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Show such1 special term in some newspaper in suid Territory. Sec.-llAnd be it further enacted That the said first judicial district shall enlace the counties of Millard, San-pefSevier, Tiute, Beaver, Iron, Washt ington, llio Virgia and Kane, the regukr terms of tho court thereof shall be held at the city of Beaver, in . P U,ltll -.. comuicneing on j ,)ivtT, ine nrst Jionday of June in each year; That the Said second judicial district shall embrace the counties of Tooele, fait Lake, Utah, Wasatch and Juab, and that the regular terms thereof shall be bold at Salt Lake City, commencing on the first Mondays of February, May and September, in each year: That thn third judicial district shall embrace tho coun- ueH oi Davis, Morgan, Summit, Box', r.lder,. tache, Weber and llichland, and that the regular terms thereof shall be held at Ogdcn City, in paid county of Box Elder, and shall commence on the first Mondays of January and June, in Cch year: but the time of commencing said regular terms of said several courts may be changed by the Governor, when tt shall appear to him that a different time would accommodate the Judge and-thpeople of the said several districts cutiojj of any writ, order, process, judg- daughter's husband, husband's futher, ment, or decree, of ny court or judga husband's grandfather, husband's son, of stkid . Tri'itory said" .mamli&ll' hnsband's grandson, nor her brother, cither of his deputies, may, if in their half brother, brother's son, sister's son, judgmeut assistance is necessary, apply father's brother, or mother's brother. to the commander, or person in charge, So A marriage shall be contracted while of any. military camp or post of the either of the parties has a former wjfe m ri nf the execution of the la United States in said Territory, or to or husband living in the United States, tie Territory, df t'iftUi anJ for ollcr any one having ch&rgo of troops of the or elsewhere, unless the marriage with United States therein, for a posse to aid such former wifa-4- r husband shall have purposes such officer; aud upon such application been legally dissolved. All persons withSerusUahd & MMt'tf btftiit ggc L being mndc, the commander, or person in the degrees of consanguinity within iruu nf IleprditntuXieet of the Canted in charge .of such military camp, post, which marriages-arherein prohibited dSStiMed, Amenta ixCoiyytt et.,1,1 of or troops, is hereby authoriied and to residents of and hereof Utah Marshal TUat th United States directed to detail a sufficient number of by declared to be incestuous and void, men to enforce the writ or other process, who shall iutermnrry with each other, Territory may ppowi. a f the nidicstl dWicts of jjaid Territory: whatever it may be, which-ibeing, or or who shall commit- adultery or fornisucb befcir T'Oii' deputy any j.rorjdeO; , said cation with eech other, shall be punis. threatened to jbe rpitcd.-f..Au.1 ..n hn' tfutboriied td", enter upon the marshal, or either .of Lis deputies, may ished by imprisonment at bard labor in TAfHEUK ARTISTIC AXTJ' HKF UKK PIC-bis. appointment Lis dutfqa, of Umr and ro 'i'l'KKM taken, i discharge make appycatioja fur juoU .afajgtance, the penitenary of the Territory not mope or me for' UuIiIimim of Inlinlto ilurnliilltT, must be approrea 7 aeju'-igtowhen fined not suppress any mob, thun twenty years, and be necessary OKI h ur ihwuiy in riiiiaii, ny an iimf iwwii distrietf court 6f Ibe district for1 whjck kuuwu to the Art, auuiu of which are an riot, or other disturbance of tho peace. more than one thousand dollars. priHV" desold and ri ' Appointed; aaid deputy Skc. 10. And te it further enacted, Sec. 26. And be it further enacted, tHte and1 subscribe same take That it shall be the duty puty must governor That in all' cases of elcjtjon by ballot it talcen by oath prescribed by law of said Territory, so' often as it shall shall be unlawful fo any person to iut