OCR Text |
Show .!' ' " ' gmutiou; fltkn ehc OF SUBSCRIPTION. TERMS One Year Six M"i'th Three Month" and Saturday. Wedn"ly jubliHhed every i '1 f ' ' ' Jt.00 - i" . jl'jllxj: . -- r ; .. : DOYOTAfl RATES OF ADVERTISING. urn li. ..I.. , .i ' - - IVftws 'Tiif .AriifiirA . Why is an umbrella like a high church? Because it always keeps lent. He wooed Motto for a reiected suitor and she wouldn't.. He cuWl but she ) couldn't., , . ' : A nu n, uiyv . Misicellaneou!. orripnlfiirft iSfiini Tho nnil tliA Arte. year Snturdsys. Saturday. 1870 will have fifty-thre- It comes iu ami goes ' e out on says: "Buffalo is cheap gas George Francis Truih ,JMnrk Twain's paper it ' - jl3 ' m P . - Crta jmini n 4 11 10 19 24 - . ' r 4 SB E S J .g ' 20 84 44 15 par month, ax 30 46' 60 w so 134 Tranxient adverting to be paid 6 In a Jvunre. line" of type of thw A Square cuuaixtt of ten to change at plewoire, allowed 'Teerly advertinan the .additional eharge of twonty.liveI " lib wily,uare for composition, but they wil! orer cuu- cbarRed K.YTKA lor occupying space Nnticet or Advertlaeiuenta retained on twenty-ar- e the utide of the paper, will be charged rate. per cent, additional on the above Ailwrtiwmeiitt not marked an the copy with the insertion., will be publiidied at our opnumlr of onlered out, and. cliarged at treipnent tion until ,riial "aDVKBTISKMKNW iueertei till forbid, will be continued until ordered out, ill every inKtnnre, and chan.'.! for accordinHly Tte privilege of yuly and half yearly adverti. to their direct liue of bniiiees.and ,n in restricted all U(pt Auction; Real Kutate, or uther sdvertin., will be chargRH"t foi eign to their regular trade, - . ed fur anuerately. will lie No A,vortienient from the State without the canh ( at our advertised rate,) arcouiiouiNlng the order, uulem from one ofoqr Millar authoriTed AUvertiHing Agent. ill rommnnirationa devoid of interest to the tiul.lic, or intended to promote , private interifeta, ieenM-ntaand payment will he charged aa advert , we rMulrad in advance. If personal in charm-torreserve the riht to reject any article, or advertiae-Bicof thin clan. OCDEN DIRECTORY- Huh. J. Coventor Wilson Shaffer, S. ,A.Mann. , Marshal Miltorl Orr. C, H- - Hempstead, (7. S. Ajtoxiiey Stnetary Surfyor-Geiterut-- J. ton. B. Over- ' Regittrar of Lund '. S. '. S. i'hitf C. Wilif J. J," Juive. JuiliceiO, V. 81 rickland and llwley. to Delegate Hooper. Yf. II. William Congrt .V-.V- Territorial Ofii'cers: Suow. AlUirney-(!eneral7.vrim- J. Marshal ' D. T. McAUinter. OUv'ton. Unvid O. Cnlder. Furrinteiutent of Comntun Sehooli .4uJi'rw-oVV"illia- ni Tretiturer " ; Robert li. Campbi'li Wclior.Coniily Ofliocrs: f'rvbqtf (Jk Rirl.ard. "County ; ' . F. D. Jutgc . .! - Israel Caufield. - . : Conner Vim. Fife. Surveyor Mt(i MUfri)tedHlt of Schools -- Win. V. Burton. . '; t i ' TreofHrer ... . I w '' " dlovornmenti City j 1 i.'.i . 1 Incorporated lij ct of Jan. 18, 1801. Municipal election ' biennially on the second Monday of February. Meeting of the Oily CttUtyi) wekry, on Tuesday evenings, at City Hall, Main Street. Mayor Loren Farr. Aldermtti- -. A. Brown, 1st Ward; L. J. Herrick, , 2d , , JoHepK Vrry. ' 3d ; Coumehr Q. W;.! West, "Jame Walter Thonipnon, Wui. Burton, Joxiah Leayitt. ;; '.".7; Reorder Thox. G. "OdolL Attorney A. Miner. ManlaK-, 3i V K. Fife,'- - i Treaiurer Aaron Farr. Aettnr and Collertnr-SBingham. Surveyor W. W'. Burton. P, G. Taylor. .