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Show There was a mass meeting at the CHURCH NOTICES. The work on the Fourth ward meeting house is progressing very Central meeting house yesterday of High Council. of the iN. e, of Beware when yon are getting a new end south the of lie citizens far is work monthly meeting cl the brick Mealar HF.F.K1.Y. Hit up nicely, Veto cl the Council b High Waist that yon are getting enough to have the frames set. The Utah county to consider and wiUteMKir.&e Vestry ol t..e ASDUKW JENSEN, Publisher. October of the comthe at 10a. in., brick work and roof will be getting propriety the proper one. J S. FAGE. :r. water from Strawberry valley over SPANISH FORK, LEMMON, UTAH pleted this fall. HYRUM HENRY GARDNER, he divide and down through Span-isIn u letter to his father, Chaa. Staze Presidency. Fork canyon to irrigate, the MWNCmrTlON KATES, it it from writes the Agrcultural he land in the surrounding coun11.60 Hayes One year Priesthood Meeting. 75 College, Logan, that he is getting Six Month OUR regular Monthly Priesthood meeting ty. It seemed to be the desire of olThe Priesthood ot the NetoStake cf ZiQD 50 along nicely and that he will comFour month the to push the at Tabernacle present everybody will convene in the Pay3on 25 mence in the 3d year freshman Two month as fast as possible, and the 10a. m., November 1. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. J. S. PAGE, jr., course of etudies. matter was placed in the hands of y0llr HYRUM LEMMON. HENRY GARDNER. The two hoboeB, Morgans and he following committee: Hyrum "NeJ SUke Presidency. Boyle, who robbed Branch Bab- Lemmon, James McBeth, Ammon it it about cock on the night of the 24th of Nebeker, Fred Matley, W. 0. Creer, High Priests. cf the Nebo Stake will Priests Hizh Albert Brockbank has returned The William William Jex. Davis, to been one jr.. meet m the sentenced, Joly, have at 2 p. m.. Payson so home from the north. three and the other four years in Joseph Creer, William Two, Henry Ncvemcerl BREWEBTON. Charles Brockbank. Gardner and Samuel Will Boyack and family have the penitentiary. J, S. PAGE, Which Is tho Prettiest JAMES ANDERSON, moved into the Butts place, The' city council met in special Presidency. Waist tn our Window! lie Learned a Great Troth. it it to session last but owing Monday, A daughter was born to the wife Itel!cf Society. It is Said of John Wesley that he the fact that the chaplain, James Societies will of John Finch last Monday. said to Mistress Wesley: "Why The cff.csrs cf the cfRelief once the Payscn TaberM. Creer, was not present, the meet in the Vestry do you tell that child the same nacle at 1C a. m., November 1. Born To the wife of Benj. meeting adjourned without transMRS. LILLIE PAGE. thing over and oyer again? John Evnns, Sunday morning, a boy. MRS. ELIZA DIXON, business. acting any MBS. SUSANNAH PICKERING, Wesley, because once telling is not Tins morning u daughter was Presidency. Gawthorne Hayes has Wen very enough. ' It is for this same reaborn to the wife of Alma Tillev. low with typhoid fever the last son that you are told again and Primary Officers. He was improving nicely again that Chamberlains Cough The officers of the Primary Association week. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Boyack will meet as usual in the Pay3oa Second have moved into the rooms over when on Thursday last he took a Remedy cures colds and grip; that ward meeting house at 10 a. m.. Ncvem JANE ARGYLE. relapse. At last reports he showed it counteracts any tendency of berl. the bank. ANNA NEBEKER. Utah, these diseases to result in pneumosigns of improvement. PRISCILLA SWEN3EN, One dollar taken off from the EMILY JEX. safe is and and that pleasant Dr. A. F. Ilalladay was called nia, Presidency. price of some of the children's to take. For sale by Spanish Fork to from last over Payson Saturday cunts at Oran Lewis, Y.L.M.t. A. Officers. Co. do some dental work for Mrs. Drug The regular monthly meeting cf the Ward and Stake Y L. X. I. A. officers of Mens and boyav8uits, overcoats Cronnou, who is confined to her Nebo Stake will be held m the Payscn to Elders the and punts at 25 per cent diwojnt bed with heart trouble. The doc- Missionary Appointments Second ward meeting house at 10 a. m., November 3. ANNA NEEEKER, (Quorums Monday, November 1. ut Young Mens Co-otor makes regular calls at the BoyL. M. FAIRBANKS. EMMA LERYILL, Payson First ward J, J. Schar-rc- r, Ted Woods has recovered from ack house every Sunday. Freeider.cy. Bed does. Edward his case of nppendccitis sufficiently The 6:40 passenger on the Rio Spring Lake W. S.Tanner, J.S. to be np and around again. Grande Western ran into an open Bills, A. Nebeker. ROACH, Uiehnrd W. Money of Palmyra switch at Eureka last Sunday night Goshen Peter