the marshal, and gNe, bond, Vith good do appear necessary, to inspect, or cause to any number, figure, or defioe upon such .ml aumeient sureties to same mrvrsiiai be inspected, (he jails and other prisons ballot, whereby any person may be enin the Denal sum of ten thousand dollars, in, 8id .TercitsSry, wid the nianner per--; abled to ascertain by whom the ballet conditioned fot the faithful discharge1 of sons are held, treated and imprisoned was given;- and any violation, or ataia Rig duties' as sneii deputy. ; Ann' therein. And the governor shall make tempt to violate this provision shall be , and bond iG-ood-s, oath-ittiDbintmenl, approval, rules for tile regulation and government deemed and taken to bo a crime, and ' of the entered better. be journals upon1 shall of said- jails and' r toons; and be is upen conviction' thereof the person so Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, hereby empowered to remove tho ward- offending . Arid court. . inay be punished by a fine not be". It fuVtber enacted That in criminal cases both tho prosecu- ens and And of all' jails and prisons, exceeding five hundred dollars or by keepers tion and the awJiised shall have the right or other ottioers connected therewith, imprisonment in tho penitentiary not That if shall Ae the duty 6f said marshal in person or by his deputies, to and privilege to challenge, for caue, and appoint others in their stead as exceeding or by both fine and attend the district and' supreme counts the array and polls, both of the grfthtf often as in his opinion- the' public good imprisonment ail tho discretion of the of said Territory. anif serve and execute and petit jury, and in all prosecutions shall require; court, And at all elections, none but for bigamy, ami the crimes specified in AX9 all process, orders, judgments, or defurther enacted, inalo citizens of the Unified States over Sec. 20. And lie crees issued or directed by said courts, thiS'act, no person1 shall be competent that no one living in or practicing big- twenty-on- e of age, residing in the Jlclnuoofjpctf, AmfcroljpcH, years to serve, either as grand ot by any judge thereof. jurors, amy, polygamy, or concubinage, shall be precinct or election district, and not who believes in; advocates, or practices admitted to' citizenship of the United disqualified by conviction of crime or &c'; 3. And be it further enacted. That the United States district attorney bigamy or polygamy, and upon that fact States ; nor shall any such person hold otherwise, shall be competent voters. also appoint ail appearing by examination on voir dire any office of trust or profit in said TerriTerritory-ma6T Baid Sec. 26. And be it further enacted, Card assistant in each of the judical district or otherwise, suclr person1 shall not bo tory, vote at any election therein, or be That the probate courts in their respect'o home-steabefore That iaid serve as a juror. And in all entitled to the benefits of the' d of Territory: Provided, permitted tive counties in said Territory e herelaws of theWnited States, by authorized to hear, try, and deter- aim nmr ckleuratkd fus team, nd any such assistant shall enter upon the criminal trials each of the parties shall or and the district courts of said Territory mine civil causes wherein the debt or discharge of his duties, bis appointment have the right to challenge peremptoKKAUKLLKD CARD PICTURES, must be approved by the presidingjmlge rily six of the petit jurors. .. .i . are hereby authorized to1 issue1 writs of damages claimed docs not exceed five tff ibe district court of the district for feefc 12. And be it further enacted. quo warranto, on the information of the hundred dollars, and in criminal matjrhich sttch appointment is made; and Thai in all prosecutions for bigamy ot district attorney or dtfrer persons interters may exercise jurisdiction as comsaid assistant must take and subscribe adultery, theJawful wife of the accused ested, to test