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Show waa not asioppand dreamipg. Being was awake, I Ipoked .1 Aci iilciit tt Singular viieMer Mais. WORLD THE BEST IN THE 107QI To Farmer IJojs, Jl The Scientific American I'm sick of hoflpg in the ooihi , -And following the uluw; Of working hard from dewy morn ' ; Till eve, with boated brow; f(i longer will I stay to mow v Qr pitch the scented hay, To the great city I wil jfj, Whera weailtU ia galiual by play.," .piitc certain fl);il . ... . '" j increditloua, and replied j . Cash. 1870. $1,500 Cash. For jpj'$ieil $l,rQ that and capa-c- d the one ciinnot A be Mr. accidept, Illank, singular you "Surely, son of a man who died nearly eighty A VALUABLE PREMIUM FOR ALL, tho greatest excitement ju the quiet This niileiicliillv illUKtratw! wwkly journal o years ago ?" ori tow'n of Winchester, occpred Monday. POPULAR BCIKKCB, MKCIIAN1C8, INVENTION, "Hesides, "vV'liy nntf" le inijiiired. ARCtlKCTUKK, KNUKWUNO, CUKMISTIIY, it is not so long ago that piy lathef died '." A man name Wing has been employed AUHK'ULTURKaml the kimlrcd arts, entmn its rTfec ,t.B''lJ W'fuH of .pretenders. We re"or in "somewhere few flivt TWKNTY-FIKTthe He in I a VEAllou .luy of Jirnn-r- y rojoinad,died," days past repairing re all'iirctenders, more or lestf. Bjit it circulation far exceiliii tliat juixt. having 178M, being then, if my the abqut well Mr. the of year on a TUB premises building pf'snv Hiiitiihir journal now publixtieil. IS luji jf auetj pretenders as theae tliut J Tut, tut; my nmiil hush up that auug; . memory does not deceive mo, about aixty Camej-pn- , TlttS EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT of the In the locality known as "CutJjfrrTtp iioroi" real pieiiiler to thrones, N I e waa I 'of ." Let wiailom he yonr guide; born, American in very My wuilueto'l, wl uiu fige; y eight ycaea " iicb ihcy or tta-ir- ' ancestors have ' ter Village." Monday he wis. at work, oftliensMt potinlar wtitem iiMtthi Cuuutrjr ami think in 1720?" Tlie druani of wealth may lout you wroj)g Eurov rit contriliutors. Evejy linmlier luu 16 or wrongfully lorfeited; bt tf" t Jie ' J it, "He was," replied Mr. Blank ; "you about thirty feet below the surface, at And wreck you ou tlva tiil, emlielliiilieil with finu iHiKrnviiitw imiwriBl to . bitoricl great .(((mpi pretenders", : to birth his ' are as NEW me toow with down of INVENTIONS, 'maciunkky. quite git npon t(ii atimo; quite right with of the the bottom well, brick, all in couall in laying and 'names, that ages ! P0R T11K WORKSHOP, PARM AN U 1101 Yonr team will take no harn wrong as to his death. Th,a truth is, he which the well waa to be built. He ia ENMKER1NU 1), WORKS, DWELLlXq nties, H.!n;t up, whenever, a great was the object of auch persistent and a wo ain't If npon BL'ILDINOS throne, kings IIOl'SES, Pl'iiLIC viiqniit,riiB undent A jourtinl of no murli intriimic vatuA, at the low persecution on the part of a man weighing , over, two hundred Wo're kinga upon a farm. ,"' W&Af "ft, hp Wcredjted representative. the to a Iihwi, iu tliia thriving vuar, or$3 ounht false a that price standstory, He waa of large frame, governmen' , A MILLION READERS. eonnti-'ybreesee ronnd you Wow, ; God's Ijt; these pVefc'5Ir '( Rujf ease believe of his death was circulated in 1788; and pounds, healthy aSF'vpLISHEP WlioKurver reailH tlie S:inlititic Aaierican ia ing in the water and sand at the bottom r u,e tuey a" be fn Ilia birila your music maka, It pw. itt"s nuil imttructot, without living bothered emigrated to the New World, in order and, insensible to himself, gradually sank For adventurers? u And aweetwt rest Is yuura, y,m know, with linnl