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Show 1. "T southern eummers. far Troin inTasiinitic 'ques7ron"andthe'adva and pro wholly inadequate for the purposes for will erase them diseases which are the bano of most new gress already made in other depart- it was desiiriied. viz: the security aal-ritoryK r The cotmtrira. a vmnulntion 'n7ii,uir;..u aef ofCdngres1 6t ttflf . liiljih'1 every Wwfcesdny aiid Stiturduy, .uimiuMn t..;.i nil VI flieut,"lt ts subinTtteJl that th tinif Iilw of persons convicted rtf felanyj The every effort oif certainty ratuer loan me severity 01 1808, and of March, 30th, 1809, Ia ue ord a nee with Jsj puveil pi'ce-deu- ( irugal, there 18 niphysioal reason why 'certainly arrived 11 BilUUltl UIIL I1H HDKIIIir ttliu the legislature should be directed ' I " punishment is justly estimated the great iv uuumai rcsaiUHK UI11CSS tlllg 4 1' 1 add seiiMtomilit is the the race comioercial empire, power Jthe itft" in mint of an ellioient and preventatioK of crime in deterring the should be changed, it will be neces8Jj f OGDEX, ITAII. dutj y'r tie Kxecutfre t.;omiiiBuicate to unit tt for " t .. n .... If... : . for" Few commission. tho prutest, Legislature, - before fi I j..ui jU orer to meet wide; sprekd systeiajof conimi the Legislature attach recurring session school3 evil disposed from' jts it was aujoiii iimeni, u provule for. hiaei,; Vfhile.the'. higher gradett'tiiV education crimes "woald Hie toiiftfTlon of the TefTitoiy, and to will suoaws, the bcodIo Of suiicin rccomnieiid such legislation as may be aged by apj.ropriate legislation in all its are necessarily expensive and conse- certain that the full punishment of the sessions by ' the enactineuf " deemed expedient aod adapted to the lugiuuiaie uiauciies. i would respect-ill- y quently beyond the reach of the grea-mas- s law awaited the perpetrator; and it has laws I .Wllillll MIPJIDIIilAllil 11. at .1. of the people, it should bo the es- become almost an axiom that in prourge you to foster manufactures, Sale of Spirit nous various wants and manifold, bitarests of of which ncidture lining, to that aid the f .caceof the, Legislature considers of tt see, punishment pecial legislature portion jthe certainty tr ( I im I mis ft latypu Hiconragt th'e building' of can- - the- - c&inrubn Trranchesbf aif Eu'lish'ed-ucatio- n is'lessened from'aiiy cause, so in a like most imiloi'tatice should be 'till-o... . 1 In another" column will lie found an iue.e..pte. It is a nouree of reL'i-et- . nn less fn ma T.:.? uib anu irrii'auiie uucnea. increased. is crime vou T cannot an It at rieriod to are all nf assured arlv the unn. n ..... degree rising honorable ordinance passed by the City Council in than to your tliut iLu rience of Lou'y, nr!Br,j I . . i i Lombardy and the Southern generation "without money and with- be doubled that the insecurity of the' to the. end. that should there be any absence or, the uovernor Mediterranean relation to the sale of liquors. This or iiuiooKeii-io- r cianikrixi eheer-fulf- y Iim out. the diuwush tq Penitentiary operates pTioe." Property yhoiild tin dt't(ltjl this dulv unon ni will, A ed I dinance will doubtless appear to some limited that, w hen once a complete'system 'of take wp the b'urdeu and luovidc terror of punishment by the hope of. th,ExecuUve"jis-ta notice as to make it impossible tiny of vonr .. fopa herefore would! of f J free escape. sufficient "public ana!0'narben system "resp'e'ctttilly excueiiujjiy slriugeiit, but to tlio8 who' v tim. (here ;sehl." may bp t as, jnents, t m uiovuniin n il ii rill rH Hiiiiai estatlliMllPll Hifrw.utlna . vi I I irnin4litiii-o nuhli rf...... Vmo luuie ami t1nl rpnwii v nVh iin ha nn.i-recommend, that , an, appropriation be' Canvass . ' . low order, eobi iety ad peace, and who V ' vqjmdfynn with justjee to you. ""ccqoB. . . ctieaply and prontacVcsrried' bn bo- fruitful J ot ig'Kd,1 OB iaturaimore solid maacoy tne icnuory tor tue repairing- HlilA ta4U.l ll 1 -rialiininii,. r. ...... fo w ,1... I "flF.n-VVI luy liigil J cause mere ceriainiy pursued, tliuu iu and V0..1.1.. , can appreciate the importance of Btudy- - J J. vitii.viii.ini . L .. .'1 Territhe hours of to the A f ana.kA ViA vi aim Ha periitaueuljsdvaatMgeft l, II. Lcgisjiitwe secure, important f ' liiaaillj kiiij I viV .. "i i.v 1'" . " . ' ., countries sulielfd to (liul I clw.ul.l and th'aI""Cotigress be iueinorfalized ' to is liot. only unUist to 'the ctamii;.. 