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Show the and sick siek-roo- ' man. But When she was put away from him,- th soul seemed to grow Weak in his weak X O ?7 - ruuhsheJ ever; Wednesday and Saturday. ? , A From Oio Oulaxy. VoTembr Afternoon. BT BEBECCA HABDINO DAVIS."' , The wind off the Delaware waa keen. Jl reddened the hoses of the pretty young "girls hurrying borne up Chesnut street, ; and brightened their eyes; their plaid 4 clonks end scarlet plume fluttered; the reu Kunsyi guttered on tne windows; at they people called gayly passed; out of every area 'window came aavory w hiffs of dinner. . The world to Sam Bender, had never seemed more in . j sultingly i "How d'ye like ' lh' ' gnod-humorc- Sam blow, J body. They bad been a peculiarly loV' ing liUHbami and wire. . That morning, Morris had told hi first,- of the stoppage of bis salary "Very sorry,' Mr. Bender; glad to have you. back attain in the works. But the saiij-only went on for'one week. Very true, very true, Mr. Stouch has been in the habit of continuing back pay with some old retainerg. But we are drawing n B'f, djawmg in," The money market never was so tight." i It was, as Bender talked away from tne desk, that Morris railed bun back and axked him about Mary. "A parti cular friend of young Crompton s, eh; Cromp 'My wite does not know Mr. ' : ton; nor do i. "Xu? Better if you did, then," with cerinus look. "Mrs. lsender does. I jneet them sauntering along in the even ing together frequently. Crompton a an attractive, fellow. ' No wonder women like him for a friend. Irish, you know; gny, handsome, genial. Too attractive to be trusted with an pretty a woman' a your wife, Bender, if you II allow me'to C. 2m. IVX. I, . s, o O! JOGDEN CITY. THE 18 PUBLISHED WHOLESALE &RETAIL ' SEMI-WEEKL- & EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY And already enjoys an extensive ' circulation. Dry Goods, Merchandise. TO INVENTORS AND MECHANICS thiijonrnul la of xpecuU value, aa ItVohtAinVa weekly report of all Patent iwihxI at Washington, witheopibtls noticoe of the leading AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN lNVESTONa. The Pulilili-arao- f tha 8cientitilc American are the niont txtim-aiv- e Patent Solicitor! in tha World, and have facilities for gatherinfr a complete knowl-dof the progreea of inventma and Discovery throughout the world : and with a view to mark th quarter of acentury, during which thin journal ha held the flrxt pi are in Scientific and Merhani-ra- l Literature, the Publisher will issue on January first, the large and splemlid ttoel Engraving hy John 8artain of Philadelphia, entitled : "MEN OF PROGRESS AMERICAN INVENTORS," ITS COLCMNS General ot AHC'HECI'L'KK, CHKMlSTHtr, KNUEEKlNtl, A(jHI(.'Cl.TURK.aiil Hia kiodrd arts, enter iu VKAIlon thellrrt day of January next, having a circulation far ezctedin( that ublinhed. nf my mnnilar journal TUB tlitTOKIAL lKrAKTMKNTrfU.eclen-lift- c AmeridtD ia vary ably conducted, and etmv of tha mteut popular writert ta thia Country and Karoprara contributor!. Er&iy number haa 16 Imperial patrm, embolliahed with Hue engraTinn of II A'H1. Kit V, NKW IK VKNTrONt, TlNjfJ YOR T1IK HOKKJUIOP, FARM AXD 1IOI ENUEKK1NO WOUK8, DWELLING Pt'ilLIC BUILDINGS A Journal of ao much intrinnlc value, at the nw prira of 3 a vear, ought to have, iu thia thriving " cotmtry, A MU.LION REAPERS. H'lxMoevar reodi the (Scientific American b entertained and instructed, without beingi .bothered with bard words or dry detail. nnf OGDEN JUNCTION the plat consisting nearly 4,sjO to engarre and contains ninettwn likenesses of Illustrious American Inventors. It is a superb work of art. Hingle picturs, printed on heavy pnper, will be old at tW, but nuy one subecriding for the American the paper will be sent for one year, together with a copy of the engraving, on reuicpt of $10. The picture ii also ottered as a premium for clubs of Hcriber. CONTAIX