Roberts, A. G. Blacksmithing, lias struck a line flow of water in derailing the engine, tender and Lundholm. Tailor-mad- e an artesian well suuk recently, baggage car. An engine was sent Benjamin J, II. Dixon, John Horse Shoeing to pull them Staheli. up from Geo. Dubois was down from back ontoSpringville the track. Everything Lake Shore S. M. Richardson, Dark ot Lewis More, Spanish Fork Cedar Fort last Sunday to call on was cleared up by 2 oclock in the A.M. Ferguson. relatives nnd friends. He is looking A A morning. No one hurt. Fork Fourth ward Au Spanish well. ar.a gust Sweuson, Serious Gardner. The Utah Central school Sunday Mrs. W, M. Thomas left for Spanish Fork Second ward J. Watch & Clock Repairing association will hold its annual & Diamond last Monday night, where II. Hayes, John Moore. in the Prrshyterinn church 34 Clocks Fast ot Spanish Fork p Mr. Thomas is iu the mining busi- meeting Salem II. E. Gardner, jr., J. E. here beginning Friday at 7:30 p.m. ness. Huisli. nnd closing Saturday at 4 p. m. Fur Boas and Collereties. J. S. Paoe, President. Mrs. Ihos. Coppin left today for Quite a number of delegates will The Blizzard it Co Clerk. Mining Milling S. I). Mookk, lark City, where Mr. Coppin has he here Friday night, fifty to one of business at Spanis principal place in been for some time engaged eonnty. Ilali. hundred on Saturday. The public U O. NOTICK There are delinquent upon In Old People Have Their Troubles. is invited to all the sessions. the billowing dcscrilx'd stock on ae. mining. Mr. Francis Little of Benton count of assessment No. 3. of one (1) levied on the 4th day of At the republican rally inDahli's About three months ago some Harbor, Mich., is over eighty years mill r share, SeptcmlNT. 1902, the several amounts hall last night the speakers were one called on Wm. Jex and wnnted of age. Since Ibtio he has been set opposite tho names of the respective .shareholders as follows: County Attorney lage and Mr. to borrow his scales, Mr. Jex in- troubled more less with indigestion No. Hideout. formed the party that they were and Name Cert, Sh'r's Amt constipation, and has tried alJ. M. Loveridge. 213 5(H) 9 .50 Produce Bailed Hay l)o you know which shoes wear np to Richard .lexs place. Wm. most everything in use for those E C. Christianson, 31 90 longest? The Hamilton Brown Jex has forgotten who the man was ailments. Last August he began 129 2.400 2.40 Shoes. They are sold only by that got the scales, and is needing using Chamberlain's Stomach and J. (5. Jensen. 50 3,000 3.00 Manufacturers of them badly every day. Who ever Liver Tablets and waB soon feeling Martha H. Moore, 207 Oran Lewis. 141 12.000 AND 12.00 has the scales will please return much better. In a recent letter he Oeo. Irvine, 02 G. W. Beckman and D. C, Law-so- n same without delay. GOO 150 1.35 says, "I have used three boxes of are in town today lalmring in G25 Itoy II. Stuart, .021 Utah now I think 1 am (ieo. Tablets and the 17.50 19,500 North, While opening ft Wx, .1. C. the interest of the Modern Wood Barbara well. Jones, 250 These .25 Tablets the improve Mount, of Three Mile Bay. N. Y., men of America. And in accordance with law and an and invigorate the sto appetite ran a ten penny nail through the order of the Imard of directors, made much, liver and liowels. For sale on the 4th day of Sept,, 1902. so many There was a democratic rally at fleshy part of his hand. 1 thought hares of each parcel of such stock as hy Spanish Fork Drug Go. the city hall last night at which at once of all the pain and soreness may le necessary may he sold at the am King and Grant C. Bngley this would cause me, he company's office, in J. B. Hughes' place says.ani We.tlie undersigned members of of business. Spanish Fork. I'tah. on the were the speakers. 20th day of Novcmlier. 1902. at 10 a. m., immediately applied Chamberlain's the committee appointed by tin to pay the delinquent assessment thereBalm and Pain after occasionally Houses and lots and farming several irrigation companies to at on. together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale, land at lowest prices. It. ,1. John, wards. To my surprise it remove tend the haT thfnu TVe "ant Irrigation Congress hclc Jons J. Banks, Secretary. close all and in soreness and the pain Ward son, real estate agenl. First ont r entire line of Menls and fcLU Lake City, October 1, 1002, at Boys were healed." For soon parts jnml Spanish Fork, Utah. Suits, Overcoat and 1ante at 25 per 53 to represent the Strawberry Valley sale by Spanish Fork Drug Co. cent discount. Everything In this line . w proposition, understand that a The Fiftieth Quorum of SevenThe Hustle Mining & Milling Co,, must go. Come while we ran lit early 1ms of been principal Little Austin McKeli Brock started by Henry place )msius at Spanish ties will meet in regular