wonU or dry detail. jiv iii'llf'i: Mr. until he discovered that his feet and legs, to nnss in peace the remainder diil ail or nny qf fUq half dozen Whwi night doth overtake. Blanks, being an American said, "the to bis knees were embedded in a TQ INVENTORS AND MECHANICS - Tha harvest will youc toil WiijB. French, German, American and halunre,) of such days as it might please nearly sand. He made repeated attempts EVERY WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY tliix joiinml ia of rontailui rr.pajr; a aa it vulue, )wil Jjnglish, who within the lust sixty or Heaven to allot to him. He settled in quick of all Patent iaiued at WaxIriiiKtin, Tlese fields of waihjij grali !i r weekly to move, but found that he waa atuck tobeLoii'u AMEKlt.AN have noticea of the with copious pretended Icil'lliijj plenty years the rude nnd ihinly peopled region of fast. ' Those at work at the mouth- - f the growing through the aauiy day ' AND EUROPEAN INVENTIONS. Thu Pnlilinht "lntf Scverteea,lh, t! pyuf chiW who Western New York, on the slope of the well wero informed of the fact, nnd the And in the summer ram. e ' or of the Scientific AiuericHii are I lie inot i;in prison f under the brutal Adirondack And already enjoya an axtensive PHtent Solicitor in the World, and liavo and purchased rope waa fastened about him, and an ataa Muu in as work hard raittmeuT'oTlhe'colibJor who had cliure a farm whichMountains, yon atuvle, Ihcilitieii for a k"wU gallnrinu complete. I now, occupy. ( Shall I go tempt made to pull him' out by "the aid of Circulation. wine of the proicrusa of invention nud Diaeovory O'er biaiks and palters latnt) 10 uewiim on ' Dun, realty ncuevo mini-eun-aw'itu'my the were aud with a view to mark at the windlass the atory. tliroiiKhoiit wohli top. They Ttie wal k of life is ousy made Jf aasnrtod? Were they all impostors--A,ugnsHduriuic which thia jouriwl the iiutrli.r nl ; i?y all means ?" to move him at all, and the pain to, a ,' iuveij in Knglaiid, tho, ltever-j- d Only by sweet content; lia held the tint plmti in ScivntiHc and Mwluuii-ca- l "Ho waa a halo and hearty man at him was so acute that they were obliged " will inane nn Jiilliui-r- y Puldialiera the ail ami isi' IJterature, It may t news, my friend, to jron, ' America, JJIwaai Wright that time, nud remained hale Had hearty to desist. Ropes were then arranged so Drat, the lure mid aphtudid Steel Engraving But 'tis the truth I Ml, ,Ak& 'Tonfuf" ttiftin rmwustorH "knowing l.v John Surutiu of i'liilHiklphiu, eutillrd : for many years afterwards: so lialu ami that he should not sink any deeper, and or All work is very hard to do oni Or uui such: be CAN fte(isolra tp then PROGRESS-AMERIthe ihain t7(.)8, Uiui "MEN CF out. made were being to yauP attempts drag to those who do It well. act ip" the honest conviction thai hearty, and having lived The well being small, and Mr. Wing very turned seventy-eigh- t, INVENTORS.V joally was the persott be represented in 'America ten years, he married a large, no one could get inside the brick In spei'ula,rlom yon must stand the plate conaistini; nearly $l,(lto '.iuiself'tp Je? Did all the li an.ioiite - young womnn of Scottish extraction; work to assist him, and he baa been rontHina nineteen likciieaaea of lllustrioia Aiuvri-ra- n ' ' " The rough commercial shock, ia Jv in rt. of follow It inventors. , Highland gulb, (liuiii- lift! very young (she waa 'two and thirty ujvrli worjt ronr,i You may iu safety reach the la,mV ' to do all the digging ..himself lie will oil compelled heavy pHjier, Single printtsl ieoriiithe time), and very beautiful. That with pails or cups, passing them as be ipjj to ne lineal ana