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Show Local News. Tie Womankind Cut prices ou jackets and capes at Oran Lewis. Mayor Jex was in Ogden Monday and Tuesday. Kelly J a meson left for Wyoming Tuesday morning on mining business. Judge Close has accepted a tion at the Young Mens Co-o- p. night watch. and 11s Place lo lie Home and Nation, When 1 hear Borne of the politicians boasting of having assisted in establishing woman Bufferuge in the State of Utah I cannot help feeling disgusted, for this reason, that even though they had, it was nothing but u duty. According to the laws of God, as well as as to the laws of Nature, the woman posi- and an indispensable purtner of man. One of the first commandments given to the man and the woman by the Creator and Master of both, was, that they should become one, which when compared to other like utterances, by the tsume authority, means Thy equality, and nothing else. desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee, and The man is the head of the woman as Christ is the head of the Church, are sentences that are generally The first one simpmisconstrued. ly means that the wife shall be faithful to the husband, and the other one undoubtedly signifies that if the husband can claim a like authority over Ins wife us Christ has over the Church, then also he is under obligations to bo ready to make a like sacrifice in behalf of his wife, as Christ did fur the church. We find by reading the old testament thut the Ureat Jeliova on certain occasions demanded of the husband to honor the request of his wife, which shows that the wife is not inferior to her husband. this supposed superiority of the man over the woman had its oriRoman ginality in the civilization; it was in Rome, when she was in the bight of her glory, that the woman was deprived of her rights. The Roman soldiers when oecassionally returning home from their conquests, degraded the women; the lattei was obligated to administer to what were termed the baser passions of men. Who, by the way of inducement, while carrying out their immoral purposes, almost worshiped tlieir victims as if they were gods, till they had caused their ruin, but afterwards spurned them us diabolicul Unreasonable as it mny appear, it is to be regretted that examples of a similar kind are not unknown in tue present nge. It is also not without a reason to fear, that so long as the present mode of etiquette, and false modesty is in vogue, that this direful tendeucy Hence will not be oblitoruted. granting womankind a franchise is nothing but a sacred duty, and to boast of doing ones duty is the basest kind of vanity. d It is a true and iteelf. that history repeats adage, No one studying tlie history of the world, impartially, can fail to notice that where the fair sex have been barred from playing their important part on the grand stnge of existence, prosperity and happiness has soon vanished, and degradation and eril taken its place. If duly antialized it will bo found that the downfall of the great nations of the past, was cbietlv due to the lie littling of the wives and daughters of such nations. On the other hand, wherever the womenkind have hail the privilege of exercising the noble qualities iimute to tlieir Hex true grandeur and happiness lias been the result. Tile wonderful jHreverence of race traditions, ami the noble reverence for tlieir noble ancester, peculiar to the Welch, Teutons, Celts and Scandinavians, which never could be overpowered or annihilated bv the sword, prn and eloquence of the Romans and their followers, is mainly due to the respect shown to the mothers wives and daughters by the other sex of those peoples. All great men have hail noble mothers. Early in the eleventh century some of the, otherwise, most excel-leand promising of the young men inhabiting the boarders of the Hattie, and the Scandinavian formed ail association ami built a city catled .loinslnirg.w here no woman was allowed to enter, and the result was, that those sturdy and intelligent warriors, instead of leaving a posterity of which the civilized world would lie proud, through burlarism ami immoral vows of their own, assisted by false pride, came to an ignoble end, and were annihilated by their own people The iiohle daughters of those Northern peoples whom 1 just mentioned, who have for generations suffered under the oppresive Homan civilyoke of the ization, have a great future before them, for Indore long they will ho allowed the privilege lo tn.ireh shoulder to shoulder with tlieir regulated home without