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Show Till: JO SALT LAKE TlUlilWK, .SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 1920. C, NOBLE SCOTTISH FAMILY. VISITS SALT LAKE J interna- CLARA, will who speak tloual lawyer, REUBEN tonight at the Salt Lake theater. LORD GLENCONNER STEEL INDUSTRY LEADER Great Western to Base In crease to Grower on Seaboard Price. Honorable Stephen Tennant, Lady Olenconner, the Honorable Darld Tennant and Lord Glenconner of Scotland, . who were visitor In Balt Lake yesterday. They are en, route to the Atlantic coast to embark for borne, after touring the United States. lrrmE 1 'I wr Utah-Idah- o Directors to De cide on Advisability of Similar Action. S,ro'l lo Tu Tii. Gi eat ' Eight Countie to Furnish Funds for Investigation Work This Year. Commiisioner WcIU to Recommend Regulation by Next Legislature. General Lines of Activity for Engineer on Several Project Outlined. Legislation to regu'ats the Insurance features of union labor and similar organizations will be recommended to ths next legislature by Hulun 8. Wells, state Insurance commissioner. In his annual report. Mr. Wells has come to the conclusion that this is the best way out of a situation which developed from a com- i, fnlune. DENA EK, .March 5. I plaint made to his office by the heirs of a former member of the Journeyman Bar. ber' International union; who claimed AVrSt-er- n Bugar compuny yesterday Issued a ataieiqent to Its beet growers that .the company Kill pay a bonus on bests debt ered this year u bo e tbs guaranteed price of Hi per ton, providing the average seaboard price of sugar to the manufacturers Is more than (11 per hundred pounds, the amount of ths bonus 10 be bused on the price of sugar above The Utah AA'ater Ston.se association at a meeting attended bj representatives of the county commissions of seven counties, decided that the etgi t ountles of the association should assebs themselves for the same amount this jear as last, to continue tho Investigation work of tbe association. work Direction of this Investigation was left In the bands of the associations engineers, George F. McGonagle. state engineer, and J. L. Lytel. project manager of the Strawberry reclamation service project. Under the same commttto, the past year A. F. Parker of Ogden has been chief engineer of the association, and Uro McDermith office engineer. The meeting outlined the general Hue of work for the engineer by requiring that tiis Investigation of the water supply of the Rrovo river be continued; that the upper reaches of the AVeber be investigated with a view to obtaining a site for a reservoir to supply storage water for CMrlaln portions of tjummlt county, and that consideration of practical means to get water froru the Rrovo and Jorda l river systems to Tooelo county be given by the engineers. It was also decided timt the executive committee of the association should meet next week with farmers and water users from the northern part of Dwvla county and go over the water supply question affecting that district, wltn the view of encouraging tbe speedy organization of an Irrigation district In that part of Davis county. The meeting will be held . next Friday afternoon In the board root.) at the capitol. jesterday, certain payments whtrh were denied by the union. The matter has already been referred to the attorney general, who holds that there la no doubt that the union la carrying on an Insurance business, and that the membera who contribute payments fur tliat form of Insurance are entitled to the protection afforded them under the .insurance laws of Utah. llr. Wells took the matter up with the specified minimum. Jacob Fischer, general secretary-treasur' The company likewise announced Its of the union, with headquarters at Inreadiness to hold a conference with the Mr. Fischer replied that he dianapolis. did not think the union cornea within ths beet growers this summer to determine Insurance laws ef any state, but at the upon u met hod of fixing a graduated scale same time offered a full explanation of for future contracts, such a contract to the unlone side In the controversy. He also asked that Mr. AVells consult further make prut Irion for beet prices base AV. M. low A. with and E, upon both high sugar markets. Piggott of Ogden and Harvey of