- , . , Cajilii,i of rolic ! Mc-Gu- ' -., i . i 1 : i , ' Ogdon Post Office: General DeKv-crfrom a.m. to 7.30 p.m. Sundayth frin 0 p.m. to 7.80 p.m. Daily Mnilsci.Ol.K, until further liotice, for Salt Lake City at 5 p.m. For the , r f 9 a.nu ,: For the Wett 4' 5 p.to. Et. AVB1VI Fiotu"Salt Lake the East . . New York,.. A jipecltil to the World t'row Ply month Pennsylvania, says there was nearly a repetion of the Avundale disaster The breaker of the Nottingham mine, in the (Southern end of town, wa on fire 'men There were 'fifty-fiv- e yester-dayjmornin- g. in the mine. The main trap, like that of Avondule, had but one outlet. Notwithstanding this no notice was given to the men below that the. building, above was on tire, fortunately with great exertion, not only was it prevented from spreading but extinguished, the men below remaining all the while in iguoranoe of their danger.. The fire was the work of gross carelessness on the part of the company. It appears that two stoves weva kept nthe "breakers" to give hent to the boy employed to pick out the slate from the coal. TLc pipes from these stoves were, Uireutly through the woodwork 6f the building, without any protection, and the woodwork became heated until it was of the consist ency of tinder, and then it ignited. At upon some of the men came up to get their dinner, and although every exertion was mode to keep the fire from their knowledge, the fact leaked out, ami they became aware for the first time of the terrible fate they had escuped. When they wcttt down again they informed the rest of the men, and they at once held an indignation meeting, and resolved to go up. When they got up they assembled' the rest of the miners belonging to the uifne. "and held numbering shout seventy-five- , another-meetingresolving' that they would not again go into the mine lyitd two chimneys tot the stove-pipwers built and a watchman placed in .charge of the building uiglit aud day, and the men at the bottom to have a signal when there was danger at the surface. Since then the mine hasnot been worked." The men still remain firm &n.d the proprietors of the mine not being able" to get any men to supply the places of the old hands are yielding to their demands, and the construction of the chi"neys has commenced, but they think t':at one, with a man iu ctiHrgeat night will be sufficient. They' decline to place one ou in the day time, but the men insist on two watch men and an alarm bell. Poiijrlikecpsie A ferrihlo tragedy oceirtl sleepy Hollow, near Tarrytown 4hi p. m A his wife., man named V. W. linckmtt a New York mere hi t named Alfred Uandall and the sou of rhe latter; namMrs. , Buckout. was ed ('has. Randall. shot through the temple, Alfred Mandnll through the heart. Mrs. Buckout and Alfred Kanilall are dead: Chas. Unndall lies in a dangerous cundiiion. Buckout gave himself up immediately and was lodged in jail. The cause of the tragedy is by some persons ascribed it jealousy ; others believe Buckout was insane. ! A terrible tragedy, recalling in some of its features the famous Helen Jewutt murder, . invented - in addition,;- - with shadows and dark mystery, occured at fi'.l Elizabeth street, last evening. The house wns. one of assignation and kept by Mrs. Beck. Among the visitors and occupants of the back room, every Sabbath afternoon, for the past five muaths, have been an unknown gentleman and a closely veiled lady. Nothing was known of the parties by Mrs. Beck, except that th! man engaged the room eyery previous Saturday, aud the mysterious wo man, whose face she Jiad jiever seen, met him there. , At the usual time last evening, half past six o'clock, pistol shots were heard in the chamber. Mrs, Beck and a policeman hastily broke in the door and found the man lying on the floor insensible, with a pistol shot in the right tensile; his companion, ahnndsome and