1 I to you of tory.. It ia but jug iuo piiuiic wen are in prett-rene, , uie reponsor vnesevera Territorial a ... i ni the. poo contribute to this object.1"' " k " often results in serious iliconvenienet i, j , - . w . V, congratulate the legud'tturp . ,. ' tUvviahw 4if , few individual,. tb . , Irork, bevier, Sanpete, Kio Vir fie,upou ''' ' ' ' '' job progress.aireaiiy; maae, dim , i .U a inn wuuic peufiie Dy tne neeaiess ftilul CHAT OA0. efforts- - of enr city fathers will be pro- me to vour honorable bo.lv. aei:oninaiiiAil fcpauisn r. Cuh gen, Weber' f)ifdoii-"Bat the same timo it is no lisiaraeemx-nt- ' of hnpdrlaut uiaim;e'fl''foi' Vaut of; ' Allowi me again'to attention by a few gi nem) suggestions io rulofion iallyour nounced wise and with theirsources to remind you that there remains much to a matter which has time' to examine and digest, dm'...ptt io mo cohuiiiou oi ma leiritoly ana the. verrivers, btn nui.ii-i.i- l in perI would ifrf&itA tin. o be done to hi-- i ir (hp nnlilin hp.1iiii1 mi. wlHlarnrsh waterenouch to anjliuents .The aale of ardeitt spirit in a subject reeommnnd vnn tn mnm...v I previous messages; Jbje working of nieti, logisUtiiiu .which .in.- my judguieut' is whole . . . Territory; and tbe first cost of such tern to that sfandard to which it should convicieu oi nusucmeanor, ior that has given considerable trouble to needful and proper. sessions of "'raui, .. , , the W tne vongrps in chain iulu I fl w u "Kul annual 1.1 .works for the distribution of water once attain, 1 would therefore recommend .1 t i 1... 1. I have the the honor l.nfrtrn. In lav streets. Thff true thi proyided for, iteonld be furnished to upon gang public councils and legislative assemblies alF i i. and f p of the the that a sufficient tax be levied to make obiect lof alL' Blinishntuiit.iM tn 1. UUUQ- Auditor said consumer reports of tho i Territorial . . over lue.worw. ...... the public school entirely free so far as the offender aud deter i xiie total suppression rni very . little new; fields of industry will deuuind . trig anu who from mat or Wnel J list ice ii uiie naicn. wim the others, ' ' ' the nas common Enelish branches are con ...n'inifuwi,.n A' s.flT..........' alrtfadv been 1 K.. of , the liquor .1 rathe will meet with per- niisori ana Associate Justice ua ontinuet re, , TI... your josiering liawley, a j u ... L. . .....r o.. by individual efforts, the more cerned, and urovide a board of PKiiiiiin tne 'of' those who have committed sistent opposition from a considerable which are required.. by section 4, cliap- - pllshed of ciiapifirexposure' and trivial offence with a Utah, makes it th 'ili.i V V.f t ' V .'. ,f vt i oi an act concerning the judiciary. extended works referred to are yet ers who shall award Certificates of oual proportion of the people in every combibc iiiiir in iue mnscie. anlfrrrixa unil ification to ... Hurtles ivvLiiiK tr. V.,...ir.u v.v huge ball aud chain attached to the leg, juuges to report to the Legislature such 6 ine reiioit ol.tneLUiel Justice, it is of the people, awaiting only the eachers in intermediate and can only tend to defeat the first object munity .iThetrhl raW prepared for proper to say, is primary, omissions, uiscrepancies and imprfec. a memorandum energy accordius t tha 'ouAlifiea. " ..!.iV , i'' t... schools, such a sweeping measure, neither would uiiiii.niiicu uo. iniumiva to couipil a proper legislation which shall sound the high .i . cui-. - Hons of the law as may have come with-i. uv viim iiening me ,. yuuiBumi-ui, . Ju tha iur-i- l. fyr Lhejr wakening, their practical experience in its d. more elaborate and formal Ii flute ' we aUvoeate ii.. under . ........... . l i . present cLroum-etanee- his absence 1 have