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Show SEVENTY-THIR- UTAH STATE NEWS. CONFERENCE D Big Order for PlowrZ An order for 18,000 plows to bo used for breakl!,Eht1 n virgin soil in South Africa if SEWS SUMMARY. REACHED NO AGREEMENT. as them are many poor fa some of the to Hava Anythin rural free dearger stake, and the means received Cast OperatorWilli Hefu. I resident Mitchell. The estimates for the Do to are ,from these offerings is distributed the Whit. livery system for next year The conference held at wiiere it is most needed. He added t 1 650,800. that if the payment of fast offerings House between the coul operators, leet comWor ert Mine of tbe Plans for a sixty million waa observed by all the Saints, there representatives in New r" f ! j'KI r Lei A 81-- The Socialist of Sevier county have decided to place a ticket in the held. It estimated that 0,000 people at tended the state fair on the opening LARGE ATTEND CROWDS L CONFERENCE AT SALT LAKE. is day. Between 200 and 300 carloads of augnr beets will be shipped from Moroni this season. The minesof Utah declared dividends during tlie month of September total- t Expresses Katlsferllnn at Large Attendance and Lralltude to Almighty for IroxprrUy 1 liat Has Attended the People During the 1ast Sirs sun. Presld-- The nt HuilUi seventy-thir- d semi-annu- al con- ference of the Latter-daSaint oping $315,000. October ened 4th, forenoon, Saturday Alfred Johansen of Frisco, was in tiie with attendance Tubernacie, ho ldcked in the mouth by a mule Inst that completely tilled the vast edifice. week and severely Injured. at 10 o'clock President Joseph Promptly An epidemic of typhoid fever seems F. Smith arose uud bade the congreto have struck Frisco, there being an gation open the conference with tiie unusual number of esses there. Our God, We binging of the hymn, Howell Davis was killed in the Daly-Weliaise to Thee, invocation wasoiTered mine at lark City last week, lie by Stake President Higgs, of Ncphi, being crushed to death by the cage. and, after tiie mammoth congregation For the first time this season the hat) bung Redeemer of Israel," Presischools of Manti will begin active dent Smith, the ilrst speaker, stepped work on the 13th lust., the diphtheria to the pulpit aud addressed the assemblage briefly. President Smith exepidemic being over. It is not likely that there will bs any pressed satisfaction at the unusually scarcity of coal in Utah, nor an advance large attendance, aud spoke his gratitude to tiie Almighty for the prosperity of prices, whether the Deunsylvania that has attended tiie people during strike is settled or not. the past season. A freighting scow having a capacity During the morning session Presitransof forty tons is to be used for Hen U. Rich, of tiie Middle Stutes dent the in from list island, porting guano denounced in severe terms the mission, Great Halt Lake, to railway facilities. eastern press, which has set up tiie The Silver How Foundry and Maof blood atonement" in connection cry chinery company of Kutle. Mont., has with the murder of which decided to move its plant to Salt Lake is accused. Hooper Young City. The concern employs 100 people. What damnable lies they tell," said While experimenting with a tube of President Rich. They will die and nitric acid, Miss Clara Coombs, a second go to hell and be damned forever. And year normal student of the University they will remain in hell forever unless of Utah, was badly burned about the some Mormon cider goes dowo and arm aud wrist. helps them out." At least two of the exhibitors at tiie President Rieti said tiie press in Neiv slate tair will take some of their prize York, where Hooper Young is in cuswinners to the Idaho state fair. The tody, had been trying to bring home men are Jim Jenseu and John Sieley, to the Mormon church the responsibilof Sanpete county. ity of the crime of which the young The ore and bullion settlements in man is accused. Regarding blood the Halt Lake market during tiie month atonement, Mr. Rich said the church of September amounted to 81,051,800, authorities, in 1888, declared openly not counting the output-o- f the High- that the shedding of blood was abhorrent to them, and