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Show a few claysago. presented him with Dont forget the quarterly Conference at Payion Saturday and twin girls. Enquirer. THE PRESS. Sunday. Mayor Jex went to Eureka Dr. J. M. Tanner has left for yesterday on business. AXDUnv JANSEN, lublishoi'. Arizona, where he will visit the Born To tho wife of Oliver respective Sunday Schools and UTAH. Nielson last Saturday, a boy. SPANISH FORK, Academies. Oran Lewis is selling Fascinators SL'I'.SCIUITION rate.. The quarantine flag will be taken look at theprieos One year ...,,$1.5u very cheap. Just down this week attheBrimball res75 in his window. Six montlm idence. The little girl having re50 Four months Francis Snell and a Mr. Saxey covered from scarlet fever. 25 Two months railroad mail clerks, arrived both PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Ephraim Hughes made a very inin town last night. teresting speech about his labors Application has linen made for adRowe has been dowrn in the missionary field last Sunday Ephraim mission through tho mails as second-clas- s from Eureka to see Ins family for afternoon in the Second Ward. mall matter. a few days this week. The house was pucked. All hills for advertising will be Dont fail to be at the Post Office Gil. Stebbins and Tom Reese reon tlm first of each month. on .Saturday evenings to secure an turned yesterday from the Thistle Evening News, price 5 cents. II. mine in the De La Mar Mining Local 13. Robertson. District, Nevada. They report a strike of ore in the Thistle son of good Sterling, the Bom To the wife of F. N. Dart, mine. Benjamin Argyle, is sick with on the 3 inst., a girl. Geo. II. Ainge is still agent for scarletina; the home was quaranLara William Nielson is taking tined Monday. , the Pleasant Grove Nursery, and a course in vocal music. fill all orders in that line. can The Ray Barney and Kid Smith Take your Turkeys to Oran Lewis fight was pulled off at Payson Inst Fruit, Ornimental.ancl Shade Trees, and get 12 cents a pound for tlienj. night. Smith was knocked out also Vines, Bushes and Plants. Call and see him before ordering in the first round. The flag was taken down at the elsewhere. home of Goo. Wilson Tuesday Alf. Hughes, of this city was At the last review of theK.O. afternoon quite badly hurt in the Mummoth M. tent No.4, Spanish Fork, the T. B. J. Johnson, real estate agent, mine Tuesday, by a mining timber officers were duly inhouses and lots for sale at reason- falling on him. We are unable to following stalled: Commander, Fred I. Dart; learn further particulars. able prices. Leut. Commander, George Newit; Mr. and Mrs. Sainual Cornaby Finance uud Record keeper, James Julius JnSen,cook at the Oxford Cafe of Eureka, has been in town have received an invitation to at- L. Bales; Physician, J. II. Slater; several days this week. tend the one liundretii anniversary Chaplain, William Stewart; Master of the birthday of Mrs. Janies at Arms, John T, Hales; Sergeant, George Moores children are imWright of American bork, which Thomas Drage; First Master of proving nicely, and the flag will takes place today. Guards, John S, Johnson; Second be pulled down In about a week. Master of Guards, David Bowen; Mrs. Margaret A. Paine, State The Maccabees will give a grand Commissioner of the silk Sentinel, Manus Magnuson Picket, industry Arthur Valentine ball at Tuttles hall to Stewart; Post Grand ComWas In Spanish Fork on Tuesday wraa the inmorrow night. Come out and have in the interest of the silk inditstry. mander, Qhct Johnson, oiliters. a good time. After some business stalling TUI' ELY. i: i i t 4 I ! J pre-sente- d News. 4 transacting acknowledge an invitation with Miss Mary Darger she called to the Annual Employes Ball at the upon Mr. and Mrs.Satnual Cornaby, A Culinary Note. Stats