the right of any-on- e dismitting magistrates, and'- tlie. twenty-nint- h 49 Pli tntv of nil kincla tukon at nl times smt Assertm! of whicX awi0esiantly the same oath prescribed by law to be shall be a competent witness to prove charging tho duties of or claiming the section of an act of the territorial In till kuxU vt wwither, eijiuiily well. taken by tho district attorney. Ami both the first and subsequent mrrw'ge right to any office in said Territory ; and legislature of Utah conferring general being xplonisieif in ith j&i (he Staple Baid appointment, approval, and. oath or marriages of her husband, but for no the judges, of elections are hereby au- and unlimited jurisdiction on- the pre " the' , of ball be entered uponother purpose. JT OfcD pTCTtRKR CV.iIhI, Kiilnrtt or Re- Items journals thorized t examine Wilder oath all.per-son- s bate courts-- both! iw eivil tml eJiminal ncccssttry fbr Taailties and bee.-1.5., aud rvuik'rcti luiitvriiiltulHe. said court. And be it further ennctedj who may offer to vote as to their cases; entitled. "An act in relation to duced ia Sue. 4. And be H further enacted, Whereas marriage in said Territory off qualifications and right so to do, and all the ninejudiciaryr" apprevod " That it shall be the duty of said district Utah1 rests solely on the eontract of the persons appointed or elected to office in teenth, one thousand eight hundred aud JOBBING TRADE. attorney, in person, or by lus assistants, parties, followed by cohabitation, there said Territory, before enterinjupon the fifty-t- r. o; also the second! section of an In view ct Ih tact tlie fonntry is IMmI with nn- to attend all of tbe district courts of being no form, manner or ceremony, duties of such office, and before being act entitle "An act for the regulation mIkmc work i wiMitlug in clu'iu-fakillfiil said Territory, imd jerfotnr th'e duties prescribed by .the bws of said Territory entitled to any salary or other emolu- of approved February eight-tcent- h, rflivt, iirtmitH- tnt, alno, durlWIIIv in fort, in attorneys," tfiis of prosecuting attorney lit ail criminal for the solemnisation ofone thowand eight hundred n everything Hint roiiKtituti'it a good pii'tyrr, the importunC ments thereof, shall take and subscribe rilier fceln raMml npon to luxnrvas good work courts'. ' ewes arising' in relation in. society, or requiring any Hie following oath or affirmation, to wit: fifty-two- ? also the first section of an mulM can Im prralnrwl Miywliare or ly my nnr. IVr-iSsc. 6'.- And be it further ermcted, certificate, or publication of 'I, A. B., do solemnly swear (or affirm) act entitled "An act containing proviswiiiliiiig wvrk, wilt piciue CALL IMMETbai in r.ccorlance with th'e sixth sea the same: That in all prosecutions for that I have never voluntarily borno ions applicnble to the laws of the Terri- DIATELY. iiua of i ho uct of Congress entitled bigamy or adultery, it shall not be arms against fhe United States since I tory trf Utah," apprOTei January four''An act providing for a! district and necessary fo prove either the first or have been a citizen thereof; that I fcave teenth, arte thousand eight hundred and ' An a moiiiMito or token of affection. circuit court in the United, States for subsequent marriages, by the be, and the sannr are hereby, voluntarily" given no aid, counten- fifty-fo- r, N'otliliiK ieivedoa portrait. registra the district of Nevada, and ftfr other tion or certificate thereof, er other re ance, counsel, or encouragement to perIt ia magic din"iier of plenum disapproved and repealed. A rotiMiIrr In honra nf alwenre-- t. purposes," approved February twenty' corded evidcnce,but t he same maybe provsons engaged in armed hostility thereto; Sec. 27. And be it fnrther enacted A reureM'iitutire w lion ailent ehxiienrg even,, eighteen hundred and sixty-fived by such evidence as is admissible to that 1 have neither sought net-- accepted That in all cases in which the marshal biiiera