a woman taking active part in its man1 never even heard agement;' about one. And as city, county, state, and a nation, are but families of a largpr dimension, the same rule will apply in all cases, and the more actual parts the fair sex plays in the affairs of state and nation, the more firm, just, and secure the goyernment will be. John Thorgkiuhox. is a fit companion, son of John The Ellisons is very sick with membraneous croup. The infant child of Geo. Stewarts of Lake Shore died Tuesday morning from pneumonia, and was buried today. A party will be given in the Kelief Society Hall next Thursday in honor of the old folks of the Second ward T. C. Holding urnved home from Salt Lake Monday, where .he had been to attend the funeral of Mrs. Geo. Holding. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Mary E. Nelson to Mr. T. H. Chadwick on the IStli of this month. The men's underwear in Oran Lewis window lias always sold at Sl.oO per suit. We notice he has cut the price to SI 25. School Superintendent Crown and Prof. Easimond will lecture at the Lake Shore meetiug house tonight on manuel training. daughter of Ieler The Ioulson's of Lake Shore died sud- Monday morning from croup, and was buried yesterday. James I)ow ley, while heuding off denly n cow last Tuesday, slipped and fell on the ice, from the effects of which he has been confined to his bed since. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Margaret Bowen and Mr. John W. Hell. The reception will be given in Tuttles Hall next Thursday night. In the delinquent tax list last week we published a mortgage of Marinus Larsen against Lizzie A. Hutchison, which was a mistake; no such thing in existence. Mr. and Mrs Calvin Cramer arrived from Kansas City last Friday night. Mr. Cramer's eve is getting better, and while east n was coin pleteiy blind for 85 days. ITenry Clinger has been here several days this week looking after the business of Studebaker Hros. He will go to Lchi from here and work this way, and probably be here permanently in about ten days. Next Suuday evening at 8 oclock the Ifev. Herbert Martens of Salt Lake City will preach in English in the Icelandic Lutherian church on the bench." The theme that evening will be The Last Judgment.' U. F. Woodward returned from Heaver yester lay, where lie put a force of men to work on the South Granite. He informs us that a nice body of ore has been struck in the Lacleat at Diamond, better known us the Old Morning Glory. Rural free delivery hns been started from the Spanish Fork nostoilice to Palmyra and Lake Shore, und Lola ml and Benjamin, finite a number ol the people along the routes have not yet got their boxes in, which is considerable annoyance to the carriers, otherwise things are running smoothly. Strong Points. The progrnm to he heard at Dahles hall on the 2fitb Inst, con tains beautiful vocal renditions by the peprless Schubert Lady Cellar-tettdelightful selections (y tlieir mandoline ami guitar club, artistic violin solos, comic And serious e, reading by the entertainer. Mrs. .1. II. Slater died at Provo last Saturday night, from Bright's disease, front which she had suffer(If. ami Mrs ed about two years Slater came to Spanish Fork in 1HU7 from Chicago, and lived here till last winter, when they moved lrovo. Several Spanish Fork people went over to attend the funeral Monday afternoon , tight W ill heTliiter. Those who will persist in closing their ears against the continual r commendation of Dr. King's New Discovery for eousauiptiou, will lane a long and latter light with their troubles, if not ended early Read what by fatal termination T. R. Heal! of Dealt, Miss., has to Last fall my wife had every svmtoin of consumption. She took Dr. King's New discovery after everything else had failed, came at. once und four buttles entirely cured lmr. Guar. ai teed tiv Spanish Folk Drilg lo. trial bottles (fee. Price T.iV, mid m: 1 1 , men-Sier- s. time-honore- nt pan-insul- a, City Council. well A Nw Heine (ly. The old friends of Chamberlains At the regular session last night the following taxes were remitted: Annie Humble. Adlinda Koyle, Mary Isaac, Gertrude Hjarnasou, Mrs. JohnS. Hunting. Miss Martha Arnold, Julia A. Hales. Mary Kinersoin J. McNutt and Vigfuswere made in Certain corrections several and to mortgages, regard were striken from the tax list. Marinus Larsen against Lizzie A. Hutchison .Tames Hutchison, and L. c G. Jensen, J. against Jones against Frank Milner, were all striked off. Several bills were presented and referred to committee on claims. were