tlmiiirlit. rebort. iuib From the elaborate rei wouki,v particular- IIIOMA HkllllWl r : of ..v...cui sname fee ug. ministration. every manly . prk ... , tliA call t . J. .in "Personally we are nof'bibu-piousl- y place it before vou. knowing it i iilm ly your attention to the desirability wno are guilty or no crime ports of Associatd Justice Hawley ini save jiany themselves amour the iimtruHnn nf ,i.." r .tustion Wilann. I.... inclined, and cau keep our spirits HugKOsiioua. worthy: of, and which will of the enactment of a general' ine'orfim-a"i uiisioriune, nitiier minutes of Chief .1" coming tion law, pursuant to the Act of ... this Territory. It has . " omuiig . I cannot doubt bat Congress the -youth of .. up .without !'tosing npiriu dewn," so wo unuouDieuiy roiiniieml llimnselves to, . ..i. nun in an niiungcra ui iuiiicn inu, i row, anu also of an Ae been found in older and more experw that tliig duty has been well, peifoinitii attention. and consideration. the moment, unguarded Oppressed by . iut no be accused of personal feelings, your . limiti enced;coinmunities, that publio scnools unkind throws of riw. ..t There are, however, omissions, discrtp. autiioiumg the forinufinn .ml , when we advocate the doctrine of regu- - lev has been partuershui. ! 1 he benefits .sh,t;fm are the most successfully; eondupted tained by the" influence of friends, ancies and imperfections which I should with vreut. t,rm,.B(l . . give . . . esteem it . 1. . . . Lueoome intoxicated in Ihe consolMation of - ' . . j 1 Mil, . BrLIUlllU 111 lit rifTMK ' HHIl .. - , i , . hUiou talker than my amy to call to you atn-tion- , prohibition in regard aim winii loe . iouuu to contain many vulu corporations, . WBJ 4licuiiner, means tor the attainment of niiinot. .... , D6 usea aa thai iuai not ii suouiu were I not fully apprized that tny ' to the traffic in Hmiors. .,.1,., ' u luey aoie suggestions. aiu.ny-nn1 . are j , " '" "' arresieo Dy I'ciuujio yond the power of individual effort are tne ponce. nouid anyor this class be recouiuendations 1 . might make, howTrue legislative wisdom js exhibited so manifest as hardlv to rnmii f ,at liiiu or faith, except; that sounij morality, 80 unfortunate as to be without means ever wiseand necessaryj ip myjujlgnit-ntin measure suited to the times. I..JfuonU.Ihe jrcporta the . Tcrritorlul day any argument to enfrce.th utility whicu teaches "that we should, not do of paying his fine the terrible alterna- - would be hardly esteemed soT)yyn. ! Y . (act Zel k'lpwn ., r vt:- rroiu tue earliest unto others that, which we would not tu. Auditor, Traasnrriv- i vr') be seen in sucri insiiiuuons. yon csnho! 'always be based that pthers should do unto us." that thj finances .oj JtU J&titory are in times have these advantairoa l,P(,n with ball and chain attached to his W than to the- entire enmmumtv. , thui ii,. ,u . uPon Wjrct principles of morality, iut a j nixed and utilized by the wisest legisla- of the United States is now en- awaits him.- - Hopelessly crushed and Congress iirosperous and healthy condition, uro- .j ft CIVIt AND CBlJIl.U. OOKKS 1 . 1" ' 111 ii 8iUl be enacted with a View to existing senting as they do the unusual taot that nirs, anu monern aays lncorporfltums dThe forms,, usaires gaai tv and nrhrtioa uicua;pfl;H chnnnma meaefin th. c- rrtl,. numuiiaiea i.oevond exnression. h n. esigned i to work. .faiirHirtant circumstances and necessities."' ' Violent ttte Territory is entirely free from debt; for the accomiilishment or vTBai . r common law are necessarily elaborate dures this most barbarous mo nd dispro ends havo become a . r thea of t condition not only social condition .thai npnnlp of nf il,;. -part legisla- anu in liiwlf, ... and repressive enactments,, even mib . it, has Deen found con- portionate penalty and' haying thus though but almost without agratifyingin the his- - tion of every civilized U'iiKn. ducivexecnnicai. Territory. lbe,sa matters, in default of to the advancement nf fnatiia in expiated the follv of a parallel . i founded on principle of trutk and In-- a per checks, limitations and, eafeeuards