denied that enemies land Huy and Kinglium Con. of the faith had ever been ordered An unknowu young man arrested in He said the Mormon people Halt Lake last week has regained his killed. in blood atonement only to the believe his of been bereft reason, but has extent demanded ly tiie laws of the memory of the pHst. He can remember country; nothing whatever of his past life. President Robinson, of the Sixteen messenger boys employed by Caliniforuia Joseph in a short talk mission, the Western Union Telegraph com- before the conference, reported that pany In Hall Lake City went out on a the California mission is prospering, strike last week because one of their and that the is now fully membership fellow employes had been discharged, (W0, despite the fact that the eiders I hiring the six days of the slate fair who are at work in that Field have met 32,038 people passed through the gates, much vigorous opposition during the an average of over 8,000 a day. At au past six months. expense of over 830,000 the managePresident K, U. Nye, of the Southern ment reports a surplus in tiie treasury. Slates mission, followed with a short ill Hovvcn, of Drovo, while mouuted address on conditions throughout tiie on his bicycle, gave chase to a dog. South. He said there are about a hunThe wheel and dog came in collision, dred elders operating throughout the aud Mr. ltowcn is now nursing a Southern Statea, mostly among the sprained wrist aud an ugly gash la his rural and backwoods districts. . furehead. President McUue, of tiie Colorado William Dougall, of Salt Lake City, mission, waa Hie next speaker, and he betold of the work being done lu Ida attempted the role of peace-makwhen a friend a tween and stranger; districts, giving a most encouraging the ffiend pulled a knife and atabbed report of the success of the mission. Dougall In the groin, Indicting a painApostle ilyruiu Smith made the clos ful wound. ingxaddress of the inoruiug session, K. P. llepson, a hrakeman, sat dowo dealing with those who are defaming by the tracks in Provo and fell asleep the church. Apostle Smith said the with hi left fool on the track. A spirit that is being manifested by some freight train caiue along and ran over Is the same that caused the murder of the sleeping man's foot, severing it st Joseph Smith, whose blood ia still crythe instep. ing for vcngeauce. He deplored tiie At the irrigation convention held in fact tiiat people, among them minisHalt Lake last week, it was agreed to ters, go east aud deliberately lie about push tiie Utah lake reservoir project the Mormon people. as the one that Utah will ask the govAt the afternoon session President ernment to take hold of under the uew 1 hi 111 n of the Southern States mission irrigation law. said that mob violence in that district A carload of strained honey was is dying out, aud that people in tiie shipped to Chicago from Price last southwest are bceoiuiug favorable to week. Tiie shipment all came from mission aries. Another carload is i'rcsident Woodruff, of the mission of Emery county. hauled to the railway aud will the Northeast, said that there were being be shipped soon. many converts being made constantly The National Hanks of Utah have throughout bis mission. President N'eplii Pratt, of the Northincreased from tcu to twelve during the year eliding Keptemlier 15th. Tho west mission, also spoke of tiie Mutterindividual deposits have increased from ing state of affairs iu Ids held of labor. A postle Joiiu Henry Smith said lie 8rt, 484.818 to $8,1x8,140, an increase of had visited Hancock county, Illinois, over '.0 per cent. The IV. C. T. U. convention held in during tiie past year, and found that Halt Laks City last week was well at- all the bard fecliug Hint once existed tended and a most enthusiastic one-Th- against the Monmm people Rax died n out. 'l found tiiHt tiie place is retreasurer the y i st 1 i! .1 r. i : C i oold-blood- ' 1. ;1 '! 'i 'i i t. i V V'i i i . w 1 I 1 er r I : r'l I;! t ( 4 i ,1 ! r ? reported i - year's ceipt at !3 17, 73;dllmieiiicut, i i i lu-e- i i I ; I i ') t ' I , i i i i $15'.I.3; balance on Land, 9 1.'. 