Improvements of crossings ou streets, committee to referred alleys and irrigation. The proposition of opening a street from the lower p irt of Mam street to the State road was and referred. Adjourned. Cough Remedy will be pleased to know that the manufacturers of that preparation have gotten out a new remedy called Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and that it is meeting with much success in the treatment of constipation, biliousness, sick headache, impaired digestion and like disorders. These Tablets are easier to take and more pleasant in effect than pills, they not onlv move the A Costly Mistake. bowels, but mprove tfie appetite and correct any disorders of the Blunders are sometimes very exstomach and liver. For sale by pensive, Occasionally life itself is the price of a mistake, but youll Spanish Fork Drug Co. never be wrong if you take Dr. New Life Fills for Dispep-sia- , Delinquent Tax List King's Dizziness, Headache, Liver or OF SPANISH FORK CITY, UTAH. Bowel troubles. They are gentle, The following is the list of the delin- yet thorough. 25c at Spanish Fork quent taxes assessed in Spanish Fork Drug Co. 1'itv. Utah county, Utah, for the year 1902. We understand that Geo. Bell Unless said taxcs.togcther with costs, lias just arrived home from the are paid before Monday, Deeember lo. with his feet f will on that date sell the proper- Leamington 1902, frozen. hands and badly herein desert to cash lied, the ty highest bidder, as provided by law; said sale to Revelntiou Imminent, he held at the Spnnisli Fork City Jlall, A sure sign of approaching rebeginning nt 12 oclock, 1). T, Lew is, volt and serious trouble in your Treasurer. system is nervousness, sleeplessSpanish Fork City, Utah ness, or stomach upsets. Electric Flat Is. Bitters will quickly dismember the H V Jones A James (1 Iligginson troublesome causes. It never fails Sylvester Hlad ford to tone the stomach, regulate the Caroline Pace Kidneys and. Bowels, stimulate the James Warner Liver, and clarify the blood. Run John U Wilson J W Hock hi down systems benefit particularly Hans lligtrup and dl the usual attending aches KJoltlur Kjolfsou vanish under its searching and Moses II (iay Electric Kdvvard Wood, pet"! thorough effectiveness. John W Kockhill Bitters is only 50c , and that is reWarran Dudley turned if it don't give perfect satisDudley Jex M.'Co., per'l faction. Guaranteed by Spanish A llowen Mary Fork Drug Co. W Hoc John khill Joseph C'liumlsTS, per'l We have pot added 50 cents onto the price of our suits in order to throw in a pair of 25 cent suspend ers free(?), but we have marked every piece so close that You will Save Enough Money on every Suit you buy con-stder- To Get Several Pairs of Suspenders, Just Try It, swi jJfSAM Spanish Fork, Utah, cut-of- 1 11 churcTTnoTices. Morgan fleck Lucy Piroley Sarah flowers David Howon 1 Hales (e Sarah Hanks John J Hanks James Christensen Michael Christensen est Daniel Crump William Kvans David llowen William J Thomas Koliert Craig est I av id J Thomas David Kvans est David Horten John K Howeu David Hotvett John High Council. Tho regular monthly of thv Histv Council cf th Nebo Stake cfZnn will be hm In the Veary of the Payaon Tabernaaie at 7 p m , Doetober 5. J Stake Presidency. The - iiJP&Tft . HYRUM J.fc'JVnt;, HENRY GARDNER. t lrlexfhiod Meeting, r(tular Monthly Tl ' -' the Priesthood cf the N;;),c Stake of 'Lv n will cmY-ti- e m the Piy3di Tabrrr.ac.e at 10 a. m . December 6. J ?. PA 05. 'r., Of HYRJV LK!0I. HENRY GAhDNER. Stake Fres.der.cy. ' High Pries's. K IloWert a,. The Hu'h Priests cf the Nebo S'ake will nne-- t. in the Tayson Tabernacle at 2 p. m , Decern 6 CHARLES SREWERTON. Alltert Thomas J II Iligginson or ions Savings & T. Oi, John G voltrin Martha Kllen Moore Thomas it Hardy Ismis Heese T it I'hftdw ick ne sl!f S r3 Con. Wagon & MaeiiCo. 46 1 41 1 41 Con. W. ,V M. Co., per'l on 3.00 Con. W. & M. ro on 2 OS 12.00 William j Thomas so tS r2 Walter Koaeli est ne 13 IS r2 David D Iloyaek tie 13 tl r2 Geo A Nielson tin 13 t.i r2 Pleasant It rad ford se s2l tfi r2 Sylvester It rad ford se 21 lit r2 Almira S Dav is sw s2l t.i r2 Caroline Part sc s2S S rJ Aufiie C Hansen se slH tl r2 I'etijamiu Henolfson se 13 tS rl Kvatr f. Kvans se sll tl r3 Carl Crotegnt m 19 tl r3 Sarah J .lamason se sl'J tS r3 join Itutler ne sitl tl r.3 James j a meson se ltl S r.3 Oliver Olson est n sp.l tl r3 John Sigimmson no sill tl r3 James Ailtor! son fie sill tl rl Mortgages John K Hutler against Kli j Tavlor estate et al. 00 rents. good news to mothers children to learn that & JAMES ANDERSON. Presidency. tr Kelief Society. The officers cf the Rhef Sicieti.