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Show T1IK XKW DEPARTURE, EILLIGAX. in which it is alleged that S. J. Jacques ! If the dispatches are authentic, the The case brought at the JMay term- of recently granted yivoroe frtpbis trls, ooti the ctkrge oUUlultery, thieved ; Democracy of Ohio have made a pretty the U. 8. Circuit Court siding at In&n cowerra daily jdixxal Tuesday Horning, June 6, 1871. high hid for popular favor. .They have npoli, Judge Drummond presiding jby fKTri .rdfu-L- WESTroftlnCXIOMCOMfAST a t object by inducing wom&OH persocite 77 A the Uery of the Mre.Jabiues, .rjxd who wr served with Lampden I. Milligan against General ftp r June Gold o TUE CAUSB. ' imdull; can party Uwn to die ankle. They Hovev et al. for wrongful arrest and the legtl papers, his wife not being ra NewTokk, a4 The aouiftu s cauLe u advancing in didn't get quite enough of it, however, prisonment, was concluded on the 30th twelve-eighthA. titad. t ' this country as well in England, to cover the cloveu foot. The twelfth ultimo. The case was stated by the London, June 5. The submarine caThe Rev. James B. Seymour, of IlOnly, in this country, having ocajvd resolution insists that the Government Judge in his charge to the jury as fol- ble between Singapore and Hongkong was successfully completed on the third linois, a Methodist clergyman of ability from man it L3 fat escaping from itxlf. may liquidate its debts by paying 90 or lows, to-- it : " ' j aod geal, commenced missionary work On jthe 5tb dayv of .October, 1864, ipstanh . tunning wild. Witness the free love' j N cents, or as it may happen, on the communica-tionwith the rebellion, the plaintiff was a London is now in direct at Wasatch and Evanston last week, it mildlv, of the late . dollar. But if adopting resolutions j during vagaries, . . ,i the not in oi Indiaua, engaged China. making the fourth Methodist missionary AUoHaU convention m New Wk.iwomd change men s nature-o- r cliarac-- i citizen service of the United miKwirr in Utah. The Independence Beige publishes a now established and of Woodhud & ClaSin s HerTh, the ters. would alter their opinions, would States. General Hovey, one of the de, , f m .Hu the from Victor' had letter when them and go, thanking most influential organ ofjgi'e they principles leading feudant, was the .military commander The Western Union Telegraph Com-pari- y the woman's cause. Witness, on the none, the country might well le cougrat-- J of the district of Indiana, duly appointed five Deputies in the Belgian Assembly have begun the extension of their who voted for the order of the day, ,cl1 ether side of the continent, the heroics f ulated on the adoption of so good ones J7 the 1nf,tout line from Stockton to Ophir. of plaintiff, tie i and hysterics of the women of boots, by the Democracy of Ohio. Perhaps ng vigorous mens ures agai ust 11 ugo. j aCTOnli jgly ftnv.ud it his house, X KV Orleans, J mu; 5. :The flood is breeches, ballots, and strong-minon there is room fur congratulation anyhow, brouht to Indianapolis and confined in TO-DA- Y. bede-is Coral water and street j prison. He was shortly after tried the occasionf the trial of that demirip since they are a confession of the up increasing, certain on tore a Commission, do thev Military to with if the sirableness of virtue, Mm, Fair, for the d political Rampart street, exception of mnrder & eon-lt- s tor him brought charges against i . re. ' neutral on Coral , street, which is ground possession or insure its f Judge Crittenden, ami, mnrerecently, not secure atspiring against the Government, in , . when she was sentenced. This devasta- practice, and since they are substantially fording aid and comfort to the enemy, not entire! v covered. East of Clairbome street there is,, an i BOONE CO tion in the form of woman, this veteran the indorsement and acceptance of the inciting insurrection, disloyal practices, IOWA, He tlie war. violatio and of of i since usages sheet the .an of of unbroken, water, covering Republican party . of numerous and sundry campaigns of policy , M anafacturerw was convicted and sentenced to be have which five six area or of about by opposed, step they miles, including love aud war, defeated in a desperate 1856, hanged. His imprisonment was conreXXX FLOUR, XX effect The main. and 300 inhabited and persistent attempt to separate the step, might thickly tinued this sentence at Indianapolis un squares. is It hardly likely til the 2d of Juue 1865, when a comuThe suffering in this quarter, es;e-eiall- y Judge from his wife and family, and to mains to be seen. MEAL AND FEED. made in tation been the sentence with are the the masses of having gifted the poorer classes, is very people among get the fragments of his property she orthe PresidentGeneral Hovey by FOR FURNISHING THE Thousands living in single stury OUR FACILITIES had not already fleeced him of, gratifies the happy facility of change apparently dered the great. Trad-.