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Show t THE WEATHER. Wednesday and Thursday fair. .Ah Tribune Want reach so many .people, there is hardly a chance of failure in their use. Local Aattlamant Pries ,..(90 vi4 Lead Copper (cathodes) izi 18 SALT LAKE CITY, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1920. VOL. 101, NO. 33. 24 FAGES-FI- VE . CENTS CONGRESS INACTION IN REDUCING H.C.L. IS SCORED; REPUBLICAN LEADERS BEGIN WORK ON PLATFORM JOHN B ASTON has boon choson to aucceod Walker D. Hlnoa'aa rail director. of WALSH, who has delivered s vigorous attack on profiteers In senate speech. SECRETAEY up SENATOX ram AUTO ACCIDENT INCJEUEIED Declarations, Basis of Chi " cago Enunciation, Considered by Committee. Adhesion to Provisional Crash of Machines Occurs Movement of Empty Cars Government Reported to on State Road North oft for Grain Loading Begins U. S. State Department the Utah Hot Springs. Westward From Atlantic. Planks Federal Governor and MiliCommander Are tary Said to Be in Flight Extortions Declared Princi ' Relating to Versailles Treaty and Mexico Are Under Composition. May IS. Finding of eommtttM of 1?1' prominent Republicans named iiJanuary to gather data for the party's national' platform were brought today under the scrutiny of a conference of party leaders for revision and perfection before their presentation to the Chicago convention. The committees suggestions, split up subcommittee reports on into twenty-on- e twenty-on- e possible campaign laaues, were cony discussed exhaustivley at an ference meeting, attended by Will H. The conferHays, national chairman. ence will continue tomorrow. All the subcommittee reports related to questions of domestic policy, the iwrty's declarations on foreign affairs. InIs cluding the treaty of Versailles, being .eft to be worked out at later conferences. to Be by Some progress in that direction has been commitmade, however, by an informal tee of Republican senators. It was said that In the main the conclusions of the special committee were WASHINGTON,, Slay IS. President given approval at today's - conference, Wilson ' John Barton though some eliminations were mads, Payne, Today appointed secretary of the Interior, as diAll ths leaders declared, however, that decisions reached at ths meeting were in rector general of the railroad edminlstna G to succeed Waiter JX Hines, whose no sense Mndingand 'that other changes May 15. doubtless would be made whan ths con- -' resignation became effective Aiecreuuy Paynes - appointment ventloo JtNriU Indicated, however, -madefn a proclamation stating that the that the committee's, report might be president, by virtue of the power vested made publlo when ths work, of revision in him under the transportation act and was completed. - The -- conference today eoostituted a the unrepealed provision of tho federal newly created executive committee of the control act, transferred to Secretary committee of 171 and was made up of all Payne the duties of director general of ' the senators and representatives holding the railroad administration. and Mr. Hines will sail for Europe early membership on the full committee subof the chairmen of the twenty-on- e next month,, having been selected by committees. In addition several convenPresident Wilson as arbitrator ol question delegates who are to sit on the plat- tions of navigation on central European form committee attended. rivers The selection was made oy the president at the request of the allied WASHINGTON. all-da- FOR HINES' POST Secretary of the Interior Named President Railroad Director General. WASHINGTON, May IS. Adhesion of Yucatan. ,t '.tbe.juuvliional government In Mexico City ws reported today, both in state department advices and in a cablegram to the agents here of the revolutionary government from a special sent to Tuestan some time ago. The commissioner said Governor Castro Morales and General rablo de la Garcia. I commander under the Carranza ' military government, were in flight, presumably to er Cuba. The revolutionary agents attach particular importance to the report frofti Yucatan because, they said, it meant tliat Progreso,- principal port of the state, the last important' port held by (Jarransa authorities, had now been surrended to the Carranza, who provisional government. before the de facto governments Qed troops In the mountains just west of Jslapa had succeeded In moving