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Show Discussion of the Ethics of Kissing. rave Address, 505 South Water Street, Akron, Ohio Cured in 1856. Mr. Boies says: "Ever since the abolish kissing; (2) to abolish musCivil War I have had attacks of kidtaches; or (3) to delimit with care ney and bladder trouble, decidedly the sphere of InCuonce the so to say. within which the territory worse during tbo last two or three consdon years. Although 1 consulted physitiou3 objector to ralcroblc hissing need have no fear. The Lancet cians. some of whom told me I was on Bright's disease, aad I was adopts, or rather hints at, the third verging continually using standard remedies, course: the excruciating aching just across Kissing on the lips is to be avoided the kidneys, which radiated to the houlder blades still existed. As might where-aBut nd this Is the question be when my kidneys were where is it permissible? The Lancet in aexpected, disturbed condition there was a does not say. It makes no menUon of and inconvenient difficulty the cheek, the forehead, or the ponti- distressing with the action of the kidney secrefical toe. Nay, it adds, illogically tions. A box of Doan's Kidney Pills, enough: procured at I.amparter & Co.s drug A mustache is not the a decided completely store, brought such insanitary appendage that our corre- change within a week that I continued spondent thinks. the treatment The last attack, and it Why, then, is kissing on the lips was particularly disapaggravated, to be avoided? That, we think, is a peared. question to which two Indignant hemiCure Confirmed Four Years After. Four years later Mr. Boies says: In spheres will invite aye, and demand an answer, and a speedy answer. the spring of 1S5G 1 made a public Me think it was Byron who statement of my experience with Doan's Kidney Pills. This remedy grew lyrical about something cured me of terrible aching in the kidWhich melts like kisses from a female neys, in the small of my back, in the mouth, muscles of the shoulder blades, and and the world will rot, willingly let in the limbs. During the years that die an institution cider shall we say, have gone by I cau better? Uian civilization itself and say there have been no conscientiously recurrences of yet never so young as today. Lon- my old trouble. My confidence in don Leader. Doan's Kidney Pills is stronger than ever, not only from my personal exThe newspaper is a mirror that Im- perience, but from the experience of partially relict ts both the agreeable many others in Akron, which have and the disagreeable phases of life. come to my notice. A FREE TRIAL of thl3 great Kidney medicine which cured Mr. Boies, will be mailed ou application to any part of the linked States. Address parent, blessed with ft daughters, has asked the It is not' true that "a Is natures filter of the at fiere before it passes through mouth to the lungs, and that it I and retains large quantities Lilous microbes and disease Ke asks because, if so, in man with a mustache case of a Mss on the !IP8 of an .dating a ,nnd Lan-Aeth- - ' y implant the seeda of disease Thinking of perhaps death. and of the welfare of his yot expectant family, he I be justified on jry grounds In requesting men j niustaches to desist?" my be doubted whether any i:em of equal Importance and ln-- t has ever been pronounced since little affair of the serpent and The study of 6anl- apple. lias been by we fear, irience, When Mar-.- . 3 too much neglected. things, A epaiti rw5L wrote: H, Ufflbo. t ion to., made mo Immortal Helen careless of germs. was . sons WCL Even Ben alternative ti !. L: , leave a kiss hut In And I'll not lotik for wine, tons, aped . Govflf git-- t d seem, Ptjt 'hat tirious task 'd Facts Shown By Divorce Statistics. and he,, reuse.