Balt Lake ae to the poeltlon taken by the union. Statement Issued. Mr. AVells at present has a rush of The action ttuti taken by beet frairtra business on hla hands In connection with of Colorado to mark a new era In the the filing of annual reports by the various relation between the companies and the I Insurance companies, but proposes to fol fa rim re of the elate. The statement In low the matter up further by consulting Review full follows the representatives of the Barbers' union "on February 25 the company !ku1 a and also with the Insurance commission statement to the effect that the flat ers of other states before taking final Below prtefc of 112 a ton for beets for the com action. He has already been Informed of tug season was the maximum that we the taken Jesse 8. by position Phillips, justified in offering under existing of of Insurance New superintendent conditions. Nothing has happened in the York, which state has laws specially exV' Mexican policy meantime to change our views on that classes Insuranoe of empting certain or willThebe administrations point. In the statement referred to. It the subject of an address by J. on from duties other ganizatlona placed was intimated that if the season's classes He states his general views as Reuben Clark at the Balt Lake theater ''ww exceeded our present expectations, follows; The Young Mens Republican n payment in excess of the guaranteed A In my opinion, labor unions have ns tonight. contract price would bo made. Since right as such to issue Insurance benefits club, the Lincoln club and the AYomon'g that statement appeared, numerous ln of any kind. Tnls does not preclude them Republican club have Joined to welcome guiries have been received asking for from qualifying under any particular law. Mr. Clark, A musical program will be more specific definition of conditions tsr-iIf this Is possible, so that they may Issue wltich such additional payment might benefits. But they would do given by Professor J. J. McClellan and To Expedite Business. insurance be expected. this not as labor unions, but as regular Anthony C. Lund. we take "In response to that inquiry It as further decided that a member Insurance corporatlonr, or under the exMr. Clark, who la a Utahn, was last from each board of county commissioners opportunity to explain our Intention in of the Insurance law, section emption the matter, nainelj, tiat if the total prothe eight counties should be elect'd of tabernacle In the heard Balt Lake at under which they might qualify and thus duction of sugar at ad factories of the of the executive become exempt from the provision of the when he spoke In opposition to the league to be aof member of 1920-2- 1 the association. The executive company for the season insurance law entirely," Mr. Clark claims the right to committee now consists of seven persons, of reaches or exceeds ft. poo. 000 bags, and nations, Mr. Wells said he believes that ths frae if the average net seaboard, or basing Mexican and for the purpose of expediting busiternal benefit society law of Utah Is un- criticize the administrations ness It was decided that four members price of beet sugar during the mont'hs necessarily restricted in its effect, and policy because of his association with Sec- should constitute of November and December, 1920. and that no vi that if this were extended so that unions retary of State philander Knox in han- money should be a quorum;without t .lyfiunrjr, 1HJ1. exceeds 111 per hundred the might qualify under that law tbe result dling negotiations during the latter part authorization of theexpended : omuls, the company will, on February executive f 'J' would be that, with an expense of 30 a of Mr.Taft's administration A Practically and that the committee shouldcommittee, 15. 1921. make an additional payment on meet at year to the union. It would have the bene- all of the notes to the Mexican governnil beets delivered during the season once a month to direct the work of fit of such supervision, direction and sugL ment passed through Mr. Clark's hands least , of an amount per ton of beets equivalent , If commisthe association. the county gestion as the state Insurance department and many of them he framed himself. 