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Show MICE ll WASHING DAY IN MANY COUNTRIES CURED OF & of the Verjlog Customs Different Countries. PELVIC CATARRH Description The washerwomen They have to wash about a dozen dresses for their husbands, and they have plenty to do. The washing is usually done in cold water, and often In running streams. The clothes are pounded w ith paddles until they shine like a shirt front fresh from a Chinese laundry. The Japanese rip their garments apart for every washing, and they iron their clothes by spreading them on a Bat board and leaning this up against the house to dry. The sun take3 the wrinkles out of the clothes, and some of them have quite a luster. The Japanese woman does her washing out of doors. Her washtub is not more than six inches high. She gets the dirt out of the clothes by rubbing them between her hands. She sometimes uses Japanese soap, which Is full of grease, and works away with her bare feet. The Cninese girls do their washing in much the same way. The washing in Egypt is usually done by the men. The Egyptian washerman stands naked on the banks of the Nile and slaps tfle wet clothes, with a noise like the shot of a pistol, on the smooth stones at the edge of the running water, and such fellah women as wash pound the dirt out of their clothes in the same way. French women pound the dirt out and often slap the clothes on the stones, a3 the Egyptians do. She Suffered for Years and felt Her Case Was Hopeless Cured by In Peruna. Mrs. Judge McAllister writes from West 33rd St., Minneapolis, Minn., as follows: suffered for years with a In the small of my back and rightpain side. It Interfered often with my domestic and social duties and I never supposed that I would be cured, as the doctors medicine did not seem to help me any. Fortunately a member of our Or . der advised me to try Peruna and gave It such high praise that I decided to try it. Although I started in with little faith, I felt so much better In a week that I felt encouraged, I took It faithfully for seven weeks and am happy Indeed to be able to say that I am entirely cured. Words fall to express my gratitude. Perfect health once more is thi best thing I could wish for, and thanks to Peruna I enjoy that now, Minnie E. McAl 1217 J JVDGB We would caution all people against for Peruna. KCCPting substitutes of lister. hardest-worke- the world are the Koreans. The great popularity of Teruna as a catarrh remedy has tempted many peo' ple to Imitate Peruna. A great many Allow catarrh remedies and catarrhal will take the place of Peruna. tonics are to be found in many drugnoone to persuade you to the contrary. satisfstores. These remedies can be procured If vou do not derive prompt and use of Peruna, by the druggist much cheaper than Peactory results from the a runa. Peruna can only be obtained at write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving case and he will a uniform price, and no druggist can full statement of your valuable ad- - get it a cent cheaper. be pleased to give you his Thus it is that druggists are tempted T Address8 Dr. ITartman, President of to substitute the cheap imitations of HAVE FOUND SMUGGLERS HOARD. Peruna for Peruna. It is done every n The llartmaa Sanitarium, Columbus, Illinois Unearth S7,000,000 on nn day without a doubt Ohio. Island Near Iorto Rico. A smugglers' treasure of $7,000,000 hidden on a small Island a couple of hundred miles from Porto Rico has lreisno ca'arrh that upon having Peruna. her internal remedy for M-- MONTH113 ALL MEDICINES FREE ALL FOB WEa!! TREAT AND CURE and diseases of tho Heart, Stomach, Liver, Kldnevs.BIadder, CATARLH Kcrvn, Skin. Brain and all OVA DISEASES. CATARRHAL HOMS TREATMENT Lungs. Chronic diseases of men, women and children. Write for symptom list. Consultation FREE. CVRES. DISORDERS OF MEN - PAY WHEN CUR.ED We eure you first and then ask a REASONABLE PEE when you are cured. You can deTHE VEKY PERSON WE pend upon our word; any bank In Utah will WANT TO TALK TO. endorse it; thousands of patients have endorsed We have proved our skill In curing all NOW WE WANT TO CURE YOU-w- tth CHRONIC' diseases by publishing thousands of us. we will not devoluntarv testimonials of home people, giving the distinct understanding that mand a PEE until we cure you. We eure LOST and addresses. limes, MANHOOD, Seminal Weakness, SpermatorWE CAN'T PUBLISH OUR. rhoea. Uonorrhoea, Syphilis and all weaknesses CUKES IN PR.IVATE DISEASES of men. We absolutely euro Varicocele or It we It Hence would don't cost you a peuny. Consultation and fcritue betray confidence. veto prove our skill In this class of troubles advice PREE, by letter or In person. CALL OR WRITE. toother way. This Is our plan: Office Hours: 8 a. m. to t p. m.; evenings 7 to 8; Sundays and Holidays, !0tn 18. LYON BLOCK. 