- iu iK LG AO i be removed to the to lots, at low rate, plaintiff And liv- are unequalled. have moved while houses those her devilish instincts bv bhootisur him possessed by the politicians. in of cot, Ohio, at, Columbus, Penitentiary dead in cold blood, and then publicly among the latter, even, it w ill go hard if compliance with instructions from the ing in two story houses have been com- jx&r Orders Promptly Pilled- - tea be not many who think such abso- War Department, where he remained pelled to move into the second proclaims that in the right of God she there jjtory. . he 10th until the when of 1866, April, too high a price to Back of Claiborne street, on Coral, was all the time his jusf and lawful wife. lute was liberated. The case wast aken to . for we this distance At efpower. pay It is chiefly for this impious piece of the Supreme Court of the United States, there is an average depth of two feet of must content ourselves with hoping the where his trial was declared to be with- w ater. CORNER TITIRD A MONTANA STS., frontery, which the better sort of public were resolutions made to not law. out of expressly authority harlots would be ashamed of, that the The citv authorities seem to be doing COR1NNE , - UTAH, T broken. be he the Tribune to 31 in Chicago all thevc can to alleviate tbe sufferings of dispatch advanced women take rs. Fair the trial says that Judge the people. their arms. and C. DUCI I INEAU, :Every available f boat is overrun with dis- concerning Lake r Salt City But it it cheering to know that there Drummond's charge, while confining it- skiff have been brought into use, arid on hand at all times, the the aud Deseret Have -t Saddle an d Carriage bitors, tinguished lion, are yet sturdy champions of mens rights. self strict! v to the law, is felt to be gen- - policemen are moving in almost every of vehicle! all and kind is JSeirs result class now a 'the that says -, turnThe lnt ut in the town. Of these we count Judge Dwindle. We to the Union General, direction, rendering such assistance as the gospel preached which never crally unfriendly hear tu Drain and Catlleof all Kind Horn esteem it a matterof geueral gratulatiun sued by the double-dyetraitor Milligan. they cau, moving those who are in danin tadoM-- Held, Ly the to ranch taken Stoyk 3Ien heard before. it made familiar are that he refused the motion for a new The jury, after being out all night, gave Hw7.--, or 3odA,on tnoet Iteasotuiblc Scions the tu and uLtributi D'J, ger, prut with our principle who go away imTerms. trial of this strong-mindewoman, a verdict for five dollars dama- needy. f plaintiff for Corral AL with their power aud elevating Large Freighters. and seuteuced her to be banged as buou pressed and the defendants concluded to apges, overflow cannot the The by damage on the Sth of July. effect. Instead of t!ie Elders having to peal the ca-;- to the Supreme Court of be estimated. The as convenient, shrubbery aud gar- S. Had it been a case of injured go out now to preach the gospel, hun- the United States. It will be remem- dens have all been CO., houses damruined, dreds the and thousands of -leading bered that the DEALER IN innocence, aad the woman, as is getting conspiracy of Milligan aged, and value of property depreciated. classes of aud men women of society, to be too often the case, in a fit of spleen CLOTHING, and his fellow traitors contemplated the The overflow from the Imke on the Gen-tilit- y DRY GOODS, and are culture, wealth, position, coming BOOTS SHOES. had made herself at once the judge and k HARDWARE, earn ing of the entire Northwest over to road quarter has cau.