southward Into the state of Puebla on May 15, according to the Mexico City newspaper published yesterday. - Villa on Way to Capital. in a sum maryforwarded to Spencer of Lake ' Reported as Critical Condition. W. in l G. OGDEN, May 18. Three1 persons were seriously Injured, at 4 o'clock this evening in on automobile collision three miles north of the Utah Hot Springs on the state road, Mrs..W. G. Hpencer, 20 yean of age, suffered a fracture of her left arm, cut on the face and across ths throat, and internal Injuries. She may dl. Her husband, W. G. (Jack) Spencer, 24 years of age, sustained a cut laying bare (he cheek bona D. J. Nuttall, Jr.. 44 years of age, of Lewiston, waa cut under the right eye and suffered Internal Injuries. The Spencers gave their address aa 230 Canyon Road. The report made by Detective TV. A. Taylor and Officers H. B. Elam and C. E. Lelser of the police department wa that Nuttall was driving one of the cars north along the road, accompanied by J. - Xalne of Trenton, Utah; while J, C, Bishop, of Kaysvllle, was driving the other automobile, accompanied by tho Spence re, south towards Salt Lake. of Car for Coal Reported From Middle West to the East Counter-moveme- sachusetts Says. Man Proposes ' WASHINGTON. May 18 Progress in the .handling of - the freight jam. w as reported late today by tha Interstate commerce commission, which announced that the movement of empty box cars for grain loadinghad begun In. larfe volumes westward from New England and th Atlantic seaboard. These cart are being moved In solid trains under expedited orders, end their transfer la watched continually to avoid preventable delay, the commission aald. of Simultaneously a cars for eoal loading has been Instituted from the middle west to the coal producing areas of the east., The commission announced that this order of handl.ing equipment would continue until a more proper balance of these classes of equipment la obtained." VASmXGTGNV .May . Y. Profiteer, ig was denounced today In the senate by Senator" TValsti." Democrat of Massa who asserted that extortions of pro. Iteer ar tbs, principal cause of wide, spread unrest and that congrene has been "culpably inactive In moving to relieve tha situation." 7' Senator Walsh cited many larg divi' dends, . declaring the public outcries gainst the high coat of living were an acute political problem. Republican leadership and majorities n congress, th Msaaschuaett senator said, re responsible for failure to enact legislation. Among recommend a l ton a mad by Senator Walsh to rheck profiteering were: Kenatorial Investigation of Income tax return 10 disclose Individual profiteers. passage of several pending bills, including the packer regu'atlon measure, tha McNary bill to stamp cost prices on shoe th cold storage regulation bill and eft- - -- a, , nt Demand Continues. Officials of the American Railroad association predicted a "regular and con tlnuouB movement" of empty car within a short period, but the association car service committee warned that the demands for car continue to Increase. Figure for the last two week show a alight decrease la the number of loaded Mas- Drastic Measure to Remedy Situation and Assails G.O.P Majority. nt counter-moveme- pal Cause of. Unrest, Water. Nears Flood Mark; VYalshs Remedy. v ' - I further remomniend,' said .Senator Walsh, "that congress inaugurate public trading on a promptly large veals unless exorbitant profits ar voluntarily and lert&Uy reduced at once. , Among Instances of corporation proV. cited by Secaioe Waith were those of t..v as reported - ' the Big Five freer! trad packers j. Woolen company? TilJ tv tint! steel companies, coJ operators and news print manufacturer Recommendations not embodied t ponding legislation were included in a bill Introduced today by Senator Walsh pro. posing investigation by a special senate committee of the relatione between high price for necessaries and th concentration 0 wealth. The measure also would request the president to authorise inapec-Ro- n of corporate and partnership income tax return Senator Walsh cited a recent puhl.'e statement of former Secretary McAdo the state On Wrong Side of Road. Carranza was reported to , Bishop said he turned to Hit right and department, lowed down aa the other machine aphave been in Tetela ou the Wih. J earhilt the decrease ' proached because he thought ell ama- ear ing there in a northerly