avoid as far as similar enactments by the Leeislature of iory oi oiuer parts ot our common coun Jo possible all the technfe- - into the world an enemy to mnnkind, with tended to aceomplixb. good, the rights, of the people, they protect In have passed to the keeping of try. a n. this congratulating you upon' art. common io oi in law m generally engage uiucs ready. tne; any crime. Utah, its djvis defeat their own object and jproijoka It is to be hoDcd that nothliw further Congress, which under the Constitution, nattering coudition of affairs, I need are justly regarded as essential ta the ion of actions. To this-entho lpiriia. pp- well being and continued advancement tures of most of the States of the Union heed :bo said' on ' this subject to induce possess the absolute, right to govern the hardly add that i reflect great credit position which results iti their repeal; on moss woo Hare Had the ailiuinlst ra- of every community. The law govcrn- - have in its iusdment it neiii'imu passed what are known as civil you to put aside , this., unkinu and. as I Territory, as "but moderate and meHsifres,' tion of tne finances of the civil anu .aehoiug their and criminal to the Const if.it in nf only progress! per, subject custom believe eodes of govern- "E corporanons Tl.n.o disgraceful rrarti and privileees has been dicn.iit wfiile ,grppliiig'('wiia Mia'tiaf the United States. Under thesCjiifcvun-stance- s codes abolish evils to ment throughout the Territory. .So far rights the distinction of forms as I have beeh'aUe'tij injufriu myself, the by the wisdom of ages, and it is, there- in action and technienlitioa m dkpcty, omciiBg I deem it neither necessary nor n extent necessary to meet the exigen-c!e- s fore,' not nn untried or uncertain field of is desirable that vou should r,nu a prooer or me to further remark upon It. i lie counties in the Terri an oi unairs and avoid as as far of e fVne. prepare tu possible those laby- law legislation which is thus ciiminended to way for tory are in a like creditable comlilimi authoriiing the clerks of the .several questions whioli have already passed to . . .w .. . I your favorably eonsideration. Nearly nuius oi ine law whioh are to often codrts," 4 . furthf r i and county recorders to appoint tne Rational legislature. X .therefore jimm e closely aUied U . Tl.u . w of no anil productive nnl pond, : 'n Jl u .. v works of a tmRlio :naliir-rpiiiiiih Ini absolute tnith, perfect 6f Ihoferhtrirv is a subleotTf refrain from recommending any specific Deneve mat no pernone uepunes. i to and encumber the and a of mystify brosrress morality eXI penditure of I . '.... i . rrutiilulinn Tu...... amounts sons should hold measures official relative to the topic referred to, large who of, money t positions social . condition. pure ine oiKie oi lew lork a iitdividuak may b, jadaoed, junnue. (. State which is an empire in itself and are not at once conmetent ami willing tn trusting iu the wisdom and patriotism of juo land. VTUeiMys of the aiid.wJule. '.The ordinance 'paesed Dv 0ur city iiiiougttout Spirit "or tfie'hone ofp.iin. to wuwne commercial iransHftiiima am r perform the duties thereof; yet there are Congress to pass such laws as may be in icirunr nut; oecn, TTltU Mil Slight ex- byTiutillc .father! io f the latter kind, and ceptions, nbllll'laiit. otni'iuir ai.,1 invest a portion of thcir.means, few are grenter than those of i.iiuva nvncu luruugu uuavoiiiuijie aosciice accordance with tji interest of.this peoany other State in Or sickness the found who hi willing to pmh.it-Ill the Union is un;iil tn in ple and the'spirif and genius af the every good cithen will'give ft his sup-po- coiaiaued pioois of tho rioliness of the loner transact has in. it r Mtn" J the'(j- onj.iial '" ' ' sou ana ns auiiptati.l;ty to ' sgt eaterprie. dicial bllineS under.' and aramnllfiat tend to his official duties.; At such times in which we live.; ., The restricMeas it contain agricultural Vrnuf ftiirt in miTt. are and irrainT nurnoveH be ;n A. it would a 8. matter of convenience lili,,ncrli tho ulililt and wisdom, nf that ti,. JU.v.'Actiiig GoTcrnor. necessary and inexpressive, the rights oounjie of Cache, )roiif and ilVashing- - necessarily be let to others, Through of boih to the officer and to the public if i which y made a legislation civil and Coi .. 