O. Gentlemen: have list'd several hottlesof Peril lias and feel greatly J benefit ted thereby from my head.? ami feel encour-- I Cl'1 . ... aged to believes its con-that ued use will ? tiu David Meek Ison, fully eradicate a disease of thirty years standing." David Meckison. Dr. Hartman, one of the best knows and surgeons in the United physicians Mates, vv ns the first man to formulate leruna. It was through his genius and perseverance that it was introduced M the medieul profession of this country. If you ilu not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna write at om-- to Dr. Hartinan, giving full statement of your case and he will he pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. i i bi prrrrr" ris he-bc-- ili t Its component parts are nil wholesome. It acts gently without unpleasant It is wholly free from objectionable substances. ,t h ,;i after-effect- family laxative st I' s. I It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants. wholesome aromatic liquids which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste. It contains It Is pure. It is gentle. All are pure. All arc delicately blended. All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. It is pleasant. 1.1 I ?!1ll Syrup.of VI Iloi-M-- Becacuse. Why d It is efficacious. .1 Ml if It is n t Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the originality and simplicity of the combination. exjiensive. It is goml for children. buy the genuine. To get its licncficial effects It is excellent for ladies. l! Manufactured by It is i mivenient for business men. .4 perfectly safe under all circumstances. It is list'd by millions of families the world over. H is D. E (f pfiSYRilP It Mauds highest, as a laxative, with physicians. If you use it you have the best laxative the world produces. -e rn V dyed with DYES. Use will not stain goods PUTNAM FADELESS con-tartl- "h 3 I s af. I1 !. S.xn Ky. Louisville, run PALK Francisco. Cal. I New York, s Klmll'J 1 "f bum Th,. rim irt.'tiKivi farmltn ' M l land Wh",. nh.i.t rurmir.it w.,iM n will .u lug a profit on it list, ip prim 1 a ijui'siiiii than i.rthon mIwvi at'UhttiiPL i; f1" ' ' "P J BY ALL LKAVISO HKVUdlSTa. MOLASSES DAINTIES v CARNATION CHOCOLATES! MUSTANG LINIMENT kI . Hard R.mstfy, Rather ! i i.i'tu that "Th-- r perlioi ID HIIPBOM 'I 11 .,I. fur thst b (hut's "p the '"t"' prin. pi" f'd a 'l' r(UllitllS. a I" r hrsdlt .. ('lev rliiiol 1'ln.P I" t'1' fay 1'1' of Oarman ".'i tiip'bii.y.. United Suif'ii i, iid." littportsthin of t,'-v- AaK, your t Dealer for Them, SRS ts Salt Lake Candy Co., Sole Makers. i xx I,. ,.id it. f oh 111 N' M . U) i RELIABLE ASSAYS. .n H.fMU , , . t. ' a "fi tefi th ry . rash, r- ' . I h .1. i'll . Mu L ? ?! I'"li'ibl hr, UK 0I..LK L , 1 ORES 22L1 hlEfALS l.fMtlti'tf fc mi)ils v mw or.rfUF .1 N t to t)A .i.v"S,v H H. lu Milrtl U it. it, hf)l O, n"i I i'fc lit A.W lif t, lllil, . . I rtt h, ,! ... i, . II, it. Uel tlmii'it .Jmtroiti i l i on i rni-.iui.- i, ' i.MiDir m ASbAY CO. CC-Dt- with sn fi ?x Sold, wtdl ks If" In' PENSION n. t. oi, hi. k,oiu, Ip imriii ,...): Is or 187$ staff 'Mill. i r- - ov.ru an 1"" Ia L IL F - S P JT remedy lltiib ' Utah's Favorite Confections TRY the greatest FOR. irtrev T'i" i Many (jra.V . C Y. N. ik ed k Fruit acids SISTERS OF CHARITY - SOUND ARGUMENT V the Cosmopolitan Gives Some Good Advice. My young friend, Jlmtny Banks, was married a little over a year ago. Ha had previously spent twelve months in the most furious courtship. The girl at first had not eottoned to Jim ray very much, but he moved heaven and earth so vigorously t hat she at last consented Now, the other day who appears before me but Jimmy, with a long face and makes a complaint that the baity keeps him awake nights. "Good gra ions' Jimmy," I said, "didn't you know that babies always do that? A baby has to have some relaxation. Go home and be thankful that It isn't twins. There Is the reverse ride to every joy. You cant have the advantages of bachelorhood and married life at the same time. You buy everything with a price leisure, family, office, learning, wealth, fame, position. Nothing Is free. Be sure you want the article, pay the current price and enjoy your possession- .