npiritual thouglita of Lev and (he aforesaid marshal and . district at prove a marriage in other cases, and nor attempted to exercise the functions of said is a party to the suit llojie. Territory ' T. M, WOOD Artist, torney of said Territory of Utrli,, shall proof of cohabitation - by the acpusedJ q any office' whatever, under any author- or in any way interested or otherwise to be entitled remore in s severally than oris woman with cbargc'and husband ity or pretettded authority hostility disqualified to act, the court shall apOCDEN Jn,Uil70, fcoire for the services they may perform and wife, his declarations' and admist the' United States; that I huve not point some one to act as marshal theredouble .the fees and compensation 'al- sions that such women are his wives. yielded a voluntary support to any pre- in. lowed by the act of OongrefSj entiilod his acts recognizing," acknowledging, in- tended tfar fVranna heretofore unotH'feftffiil In olitaltting SV.t; 2?r Awl tre rt ftrftbef erVacletf, government, authority, PKilFMT I'KTf UKS, are particularly hrvited to "An act to regulate the tees and Costs troducing, treating or deporting himself ot constitution within tho United pxvcf, States that aft of the favf frouRs In the public cull. diMtance for work, IVrxmin coming from ' ' lo be Allowed clerks, marshal, ami attor towards them as siich, shall,- u'tfle? re- hostile or inimical thereto; that 1 am . (Ascortcu Sixes,) lie luil for tlieir time ami trouble iu doing an library of said Tif iitory bought w ith will of the and circuit courts' district la to of be not If sufficient Wr autlantctiou fen. sustain (ft the riot living in pertect butted, iicys practicing tfigamy, poly- tho moneys appropriated by the he United State, and for other purpo artd in nil enses in wdiieh a gamy, or cottdibinrtge;'. Arid" I will not of an act of Congress ses, woTiiaft is accused, tbo same rriles- of hereafter live in or prnctlcelie'same. approved rebruary twenty-mentitled, "An act to establish a territo... eighteen hundred and fifty-threevidence sliall apply to tier acts and Audi do further swear (or affirm ViW rial government for Utah," approved " ' And be it further enacted admissions.. '. , 8r.c. 0. to the best of mv knowledge and nliilitv September ninth, one thousand eight Jliat only citizens of the tinted Slates, Skc. U. And be it further, enacted. I ami detend the Constitu hundred and fifty, shall from and after C. WOODMAXSEE, over the age of twenty-on- e man in said Territory,-whyears,' shall That-antlon of the United States against all ene the passage of this act, be kept at the He serve to a or f this act goes into effect, live mies, foreign and domestic; that I will seat of government by the secretary of competent grand petit shall, after or cohabit one woman or more, bear true faith and allegiance to the said TcmterT for the use of the gover jurors in sain lerriiory. , 7. Sac. And bo it further enacted, other than, his lawful wife, as his wife same; that I will MALF.a I!T obey all of the laws of nor, legislative assembly, judges of the That the grand jury of said Territory or wives, shall be adjudged of the United Stales, and will not counsel, supreme court, marshal and attorney of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, guilty . shall eonsiftt of fifteen good and lawful the crimo of concubinage, and upon advise, or encourage any other person to said Territory, and such other persons men twelve of whom concurring may convjetion thereof, shall be punished by disobey or violate the same ; that I take and under such regulations as said DRYGOOCS, nna ana return a bin or endictnieitt. fine not exceeding one thousand dollars. this obligation freely, without any mensecretary and governor sliall make, and Sec 8. And be it further etiactod. and by imprisonment in the GROCERIES, penitentiary tal reservation or purpose of evasion, said secretary shall be held responsible That at least ten days before the