'Cf "You say the deceased settled here. ther.'gci:ey cf ..1tne iay authorized tile appointment ot -l jioiations' niost'of the vtauuuai invadtfJV while consistent n.vo VI IUQ g I II n cuue pan oi lis puniie laws, uepuiies. . works of the past ami great works siuce What do you mean by seitled?'" "Well, . " and proper provisions are made to umc, t exienu which tool'" time a uestioyeil grrai . of the larger portion reg-he was born here got married he represent are iieing aryoinpliyltH. .( , ,. SKPEALIXJ LAWS. crops, stiljit, is grstifyuig to know that aou ulata this, important matter, oi the Territories profit . . . mand T there is no suffering among the mass of 'Thrbugn tbeir means oceans and riv- - lust by iie many hini here; and if t hut exaniblo. ui..,; xy action lour, cuanter pitrhl nf an wasn'tthey, buried The provision Hi the ordinance that K. tinv!(r:.toit I ul. ...... ..1. . . u. rr h(m,-tbeI'm 'ho 'judge." settling act to cod it and tar is have os, been relatiug attorneys rewarded by provided: : l siruMtftiatayMKl--firrljratini'fditch- e dealers must ' hot 'sell or 'No emolovinur 'persons coun person liquors ina It is are mig, lactones are run, ' mines arc equai auvauiagesi that at one aession ofscarcely . larger quantity than three gallons, "nor . 1......L-..the leirisla- - sel in sny of the churls of ilua Tui-i- . i ...1 B nouses 1 "1" oaiiaini? a i. ijjii--.i lure eode bo can complete " - tory, shall be compelled by any process dealers in less than- ten is .. oricinntAit ., vnu v., " uc iwnsae. 01 a wise i.... imiini. in uiw, io .pay mo couasti so nan avail unupm, uui lununaioiv .... WlU-V. , va nfai- Mica an, I u,t t...i;:.-'t . 'ithade.to Protect1 both classes 'iu'their tllC IllOSt Stupendous , mua ' . V Jliuiu IHHHIUI1I JliW. WOll ll. of the labors of otnem. unit artnni ...a!. for any services rendered beforecmpioyeJ ii., iuiiii or alter r have a OdDEX; HOUSE. to bring-hjthen." great different linos of buaiues. tendency or l the nrocess nt' in of the uuriuir .. . .it UiVi. ....... .vi . ik codes of other States aiid . 1... . w . i portions unil .niM uvvn , l.. . nfuw is so mudii ueiul in taica ...,......,lcu, as are suitanm tni ih. The. power placed in the hands of the ' in the development of the many varied re mirtioneg tST.'lvoprietor, ... C, W. , , ... . .IT!-- , ri:. i countries I., oil ''c'Mngaiiprececlyntacross o wn. i wouiui in tnis counection auorneys are sources of the Territory, and esnccmllv police Is absolutely necessary in viow iof ...c.nri.,.,r suggest the examination of the eode of recoKnied a ofliceis ofthecouit, . Ji 1S1 V ITV ' , piam, over mountain, through canon and would it aid iu tUt -- ot the the influx; of stranger lift ennnllv linillut n.'.l the Statn nf- Nnvarl. 11... -. w . ataiueqnent Upon yalley ; dotting the hitherto almost un- - mines. Therfl is noidscohJ'njc.H " - " "o wiuj UI113 tIII I would I jiv uiiv,it fiTthe j XVifed OGDEN the junction of the railroads in our CITk',l,TAH,-s-'- ' many r.speols adapted to the wants of JU(JSes salaries, or jurorj compensation with- - lmMnii, SJl.i.. m .. ,L. city. i IHllllHllle -; .WHSlaL . . oi PRJttrmi wouia this Territory. 't . . fc ,ot' their services. The ni'ofewsinn nf Hi mnat It is tint ona.of While we hopo;to sea iB - so com a thou-aodincrease of 'panning pgden Is; the only Firet-CUi- ss Hotel in and was Mw: . afteiv cently With It iron lisiiilv ami i.unnuniiim tU.matenaly vn.-t-'- -k a.- -, a m a drawn adopted, netlt .'of qcquireL a i,.only J. years nr., of Wafeiding .land VespeefaWo mat spirit lawyer ui mat etnriiiaa ami up by iaiii'ni rxuei vanwiv. .aj ... wim. A "f s a uiic. oi,ma lurii the civihxation of the irrow V ii .i ..V:. . i iuj niih .,f ,tu..i,.,;. i. 