5. '.hi. Col. Percy S. Sowers, special agent inof the general land oliice, has structed by tiie acting Secretary of the Interior to receive petitions from citizens of tiie state of Utah for a limited amount of limber which may be taken from tbs lands recently withdrawn temporarily for tiie purpose of creating the Uasuuh Forest Deserve. The telephone strike, involving the linemen of Utah, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, came to an end Saturday last, the result being practically a victory for the atrikt r. although some concessions ve"eniitde on both sides, A gentleman who bn traveled exn specialty of at. aud makes tensively u Maine to fall r state falr , i declare that the fruit exhibit I i i l,c i.er was tlx good a he lias ever seen, so far us quality goes, not even excepting Calif i uia. At Hear ID-- er ity, Friday of last baby of week, tlis six icon months-olMr. iml Mrs Muik Hlmtnonson ws drowned in a shallow Irrigating dluiln the water In which would hardly hava ' coino to its knees If the child bad been able to stsud up lu it. i' i , Juek-Mormo- rather than said Apostle Smith, There seeius to be a belief that tiie Mormon people could return to thut country aud build up the towns that have wasted since they were driven out by persecution," h ws si xsios. Apostle Reed Smoot, tiie 4irt speaker st tiie morning session called the Saints to task for their failure to pay their fast offerings. In many of tiie stakvsof Zion, lie Raid, there are no poor, and here the people have been led to think that they are no longer required to pay their fast offerings T his, tiie speaker said, was not true, sn oM A lUtu r (mmUIihm, Advices have been' received from Chit'H of the Increase of Ro.xcri-i- u both in K.e (linen ami lid Li. lu See t li ue ii tiie lSoxers, some Hi tkV In number, attacked Cheng Tu. the capita!, ami there were some sanguinary lights in the streets. The Iloxrr were lieh! in check by the imperial force, and on a report being proclaimed that reinforcements were coming for Hie garrison, the lioxcr fled from Cheng Tu and encamped at had Shlppantsn, where earth-wor- ks been throws up. pio-vinel- would be no poor in Zion. A report of work being done by the Saints in Mexico was given hv Anthony W. Ivins, president of the stake; of tiie Sandwich Islands mission by Samuel E. Woolley, who labored there for seven years; of the Canadian mission by President Allen of tbe Alberta stake, and of the Wasatch stake by President William II, Smart. Apostle Abraham O, WoodrulT.speak. ing of labor unions, said: "We do not show the interest in each other in these We temporal affairs that we should. have not as much interest in obtaining employment for each other as tiie labor unions have in obtaining .employment for their members, and I am iu favor of either joining the uuions or being a union among ourselves, for the Latter-da- y Saints are in a position to demand some consideration in these tilings. Elder Louis A. Kelscti, who has spent the past year laboring iu the Japanese mission, told of the experiences of missionaries in that field. He said but two converts had been made, although more could have been baptized hud the missionaries been sure that those seeking to accept the faith understood it thoroughly. At the afternoon session Apostl Rudger Clawson, the first speaker, urged upon the congregation the importance of paying their tithing. Tiie next speakers were President William T. Jack, of the Cassia stake and Samuel Reunion, president of the Uintah stake, who told briefly of the llieir respective work throughout resulted union and President Roosevelt reached. in no agreement being Mr. Mitcte During the conference of the settlement the offered to refer iu the strike to a questions iuvolved committee to be appointed by the pres- ident. To this proposition the operator! vehemeutly expressed their disapproval to and said that they would not listen from Mr. emanating any proposition Mitchell. indiThey said, however, that any of the mining in miner vidual any the camps who bad a grievance against mine might operator of that particular of submit his grievance to tbe judge and the district court of that district they would abide by the result. They would not. however, recognize Mitchell or the uuion in Hie matter. RAIDED