-e- d heavy loss to listen gladly to its sublime truths. her real of or fancied, inbeds and bedding, the Confederacy. The programme, wrongs, avenger in the destruction of many fine market is This the coolest the of " decidedly thing his duty would still have been the same. cluded a 'general rising in the North, , , LIQUORS, gardens. cold a man of of 1871. That June, snap But the world's sympathy would have CIGARS AND TOBACCO, west, the assassination of Gov. Morton, The Milhenberg and Pouchartrain conthe as the Xcics editor of ability, AND HARDWARE, been with the avenger. This was no aud the relea.eof the rebtd prisoners at Railroad, from Gentility Station, i.s still SADDLERY seriin such can stuff write is, such case, however. Mrs. Fair's pathway fessedly Ohio at Camp Douglas, overflowed. Montana Street, is more marvelous to us titan Camp Chase, ousness, METROPOLITAN HOTEL) OPPOSITE life with the is marked graves through Chicago ; at Camp Morton, IndianapoWater in the Lake is slowly receding. (NEARLY fulthe not excepting of the victims of her passions, her last, anything going, lis. and on Johnson's Island. Traius. came through from Mobile ves- e the of Butwe filment, prophecies. well be avarice or revenge. It might Railroad. terdav on tbe Chattanooga : the capacity of some, people for ALFALFA. . , . f' called the trail of the serpent. She has miles four of about We are in receipt of the following let- Passengers report into been fairly tried for the last and bast swallowing humbug until road uuder water. Drinks only 25 cents Each ! their very being with the juices of di- ter, explanatory within : excusable, so to speak, of her crimes, and the Jackson over Railroad, Passengers West Jordan Ward,) convicted. A new trial has been refused, gestion, is unlimited. Well, the men who came in this' morning, report that BEST WINES, LIQ.VOKS A CIGARS U Lalre T. ' Salt County, and if Gov. Haight does not commute and women of wealth, position and culroad under water for several miles. May 2Jth, 1871. j her sentence or pardon her outright, she ture, now hearing the sublime truths of ' Publishers Journal: Noticing an Washington, June 5. The Secretary CtALK O FALL EVERY EVENING AT TIIE will be hanged before the end of next the gospel preached for the firet time, in article in ka SmIi'iju, oil Montana your paper of May 2 1st, speak- of Wftr has issued an order relieving conthe to Lake be Salt are C. SXEVDER. Tabernacle, j months We hail these facts and this ing of t lie gras. Alfalfa, being widely the members of the first class at West that is all. By the way, have sown in California, on account of its beprospect on two accounts, namely : It gratulated, Point from further operation, also an oris an indication that our courts and ju- not the Elders let up a little on going ing able to stand the drought of a drv country, and being anxious to obtain der confining them within certain limijts, ries may be depended on, at least under abroad as missionaries because they no some of the seed myself, as well as some and depriving them of all privileges and make converts. longer hold to of that my neighbors, 1 address you for inaggravated circumstances, cadet." lor their late You would confer a great indulgences granted 3Xo u iin. formation. men have some rights which women are The great number of the Lo family favor members. certain of mobbing disgraceful by sending nie the address of some bound to respect ; and it is a recognition now circulating through the town is ac- house that hn the seed for sale, and I The Secretary says it is to be hoped that . (BETWEEN FIFTH AND MXTII.) that women have a perfectly equal right counted for by the gathering to the will ever consider, as well as others, that those cadets who have been guilty of with men to bo hanged for doing foul, banks of the Bear for council of are seeking to enhance the value of this delega- you offence, and who are soon to graduhome. mountain our adThis we murder. must done, blooly tions from many bands, north, south, ate and become officers of the army will Respectfully yours, mit that the woman cause i advancing, east and west. White Knives from the C. J. Brown. never again place them selves iu any situin spite of Mrs. Woodhull, Mrs. Fair, Humboldt and Goose Bannocks Creek; We have made enquiry of several ation which may be discreditable to them, First-Class 3Irs. Emily Pitts Stevens, and women of and Shoshones from Fort Soda Hall, but have been unable to or require a voice of authority to remind here, parties like doubtful authenticity. Springs, and Cache Valley; Goships obtain the desired information. We them of their duty as officer and gen'' Skull Valley, and would state, however, for the information tlemen. House in The Only Fire-proElder Sloan writes to the Iferal I, from Deep-Creeand Piedes Piutes of our numerous readers engaged in the onjy thing Tooele; from San Francisco, Baltimore, June 5. Iuteruatiouul the City.' from Southern Utah, and Utes from the agricultural pursuits, that Hurlbut Bros, Typographical Convention convened this which cau prevent San F rancisco and ' is is It said there Salt Lake from playing the roles of New Uintah Reservation. War. J. Hammond was Mi-h-. druggists of this city, will soon have on morning. dissatisfaction some the Indians hand a supply equal to the