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Show r s5 r' Ji V t-- JX, J' V Hw S $'$. f 9 "t f GCMS DAILY A, OfiUT y JQ1KK2AL To the People A. - . TbiccCkzi!Ai Exfedi The of Utah: OntrtnGoanittuf Liber- Party of UtaE, believing that the tics. For over half a century there has al time has come for the loyal citizens of lain sunk in ten fathoms of water, in Samanco Bay. South America, the Span- this Territory to unite 'and act in con ish war ship San Pedro Alcantara, with cert for tbe support of right and the supgold, stiver, and: precious stones on board pression of wrong, deem the pteheat an of her, varying in estimated amounts from opportune time Briefly to ''set forth the three to eight millions of dollars. The principles on which our party is based, and by which it proposes to be guided. ship was xsnt oat in 1815 as part of an v. rc7;ccr y ' v- - vi . renir - , armada, to attack the South American Republics, but the attempt was abandoned. Betides the $3,000,000 of treasure on board the ship, certain loyalists io South America carried all their money and precious stores to the vessel, vhieh pas destroyed ou the eve of sailing. A fird broke out in the spirit-rooand feeding on highly inflammable material, spread with fearful rapidity. The seventy-fou- r guns of the huge craft were all loaded ana shotted, so that the others of the fleet either dared not or were forbidden to come to the rescue. In the rush and confusion an awful blunder was committed. The after magazine was not flooded, and while the crew were battling desperately with die flames, that magazine exploded. The ships stern was blown completely off, and a thousand souls were hurled into eternity. Various attempts have been made to recover the treasure, but with very partial success not' more than $300,000 having1 been found. An expedition will sail from New York in a few days, with apparatus believed to be sufficient to finish the work. It is managed by the American Submarine Company, of which General Burnside is President, and will have 4ome of its most expert divers in its company. Operations are expected to begin about the first of Jubr. The scheme is to shatter the hull the bottom for treasure, ihe recovery of which is merely a matter of time, perse verance and money. ana-dredg- e Poker Game. We copy from the Marysville Appeal the following: At the races yesterday we observed a little game that filled ns with admiration for one of, the parties engaged iu it. d It was a game. The playwere ers poker sharp No. 1, from San Francisco : poker sharp No. 2, from Marysville, and a great, overgrown green looWng customer from the country. As the game progressed greeny lost some money, at which ye poker sharps were highly delighted. By and by greeny dealt,- - when the sharp from Marysville held an ace flush : sharp from San Francisco,- two large pair. . City sharp bet high : greeny scratched his head and saw the bet ; Marysville sharp raised them, 4way up; city sharp stood in, and greeny, after fumbling a while stood it ; Marysville sharp being first to draw, drewnone j city sharp drew one ; greeny, who bad got through his scratching, drew none. Bets ranged lower then, and, on call, Marysville proudly laid down his flush,- beating Bay City sport. Ill take that little pot, I reckon, said Marysville sharp, as he smilingly reached for the gold pieces. I guess not. said greeny, who had been industriously tryto pull up his breeches J I have a ing small ace full here, and so he had. Where be got them we dont know ; but we do know that there were two pair of long jaws, and those two sharps carried - them. Greeny got on his mule and left remarking, wall, my crop kinder gin eout this year, but I guess were sorter in funds now. three-hande- - MOUNTAIN Photograph Gallery, Fifth strut, Coiunnx. TAKE PLEASURE IN INFORMING citizens of Corinne, and Public In general that we have opened our GALLERY on Fifth St., and arc prepared to do the beat work in our line. ALL KINDS OF PHOTOGRAPHS, CARDS de VISITS, Etc., taken in the matt approved style Prljee moat Reasonable. Work guaranteed. WE Jell-t- FEY