M'giunuij' You naty laud no, the rorksl sold ut jlo, hut any one nulMcridini: for the ScienITS OOLl'HNS COXTVH jji' jt"5( Junius Tic Second of Eng- - j;.t ' was tific American the (uipcr will he sunt fur one j'tair, ft one. llirco some to above. one The filled Yonr aty it certain on the fanu, them happy marriage fiil and 8eVcuth of Scotland, believe in l' the on with a toKcthur niciept engraving, copy i children, of whom 1 am the sole survivor, sand constantly filled in as he dug it . Thoiurh grain iiuty not be atJ1; '' of $lo. Tho picture ia ultto otlured aa a premiinu royid Jligree.; or. did t buy play wero born to niy father before ho died. out' and ' !i jjeir clulia of acriliera. in this condition he remained fur Jn panics, yat fro! nn alarm, and gain He of i;e PHj-Kia money ' his secret. Kven his wife did all the night. Refreshments ViJ stiuiu-lant- a kept aa is as AND FIFTY CASH Wht gooil gold. ONE HUNDRED """ CUPjfJve of not know who he was, RELJABLE LOCAL ITEM8, WVw'fr M were sent Uown i him, and he waa except that bis "in PRIZfcS, life Hiey really real mime was Stuart." l'k k up your whip, and hid yur tea at h:1lijjY,orirpi:UMO alive and iu as good spirits near morn Iu aiMilion to tlie alKivo premium, the puhlishers . jnew no oilier part, they could play so Drug on the noble plow,,, "And how did you come to know it. HOME .CORRESPONDENCE un to be CASH PRIZES for of iu lirts umn could be will a as M.vJI,ftNI expected ing Without venturing to assert that Mr. Stuart" well? 1 said, sent ill by Puhruary 111, 1370. Penwia Apd ilo not let an Idle dream . man A colored circumstances. der the myself, correcting ' who want to cnmwt for these prizes, ahould send Becloud your youthful hro, pot pn,o o,f the many cVmmnU to be the 'Mr, Blunk f " well the on in hours workod Monday eight for o and blanks for once lrgil-matoaniea. CORRESPONDENCE., at the FOREIQN. prospectus Luuls the rtovenloenlh, or In years to come, when chihheu roam, Jly my father'a will bequeathing to night, assisting the unfortunate man to Terms of Scientific Americau, one year $3,00; representative of JVineo Charles me certniu documents, in which I found extricate You'll take tbeui by tlie arm, six mouth" fl.60; four months, JUKI. Toclnlw (J 3 At o'clock himself. about lo and upwards, terms tl.hit per annum. S'iJ-mewnp'l Stuart, may hive been a true all thu proofs of the story I have told the And any, "You'd better stRy m borne ; EDUCATIONAL, of the Iowb were rung, and wldresa aent the of Publishers, want it free, without ropie.n kindly may ' ' i jnan, Upon the good old faring' 37 Park Row, New York. in tlmt way a relief was obtained for the MCXN i CO., charity' Vo" admitted, that tlun-- among A very extrnprdmar.y story, said I. men who had been at work and on watch How to net Pntenta. A pamphlet of Patent .AGRICULTURAL, who, wuw not rogues must have Laws and inl ruction to inventors sunt tree. Hut not ao extraordinary as true," at .the well Slitun during the night. more or less fools: in other words added he, and Tho Cairli.T Giant Inter- - Z With daylight the men renewed their peremptovery sharply cray; 'erhiips this la (he simple ex-of- rily.; RAILWAY AND with efforts; pausing occasionally vigor, ion of the Tact that ao ninny ''Do the documents exist? Jiiiiti.il tq spa;iH an encouraging word to. the. characters have appeared lal; A. M'ner Griawold, ojf (he Cincinnati M do-'X"cy poor victim. The first train to Boston DOMESTIC NEYS. lrtt foiJi(, pess ofiHQ Uke to ahow em 'Wil ma!" TVmra, haa lafoly ypu bore a gentleman in quest of some proke the CarJiff It happened tlud five or six yeara ago, 'Upon conditions," said he very slow fessional