demand, and York and Chicago, is the want of enterPresident. among : ' Governthe to as their treatment by San Francisco, June 5. General prise on the part of their inhabitants. any orders for Alfalfa seed, sent to them T his is precisely what Vice President ment. They were well cared tor while will receive prompt attention. We re- Crook, who relieved Stonemau of the Colfax told the people of Salt Lake in Col. Tourtellutte was in charge of them, produce the item referred to: command of the Departmentof Arizona, has been since how it we know taken this houseI bat that as Conference was October, 1869, just California has found a grass that will vesterdav left San Diego overland for Haying recently rrfittMl hiu! it, propQHt- tu keep Hr guod a Hotel am can lie found in assembling. The answer wa.s a more not. Very possibly the vagabonds prefer live through' her dry' summers, and is Tuscou. West. the over the The weather is very warm. bigoted aud exclusive policy than ever, living among the settlements as they do sowing its seed very widely and sina is called It alfalfa, if possible. Mr. Colfaxs words made now, a general nuisance, to going to the State. Attentive Wail ters to see to tbe Comhouse in San Francisco sold 2,000 .Jadge Stanley iu the Court gle no more impression on the fouuders aud magnificent Reservation at the junction fort of the Guests. law State decided the that authorizing pounds in a single day. It is claimed owners of that city than rain does on of the two Uintah Rivers, about twohun-dre- for it that it will not only stand the State Harbor Commissioner to collect miles southeast of Salt Lake City, drought, but be more productive than tonnage dues on vessels entering port pf the back of a duck. One year ago tothe native grasses, and less expensive to San was unconstitutional. Francisco, day the city was enjoying a perpetual where the Government wishes them to cultivate than ' wheat and oats grown for : Austrian George, alias Portuguese Sunday, and that it has been a little go. In pursuance of this policy, per- hay. THQi CARS, jostled from its Rip Van Winkle sleep is haps they are much betterjreated at the Joe, who murdered Miss McDaniels be- TO AND FROM . Lfcatf SALT LAKK items. due entirely to the enterprise and activ- Reservation than anywhere else, and cause she refused to marry him, was ity of outsiders, who could no longer be hence, naturally, some dissatisfaction. From the Tribune, June 5th: Mr. hunted out of his hiding place iu the and Cherokee excluded after the Emma miue had been May, former Secretary of State of Or- mountains near D. Coiuxxe locks The horns Journal shot and his body burned to ashes was fairly opened. It is a slight triumph to with our the is in of Salt Lake City, guest ' cotemporary, the egon, , citizens. hear Elder Sloan, who was so indignant Herald , oumoralizing the infuriated by , & the free love question in- Gov. Woods. Co., Wells, Fargo ' .. . ' Uontana Street, N at 3Ir. Colfaxs remarks at the time, that volved in its article of last Sunday. The shipped to Lees & Waller, New York, THIS DISPATCHES. LATEST VERY ohe violently threw down his pencil and Herjull, as usual, is vanquished turns on Saturday, bullion worth) $12,898 40. CORINNE, sublime somUTAH, evolution known that MIDX1GIIT as a REPORTS. swore he'd be d d if hed report them, in reliable from A a letter f party lies and the on ersault, sprawling ground. now repeating them of his own motion, The (EAST or THE OPERA HOUSE,) seems never to have as- American Fork Canyon, bearing date The 5. June Internaand on his own responsibility. Every- certained that the questions which it is of June Bai.timore, that John Holman, of to discuss and have two that tional Typographical Union met here Wholesale and Retail dealers In sides, don't trying it? n thing moves, Battle Creek, went into the tent of hold the weak it has of unfortunately got while he was sleeping and struck The woolen factory at Provo is de- one. Tribune. Unions were represented. Sixty-fou- r him with a hammer, with an intent to scribed as follows by a Jlevald corres- Miss 3Iary Moore, of New York, and The Salt Lake Daily Herald closed kill. Henselman, it appears, was still is main 143 63 The building by pondent:. ,, r, ,i its first volume on Sunday morning last. living, and Holman, it would seem, is at Miss Lewis, Secretary of Union No. 1, feet, three stories high, a basement of His Excellency, Gov. Voods, were tbe only ladies on the floor. rock aud one story frame, with Mansard In summing up, the editor says there is large. Pres-denW. J. Hammond was J ,0.1 Ail cause of congratulation, the first has is now