apparently refilled aud intelligent lady, was lying near him, with a ghastly wound in her left temple. They were taken to tho Bellcvue Hospital,, where they died shortly after without speaking From word to clear the mystery. p 'pers found in their pockets, it is believed that the name of the man. js George Bnuman, Rnd that of th woman Annie McNamara, both school teac'.iers in Brooklyn. The .bodies werp. placed Great n the morgue for identification;.. excitement prevailed last night iu the fci S vicinity of the tragedy i t Select Sfrn Loh(t J. Hcrrick, Henry. Ilulniex. Riehnrd BHlliiutyne. Clerk, und Becnrder F. 8. llichnrds. l'rittecutintf Attorhci(-ireUu- a Miner. Sheriff q'i:iert Bi'lkiiap. Deputy Sheriff William Brown, Landford Bingtnor and Cu(Tof At ham.- AXarrow FMenpe 1 .Miners Terrible Tragedy. .. . ' Celebrated Canals and There are many large and costly aqueducts in the world, the most elaborate, and the most complete and expensive of modern times being the Croton aqueduct of New York. This required five year's labor to build it, and is forty miles in length; it costs $12,000,000, and flows 27,000,000 gallons daily. All of the great cities East, nearly, are supplied with lake or river water through aqueducts. The system of the Fairmount water-workat Philadelphia, is well Boston ' is known to all Americans. supplied by an aqueduct nineteen wiles In length, and uses 12,000,000 gallons daily. Jersey City is supplied with 3,0(OLOOO gallons of water daily through an aqueduct nine miles in length, Lisbon has the most artistic aqueduct in t ho,, world, aud , surpasses all modern Croton in extent and the works, except is n.ne miles in length, It magnificence. and is carried oec jvalleys in some places 2;400 feet in a straight line, by several stupendous arches, the largest of which is nearly 800 feet in length, and has a spaa of 115 feet.' The aqueduct building at Marseilles, and nearly completed,' will, when finished, be the grandest in the world. It has been nearly forty years in course of erection, and has oot 225,000,000 franc, or ubout $15,000,000. For a number of years it hus bee senrfoeabfe, admitting through its huge tube the iabulous amount of 200.000 gallons of water per minute, or 288,000,000 gallons per day . hours, of twenty-fou- r Louis XIV. built, at tu enormous expense, a aqueduct for supplying lf ith water; the Maintenou Uridge, built l'o supplying the acqueduct, is the most beautiful structure of the kind in tuo world; it is 4,400 feet in length., 200 ICel in, 'kiKu;i ani1 18 construcieu oi mrm tiers of arches of one upon an other, 212 feet in each tier, ud u span of 0 teet. is at tha present day, and has been for hundred of rears, supplied h with water through a earthen pipe, from the vPool ofHSolotnon, near Bethlehem, a distance of seven miles, .V- - modern .writer, . in creaking of the great Delhi canal, iu, lu.fi a, ray '"The waters, carried over the low country tu an aqiiedtnt of masonry, lifter passing a cut iu the mountain 00 feet deep, flowed through the city, distributing itself in minor streams, supplying gardens, fountains and mstiaions, filling the marble haihs' and watoring tiie rich fruits and flowers.!' The' great Ganges canal, in the same country, is nearly 1,000 miles iu length. This immense system takes from the sacred river 8,000 eubie foet'f water per second, a,nd has plnced thirteen millions of, nurvs of wasie lands n a' high and prosperous state of cultivation. This . great s Vvater carriage is fringed - upon both, sides, daring its entire distnnce', with fruit and ornamental trees of every description. I. VOL. is coming. CITY LICENSES. UTAH CENTRAL To all whom It may concern. RAILROAD. Aqueducts. -7 es John P, Tupgnrt. Collector. J. Hollister. Atsettor . AMERICAN. ,' George R. Offict i Maxwell. i . s C Clements. C. of J'ublie Muniet Receiver ' OUievta fvr NiitftsT Laiic2 - UTAH, SATCRDAY. JANUARY 8, 1870. 