'persons from-1of the World: we pa ability for a people whose interests in torney8 have" d'oiie as much, it net more The BAR attached in provided with the choicaut JPi'Vfomsome of the iioWaildHg,Hrds to.w Kl1,rahfOM tit rasneRta. K ameliorate niQUV ara aimil.i. and elevate innnlm.l tii.ii. ...... may reasonable eitpecl.' fro'm' tfie .. I m.nAj. . . .1 ........ v. v.. . v 1. i ii. - mot. im uil limit exptri- - Tallin ami wrcni ireas- - The entire legislation of this vut urisrui ..ougnniiiuoj, the learned professions. They of . .6- ... any nut-- i an mra such na .1 u i it,. s,. wesiern railway towns, that TJquor. Cigars, is comiirised in a small vnhim. Territory prineiples for tho admil.;i. ;.. have originated My' of the btwh-ss- ' ' kind win' c"cft.o prolific mother of progress ami linnrova- - nf nat.i,. States-iOf nistration iustice. that ment. It should be a souro. f uriil. t" r . , ... .. ordinary hardly equal to ... the Th ...... -- v. . i mihJ.n. I .... : ..i ... : .r . , i Jablish h?iiiselyc81n , o,lr 'peaceful city. jbe people of thb. Territory that the this tial and enduring as' the mountains and i8wi.nuu v, s Biugieyetir. rerhnps has'. arisen from tha niitalrn i.io. it,i remain monuments of their wisdom, "4 Wong lutnd mutt U- held orerthm E H O U SLKa tne people needed free and simple laws- - prudence and fore thought. t In ottr'own ior uie protection of other. ' 1tut no one iu vuc 01 tliSIH at iuia VDunirv. i10Sl this ereat work, rim rt,.l. tunv wnere me statutes leave t country they have nuuiberedi amonsr . -V. uigciuug . i. " V..t,..i ,l " - iiiuusirious, gatbered ..ir . " l'""r .1 eed feat hat h'e n.:i. them such hich ornaments to the human common law ojespecU (ho, la un, iue in ami that ...... i . .... .. ...... ,l.n ... . ... ! . . . 1 D ii II.. A. In aa are iW-- 6 . 1 mK"Wa 10 uteris degreo luterfered aaaiillliuu, nilHUIS, UUS, O aaw iU. T. resorl to its technicalities forOUllged Webster," Clay, Choatc, Lincoln and the de-- ney - of ia 'ieB!Umate bitsinefs, iio mat-clWtvhiai! .Ubinlng, .. 1. . twrm many e. r I i Jerrin.u n in. v. .H...w..wu. v, luum uuesiinnm vtiinii i "t otliers who have hpn. tl.a f,,ru. oiy VrMh tM not but aid i. in : uCit r should be plainly written down in the most men of thejr nge. Any statute that rS.,''. v,;eu., politics or uitrhway1r(Mjti ibnreds.norsidrit of mo- - T. ritnr. i materi.illv .11 -. .: , Bi.iuies. attempts, to deprive them of their rights, is as unwise aud hand wheBvttth r.. u"r." i..fl - .. "r as it has been -- h' 1" ,,nHW ,iomwnsr r air- mm wre tm exhibt- - Mdcrn experience I think baa oVm and always will beunjust ikW. found to" be minay .Mol,,lflVn HEA SOXA BItE CHARGES. manufactured not articles, only . .. uii.'iiia.cu iuai i n eniiH nr ,n.ti, . tory ani void..., It Is-- hoped that you a. .. ... Dii!, h Will find a .ui.. n.. ..i:. t 1 ;! i "11 ! lest suliserved by allowing all parties will concur with me that that law men flitter!, blue .vof. th. t:..Vf T r '.mie-- i Tho Ninrteeath-Anwu-' Jrt. ratitufae JOm DAV1TES, aiiKeji capaoriur . . . ' PropTiftor. !a wlla.tl.Aa. tioned J Bhonld be wiped from the statute r,v. :r ., :,d the skm .ndVni of .t. t,.r.i, J1I...1.wUyiu7T iiicrvMfa ot not, to testify in books."' - ' r'Br-iol Legislative Assembly of the Territory p '"""urso . own bohalf in bnth pv1 .n,i - ai ., ali.lnl UUffriVrlinilcnM luetr aiHanu miva vi nanueis ol " r... il, ik.m ...1 : , otanKels vu.ui", - oua Sectiontwn of chanter am nf mal cases; thus enlarging the" sphere of I' ' manufacture were exhibited, not .. , U;BU " 41 City ;iall on Mon-duthe laws of Utah providesit-"Tha- t concerning THe inferier kr the to lafA ins.t ,t 10 o'clock; tho Hon! Zinein determine leaving no laws or nnrts af lwa oti.n k aChie" ed of their "lu4rae,er; IcatheTfaud as to tlie credibility of witnesses. . In f P. A. .Mann, Secretary of the niade, argued, cited or adopted in any cases course tnis to Territory, uiu 'JlL ? ,B.?t'fe:Trri,0,y f00','' mannfaetirrcd-'tlferefrofacilitate helps that business. The -i. A. having furnished (he nail for the puri laiunu iu mill irnniMm wrM thu i careful and ahran.