time of at nard laoor, not exceeding five years, and that I will well and faithfully dis for the safe keeping of the same; and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS.ETC. Boliting each regular term of the district and in all prosecutions for the violation charge the unties of the office on which that the sum of three thousand dollars courts of said Territory, irt their res of this section the A Oood Supply, of MECHANICS' So help mo God." be and the same is hereby appropriated alleged eoncubifles I am aboilt to enter pective districts, the United States mar- of the accused shall bo" competent gee. 21 And bo it further enacted, out of the moneys in the treasury, not TOOLS on hand. shal of said territory, or one df Lis dep- witnesses to. establish or disprove the That, in tho absence, or in case ef sick- Otherwise appropriated, to be expended, uties, shall, in connection with the clerk charge: Provided, That no statement ness or disability, of any of the judges under the direction of the governor bf the district ctturt for which a term is made by any such witnessed shall be of said Territory, or for any cause what- and secretary, in the purchase of law OGDEX CITY to be boldeh'. select from the body of the used against, admitted or allowed .to ever 'rt'liicJi renders it necessary, it shall books to complete and fill up said law people of said district twctlty-seve- n manner irt nrly case be Competent fof either of the judges to MAIN STREET, OITOPITE JT.NCTION. good effect them 'it library. and la,wfu"vnten" having the necessary whatsoever, Hnd any on indictment chrtrging hold court in ajty of the judicial districts 29. And bo it further enacted, Sbc. bualificaHoris- to serve as jtirors, and said crime" t3 liiive been committed of said STIX Kit A Ij.IYLA XD, Territory, and it is hereby made That the district courts of said Terri make fc list; m writing, of the names of with more thnri end woman, will be the of said judges, upon the re- tory shall have exclusive original juduty Proprlt'fora. tlie persons so selected, efttl append sustained by showing the saiiie quest or direction of the executive of risdiction in all suits for divorces or PATRONS CAS IIEUB FISD AT ALL thereto a c'cfMfieate, stating" fhnt said to. hilvd been proof, committed with one only said Territory, in writing, setting forth alimony. OCR . ' ' ' persons have" by them been selected te or more. ' the reason and necessity of such request 30. And be it further enacted, Sue. act in the afijf esaid capacity, and SecJ. 13.1 Arid be it further enacted. or direction, to proceed to the district That this act shall take effect from and A Xo, 1 A rticle of It 11 K A J) , setting iortu tne court, district and term of That the statutes of limitations shall not designated and to hold the terms of court after its CRACKEUH, ilc.de. passage, and all acts and parts court for which they, were silocted, bar a for any of the crimes therein until such necessity shall ccane. of acts of the United States, or of the prosecution A GOOD SUPPLY OP ALSO, which certificate shall be Sec. 22. A;:d bo it further enacted, legislature signed by the specified in this act, nor for the crimo of Utah, not consistent persons making such selections, and fil- ef bigamy, cdncnn.ringe or fcdultery, That the probate judges, justices of the herewith, are hereby repealed ind CONFECTIONERY. ed with said clerk j , whereupon said clerk hereafter committed- peace, judges of all elections, notaries lisapproved. shall forthwith issues venire, directed Skc: '16. And be it further enacted. public, and all sheriffs in said Territory to said marshal or Jiis hat the last scnter.tS ) in the thirty-firshall be appointed by the Governor and s An exchange gives the following sim deputy commanding him to summons the. fifteen persons section !'of 'an act 'of the Lojrislature of shall hold their offices for the term pre- - ple mode as a proper way to test flonr: S. S. first named