miners, why might ppssilily. now on exhibition s,t Wood's muGiarJ, pintado ( It ft acquaiutauoe of a lcinaik-ablly; "if your courage does not fail you suggest aome quick method of release. or gather, the old seum. New York". The W.Iovrinj ia the, when you know what the conditions On their arrival at the scene of oppera- acobi gentleman made my ; .' , result: ara." tiona these gentlemen Immediately orderquaintance, ami c,ojifidle4 tt) nie the se;. rj"Before we go further," aaid I, "will ed aomo pi lea to be driven into the mud Q, rVho are you? cret of his With, parentage, education, A. I'm A. Stunner. .... .... you tell me for what, yejv on you have at equal distance about hjm, in order He and Tcry modest , preteuaions.. chosen me (ft be your confidant T" t. VYheve you ahvuy bard m you that the. adhesive and contracting prowaa are now! peraooagej according to 'ittecausa 1 am persecuted by the perties of the aedimenl might meet with Jhiaatory; l'i( ylid nt ajm ul bigli fur British government, as my father was aome resistance. This waa partly acNo, eimply a hari mju, that'a alL (une, or at any tiling in fact, except to before me. Because I have, no I'm hanl all through. in complished, when it was found that one joy WATCH COMPANY: PATTOVAt . pe let alone. I was at the time tempo- my life. Because I am beset by spies. leg of Mr. Wing was getting loose, and TIIE Q. Were your purenta h.rd? Having carefu'ly axamined anil tneted yonr w nnd them perfect in all their pnrtj. great and populous Because I go in danger c poison, or a after aome A. Yes, hard oi' hourly;. . rarily resident watches), ... and with long augers boring j II 101 (Inish, and well adapted to the want! of the city 61 te"tei' World, which lit inhab- ahut from a revolver. Beunuse I think a iioustaut pulling upwards of the entire Q. Wliut ia your vyeifW V consider beat them the shall I public itant a caUtd Ootltam,' and which A. Tliroe that hundred Bio,a niitda watches in America for the price, and equal you have the means of causing all body by Mn4Hof the windlass above, the iull tJothaw herl! What ,oili mo to flo-ai- thia persecution OGDEN t,i tlie finest I'aropean Wa'chaa,for acenrata lime, Q, Why did you turu to, atone. to oca so. . . limb was cleared, umid much cheering tUa W double or three cost timet need ul kll. 'Btmea it to any that money. A. Bocauae 1 d.idii'1 ktoff what elae to to be iMisTixi Kn. from the crowd who surrounded the well Vw a') ehoei recommend, them fully In w the city, partita) wkhlu( turn to at 'the tiiuu. that. I as very well known , ;. at the eminent risk not only of meeting gooa and had the annoyance, perhaps if all w. a. . mini co, Q. Wliut were you a M'llWaIR, fifiel with?. whtriu man simil.tr to that a ot the fair .f it ast,heionowere truth known, JHe A. Petrified with Qtouialsmeiit. ( ipg uo. a co. j. a. AiiLr.s, 9IoIe of jr?tlliir they were endeavoring to rescue, but al- . MITO, B. 0PFEXHK1MI.R a CO, n HHH vry nnjumiy mimcu in Housing -, lieiugcQ. Ever have any 0 'lie iu:unlile Hunt ol' wa. at the the .This f necks. their r. c. breaking lVople. iNDiLia svrriii.no., nTa.i, the ooluiuiHi of irmre than One of the tea! th.i a iuiaToa, k CO., B, VlfVKBHETEa '" 11 wood anPMs Tho clocV. driven i into koujr. jouj:nftlav' . In aboi t J, was foi M. KBOHBXaS CO. a. I. KttBU Br. Guthrie was one of the sp akers t A. Yea, atonc-b,rni, CO, 094 the heel. ... so r I vod the pressure upon Mr, lay abused beat the time Knglishlining (he Tha dsiih ahoTa will be reenfrnlred aa the leadQ. What wero your tyiyiait amuse- lahalf uuuul t tU a hour nud lw thai VViutrV an of ly lueoting naiueiinii hnsiing Jt ' llera of Chicago. Thry bv no