-- cup carelessness courses, it are open to us: (1) to a culpable Three microbes. .' e. with a ItiBS fan. an 1 the miscreant might person r u- - , more divorced there are men in the United 9, the official figures being 84,000 reed men and 114,000 divorced uenu The disparity la accounted that men procuring by the fact rces or from whom divorces have j procured more often remarry r the women under like conditions, e number of divorced men is st in Indiana, which has 5,700. re are more than 4,000 each in fornia, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, York and Pennsylvania. Texas 3,300 and Massachusetts 2,500. uti Carolina, the only state which no law authorizing or permitting frees, has 273 divorced men, among residents, and South Dakota, a :e which has become noted hy rea-o- f the facility with which divorce ranted, has 5C3. w Jersey has, proportionately, a imall number, 730, and Kansas, leh smaller state in population, a larger number, 2,1 C5. Utah, where plural marriages the rule among the Mormons recent years, the number of ere are 30,000 ireeh, Aiii i. IXVS tCTS, !NGiq ollorc divorced persons Is 3Ca, a little below the average, and Idaho, with about half the population of Utah and a considerable proportion of Mormons, has wo-;tta- n 400. apee'i n RSS-- - full of many strange under-- f C I replied. 'Veil, raid or tot, he, you may believe ran take you to a up here on the labrador coast there Is no one within a bun-- i miles of you, and, of a dark night, but 1 ran hear voices all around you $ And again, theres an island tiers off the roast called Coopers 4. where a number of men lived tr casks for the seal oil fishery, mallpox came among them and died, and now no one lives rl but on any stormy night if you rar the place you can hear the of the hammers on the rasks. Aud then, an uncle of mine was on 11 k J WATER A HEALTH somi.ia, but the true renson is noi so benwidely brown. Many believe thp excessive the from offer wise eficial is exon He which tho surf encourages, but the bather swallows large quautl-ij.-- s of water and that alone Induces sleepiness. n , tin-!,'- Wlow complexion, which is "imst sytnplom or ebronle win disappear, as will the Itself, f t,B V,.m hlle bath-- ( llows plenty of sea water. e take the sea water cure ' t all export to have thin, eat-'Hut a healthy complexion dmlmibtcdly he obtained by this The disagreeable t temedy. may i be removed by Whisky la not so good Surf bathing la uni- Vi , recognised as a cure fur In bll-"''- r Im-- drink-lemonad- e. ! i Disconcerted the Dean. who was On of the clergymen General of the at the oper.lrg present Seminary was speaking of the hashfulness of the lute Dean Hoffman. "The Dean. said the clergyman, raw i ailed upon to speak at a masm a meeting held In the Interests of benefacreceived many which cause tions from him. lie spoke briefly of the merit of th cause, and then said, apologetically: , I am not much of a speaker. Methodist a Amen! responded brother from the first row. The Dean, somewhat disconcerted, continued a while, and then said: "TH detain you only a moment longer. Alleluia!' again bmko In the msn sat in the front row, and the Dean enhe but in the fare, dow n very red he barned joyed it all hugely, when In the front man the afterward that tonJ lntr j row was very not hts approbation entirely on faith, on hearing. The per capita wealth of a country the Is tt he found on paper, not in of the peoplo. xts pocl hi-- i (1 . ill-- i s ra-- lt itMK-l- i ' M M. . utah fi i. t. il1 iiiiii ''' ! after-effect- s. I fejnily kc-bc-- sT Is-itiv- c It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants. wholesome aromatic liquids which are Agreeable and refreshing to the taste. It contains It is pure. It is gentle. (I.. All are pure. All are delicately blended. All arc skillfully and scientifically compounded. It is pleasant. It is efficacious. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the originality and simplicity of the combination. It is not expensive. It Many a mans crookedness Is due to his attempt to make both ends meet. vlcians fl of 1 V- Its component parts are all wholesome. It acts gently without unpleasant It is wholly free from objectionable substances. It is convenient u buy the genuine. To get its beneficial effects is excellent for ladies. if.d Manufactured by for business wen- - if It is perfectly safe under all circumstances. It is used by millions of families the world over. It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. If you use it you have the best laxative the world ALIfORTflA ns HALS STALL He Wanted Limes. A recent visitor to Main tells of an 0ware of Olnlmuls foe Catarrh Thai Contain Merenry, of As tnrrcury will urolv dostrof (ha aons donnas lh-- i wlmlo mvhu-1amusing experience in th "Frohlbl wm--nrl an1 compli-tei- tlinmuh miit-uaurtaoo. ll it tlon state." Anticipating the difficulty Such enioi'lns articloi Khnuld novi-- lw iihihI eioept on (mm ropumiilo iiliyl'lui(s, aHtli of getting things to drink ther b lo til r.sh! you tboy will do Is toufold took vlth him an ample supply ol Uuninao fmm thnin. Hull si'nturra cun possllily K. all J. Co, except Cure, manufuctuml lf makings for gin rickeys, oi do. contain no mercury, and Is mken the limes, which he supposed he court IImermilljr.(., directly upon lUo hlood and of tin, ayslcm. in luivln mucous mirlur.-procure anywhere. Catarrh Cure imeureyouKct theuenumu. Tho day after arriving at his destl Bull II Is uikeu IllterinilV. anil nmde Toledo, I uo, bold J. Cheney Tm,uinnilfro nation, a small town near tho Range Py F. per leiltlo. ty UniiNflRls. prlee 75 0ara the sion to ho went ouly lakes, beeb lh 'ey Jlsll a I'uinlly IMls and asked tbs clerk if hs kept any 6 r 111 limes. The clerk thought a moraenl and replied, tentatively: We got chUu id of lime snd quickNew Yotk lime, if thorn 11 do you. Times. O' the srsip Nal-- liwwi very severe omeimms la Doan's (liniment quirk nml ?innnent Ik) ceaU. U reaulw. At eny drug ftnro. - Mall Order Business Large. The total volume of business done of Chicago by th mall order business firm is about J4(t,u(H',0QQ a year. One of $15,000, a trade docs in Chicago another $12,000,000. It la a cash 000; business, fnr Winslow Good koothin wna.cufrs 'Il leS IS.11. S9UUlw Pront on Monopoly. Last year ihe French government on made a profit of over $70,000,000 of le tobacco, the of ita monopoly and matcbei. cigars, clRsrottiS o on wmTdsver bo bntbsrwl with eon tluetfoB If eryooe knw bow naturally end quickly Munlnrli Blood Blltrs tbs sloinsrh and bowels. rga-Inl- New Data on Galileos Trial. Galileo win imprisoned by th inquisition for maintaining that tb larth moved. "How about the 1st of triumhe asked his Judgi-aMay? distheir at open Chagrined phantly. play of Ignorance, tiny Immediately released him. and ho look his place In the van of science. New York Sun. Pot and Kettle. Russians have nsver been known as great humorlnls. but nothing could he more humorous than the Russian ambassador to Turkey urging the sultan to take measures to improve the situation in Macedonia. The navy, Cure croup i,li! r 3 French Mila over Monnn-- luotnas' tulectrio llirort, iml of Oil. nnnarv vry ort. trnn-HI- Dr. v Consurrptives in Cermany. In The mimb.