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Show UTAH COUNTY DEMOCHaI ... ARE 111, OWN TO ATOMS BANDITS MURDER Bank Breve Man Guarded Funds of Life. BY Hi of INJURED FORTY PERSONS at Cost DYNAMITE EXPLOSION. by bandits A bold daylight raid from the mountain regions was made New Mount of York, Vernon, City upon the First National bank at Cody, F. Into Mourning and Much Plunged Wyo., Tuesday afternoon, ('ashler UTAH STATE NEWS. killed. Terrific O. Mlddaugh Property Destroyed by being Instantly securing fled without Explosion. outlaws The Utah will ship sixty carloads of lubullets of rain a tinder and money cerne seed this year. were who citizens a ton of aroused over of from the dynaThe explosion route mite under the Bond street The wires of the Salt Lak bridge at attracted to the 6cene bv the shootand Western Union have reached Las Mount Vermon, N. Y., on Wednesday, ing of Mlddaugh and the exchange of Vegas, over 450 miles from Salt Lake shook the city and the surrounding shots between the robbers and tbe ' e Eddie Nordstrom, a young man from country within a radius of five miles, bank officers. Falrvlew, was killed In a coal mine probably killed at least one person Two cowboys who had been seen bout ten miles east of that place, by and Injured nearly forty others, two about Cody for several minutes witha cave of rock. The man sup- out masks or disguises of any charof whom may die. i to killed was an acter, rode up to the bank, and, with been bnvo The week on the Salt Lake mining posed in of the Italian In each hand, ordered dynamite, lie charge of on the transfer exchange closed was seen at his post of duty Just be- everyone within to throw up their 2 145,875 shares of stock, for which fore the explosion, and no trace of hands. Instead of complying with the was paid, t Mm has since been found. demand of the outlaws, the bank ofThe track-layinrecord on the Salt were of There 2,300 dynapounds ficials grabbed weapons from beneath Lake route was broken last week, at mite of stored side the the deep the counters Bnd opened a fusllade when the force laid two miles in one cut running from the western upon the intruders, who beat & hasty rock below Las Vegas. day limits of the 'city to the New York, retreat Into the street, followed by A number of Utah sheepmen have New- - Haven & Hartford railroad staCashier Mlddaugh, who emptied his contracted their next year's wool crop tion, which was used for blasting a gun at them at short range. at eighteen cents per pound and have path for additional tracks. When Mlddaugh had ceased firins received the payment In advance. The explosion tore a bole In the the smaller of the two robbers In the ore and bullion market of ground eighty feet deep that Is now and, taking deliberate aim Salt ake, the week closed on settle full "of water from a hidden spring, wheeled,' at the bank official, sent a bullet nient$ aggregating r84,6oo, as com- wrecked the Bond street bridge over through Middaugh's breast, who fell pared with 1584,611 tor the previous the railway tracks and broke all the dead in his tracks. ' week.window within a quarter of a mile. Citizens aroused by the firing seized A heavy train, bound Nick Srailb, who accidentally shot from New every weapon in reach and guns were himself at Ogden about three weeks York, was Just pulling out of the training upon the flying robbers from ago, and who was reported dead on Mount Vernon station when the explo- every point. The outlaws swept the and the several occasions, la agaln'able to be sion occurred, engineer streets with their aixshooters, digging on the streets. stopped until the track was cleared. their spurs frantically into the sides of The people of Pleasant Green and In another minute the train would their horses. A posse is in pursuit, and it la vicinity are anxious for the Installation have reached the bridge. Most of the persona Injured were of a canning factory and evaporation thought the men will be captured. If plant, and are willing to coutract for caught by falling ceilings and walla taken alive they will undoubtedly be in the houses nearby. Stoves in supplying these plants. stores and dwellings were overturned lynched. The fight for the removal of the and many flees were started, but In FIGHT 8TILL ON. county seat from' Mantl to Ephraim each case the flames were quickly exwarm. a is growing Ephraim offers The whole police force tinguished. Contest at Close Range in bonus of fG.OOO for the removal of the and the fire department were called Desperate Vicinity of Port Arthur. county seat to that town. f out. A cablegram received from Valdes, Imperial headquarters at Toklo pubCAMPAIGN IN ITALY. lished a series of reports covering the Alaska, stated that W. Druee Ives, of Ogden, met death by drowning at that Candidates Fired Upon by Opposition operations against Port