- - will meet in the Vetry cf the Fayson later-r.ajle at !0 a. m. , ipmfar 6 MRS. . LILLIE PAGE. MRS. FLIZA DIXON. MRS. SUSANNAH PICKERING. jw-- It will be PA3E.tr ? .i . Prea.dei.ey. y 0 Ulcers. Primary The officers cf the Primsrv Assaciafon as usual mtr.-- j Piyson will m-ward n.ee:t;,n' hous- - n 10 a rn.De'eir-bare-ni. JAM. ARGYLE ANNA NEEKKEP I hlrfHLt A SWENcEX y et EMILY JEX. Presidency. Y. I.. M. . V. Olllerrs. -regular -m'nhly nie-ir- .e f V,? and stik- Y L. U. I. A. .vt.l f .ne t.f.d t:l the Pavin' -::ne-wi-j oevnl 13 a ' r ,Jh 3XTZES2LiEilX Would like to have you call and examine their line of Ranges and Stoves. kinds of Stove Furniture. Prices right. Free Delivery. Corner 2d North, Main St., Spanish Fork, All You Meed Clothes for Winter- -- n- December o ANNA "e huve ,,iein unnt to close entire line ef Mens nml Kova Nulls, therenats ami 1ants at 25 per cent iliseouaf . Every fldng In this line must go. t ome early while we can fit yon, ns wc dont propose to EMMA.Fairbanks. I.KH WILL. otll oil) Prej.dency Thin is tlu season of the year whefi the prudent and careful housewife replenishes her supply of Clmmliorlain's Cough Remedy. It is certain to be needed before the winter is over, nnd rP)MJjts gnt much more prompt and satisfne-factory when it is kept at hand and given as soon us the cold is contracted and before it lias become settled in tho system. In almost every instance a severe cold may be warded off by taking this rented freely as soon as the first indication of t lie cohi appears. There i no danger in it to for it contain no liuriuftil substance. It is pleasant to take both adult and children like it Buy it and you will g.-- the best It alwavs cures For sale by Span-isFork Drug Go. r V V r k. . of small ertmp cun be prevented. The first sign of croup is hoarseness. A dav or two before the attack the child liecomes hoarse. This is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy freely as soon as the child liecomes A Frightened Horse, hoarse, or even Hfter the rough Di lining like mud down cough appears, and it will dispel llu atrect all synttoms of orotip. In this way da in ping the or a hunmMipants, all danger and anxiety may be dred other accident, are every day avoided. This remedy is used by occurrences It behoove everylaidy o have a reliable Solve many thousands of mothers, ami handy ami bus never been known to fail. It there la noiie as good ns Bucklen's is, in fact, the only remedy that Arnica Salve. Burn. tits. Sores, can always be depended upon and Eczema ami Files, disappear quick that is pleasant and safe to take. ly under its toothing effect. 25c Notice f Assessment No, , For sale by Spanish Fork Drug Co. at Spanish Fork Drug Co The Thistle Mining , Milling Houses and lots and farming pany. principal f land at lowest prices. H. J. John-so- Spanish huk ity, taheoioiu I..,, notick is in iv It giMo, real estate agent, First ward, meeting of the dire, 'tor, ., u - j giig r. 'c-'- v'r fetoW . Young Mens Consolidated Co-o- p. Spanish Fork, Utah. chil-(Iro- n t Hr( h I n, Spanish Fork, Utah. day of Nov., lung. ltM t n Thousands SavedDy one (1) mill per -- Imre w;t hoi,.,) , ' I linn a llrtler -Plaster, 1,.. KINGS IIW DISCOVERY v:1"1"' ne tl,,. - i. ...... , A piece of lliinnel damped with This wonderful medicine Chamberlains iuin Halm and posl- nrk' Ai,v it.-.- ; cures Consuma'.ion.CouQhs tively Ism Hiid tid is effected beton brothers the fathers, husbands, Menieiit Hiuv remain purls, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, P.icu- sous ill tlm great battle of progress ter than n plu-tfor a lame hack ra ;U"he,.nhday.,f Det.,.,tlM.r, rnon.a, Hay rCver, ill knowledge in behalf of divine nod for pains in the side or chest. side a T Pleurisy, Li. publ oauetnin, 1Uli Gnppo, Hoarseness, Sor Throal, Halm has to and Fain no superior ns a n.rltt Is made Mre, w ill the high thunks V' qualities, Croup and Whooping Couah. standard of knowledge which is linement for the relief of deep ball day of January. Hm.l. Ml,, ! Ilient, together Vi Every boltla guaranteed. now being introduced, the result seated, iniDculuf and rheumatic delinquent No ' cost of advertising the Cura. uf Milo tie will (l Htius, Fof greater than ever Injure, by Spanish Fork ductlllg late, bot?i,Prr,;.PriM80&&JI' Trla Did anyoni! ever see a pleasant, Drug Go, Jons J. HAxks. ka re'iiiy, i 1 j- '.T", (08. Tho Aristocrat among th er l. Whiskies cf tho old schO' Without poll BALK peer. II Y W. L. BOYACK |