A f CO. CALIFORNIA Feed and Sale Stable, REBUILT UNDER8IG NED, HAYING Stable at the old stand. Comer Fourth and Cblorado Streets, - Corinne, Solicit the ouatom of the public, and are prepared to give the. heattraveling accommodations to man and beast. A good Cook House attached to the Stable, and plenty of wood' and water free of charge. Stock taken to ranch by the Day, Week TIIE or Month. jell-t- f SNODGRASS MYCOTIC, DENVER Livery, Feed & Sale Stable, And --Corral. CALL ATTENTION TO OUR SUPERIOR WEfacilities tar accommodating the traveling our oorncr Stabhe and Comal, public, at Sixth axo Noam Faoxr Stkzxts, - - - - Connors. Young Males for Sole, OWEN A LYON. MONTANA Feed and Sale Stable, DOW NEWMAN, Proper. VERY milE for X BEST Freighters. free for customers. ACCOMMODATIONS FOR Cook Renee, wood and water .... Bay and Sell Stock. Noam FnoxT Stuet, i ALcaCrmRAL Acylra Ytr Ca Cclehrrirl Connor. Jell-t- f Old Corner Saloon, EX. -. riATIIE7B, Focuth ahd Fhoh Stuxti,Proprietor. Oouhhx. tl L-- Of pfsstfoa T 13 baar.ti cofismcoss, LOW PAOIFIO Sktoek to MGNTANA m DOOR, J. If. Orr, Chairman. Salt Lake City, June 12, 1871. J. C. OREMS Advantage to give me a Call before Purchasing Elsewhere . A. A LOWE, Always on band and for sole at reasonable prices These wagons de thoroughly made, of tbe very best materials, and are known all through the West as the best and most reliable wagon made, and are WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT. Also Wagon Cowers, all eisea Wagon Bows, Thimble Skein Wagon Woods, Vsgrn end Carriage Material OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, FOR SALE AT TOE LOWEST CASH PRICR3. - CORINNE, Paines, Bleeping Drawing Room Cars Ac all company Trains. FOR THROUGH RATES lypiy to Ox BROWNSON, General Freight Agent, S. SICKLES, General Superintendent, Oath C. W. MEADE, Asetatant General SuperinteDiral. FRANCIS COLTON, General Ticket Agent, Oiuthi. a my2-d- tf icniGAU SCUTKEKU R.R - - I i CHICAGO, GRAND RAPIDL Cleveland, DuCde, ft och eater AND YOEK Olxcmcre. Without are trains on this line- - .XI HI Xii ll IOI Car-yel- l's These combined with elaborate and elegutlji fornished and fitted A DAY AND NIGHT COACHES, IQ, this tbe nost popular and desirable routi betwesn Cm Nat and Cast. Make LAMPS, THROVGHTICKETS at all prindpal Ticket Office t the Northwest and Loutbwest, and at the Coape Can be procured nys OSoes, No, 59 Clark street, Dar Pnrnttmre, FARM MACHINERY. llouco Furnichi.tg Seeds II nytdlwtf CJE17 nySitf CORINNE. ' t , TRUrill MONTANA STREET, . - - Retail D esder In TT70 CXFBECS TRAINS DAILK COUNCIL BLUFFS TO CHICAGO WITHOUT CHAN AND to The Cxertast and most Deelrable Route , Conti , River RAILROAD LINE! Furnlturo and Codding, TO Uiooouri . - 0C2XNNE. ' nnT?,TM"NrFn rexirtty .a fze axcrtxcU enmm, DmXTrie 1 HELENA, ! ' DRSTR, ' PORT BUREAUS, CHAIRS, . , , Tobloo, Bodotoodq, , nrciwN sapco, iowaas, AND IV ao hot an do, , CrlOo, IVcIIs, Fargo Ci' Coo Eaprcco n ATpiaAooxiH. add dnDoinci , s - - ; I - --AU ' .a rrcra coaches lsavs corisnh daily X ftr Hrime and Fort Denton, and f ,r. ? ( , t A YAtR3Y C3U. . OPENED A Fifih Street; Corinne, - v ; -- nrrc3 tzz lr . tmywtf Jc'Cafi tdweee I .. - . S , EfiOTEnn cities Anb , 2J mm. 1 4, .. No? (feashes, omriozst IcnnajOD nsjocsi &:, . .X . . . . ,e Good f r S tf ! Chicago, Ourllngton & t FROM LINE i J. W. LESHER. STAGE Ci EXPRESS LIRE Chicago. F. E. MORSE, GemT Weeteru Passenger Agent, Chictgo. AVneSHZBAL i with Millersa Potent Cosier and Plaiforai Baker ft Cmltks Patent Car Dealer Creamers Patent BafMy Drakes, and Ventilators. CHANDAL1ERO, PLATED f equipped ell modern improvements for tbe comfort ad' mcSTae softly of paseee-et- a, WARE, Gilmer & Salinburyo t the RUNNING THROUGH CHINA, GLASSWARE, CUTLERY, Mowers, ; BUFFALO. & All the prindpal Railways of tbe and Soutnweet connect at Chicago with UTAH, great And all kinds of tbe beet and lateet improved VIRGINIA. CITY, HOKE in CHICAGO FURNITURE, myZ-dt- Omdu B5TWEXX Reapers, - - - FREIGHT Yfholeeoleamd Retail Coalers In Gang Plows, Warehouse near tbs Depot, ON LINE LAKE SHORE BETWEEN Ml Threshing