4b'1 to the amount per hundred pounds of sioner from a county selected to be a has to offer; or legislation, he says, might The meeting wti be held at I o'clock. member sugar which such 'average baaing price of the executive committee is to be them would enacted which permit The public is invited. exceeds the 111 basis named. unable to attend, some other commisbe exempt from the provisions of the InIn sioner hts as proxy. attend may place surance laws. Offer Is Explained. The object of tnls action la to keep the ON He Is of the opinion, however, that MAN ARRESTED In assovarious Intimate counties more In other word. If the average baaing j, under the present law the unions are put ciation with the actual work being acin the undesirable position of actually line during the period mentioned anould complished by the association, so that be 111 50. the extra payment per ton transacting insurance business without they may report more readily and auof beets would be 50 cents; If the averlegislative sanction, and that the laws 29 year of age. Is held B. F. 111! hunthoritatively to their people on this subIn be should them should be amended to relieve per age baaing price of In Jw.ll on the a on grand ject. The motion was made by AV. At'c charge city dred pounds, additional some manner. payment for larceny, following Ills arrest jesterday by Armstrong, chairman of the associations' beets would he II per toil. This la the Motor Detectives J. E. Woodard and J. finance committee, and was unanimously proposition which we had In blind at the A. Egbert for alleged complicity In the adopted. MITCHELL MRS. time the statement of February 26 was theft of a Ford automobile on the night Present at ths meeting yesterday were It Issued, and wa are glad to stipulate of February 25 from Harvey L Smith, w. R. Wallace, who BE BURIED presided; J. L. Lytel, Bpecificall) . 859 AA'ashlngton had car The street. George F. McGonagle. and J. R. Murdock supplementing the foregoing proposiIn owner on been left Main the street by of the executive committee the asso- to the attention tion. we want to bring Funeral services for Mrs Elisa Mit- front of the Sait Lake Hardware com- elation; Mr. Parker and Mr. ofMcDermith, of tbe growers another matter which we 75 . years of age. of wife John chell. store. panys the and J. Leo Meehan, secrethink Is Important, and which we beMitchell, who died suddenly from pneuThe police obtained a clew to Seymours tary;engineers, OR It AND LADY OLENCONNER and the following county reprelieve should be given some thought bv monia at Garfield last Monday, will be alleged connection wdth the theft ThursJ. of Balt Lake; sentatives; all Interested parties at this time. In of Peeblesshire, and held at the chapel of the B. D. Evans day, when Mr. Smith accidentally found M. P. Brown. E.J. Lindsey, Scotland, N. Child and I). H. the statement Issued by the company 48 8tate street, at his marlilne at thecomparlors, two Motor undertaking the tneir sons, Beveridge Right of David 19 II the which time Ensign, Weiier; at last, 2 oclock this afternoon. January Interment will pany, 309 East Third South street. He Davis; Joseph Reece and R.F. D.Smith, of Col- Deputy David and Stephen TenConfiscate Wadley, price wsa first announced, we expressed In Mount Olivet cemetery. be Begun was negotiating for the purchase of anUtah: Commissioner West, of Summit, our belief that in this years conferences Mra. Mitchell la survived by her hus- other car when he recognized familiar of nant, were visitors in bait Lake R. M. Bush, C. A. Orine and 0. H. and with grower, measurable pro cress had band and one son, ten A. Mitchell. Mr. marks about one of the machines offered Barrus, of Tooele. Mr. Murdock off when Home-Mad- e they stopped also 400 Gallons been made In harmonising the views of yesterday, and Mrs. Mitchell were pioneer residents for sale. represented the commissioners of 4 the. growers and of the company, and In the ilty en ropte to New Tork of sold-t- o Denver, having lived at Denver for r The machine had beeil the of the county. the company Santa willingness at a month expressed after spending over thirty-fiv- e years. For the past year company several days before by Bey Courts. in to discuss In the future any such mathad ai- Morgan county commissioner Calif. arrived here they have been visiting at Garfield at the mour. It is alleged. He gave a bill of sal ready