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Show Earl Darger LiCtkr'eiglit-yenr-olDuring Wm. Lloyd's absence to the valley, to bury his baby, somo died of pneumonia last Saturday WEEKLY. recreant shot his horse afternoon, after being sick only miserable i in the Lip from the effects of which four days. Mr. Darger was at Gold AHDHE W JESSES, Publisher. ' Mountain prospecting during the it died. Mammoth Record. sickness and death of the boy. SPANISH FORK, UTAH At a meeting of the board of This makes it eight children that county commissioners last Satur- have died in the SUBSCRIPTION IIATE3. family from pneuday $300 was appropriated to he monia. The One year 1,50 sympathy of the enused in repairing the road betiveen Six months 75 tire community goes out to the 50 Spanish Fork and Lake Shore. Four months in their sorrow. THE PRESS. Two months d family 25 Pattersons Dream H. WRITTEN BY FRANK GRIMES, As an old It. G, W, engineer I will give a little of the experience I had in a dream one night. The vtf call boy rappeJ at my door loud enough to wake the whole of Tucker, and to my surprise handed me a message which read as fol- DR lows: At the priesthood on Saturday Furnish PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Foreman, Tucker: Dan Moore, a pumpman employed Elder August Swenson was susto take the Rio Grande Western, was helper engine tained as a high councilor; he is by All bills for advertising will be It special to Soldier Summit. killed at Green River. Sunday, by on the first of each month. one of the bishopric of the Fourth Foreman Stewart of the water Dont call Juvinile Bob, Orzark ward; he succeeds Rufus P. Snell. service. It was an accident, it is Tom, or Blubber Face John, give All changes of Ads. mast bo in no Several men were in a us 999 and his fayorite, the 400. A tine program was rendered at believed. later than Tuesday night. A. T. M. the Olee Club party in the Second room together and were examining 1 will explain that 999 was u ward meeting house last night, a rifle. Moore handed the rifle to Local News. The nick name the boys gave hie after after which picnic, lemonade, etc , Stewart when it went off, Moore in bullet struck forehead tbe Lake the engine that beat the worlds reSuit enJ been ex has a in were served, and good time Mayor all week. and passed cord on the New York Central railjust above the right eye joyed by all. He was in- road, which I ran before coming through his head. John Holt has a new arrival at Judge C. Cl. Goodwin, west. Well, I signed the book, and killed. his home. Ail well. Enquirer. stantly of the Salt Lake Tribune, will edit after kissing my wife and baby boy A fellow named Moon, living out Kelly JameRon was in Eureka a new weekly paper to be started I was on band, and after good-bTuesday on business. the 17th inst. in Salt Lake. Judge in Michigan got married; that was and seeing that everyround Hoes only 20 Goodwin is one of the best editorial a change of moon. After nine oiling Fine K. I thought I would O. was moons his wife presented him with thing cent a pair at Oran Lewis. writers in the country. move the 'old girl" to see if she a new moon. The father went out Miss Jennie Hughes hasreturnfd was ns good as in former trips, and We have received a letter frorft and got drunk for joy. that was a to from Ogden to attend school here. Albert Brockbank my surprise tho old girl" made stating that he full moon, When he sobered up one lunge nnd out came the right Horn To the wife of Itobert lias quit his railroad job and gone he had but 23 cents left; that was head. What to do was office of the McFall the last in the Sterling, last Monday , a boy. All to work quarter. When he got cylinder moments a thought for me, House, Shoshone, Idaho. He is home his mcther-in-laWell. met him at only und that was to start the pump in feeling well and lmppy. the door and hit him a clip on the is Win. T. James the backward motion, and when doing a land and there We acknowledge receiving a head with the rolling-pioffice business in ic cream these 200 pounds of air was shown on the was a total eclipse of the moon and steam guago I threw tho brake pamphlet issued by the Oregon he saw days. stars! Ex. Short Line Railroad company, givvalve into emergency and reversed, Miss Daisy Fairbank of Pnysonis a complete description of the ecexercises of Mr. but all in vain . Tho back-uThe ing closing with friends in Spanish Thunder Mountain mining conn-tr- y Rowes school were given at the centric slipped on the quarter, FciV and the best road thereto. Lelnnd school house Saturday whii.lv made her ail the worse, and DeVi dot's iVuikt are served daily Every part of tho aptly my only thought WSi of irty wife Mr. C. Edson Snell fa expected, now at thO Spftblsh Fork Drug selected program wa$ rendered with and child. What Would become of 116 home sometime next week. Store. exceptional simplicity n'uJ accur- them if I were trt be killed? On has been gone two years and sii The noht commendable fea! and oil tlirt great iron mounter Ted Woods has