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Show I'M Your Purchases & & K i TALK, & & & the TOWJi of & i from us & JK Just ?S? Subscribe for the Dixie Falcon. Papers to put under your carpet at 25 cents per hundred. Jeter Snow of Pine Valley was in town this week . The smelter commenced work again Friday morning. Thomas Judd came in from White River this week on business. Mrs. Mary Ann Terry from Terrys ranch near Hebron is visiting relatives here.. Jo ot.ph Farnswo.th came cral s-- passengers from in wih I Moda.a every time. i hursday. Isaac Jennings was in from the Grand Gulch mine on business this Call week. Urie Macfarlane came in from the Grand Gulch mine this week on a aj ill loo and inspect onr great offerings in Mining Supplies, Dry Goods, Farming Impliments, etc. short visit. Why send away for goods when can get just wht want AT Harris of Leeds left here, T uesday for her home to atyou A petition for a direct mail route tend the funeral of her grandfather you between St. George and Modena is Mr. Adams. in order. E. D. Seegmiller, who has been HOME. Travelers in from the north report laboring in the German mission field several feet of snow on the Pine val- for over two years, has been honorOur prices are all right. is released and home ley mountains. expected ably A mining expert from Salt Lake in the near future. GO-G- P. Seventeen tons of lead ore were shipCity spent several days at the Apex ped from the Black Bird last week. mine during this week. The ore averaged over 60 percent fine. Mr. Reece, of Salt Lake City,, who is The district in which the Black Bird is teaching school at Leeds, came oyer situated is one of the richest in Southto attend the wedding reception given ern Utah and should a railroad ever bis cousin, Miss Geneva Bentley. reach this place will be the best lead 1 A mining location was made in producer in the state. the Black Warrior district by S. L. Chas.. Dodge has for the past week DEALERS HI Adams. The new claim is called been tunneling into the hill back of the Stink Bug Dodges Spring for the purpose of get' ' ting an increased flow of water. A A marriage license was granted to small stream has been struck already 6 tt aM Oscar Russell, of Wheeler and Miss but the work will be pushed several Alice C. Brown, of Rockville. The feet further. The Spring promises to for the ceremony took place in the Temple, be more attractive than ever summer. this young people Tuesday. SPRINGDALE. a Miss Geneva Bentley and George line 1901. Feb. 6, Rogers, both of St. George, were HATS, continuousalmost been has It stormy married in the Tempie Thursday. Friday. The snow is pilThe wedding reception was held at ly sincetolast the depth of several feet in Call will asing up the home of the bride. the mountains, and an abundant supply you Good The lack of sunshine this week is of water is expected during the summer. more than made good by the brightJohn A. Winder is taking subscripto build a horse trail from this tions ' of the and farmers ened contenance To Or Had Die. the over Conquer to Big Long Valley, A most excellent place stock raisers. Bend. He proposes to put it through I was just about gone, writes year is predicted and good time.' for $500 and if successful we anticipate Mrs Rosa Richardson, of Laurel looked for. a mail route through this way in the Springs, N. C., I had Consumption near future. so bad that the best doctors said I could not live more than a month, in but I began to use Dr. Kings new NATURES TE DEUa Discovery and was wholly cured by Deep in the woods I hear an anthem ringing seven bottles and am now stout and Along the noisy aisles where shadows lie; FRANK MILES well. It is the matin hour, the choir are singing Its an unrivaled on Deum to the Te high. Their sweet King La 3NE1A7 HARNESS in Consumption, Pneumonia, The stately trees seem quivering with emotion. Grippe and Bronchitis; infallible for Second door East of post office. music of in rare, ecstacy They thrill, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay Feyer, As if they felt the stirring of devotion. Repairing of harness and saddles Croup or Whooping Cough. GuaranTouched by the dainty fingers of the air. Trial b specialty. teed bottles 50c and $100. The grasses grow, enraptured as they listen. bottles free at A. R Whiiehead & And join th ir verdant voices with the choir, Son. And tip their tiny blades that gleam and glisten As thrilled with fragrant fancies of desire. The brooklet answers to the calling river, Working Overtime. arches dim;, And singing slips away through J. R. MICHELS, Prop. Eight hour laws are ignored by Its heart run over, anO' it must deliver those tireless, little workers Dr. Unto the King of kings its liquid hymn. Kings New Life Pills. Millions are A shower of melbdy and then a flutter Of many wings; the birds are praising, too. always at work, night and day, curAnd in a harmony of song they utter ing Indigestion, Billionsness, Consdealer in true. Master their to him,, Their thankfulness all Headache and Sick tipation, Medicines, Drugs, admire In tearfulness I listen-anLiver and Bowel troubles. Stomach, TeDeum sings, The great Only Cigars, Candies, Stationchoir. is Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Gods indeed sweet majjestie Ah, When all the world in one great anthem rings. at A. R. Whitehead & Sons. ery, Perfumery, etc., etc. Sacred. Heart Review Miss Maud THE ST. GEORGE . 1 y R li H as M & Wail Paper. We also carry HOSIERY, SHIRTS, : of complete FAINTS, OILS. and Examine our Goods, we sure Satisfaction. BINE STOCK SADDLES, HARNESS, and everything harness line at -- life-sav- the er SHOP i Patent d nature-kneelin- g rc 1 |