- Cosmopolitan. I Methods of Drenching Animals. Salmon, chief of the Bureau ol The popu Animal Industry, nays: lar method of .lr itching is with a hot of a drenching tube Is. tie. The ilA however, far more saMsfactoiy. made he by taking tube may drenching ke an ordlusn tin funnel, which may and or cents, ten ror the purchased the itariow end Into one end tutu- m hose, say three rubber of II or one half f..,t long and other end the into In diameter, liieh i a piece nwrted of the ruhlier tube Inch brass r Iron tub f The lurhe- - long. 4 to t; lug about sni the between is placed tube metal calf nr th mid sheep mill's hack water I allowed to bite upon It. The funnel, the Into Is poured nr drench or which mnv he held h.v su assistant Blent .mnv. a -d at Pa to who h!d the metal height The man uninisl'a teeth .an the tube between load with the left animat's the roiitroi the tub- - in Hi. holding hand, and by of union or right hand, m ar the point t fohe he ' i r ::d f '" '".I e.ls.lv i ollliol the H rubber l.t pun him; the 'he P'd'-i.- l hi taken imt to -ld , do WM !h I. I' other I . ll elder t. C lung In It Is bard these days, says a popular actress, "to In- - an woman even with the Lest Intentions I was resting at a rather fashionable little place not long ago and wanted to get some horseback exercise, of which I am very fond. So I went to a pretentious looking livery stable and applied for a horse. The proprietor As inquired how I Intended to ride. a woman a with a should ride horse, 1 Geo. G. Erffle, Palestine, III.: was in bed suffering from a swollen side saddle, of course," I answered. "Then you can have no horse of ours," leg, I used St Jacobs Oil, its effect was wonderful. The following day I was the verdict. "A side suddle unfits the best of horses for any other use. attended to my business again. an Invention of the devil and as Dr. Otto Fuls, Reading, O., writes: Its to the woman as It Is to the Injurious y of St. Jacobs Oil is The sale All my wiles were povverlpss borse. Increasing; It Is praised by to overcome the horse owners objeceverybody, and never fails to give en- tions and I was forced to equesforego tire satisfaction.' trian pleasure. Novelist In Poor Health. THE 6T. PAUL CALENDAR Private letters from Sorrento bring FOR 1903 the Information that F. Marion Crawfords health Is giving his family fix sheets 10x15 imhes, of beautiful In colors, of pastel much anxiety. The novelist recently reproduction0. Is now ready for 15ry.-on- J & by bad serious hemorrhage, it Is said, drawings that left him In a weak condition. He distribution and will be mailed on reor twenty-fiv(25) cents coin recuperated rapidly, however, and ceipt alnce his condition has been more sat- or stamps. Address F. A. Miller, General Passenger Agent, Chicago. is factory. high-price- both. OR OlUiCT cooking feed for stock. By this do not mean to say that it win to cook all kinds of feed or any kind for all purposes, but there are many times and conditions when such apparatus ean he used. We cook food for human beings fir several reasons. One of these objects is to kill disease germs in the food. Cooking food for animals has a tendency In the same direct ion. It costs something lor fuel, hut this cost la very largely offset by the benefits derived from conveying hi at to the animal bodies ami thus saving the expense of carbonaceous materials. It is cheaper to provide heat out of coal or wood than make it out of the tissues of the animal body. The remfort of the animals In the coldest days of winter is greatlv Increased by the warming of tie dnnking uahr and the cooking (it part of t!i feed. The comfort of our farm animals lias a commercial value to us It ha something to do with thriftiness in the stock, and this incrcas"'s the per sibiiities of prof, table feeding. One of the great advantages in tin1 cooking of feed for stork is in being a tile to use for feed some classes of farm prodials that could not otherwise lie so used. Some farmers find it advisable to cook their potatoes for stock, mixing them with meal and ground oats. The boiling of sugar beets for dairy cows precipitates the hitter principle that sometimes affects the milk. Too often ttie argument for and against the cooking of food for stock has been based on the increased or decreased digestibility of the feed and it has been assorted tha the Increased digestibility does not pay the cost of cooking. To some extent that Is true, especially with certain classes of feed, hut there are other advantages to lie gained that certainly do make it advisable to cook some of the feed during a consider able part of the year. Writer Ai Ol nil r f, r h u , 'M ,..4 4M fttU h'R'W W. N. U. bnlt I iht lit. , ,,, Htuk, 1. utitM, 1 't illRf. iWUtli I (AH, fit t 3 60, 1902, Uhft-N- o, i h i .till H.l . I., I ,, hi Mm ,m , lilt! tlHlflth - 'JTM.HiNKCO.:;- iff rfj (Ua Pj Uni AU ftJll'wtl.Uylll'inp fi.' Tr-T7rg4- ? i I '1 br He. 1 ir.--.; ? Ml -- Li |