0IE5T, BY TELEGRAPH 80 13ft 100 T5 Xo. 3. - o have IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT NOTICE 'Bill, I eat a good deal of fish now; they say it's good for the brain." "It is: Well, John, 1 11 buy you a whale. Six gentlemen in New York have taken steps to import one hundred ChU nese servants for their own households. pioxi:i:r uxu or itah. ' Moiiljiy,Te.Jh,lHOO FARU, Mayor. .. ' ; A femnle student at the Bellevue Hos pital, in New York, has thrashed one of the male students for an alleged insult. Miss Liiiie Boynton, of Indiana, an- nminces herself for Congress. She has blue eyes, short hair and a prominent ' ' ' ,11 nose. WILL. BK s, OPEX TIIOS. Ge. CDELL, City Recorder. "Why don't you ask me how I am ?" said a smiling lady visitor to a four-yea- r old girl. "1 don't want to know," was The Office of the City Recorder is at the Office of the "Og'den Junction," Trains will connect at Farmington with (ha little inuuoout's reply. Seventies' , Hull, aear the U. C. R. R. Stages from the City at 8.15 a.m., and I Fields, tho Williarasport (Pa.) mur- Station. '; ' 4 p.m., and arrive at Ogden in'time to (icrcr, took a dose of ( vinegar and moconnect ;itU the Express Train going lasses to relievo a sore throat half atv Office Hour t from 10 4."m. till 8 p. m. East at 10.40 a.m., and the Express hour before he was hanged. !;..! U C.40 p.m. The 't ...... t, Trsin going West at. ; .. v .. v .' An old lady on a train not far. Trom " return Trains will leavo Ogilon t 11. d a.m., and 6 p.m., mnkingclose Lnfnyette, hearing the brakemen sing ,,. Onnotttinns with the. Stages at Farm- - out, Eutmnk's Cut," sailed to the dour mgton for Suit Luke City. , , ,.,,.;, ., and asked, "Is he hurt muchf" ' : , OGDEN CIRCULATING LTBRAEY liandred CVntiiinn wverni Volumea, For all Inforinatleu conreruhig freight yr Pita- to .. cniillnn'f !, ajinly choice collection of Standard Work of emiuea writcra nn llieuirv. Science and Art, I'olit. Lit rature, l'uellull Work, W avel ly HM4", aUK '' , TERMS: ,. . Life Membership 10 cts. -- per - , ' J5.0 .5 1 i OGDEN r be New York Journal of Commerce, the following is the cost of the Pacific Railroad: CQJHMER CIA COLLEGE- 13 '0y L T. S TAGJ& ' LINES '' ' BC0CKSS0R8 TO , WELLS, FARGO ' On and nfler Momlay, Will leuve Fait Lake City IUiii IIOt'KS OF SKSSION: 9 a.m. to 13 2 y.m. U) 4 p ft. . ' T p.m. to 9 STAGES LEA VE CORJSXE DAIL FOR MONTANA Pay In advance. ,.:,,T 1 .'f , 1 , CILMER& SALISBURY. C. B. JIcGUEGOIt & Co. U .. Froprietora, mm lill-Wfistij- ri STATIONERY, -- - SEMI-WEEKL- i A young lawyer, a lew,, days siuco obtained a decrefl for a fretiv and tyeallhy Clfent. Ho sent ir a bill for $1,XK). The nent d.iy tho lady called on hiin, and iniitired if he was in e.ii iienl in proposing to her. . Two Danr Tamoooa Taunt leave the Mistotnu 'Propose to yon, nitid; m! I didn't Kma, opposite Oau.ni, npun the arrival proposo to you,"' rtpliod tho astonished , of Traine from the Went orer the attorney. for my fortune, and! "Well, you UNION PACIFIC BAIL WAT. I tho.igiit you wvold active the grace la take me vith it." was the calm reply,, . Thia belnit the direct rente, and 113 Riles ahorter . Tho lawyer wilted,. lower In lioant than the Una, bevee time, NEWSPAPERS, " ' ; MAGAZINES,'", , Pens, Peccil, Penholder, InkM, etc. BOOKS GOOD ' :iC FURNISHED TO ORDER. WRITING ' PATER AND i! ENNELOPES kept constantly for safe cheap, - . r - . i s.