Mental Hospital, which was spending a very pleasant afternoon. CfinniU; Klr- flghuess, this mls8iona7-iuyou given last night. will spare him. y claims he Is a great Sheriff Naylor of Salt Lake Co. at making up new cook, atyj George Thomas, managing sales- is now hot on the trail of a ilc's out of his head. Cannibal man. of the Singer Sewing Maohine Murderer Rev. Francis Fmw.atig, King You inform him I intend having Company, with headquarters at who murdered in the some soup made out of his head, this noon, Brooklyn Eagle. lrovo, was in town today. Swedish cliiwli on East Second KirtivittUM la slarieike D. E. Hemphill, representing the South Street. Salt Lake City, five The Palestrina exploration fund has is most sincerely hoped been tor tho last two years carrying on Middlesex Banking Company of years go. It will lie brought to excavations in Western Judea. Remains man this h',at Salt Luke, was in town transacting extending in time over fifteen centuries business with Sainual Oorp5y justice soon. have beer, unearthed. We have here periods, The marriage of tho largest man two well defined Monday. end also the Jewish Seleueidan and and woman in the United levied States, R( man periods. The Salem Pond Company if not in the world, will take place fiyn assessment of 55 cents per share ieorla I'.nnl,.,, Cl, tin,. oh-V l.oorc'a will need an appioprlation capital stock at a meeting at Helena within the next few hold Febi 3 payable us follows: 40 weeks. The coutratoing parties cf JS25 (HUl next yt nr to meet the claims will be Miss Ella Murry of Mis- of the pensioners whose applicationi tents cash; 15 cents in labor. have bten granted. This Is an Increase souri, who is 8 fept and 1 inch tall of 1130,000 over the amount appropriLast Friday the trustees of this ami weighs over 400 pounds, and ated fpr the current year. The total city, Superintendent J. L. Brown, Edward Beau pre, "the Montana number of pensioners on the roll is 14.115. of whom 9,842 are soldiers, tbs and the layaon, Salem and Maple-to- n cowboy who tips the scales at 3(37 others being widows. teachers, spent the day in our pounds and is 8 feet in height Gorky's Iopiilur ty, schools. Thep were all highly Beaupre is 21 years old and has Maxim Gorky, author m "Foma pleased wi.li their visit. never been out of the state, lie the most auccf.sfui Russian of writer fiction, now that Toldo! has No. 22 shoe. u Th "joint session" of the M. I. wears practically ctused from active literary Is exceedingly popular With his A. of the First ward, held Sunday The library entertainment given work, Upon a recent occasion, countrymen. evening last, was a brilliant affair. in the fourth ward on nionday when he attended a play, the public The principal being Mr. Sainual E. last, under the auspices cheered him frantically. Ha stood up evening Taylor of Iajson. er. Taylor of the Fourth Ward Sunday School in the theater and shouted: 'l am not a ballet dancer nor a Venus de Milo. made a very instructive talk for was h succe.s in every respect, the What are you staring at me for? Keep about 45 minutes. Srour eyes ttn thd tag.'" house wAfl crowded to utmost audience. with mi appreciative Tho M. I. A. glee club, tinder the krt Cadogan't ioihien-- a Some idea of Earl Cadogan's wealth direction of Prof. Jox, is doing a The young ladies and gentlemen may be gathered from the fact that good work in the ringing line. are to be commended for the cred- some thirteen or fourteen years ago They announced a concert, for itable maunar in which they render- he expended a quarter million pounds th purchase of the Cuiford Tuesday evening, Feb. 18th, None ed their parts, including the songs on in and the rebuilding of the Suffolk, can alford ts miss tho chance to and music, and little Chatterbox house, Shortly after this he presented