direction.' H9M a be small ga iq be regarded a neg- , e teur was The summary said Villa would ebon dilving. - Tbs pphdt It.vestlga GeX tio ,Rladiid that Nuttall Vs driving n ligible, according t officials- -.. av the capital without-covert- . to indicate la railway expert era! Obregon had left tbt capital 'for the wrong side of thi road. Both auto- that th Jem soon might be broken. gpeeial ta in Trlhaas Labor conditions were described a "exQueretaro, Tampico and San Luis Potosl, mobile were damaged beyond repair. OGDEN, May 1. Ogden river threatunfavorable' Interstate the tremely spe.by Dr. R. In for the E. time to return Dumke Kirkendall and the planning commerce Th commission ened to go over It bank at a 1st hour ambulance went to the scene of the acol said It wa commission. cial session of congress May 21 giving "intensive study to tonight, according to A report received tn Published accounts of the routing of dent. After staunching the flow of blood congested area which will prmlt th , (, city from point in Ogden canyon use In dealing free of emergency silver power from the victims cuts, Dr. Dumke orCarranza asserted the gold and and tha river district. appropriately with such situation. bullion recovered front his trains was dered them taken to the hospital. fetate railway and public service have It was said th water waa up t within valued at several million dollars. turned over to the federal agency their a few inches of the floor mark of thre emcivil More than IU0 officers and Samuel G. Spencer, 230 Canyon road, forces of inspectors, who are working him were father of year ego. In 'th main . Ogden oanyon ployees who. accompanied W. Q. Spencer, waa not aware actively at all Important terminal. th water was up to the wagon road and brought to the capital and Immediately hie son added of accident until said. notified late No Specific Orders. They released, the papers d th street car tracks, and west of concerning eoal min profiteering. the archives governments including last that The government serr Tribune, He by WORKERS The commission in announcing th It waa running down the car track. hie es- Ing. night ha treasury records, were burned toby abandon been for and did movement of issue McAdoo last fifteen the not cam, empty Quoted. were forced when in In the river district cort th northern they CHAIRMAN While the equipdays, aa a juryman In the Maallch mur- specific general order their trains. 'Mr. McAdoo heralded around tl.e th of the resident spent withment in loads is part train and city, moving der trial and waa staying with the other an assertion that coal min out regard to the lines owning It, th greater part of th evening constructing United Btatea Disclosed in New York WASHINGTON, May IS. A bevy of Ing profits were particularly exorbitant, " member of the jury at the WUson hotel. voinmiealon la dealing with individual SAYS WE If women suffrage workers fresh from their the to their dikes Senator protect property. Smoot. Republican. Utah, Cm receiving word of hie eon condition roads oirectiy, "and that n corporation In 1917replied; unavailing labors to obtain ratification By Universal Service. maul Railroad official said that while the river rise further. heavy damage will 2000 CARRANZA , . FLEEING he Immediately of the suffrage amendment by the Delacent prepared to leave by au- car supply for miscellaneous and "dead on its capital. The pef NEW YORK, May IS. Huddled in a profit doubtless result. heckled heap in the kitchen of ware legislature, is to entitled tomobile persistently facta for the public about thl? Ogden, accompanied by Deptheir home, Mrs. freight had been protected thus far, there iVtil II. Hays, Republican national chair"I have her the official MEXICO CITY. May 1. (By th Aswhtc Laura Blada. 