-k-ed ' and Ineuree connection! wllh all A Kaet-er- a Southern IUilwaya, puao- -. havtnff choice af Ron tea fiatt p( en.n ttutaipx BAGGAGE . ; ' , CHECKED THROUGH TO KASTEBX CITIES. . All. '"' ?llaa't ' ij Y well-know- n route from Omaha to Chicago ... and the East, WITHOUT CHANGE OF CABS. The direct 1 ' A surgeon In Russia recently howed how red tape can sometimes be cut hy skillful hanil. He had been stimni ned to care for. four men injured by mi accident in a town in the interior. The only' ruilmad train td start soon was fur" freight, and he was told that ho could not travel c.i it except as an encort tot living freight. He hurried to a kojs near by and hi.nght a rooster, whioh h carried upon the train, and he whs per- mil tod to proceed, the requirements of the rule being fulfilled. RAILWAY. 10.80 a.m, Palace Bleeping Coaches run 6.30 p.m. AT THE POST OFFICE.' WeXt- at rm. 10,30 ft.m. through to Chicago without change. ' OEO. L. DUNLAP, MAILS All orders for.. Books, . Newspapers,' B. r. PATRICK, Oen. Supt. Close for North Ok1'011 on Monday at Comuiercinl. IXDIKS. WEST will receive Qen. Paau, AgU, Cbieac, Periodicals,, etc., ! Magazines, 2.30 p.m. For Plain City, n ThursBe-' News front, .HaytiUq Jjbe 28th of attention, and be furnifhedj at Office of Oftm Jtw it a, - fljjrrf 'fv, day, at 6.30 p.m..- - Fpr HuntsviUe, on cember says the Revolutionists' wr Ym shcrs' Prices. ' Utah Ternte.ry,Jtin., 8 h, 1S70. Tuesday and Friday, at 8 p.fo, steamer had succeeded in transposing COFFkl-l(in.r the troops to Petit Grand and Grand TKA J1.R0 to fifttlait;per lb.pet Htfil , ;i PrtlcBir iiaina paid to accommodate oir. . KxproMs Trains Grave and turned the blockade of Port Iinitenr, iui.I every article rwiuiriid by the Uicat IWX III ltcitH?nz Fubllc, if not on baud, will be furniBhed Leave O'lon d lily, until further no- au Prince, acting in.loncert iwith the J ,W J lllV.l'j fitlOAK (a! 'l!.5o t er k. at the fliurtwt notice. , tice, lor Stilt Lake City at 11.80 a.m. and land force. The attack was made simul,j, ","' v. " "" , " . ik. crushed, 6 p.m. a i. For the East, At 10.5 tt.ro. For taneously by. sea mid land on the night CVniV. V lt. ppr bt, li Hi A' IM .hvv, per lb 85c,, the West, at 6 p.m. , ' , of the 8tn' The land force entered the ; 11 . cj.First Third Ward 0m ,.. , Arrive fvwa Salt City, 9.40 a.m. eity, AndAook unrestricted possession if INMtM) $ lio lb, r II.. I J and 5.25 p.m. From (he East, 5.25 p.m; every point of advantage and the entire EASTERN CONNECTIONS. ft i2c per Ih. CAM'V TN1DIKSCT I't IM'EK :3c ,erlb, from th Vfest, 10 a.m., , .; ., : city was speedily- - in their hands. r , fle Oppontt HWnnp' Wtitft, ana FreatRuite ' " Passcciier war vessel, the 'Algonquin, while ' JUT! MH-U- i lh. r..-...lb. 3H A. IV W .rr 1ft 12 CAN lLKs-ti.S- O all the occupnnts were asleep', was taken per box. Divine Worship OdDE.V. , , and 'ttPA4W28cpertex. . ., , NIAGARA! FALLS ! Have oft hand a uplendid Htork of h hcH every Siuiday, in the Tabernacle, without bloodshed. The Algonquin KJAH I. )(H,t t.rand f75, per boa,' ltf without the were thn captured 11 city at , a.nt.r audi in the School House KAlSrNiH't DKIGH AM) MEWICIXES, COA h 01 L perla, ren a shot being fired. Stilnave made i ,ie, 10.7S, of the. various Wards at 6.30 p.m.". ' Chemicals, Oils, Paints, Glass, cts., LYB fiatiercatie. i. his escape, from the city nda took retuge 'AND ALL PCINT8 EAST. - t likewise an excellent Assortment of lii t situated on the heights in Fort Nationa-le,TBI OCUlMUTID 10 X l i, 000. Oodbn, Salt Lake ari Utab. HAY Full iipplv. at $10 per tnn. the city from the