hear the glee club and also assist who said "the reason why I talk an extensive site In Chelsea, known o much is because I have so much na Rloeklands, to the Guinness trust, in a good cause. s i 1 twe-girl- s if Bishop Archibald Gardner was buried iu the Suit Lake oemetery yesterday. The funeral services were held in the Fourteenth ward assembly hail, Salt Lake City. He was born at Kilsyth, Sterlingshire, Scotland, on Sept. 2nd, 1814; was baptized jnto the Mormort Church in 1845; came to Utah Oct. 1st, 1847, lived at Alii Creek, Salt Lake County ,10 years, and then removed to Spanish Fork. He was the father of 49 children, 28 now living, 16 boys and 32 girls; 10 boys and 10 girls attended the funeral yestorday; has three wiyes still living. During his life he built 36 mills, one in Canada the rest in Utah, the last one in Spanish Fork. He died at St. Marks Hospital, Salt Lake, on the 8th inst., of strangulated hernia. It is a fact of more than passing interest that Bishop Gardner died almost on the very spot where he spent his first winter in Salt Lake valley. 1 J cap-aiit- y Monday the county commissioners appointed the following named gentlemen to represent Spanish F"rk ut the Irrigation Conference to bo held in Balt I.nke City on the Jilin-d- . Alfred Money, Benjamin Lars Nielson, and W. Argyle, Freer. (, Tho .lex Luinder Ootiipuriy hu articles of incorporation with tho county clerk at Provo. Tl incorporators aro Win , Jex, lliclinrd II. Jex, Georg II. Jex, John W. Jex, ami lleberC, Jex. The capital stock is $ 10, Ot Hi, divided into shares of !5 10 each, each member owning Lih) shares of Flock, filed Niels P. Hansen, mi aged gentlemen of Luke Shore, in this county, who, less than a couple of years ago, married blooming apinMer aged lit) of Salt Luke, ami formerly of Denmark, D in lurk, eleven months ago Ids wife pr, scnto.1 him with twins, a boy an I a girl.) and again to say," A announced in the last issue of this. paper, the regular monthly meeting of the Ntbo Stake 8und y School met at Payson, SunJav, Feb. flihi The meeting was held in the Payson Tabernacle. Prof. Wolf was on hand end delivered rt must valuable talk on "The Backward The lecture was a most in Boy. spIHng one. All who failed to attend cert inly missed a (rent. Mr, Ed. Rowe rendered two vocal selections which were well received nr;d highly appreciated, With careful training there is no reason w hy Mr. lloWe cannot Income a leading singer; as lie lias a most healthful voire. "Alone in lleavau" is the title of u most touching Mdeolhm rendered by Mr. J. 8. Douglas of Payson. Mr. Douglas tins the happy faculty of rcai hing hi audience and holding their attention from licgining to cud. This was one of the last luct Ini gs of the hcmsoii, for the erection of workmens dwellings. It is probable that during the next few years his wealth will bo doubled. (Intent City's New ttallroad. Pamuacua, the oldest city In Nth world, will soon have In Us streets th tracks of a railroad, on which tho most modern methods will prevail. For more than 4,000 years the city got along without means of transportation, although it mas enterprising enough tc find u place in the table and the world's history. Wheat has wrought I elm n go la Damascus now. Its annual output of the cereal Is 10,000,000 bush' els. A Loom town In the West was never more ilvtly than this relic of the (lead past. unxei (,. Steamy, IrHDli (Vro, iu.ie money" In Uie.it Britain now nruotmt to t house nda of ounde annually. Tho flist emu notl.'d was tiu Mtt.Hl) 30, 17M. when iiSuO wan taf tied lo tho pnbl! aerouiit In tciio-qneo qf a not melv by the chancellor. The writer with troubled soul This is the Second Cut we have made on our SHORT JACKETS this winter. If a Short Jacket Suits you, here is a chance to buy one ridiculously cheap. LONG