pecunijnau, iu Uo'Mm I . menta! , ; . t, ary interest in tha Company, but freely test;fy ua Misa'otiar .Society, held iu Edinburgh ter fie was pulled up and placed on s aup'plied with the Improved A. I'liiying iiiai be riiiinp on at. na pesa Woi fuuli'sVlo tbousnnds of peo-plto conditlie in the whwh meritiof for exhausted a genuine watche, though very kiK cared . nor I wbaui on Nov., The 2llh. reverend tion. He was of nothing, Woduesday, (he past year have been aold by them. boat, and riiuirngjiiouiiisloiic quarries. instantly conveyed to Mr. futilities for turning out every to know anyihin;r. U wa? a hot, very Doctor narrated the following I National Watch CowfAivf, Cricaha; . Q. What tit yony Ojtciiylioii! Dr. Windsor and Cameron's Lou.se, atnusiug ay. Vol day, in July, when there walked Oists: Tha watchea of yonr nuke. aoM by na A. Laying ttonr, at presaaat. of to ihe coal Blorica: was tr. endeavored a Cameron There resloa deacriptiou mining village exwith the a au have, past year, during scarcely oHico, annov.wd, entirely my f..'. U Q. Ooi brothferat ' ception, given more than ordinary Bat ihictinn, and venerahleitenllenian with .lonir white in England, and an excellent minister of b;inr,.i1feu limbs.. Fortunately,hadthenot welt "' are proving to be all that yon claim (or thenj as, A. Yea.' ,; the cold, water, though intensely m full of dtpni (he Church of Etigluud tried to move the accurate and durable hair, and a cannteuauce Q. Are they like you.! least particle of frost in it, else very se , tv and tiuliUty,'tf axpreaaion, ' that it Taking into consideration the Improvement A. Yea, all in the tojo, busineaa. people there, but finding be had 110 rious consequences .would have followed you havo hitroduod in their conai ruction, aud the, would Jiav.uxcilil: uUentiifc nuywnere influence he abandoned tho ' Q. Did that atony hwnyt ever feel place. The even a short confinement. He is now ganeral Anenesaof finish of even the lowest grade, He was very enretu) to KHut I he door lie we regard them aa being well worth their price, and Method'sts also gave it up; loing well, and the physicans apprehend Weslryan power of hix? l)idit ever V nd him, and seeing a young man in take great in Belling them to tuck o but in caino the Primitives, and have a sweetheart? .... j.. no serious injury trom run incarecratiuii pur customers u denire good tuu roow wfiH ntt', he asked (looking were the men for the work. And they how of twenty-fou- r nietition ok a awcetlieart he Boftc-ncdhours. The citizena exB ACHULDEB B ft CO.. PALMBK, the finest (.t whether Jh arouiul ate. him) Very inpecloujdy 102 Waalungtoa Du, Boston, visibly; a sigb heaved hia umstiive ehi-st- , did they work? They got a school and erted themselves to the utmost to rescuo he could aucak to me in private? It was .announced W ABB EN St 8PADONB, a preachings but 'out of a Mr. Wing, and eyery fresh idea brought while something like a tear trickled 4 Kaiden Lane, New Yera, a tiiue when men'! poUtical passion down hia atony oheeks (washing awuys, village of more ihau a thousand inhabi forward ihirhig the weary work found PAHSON9 t CO.. r WHKEUB, and it exciidl, were, violeutly especially tants they could get no more than five I Maiden Lane, New Tojk aome more gypsum',1) but he quickly re- - ;. plenty of willing bunds ready to take behoved me to he on my guarjl. lest the to. attend. The delivered a briek-worcovered and waa atone ugain. lie waa , bothold. preacher The nraund the itsatrargb. Pa. intliamito JoUTnals in- llieirxftttaaka on rwuUig airinon that mail tho rafters tom of the well and also the silent, and I didn't pre!lll question.) . ; JKirxxirs ft BATCH. curbing