RELIABLE LOCAL ITEMS, HUNDRED AND FIFTY CASH PRIZES. ONE HOME CORRESPONDENCE, FOREIGN CORRES?ONDENCE, EDUCATIONAL, Tn addition to the above premium, the pnhltshr will pay $1,MiO in CAK1I PRIZES for list of sent' Iu by February 10, KJ70; Persons who want to compete for these prizes, should send at one fur prospectus and blank for names. Term or acientinc American, one year 3,00; sixmonthsSl.SU; (oar months, flJDl. Tq clubs ot 10 and upward, term ti.M per annum. Speci men copies sent tree, address the Publishers, ML'NN 37 Park Row. New York. OO, How to got Patents. A pamphlet of Patent Laws anfl instruction to Inventors sent Ire. i AGRICULTURAL, RAILWAY ' AND DOMESTIC ..., NEWS. ELGIN WATCHES . Arrived this Week ,.. iit KlTIOJUt WATCU COMPAXT: carefully examined and testtsl vear we find them perfect lo all their part, of watch, ne nan, ana wen aaspiea io in want or th g public. W consider them mad watches lo America for th price, and aqnal to in nnet fnropeao waicn, lor accural lima, that cost doubl or three times th monv. W eheerfally recommend them to all panic wkhing Having thbt OGDEN JUNCTION 300 Kegs Nails, 50 No. 7 Rock gwu iiswifvpcn. owua a si'tiwtiir, etua aao. a co, w. a. j. a. iitTO, ' wkkrxu, a voux.aoDMaaailiaToa, a. r. aoaau k CO, V! Island Plows, Is supplied with the latest improved facilities for turning out every -description of " soft-herte- d to-d:- c of 50 Box'sWindow JOfc PRINTING ...... 1 .. . Ia the fiaaat style. WAJUBZX :: ' V7EULI1, ' t nn ortrKR - jv roR Hand Bill, t'l ;' Letter J i ' .. BuMinet 159 rarty Tieket, Cards, etc., etc. Promptly attended to and FIRST-CLAS- S WORKMANSHIP tfaUonal LAKE ST., CHICAGO'. WATCH COMPANY. ELGIN WATCHES! , ELGIN WATCHES " B. W. Bawmond, H. ZL Culver, BL H. Taylor. 0. ! - 1C Wheeler, Hat. Laflia, J. T. a. Bj-erso- Bnt recently placed belbre the pnblie, th -(CPBRIORITT OF THIS! WATCH K3 IJC HON AND CONSTRUCTION ha already (Mared tnt them a National Reputation, and th Dg j0R THl OflKIS JCKCTIOI. JIKFLECTIOXS. . s as -- - tioci, ana intellectual development. no limltg. acknowledgea TUjiirjJof joan lnuurmouiua-uiDamera orTorroer ageg are now rw oot, tike so trampled uuJcr . , .. many mole Lilla. : Alfred the Great burned eandleg all night, aoaa lj be able te tell the time. The candles were eonatrncted to that f ( hy would laat one hour, hence hourly the were replaced. Earth waa said to be flat instead It round with the aun traveling round it once a day to give it light. The aeamen were afraid to croei the oceans, until the daring spirit of Columbus led the war, and hia tailors felt to much alarmed at being so long out ol sight of land, that they , threatened to throw him overboard if he would not baek in search of home which they were afraid was lout to them forever. Man was so ignorant of hia own organization as not to know that blood circulated through his body, until the prying spirit of Servetius, the Frenchman, first broached the matter in the sixteenth century. Master spirits lacked facilities of communication. T,heir thoughts were locked within their own breasts, or confined to a very small circle of friends. Knowledge circulated ina narrow channel. The avenues of egrets were locked up, in consequence of which the masses were ignorant, until Koster of Holland invented printing, when soience ahone forth like the sun from behind a cloud, lightening up the world by its rays which have increased in refulgence up to the present day. A new era dawned upon mankind, who hitherto had worn the heavy clanking chains of ignorance. Error even manacled the enquiring mind and presented obstacles that retarded its progress up the hill of science. Trior to the year 1440 (when printing was discovered), books were written by writing masters, and seeaetimes a single book would cost more than a poor man could earn in a lifetime. Schools of various grades began te -encase. Fourteen years after the discovery