announced their willingness to They Barbara, ters with beet growers. Is mechanical who home of to their son, the motor company and signed his own share In continuing the work of the asso- -' yesterday from San Francisco, coming engineer at the mills of the Utah Copper name, the police said. Efforts at positive elation, but were not represented yesterover the AV extern Pacific in the private Sliding Scale Discussed. Identification were blocked until' It was day. Engineer Scott Stewart of Utah company. and left at 4. to car "Constitution," Three liquor raids were conducted yes Preliminary proceedings were instituted The burial services will be conducted discovered that the original engine rum county "In a later communication we stated o'clock and A. F. Doremus of Tooele the afternoon on the Denver In the collection of certain Judgments held terdaH. N. Williams of the bers had been effaced and fictitious ones Rev. James afternoon under the the it was our sincere desire, and certainly and Rio inGrande by supervision state engineer, were also for Denver, where they In their place. The changing of county, formerly church. Methodist First Merlo our Interest, to go os far as possible will debtors AV. stamped of and directors the of Chief Sheriff E. and took part In the discussion. the to against break Deputy Schopp. stop for a few hours in meeting the views of our growers. the numbers was so cleverly done that present In 1918. bank failed which east. chants 159 of The sheriffs confiscated July. gallons It appears that there Is a growing sen-- t Journey only a searching examination disclosed Information Need. Is a steel king of Scotland. COUNTY ment in some territories In which we HeHis4 lordship the fact. yesterday at the law offices of Rich, Rich "white mule" alcohol and 250 gallons of and as a member of ft a Liberal, of beet favor scale of Ju During the discussion with regard to , Roberts. Some of the Judgments were red wine. One arrest was made during sliding operate house of commons COMMISSIONERS party sat1910.In the continuing the work of the association prices bused upon market prices for re- that he was obtained in the city court and some in the the raids. Chris Nolan, 45 years of age. one later 1906 to year from BURTON EXAMINING fined sugar. . hope was held out by Mr. Wallace that to the district court. Chris Mathison was ap- is held ' "Bucli bawls of payment. In order to appointed lord highof commissioner Utah might participate in the funds to at the county Jul on the charge James W. Funk, federal fair price comScotof. Church the general'assernbly be made available to the reclamation '.mure as high payment for beets as missioner, yesterday announced the or1914. He is pointed as referee by Judge T. C. Evans of possessing liquor. served and through land, condiof set service should the possible under any given the first district fair price bll, the first Baron Glenconner. His family and Judge J. AV. Stringfellow to act in The first raid was made shortly after ganization ofwhich will be formed at tions, must. In fairness, provide for low Denial was made yesterday by City now before congress, pass. Mr. Lytel Is Pnaulx 1 ennant. cases where orders were issued that 4 o'clock at the Colorado Market, 594 committee,to , have the said If bill In that. that does Utah sugar market as well as for a high one. name Utah I Jurisdiction pass, T. Provo, Burton Commissioner or tnnt five year T. be had "Within the next four slid must, of necessity, be so drawn that look West Second South street, by Chief Depacted finally In the matter of Incesse has nothing to offer as yet and would not county. to see the Ijibor party In control In financial investigations be made. have for another year. Inasmuch os no ths price to be paid for beets Is in some England. McArthur will serve as chair- of the pay of members of the street rewere issued, and in uty Schoppe and Deputies Frank Barnes About orders said Edgar Ixird Glenconner, thirty jestermeasure correlated witlr volume of beets has been assembled of the deflntto . the defendants paid their ob-t- o and Arthur AVailer of Salt Lake and Earl man and the other members of the com- pair force, refusal of which caused four data day when asked his opinion Inwith regard many cases nature handled. required by the reclamation