-- r of consumptives Germany Is cfl'us;,'d at ovr 225,000. r Cv J S, xm yv 1H 1 CARCOLI3 SALVE wounds, Sores, and heal Bruise, too. 25 cents. them, VTonld you have TOOTHACHE for 15 cents? Our Jap anese Tooth Ache Drops will rid you of both. v J v vil v;i'J prevent blood T'oiconinjy in Cuts, v , r: x. r '4 i - DOUGLAS SHOES"!? $3&S32 ti i VJ. L. at w :.r ... Y :, ' W I 0 tv, ;rii Iriwe gttitidvni 0 oH M I. IhurfatfinU WaH ilUnl KFWf-JarAtiMHHaof ! fhA pit W. phfwn Ia IIp HfrV OlHP WAAAlfirtArrr. l DcCOSTAS LIVE!! All n t,ttMluAAtftttfa fipl Health1 1. DOUCLAS T4 SHOES Insurance for, W. CANNOT lit EXCELLED. 25 cent a policy. t v::z: is ccalth hjowji ikstu wmm What your PILLS is KV.n 4tU AMI I I e-- orth? t Impnrti N'V irl tmtthPH Imltfft, two" Co". Calf. VW Pel c Calf, taamtl, . I'a.t !' t'yclrU Cult, Hat. Kaa'iarau. W. I, fiOtJTIW h Fntitliin I TV. acoiiln$ ricA on rtti fm i iu . C ty MAI'S. ,W. L. DOUUUS, BROCKTON, All Lung Diseases with a cough. Laxative UruuioWulaiae Tablet. Frio 23a. start If you will cough up On Liberal Lines. a quarter for a botThe new medical college to he en- tle of Cough Balsam dowed at New York by Mr. Rockefelyoull stop coughing ler will have department for both SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH Japanese Corn Cure allopaths and homeopath. will rid you of a FOB EuABOiHSJ'DAY SCHOLARS dozen COItNS for a "A do In tlin aavea live " Dr. Wood CONDUCT? O V Rorway Fine hyrupj natura'e remedy fur quarter. Which do THE MARI3T FATHERS cough! colds, pulmuuary dlaM ot every best-corns you love the oft. nRRfA. Cnmrnriil Artd f"P or quarter? y Jrr,oi(ar parimvrl txiligr Uu, In Prohibition Kansu, Tool Htliinrv Onil t tH Arn An Atchison husband hovered un at Trofrit ult'ulMir ruv bt lhfpiiIrnd J UiinikRlum on aroma ouaiaT tn tuplMur. gun on turner mom r i i death' door o long hi wife reIn proirrrtfl will mlV niitlHiitrk Hh the fvnuh amt Works Oft the tsilit ltii lliallows Motor Cars In Scotland. terror ia said fo Tbo motor-caScotland at severely on acruck have count of the cumber of rich tourists who visit that country. In one case a heavy racing automobile, running very flock rapidly at nlht. plunged Into a suppond he eat and marked that ah to market, driven of sheep bclrg hi usual trouble finding tbe having of kUlod and tnarjled quite a number keyhole. Atchison (Kans.J Qtubo. them. r Y. LEADIXO LhVGGISTX bu uiud In the no longer to . El TER COLOR TINT JUNE makes top of the inarnR butter. N. Poisonous Paints Carred. Paints of a poisonous nature, surh as white lead or arsenical green, are Clu-ne- Mr. '1 York. Louisville, Ky. produces. rhl rtf.n pGVRlIP San Francisco, Cat. s DRINK. Say an Occasional Mouth Brine la Moat Salutary. l3l It is a fact swallowing of sea r does not leave a very pleasant In the mouth, ar.d that some tder such an experience ns the d feature of sea bathing, yet phy--agree that from a physical 'tpolnt the exercise of swimming f doon't do you half ns much ' the occasional mouthful of " that you reluctantly imbibe. A dative sea water is probably It helps a sluggish liver and kidneys and has a most &UJ tl on a deranged atomaeh. ,Ir(t 4 3 complexion beautlfter It outdoes drugs and patent medicines , 'Jrrtured. Swallowing a mouth r brine will do more to change '"Eh and muddy complexion to a "h and healthy ore than any-Jfobeauty specialist will pre- - SI OO Bocsmsg to- tur are difficult to W, L. Douglas sco. It is good for children. board a fishing schooner going up ward the Labrador coast. They had a fine wind and were making good headway, when suddenly the ship stopped short and would not move an ineb, although the wind still blew and all sails were drawing. Then a big sea washes over the rail and leaves a corpse upon the deck. The crew was much astonished and did not know what to do. But the