BY OUTLAWS. Mexican loan Terrorized Ivy Itumlllx nh Itoti bed the 1lnce. Advices from Gnyamus tell of a darin ing raid on tha town of lianchia, the state of Souurs, near lleruiosill. by a party of bandits supposed to have been led by Bravo Juuu. According to information, on tbe night of Sept. 29 a n bandit rode into the town and took possession of the business section. Guards were placed outside while two of the men entered the stores and looted them of mooey and valuables. In one store it is said they secured 81,000 from its bidiag place iD an old trunk. lhe inhabitants of the town were terrorized by the bold effrontery of the thieves and offered little resistance. .Several shots were exchanged between Hie baud its and the Mexican police, but without effect. They raided the house of Ignacio Quijida, the wealthiest citizen, and forced from him $500 in money and an equal auiouut of jewelry. The sum taken by Hie desperadoes amounted in Hie aggregate to about $.1,000, which they packed on their horses and escaped to the woods in the Sierra Madre moun. tains. A company of rurales took up the chase, hut tints far nothing has been seen of tiie outlaws. half-doze- stakes. Apostle Mathias Cowley appealed to the people to settle $eirdifiiculties by conveying them to the presidents of their respective stakes and not by appealing them to tiie president of the church or tiie apostles in every little He 6aid tbe difficulty that arises. priesthood should be honored and that difticultiea should be settled through them. An overflow meeting was held in tiie Assembly Hall, which was presided over by Apostle Woodruff. The most practical address of the afternoon was by Apostle Reed Smoot, in fltack Diamond when he advised tiie members of the Due Mine. church to save money and keep out of According to a dispatch from P.'nck debt, am) aduioc, ished them to cease Diamond, w heat from tiie state. Basil., the body of John shipping Other speakers were President Moses tregliiiio is still somewhere in the Tuylor of Summit stake, one of the Lawson mine, probably buried under youngest slake presidents at the con- one of tiie caves that, block tiie main ference; President James V. Paxiuau, gangway for hundreds of feet. A large of Juab stake, President Joseph Mer-re- ll party of miners is still searching for of Cache, President George C. the remains. t'reghino was working Parkinson of Oneida, Elder George J. iu chute 73. His cap ns found in tiie chute. Ills believed that he ran into Cannon aud Apostle Woodruff. the gangway aud was caught hy the TII1KD DAY'S SESSION. falling coal. Peter iSorenson, the engineer at the Earnest exhortations to the Saints to faithfully pay their tithing, studiously mine, climbed clear down to tiie bottom avoid getting into debt, abhor mort- of tbe slope immediately after tiie explosion. The distance is over a quargages and ! steadfast in the principles of their religion characterized the ter of a mile, and It is nearly perpenaddresses of the closing day of Hie con- dicular. lie repaired the signal system and assisted Hie injured in getting out. ference. The Saiet were warned that the He and Frank Allen, the foreman, were coming of Christ was near at hand, Hie float men iu the mine. Koine of the and that they should be diligent in the injured men started to climb up the perforuiauce of their duties that all slope, but gave out before they readied prophecies might be fulfilled and they Hie top. They were taken up by Hie might be ready to enter into the king- car from where they were clinging to the timbers. dom of heaven when tiie time came. They were exhorted to send their FARMERS FlGH f WITH OFFICERS children to school aud give them every advautage of an education that it might ritrheit IInIIIi In DMalmm Hrtwren vif. Heel mul I ufiurr Realm Mam,. not be said against tiie Saints thut they were an igoorant people. Tiie charge At fit -- cent City, an inland town u Hint the church i died upon tiie ignoi-ancmile,; norlii West of Guthrie, (liilu-liomof its people for the maintenance a (ieree battle wa fmi.