COATS are decidedly Stylish. If you want one for yourself or little daughter we can still, save you from $1 to $5 on each garment. Our Long Plush Capes, marked $3.75, are bargains. Come in and see them. 1, Tolmoco- rrortmln f Countries Tobacco Is grown In Frahce, but large quantities are Imported from the United States, Brazil, Cuba and Java. Of the imports from the United States, that from Ohio Is the favorite as regards packing and general pi ration. Maryland stands highest for cigarettes and Kenfue.y Is pronounced good for tU- - i.g smoking tobacco, this belt; imported in larger quanti--ba- n any other American tobacco. - mm; Spanish Forkti. ir-'- t v ; .1 . ; - -- -. y.- .. I ; 5;.-- : S t!f f A Fate Has Been hello Mimic. Biddle The words and music are credited to Uenrge W. Thorne. The song is entitled. 'They Died for Liberty, or the Biddle Brothers Fate." It begins as follows: its scntiuce, The court hud pa-sTwo brothers, John and Kd Must die upon the sealTold. The judge had sternly said. The day was fast approaching. All hope for them had lied. Until a woman, weak at heart. In pity bowed her head. Two lives for freedom pleading. A woman, weakly heeding. Had told them in her madness: Tonight I'll set you free. The moment came for clashing. The guards they threw aside, Sure death iwliiiid the prison walls. outside. And liU-rt- -- KJv v 0 " . , J J it , V , "t v J ' yj I! y Ji K fV A - . 1. . " rr ; - v g:sT i Jd , '- I ,2 i f -- ' M " f r.ii: -4 Uvr ; 7 s'V, ; in V V.v V9 - VV'Vld v. . 'jU' - Vi -j V j rt.:-- ' ;( S' . .. CK?, , . Tri T " i t Utah. . K V I Ienlty of Topulatlon Compared. Norways population Is the smallest in Europe compared with her area. Each of her inhabitants could have 40 acres of land, while the Briton would have tv he content with less than an x. S i: ' T J- - I 1 i - - - - ed ," , AT OUT PRICES. Tx Ipon CyollHt. The handsome sum of nearly 5,500,-00- 0 francs has been brought Into the treasury of the French republic by the tax upon the cyclists during the year 1900. The tax was first Imposed In the year 1894, and was paid by f )8,036 persons. In 1895 It was levied upon 236,-08In 1896 upon 329,816, In 1897 upon 408,806, In 1S98 upon 484.414, and In 1899 upon nearly double that number 838, 85G. The tax upon motor carriages In 1900 was paid by 2,897 persons. 4. J Iioneer Laid to Rest. A GHEEii r ('Hours. Just brothers were they, Fond comrades ulway, Is free, They hud her sympathy. They counted not the eost, 'Die came they played und lost. Three shots did set them free, And they died for !ilcrty. The la- -t verse cuds with: Their last words were of mother, They lined her lie- -l of all: Two lives went out together And the curtain then did fall. Just longing to Sole Representatives of the New Consolidation, The Consolidated Wagon 8-- Machine Gompany' Carries a full line of Farming Implements, Vehicles and the Celebrated All who wants me to Stewart Steel Kange, NOTICE. order them Cane Seed Corner 2d North Main, Spanish Fork, Utah. will please call at once and give m6 their orders,- as many have done. Will order them D. S. SEAT. soon. S Robertson & Argyle, .i'V-'-- Y V f A full line of Drugs, Medicine. ('helideals, ,3artcy Hud Toilet Aril Im fllllli'iy. Toilet Sponges. Brushes. St('! i 1li.v sichiiis Prescript Ion UurcfuHy ('i)'iipounded. . Utah. kpfinl.h Fork. v f., l"' t. SAXI-- Implored him, "as an honest man, to A. consider the money the properly of tho Attorney-at-latuition, and to he in just n tq apply r and Notary Public. toiimitins In man It to the ils of the state curb .V h M I.- - Over Kitliei her Unit the nation may not eitff. r b It huvlng Inert leinlned. ami Itos to ig les Irt ug a tie Co ui Ido. of an bo,,, a uooi. 'punish I Utah. or, - J2: DIDN'T BUY THE STEWART, AM llllv 4)U L4UY HLUDLI) 10 BIT HIM HM.tlT, |