captain, he knew what was the matter. He ordered every man on board to come up and lay hands on the corpse. They all did so except one man, and he hunj bacX Then the captain ordered him to be seized and brought up to the dead man. This was done, and as soon as he touched the corpse it throw its arms ahout him. and, another wave coming over the side, carried them both into the sea. You see, that man hod murdered the other the year before when ho was sailing in a vessel over that same spot. INVESTMENT TN: Missouri, Massachusetts and California. All these have more than 4,(h)0 each. In some of the southern states, Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina and Tennessee among them, the number of divorced women is twice as large as the number of divorced men. In Alaska there are more divorced women than divorced men; in Hawaii there are more divorced men than divorced women. Indiana, with a population of 300,000 less than Massachusetts, has 12,000 divorced persons, and Massachusetts has 6,000. occasion I was with my bare hilltop in a driving squall waiting for deer, says S. Watts In Colliers Weekly, writing t caribou hunting in Newfound-I- and in one of the Intervals, when too thick to see, the guide reed, "Maybe you dont believe in which IZ Texas 5,800. After Texas comes New York and then Pennsylvania, Indiana, Michigan, one on a nie world Is 1 - In the Supernatural. ha d About the Size of It. After reading the medical journals for a couple of months we have come to the conclusion that it is positively harmful to sleep on an empty stomach, to sleep on a full stomach, to sleep on the back, on the side, or sitting up, before midnight or after midnight or at midday; to eat fruit, vegeor meat; to fast; to drink or tables Foster-MilburCo., Buffalo, N. Y. For to refrain from drinking; to walk or sale by all druggists, price CO cents run or work or remain Idle; to sleep per box. with the window open or the window Railroad Employes in Nebraska. shut; to but whats the use? All the The railroads in the state of people who knew how to live sucNebraska employ 18.500 men. cessfully are dead. ailors Firm Belief a Strange Resting Places in Vogue In Foreign Countries. Considering that a thhd of our wholo lives is spent In bed. It is not surprising that much care, trouble, and money should be spent on our Bleeping places. In England the unhealthy feather oed has been almost entirely succeeded by the more nyglenlc mattress, which also Is the rule in America. French beds aro so short that the average foreigner often complains that it demands a special education to fold oneself up to the right size for them. Many Norwegian beds are made to pull out from recesses. In South and Central America the hammock reigns, and the Indians of Guiana plait the most beautiful hammocks of grass, which they dye charming colors. In Japan the bed consists of the matting-coverefloor with a curious wooden neckrest; a form of bolster that to a European would be a simplo Instrument of torture. The Chinese use low bedsteads, often elaborately carved, with mattresses and coverIn winter they ings of matting. sleep in heavy garments wadded with cotton. No one is more easily suited with sleeping accomodation than tbs negro; he, like a eat, ran curl tip and take his rest anywhere. Modes and Fabrics. ST. JACOB'S Ol U In eases whero bronchitis has become chronic from want ot proper i treatmeht in the earlier stages, there Is nothing so good as Dr. August Importbhd rowawd Koenig's Hamburg Breast Tea, in concroon, liuil.ioutf uow junction with which is strongly adU.)Uum In our liwt n, i.M1 to vised the use of St. Jacobs Oil as an lha. wiul-LP'hxmi taiDlitAird nor C ain't outward application