-h- t of its power over tin-i- was strongly reHie officers of tbe town anil four futed, hu J the further charge that the Rrown brothers. Mat, Don, Bill am! authorities of the church were allied John, prom, unit farmers and rancher ugainst the non Mormon edueui nmai of that vicinity. As a remit. Mel liisMlutiotiH was denied wiih filial another farmer, is reported dead. stienglh. The young weie advised to Mat Brown attend these schools if they could not seriously wounded aud uttend a church ins'itutiou, but the several others injured The Browns cstuhiisliuicutof religious classes wtiers are mountaineer from Kentucky, who Hie young people could lie taught tiie have resided in this country since tiie MormoniMu of wus advoprinciples 1 rouble ha been brewing opening, cated. were The Saints taken to task for there tor some time, originating two some of llieir sluu tcouiuigs ami urged weeks ago in a tight with railroad to remedy these tilings. Testimonies to the iuwer of Hie gospel were made guarder. of whom Hu- Denvei. Enid A by every spcsNor, ami instance w ere Gulf company bastion in that vicinity. related where it was claimed tiie pow- The Brow ns are reported to hne lakeu er of beuling by blessing urn) lay ing on side with tbe raliioaders, thusengen- of hand hml I. eel proved by actual a feud between . them aud the deriug dcmotislraUon-t1 lie p akers at Hie mor ning session officer. were Apostle M. W Merrill, David K. Hshty tear, in I'rinun. I'dnil, president of Hie St Jiiii s stake in Arizona: Jesse Crosby, president of year In Kan Lfuentin wa the Eighty the new Itlg Horn stake: K. L. Chip. fate meted ly Judge Melvin sttiuU-land- . iiiuii, president of the Alpine stake, Cal., I rlduy last to the msn of Cri.xh Jours, president of the Iarovvan stake, aud President C. I. White, of muuy a'.lHMs who. uudi r the name of Hie Heaver stake. l.ieti'.enoiit Edgar N. Coffey," ol,.. At Hie closing session, in accordance luiticd ldu from Mr. Barbara w ith tiie usual custom, the Alien, general auof the Galindo hotel, on pioprietres of tho thorities church icrv presented and sustained iititiiiiimmsty hy Hi,, forged checks pnrpoitiug Saints. Joseph F. Smith as prophet, been signed by seer slid reveiutor of Hie chinch In all Melvcr of the Cujdum tieoiga W. Seventh infant try at Hie world, uud other ollieeis in their ( lie Portland. respective capacities. Dimii-m-- .I lli Hint Hilt,., Tho Boxers of Ke Chiion ate led hy in. a woman. Mao Kuan Tin. who j Two thousand p, op! atti mind a alleged to he one of tin- - three sisters meeting in Cleveland. H . Friday 1,11, t who were arrested at Tien Tsin during to IiKteu to kpee.'lie relative t,P the i rr hell ion of I'.too, It being said ecu! Millie 111 meeting Meim-t that they were "the Boxer goddesses." be dominated by ,H'lallti,. apevrl,, Letter from Prince Tuan, Yung ,u and literature enunciating socialistic and other Boxer leader were found In prinelplca were handed to their house. This woman, who is de- attended. Mayor Jones of Toledo puke scribed ss being handsome lr Chinese for an hour, lie reviewed the labor papers, hA attracted Irtjioo Boxers to situation and spplsnded President Roosevelt's action in railing the her standard. The Chung King corof the North China News Resolutions respondent were adopted She is the most powerful says; calling for government ownership of rebel chief la Sze Chueo. tU-thi- i six-tee- e Bur-ges- - Hi,.!,,, coo-feren- largest oruer ever sent .mu " out crop compelling implement bine have been completed York. Care a Cold In One dav of marine, the rake To Laxative Bromo Quinine Tableti The Spanish minister measia considering lruggiatarefund money it it fails to Duke of VeriiRiia, of emigration. restriction the for ures An Easy Question. were opened Twelve hundred schools A worthy negro matron h0 29, the lost one of her numerous in Porto Rico on September 50,000, at0"607 death was met by a friend attendance exceeding the Clerk s of the procession of mourners wT The young women of of the children is dead, aunty decided i Union of St,. Iaul have the friend. Why, the one J ? union a is he unless man no utriy hearse, was th sobbing repy mun. Do Tour According to news from Bulgarian were sources upward of 500 Bulgarians re y fiirVrVi "V hnMn'h . , , " 3,1 "V, 'ne ! or- O-W- onl. ,h, ,y lh, Karsfoff - ,1" i (Then D'ha It bad bs took I' Aid cnty n red evi home v 0 0 s0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 1 0 e? c Y a s Dense Population of Japan. Japau lias 255 people to the squart mile; China usually considered to most densely populated country U the east has only 236. c c I do not believe Pleo's Cure for Coaemr'J has an egual for couahs and Ind., Feb. .5. 