56 W. 2nd So. II., SHORES If ;au Buffer from any of the weaknesses or (iwnlsrs caused by lirnoranee, excess or AUK m. & SHORES, Expert Specialists; SALT LAKE CITY. Volcanoes as Cooking Stoves. The Maoris of New Zealand cook their potatoes and other vegetables iq volcanic heat. There are & few volcanoes In New Zealand, and some ol the Maoris live up in the mountains near them. They make the volcanoes do several useful things for them, but the queerest Is the cooking. trough amt Stop the Work Off the Cold -- Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Price 25a Victor Hagoft When Victor Hugo lived in Paris In the Place Royale he used to be shaved by a barber named Brassier. A friend of the poet asked the barber one day if he was busy. I hardly know which We way to turn," was the reply. have to dress the hair of thirty ladles for soirees and balls, and M. Brassier showed the list to his friend. A few days after the friend returned and In qulred about the thirty ladles. "Ah, said the barber sadly, I monsieur, was not able to attend half the number, and I have lost many good cusIt tomers through M. Victor Hugo." appears that the poet, when about to bo Bhaved. was suddenly Inspired and seized the first piece of paper he could find to write a poem. Hugo hastily left the shop with his unfinished verses, on the hack of which were the names and addresses of the thirty ladies, many of whom waited In vain for their coiffeur. Absetit-Miododno- Place of Historical Interest. What remains of Fotherlngay castle, where Mary Queen of Scots was beheaded, Is to be protected by the Peterborough Archaeological Society, and left open to the public. 20 A WEEK AND EXPENSE! to men with rig to Introduce our Poultry goods. Bendstp. Javclle Mfg Co., Dept D, Parsons, Kan. fin Bust of McKInloy. Mrs. Emma Cadwalader Guild has fine bust of the late just completed a It is pronounced president McKinley. life-likmost productions the of one seen. yet Pimples, Blackheads, Red, Rough, Oily Skin Prevented by e PIso's Cure Is the best medicine we ever used for all affections of the thro it and lungs. Wn 1900 0. Enoslbt, Vanburen, lnd.. Feb. 10. Mmuoss or Pcopli rss Ctrrtnnu coir, assisted by CuriccaA Oi.xtmint, for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the rtin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, ales, snd dandruff, and the stopping of ailing hair, for softening, whitening, and entiling red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, Itching, and chafing, and for nil the purposes of the toilet, bath, and autw-ry- . Millions of Women use Con ctr Sosr In the form of baths for annoy-k- g Irritations, Inflammations, and excoH-abon-s, or too free or offensive perspiration, fa the form of washes for ulcerative weak buses, aud for many sanative purposes. Caapleti Treatment for Humours, $1. Contbtingofl'pTtrrRAftOAPfUo.htArloanse we skin or sod wales, and soften Die CuTunsA omrMxsr K..,.1'!' iisV'S ln,un,y sllv Inflammation, 'rt'abon, and aoollie and heal ; and CUTI. J, J4 Hanoi. vi sr I'li.ut AV.), to cool and ante the bhtud. A Hinoi.m BST Is Often uiucli at to cure the lOTcrsalcOM. ItrsoLygxT Pima (Chocolate rVT!.T4 a new. tasteless, odourless, eco. J? O substitute CmJ the celebrated liquid A Hkv.lv e.t, SO dotes, price, !6o. c!r,n,sklh'! 5? t' vet1- bwafu!s.,l. - IMM.li r mart, e t' " ; flol.l, H,, , Bold, fluid, stiver A Cupper. I1.MI. Mull-l- utsboi alory ejaaU ,' 'iuVT-i- Bnifl, Ua.1 Itl'I.t ABLE ASSAY. I M Hold and silver... . nail's Catarrh Cura Is constitutional cure. Pi Ice, 75a Dread fuL Alabama Agrlrallura. In Ala-nrhe total number of farmsof wb ch 1. given at 223.22. white farmers I,a37 are operated by i 04 083 by colored farmers. a r.: Ins . n Spread of Civilisation. and The first Tagalog-Engllsdictionary has just been Dr. Stom completed. It is the work of worked on th who York, New of pie our war with Tagslog grammar before Spain. :SSSSgaa5as Mae S. la lpatiJtu,r- I WEB nrt ROWARD 0. ECRTON. MIST. a,"- test Fourth Street, lsilvllle, Colo, S Retort Coarteooa. At "How did she get there?' famous dancing assembly this was tho sevquite audible comment made by eral married belles when a beautiful young matron, as yet on the outskirts of the exclusive set, entered the room. The newcomer, whose first appearance It was, proved herself quite equal to the occasion. She had a nodding acwoman quaintance with nearly every went even them of Some room. In the to her luncheon parties. Calmly turncritics In ing to tho most supercilious In as though echoed, the room, she e If-!