of printing, the University of Glasgow, in Scotland, waa founded, and in twenty three years after that another University waa established in Aberdeen. Iii 1539 the firat English edition of the v Bible was authoriied to lie printed, and the ' present English translation was completed in lrill. rWn after this many other books were published, news papers began to be circulated among the people, and reading waa greatly encouraged. Those w ho formerly were too poor to purchase a single book, could now possess a small library. Education was no longrr to be nnfinoJ to those who broad lands and vatt fortunes, but the hardy sons of toil were also invited to drink freely at the gushing fountains of science. The discovery of printing increased lhe facilities for communication. Great minds wilh their great thoughts had been chained within a small circle. Struggling, like a single man trying to turn over a big mountain with a crow bar, but their strong chains were bra-ke- n, and instead of speaking only to a few they could now address themselves to a world. . Heart responded to heart, and hand strengthened hand. Reformers ..arose, a Girolomo, Luther, Mclancthon, Calvin, and many others who dared to differ from the Tope, think for themselves and give expressions to views that awoke in the hearts of Europeans a love for freedom. Girolomo and many others were burned at the stake for their principles; nevertheless knowledge was spread abroad which inspired the hearts and strengthened the hands of those who at the peril of their lives had determined to be freemen. The old beaten tracks of the ancient masters were forsaken. The errors of ages disappeared like snow before the burning sun. Galileo entered upon the world's stage. After much investigation he startled mankind with his statements of the rotundity of the earth. He also asserted that the sun did not go round the earth, but that the earth traveled around the sun. The fathers of Europe refused this theory, but it was supported by irresist-abl- e demonstrations, and finally received tho acceptance- of every intelligent ' , mind, It was discovered that, had the sun revolved around the earth as the ancients supposed, it must have graveled at the enormous rate : of C0fi,j)04,000 miles per day, which , would' have been ever . re-tu- rn . ASBtbrthem has Rapidly laereaied thatth hav aeea p no pelted to make large addltloi to their frc of Kmploye and Hachin. evv, la order to aieet thereqoirements of th Trad. Railroad men, and other desiring aa accwrai and rellabl Watch, ar invited ta examine th B, W. Bayaioad Mavrmeata. On of our leadiaq Railroad Companies, thoroughly convinced of their superiority, Baa fnrnished them to their Engineers, and they ar prononnced by them to be the closest running America Railway Watch ea yet manofae. tnred, and fully equal to some of the toast Imported 1 : . ...o. Watehes as eorrect 24,829,833'milesrerhenV: Mo Movement retailed by the Company, Science haa exposed many abssrd Call en year Jeweler and ask to seo them. theories and brenght'to light many truths. By the ejd ef science man Butinesi Offlca mi Salesroom!, haa gone down inte the seal,' and gated, 169 AlflXLAKXSTnCHJCAQa upon their hidden : 4reasttres; een- - r GUARANTEED. k r t y T1ms-keepr- s. ,',: . jjle-rio- us BOOKBINDING . i 161 Company " i Cenaaay. SIX STYLES NOW IN MARKET. top-boo- s, ... L mn4 8aUreom Watch Company, OJJIr NATIONAL ' " v ... ta Invitation, self-denia- 1 Onto, Order Book, -- A II. It. CIul JVSOX, anoinnati. SBOa, 10 Maiden Lane, IT. T. Jilankn, . the itUborgh, 7a. ladles' "Watches, r.f gant design and finish, and a Osntleman'a Watch, of equal merit for an time-keepiswrpassed qualltle with th "B. W. Baymond, bat of smaller ix, saperior to any thing yet manufactured In this country, will shortly b plaoed ta market. li . Ilead, Dm, BATCH. CALX OK TOT7B JXWXLLBS AND ABI TO WW TBS XLOIK WATCH A" 