servEngland, ligations and others made arrangements AViilis of Magna No arrests were made mittee will be David Openehaw, John of the men to stop work Thursday. the political situation can ice. Mr, in oilier words, tothe company D. D. Lytel said tnat the reclamation William Sutton, The custom has been for the men to McCoard, Fairer, has not jet united In the support to pay in the near future. Among those j a t this p.ace The recently manufactured service pav the maxi ofLabor has spent 13.500,000 In Utah and obviously undertake C. H. R. R. Ward John Is Dr. and L. were a H. Irvine. draw 13.76 cited Jr a and there candidates the yesterday winter Its strongest Harding, alcohol and red wine was found In barday during mum price for beets only If It has reahe not did think It was asking too much The formation of the com- months, their wages to be Increased to 8. Smith. dentist, who was a director In the bank; rels of deal of quarreling and Jealouav. fifty . and eighty-gallo- n sonable assurance that the tonnage to great was made at the request of citi- 14.60 a day as soon as they begin han- that the counties Interested In the assoto English T. A. Muihollnnd, whose note the bank capacity. fifteen, mittee of suffrage failed "The to A of search the granting place to be will enable factories be handled zens of the county after Commissioner dling the hot asphalt In regular work ciation should spend another 111,000 to will be a balancing force and receiver holds; Harry AV. Johnson, who uncover the still used In the manufacrun to approximate capacity, and that women Funk had mad an Investigation of the with the opening of spring. Each of the carry on the associations work. will serve to prevent too radical changes had drawn an overdraft a few days be ture of the alcohol. Mr. Lindsey said for Salt Lake county the volume handled wlil be falrlv con- In the fore bank where Its oases the closed situation there and had conferred with four men did several days of repair work In and H. C. doors, AVhile this raid was In progress Deputy the government. AA'e should like to from stant while the matter had not been deyear. year an opportunity Tletjen, E. J. Broberg, O. C. Brown and Barnes, attracted by a strong odor of W. M. Roylanee, member of the advisory with hot asphalt and looked for pay ac- that, already have hadhave at this time to promise a conference to women cided. he did not think that Balt Lake voted the Fred G. Heath, whose notes the bank re- alcohol, went to a small building across committee of the state commission. to vote the majority cording to the usual Increase for this he held between the time this years conservative would stand in the way should county holds. ceiver acCommissioner Burton's ticket." maremployment. rear of of north the the the alley next d Is of and the first plmit-year, crop Several thousand dollar worth of prop ket. Looking through a window he saw tion In striking out the figures allowing the oilier counties determine to continue Britain regrets the failure of WOMAN of the association. work nreferably during the coming summer, theGreat the It was the Increase for the day thus spent reUnited States to ratify the peace erty was found to be In the possession of Nolan and four other men seated about tins conference to be participated in by pointed out that much of the land pro- sulted In the walkout. although those examined a small table. The' window was the only treaty and the league of nations, accord- the defendants, di legates representing as nearly as posto come under the Provo posed declared under Mr. coroath Burton that he said yesterday to had his lordship. to Yesterday they ir one Tlvezjr the the building. According sible growers m all districts in which ingLord Glenconners water Is In Balt Lake county. Mr. Ornla rected the payroll to conform with the said sister, the former were not able to meet the payments re- sheriffs It was used by the lookout to we operate and by representatives ef under the Judgments, according to Inspect county wants "to go ahead to The Tribne. schedule, in the case of the four with Tooele regular customers before Margaret Tennant. Is the second wife of quired Special prospective the company. the of the on Htr Heroert H. Asquith, former British D. Chase Rich. the-BAN admittance. Miss men, merely to permit of