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Show THE HERALD. Provo. Utah, Sunday, September Page F6 27, 1992 Audio cassette tape repair possible, but not easy Album combines original ska musicians in Chicago Tribune Special Beat Live ; Receiver Records ; - Grade: Tape companies we spoke with admitted they could be persuaded to repair precious videotapes, but usually not audio tapes. American-base- d 3M will consider repairing video tapes based on their content and the veracity of your story. This is a goodwill gesture, since 3M tapes (ScotchBlackwatch) rarely fail because of defective materials or manufacturing. If your audio cassette tape breaks in you can buy cassette splicing kits at Radio Shack. Other audio dealers also sell cassette splicers. You cannot splice videotape. Now, back to your immediate problem. If your cassette is screwed together, carefully unscrew the screws and put them in a safe place. Remove and analyze the empty hub. Manufacturers use different techniques to secure the leader tape to the hub: either a pin, a wedge or a clamp. Release (or slide outopen) the restraint and reinsert the tape, making sure that the end of the tape does not stick out the other side. This will cause a hump in the hub resulting in varying tape speed. If your tape is in a welded shell you can perform drastic surgery. Break open the shell, being careful not to damage the tape. Reattach the tape to the hub (or splice the By RICH WARREN one band Q. I am the victim of an audio cassette. The tape wasn't connected to the hub at the end of side A. Instead of it simply ran out, the way tape used to in the old days. I now have a I can't tape play, since I can't get into the housing to reattach the tape to the hub. What do people normally do when a cassette breaks? A. You have a few options, none of them easy. Most cassette shells are screwed together so that you can open them to repair the tape. Your letter implies that your cassette is one of those sonically welded types that can't be opened. The first lesson: Never buy cassettes that are not screwed together. If the contents of the tape are not important, return the tape to the dealer or manufacturer for a replacement. Most quality, brand name cassettes have a lifetime limited warranty. If the tape contains your baby's first words, or the only Bruce Springsteen concert broadcast on the radio in a decade, you might prevail on the tape manufacturer to repair the tape. Considering the manufacturer makes about a profit on the tape, it's not eager to invest several dollars in repair. auto-reversin- g, A- - Rick Anderson The current popularity of ska reggae's sweaty, galloping can be traced predecessor directly back to several early 1980s albums by the Specials and the English Beat. Sadly, those bands broke up after only a few years, but their legacy lives on in the Special Beat, a posthumous union of musicians from both bands. They will be coming in concert to Orem High School on Oct. 3, and I can't recommend them strongly enough; their show in Salt Lake City last year was one of the ;two best concerts I've ever at- - reel-to-re- I , On Music Do you miss the Byrds? How about early R.E.M.? If you do, then let me direct you to our Best Band You've Never Heard Of Department, where we are featuring Jimmy Silva and the Goats, an obscure group comprised entirely of musicians un- known outside the Pacific Northwest. Like most of the artists whose forgothard to find after they play ten albums are being released here, so I suggest looking for it by the East Side Digital label, now. It's pure greatest hits re- they deserve wider recognition; disc hash, of course, including maybe this double-lengt- h "Concrete Jungle," "Mirror will help bring them out of the in the Bathroom," and "Rankshadows. all of the ing Full Stop" "Quirky" and "jangly" modern ska classics you'd ex- may be the two most abused pect to find. But frontmen words in the critical lexicon, but they both apply equally well Ranking Roger and Neville Stato this band's derivative yet ples have lost none of their energy and the sound is excellent highly enjoyable brand of melodic pop. The first half of the (with the exception of the buried vocals on "Too Much Too disc consists of a fairly and tightly constructYoung"). This may be a nostaled guitar pop; "City of Sisterly gia trip, but it's a glorious one. Love" and "On Every Page" Jimmy Silva & the Goats really do recall early R.E.M., Heidi' which is fine with me. Silva's East Side Digital singing is good enough, and the Grade: B production is just grun-g- y Do vou miss the late sixties? enough to sound sincere. tended in my life. This live album will be very little-- known el mid-tap- 25-ce- nt e, break). Then buy a modestly where you are on the tape at a priced tape in a screwed shell. glance. The tape performs ex- Open that shell, throw away the tremely well. It will faithfully store tape, and put your salvaged tape in any sound you record. From the that shell. Close the shell and tightquality of construction it looks like en the screws. There's no guaranit will last a long, long time. tee this will work, since tolerances between the old tapehub and the Speaking of long, long times, new shell may not match. Copy the we now have some TDK SD tape to a new tape and throw the cassettes going on 18 doctored one away. Most tape deck manuold. years While we're on the topic of aufacturers recommend against using dio cassette tapes, kudos to a new because of their fragility. and an old tape. We recently tested Apparently no one told TDK. the newly improved Scotch S have, surThese TDK SD premium high bias tape. The large vived home, car, and Walkman tape window in the screwed-togethplayers over scores, if . not shell lets you know exactly hundreds, of playings. 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"Prescription for cooking" by James Balch, M.D. describes the fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans and legumes, that you never need to worry about counting calories with. You can eat all the food you like, whether raw, fresh, steamed, boiled, baked, poached or 375-744- 4 fies and eliminates cancer causing chemicals from our body and prevents degenerative disease. 7206 S. 900 E., MIDVALE, tH WW t- yo. up 562-220- " t I I T mrfed 3 fluummit mm1 """I i.--r I 3 SINGER 24 TOP OF THE (117 StttchM LOADED LINE WITH FEATURES I frTl I Tilings k Not As They Seem,, The blackest lies and the foulest deeds are still practiced in disguise. Even the warnings of a fortune teller cannot prevent fate's twisted, murderous plot. Verdi's glorious score unveils a wealth of emotion-charge- d arias and ensembles enmeshed . . in the exciting tapestry of New Orleans. Truth is unmasked before the final dance. 4, UN BALLO IN MASCHERA ' (The Masked Ball) by Giuseppe Verdi t A Utah Opera premiere with sets and costumes designed and constructed specifically for the Company. October 10, 12, 14, 16, 1992 - 7:30 p.m. October 18, 1992 - 2:00 p.m. Sung in Italian with English SupertitUs v sau-tee- d. This type diet detoxi- GOOD EARTH NATURAL FOODS MARKET 384 W. CENTER, PROVO, From Lf If you are buying anything other than organic produce, grains, and beans, your food is coated with some of the 2.6 billion pounds of pesticides and petrochemicals used in the U.S. alone every year. Many of these pesticides are known to cause cancer and genetic damage, and many more have never been tested for safety. The U.S. Congress estimated, in 1972, that up to 93 of all chemicals sprayed on food crops have not been tested for harmful effects on humans. 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