8. IMlIIead, -- HZNlTZaZB Xe Xevemeata Retailed by Potter, i JS MIDDUTOir . f Sag ar, or iirm 8PADONB. Maiden Lane, ITew Tork. PABSOK8 1 Maiden Lana,CO, Kew Tork. JXMXnrS ware-room- seven-storie- BOOTT i 500 Gals. Coal Oil, 100 Sacks A e. MTUxa'a'oa . ' . Glass, 1 vr. t.m. ashlxmaw, a. orriKuiiKia a ce e. r. a c., . cxtxxuiiix co, u. aaoaaaae co. Th name above will be rocornised aa tha lead- Ing Jewellers of Chicago. They have ax pocaut-ary rater! in ta Company, nut freely testify aa to th genalne merit of th watohas, which Jbr th past year bar been sold by them. XinoxAL WTC Coariav, Cmcieo; Glim : Th waU he of vour make, sold bv aa during th past yenr, have, with scarcely an ex ception, given xaor taan ordinary afteraction, and ar proving to b all that yoa claim for thm as acenrat and durahl Taking into eonxidoratioa the Impmsm ntl yoa have Introduced ia their constrnction, and tha general fineness ef finish of even th lowest grade, W regard them as being well worth their Drice.and take great satisfaction in selling; them to inch of ear eastomtn a aeslr good tiute keepers. PALMXK, BACHILDZBS at CO., lea Washington 8t, Boston. am, - ' '. American Fur TWENTY-K1JT- to-da- ' . , 1870. $1,600 Cash.A VALUABLE PREMIUM FOR ALL. Tbia uplimdidly illu.tratc weekly iournat f POIt'l.AK WIKNOK. MECIIANICH, INVENTION, . love-makin- .. $1,600 Cash. Smells wintrih, "eLJ" "How vernes it. ReniW f" "What's the news, Sam?" Bender turned at this. It was little Joe Houston, one of his1 fellow-clerk' who nna clapped iiim on tlie back. "Good news 1 no good news;" he turned fan gruffly away;: Ye he wished-tiitastic? little fellow would stay "ft it h him iay it." "I will not allow you to ssy it, Mr. iie ten lerriuiy mono as ne naa never done before in all his life things had Morris. You do not know my Mary, 'reached euch a narrow strait with him and are not onpable of judging her. For my part I am very glad it she bus made , Bender! You're morbid ploasaut friend. "Tut, tnt, Morris laid down bis pen and came since you've been sick. Do you think ;you re the first man that a had typhoid!" outside of the dexk railing. "Now, don't AND "I've lout more than health. I find to- bo offended and sulky, lad,, drawing him man an older than Stouch avlo. ",1'm you. day tppud my salary after 'the I know women better. Jirst week.-- ' . , They are ner ' "Whew! But, after all, what's money, vous and magnetic, especially higb- boy 7 tun sordid tliiHt make the 'bo- - npirtted, delicate women like your Mary, isnras lord ait lighter on his throne?'" if that's her name. They grow tired of : life at home, and the dull, tapping hi gaii'ly little waiwtcqat theat- the jog-trrically. "Anyhow, I don't believe Slouch daily talks with their husbands. They ne for some repetition of the old ro sknew anything about it. It's that cursed g davs. ' So they mantic, ""What does that mailer? It's gone. form a platonic friendship. Thai's the I have been saving for years to pay off worst I ever suspected of your wife a the mortgage, on our hmme. I'll have to platonic friendship. But if he were my take the money to clear off the debts of w re,, emphatically, ''I would aslief an Asiortnienta of which art constantly the last three months, and tbo mortgage other man kissed her lips as paltered in falls duo that fashion with her heart. being replenished with all the Staple I am not afraid," he said cobllv. "That's the devil s own luek ! Such a j Of course not. Oh, certainly not! I Items necessary foe Families and anug little housetoo! How long have am sorry 1 mentioned it. ' you lived there, Sam!" "On the contrary, I am oblieed to yon ; "I was born in it. It's the Bender . homestead.. I've been saving ever irtoce for your interest in me. But you are JOBBING TRADE. I was married, to pay off that mortgage. mistaken. . But now " be Bender. , You'll Well, good dfiy, i "Mary's done her chore of saving, on hand By the wav too." though, it