Investigation as the Provo. Investigation FRANCISCO. March 5. Mr. Smith reported supply that the garnishment was served on Mrs H Barnes forced his way through Mary Allen of Balt Lake, granddaughter to tho proper authorization of the In- Davie premier, recently elected to the house of VV.A Johnson Is commission Majority to Decide. to recover en the overdraft theDeputy county crease. To done but divided, hsve otherwise commons. would door. He seized three pint bottles of of the late David Keith, became the bride - In her answer to the alcohol of recent reported that two of the commissioners "AVe shall undertake, if such conference Ijvdy Glenconner Is the author of The of her husband. manufacture, which had of AVilllam C. Towle, member of a well have ornecessitated holding up the pay- seem to favor continuing the work. Mr. with White Wallet and other books, and Is garnishment she denied holding any prop- been colored, and arrested Nolan. can be arranged, to cooperate signing It without satisfying himIn tnls roll, local known last night family, self as to whether the increase called for Wadley moved that all the counties conerty fer her husband. 'The answer was grower if in devising a basis of payment taking advantage of her tour of AmerSheriffs was at The Christopherson ceremony Deputy performed city. In tribute the same amount as last year. her examination yesterA lillam for beets embodying the sliding scale ica to study the characteristics of the traversed, and he ex- Mr. Hughes of Balt Lake and St. Agnes' church by tbe Rev. Edward was under proper authorization, West said that Summit countv Is of the day she admitted the possession of nn au- and , plained. Marprinciple if that is what Is desired by a citizens andthe prevailing customsInterest and Larsen Edward was The culmina the Burke. City Deputj' wedding tomobile and other property of value. wllfing, but asked that resetvolr rites She manifested keen and we have country. C. Caldwell of Murray, late In the tion of a romance which began several majority of the growers, shal above Tsike. Dr. of In of the Salt examination Oakley be Included In the Invest!- Harding, who every confidence that if such conference yesterday In the historv seized ten gallons of "white months ago. The bridegroom is the son Land Board Heavy Receipts. Windham Is a dentist, it was disclosed that he has atternoon gation. The motion carried without diss entered into In good faltli, a hue. In the basement of a house of rtMnk I. Towle, syrup manufacturer. Captain the Hon. Edward alcohol mule o t tto if ate land hoard Februsenting vote. monlous Working agreement can be Tennant, soil of ladv and Ixird Glen- several acres of orchard land near Brigof L Raul, near Granger. After the wedding the couple left on their ary,Receipt war. The ham City, Mr. Rich said. A humorous dis- on the ranch tamed In to panlri O. Laraon. a tare reached which will avoid the unfortunate conner, was killed in the world No arrests were made at this place. honeymoon trio by automobile, and on treasurer, Of yeaterriajr totaled $,661.47. controversies that have occurred the past Glenconners are disciples of- - Sir Oliver cussion as to the value of certain gold their return will reside In this city. tbla amount $27,907.76 foea to th srhoola and REVISED BILL held by the dentist for filling teeth was few years. Lodge In his spiritualistic belief. Their raised vartona state Instltutiona for m ain teas are, when the referee expressed uncer- MRS. BURIED son was one of the first young English t taten-sveeeteed been as BY and hiris rentals. facing the foe. Burglary Is Charged. o tainty as to whether more might be realThe directors of the Sugar noblemen to meet inreatmefits totaled $18,664.16, whtrh IN CITY CEMETERY As AV. B. Brad, alias William Palmer, 22 Returned One of the daughters of Lord and Lady ized on the Judgment after the gold had Ith land and wner Mile (Hided to the princompany held a meeting yesterday afterson been used for Lionel of teeth the Tennvson, married dentists filling ration to cipal fund mskta noon an! evening In the A'ermont build- Glenconner under the control of the land Special to The Trtbsne. , gf cr. wsa te of England. Patients. the late poet aftrrvtooa boards brioja the total to $7,195.65 bMinS (rain for Idaho yraterda WASHINGTON, March 