Machines, lalky Rakes, Grain Drills, Plows and to dp Montana, Sweetwater Mlnee and other pointi, QUEENSW ARE, Mowers and Reapers, Self-Raki- ng houses Una. tu orana (east or Constantly on band a foil supply of V Philadelphia tlcGtaurant O Dmllmen1 ALSO United States ' a call and satisfy yourselves. lady add sating hotelsconvenient on the At a Full Stock of Carrying the Repairing on Short Notice . CLASS North-wes- MONTANA Manufacturers of tbe CALIFORNIA MUK? ALL ane examine quality and prkea before boy below Montane street, where can be obtained, V tag elsewhere. Orders troth tbe country Just at all hour, Warerooms filled. and , on promptly hetory - Corinne. ETeests prepared ha a Montana street, - . by W. A. HODGMAM. Board by tbe day or week. Jeir-ta- i. OA Stugle meals, fifty cents. . JelStf SootbtnCltka. Heatana Otreat, P. Shuttlers Chicago Wagons ; BAIN WAGON. MBS. DWIGGIN8 HA8 Railroads, and. Missouri Rivor List or Facksts to and Rasa Ml principal Intern ud D. CONWAY, FULL STOCK OF THE CELEBRATED Farmers, TUB CHEAPEST AND BEST "fide at - AND superior fecilitles, low rate end good work. Constantly on bend end for sale, tbe celebrated Jell-t- dl Elufh Utah. my2-d3- Utah calls attention of proprietor to his Teamster, and Give me ah a o-3k- a: OF Corinne, North From St., Corihhx, , of the Sea. fjract oossnunlcatloo O Particular attention paid to orders by mall.' WAGON DEPOT Blacksmith & T7ago3ueuaker Shop. The - - DA YS I O T. i WINDOWS, LESS THAN FOUR . OTRE33CT, - - Corinne, x6. - i Avoids tin dansm BETWEEN FOVETH AND FIFTH, t bers COAST Can. Francisco points TRUCKEE, GEORGE ( RAILROAD All Ball Recto to Califbnala Q g p JjV Q iy jp FOR CASH! MOULDINGS, SIDING, SHINGLES, PACIFIC 1 n DAHJEIi & CO. TRAINS, In eonneetloa with tbe Ibmlzg , Oregon Pine Flooring oute CSBTTIAZ Pn-rfn- r ait-a- Knr. DAILY PASSENGER L'!3TCnr3US!!n0TOn rvmmmoo TJiat the system of espionage over the voter, exercised by the priesthood in the marking of ballots we believe to be illegal and know to be antagonistic to free and untrammelled suffrage and to the common weal. That among the fundamental principles of our free institutions are the right of the people freely to elect their own ruWs ; peaceably to assemble to Rough Lumber from concert measures of public utility aud by their chosen agents to carry on their local governments untrammelled by and exempt from church dictation. That SIERRA VALLEY OLBABHSEA- religion and spiritual affairs pertain to RONED SUGAR PINE, God and the cnurch, temporal and political matters to .the people, and the history of the world no less than that of Utah has demonstrated that every attempt to unite the two and make the one REDWOOD FINISHING LUM. subordinate to the other has resulted in BEIL the enslavement of the people and the obliteration of free government. PINE AND REDWOOD That public officers are but the servants of the people, properly responsible to them alone and not to any hierarchy, and as such servants and agents should be held to a strict accountability iu the performance of their duties, anq especially in tbe distribution of tbe public funds derived from taxation, and should be compelled at least by public opinion, --ANDif indeed' they are not by law, to render frequent and detailed reports of their doings iu and about the affairs of their masters, the sovereign people. That the officers. Territorial, County and City, who have heretofore ostensibly FENCING, 1x61 controlled public affairs in Utah,' have always acted and still do act in contra- Scantling and .lining Timvention of the foregoing , principles which, for ourselves and our party, we proclaim to lie at the basis of free gov--OFernment, and which are at once the pride and the glory of the Nineteenrh ALL SIZES AND LENGTHS t Century and the American people ; and our efforts will not cease until more faithful agenis shall be installed in their places, and these principles recognized and adopted. That we earnestly commend the foreGlased and Umnglaaed, going to all good citizens of this Territory as worthy of their acceptance, and call upon them to unite with ns as we, Etc