- , -ti Diamonds at ( apa Noma. In diamonds, varying Genuine weight from one half carat to a carat, have been found In placer deposits on tributaries of Golovin bay, 40 miles east of Cape Nome. Miners found the diamonds while washing out gold. Kwabantu Ekyokusaba Skltabo na is the way the title of the book common prayer reads In the lan-agof Uganda. The Society for the amotion of Christian Knowledge i Just printed the translation. fr , I .7 Afk'&Hn ASSAY CO. t. Dos WHY LIVE 11 114, COLD bl'HlMl, Newt nun . and rtawli'tlnn r I'uontsnis 'rr,SBd,rr. B'Wwi.urWi Alberta eha llsnd. Beaus l, PENSION SVIl.TO Khiiui, t. they I er rrr'lv. burp. Ws.Mngion,flh nnlt-- u ll C., N II. Vole FromutiaiCItlmsilm-eliT- I when Answering Advertisements Mention fids Paper. Salt Lake-N- o. been found by Philo Reude and Abe Fogel of Ilerrick, a little city In the southern part of Illinois. During the civil war a party of half a dozen smugglers were engaged in the slave trade between Porto Rico and the United States. As there was constant danger of capture they merged their wealth, amounting in all to about $7,000,000, and concealed It In a stone embankment on a small Island 200 At the miles south of Porto Rico. close of the war they started for the island to recover their hidden treasure, but the elements interfered and they were wrecked. There were but two survivors and they returned to this country. While at New Orleans one of these died, and the other, being financially unable to recover the money, kept his secret until just before his death, when he revealed It to his kinsman. Reude. Just recently the latter confided In his friend Fogle, and together they organized the Porto Rican Prospecting company. Several prominent citizens of Shelbyville, 111., took stock In the company and were greatly rejoiced to get this message dated at Porto Rico: Amount all O. K. Reude. This message Is taken to Indicate that they had found the treasure and were In possession of it. Klndli) 2. c0? Ot No Efferb "HI, there, John! cried the old MM from across the field. LITTLE JESTS THAT TEND TO DRIVE "Well, whats the matter now?" "Youll never make no headway AWAY DULL CARE. swearln at that mule In Greok. Hit him a solid lick or two In plain Tha Latest and Best Dcflultlon of a English!" Sociable Man Why One I.IttI Bey Then, as he flailed bis own mule, Blew-tag- s Did Not Flail on the Sabhetb he muttered: "These college gradlvates Is so of Poverty. queer when they gits back to business!" Atlanta Constitution. Troth Will Oat. I was School Teacher very Sunday As Economical Parson. sorry to hear, Sandy, that you went "Brer cerWilliams, all thoo da winter should last fishing Sunday; you red-ho- t tainly set a better example than that. season you wuz preachln on hell fire, en now dat de Now, heres a little boy (turning to newcomer) who does not go fishing spring come you ain't got a word ter on the Lord's Day. Do you, little say 'bout hell fire. How come?" Brer Thomas, de wayfarln man, boy? do' mighty foolish, mout er kuowed Newcomer No, sir. Sunday School Teacher Ah! 1 way dat wuz. In de winter season, thought as much. One look In that Brer Thomas, coal wuz $G a ton." And Innocent face was convincing. why dont you go fishing on Sunday? Oat of Condition. Newcomer' Cause there aint no The boys were fighting when the fishing where I live. good man arrived on the scene. "I suppose," be said, as be pulled them apart, "that this Is your parents Blessing of Poverty. fault Your training has been neglect"No," mused the poor husbandman. I do not envy tho rich. I have no ed." Dats right," said Willie proudly, bitter feeling toward those who roll had in wealth. My soul .harbors no "If Id had de proper trainin Id time. dis . out him by thoughts of malice toward the men who are popularly supposed to revel In luxury. Proof Positive. Here he picked up the stick with which he had been beating the parlor carpet and resumed operations, saying between strokes: Think of having to beat a million dollars' worth of these dad blamed carpets every spring ! THE HUMOR OF LIFE. When th Worm Tnrnad. A roan who had a big family of children, of whom he was Immensely the proud bored his friends by telling smart things his children did and said. Ills wife was Just as had as he was, eh and when he Btoppcd for breath, told the cute sayings of their children. One evening they gave n dinner party and the entire conversation was taken who told up by the host and hostess, one story after another about their smart children. Finally nn old bachelor friend, who hud suffered before wa from stories about the children, and He toast. rose, a asked to give said: wine his glass, up holding "Ilcree to King Herod." Atchison Globe. this- - T DvWUt Talmage. ' 10-sta- II,-7G- a No Nasally A boat It It Small Boy Fa, what Is a sociable man? Pa A man who, when he