14 lioriu. Trinity c c rs. Got a Lover Easily. An amusing story Is told of to com crowning of the rose queen of a selects The near Paris. district try queen, as one of the formalities awarding their dower, was asked the mayor for the name of her tato t "1 have none," she replied. indispensab' a sweetheart was the young lady added timidly: thought tho municipality pmvid Straight3 everything necessary." a young twain presontod himself x an aspirant, and being as promptly R rcjitcd all things became regular In order. C ' Notitr-tha- Mr. Hoot YVInulnw' pz tune M Tfff ftilMlrt'n twililnir ffiffrna tm" (U$mtnUiunii!iay pui,cur wind cniic. C Car- - Gould's Palatial Private George Gould's private car, t ta, Is nearing completion Charles, Mo., where he inspected a few days ago. It Is to cost it10 t $150,000 and will be a veritable ace ou wheels. Can't Wood. blood. ky Klein health wlhn.iC Burdock Blood Bitters in Turns aud invigorate t le .rfa-- t Cost of Magic Lanterns to P High clamt magic lanterns, w a picture nine feet In diameter, lcnsoi from $750 upwards. The ti.nes cost $100 apleee. n. G Dropsy treated free by Dr. H. of Gn. The Sou, Atlanta, ti'V'f specialists in tho world. Bead P tixcmont in nnother column of thl T ia At VI e' Valuable Bird Plumes. Tho feathers of the mlrasol, w Routine bird, are worth T"-pound five tlmm tho price ft most perfect tmtrich plumes. a ra.rrop- - k in fr T"1 ttin last VCr hminruhleln all buxine" ilnunclallv able to curry ou n) tien til:, da liy their llrm. T' West A Trim. Wholesale nruct'l" . l'rfi-il- t:t Alt Hows TIilsT Die, icy c df We offer One Hundred Dollar rch'jp-ea- e of Catarrh tlittl cuniiot bo cue 0 CaUirrli Con-- . f. j. factor i,. the I'.cw will be 875, ihmumiii mmem, Ul- ' 1'IUI The Mn.edonla, i committer' ,.,rrU to support lh, plat of ,U Prc,,lp General TzolichrIT, for a , general r thIshndlC'nM i:chg' JS UK'1 jg bottle Operations of Sugar Trust Tbe sugar trust bus no less tha: forty-fou- r great modern ocean freigs' steamers on their way from Java to Philadelphia. New York and otic to ports, loaded with raw refined for the American mart About 250,000 tons of sugar will to handled by this great fleet. No such tiling au "sum nor louptat where I r Fow;. r' Extract of I d cm remedy-lierry i kept I amiy. Nature loweue-- s of tue bowels. We. thechevky unilerslciied, bavo Another attempt , t,, made to combine thi m, " del in anu i,t"ugli f.irturcs V. Will S done! su:-,a- ,., t;i. Us B 0 U-on- of fouis J beDlHtribated by the Salt LakeTrlbtu to Those Who Extl mate the Rnraltol the Elettlon. trial nf The Salt Lake Tribune will distribut a ase ! the above amount of cash to those k make tbe nearest estimates of the vote MhV for congressmen in Utah, Idaho iti trrhof Wyoming, at the election on Nov. I tis just tbe b For every dollar you pay in advanced tbe h Inter Tribune or the Daily or Weekly mountain Farmer and Ranchman, jot get an estimate. There are 1,4 cw prizes, ranging from $2 to $3,000 each The vote two years ago wa HI what will it be next month? If yon A not want to lie a subsenix-- r to The Tri bttne or Farmer and Ranchman youwt make as many estimates a you wist for 50 cents each . Further particular by addressing The Tribune Distribution Bureau, 1. O. Box 1238, Salt Lab City, Utah. i KMiintioii, Gnu line having 1 th To non-unio- n ;; f! fae anliful IN COLD. $35,000.00 Many rattle formerly were exiried from Portugal to Eugiund and France. Now tbe tables are turned and oxen o English breed are being imported from line tins Ayres. Buxines failure in the United States for tiie week ending October 2nd number 174, as aguiust 172 last week 175 iu this week last year, 177 in 1900, and 178 in 1899. Tiie steamer Quirang of Sydney was lost off Hie Australian coast with all hand, nuinWriog thirty, never hav ing been heard of after leaving Sydney on a