Arthur daring the months of AuguaL September and and Free Fights Common. place. Ives was formerly engaged la 0 OctoVer. Tbe chief interest centers in the grocery business In Ogden. The electoral campaign Is at fever A resident of Pleasant Green ha beat in Italy. There was a severe the tremendous attack which was beOctober 26 and la still continuing. sqJdV year boo bushels of tomatoes light in a public hall in Palermo, where gunHundreds of Japanese guns began h at 50 vj"!ki!u8liel, from Pallzzelo,, the mafla leader, and and of an acnT'an ,000 pounds of grapes former deputy, once convicted of mur- battering against the northerly in26. on forts October the at 5 cents from one eighth of an acra der, but subsequently acquitted, and easterly with forward fantry going Is desperate who again a candidate for deputy, While impairing an acetylene gas rushe where the artillery has pregenerator at Price, Sam Steyn and attempted to speak at a meeting of Robert McKune were badly burned, aa his opponent. He was greeted with pared the way, while the pioneers and were running mine against explosion being caused by Ignition of cries of Down with the traitor," and sappers tbe Russian forts. . tt riot the that followed several pergas which hud accumulated In the ma-The record a series of dessons reports were chine. badly Injured. encounters at close range and At v perate near Uorato, Bari, procession . The city board of health of Richfield tell a dramatic story. of 10,000 candia persona, escorting has adopted strlngeat measures in or dor to prevent the further spread of date through the streets, was fired upon by the supporters of the opposiHEADS ON BAY0NET8. smallpox In that town. The schools tion candidate and several were may be closed and public meetings for- wounded. The police restored order. The troops are expected to prevent Ringleaders in Murder of American bidden. further disorder. Missionary Decapitated. From 12,000 to 15,000 sheep are now Mr. United States min Pearson, RUSSIA WILL SETTLE. grazing near Modena, and they are In to has cabled the state departPersia, fine condition. The grazing In the North Sea Affair Will Be Settled by ment that he has emphatically reiterto abunthis the valley year, owing ated his unequivocal demand for the Arbitration. dant summer and fall rains, is unusuand proper punishment of those Juat War between Russia and Great Brially good. for the murder of Dr. Lara-bee- , has tain been responsible and the settleaverted, Mrs. Mimic Prior of Salt lake City American ment of the the In missionary. reonly points dispute used carbolic acid tor a headache, rubMr. Pearson also reported that he the attack the secRussian garding by bing some of the acid upon her face, aa a result of which she was terribly ond Pacific squadron on British trawl- had Just been told by the minister of ers on October 21, has been referred foreign affairs, who received hi Inburned. She mistook the bottle of acid to an international commission under formation from the crown prince, that for liniment. The Hague convention. six of the accessories to the murder, From tlio copper furnaces of the valThe ascertainment of the facts for while endeavoring to escape, wore ley to the refineries of the east there submission to a commission formed un- killed by Persian forces and that the was forwarded during the past week der the rules of The Hague peare conremainder of the gang Is being purference will be through the coroners 797,143 pounds of copper bullion, conInquest at Hull, In Investigation by sued actively by the military. taining gold and stiver, and of a value the British board of trade, and the exBy way of retribution for tarabt e's amination of officers of the Russian mutilation exceeding 2u0,00. the Persian military com which fired on the fishermen. A runaway horse dashed into a ship In both Russia and Great Britain the m&nder had two of the rlnglvadui decrowd Just coming out of the Fourprevailing feeling I that of relief that capitated and their beads exposed on teenth ward meeting house In Salt there no kmger seems to be danger of bayonet. Lake City, Mrs. A. N. Teterson and war between the nations. Mrs. Christina Sorensen being severeTOO MANY MEN ON 8HIPS. Riot Reports Exaggerated. ly Injured by the brute. Russian Velvets in Spanish Ports Art l According to a stateJames Chapman of Salt take will ment in St. Petersburg, forHeavily Laden. published have to face a charge of bigamy. It beeign report of reservist riot are Spanish pilots, according to the Mading charged bo has taken wlfo No, 2 much There rid have exaggerated. been of the London correspondent without securing a divorce from No. L no coufllrts between reservists and Standard, report that most of the Rus1 Chapman la only 20 years old, and officers, but owing to the authorities sian vessels in Spanish ports apjar employed as a waiter. cloving the spirit shop the reservists to have more than the usual completo resorted tbe for Jews and brandy The farmer of Weber county have then the Jew shop because ment of men, a large proportion apreceived more money for their toma- of thepillaged high prices charged for parently being landsmen; but the oftoes than for any year past. The aver liquor. The bitter feeling against the the ficers are a fine body of men and many age yield this year la about sixteen Jews was further excited by many of them are good linguists. The vestons to the sere, and the average price, of them deserting, necessitating the sels, the correspondent adds, are refilling of their place by thrlstlaus. ported to be tolerably clean. 