5, resiwere ing for a discussion of the possibility of Lord held the at Services family their case was Tne continued until March 15, and Ixolv Glenconners. began 6:8 o'clork, IVtortirrs C. C. Carsfream David H. Houston of the treasurySecretary towards the of taking similar action S'vth South Greet, yesdepart- They when further hearing will be held. Other dence, 59 East nd Cliff Pattft plar4 him caAor arrrst for of America on ment today disapproved the revised bill growers it deals with In Utah and Idaho. tour now G. 1 Mrs. homas Received. for Jr. AVImmer, rilms where delinquent defendants In the cases filed terday, Artillery wav to room on of Boston, their th are ailrff! rnfraBct, Wrdaradajr filth, be a will decision Introduced understood is. that bv Senator McNary recently It for home, by Cheney, Jensen ft Holman, as attor- (Sarah Ratten), wno died several days 106 of tho W llooo botol whoa 106 In C. of chairman F. i reached of prothe Richmond, lit the Immediate future, with they will visit until embarking Oregon appropriating A 1260,900,009 of was for music 1 $100 a suit ef clothes filnH sperial program a&4 tection committee of the state council of western neys for Stephej H. Lj nch. receiver of ago. reclamation projects. the probability that tbe company will March 20, will be called to account at that given by Rrofeasors A. C. Lund, Willard threa aim shirts Tatoed at $25 war stoics. the bunk, to forwarded The bill the defense, was State to the similar method those of revised meet yesterday to adopt hh Weinet J. J. McClellan and Mlse Lola objections time. - t Historical society the original negatives advanced by the former Great AVestern company. of the CREWS Leonard, contralto, who sang "O Dry A suit to recover I800.000 from tbe diU. S. Influenza Reported. and one set of positives of the moving treasury. Carter Glass, secretary but Secretary rectors of the bank has been act for May Those Tears. . Interment took place In of ar145th films taken field the Houston Vwo picture new to were rr the a Influenza ths disapproves can of financial ported 17. The suit 1s filed by Mr. Lynch as reCity cemeterj-IMPROVE CAMPAIGN tillery. It Is the desire of the state coun- features of the measure as emphatically hrsltk during the ceiver. and charges are made that the Apostle Ricnard R. Lyman presided and city board ef ended cil of defense that these pictures be pre- as Glass spurned the old provisions. 11 e'rlork at the period the dellvere-yesterday other address, prluctpal STARTS AA'lth two surveying crews transferred money was squandered MILK the through served In the archives of the society. axlty Secretary Houston says that certifibeing given by Rresldent Charles AVJilte morning. cates of indebtedness cannot be issued In from Nevada Into southern Utah next of tne directors. of the Nebo stake. Rayson. a close friend to as crews added more lieu of bonds os the bill provides because and eight week, Improvement of the dairy products of of the famtlv. The speakers referred to will permit, certificates of Indebtedness under the law the intermouiitalu country will be the aim soon as weather conditions life of Mrs. AVImmer, who the splendid of United Btates the division can In a campaign which was launched j'ester-ic.- v the survey only be issued for a short term or two daughters and leaves a less than a year. by J. E. Dorman, head of the western public land office Is about to Inaugurate besides several brothers and ANNOUNCED three sons, husband, division of the federal bureau of animal the 1920 season of eurvey of public lands. the Mrs. latter Ed among being sisters, estimate of, the Lo-industry. In cooperation with the state and According to preliminary of Rrovo, A nnou nceme ut of the close of the year. of the authorities. The work will Include work possible before theacres reopenlrg at the The city grave was prayer opening land of It is hoped that 750,000 may state educational campaign, which was offered by J. A. Hancock and the Improvement of city milk supplies. Life and Character Beading Arthur 1 by healta conditions a few Coombs delivered the benediction. Several new men hsve been added to be surveyed. Interrupts The seweeks ago. Is made In a letter sent out grave was dedicated Should additional survey funds be the field force of tne dairy division, which