40. a Sheriff M. L Morris, one of the ball-I- werewiPdicatlons of an exceedingly heavy and her childoes not gtv me the name report man, when he made a speech "today at dren, John 10, Irene widow, sociated Press.) "We are lost! Goodbye, uty in charge of the of the comof fur demand that clast and equipment at the hotel. Paul, , jury a meeting of Republican womin of the twine, were found dead today. All the gentlemen! but doe show it a num under code pany, through the increase of transportation of of Columbia. her. Its capital stock waa 810.004 and m District These were Carranzas final words be- Surprise Planned. Given stone, sand and gravel tor road building. jets of the gas stove were open and the ' Tne 1917 make 2204 to It mad on windows and doors closed. Interruptions, designed fore his flight from the besieged trains per cent that roads were said to have asked that , i ; sum. But it had invested profit in addition to The Spencer family waa not aware of theThe the chairman explain why the Republl-oa- n Mrs. Hiada, who has been a widow since In the early afternoon of May 14, while commission give some consideration. Its capital stock, according to the treascapital February, said recently to a. neighbor pausing momentarily before a crowd of the son's Intention of coming to Salt In its plan to break the blockade, to the Spteia! to The Tribune, majority ,of the DelawpiB amendLake by automobile, he having written a queetion of ordering cars to their home Th war de- ury, $473,000, ao that ita net profita op WASHINGTON. May could not force adoption of the that If life continued to be a drag for terrified civilian refugees a few mile married were thirty-seve- n ment, kept the assemblage of several her she would "end it all." per cent. sister, Mrs. Ivy Peterson, only roads wherever poeaible. of San Marcos, accompanied by a announced th award of investment east, today partment tn There is another on of about the same an Intermittent uproar hundred women "God doe not do all." read a note few intimate and guarded by what the recently of hie Intention. Hie appearance ' a distinguished service medal to First capital, aa Hated, that made 51 ml per cent until he concluded. found on the kitchen table beside three special dispatches term "a very small was to be kept a surprise. Hla wife le Reserve Board Meets. a Rex burg girl and they have been living "As soon as you have had more exLieutenant William O, Pierce, deceased, on it stock, and I wonder Mr. McAdoo Bible and several religious paraphleta cavalry force,. While the interstete commerce commisnot mention that. It had Invested perience In pjactlcal politics," Mr. Hays "God destroy everything of the The fugitive president crossed the nar- In Idaho Falls for several months. Be- sion of th 344th infantry, son of Mr Fred did Godly, on was details of a working today emwith capital of 81,274.000, and the treasuy reC. J. told the first questioner, "you will un- but one who does an acquainted ing moments Bishop, behave Is forced to the row valley, stopped for a few Idaho. Lindenovercome of would It which JTw,n Fails, hoped port Its net profit at thirty-fou- r derstand that party official do not carry ground. Everything In my home I leave to watch the liberal revolutionary forces ployee of the Utah Construction companv, program per who has been working about Idaho Falls the rail freight tteup, th federal reserve Tha citation reads: '"For' extraordinary cent." to Mrs. Anna Parthymuller. legislatures around In their pockets. did occupy the stalled trains, then disapIts met with council board and some new "If advisory for several inhi "The Republican organization has done their best. 1 cant stand to sin They political months, develops party accepted they heroism in action neariYery and any fur- peared among the mountains. an adequate means of dealing with profLake Ay Auto- heserve bank officials to discuss the freight everything It honorably could to Induce ther. I am going, to my God. . that Carranza la vitation to come to Salt France, Kept ember - 38 to 21. iteering, it is believed certain The mobile, anticipating a pleasant iiurprise blockade from another angle. a The men- llll. Lieutenant interjected Senator Owen, Demthe Delaware legislature to act. led toward the coast by for hla Pierce northeast heading valiantly ace of a traffic tleup assumed full front their relatives in Salt Lake. ocrat, Oklahoma, "it can get more votes only thing left would be for us to go ou of Cofre de Perote, with tha intenin the attack enemy way positions In ramifiUs platoon the session. next election many than both of the old ones-pu- t at the hospital were unable position hooked down and try to buy some votes, and tion of boarding a steamer at some small to Attendants up the nation's commerce before Very and Ecltafontaine. together. statement from cations that Isn't done .any more in the Rethe country. the obtain Any tocoherent led from hie and he "The escaping day with following port again economic and the banking danger an early hour this mornSchools Judging from