98 per ton. or 1 128 per acre. Convicted Boodler Dead. Two Men Cremated Alive in Lodging John H. Seely, the sheep king of Houie Fire. Utah, has taken a number of prizes John A. Sheridan, a former member with the flock he has on exhibition at of the house of deli gate, who w InA fire which cost the Uvea ot two the Worlds fair, Mr, Seely states dicted on a bribery charge, convicted men and a property loss of that he has also made several good and sentenced to the penitentiary for baoiU stro)' l the City hotel, a cheap Sales for shipments to other countries, five years, ladcad nt the J fferaon lodging house in Modest, Cal. Many inmate of the place had to Jump from Mrs. llettle Flake of South Jordan hospital. In St. tanis from tubercudrove Into Salt take City, when her losis. Sheridan was not taken to the the second story windows to save In the ruins were found horse became frightened at a street penitentiary, an hi ease wav appealed thcmsclvc. the remain of Jame Rice, an emcar, and she was thrown upon the to the supnine court. Another . however, was pending ploye of th hotel, and tavl track in front tf the car, but fortulbwk. a Mm, and hi case was set for laborer against Both had been terribly nately escaped with a few severe trial on Xuvemlur, 10. Eleven weeks burned Defective electric wins bruises. ago be wa taken to the hospital. are support to have cnued the fire. rum, mn J . $50,-139.7- . SENSE OF TASTE. CULTIVATE CA8HIER 4 - one-fourt- Good Its Possession Said to Have Effect on General Health. senses we Taste and smell are two heariIndeed, (n not cultivate enough; case of the In the know we as ng. which blind, can reach an acuteness dethe ordinary person Is absolutely have smell and taste Both ficient )o. we should not great uses. Probably and InsaniIn dirty see people living were the tary conditions ao blissfully more developed; little a smell of sense while taste, especially In women, Is often stigmatized as greediness. Tbe Is gourmet, to use a French word, not a gormandizer, but a man whose taste is aesthetically and exquisitely trained. It Is said that tbe Marechal Due de Richelieu, who was a great so gastronomic connoisseur, possessed fine a taste as to be able to distinguish whether the breast of a chicken was cut from tbe side of the gall or s not. In the same way can tell a vintage Instantly. Women rather despise taste; they eat mr.d that is all. Yet taste was certainly given us for a good purpore, and no one can order a dinner lutelllgently who has not cultivated bis palate. The food one likes and enjoys always agrees with one's health better than any other, and the faddist who would reduce all diet to uniformity would in time wreck the public digestion. WASH BLUE Costs 10 cents nd equals 20 cents worth of any other kind of bluing. Won't Freeze, Spill, Break Nor Spot Clothes DIRECTIONS FCR US 'UU "T" Qgi4 around in the h'ater. At an wise Grocers. Irish Farm Hand Strike. Three meals, two pints of porter and 84 cents a day ia the demand of farm laborers In tbe midland counties of Ireland, and they have gone on strike to enforce the demand. wine-taster- Cured Her Rheumatism. Deep Valley, Pa., OcL 21. (Special.) There Is deep Interest In Green CGunty over tbe cure of the little daughter of 1. N. Whlpkey of Rheumatism. She was a great sufferer for five or six years and nothing seemed to do her any good till she tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. She began to improve almost at once and now she Is cured and can run and play ss other children do. Mr. Whlpkey says: I am Indeed thankful for what Dodd's Kidney Pills have done for my daughter; they saved her from being a cripple perhaps for life." Dodd's Kidney Pills have proved that Rheumatism Is one of tbe results ot diseased Kidneys. Rheumatism is caused by Uric Acid In tbe blood. If the Kidneys are right there can be no Uric Acid In the blood and consequently no Rheumatism. Dodd's ney Pills make the Kidneys righL A Dry Salt Bath. That salt possesses tonic qualities it well known, but it has remained for a woman suffering from nervous prostration to try a dry sea salt rub with