has ten minutes to spare, goes and bothers somebody who hasn't Battling a Hoolad Point. The Boston Globe has decided that "An infant In the cradle may be very rich and none the less Innocent" This really ought to reconcile a great many Infants to being born Just as rich as possible. A Litoral Intorpratatlon. "Why do we say: 'Give us tills day our dally bread?'" asked a Sunday school teacher after the lesson. an"Because we want it fresh, swered a little girl. Little Chronicle. Is the short line between Omaha and Chicago, and like superior artloles of merchandise is, once tried, always used. Try It tha next time you go East. L. L. Downing, Commercial Agent, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, Salt Lakr City, Utah. "I see that King Edward wore a gray overcoat at the Newmarket races that buttoned through the cloth, there being no fly to It Novel, Isnt It?" "Oh, 1 dunno. It has been very generally admitted that there are no files on Edward." Manor In Qalnlno Is H0USL ser-mon- a good day In which you "I'm surprised at hts moving to one happy. It le astonishsome The placo Is full of make Swamphurst. tnkeu to make one malaria" It little how ing wasted t,1Ht lhe ,luy ' "Thats Just why he moved there, happy- - Feci In In which you hnve not eucceeded tlf's going to open a drug store. That IDAHO, MOUNTAIN, A MINERAL TREASURE Fortunes sf Cold Ar Being Found la Ik Ceutsr of the State of Idaho. Thunder Mountain, the new Idaho gold field, Is the most promising mlo . eral region in the United States. The Helmets of this country was not knows until late la the full oflOOl, after heavy snows had closed all avenues by whloh the region might be reached except upon srowshoes. Notwithstanding this fact, Colonel W, II. Dewey of Idaho, and others who have had wide experience iu mining, have expended vast sums In the purchase of undeveloped claims. The surface Indications are marvelously rich. Three gold bearing ledges, from 100 to 300 feet, run through a mountain parallel to each other. In the Dewey mine, this vast deposit has values running from 17 to t t,000 per ton, and the plates of tha mill which runs on the ore have to be cleaned of their accretions of gold every six hours. In a few weeks two miners lost spring cleaned up $7,500 In placer gold, being a small cotton hose to wash the gravel, the water coming from a small reservoir on the mountain side. The mineral zone covers a' large section of hitherto unexplored country, and Is about 175 miles from a railroad. There are five routes leading to tho Thunder Mountain country, viz: via Ketchum, Mackay, Boise and Welser, Idaho, and Bedrock, Montana, all on the Oregon Short Line railway. A great rush to this mecra for miners Is predicted, and On to Thunder Mountain" will be as familiar as the old watchword, Pikes Peak or Bust," as Method In Her Madness. soon as the snows disappear so that the It was not one of those lovers quarrels which are got up for tho sake ot camp may be reached with supplies, which will probably be between May snjoylng the sweets of making It up again, but a really, genuine affair in 15 and June 1. A scarcity of provisions which both parties felt thoroughly at present keeps miners away, as flour aggrieved. They parted In anger and at $50 per sack Is considered somewhat next day the lady wrote him the folof a luxury even In this golden land. lowing note: Surrounding Thunder Mountain is a "Herewith I return all your pressection of country adapted to large ents, with the exception of the diaagriculture and stock raising. mond ring, which I shall keep to reD. E. Burley, general passenger mind me of your meanness and horrid conduct!" agent of the Oregon Short Line railHiram you sure road, at Salt Lake City, sent an expert Hayrick Are to to report upon that country, and will ther Hanks been city? A ram Expert. Corntassel Wal, hes brought cheerfully give any Information reCissy What a bulging forehead your a gold brick home with him. friend has? , quired as to the routes and general conditions In and around the great mining Yes; hes a great genius at solving Toor Man! puzzles. Gets more prizes than any amp, On subjects culinary other man In the business. For magazines she writes; , "But I dont see how he can keep Newspspsf Cumulation. are pubAdvice to cookers many Some 42,800 newspapers himself busy?" The United With pleasure she indites. lished In the world. "Oh, when he Isnt employed with In fact, she is so busy States comes first, and Is far In adthe regular puzzles he tackles maga0 vance ot all other countries, with These duties all to meet. zine poetry." Her husband seeks a restaurant papers. Great Britain ranks next, with 6,050. In Russia there are only To get enough to eat Perfectly Satisfied. 