- - K.,a. inn i any case, CX- ""e, those marts of enacted by the go ei nor and -t siness In peept t man fail can,, th. the conduct ,0 w,rld of affairs sees .U . ,..' . , worn many cnansrea in th iitniiti 111. nf a . . . to i mat ins contracts are reduced to Legislative assembly of this Territory a' . ,u . Hon. 0. Aj. SmitL was arranjrpineni to Ilio teat writing or are and those rmssed hv tlm f',.hu unanimously the poop e, and royoj.,on..e , to a.great specimen. ; factories Jrom, electetl resident of the Council; rat-1-Ic- k extent, their industral pursuits an. re- - Ur ..,V. AS;. I nited States when applicable, and no K disinterested witnesses; but the less .iu..ZvoEnrope wary uecisions or (loinir nf inr onnrt reiioris, tynch,'.' Jlsq'., Secretaryj C. , W. u"eu negligent in these matters, shall be read, argued or adopted as a and not. unfreo ,; . . AO VoUr?v J Assistant ft"v Stayner.aivsq., Seorbtaryj WHO M8IRE TO A MUSH THEMSEU'ES in tost other and precedent trial" any ., " herself bejustice ALL . ' ; perverted ararrniiiiuir me oil oi mat maim.; Elder Joseph Toung, sen.,' ;Chaplain; .1 tho Cue and Ballii will find a Kooui, This statute is necessarily cause under tha' existing law the truth nuga'ory conifortatilr fitted up with the ' as John tio court Vof but new fields for cannot would be refuse told.' 7 MoAilister, Sergeant-at-arm- ,; justice Thus in the' tribunals to lis Utah, and cxpi rto of ... many other works . dcvelooinient ... anil Inilnalp.. . wen .Cljarlea W. Crr'ington,.Msen-Er- j and once the admiration oi tne land are the. unkijfuj and ignor- - ten to mose precedent of hw which the ... , 7TA11I.ES, nn, are coas ant r he n o.iPnd i, n.,n J....-, t mankind and the wisdom ant, and for that 'Perien,c ...ct. the Alonso . Hyilo, Foreman. perhaps, and pe, hap hard times and spare money need more unsuspecting, sacrificed to the 01 ages nave sanctioned. . ...T.aw la-- a ni-iawliardly say that O-- iA. nTh .. these several . . IsT . must noniiai.;iv BAi...,..n... gentlemen wer elected or i.. icssiuu anu science aud like other pro- ' a shrewdness more ""i-.v as arc irises crafty opponent fessions toeeatitlcu '' transition. tuey require, officer"of ' . wa.-f. .. and 1. . tli It . ITt.K sciences is almost u,i,..n and ..f it nmni the rieorous House; of rule tha rj" tu. ma " i iiisicnuir care 01 vent, indebted discover and to the demonstrate idea for to the embodied in world that common tho past Orsoft J.Ipn. , and vWould - be greatly perfection law, that Pratt, Speaker, Robert L. the richness of her mi I it Nation, .. . vi:r a person, ' however tmp- ... in !.! i,..,..i,.....i wuit-j. . aa.u MinuilUlM n.jias atiainea iu tha lirebout Opposite : liic i;iaL Campball, Clerk; John H. Smith, As- them now to more is rtiiimut tn fully develop, her no .ion Ur unworthy of credeuce. by reason of a i'e?Ir'a,.lon . might as. well a sistant Clerk; .Abinadi Tratt;1 Eogros-- g s rxieusne JCngiiie House. mere nominal interest, no matter how to Dccome cul.ghl- - rl' ' nunerjii and manalaoiur- ffWitt pnjsician shoot.1 b-in r resources. Bv a nrnner rnm)iinii.,n . ,,,e tiniJ of the masters of t i ii when testifying under the so- - c.no1 ..i Clerk; Frankiia Merril, Sergeant-at-a.vslight, , i conaim mcient . r ut 8lu,,-y e rrofesion, az .tie. CALL AND SEE B. B. Campbll,.Me.engo!., priest to quote of public schools is anion lemnity of an oath, is but the .relie of , .! V"5 ,. i f3- a ruder of less nd the fathers of the ,om the tmand t8ayiug9 evidences generous frostof the advancc- , highest Foreman; Klder' 8. H. B. n.a V W V 6 i lf VM,'H,'P"' just bound iinTui .uu . oi a pcoDle. The worthy the progress of the 19th century. lot -- nrr Smith, Chaplaia. nd has no effeot but deep ,hei ... , The rlataty-mina,! f inrv legislation should A be latt irerest in the education of State has U. BREWERY. the reliability of eaoh witness from his create a sneer of derision. Another law .Thi Opvernor'a message will be found Elil... SflT. ery child within it While l similar in spirit, is to Jj fnnnH nn JJloeM JSuihWeHntfi&it Hal on only pursu the" Mgi ieulture, may ,AkXnM Office," Btand appearance and U atother column.