was odd, now, that Mrs Bender wa nilent a momeuU "I have Bender did not mention Cromptnn to nafritilt to find with my wife," he said, you; . He was not angry with Morris. coldly.. ' C; y.o hanee of renewal!" though he had tr'u d to blind him as he "i.ne. He is glad of the chance to lid. The old mau wanted to aave him and her. foreclose." . .V "Too" bad, too bud!". He was chewHe did no go home sjra'n, though be ing his sandy mustache. Joe was always had promised .Mary, to be back by noon tie toid ner he would brnijr the back sa- fidgetty .and in motion. "There's Kitty I a. - at .!.L !.!.- - !in I pay on ...im l ii now. one s a nncK of- a iiiijr miu oiDHi nine to iiim, bills He would that afternoon. her? would Jt be worjh a pressing .girl! jnow fellow's while to cut in there, ley? It lrnwJiie money from the aavingi bank, Toii've nothing more to say, I'll join her, no, isaicusar tne mortirnire. lint, on .Sam,"hia eater face growing as red as leaving Morvis. he bad gone wanderine .bis ha:r as the young lady came nenr. aimlessly about the streets, out to Fair-mniiI "I've nothing mere to say." at last, down between the creat (Assorted Sixes.) ''Bye, thent" touching" hia rap and wheels, over which the river rushed in a ell of. sound,. Jt would be so ea.v to skipping off to the sido of the large, ipalm-eye- d blonde who was now abreast end it all! But Bender was a slow phleg of tliem. Her heavy, lustrous silk matic man, not j( to be moved by any brushed against Sam as he pa el by, sudden temptation. He came hack to Chepnut street'ln the When HoukIoV Joined her he spoke eagerly motioning back to Sam; then they afternoon. Younjr Wrd met him. one both. laughed., What had induced Ben- - f the clerks of the savinirs bank. der tofitihke'a confidant of the man? He Hallo T Sam. You Udd'me you inrant cursed his own folly, looking alter him lo draw that little pile of yours as he went skipping along, light as a Bank'a juat closing.. If you wai.t it. 1 let he useo to think Joe come along." grasshopper, BS a w.viinn. .mas But what to be roTiNPEn. did it matter to uny man that he stood Am-Iotthere ruined the patient foil ol Kemper. years swept away in one blow? What w ? God!-r-iorld Oh The venerable care .did the f there Bishop Kemper, reli.tes "ere a God? He looked for a tew iniu an incident of his early travels in the utei stolidly ovesjhe heads of the gay, Northwest, which' may illustrate the abandon of society in the ear'y day of moving crowd into the cloudy sky. i Only jrcar.a.go Fam had been a rigid liiat region, lhe bishop had halted at ohurcn member, teaehihg a class of boys a tavern, where either a recognition of ' 1 O ? t i r 7 it. nui me mt the reverend guest, or that je no sais lie trii.ii in uu in them to trust in a living Christ; to trust quoi which bespoke the true gentleman f$n each, other; constantly growing stron- ho was, induced the rural people at the inn to send bin at the table a delicacy ger himself from the teaching, Now It was not the ...loss qf the money. which does not appear on lhe bill of far ; Rut Mary should have turned from namely, a ' diminutive riveter stew, sent him iu a little dish. 'The bishop tasted it. i He walked down the street, with his and on laying down his spoon, a West tier, head on his breast. Then he came slowly who sat next to hiin, took up the utensil Jack to the door Of Saul's s. and also tried the savory mess. The In ., few minutes ho could know the trial was evidently satisfactory, for he worst, and he would not shirk it. immediately raised the dish, and paused He did not remember ever to have no- not until the last of the bivalves had dis-- i ticed this plaoe particularly before. It appeared. Then, drawing a long breath, was a white marble build- ho turned to the bishon and said with a he ware-ro'ohalf satisfied sigh, "That is a little the ingabove, the ground-flooccupied as a sale department. The best dish of trijt