AA'hlte. by President cured from congress additional crews wid by Nephl L. Morris, campaign chairman, takas In eleven western states, and MARCH . Infonns.tlon from the Indians, who had to Tbe Tribes. committees yester-daare now entering nnon tlielr duties. they One b put into tlie field, according to anI. an- to the local campaign been told by white that the governThis blrtlidat gTvei mechanical poirer, Water ThAt the 21 Bight Money Returned. C. March ODEN, . March been designated as has of the features of the campaign will be to nouncement made yesterday bv ment was there counting them to see ' Educations feunday. great iovt of art and music and an The aate board of land eommlaaioaera yea- trouble experienced In obtainbring t.ie bactenolugjc.J contents of the Tnoreron. surveyor general for Utah. ry how many soldier would be ambitious, restless nature. Overderotton ordinary market milk to as low a point terday decided to pay back to aeren ptsirhaaera on Indians census of ta a the occheck in estimation and fitudy marks this to that ing any uprising might of water rlfhta under tbe Hatrhtown project Youths Arrostod for Oambltuf. Alarm Protects House. possible. cur on the reservation. HH mblcfe fh birthdate, both for men and women, and the Ute reservation, who would a total of had paid to the enumerator "When It the arrived n is at difficult for this nature to overFear youths, f7 years of sge, and Harrs Three times the past week the harrier slnrm board for wafer the aateannot bow deliver. run and hide from the enumecome failure or endure bad luck. tepee he found It vacant. Finally Program at First Ward. Mdlia, 19 ycur of mgp; Albert Mbmb, 19 srMm In tb home of Cotat! T. G Webber, Tbe co m le ionem iia aynwd to recomsome of caused the 1H1 the some to after visit pros 1$ third haa of neenoe. by rator, of ef ace. and anfionnred ti the A special program dealing with the lives Xni tWond ug: I)al Patten, were Many public speakers of force and poproa mend to the aata board of examiners, for ?ara saw moveIn each intanie the poto The next Wgtamlure ihat the afate arrrated litical men have been bom on this date. price of itttnxiera. white settlers, was the statement totepee, the enumerator of Joseph dtnltn, founder of the L. L. 5 K. Mom?. 85 f are ef V omt and Third ll' ment were unable to diarrer anythin some blankets which ae. former ce&f act bolder $18 afi acre, under vrronff pay c nurch. and Brigham A'oung, Its second terdaf atnsiooo at Second The birthstone of this birthdate is tbe fetnrh ftreeta on a charjr day of Georg Romney, Jr., district to uncover eew of fambifne. Th arch failed 1 jv a Infill of and fut it. were iytbg on the ground outside. moonstone. they had pr- president, will be given by the First AVard 4e ilea were reheard to fh In charge of the district. In nrt third Hsarra ran at 9 2d avinrlr nr nlxbt, and rhaai'd. coriuM ration ef Improvement he found the Insupervisor Juml Upon Busu.o.sr Investigation .Mutual Improvement association at the Ju opportunities wilt rereive rood and th other, e B. Ha i by Iri the excepfisso of M'rrjr. Detect I Tf4 I. K. Wire and He said; made on thefr dewrt entries which they were dian hiding under them. ward chapel attention &nd many - important transec-tiou- s tomorrow r nigr.t at I 50 relaed on $5 ball Morrey wa r rail. rhn were bo trvnfca abofiit atnbl to peeve tap on, owinj ta the Itch of "Cm the Ut reservation the enusame "The was erper'-"c-- d troub'e ard tales n.u;- be made tbrourU leesexl oa hla era rceoynuan'. she tr and, a vauaL every der mi Wikid, WKtrr. merator had great dfficulty tn getting in several other Indian communities, tli3 Want Ads. ;! er IS UNDER FIRE 1 Speaker at Salt Lake Hiea ter Tonight Will Border. Situation I J 'lt !), ts t , er T com-mUs- cw X - v , 5 i cE, AUTO THEFT CHARGE Traveler Way lo At lantic Seaboard After Tour of America. LIQUOR IS SEIZED ELIZA TODAY TO - Hon-orabl- to Proceeding lect Judgments Obtained the Sheriff of A'a-sat- rh mot-to- Product - UTAH PRICE TO HAVE ASPHALT PAYROLL Smlth-Fletch- er SALT LAKE WEDS CALIFORNIAN A'k-to- r fr tli Utah-Idah- MNARY OPPOSED HOUSTON WIMMER lau-ea- Cnrl-tma- rnr-rtnr- TO SUPPLY SURVEY START UTAH WORK twenty-four-hou- r I EDUCATIONAL DRIVE DATE Blankets Shelter Indians Hiding From Census Taker lsl v. -- nec-ssa- a, wtr ' 4 f I |