Etc. ICto, and those whom we represent, i irrespective of class, creed or party, stand ready to unite with them on the platform of the Constitution and laws of this great Republic, and devotion to our countrys flag, Republican institutions and the peoples rights. ' Builders will find it to their By order of the Central Committee. n. C2:OT, PlQttO Forming Implements. - stitution. T7. ur:m: pacific HAnnoAn oippnnp, inherently the very perfection of despotism, necessarily fraught with danger to the liberties of the people and subversive of every principle of republican in- be tntarr. Proprietor. Jell-t- f CONCORD HARNESS MADE A SPECIALTY. Attoetst W Aoxsmro vttcothgtj D.WPAHKHURST 4 the Pacific Coant. 0.. L. TIBBAL3 D. P. JOHNSON. CD V 8 A LOON HAS BEEN REBUILT AND and Is now one at tbe pteseenteet Manufacturers of all Rinds of Wagon and Carresort. None but tbe beet brands of riage Material. r Clacee of WINES, CIGARS, etc. are kept in tbe eetatfobmeat. Remember the Old Comer. Horseshoeing, Blacksmith in fr 0- -0 93,22,0o t;wOO,Ooth - uat cuaa ly, rIS nABDESS ADD SADDLQBY. j ( LUDBER YARD, ' " y CT PIANO FORTES pre-eminent- r i Wm. Knabe & Co., contin- it i CClMGO; ILLINOIS. IEOH, GT0YE3,' IJCELOr ental railroad and the development of w the wonderful mineral resources of And Otbxx Fxxrr Cun Utah, in connection with the acknowlt ledkwdbwo, J i edged fertility of our soil, and the advancement already made in agriculture S aud the arts by a hardy and industrious lacAShyCsarofky warrxx:lfcr people, have not only secured for this Territory a position on the highway of cf Tfo nations; but placed it prominently if not on the highroad to TRUCKEE & GQRIUHE wealth, civilization, liberty and endur ing prosperity. For long years have the political and temporal affairs of Utah been conducted AZ2X2. XTlOIT aud controlled by a theocracy, contrary to the theory and inimical to the enjoyi ment of republican liberty as understood and practiced by the American people. corrca, Recognizing in its broadest sense the B. Shoaissar A Coa and tbs Xcll Mbial, Cm cues? absolute and individual right of every TossoaLP, man to the enjoyment of his own religSoo, Church and fhrior ious conviction, aud disclaiming any OsU Grid Ctslfs, Qalehtfiysr, i . intent; or even desire, to seek to interfere with any man's religious belief,. that being beyond tbe pale of political or SPRING POINT SIIO PELS, government affairs, we declare our unalterable opposition to any and all union of church and ' State, and to any aocEDB and every system which in a free govpicric, ernment seeks or' tends to subordinate J.BAM&CD. the rights of citizens to the behests of I a politically irresponsible priesthood.. ALL KINDS OF Importers Manufacturers and That we revere the constitution of our fathers, ahd as good citizens insist that its provisions and the enactments of -CARD HI5TBUXEHT3, STBIUSS l law the the as of Congress supreme BUILDING MATERIAL Aim svsky sum or I land, shall be respected and obeyed by ccona all high and low, priest and layman, U0018AL throughout the Republic.. coinecfiona with- - the most jrrmR lam That we recognize and insist that CONSTANTLY ON HAND lit Houses Europe, and facilities for the mane-- f rei t t taring of Good rot uttalnableby any other Lous every citizen has the fVee, and should we arq tiwbkl to offer exercise the untrammelled right of casting his ballot without dictation from, SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS and irrespective of any hierarchy, AND FOR SALE, I church, priest, council,, or other religIIUriT HIRE Catakxroea of rtanoe. Organ. Meodoone, or Me-- FREIGHT, ious organization or authority whatever. l envnddre will to scut be upon Merchandise, rerrirod. That the system so long prevalent in application. All kinds of instruments Second-han- d terms. sold on eev pianos Utah of making the State subservient to takta in exchange lor new ones. the church, ana the: church subservient to the will of one man or set of men, is ( ' J. 1 t i -i- -- m Proprietors, jell-t- f Tbe construction of the great -- - : . L . J. . ... ILCTj p , ? . the aSooa c 1 ' |