dti said list, to be and in the palm of yonr entitled. .'An act in relation to scribed by law, unless sooner removed, J "l'lnee a thimble-fappear Utah,' in said court bh the first dav of the term I the with and rub it gently finger. erimps, and punistimeiits, approved or their successor Bhalh before then be hand, If the flour smoothes down, feeling gentle (to be ftamcd in 'said verlire) to March six; eighteen hundred and fifty- - appointed. And a tariety of ptber Item la Sec. 23. And be it further enacted. anil slippery, it is of an inferior quality, grand juror also to Wie wo, which is in tho words following to HALF A BLOCK EAST OF TIIE 1Jthereof venire commanding said marshal, wit: "0o prosecution for adultery can That an appeal shall be allowed from all lint if the flour rubs rough in the palm, deputy, t summon the remaining bo commenced but on the complaint of final decisions, orders, judgments,, or feeling like fine sand, and has an orange . "JUNCTION OFFICE, OGDEN. persons on said list to be anj the husband orjt'ifa, be, and tho same decrees of arty justice of the pda'cd or tint, purchase confidently. It will not All Orders personally and ptomptly at said tej'irt. to sem as petit v is hereby , disapproved and repealed. probate courts in Siiid Territory, to the disappoint you." attenacU to. and the persons so selected and And that 1he residue of said section, district court of the district in which js.immoned shall constitute one full grand which ''in the words followins. to wit: before such justice or mannthctnred ty n la rarmnte4 to Every Afti'-ndono full petit jury Provided, That Im tuaiio oi (lie mmi material. Every person' who commits the crime probate court are had,, and in correction CLOTIIIXCJ, l.lm COAL! number COAL!! of imCOAL!!! of the proceedings' of 'justices' of the pallor any Summoned the persons so of adultery shall bo punished by Jsclectedund shall fail to r, prisonment not exceeding twenty years peace and probate court of said Terrishall be excused ,by the court, nor iess than three years, or by fine not tory, and to prevent and correct abuses LUMBER YARD. COAL HATS, lor shall bo' thAUenircd. or If fnr nv exceeding one thousand dollars and not by the same, the district courts 'of said k STOCK OP TIIE II ALL St VANDYKE other cause whatever it shall become less than three linndred CRAIN MEAT. DEPOT. dollars, or by Tcf ritory are hereby authorized to issue ii. ("oal Company's Coal will bo connecessary, the Ctturt, both in the case 9f bdtk fine aad imprisonment, at the dis- writs of error, certiorari, ' mandamus, & GENERAL PROVISION on band ai the Ogdcn Tithing the grand and netil stantly 3IOOTS, order aad in the cretion accor of the and the samp "prohibition, jury, may ' court," be, quo warranto MARKET. MAW 8TRBKT, OllDKX. Office Square. pannel to bo filled by talesmen, suramoa-e- d s hereby, adopted ad 'enacted, and an eommon the tho dance with ef usages All Coal will be weighed when sold to by the marshal ' or .hia dpnutv tVAm violatiOii of this section, the fourteenth law. JOHN U. TOOL, Proprietor. the body of the district or from the by- section of thirf N R. Lathi, and tUilniclo. sold on CouiiniMi-.ji- . ni hnd the act against J Sect 24. And ba it further enacted, the purchaser, act, ' ' ' V standers. Will take one-ha- lf in Oats or may be charged in separate That niarringes in said Territory may bigamy payment Skc. 9. And be it furtlier enaete-i- . counts' in the ' same indictment, which be eolemnued only by justices of the Barley. IVKWMVTV, XIC, TAc. That, if, at any special or adiurnfiil uadiotment may .conclude, generally, Supreme Court; by jnstices of the Orders will be received and promptly TIN AND IRON PLATE WORKER, term of the district courts ef said Ter. made pence duly appointed and qualified, and filled at the Tithing Office by Mr.)Valter against tte statutes in such' casts IslorJtt II ttc of (he VgdtH ' fiioty, it shall become ' ' and provided. ' by any priest or minister of the gospel Thompson. , JIoM. either a grand or petit afestabordained and settled or or 17. Sue. And be further it both, enacted, regularly jury NEATLY KXKCTTET, ON PUORT The Trices of the above Coat wili be ter the lurii9 fnr tha rnmiU'r torn, . as All in lished said WORK and on RKAXOMAULK TKItM.