that lever tasted!" manufacture was exclusively that of gaa The prelate congratulated his new friend, 'flxtnrcs. . but cutinot to this day tell whether the 1: The windows, beside one of which he uianmivre was a "sell,"' or whether the stood, were filled with costly bronxes; tripe man had never dwelt upon (he And a variety ef other Items in ! the lofty ceiling of the room within glit' shores of tha aea. tered with chandeliers and lusters. Two Or three of these great gewgaws would Burying it Doctor. have paid for his ho.me, he thought, bitThe smuggling ami drinking eratorr.s DRY GOODS, terly. It was strange that, at that moment, when he was waiting to know if of Scotland in the beginning of the ccn his wife were true or false to him, the t ry had the'r effect upon some of the loan ' of the home should have recurred doctors, and one who was very much CXOT1IIXCJ, toj him,-- . But it had become, through liked by the poorer class, in hia district ' of was of on one occasion so overcome by waiting, longyears pensyaaving l, nd mid day as to fall from bis horse by the a mania with Bender. HATS, 'Orompton & aul," be road roadside, where he lay still and fell the name of the firm over Sfid over. The asleep. A crofter living near, who saw Siiula wore merchant princes Hiekte his position carried hiin to hia house. rieHda! H knew their stately houses and put hiin into a bexbed in the kitBOOTH, eat on Locust street. It was Cromptnn chen to sleep it off, and stabied his whoia,!Merria, the overseer, had told horse. To prevent any one from seeing hint wth so meaning a smile, was a gay the doctor in this condition, the doors SHOES, fellow "net ( trustei with o pretty of the bed were shut upon him and fasa wife aa yeur's, Kehdcr." tened outside, while granny sat plying Etc., Etc. it was only thS. morning that Morris her "shank" by the fire, and awaited had told hiin Liv when he had crept hia awakening to open the doors for dowa otlice fer he first time after him.i A he waa laid above the bed kis.three meniW Ulne?s. He felt,' when clothes, it waa not thought neecssary to be opened 'tbo office door, a if it "were remove any nrt of hia dress, or even iu which the doctor took te.ghoet of'Sam Bender, rho was going his in. iheistrength was so drained out of some pride, bilievine with many others bis body. The.hc U,di fnr a long time, of that day, that they were the outward noticed ,the change of Mary how pre- and visible; sign of thej "e itleman." occupied she waa,aile"nt"going about AfUf' auiue Lours, during which lime All Ordon addrwwed U'l. P.rBA8DKI ine oouso .wttu Her thaughts" far: off. granny took care, that ro sound should He had not failed lo note her long ab- disturb 1h sliuubercr, she thought she Ogden City, will have prompt i sences,' even when he was still ill, arid heard some motion in the bed and attention. seeded, or thought he needed, her con- listened.. After alight iound of fingstant oaro, ers groping over the boards of the bed, This thing had worked a deep change the dooter, in a voica indicating the exIn Kim.;, Sam Bender was not the man tremity of eurpriao, bawled out; "Buto ak 'quest ions or chatter over, his ried, by , boots' and all!!!" The : jealousy r or wounded love. He 'only darkness and the dead silence, with put 1h: wife tK&ily fram him, a little wood all around him, had led him, in tpaeo, end waited. :At the most, he the muddled state of his brain, to the fiiueaed. that she had grown wearied of condition that he was in hit coKin. SujtertntetuIftiK Mf . ... The Scientific IN THE WORLD.!! THE BEST IN ALL ITS BRAKC1TE3. BUSINESS CARDS. TTRRT MERC JUST sh.xiid hav a n.-p-p in rtia best st la of th art. AVn PRi.FWJONAt VI will do them tructed','ronveyaees m which he bss been enabled to fosi aauong the birds ef heaven.'-trave- l among the cleuds, and fly over earth, or' eir in, as if V were borne ViJoa the wings of the wind. ' Tlx w, iigavoiv. |