beneficial results. She soaks a coarse wash cloth in a strong solution ot the aea salt, then dries It. After her cold bath of a morning she wipes off the moisture with a towel, then rubs with the salty wash cloth till her skin Is In a glow. She says she has found this to.be far more invigorating than the usual bath in salt water. TEA Tea is fine; that is, fine tea is fine. Tea thoughts are fine; that is fine tea thoughts are fine. TEA There seml-ofllela- head of the commissary department of the invading army reached In and seized a cackling chicken. We used to be a family of 12, and I'm the only one left. I thoroughly agree with wfiat Gen. Sherman said about war!" Yonkers Statesman. Cook's Perquisites. cook arrested for stealing provisions In London, was found to have "concealed on bis person" three apples, a shoulder of mutton, a pound of butter, a pound of sausages, half a pound of jam and a package of cocoa. A ; restaurant Excellent Opportunity to Arrange fer Your Reception at St. Louis, During the Fair, Free. If you intend going to the Louisiana. Purchase Exposition. . St. Louis, Missouri, opened by President Roostvelt April 30tb, 1904, It will be very roueb to your advantage to correspond with Mr. F. H. Worsley, No. 4J1 Dooley block. Salt take City, Utah. Mr. Worsley baa arranged to have alt his parties met at the 'St. Louis depot and escorted to their lodgings, which will be reserved in advance. Information relative to passenger rates, ticket limits, hotel rates and all other necessary Information asked for will be cheerfully given free of charge. This will especially be of benefit to those desiring to travel with Utah parties or In parties of four or five. School teachers will also bear something to their Interests by writing above party. stop-over- s, Relative Value of Iron Ore. 8eventy five cents worth of Iron ire when turned Into bar Iron la worth 85. If you make it into horseshoes it Is worth J10, or If Into table knives 1180. Seventy-fivcents' worth of iron ore manufactured Into needles is worth 16,800, and when converted into some kinds of fancy buttons Is worth about J30.000. If tbe Iron Is made Into watch springs tbe product is worth ten times more than buttons, and when turned Into balr springs It will sell for the enormous sum of e TEA Coffee is fine too: but fine has a different meaning in coffee. Wrttc tor our Knowtalgo So ik, Company, Son Fruortoon. A. MrhlUIn . British Emergency 0 Ration. An emergency tea" was a royal indulgence ration, packed In a small two compartment cylinder of tin. Is carried In tbe haversack of every British soldier. As its name suggests, two-hundr- ed Tisyet mj that $400,000. The Pullets IndorsemenL "There goes another one of my brothers!" exclaimed the pullet aa the years ago. . costs so little both money and work and that goes so far if it has the chance. r Your uroevr roturtw your m Jtk 'MhllilOffs flPtt. is nothing If you ooot the ration Is not to be used except in cases of the direst necessity. One compartment holdB four ounces of cocoa paste and the other a similar quantity of concentrated beef. If In small quantities It will maintain strength for manv hours. d Heads of Great Religions. J'rr KTeat rcll8'us heads of the globe. They are the pope of the Latin church; the the .Tlb.0,,ox Greek church; father of the faith- a Cnntntlnople; the of Tibet who has 500.000,000 pope and the schismatic pope of the sub-Ject- SST MM- - t ' TEA So much goodness dwells in a little dry leaf I Bid for Sympathy. The editor of this pnpPr WPnt ftoanoka yehtrday, and onn a ur compositors ig m; Bl114 f the offlo flevll Is down in Roanoke betting on the races, 0 aiv-- SH PW Cure cannot be too S oonxh cure.-- J. W. trUMee, N.. Mlnncapoll, Mluo,, Juu. j, fr,t mS! n,t Amr'nCa7rl,ne. In Albany. N. y., first American carrlaimaboil previously used huvlng been from England. .. " 4 V1'1 TEA Was ever a wicked man or woman especially fond of tea, do you think ? Snapshots of "Workers." European Inspector take anapshoti of men engaged on public work. Tb photos, In some caaen, are more elo quent than any report could be. On showed a group or thirty men on i road paving job. Two of the thlrtj wore at work. Ask Your Druggist for Allen's Foot-ta- t. "1 tried ALLEN'S FOOT EASE recent- ly , and have Jut bought another suppif W ha cured my corns, and tba hot, bunrfni and Itching sensation In my feet which wi almost unbearable, and I would not be wit out It now. Mrs. W. J Wstknr Camden J. Bold by all Druggist, Zio. Sailors Spend Liberally. the British Modlterraneai equadron, of forty three warxhlps, vis ted Smyrna at tho end of lanl March be sailors got a day ashore, am squandered 1150.000 in the town. Om Mllor, at the end of hla day, found hi had 12.50 left 8o he hired ten boat men at 25 rents each to row him ou io his ship, and arrived there In stl Wlien |