-im sijch, (fases or proceedings. y.here Territory, between enough to warrant the patronage f .en discharged from attendance, the jhat if tliere parties competent to enter into the tnnr flow may "be ordered, imprisonment . . the L f 1.1.1. , general public. iL. jicrsuii ringo contract. Marriage in Said Terpresiding judge of the, district court re- - o no jan or prison in wuicu ine Mm H"iring in attcuifanoe of such a jury r r ersoi)s to be imprisoned can with ritory is hereby dcolared to be a civil H'n I Til ' 'i ."), uiscreticn, usue a safety be kept, Ibe tdurt or judge may contract, to which the consent of pa rt ies, C. THOMPSON, etial'orJer rc6uirinir the marshal nr order such person or person confined cap&bla in law XOTICK IS IIKUEBY contracting, I essenAll Orders adtresed to S..T.TEASUEL,. ne of hla deputies,' the clerk,, to in any military prison or camp of the tial. No man, a resident ef said Terri( avd ISivcrrtale, Ogrtcn, : cct and summon a iurr.or United Statfin in said Territory; and the tory, shall marry his mother, his grandOgdcn t;ityfe will haTe yrtanpt "nee accoMWe to the forciroinr nrnvin- - thoer .r Rpeec1fMTIy litfoniw lira Iukiliitaut of Ogileu i Wmrnand of such mother, daughter, gfiftiddaughter, Btep- - mux Tin? nnnK and lot ksows a person new ' nut mat Uiil L Reiidcnce nns f this Acl. . And vM'iiuty tha aii.l ; vt 4ilteation. ' J(IIS Vrojrty or camp is berehy authoriied and niother, grandfather wife, son's wife, any iudsre of ike located a little South of Ogilen C'itv. nn tlie A-isris'iistft courts yf the said .Territory of: jrison court or the wifaa wife's of on wife, the orddr grandson's 8tatr limit, will be aold at Pnlille Wale, ob KATL K. r iUirr, re(ircd, t is hereby kuthofiied and emrtoivar. tn full operation, aud tfml ho In pr. iv.l I.AV, iba lftli iiiKtant, between 'the Ihinra of jiidgf, to receive and onf'ely keep such irranilrootaer, wife s . daughter, wife s Twclva flint T to appoint At Buch o'lloik, p.m., at reoi.leuee, to to mdy lit patriiei m itli iiuilily of Uincs,and places as person or persons' until they shall be' granddaughter, nor his sister, his half-siste-r, aeUHfy th'i Territorial, and Taica AM HOLE LKATIIKR; alw wild UTHtl (il brother's daugbUr, father's taslny. em expe.rin, as many special awfully discharged from custody, fcno fit the years lS68ud ISOU. naiiwt HOOTS 'rms or e'Anirl Ta his district as in his MtOl.S, Skc. 18. ' And be it further enaetcd, ter, or mother' sistclr. No wom'n (shall WILLIAM BROWK, liIanofactu'rel lo the Wat Style of Wuilimimhip, opinion the SUates marshal or marry her falter, nf biiino. !p!iitip United That son, ifthe grandfather, ' t Iefty Aeeor and Collector. X.Jl.Ji.ilcH and Minire,. thirty . days', notice 4o any of his deputies shall be resisted or grandma, gmTirlmT)tliei;,g .Tnnnary 4th, 18J(L Jlark wmittii. SuiteruiteMdciit. . lenfjthetiuieandplaye of holding1 threatened with resistance, in the cxe- - husband, daughter's husband, graml- - l if in m general circulution WOOD'S- w l b; MIX PHOTOGRAPHIC and-.tha- ,.;, "! ucjr o tbe OGrJJM CITY, ROOMS!! e , AT OCDEX, nnxm-roww- l WHOIEMLElRi of-th- Photographs, Cartes Visite, Vignettes, e ' - .,,! Dry STEIIEOSCOFIC PICTURES, one-yea- if General Ftrroolj ior licture Merchandise. ' - ' Jten-uar- il - al sa-ii- Arrived this Week: e; 300 Kegs lMs, m x, - e, 50Mo.7 Rock Island Plows, - will-suppo- Main Htreet, Option, 50 BoxWindow , Glass, m BAKERY, 500 Gals. Coal Oil . , 100 Sacks A Sugar, et ul 1 TUCKER. .Tolnoi, ami Cnrpo.itoiV C?uliiiet 3Iiilcn, - " ap-rc- ar i)Y ju-fo- rs, c;oois, np-re- ' 1- -1 II. J. , 1 JOlfN i near :ntn) t ERY AI 1 JI. n. CLA1VSOX, ; ." |