vv.cra uie w'tli" pen fttii'l mil. shaold inspire ' Cincinnati. OhlQ, a':d after closing Ins torn to pieces in the frantic endeavor of Q. "How do you feel njiw, anyhow!"' j ring (laiigliierj -the with stnlnUDLBTOH" BBOS, some tunati, ruriian, dixcoitrse he said ' Bring me an axe." the workmen to save the life of the un A. I feel a good deal Hforn, eapeciaily 10 Maiden K, T, Lane, bappy idea of utlackiugtue yill a revol- An ave was brought him, and uleaving fortunate man. on my left aide. Ueaide I don't like . ver. Bui this muu waa so o and ao tho ladlea Watches, of elegant design and finish, pulpit in pieces he said "As this this iVoMife. of Oentlemaira a and I for Watch, merit an. that equal gther pulpit will rise pleasunt looaing, bai,a in the day of ,;u 'g up with the. Q. What was your ltflk? aurpiumed qualities "f. V, to (ear of him than that !ve li'l eyino mcnt the people here, I will d Raymond," but of tmnlUr tizo, anperioa to A. Stone fence. fVMIlSllUicC VljrllfiJiec manufactured vhedle aome dollars from my pwfket. ?a w!wt against in thia will yet I can to country, Q. Would you like to ,hrow in a ghis. prrvent it;" and. to the be placed in market. and him iancr TJirt'uMoiu'd. shortly aanctum, iutojny xJled aiiinxemeut of the five hearers hj now! FOB it. (Loud laughter. ) He an M'J Dim to aittniwiv out uoi oeioie So Movement Belalled by tha Company. A. No; those who.liva.in atonehouaes It is noteworthy that while your neigh nounced that next Sunday he would Pouter, CALL ON TOTJB JEWEIXXR AND ASK TQ shi uidn't throw glass. oQuld not help fax'ng at him rather or are bora at the the metropolis liay give them a chanco more. Next Sunday, 8X1 THB JtlGIN WATCHES. Q. Waa you killed in ar diff: and how? pore earnestly ifum was quite, consistent instead of five, he bad fifty of an audi- menacing their city government with the . Yea, killed by the Got a car- - ; TUfcnner''.5 t Jfattd Bifls, with good nntf Nnlnmnma Xallonnl JSurinrf Oflir by reason of his ence; but at the close of his sermon ho secret and swift 'iM the stomach. ' Watch Coin f meted bv diff veimeance ,.r in nyf striking rosclfihlance to the statue of sa d there ought to havo been, five . Was you ever a rolling atone? the people of this 159 & 161 LAKE ST., CHIQAGQt Charles thcSccond, in I'Minburgli, which hundred. He pitied the inhabitants vigilance committees, Letter A. No. And that's th way I gathered Jfet(hf ' pad long beeu familiar to, my memory, of th t village when the day of in Ig- - city should have turned their thoughts .,.'.- . my moss. and of a vary picturesque (dmi'soter pf iik lit came, I in the direction same and an said, that by again reports Hard 'Bring Q. toward fi is noble head and furuhuad.: JTe was feelings anybody?'. , e lUlllIead me an axe. "After .demolishtng the organitation of thia nature is actually A. Yes, I'd like to puch the head WATCH COMPANY. NUIO'lU jUd. it a unit p,f loiiiospun blue ; wore pulpit. h demolished the Feats 1"0, Kvt man that dug me up. in our midst. pry tuickaOledj hos, that did not ap- th'y should rise, up in judgment aftainst consummated The interview w as entirely satisfactory, One our on of blackeneil for a pub,beei have to journals, Sunday, many pear ttif village, then he saul, "1 will give lished a circumstantial account of the nnd I left with feeling of lofty admira--i Sivy; and bail economically.; turned up you one chnnoa more, and the next tin e tion for the stone man. , aneh a of of his trousora. to pruvent their he doing)) body, and pretended to Blanks, lo, cdswith preached there were a thousand pco o waa nothing less its which He carried mud. the work, assign pwtaet pie present, and