south over looking desirous of learning facts K'eryboly OATS-rSHATS, CAPS. BOOTS, SHOES, .: per ll." side. He is in imminent peril, but it is ' .",' BAHLEV 2Uefr nv: T AND STAliONKRY. . . Jot tbeapeedy tranapertaibxtof all kinoaef freight concerning Ogden, 8ft Lake and Utah, exnected that the foreign counsuls will baahel. WH 1.2S,"lf wrtboat tranbipment, rtina .iclualv over the his projection and- ultimn VlOl R $l,-- (dt H."' per mck. ; a faU supply N.B. Prescriptions carefully prepared chronojoical statistical, historical and Interfere frir ireeent demand. Our Utah Flour ennimree ox me Kgious, with, a reliable sketch of Mo- Sftfety. The entire population, fevoraldy with the beet Wer tern ISranda nuwle from 'Se-rmu- l Zion's ' rejoioed. winter wbcat. Tie only Eaatern Une from Chloaga ronism; and have a thousand and one cityK scent COOPERATIVE adyices from Havana say that C KN $1.ii per bushel. MERCANTILE rnnntng the mafiiiflrenl BK AN k SlitJKTS tl.no (d, $1 50, per cwt,. uestrwis answered that are being daily sixty-thre- e citizens 'of that place had A K. & 75c, per IiukM. POT INSTITUTION, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on suspi'kfcd MKKK lor MAIN 8TREKT, UtlDlN, concerning Utah, send for a copy been'seized and sent to Spain per lb at ibop ; 8c oa foot the in to. c , l'OKK-'JJlb. O.V ASSOUT-nien- t HAN1 er VK A GKN to) On Its Paaaenger Train. Kit of 2Sc, plot Ah of Sign's Suit Luke cion implicated being HA Directory. Mailed BITTER In roll, toe Cq) SOc per Ux of Dry Omla, Urocerioe, Hut, Cap. the Spanish gunboats; sevendestroy H. E. RARGKS?, fiea'l Sap't, Chleago. lib 5()c, I'er KtlOS irom the Junctiom Office for km. iluz, IhKitH, SImk'J, AKricoitnn.l Inrpleint'iitu, tr. dollar teen more have been imprisoned on the H. C. WBNTWORTH, Oi n'l Paea. A1., Chlcaco. ('II ICK KNft ftoc, ecriu tt)t of whkb, w.v are selling (iiijji for ruh am "d a imrte'r. TLKKKVsi lSc same grounds. XUO!'. UQOVA, Qen I freight Agt, Chicago. lb, $ per iir. piodU'K City-Fro- , Mrs. Therese Yelverton has written a letter to the Philadelphia Literary Gazettes nlth the V. C. R. K. nt expressing her regret at the purpose, Mr. Wilkie Cqllins to make her "info CcntreTllle. ' licitous marriage the basis for another novel, more than twenty," she says, TlirougU Parejlo Oglcn, 3 "having been founded upon the a. Hair already." ltf BOOKS, at S, a.m, end fja. PRIMARY STUDENTS Received at $7.00 per Term. Wily to The Paris Figaro publishes the fotlovr- ing item: "In one of the cemeteries of New York may be seen a tombstone witlt the inscription: 'Here Hen V. H. S., who killed himself with a Colt's rovnlver of flie ancient pattern, the bent instrument for the purpose.' It is said tli.J liie firm engaged in the mauiifaoturef thee weapons pays a large sum annually to the widow for this epitaph." ; CoiiiM'ri Cull nntl rtoo tho Hchool, it ifbt Raw Iee.6 COACHES lVonltl 3IARE JflOXFaY by : ''". ' & CO. - Day Claai do. ' Aocording to Professor Danton,,, of the people of the globe are not so smart as they think they are. The Professor says that Mars is much older than the earth, and its people fur- ther advanced in. intelligence than wo. are. THE YOtXG HEX JOLDEKOPPORTUMITY. The banks of the Dead Sea are said to present a curious sight to the traveler. The whole surface of the earth glistens like diamonds as tho horses' feet break the rock salt, which covers tha ground and a strong smell of bitumen and sul- -. ' phur fills the air. MitKavaehusetts, " Improving the Present r . VREPAREp TO RKCEIVR gTTlKTSv .- ..: Cen-tr- ul ...( ' GILMER & SALISBURY'S hAve'cotistruct-e- d The Central Company 61)0 miles of road.