- -' It wonjd b an'Mh- all kf,fit the fify-eigrfra a great on of the "Revised Statutes " circumstance VgArn,,- '..1 each case. surrounding A CUOICK BKAND OF I,IQrOK9,' exoeptionable document, but for the fac? wiuott torb.ds or restricts the us of TTAVK in many Capital Cbb whan' Ina r- 1 1 ' anH a m) gauieu are roneoted faife n. 1 rtiri. nf I.inirn tUTCD ' 1 auT.uiagrs that, Jiki a, Va'sp.'lt'carr'ie a ting in wiaiuiy or. as great aa a , coiunmuity and and tho accused ara tliennlv r.n. many of the most vnlnahu a Billiard TuMe on tha premlnw.tha honniv nfth.5i.i .i!o...4i ceased .. . . a. i. known to the maffnq medico., The science where agnouhuro, , uiaimfactures com- N.O. All ordara for Baa wilt meet with itll ajf Aniaparitttf laa .s JroiurariJ ues io hip an ray, tne testimony of the of medicine has attention by , , made treat progress in praiupt Ho-h-a ''ii-n.i- u r;-iin ,uv lucnasou virtue ana ee- - criminal may serve to throw in Mm . LANDT FtJIXRIED, Projiriator. .u.a co.m.ryaiid die sees purt ,ia(.tUe k.cu hive couoiiiy of ita existetioe. liirhtenmmit T ;i. r..i..,. ti.- - aud however mnch hi ai.iemoni and J. B. Ov.rton, fivor himself, the jury are better en- - been sup posed tn . ha Esq., Receiver of iioie io arrive, at correct cone iwnina n yielded to lUttdvancaig .11. Among W,'U"-W'ISPublie Moaiea, are in ' tha InttlligCuoV and ttielndustry of it, ' i it most pot.nt aaancics under all thta'elty. ,v' " .. , . ..: resources surpassed euiEens. provenient. regard to the real fnct in tha tne early hisrory l hatever Code of nraclica vnn ma Haan terns of practice are to be luuud syg, by few of .her, sifter StaU-or of , the viilli.ra of these il ia pioneers Yesterdaytbe youngsters rejoiced over Territories mc'liciiies ehumprafml in n..many . jfrioh, in the minerals of ir.iv, perhaps lb be wondered at that the peo- ITPi'er 10 adopt. 1 won i rcsintf nllv ra. LTAH CEXTItAL RESTAIRAXT y tion to.i- - It is from the skillful eoaii referred cominend J jollities 6f sleigh-riding- ;' no that eopper. they shall be excluded nail;' Iendilvfr tnrt'gold; ple of Utah should not in the past have party itc'couie U grief. . the snow if rich in agriculture Capable af combination from oUheseaud othw medicine And Ixxlsiiis: IfoiiM'V testifying on account of interest 1n sustaining enjoyed those extended educational farapidly that diseases are iae result oi the case. p osing way ana Ogd.n looks like a agreatly hicressed population, with aclir cilities with which other conquered. AH such East side U.C.H. R.. PUBLIC FQUAllE older. oom aj statutes m.ite (lint knows' neither the savor rather of prejudice than i ! 'MAIN 8TREET, OODKN. " ", i rigor tof inanities have been blessM. But. in PeNITKKTUBT. ' . of wisdom and it is hnrw.l thi northern winters, nor the ' languor of view of the well-:ire- d a , Ileds. Clean tlfis The ; great importauoc of rcmleutiary" ia this Territory is present Legislature Vy'a careful revision Mm E, THOMAS UKOW.MXfl, V riiirltr. lt Mmmi (untttit 1 ut,f jJI tiiiie-bonoi- F 1 i " ..' IJuoj'h. y 1 faluo ""'7' -- . a hwmi . - - v & - 1 j , . 1 . 1 ei -- well-time- ..!: . .kJ . Tm-ritn- I . It-- . acr-om- : t.-o- some-ipetty- r... ,' ; i ' mt-rel- , ..-- n : ai .", ; . . 1 ... . ... . .. fort, . ... w 1 .- 11 r- m. w-vii- ' r""""'. J - i'wdinnce t9 ine 11 8tt. . . - . -r i- d f n, . . . . J. i- I m-u- - t rt ih(inan-tSfenientofwhi- , .' llrS -.- "w re-M- ku lJTt olo ... - 1 HOTELS." 1 ... . . PjJ've.1 fiii-irif.i- i n ex-ect- I ij. f "'"S ... A I THE v.. . w - 111 . iiMi l REE S - , ... t "'il'Hla P!ttjW$ Vi 1 rMtC and '- ;m c ' 1 - 1 " .,Fa Jet AW .:r;'f?h .r... s,in - irr f . :::r:r r "..".. Su: ; " ,ircVWW K'rry. . ll-- lc y, .,!;' i.' rr.' cT il l T W MAIN-STREE- ''a ... . GDEN, I B est of Accommodatipiis , - '!orfh,c" Iff 1 BILLIARDSo - briS:?,T?gTa,rT'y "'io ' V . 1 . MS weaide BILLIARDS! BILLIARDS! BILLIARDS! . nfvni.. snsi-entihl- a ! ' D.-O- fKfg' ta f'! lirtslt' ov Lj enter-m.-uke- ---- y ts ur ...;. r.-- ...j -- T Sai T I E.. 1 -- or 'ROOMS, . tcmlral w l. T m MEt a, T TOP'." 'S -- at P. , X ht ild, nr . s -- 'l - 4 t RESTAURANTS. ,u of-th- "" dutk-pond- .- 1 . . |