the list of captured officials Injured up publican party." the financier saw in the freight jam, it platoon through ravines and approaches ing. in and generals received Sunday, at headcovered by enemy machine gun fir was said. Another Query. In Mexico City of the liberal SEATTLE, Wash., May 18. Appointbankers explained that even im- the attack on the Bole de Baulny. He "The quarters ARE TROOPS WITHDRAWN. acment of a are committee of leading educators revolutionary government, few A little later wheAhe made a plea ANNOUNCE mediate restoration of adequate transpor- waa killed by enemy fir while leading from Washington, Oregon and Idaho to companying COBLENZ, May 17. American authori- tation service would not Carranza. for Republican support because Repubwholly remedy his men :n this attack." e commercial conditions In the three ties here were Informed today from the damage. Reserve bank directors were lican officials could be counted upon to survey OMAHA,' May II. Eight smaller stores that all French troops which have asked to to the reserve board a insure good government, another woman states to enable public school and higher With the Fugitive. today Joined th five large establish. been in. Frankfort and other centers In means to suggest of learning to prepare stuarose and asked: "How can you make institutions relieve thetr localities. Luts be ment to believed which have announced reductions are them more the main district had returned to the Among on iuch a promise when you cannot count dents In whichdirectly and toefficiently of from 20 to 80 per cent. , be employed Cabrera, seeietary of the treasury; GenMayence bridgehead at 8:30 o'clock this Cummins Amendment. they are on the Republican legislature you al- lines GenA chief of staff: was the outstanding feature of the com- eral Juan Barragan, large automobile dealer made 'remorning. Mayors of several of the smaller ready have In (Sower In Delaware?" ductions '.60 of of commander on 1400 Franctseo mercial eral the and consideration on towns of evacuated th Murgula. open teachers' regional conference at day During expressed appreciation of Mr. Hays recounted that of the thirty-fiv- e the By Universal Service.- closed ear model Cummins amendment to the transportathe attitude of the French upon University of Washington tnad pub- the train guards; General Francisco states which already had ratified lic. today. t X A "re'a"39 Which Store And "made tion act design ed to help Ihe TJcr shortgnaclo Special" CableDtuphtolV.) per cent euluiscretary of war. were Republican and' asked "wenty-tiln- e announced the cut would extend selected by Dr. Glenn Bonillas, former ambassador to tha' United age situation began before tha agnate inVIENNA. May 18. A merchant's wife, duction lile questioners why they did not call on I The committee, Its to favor-ab.- e restaurants also. commerce A f the conOn terstate committee. heed of the States. of Bwlggett, street dedown commercial tbs principal walking some of the Democratic states. He precerns which started with a 20 per cent conclusion wa understood to have gaizourg, of the bureau of federal educaAn Inventory of national funds aboard recognized on another woman cut dicted that If Delaware did not ratify. partment announced an additional on been of reached to tion. the consists of reduction Dean A. extend gold reof a shows one train of great proposal to earrings Belxelt, Oregon quantity her mother, who wsj Hume ether state would in time to make 10 per cent. Stores which are excepting from five to fifteen years the period for cently college;. Dean A. tv, Mor- and sliver bars, but comparatively little burled wlL; all her jewelry. - men the amendment effective by the Novem- Agricultural reducHon-articielikent Irene roiof mad of of govern-meloans ton, University repayment, by ths of com- minted coin. Pastor Kuaix. secretary Oregon school The wearer" of tl earrings, questioned ber election. ' of for improvement merce; the said she had purchased lari, and other upon which the manupublic In- agriculture, was In charge of this train. the poiica. by "Why do you eay that?" Interrupted struction forsuperintendent Should the provision to extend the re- them from the warden of the municipal facturer fixes the price have protested Oregon; President Lindley Manuel Aguirre Berelanga. secretary of one of the women, "whet you admit you of the to the factoriea that two large concerns ' of Idaho; tha superinperiod be enacted. Walker D. hospital. . the Interior and head of the cabinet, la have no Influence with even Republican tendent University fayrnent railroad administrator, to'd of overwaa Instruction aa for he In publlo was arrested and his home are cutting these 30 per cent along with be to Idaho; believed warden ' hiding, To legislatures?" Kela In to the committee letter Senator Pratt, Spokane school, heard to say that he could not stand the searched. It was discovered that for other. "I say X feel certain of it, replied Superintendent Chocolate eundae at 13 cent includand Dean, Stephen I. MiUer, college logg, an additional aprpopriation of about some time he bad been carrying on the of hardship of a horseback flight. the speaker, "because I believe that some business be would to needed enable 8354,044,000 administration. the ing war tax, peanuts at 4 cents a bag. of University of robbing th dead. trade gruesome of the remaining atatee is going to be Washington, for Washington. railroad to at 70 cents, diamonds at 34 Jo administration liquidate pendA quantity of gold extracted from the golf ball andSoldiers Take Coin. intelligent enough to act between now a carat ing claims candy at $1 a pound were was a also of vast teeth corpses found, m and election time. which ; load of A motor truck gold coin, y is. Adam did among the item offered at on store stock of Jewelry. to th carry Carranaa party attempted a beard, according The warden's bankbook showed a credit today. Hisses Are - Heard, g Stores reported busioff, broke down and the soldiers approof 120,000, th proceed of this business. ness. to th dictum of M. Terey, direcof It. i'eople stood in line at some p aces Hisses and "cat calls" drowned out priated most A 2508 two hours before the more doors than With already prisoner some of the Interrogator and as the opened. tor of th Hungarian national art that the strong WASHINGTON, May heckling continued, women over the hall school counted, it la believed has eliminated who museum, th lie from capitook Carranaa WASHINGTON, May 18. 'A grave greeted new Interruptions with yells of superintendents from thirty states met force which WAVE the industrial Ilf of the "sit down" and throw them out. But today with Commissioner of Education tal has been completely scattered hlnut adornment crisis. Involving great ancestor Into the has resulted from failure of the suffrage workers persisted and af- Claxton to dlacuaa needs of the education- - I hundreds of the soldier fled abandoned country, NOTED Jordeoa in famous picrestoring when the president oft coal operators to obtain an adequate ter declaring that "this kind of conduct al departments In their respective district mountains HUTCHINSON. Kan., May H. After on the part of women makes it hard as a preliminary to the opening tomorrow the trains. Refugee tell pitiful stories of car supply, the National Coal association Examiand "Adam ture, y on confloor an the of the fight to get Republican legislators to ratify of the national bonference on education hardship and terrors, which began with May 18. A wav of price declared tonight. " vention. during which time th radical CHICAGO, nation of tha canvas ha ihovra tha tn retail clothing cost reaching Mr. Hays ended hie Commissioner Claxton said the last, fig- tbs flight from the capital on May 7, the amendment, At the- same time the United Mine element attempted to force through a 84 rutting ures to th Ph- in of from the afternoon obtained ended the women were waa on Mississippi which a the federal and two beard while of of Workers not in their tha by bureau a of America, Statement quot- per buahel price, the National speech original part Wheat rifle coast waa reported valley today. Dlapatchea feet yelling question at him and many education how that between 308,000 and May 14. Hunger, thirst and bullet ading John Moore, president of the uhlo Grower fixed from twenty-fou- r association her wa but la tonight of picture, painted told during cities fat children of in 400,404 thetr the United Mates last ded to th uncertainty at promteed other were joining in with hteee and Miners, said 'that unlesa something waa 13.13 per bushel as a fair price for th reduction in certain necessities ranging the last century, when beard year were without schooling. cries of disapproval at the disturbers. the trains headed into the fast closing done immediately