session yon, as we dont propose fe fej roi k. I'tnb county, Itah. son of Mr Gardner that W. 0. Creer went l next Monday night at 7:36. A full bauk, the N() lt'K Tlieie are delinquent Upon and Mrs. Joseph Brockbank of the back on his committee ami worke ihe foil,, w ngdcsrri led lock on account attendance is desire!. of Assessment No. ft, f one (1) mill Second ward, died last Friday against the interests of the pecq share, lex led on i lie jst h day of August. Mrs. Clias. Stewart of Thistle 11102, Ihe several amounts set night of brain fever. The little we represented in said Straw berry the opposite Co-op- ,, names of the resNctJve hurchold home last Tuesday, after a fellow wns a most As members cliilt the of proposition. as follows healthy cri two weeks visit in this city with till five weeks No. ago, since which committee we state we believe the Name Sli'r'a Am't Mrs, Chnrles Harrison. time he has suffered quite a gins report to be fulse and wit lion Jacob Bjnrnuson. (Vrt. 92 1,UX 9 1.00 Martha It. Mtore, 77 35.470 "IIebeii C. Jex, 3.90 Walter Park has resigned his deal. The funeral services were foundation. O'Niel. 47 1,000 1.00 Fe nut sox, & Thomas held at the residence Sunday after"Eli Bowen with And in accordance with law and an position "K. W. Monet. order of the board of directors, made and gone to Mercur, his 'place has noon at 4 oclock, at which a grea on the 2Sth day of friends were "Wm. Angnst.lftri, many Davis, Jk many symput hiring Wen filled hv Bob Johnsing. hares of each parcel of such stock as The Is were gathered. tqx'nkor may necessary w ill Is sold ut the bns ' John KlTison, the . company's office, m the Kochhill Bishop Benj. Argyle, Bishop Snell Ii Good-- It Pays, Sim tush Fork City. I'tah, on the 30th moved his business from the Jones Morris Micklcemi and .1. Pre-to- n day of October, 1902, ut 10 a, m to pay A Chicago man has observed that the delinquent assessment building into the Hans Larson Freer. thenmn. t,o gether with the cost of advertising and pood deeds are better than real building north of Hockhille. cxiic li so of sale. An amusing incident happened deeds some of the latter are John J. Banks, Secretary is James Hutchison of Diamond in town the other day. A friendly worthless Act kindly nnd gently, wntatns thousands of acrea of in town lluy preaching the everland just open for squaw railed on one of her white show sympathy and lends helping Irr,Rat,on lasting feospel of democracy to lady friends, and after seating her- hand. You cannot possibly loose U nnuTnlr I Mocwsfullj carried on, those whom he believe to W great self on a cushioned chair crops nssnred, began by it." Most men appreciate a political.sinners. C risking In real squaw style for kind word and encouragement more 0,1 r orn tts'n ffce on substantial tea, than request There bacon, are sugar, honey, help. anything. has B. rosigm Hughes Hurry l ooking for t home, with All wentwell until she spied a cold persona in tins community who his position os 'I'-- r lo and ChiKn sore the on Mv I she when chin, ladys might truthfully good say: and & change of rlimate, or Thomas accepted Hefferman 3;Cily m. p. asked what that sick was. friend, cWr up. A few doses of jant, wish to heller (heir a position tending Imr at tin Uncle suddenly said perhaps it was small Chamberlains Cough Remedy will The lady condition In life would Sam S'ldoon in Eureka. TICKFT OFFICE! hx, and then the fun Wgan, The rid you of your cold, and there is do well to rail at this A letter has Wen received at tins dusky woman nimh a bee line for no danger whatever from pnettmo. oniee for psrtlculm 79 me nia when you use that medicine. office from John T. Hales, jr , stat the dour and shouted back, conrrrulng tho Grande at dont want no b'u, no sugar, beep It always cures. I know it for it SALT LIKE CITY. Hondo Valley, Orrgon, ing he and family have arrived and she mounted her out m calico has heljs'd me Dell. Mulhe county, Oregon, scart," many a time. B. F. KthLE5, General Igent, For sale by Mjvunirh Fork Drug Co, wheie they have decided to locate. horse and rode for the hills. HUNT THE PRESS. ts din-cus- tBSBA. h WAISTS ARE RIGHT. We have the changeable silk that fashion book recommends, and the Plaid that dressy people are talking much ju$t now. Local News. Tabe-nac- le ,Uk t ? ? -- LgWIS BAM Room Spanish Fork, ftpieUl A.s' p. Millinery. WM. Suits kic Ladies, Childrens Short Co-o- '' Misses t LARS JENSRN, LO Long Coats Delinquent Notice. W. ' Creers Building, Spanish Fork, Jex Lumber Company, & Building Material. You Meed Slothes for Winter -- TC Delinquent Notice. re-lo- Spanish Fork, rt a i k. -- m-- r Young Mens Consolidated ed Spanish Fork, Utah. -- tin-smit- h, hnild-tug- es-tat- Big Horn Basin-- Wyoming, e fer 1 i book-keep- l'uT er ih. . West Secd South COMB H 1 Fi H |