been very sick months hi England laboring ns a acy. ture of the evening, besides the rushed over Hie steel rails until the for about a week, but is improving missonary. His many friends will class song heard at the pavilion, speed seemed 90 miles per hour, be pleased to see him once more. nicely. was the presentation of a little and at last the end of the wife to of born A baby was Dr. Warner has been laid up since farce, which won marked apprecia- old calico road was .reached. Hans Larson last Saturday night. last Saturday with nil abce-s- , or tion. A hearty vote of thanks was The thought of wife my teacher All well. tendered I to effthe for was his and baby aud the end carbuncle just above his knee. Dr. icient work in the school, and for meet was more than human endurDr. Allen Fowler, the pioneer Robinson of Provo came over last the manifest interest taken in the ance could stand, but my iron nerve doctor of Salt Lake, died yesterday night and opened it, and the docWre may well say that children. tor is fooling much better today. stayed with me until the last, and morning. there exercises were the best of whon she mado her last plunge inThe waitresses at Ford's hotel the kind ever given at Leland. Three people were slightly hurt to Pleaur.t Valley Creek ever) in a street car collision in Salt Lake in Salt Lake walked out on strike bone in my body ached with pain The Utah County Democrat has to think of at time. dinner just yesterday yesterday. my lmaiged form ami am glad they are gone,1 said the now moved its office from the watery grave, and still the 4iHJ Take your spring chickens to building to its new haunts hotel man; I'll hire niggers after Hines my dreams. With one leg Oran Lewis and get the highest this, north of the Court House iu tbe smoke Trouble was cuused by onb building stack and both hands price for them. of the girls belonging to a union. at Proyo, a brand new Cylinder on the throttle we turned eompletly Press has arrived from the East Miss Clara Clull of Frovo gave oyer. How could she betray ine at Lee of E. J. Minneapolis, Minn., and will be put in use in a few her friends at Spanish Fork a pleas-'an- t this critical moment was more than Will open up a barber shop in the days, and a type setting machine I could understand, but at last, visit last week. bedding south of the Rockhill and display type are now on tbe without a dry stitch of clothing Miss Kate Jones left for Salt house, 'on Main street. Mr. Lee road. When the new machinery is but my night shirt, I awoke with Lake City Wednesday to make a will put in a new outfit of put in working order the Democrat wife gauging me in the ribs visit for a few weeks. furfiituYo, and conics recom- will have the finest little newspaper tny Now we with her elbow, saying: mended as a lirstclacs workman in office iu the State. Barnes and E. H Johnson lett yesterday on are coming to Spanish Fork, don't his line. McBride have worked hard to blow Llw whistle, you'll wuke tlu a business trip north, he will I make the Democrat a success ami as will far as be There at services OJgcn. English probably go baby. Icelandic Evangelical Lutheran had it not been for tho grit mid I will sojourn in Spanish Fork the Mrs. Ella May of Big Horn is stickativeness of the.--e men Hip in the future aud deliver a C ou the Bench" next Son-da- y church nirse would certainly have visiting with her mother. Mrs. 8 p. in. The Rev. Herbert Democrat at of lect u res, the subject will be The John W. Snell, for a few weeks. Martens of Salt Lake City will gone u pa spout long ngo, for com- Man with the Iron Nerve," or Tin Samuel Cornaby has a choice lot preach. A hearty invitation is ex- ing right down to solid facts Provo Brave Eagle Eye who died ut his r of Carnation, tended to all to meet with uh. You papers dont receive half the sup- Post because be was nfiael to port, they !:d dd have. will be welcome. jump." Pansy and Daisy plants for sale, A hticugc If.iiir occurred at Luke T'uti r, May c, 19. A divorce suit lmS beer, started by Jacob Robertson, C. C. Creer Miliru last Hie Saturday night, nt and J. Preston Creer. were in Rose Reed of Spatihslt Fork against C.lil man that is InniM of nn living her buiband, Wm. Reed, on the Provo Monday on court lniine-aloneWhile a neighbor was CITY grounds of failure to provide, tlu-rThe case of the South East Fi U a noise hoard was talking were married at Mammoth Irri gation company vs. Ppanieli They March 10, 181)7. Plaintiff asks for outside sounding ns though someFork City has been compromised. muidon name and $20 attorney fees one were sneaking id mat the premFollowing business was transises. Tin neighbor tried to induce A daughter of the late I hos. and general relief. ected by city council meeting Tuesthe old man to go with him borne, Llovd has nrrived from Lea Iville, i Juno 1st will hi a ns it was not safe for him to stay day night By big gun Colo.', too late for her futhers fun Bills allowed a? follows; placed in position ut Fort Hamil- alone, The old man finely deviled eral. Chi-h.a A: Garduer, lumber, ton, Nlw York hutbnr, that will to leave with tho neighbor, and ns $11.19. We understand that Mat. Halos sling fttecl twenty miles. Terrible, they got outside the house a search Jos. Boyack, labor, $3b is quite low. He has had several isnt itP But we know a young light was throw a on them from Press, mlv., $2.93. hemorrhages of the lungs the lad Lely who recently slung Steele about SO tods ion Hi of the liotie, Y. M. $11.10. about forty miles. Ltuh simply a id was thrown mi them several few days. Job Battler, labor, $21.73. cant be beat; thats nil. time? ns they were leaving the Dr. Rribitisrn was v.rtf from Bids on spiinklmg: Next morning tracks of n to e? a eon of Tbe little three, months-olProvo son place. Job Dottier, $10. Lars Nielsons who is troubled of Mr. and .Mrs. llarwurJ of Spring-vil- l man with very hrc.il h Cols were Geo. A. Ilicls, $10. died viry suddenly yesterday located around the house, n place with sppendecilin. Brother Hick got it. w a? also found where a horse mid have a child sufferthey mrning band The Pay son Silver Adjourned. gave n from a bud burn roomed n buggy hnd Wen tied about 30 reds concert and ball Tuesday night in ing week ago. Mr. Itnrwnrd returird south of the hollar, The old mnn the Fpani.ih Fork pavilion. There 1lit.Mllt! from Neva In Tucudu). Mr? Hat does not know of having any was h good attomhriee, and can to the only conic 100 Evergreens, 12 tmd 15 indies ward is n daughter of Mrs. llmiiii CouclUeion Hint It is eynicmi" who A new; je woler, John W. Pie, N Reese. high, at Georg Aitige's residence; him hetieva be to old nil r sod mi, buMm-in Client each. Come and select preparing to open up Tin IWnr, to he given by the want to get hold of hurt and tortown. Fino watch tm-- clock yoUr choice. I idios of tlm L'dand Ward, will ope,, ture him till. he tell? where his work gtinrnt,l-e'lprices at 2 o'clock, Tuesday, May 111, money i, If he bus pny. Tim place to unit nil. it tbe Spun Mi Pork pavilion. is bring well guarded, nnd it is befor tba 11. V, Academy Reunion A rnuti h game of ae ball be- Poncert in evening ut 8. Ilarar lieved the guilty putties pretty at Provo May 29lh tho Oregon tween the Spuni-l- i Fork club end will open day at 2 p. m., and well located. The old tnan is well Short Line will n il tickets May 2s. the Salem team will be played to- grand bull in the evening. Ad known in trpanlidi Fork mid Luke 29 and 30, nt one fare frruuul n morrow nfturuoon ut the city park to Iaiar free; to concert, Shore, baling lived in this part of trip; final return limit My32st,-- b, adult 10 Cent, children J erut. vil the cast beiii h, this city. the country upward of forty Jems. M, Del tub, agent.. GoUld-Vun-der- 'Span bi pre-seate- d or y Sisle-threa- d W e bought a case of these direct from the factory and saved oc a pair; therefore we can sell you these 25c. Stockings for 20c. a Pair, w 3 n Utah.' r m Lb LATEST . even-inglast- send your Hcrlin, Vic I nut and New York Co Published monthly in LOI Subscription umii by us. Single copies 5 cents. AH scams allowed in patterns No guessing for a fit A bigb grade pattern for a cheap pric out of town.. t 6 pnl fjp tw 8S? te field-grow- I a vis, IjOltfi Oil i , 1 out-doo- Wli Spanish Fork, p i it Call and get the latest fmhiui sheets free nt the j Young Men's Consolidated Co-- 0 ii Spantol to the PRESS OFFICE. Spring house cleaning call? for new paper' on your walls are showing about 250 beautiful design. Uoods de.ivenui bitl hours. In your spring decorating xhml forget that we can frame your pictures nt nnc half the piotun man price, n I sod l$i Shaft: j 3 B After have buggy now pr I j n h large mil. . 1 irst-e- l j I Opt . B. I s COICIL. - s r ol Co-op- ., jej-DHn- j 1M1K Connerlloiv mad-I- n tjjlrn Itilon Deof Miulhrru pot with All train l.ntUlc nnd Ore-yeshort Line, oi rrits moit d coo-nde- . l ; n-- mi-sio- xt ?, tVHI). Arrival ml Depnrtnr of Iratmfroiu Itio (.'rand V.e.lci n Dcpo't No. 7,'for Springv ille, Trovo. Salt l.iike Amt all points Kut and West. No. 211, for Sprlngvil'e. Irovo, Salt bake nod all point Kn.--t and West. 8 42 p m No. x, for Purckii. Mammoth It 40 and Silver City, p in No. 2X, for r.ureha. Mammoth nml Silver City, 8 15 a m i; FAST- - of FOR ksa Sewing Machine. Inn I Inlam nttd Ordinary sleeping to Denver, o mall II, Kanms w iihotit ltj si, I.rol nnd litcago Sna r Press STOP Paying list to h't Be? OWN YOUR HOME The National Homo-Seek- rhiu.'t. er Association free ficdlrfutf ( hair firs. IVsonaUy tlindn rtod I icur-- l nia. Will entitle you to a liotno or A Ierferl Dinlnjffnr Service. (two tr pay oft your twiT Fur fates, fuW-r- . etc., and tuny bo returned nt lb1 of f.5 50 per month on rucb I lono H. J. I OUI li t, I If he I AiiCHtf rd S per rent per annum, of writ til person or by letter to either UHV.Y. lltmx, AU tienernt I'nti'cer tndi Suit I Hkf I lq, 1. I) Hot VI, Spmilb Fik' a ji Li ) sn Thief Distinct Scri". Routes. Patman pni-- i Apply ait C2- - THROUCH TRAINS DAILY. Had a Domestic Ti . , AM f .! . n iifsiO ch, John Chrictianccr and Spa |