eonsting trip. It is now almost certain that John Mullen, a man, who was run over by a trolly car at Ssiithviiie. Ia., w a stunned or killed and theu placed on Hie truck. As an outcome of newspaper attacks General Barges, cuptain-gcnrra- l Fata lull is, fought a duel with pistols with the editor of Imperial of Madrid Neither of the combatant wax injured It i reported from San Sebastian thut King Alfonso 1ms refused to sign certain decrees presented to him by the minister of war, General W'eyler and tbe mutter is receiving min i, com lent. In I incinnntl it expected that the coal famine will lie relieved during H coming week by the present rise in tli Ohio river, wind, will bring an abut, dance of fuel from Pennsylvania. We irginlu and (iluo. Grand Duke NiehoUf Rus.-- i had long audience will, Hie Sultan lust F tidily, aud discussed the Macedonia he Grand Duke assure t,luall,,n' H.e Sul tan of Russia friendly desire to maintain order there. Polities Cl ime Ml, longer carry th in the iu'e of Nt,vo , J he state Mexico. ha passed emigre n suieiitlineiit to the constitution mg that crime of character shall not be punishable by death. A xpccial dispatch from HgUnni-kitan exlcn,ve tire has occur, ed iu the native quarter ,,f the city, and tlint The" flame'1! '' n? littl y ! 1 $15.(100. ,.r..tlJ -- canoe Hermit and Miser. George Cairncros3, who lived at Eart ilrec; iortui) viile, Va., and who was supposed te that t be poor, was found dead in his chan Neat recently. For forty years he had live vh tin the life of a hermit Neighbors fcu--in and t a flour sack $900, in an old rubbe ,riit wli shoe a certiflcnte of deposit of nyfoli $100 in bills atid $50 in silver, and ii salt W Surlily, old tin cans several hundred dollars. lira. N Bank books were also discovers; showing deposits In Syracuse, Ctla saary 8 and Cortland banks. f 1 con nt probably an Aelie men1 j Shake into your shoes, Alk-np Ease, a powder for the feet, it n tight or New Shoes feel Easy, Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Dot Sweating Feet. At all" Pr'iiDi'D Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent Fftr!' Address Allen S. Olmsted, Leltoy, y; y the Monastir recently imprisoned in district. were Numerous arrests of Albanians a as precaution made at Constantinople Duke Nichodaring the visit of Grand las of Russia. The sheriff of Columbia county, Pa., arrested 120 strikers at Ceutralia in ue night on charges of rioting and taciting a riot. In an elevator accident at the shoe in factory of A. E. Li'tle & Company, killed were two Mas., persons Lynn, aud four injured. Wheat exports since July 1st aggregate 67,484,713 bushels, against 84,487,048 bushels last season, 47,212,867 bushels in 1900. The scliooner of Sybil of Sydney, a yecruiting vessel, left the Solomons in April with lie on board for Qeensland aud has never been heard of. Revolutionists under Galvez have proclaimed ut Xapttry tbe independence of tho territory of Acre and have declared war against Bolivia. After a week of tranquility, La showed signs of disturbance again Saturday. There was a slight eruption at 6 o'clock at night. The autopsy on the remains of Emile Zola has resulted in au official deciara tiou that he died rout asphyxiation caused by carbonic oxide fumes. News frots Amoy, China, says that tiie fire there bus spread to the British concession. Three of the warehouses and the custoni-lious- e were burned Advice frornRolivia say that a revolutionary movement in favor of tiie first of that republic, I.ucio lVres Velasco, bus been frustrated. Brigands have captured a Turkish landowner named Sheiik Bey at Orisur, near Vodena, forty miles from Mouu-sti- r. lie is being Reid for a ransom ot Sou-frie- l eet famil .ERtJN I The IS is 4 iHr 'ikrry, Hint f i Wiiltllinf. A Murviii. Klmiun Toledo, Ohio, I'nicclsl, Hull Catarrh Cure tn'tn I"' iiiitillrcetJv uiin theliliMalamtn"i'" w1" " of llm HVsleui. TesMimmlal ' a'tr I pr- to per butt lx. Said hv ail ertictd1 siall'a Family l'Ulsar-- i the bcu Some Good Aecomphs,,e' "Does hanging prevent n"r ANkrJ a friend of Deputy General Job. K. Hedge the ot& "I think it docs," replied ML "I never heard of a man f murder after hs was hauguo-- ' York Tims. r: |