- - and received in bonds and subsdy $23,003,000; botids yet due from tl e overnnient $3,861,000. Total subsidy; !i26.3ft4,'HK). Tho Union Pacific Company aTe. (instructed l,(Xi8 miles and received a . bs'dj of $52,988,-(MK- ); bonds "yet due from the goverumfnt, $3,752,0O'.l. The land subsiilies to the roads are estimated , at. .$52,141,000. Thus it will be seen thut the v ork has cost the government iu bonds and land, the sum of $101,752,000. It is stated sa l generally believed, that the Company has not been 'out f pocket a.dollar beyond what was given hy the government, and Jienoe own an iuimense amount of property which has cost them nothing but a few years time ; . . ", and attention. - u Ve. FAItMlXOTOX TO KAYSVILI.K - - il.no - . KAltMIXtiTO.N TO OttllEN KAVSVll.LK TO Otillt-- D.O.CAUaKRiOO, t' i 1 ' ltf t'reitjht Agetita, Ogilen, . ten-inc- f FARES- ;- lady passenger, terrified bj, there-- window-afte- .SVrKI.NTKMiT. - ' A cent celliHion on the Pennsylvania Hnilrond, threw her child out of the" the danger was entirely over. ISoine one caugut the child and saved it from injury. i JOSEPH A. YOUNC, voL per week Open Daily between the honra of 8 a.in. and 6 p.ni. -- ' C. B. MeGRKfttJH. ' . Mm Lihrarian, at UKdvn font 0 da Jer-i.Wl- tt According to a correspondent AXD l'ASSEXGERS. Yer-wttll- es Cost of the Pacific Railroad, FREIGHT FOR ..' . A man in New Orleans avoids his creditors by walking on the sunny side of the street in summer, and the shady side in winter. OX AND AFTER eugsged in Business iu Ogden City, (for which the City Ordinances provides that a license must be obtained,) without first procuring a The Utah Central Railroad, which is license are liablo to be taken before any Aldesmnn of said City, and be subjected NOW COMPLETED. FROM OGDEN to a Fine. . - By order of the City Council, TO FARMINQTON, LORIN - . Tn ino of our eoftrls, lately, a man, who was called upon to appear as a wit-neeouM not bo found. On the judge asking whore Ue was, a gentleman roRC up, and, with much em- K, rave-looki- phasis, said: "He's gone, your horK-.""Cone! gone!" said the judge; "where is he gone!" "That I cannot inform you," replied tlte ooiiiuiunicative gentle- This we look man; "but he is dead." upon as the most guarded ajtwer bdota record. . . Great Central Route. W -- , tk MICHIGAN CENTRAL ; 1-- 3. HAIIillOAD nnl KSB-SO- C Sal-nav- , jK-- I f- . K T, Mul ' A western clergyman, determined to raise a contribution of $20 before ho difmusned b.is congregation,, locked the door and fut the key in, his pocket: Tha hat went around scvcsul times, and at last $VJJA hint Ven taken. Tha last half dollar came hnrd, and the minisier wai abcut to give it up and let.his flock; out, when a band reached a half dollar through a wiadw, and a rough, voice sbouired "Her,v parson, here is youmorvy; let out siy gftl. I'm ' about thedof wail Jn? for kcr." - ! NEW YOUK, BOSTON , . V " fr liv GoikIk, GrlXaiio), "BLUE LINK?' KAT-41.I- M IitHrt tiJil Qrcat Central Route No man is a gentleman wbo without provocation, would treat uncivilly the humblest of his species. It is a vulgarity for which no accomplishment f dres or address can ever atone. Show us the v man who desires to- make every one around him happy, and whose greatest ' ' solicitude is never to give ofTonce to any one, and we will show you gentleman; hy nature ami by pnice, s hough never haxe worn a suit of broadW cloth or ever herd of a iexioe re proud to say, for the haittor of our species, there are men iu every throb of whose heart there is a solicitude for thai welfare of mankind, and vlmse every breath is perfumed with kindness he-ma- . ' |