settled in his house, called the roof; there is also an adobe building, M. Vice R President; Walsh, 134 by 30 feet, two stories and basement, been a profitable business year. The Tufts Mansion, on the State road, where and another adobe building, 72 by 33 Herald enjoys a very liberal patronage, he has permanently established his office, Johu Cyllins, Secretary. is energetic, and deserving of what it and w;here he may be found by all perOttawa, June 5. The Times feet, two stories and basement; all of sons having business with the Executive speaking as representing Sir John A. M t which has been accomplished without gets. Macltonald,' says the ; statement in the juore than $50,000 having been expended The Denver News reports renewed of the Territory. 3Iontreal Witness, and. accepted, in good 3Ji xi in cash thns far. The buildings will activity among the Indians on the Platte. iiti ip; ixe.i is,i American papers, to the effect Tu& recent heavy rain extended faith take some 7,800 lights of glass. PresiThey are probably hunting for those and were of the Dotninion'ParliamenC woult not be ' ordered the has dent, Young machinery shirts, each of which, Recording to Gen. throughout the Territory, FURNITURE,' is foun without LASIPS, the asked to which the benefit to treaty, sign promise crops, from the blast, which will cost about Stoneman, represents the life, or rather great to be the best Utah has ever realized. datiou. f: . ' ' $100,000, a portion of which has already the death, of a white man or woman. 'PLATED hWMB,The grashoppers have eaten things some Boston, June 5. The , ancient and arrived. It is the expectation to have ",,A Dm We glean from the Tribune that the in localities, but taking the --Territory honorable artillery company of this city the buildiugs completed aud the ' AjmonmAi. to suffer serious- commemorated its two hundred and i is machinery in order in time to work up big camp meeting is to come off in Salt through, it not likely . anniversary, Houco Furnlcng- i considerable of the present years crop Lake City, under the auspices of the ly this year from its perpetual pest, judg- thirty-thir- d is fraud before the divorce A courts from M. Wool. Rev. G. next ol ing Pierce, present appearances. Friday. . Kry3dtf TELEGRAPHIC CORiriNE DAILY JOURNAL. - 3. XT. LESHEK S 0 u I - . i nvl fi11 ? r finttafh and -- T HvT v Co,t L-- -- - s. J . r AND i Constancy receiving a fine w , -O- to-dra- w ri F- i 1 BUREAUS," ClIAlh . , re-gr- i t 'i Tables, KITCHEX ett I EW KNIGHT d, cold-bloode- 1 SMITH. - - . l q (y(;f SAFES, RATTRA88E8 Crib, AND BEDDij A VARIETY OF ALSO, Metalic Burial Case, --O- and tttU-n- KeclMtU(l Vaohotands, MONTANA, - ' i t i BABY CARRIAGES OF ALL ri u, TOGETHER WITH A GOOD ASSORTMENT ALWAYS MIRRORS, ON Ham 0-Cdt2- 2 Du self-stultificati- Pacific Stable, Metropolitan HAL3H & GREENEwALD, w r Iroir. 4? !- Hotel Proprietoa' K0NTANA STREET, Bag-Kie- ?, CORINXE, d d -- d - , to-wi- t. CEA3IER & s Travelers will linl thi. House Kiiiul to miy in the Terriloiy, i : start from this Con dir ' House. FllKK BUSS TO AND FROM THE G-- tf liar is Storked The CARS. i ' Ah- - The table is always in the niHtkct. furniahed rMnni hu1 p1' tu. a. O. NACLIY, V A. ISKOAK.i.n: atly A-Ne- CARROLL Hotel, k, NTLLLK. A ' OVERLAND DDD1ST? DIDqr--v )HR DDDD ItIJHIl I HHKIil l)rTlI3 KKKK P J I.I.LL . Utah. Oorinne, uli llv uj beds. IffTAH iOUSE, lit Street, o irith thr lirst WINES, mid LIQUORS CUJ A18 1 Pah-vant- I Alt Mail and Exprrs Free Dance!! sup-.pos- 1 lol EEK ana : ll X.l.U jfl EXPRESS LINE E. G. MACLAY & CO., Propriety THIS IS TIIE of ONLY EXPRESS LINE s, HAVIN' t . i . . l s - i CORDELLA, ProprlCtresH. re-elect- ed v - to-da- Through Eastern ' r FREE HACK - to-da- y, CONWAY, u- -o Eight Days from Corinnei Helena! ! Express Teams Leave Corlunr EVERY OTIIEIt D.U l y, d - Connect To future Speedy Transport ataon ltckages . Via Par West Freight " Compel Tima Freight. D , RR DD DPD- - RRR y L i n e, Care m J"v LL EK ul K UTA CORINNE, my2dtf i . - 1 . . 9F CORINNB BANK -- UTAH. CORINNE, ' ' ' $ i -- O- . . 4 sub-orga- n 1st,-say- s Ilen-selma- to-da- . i y. QUEENSWARE, -- BUY AND SE Government Vonchers, ...,ri , t; CHINA, GLASSWARE, to-da- y, FJ xt CHiNDALlSllS, , i to-da- - y. Social - . V re-elecf- ed - W. T. FIELD, r f t 4 O.i D. CASS, t j , lM?oin,GoldD. C aUd , . DRAWN 0 SIGHT DRAFTS New York, m , Chicago, . Krc,r And the Principal Cities F.uttt i i p COLLECTIONS iLL RECEIY PERSONAL AND PROMPT ATTK' '' Vj ISAAC. D. 1 X HUNTOOS. Commlesion Mcrc1' Comer Battery and ' ,Washingirt SAn i'RAWClSCO, - ... WCFEBMCtt . CREIGHTON ELLSWORTH k MUKRO, A LOCTHAN, .s m.'- ,A( - |