the congregation then ft 5 "piSauISS. blackthorn stick In ; his hard established has been one of the most than the banKing of Sheriff O'Brien. i- . a 'vj m a a a a mmP Hatifii'mKM'J Order Jtooks , Peter B. Sweeney, and half a doten les unno a re aaun mat In I uy.vnsmi: flourishing England. (Applause.) uue i;nrn ii manual itruugory ; ne saw myself when I came to Edinburgh a scr villains, an eetore. nreaKtast some Inventions are generally (he result of ' Sue morning. , phai jxX, utiue ttislnon, fnvitution) u in the High Street who resorted 10 in vout i trai irttt an. I aiti.10 ... I, i 1 .1, ,,..., yi a gold the out aensalional t no so of nuw Throwing part antique iu, longing trom ies are frequently made when another-.,-. extraordinary means to got the en rg of thia cldoiu seen: and had altogether tho air the story, it uocs seen , from what waa holding elTeot than the one obtained has been . , One preacher peonet Tarty Ticket, o farmer in a rough coun-Vr- forth lrom a chair to a umalt audience. have been ablo to gither previously, that of a, ! Bought. An interesting confirmation of .,, a of secret the friends law to of hard accustomed and league bere people ire and I anw furtlnr 'own, near the top of the correctness of the latter remark order baa been in this started ha, tJartls, city, and rk, lire' riot' particularly nice, cither the Canotigate, another preacher with a t ... IT ' Tnk.unn VA ., S ... rtronriH.it .. ........ . . . in . .v f. .uru , Vlllli-Vv.. H embraces, a large share of the that dress or mannc, NOW IN MARKET. crowd, and discovered the history American STYLES 199 great SIX who Market, a recommeuded street, of the Trades no. conseUnion "is of portion ttM, n,X i'Mx : .i . . 1. i. of it. The first was a plain man; but i. i . r yurooiiu wasu a , vt eoiuiiou auia But what its to do not care O. M. "Wheeler, to correct designs are, or B. W. Eaymond, quence. My 'real name I the second, knowing human nature bet people.success the atench of a larpe, and of-it H ; but whil feas ciiunot be Z. achieved, H. Mat. thcro'iidanfteiii Culver, by myself Laflin, gall ter, eame with a magnificent eowrt with stilted with fensive cancer. Hut the annlioui ion al rrom.pt y aitenieJ to and XX. H. I am knon to my neighbors as Mr, certainty. It possesses cer-J. T. Byeraon. most immediately Taylor, long taila.t I do not say he wti well up removed not only 01 a or cuamcierisuca national ua'aay Blank). aci in the English grammar. Nevertheless, But recently pluceil before the pnblie, tha but nlBO the pain, and ultimately ; v VWell, Mr. Blank, la there OK anything I he produced a great effect on the people Amevican order, and may have been in THESIS IN DR. WVt'ClIEii SpPKRIORlTY eflFectet! a cure of the disease." Sinee. cited by tho clannish opeiatioua of cer- flUN A.M D CONSTRUCTION has already aecured, ean do for you? "' because, 1 remember, ue was preaching ' has been used with for them a Nttttal Reputation, ami the I)K. then this remedy 01 came lain loauera who ka. replied; "hut I mnat on iVMviuli. lainmanv, hi I FIRST-CLASS in remember M ao them auc, AMI repent for say ajut has Rapidly Increased that tha such satisfaofory, suQcess in numerous WORKMANSHIP from the over to and ia also water, bv the yarn you, that to do mo a aervice Company hare keen ooiupelled to make larre cases of cancerous comnlainta. that if ing, "Jiow you will ask me wheu I hava boldness of the Roman Catholic assaults additions to their force of Kmplcyeaad Mnchin. ncur dancer very great danger ; a,n4 niaao ao much of will re- repentance, ry, in order to meet therequiramenta of the Trade. Friend Johnson had been disposed to vou shaft not inciir