743 newspapers, or one to every 170,-00- 0 Papa Is the teacher satisfied with people. The Petit Journal of ParPa Was with Tham. you? is has a dally circulation of not less likes father me, "Do think your you Toby O, quite. than 1,000,000 copies. Mamie? Papa Did he tell you so? The paper which has the smallest does." he sure "I am Yes. a After close examinaToby Is the Imperial Review, circulation sure?" makes What tion he said to me the other day, "If you for the sole benefit of the published "Bocause it was only yesterday he all my scholars were like you I of Austria. It Is made up emperor I were me and when asked going would shut up my school this very you the translations from all the That shows that I know to be married, as he wanted to live from day! principal daily items In European paus. with enough. pers, and the dally edition Is three copies. Unloaa Daring tba Railroad Salt. Not4 Cities. "Your honor, said the lawyer, my "Its too bad about those crullers Is client demands $10,000 damages." you made, said the new husband, probably the most widely Chicago For what?" sadly. mown city In the United States "For loss of speech. "Why?" asked his wife quickly. Noted for its push and enterprise ai "Well, replied the husband, "they well as "But I thought he merely had two being the Windy City. for are too rich to eat, too heavy fingers cut off." also has a world-wid-e Milwaukee and too small for quoits." "Exactly, your honor! He is a deaf on account of the quality a$ reputation mute!" well as the quantity of Its annual prtH Art and Auction of beer. "Are you not sometimes downcast Like Master, Lika Man. while possibly not so generSt. Paul, to apA mule, said Mr. Erastus Plnkley, to think that you are obliged as the two former known well ally for to art money?" meanea animals er one de "Is sho' ply yourself Yes, answered Mr. Stormlngton cities, Is nevertheless noted in many dat walks on feet." "Das so, answered Mr. Cassius Barnes; "but not as downcast as I am ways, and Is one of the popular Twin Colllflower; "but when you considers when I am applying myself to art Cities of the Northwest. some o de human folks he has to and not getting the money." All threo are famous cities and their work fob, you cant blame de mule so names combined form the name oi much." An Unpleasant Praeadant. America's greatest railway, famous "All the members of the English and noted the world over for its superiA Sociable Man. royal family have been vaccinated." or management, elegant equipment, "I wonder If that establishes a plendid service and general adoption precedent?" bf all the latent safety appliances for "What sort of a precedent? comfort and safety of Its patrons, j "One which forces tho kings fami- the Its electric lighted trains are noted ly to bare arms." tho world over. reply: "How did I get here? I drove here, Did you my dear Mrs. Crossbeam. Magazine. walk?" Iilpplneotts TKUNDER Paul Pas. Actress Cooil Batlooss Woaia. Miss Koy (In street ear) Its really has been honored by Constantinople to Mr. of Crabbe, give kind you, very from Jane a visit Hading, the celeme your scat French brated actress, who Is at presMr. Crabbe Not at all. We men are a tour ent through the Euromaking of accused getting tired of being no As European mannever giving up our scats except to pean capitals. would make arrangements for ager pretty gins. her to appear In his theater during passion week she decided to give tost Plenty of Law. week to Constantinople, where society "This seems to be a lawless town, Is not supposed to be very scrupulous. remarked the stranger. was amply Justified In her expecechoed Rattlesnake She. "Lawless," tations. Society rose to the occasion Pete. "Wal, now, we hev lynch law, and filled ths theater every night an' mob law, an civic law. No, pard-no1 wouldnt call this lawless Cheap Esraralon Ratot via tba Ateblsaa. town." Topeka Santa ra Railway. On June 10th, 11th, and 12th, the (levs ThemsolvM Away. passenger rates following flrst-claShe And am 1 really and truly ths will be effoetlve via above route first girl you ever kissed? from Ogden and Salt Lake City, Utah, He Do you doubt it, darling? She Yes, your manner savors of to Missouri River and return...... .132.00 long experience, 39.60 Louis and return. St. lie How do you know It does? $4.60 Chicago and return Final return limit September irb, 1902, Blass. For reduced rates to other points, I hesitated to tell you of my Clare engagement for fear you wouldn't be- and information regarding excursion lieve it. on other dates than nlwve, apply to Maud Nonsense! I've got to th C. F. WARREN, Genl Agent A. T, point where I'll believe almost any- & S. F. Ry. thing. pat roll Free Press. 411 Dooly Block, Salt Lake City, V r, se |