along the front of KiirpMMd Our oitr :mh t.ipit.tnn of 40 the throat, from dose up under tho land l In our ,v he.nl t chin to well down to tho top of the &' tri -'Vi ST; v chest; tho one remedy assists the other and as Intended, they work In IWX M liy. WATSON WOODS BDOft th complete unison. The wonderful pen- Klil.LV CO., Lincoln, Nobl'. etrating power of St. Jacobs Oil enables it to reach he adhesion of foreign matter, which lines the bronchial tubes and which makes breathing more and more difficult. As these adTh Preferred Stock of the hesions become inflamed and enlarged St. Jacobs Oil causes such adhesions to break away, making expectoration easier and more free. I)r. August Capital Stock, $2fC00,0C0. Koenig's Hamburg Brenst Tea, drank 1 1 ,000,000 Preferred fttock. slowly and very hot, soothes and 1 1, coo,ooo Common Stock. heals the parts. Is comforting and each. Said at Far. Shares, quieting, stops the cough and relieves tho breathing. This manner of treat- Onlj Preferred S'ock odeted fo s !e. W. I. D,iig!as retail ; all Common Sleek. ment (and there is no other two remTl Prftrri StockoUti W. f. 1oukIim MioMVmi. edies that will woik together so suc- PHT IhM(T ('.11 St'T'lff lllltk tr lil'VtMNHMMlt lkuliitab )oft th jlyrtY llolliaf Ol ftfmk cessfully) reaeho; the difficulty from bpkuittl it vontintfuiual W.l, the outside and the Inside at the same lO i'WII fOlUiMVH VI. 1 tmt it til of (in Uimmosa. time. St. Jacobs Oil reaches tho roots i !o n I'Mtji tuj team Unul of the adhesion and assists Dr. August of Hi imiftn, 'I inn In'Miiffts It nut tn nib Koenig's Hamburg Breast Tea In clearIliJM l! It jill'MIH'nstUk.tMl nt H1 !!V. In then act boh remedies ing them; hit iHrm y i. hli- Ip t In Mm w in 'ft nnuliM mu unison in healing atul eurlng.The above I HI Inti-- S wi (1 I'ltMVWHl Pint. Rti'l tms remarks apply with equal force in eases Iwen lliiliirnwHv of asthma, croup, whooping cough, enft Die. Viei Inin not h it a tn Mm im tw. he vhri llus hiixiiHi'R Iih ini rnine.l larged tonsils and all bronchial affechint in A. ImM tions. Every famt'y should have St. h.in Mm Rhii.i'iM nM Jacobs Oil and Dr. August Koenigs divMnl Aiuhrprrf. mul ntiM t tlnv (hI'f'r( rut AimuiU iim nnmirtl bnum. inn is $ wimji m hrrMin? Hamburg Preast Tea always in tho lor II t tui'Mlv, ii I VitH 4'Miinl yr h r house in order that they mny bo Yjry of alums fmii T.uj lueioty IR h' Mifnmv out Vmtf htitl tmii un inSriiiioti l U pi, ml irtv, rtml in used the first stages. 1U It ) Mf) Will it M promptly rtM fun ley wU AUn ivMIh 1rrlHretl ti re'oon Am Often the maladies develop with won- Is 1fo1n Mredll4lt II ImattH In Mir Rhar lnnlnes If vmi svhti la imvpL in derful rapidity and complications take WoiUU Alii, h w ptMimuipni, m nt rn.vlrr 7 fT rut mi In Hits u,iieui imrr your inonev, von en I'meimw- - onr place with equal nuddonnoss. r'r.ln k if ertl. Mit) iiuiirv lv r Itnul lutl clireK, mu tie luYiit.lr lo W I, lumclu. If Mmta svinl iiiotiry bjft rvpi'M or In no hi mr in vtir Reindeers Power of Eudurance. HllllBV tlPdrIH, JlOwf lim. nhont Oiy (rrest kOHtiK (nil more I'mfpeeiiis can endure than The reindeer utmn Ainl ii. ntni.lr A.MipS , IMH O I IS, Itiwkum, St hi. any other draught animal except the camel. A reindeer has been known to pull 200 pounds at ten miles an junk co..!;::: hour for twelve hours on end. ber, copper, brut, tic. ball Luko CM), I luU. The state In which there Is the largest number of divorced women (divorced and not remarried) i3 Ohio, with 7,700; Illinois has 7,000, and n s Si;t nos i- - C. E. Boles, Dealer in Grain and Feed; College ' Z. C. M. I. B. f nhMtlrrRfi v t i 'to r iinmvi.niifiDR kfct. Ioi (uiiUr trUruir, REV. d. CiUlNAN, 8. M ctf Iht AuV to . PmaiDIMT. |