it uhtil you know pet- nnce aave a man?" I listened foa on our common school system. WhatHailmad men, and other desiring an accurate is is keep the composition $ secret and sell a ever it it Or are I tell you? frho I am. Shall and reliable Watch, are invited te examine tho ft. Ciincer the reply, and hi 'J. answer in. tllft Piiulio 8cnt;neat--- Ibeing kept very quiet. ' Jotion, so many high testimoni- ' GUAltAXTKED. now . of enYi. Uaymnnd Mnvpiuenta. One of our leadiag speak you afraid (Loud laughter.' amjinative, "No, Bnllroad Companies, thoroughly convinced of their ais oi us emcacy coma nave oeea pro- 'You may tell me ; anil I am not afraid' Fortunately,' "No" waa more understand- - lightened public sentiment and the sober duced as would have attracted tuihlio. .. superiority, Una furnished them to their Engineers has been replied, beginning, to fecj addit.ipna.1 abl-- ' than the '.'affirmative." and there judgment of the minority ai d they are pronounced by them to theeloeest Ttut aa .tiffiiMr. f.nm gunner ftttstntinn incensed the raseali who greatly against interest in my mysierioua visitor. runuiug American Kailwny Watchea yet manofaot. perfectly sound. have interposed their ' VlvviH'ea right' into U matter at fore the doctrine tnred, and fully equal tosomeof the towl uuiHftod or cancerous sores may, of themselves to political power Watchea aa oorrect inenewea augmer.j , or nnder the advice ol physician, test anient criminal rrcia the punianment onc.e," he aaid. "Luo ai v,e. I am the Ko MoTemeuta rct&ilpd by the Company, .1 the duo who their and utility of the wash, it composition,, was who are Call cr'uues, Charles' Edward an son of Stuart, your Jewoler and ask to aea tluiaa. everyday ' and modeof use are here given, namely: the ends of But is li lawful King of England, Scotland, and thwarting justice. 'a of the late : Qoodloe, Yancey cjte ' Business Office and th of one ounce of carbolic acid ; , Salesrooms, treland, and was aomraonlyand unjustly new books have been subscribed not yel prepared to resist these things in one of water, applied at leas N. unto Y. Cor. blood." Sacramento quart whomever ma,a 5alle.1l Trelendci;.; for iu London, and retail dealers have 159 & 161 LAKE STM CHICAGO. three times per day. Friend Johnson . ,'nion. wkat hc.was' not,or to ordered aO.WH). ' preleud,e4 ta, ; recommends sometimes the carbolic acid , was (he possesion 9 .V,anything buf, what in the proportion of of an V" ' A fund has been started for the benehis own,.'-- ' ,l The managers of the Paris theaters ' CARDS. ounce to a quart of water, to be taken Mr. Blank fit of Colonel Drake, the pioneer when Btnrt did I certainly complain of it as a great greiv.cce that uvluied these words; even if I did not and $12,000 were subscribed at last IVKRY MKRPHAXT AND PROFKSSIONAL in dosea of one tablespoonfull three they are compelled to gtve the poor man stimihl have a siiunlv times a day. 1'hUadrlphia A'orth Amrh ' ' ' vt e will do them of their receipts. .lib my evea to be quite certain that I IN ALL ITSBRANCiTES. iu loe lst style of the art. , can. Wejlujiy fyerjr 4HI Saturday. : ' , : wloli-tili- ' righl-jf(jU- OGDEN JUNCTION ' cold-hlood- Ui-it- 8EMI-WEEKL- T. . . I exteu-Hiv- ' s , . euKiu-vaan- . j l ti . " fire-bel- ls e ELGIN WATCHES " 1 bt-v- n e , : . , ' ; - - .. : . JHRCTI0N u a, - , JOBPMlOiiOiil - - ii-- ;.'!'. ac Icrra-finiu- , . o in-y- lo . a. JOB PRINTING, , , ; ( k - ' -- g OltDlSIH s; . . ' , . of-th- , - aser-vfi'onM- f m , - 11111 well-to-d- ELGIN "WATCHES ELGIN WATCHES! etcttc. y. r ll ra 1 , I ! , ia-n- - - . , Tlme-keeper- Ten-nysoo- One-four- BOOKBINDING one-ten- . BUSINESS one-eigh- th th 2 |