to relieve the rar situa1920 wheat crop. from fifteen per cent to minus profit. Delegates from various states submitted ranks of the revolutionary troop sweepwould the find Itself tion, Tonight headquarters of the Womans public without Following the reading of the report of popular. . In tha restored work, coal next winter. Responsibility for Financial authorities her on the shortage of teachers rang- ing In from Vera Cru and the Puebla that tho party loeuod a statement saying the Wo-m- report pres, the committee oa cost of production and Indications were that tha said price denln e party had been responsible for th ing from a deficit of 400 In tha case of mountain on both tde of the railway. ent condition. Moor charged. therefore, Adam la ahown Testa which recommendfair price, marketing to limited clothbe would In to Indiana 17,700 California. Onlv Interruption and "that seventeen of Its squarely on the ra'lroade and the'.r un- ed 83.01 as a fair price, pandemonium ing. principally women's garments and numbers had taken part In the demon- Massachusetts reported a normal supply GONZALES EXPLAINS discrimination in th dis- broke loose. and unfair just In Hat th Ilka. Ehoea sere affected. This canvas waa one that escaped stration by questioning MP. Hays during of Instructor. tribution of coal cars- Free1 dent William MMlchat Tight money and Inadequate transporhi speech. The coal association said persistent ef- th travel to W, L, "Iron Jaw yielded tha fury of tha communist. It wai Brown tation facilities were cited among '.,.e AIMS WRITING WAR HISTORY. "The Republican party," the statement forts of operator to obtain relief had of Kingman, who managed to restore a Deprime reasons for the movement. th property of Count Karaoaenyi, continued. "Is in ovens helming control By Cnlverwal Service. been unavailing and the shortage of open semblance St order. lay tn delivery of goods tn whlrh nnu 1. tu the Del ware legislature, which has 11. via in CITT. cars the coal fields MEXICO ran a Tuesday, May to ve tl who a top cor aert to leader The j red fifty with t..a of tha it ti pleaded gave mor.ev had been t.ed tip. together f?pecial Cable Dispatch.) been In session since March 22, hut has sixty-fiv- e El Paso Junction, May Ik (By the Aspar cent below normal and that radical not te run afoul of the anti Inability of farmers to get and grain so far felled to flv the vote whWh will RX, Holland. May 18. 100 guard for having aided In saving a not since the day Just preceding Amer- trust la A which' had keen avoided ) Trat he saw no reasociated in to market were aid tn many 1 ica's entry into the war had the country the renort. 9orcpWe ra Uf ii i ion of the suffrage Wilhelm, since moving Into the chategu son for the plan of Agua Irleta, In w,.ich Th committee wa ordered stances to have worked a hardship valuable collection. Later the picen here, ha taken up writing a hlatorv of are embodied the elm of the new revoamend been threatened w itb such a paraiysla of to again report, with something added to merchants. wa museum ture sold to th r, for Industrie In sddRion. the Republican governors the war. He spurn itb us of a made by lution. was the declaration cover th cost gf transportation. or. of the leading depict of officer Aa hi in steadConnecticut en of snd Vermont hae clulv preferring tSdo Because of the Inadequate supply of chronicling General Pabjo Qonxale In ita report th committee declared ment stores of Chicago declared that thre million' crown. . with the pea. The former monarch a! bo that reports from 125 communities showed (Continued en Bar 2. Column 1.) spend much time sawing' wood. (Continued on Fag 4, Column 2.) (Continued on Pag 3, Column 4.) th average cost per bushel to be $2.76. ( Continued en 2, Column 2.) m, teu - SUFFRAGE HECKLE assirvei'nnt. sr-rr-- Residents Construct Dikes to ' Back. Current. Idle-wil- 1 Quadruple Tragedy U ARE LOST; Posthumous Honor Is Idaho Soldier ff II.' . - 1 Eclls-fontain- e, Planning Commercial Survey for OMAHAS STORES CUTS May-enc- Grew Rich' by Robbing the. Bodies of the Dead - o, r-- 1 - Adams Beard Erased From Noted Canvas State School Heads Are Budapest, Meeting in Washington w" -- COAL OPERATORS FORESEE CRISIS 18.--- 8tat -- record-breakin- Fix $3.23 Per Bushel as Fair Wheat Price -- Er. OF PRICE REDUCTION all-da- - . wr an clean-(have- n. ready-to-we- ar OF REVOLUTION 1 pre. er tpe-wrlte- -- -- , rf t |