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Show 1- i gdftt Junftion. She OXWARD. Onward-onwa- flowly and rd! ! Be wrh footprint BrmeuJ deep, ;.ur form erectly, nMy. BrWhile the narrow , Ji W p. Do tli work which ixi U firen yo. Ha your calling what it your talents, Bury not, aor Uior with them oa your wy. er.. hrd Oawanl oowtE look not backward; Stop " t" rgret the X or uuoa iu Joyt to linger Ou! your muds re running met Take from memory wliat aa kid you Ut ot lirioa have the net; pt, Let wbate'er your heart euehrioeth, " Be the pureet end the beet Bisnor Wist. It k with unfeigned pleasure that we are enabled to announce to his numerous friends that at the last advices, the health of our beloved bishop onward! look not found you. Uboren by your eldel' If you um ia idle dreaming. from the pah your tout will iUde. Yet help oa your feeble brother, On At Miss Gaeeison. This lady arrived in Ogden on Wednesday, and in the evening she went to hear Elder Brown lecture, to which she listened with much apparent interest and also expressed herself much pleased with It ' On Thursday she dropped into our office for a few minutes. She then visited the 8econd Ward School, which it under the able tuition of F. A. Brown, after watching the exercises for some time, in both the upper and lower rooms, she delivered a short but impressive address to the pupils on the study and worth of .the 8criptures the love of. Christ, etc. She sung a couple of hymns and prayed. She then left, expressing herself much gratified and well paid for her visit Um waa much improved. This is cheering new indeed, and we sincerely hope that he will continue to' improve until he is fully restored to health and vigor, In doubt and fear, hie spirit etreuftbea, lore jour Let your faith hie epirit cheer. If he mint Le$ On went! onward! look beyond you. Keep the beacon light in view, ' Let no Idle ignia mtuua Lure you from the mie and true. Onward, with your heart ennobling, and more, 8oul refining Till it at the gate of Uearen lrop the burthen that it bora. and that he may live many years to en joy the society of, and still be a blessing to, the people over whom he ha so long presided with such fatherly care and anxious solicitude. Hundreds of our readers will endorse these sentiments. Bhop, accept our hearty congratula The The Cohmet tions. A happy New Tear to you and in connection with the Oglen many more of them. Br Mi Band, give a Grand Concert at to commence at Aeeival on Wkdjusdat. Mrs. Mai. the Tabernacle 7 clock p.m. The charge for admisYelverton, and Miss Garrison. The sion is fifty cent. We would ; advise former lady; left on Thursday for Salt eur reader te go4' nnd enjo Ihii New Lake City. On Thursday evening HoaT Joseph A. Tear' treat Toung, General Superintendent of the Lecture are deEvening U.C.A.R., and Hon. Brighara Toung, jr. livered every Wednesday evening in the arrived from the east, and at J paid, six Second Ward 8chool House, commencing the same p.m. continued their journey at eix o'clock. Lft.it Wednesday Elder to Salt Lake City. ; F. A.' Brown delivered a Lecture to a Died. In the 20th Ward, Salt Lake large, attentive and appreciative audience. The subject was the Kingdom of City, on Sunday morning the 26th inst, e minutes past eight, of God, the power of faith, and the at which are of the bowels, Srsaa Mama, enjoyed by every blessings true believer In the gospel of Jesus wife of Elder Bernard Schettler. De ceased wa born at Stanstead, Canada Christ. ... East, August 7th, 1830. She emigrated OlDi!t COMMERCIAL CoLtKOt. This to this city in August 1 8,12. and was excellent institution, is now in full operbaptized into this Church in November ation, and is conducted by Prof. William following. on. We steppteynto the College .Sic waa an exemplary the other day, and were much pleased to woman. respected by all who bad see such perfect order observed by the the pleasure of her acquaintance. Salt students, and with what assiduity, and Lake Telegraph, ' strict attention, they applied themselves to their studies in the various branches A Utah Coreespondent to an exf education which are taught there. change says "Brigham Young is losing And so deeply interested of theui Uis power ever lue people." That corappear' to be in the pursuit of useful respondent is a box of fmeont rated knowledge, and so anxious are they to lye." The power of President Toung acquire a sound and liberal education. over Am people is consolidating and inwww B 1I1IVI UIVU 1HW ViXUIWI UV creasing every year, and his name will vote nearly all their leisure hours to be embalmed in the memory of the study when' they are out of the Institu- righteous, when that of every lying tion. " .We are much pleased to be scribbler will be forgotten. Correspon. the recipents of such facts. We have dent like many others of his kith, has every confidence in the ability' of evidently lost the power to tell the truth Professor Burton, to discharge creditf, indeed, he ever possessed such a ably the responsible duties now devolv- virtue. ing .upon aim. A Rus Away. On Wednesday afterThe College is a step in the right dia team and wagon stood in front noon, and we and rection, believe, it will hope, The be duly appreciated, and continue to of Calder & Cos', warehouse. receive the liberal patronage which it horses became suddenly frightened fro m merits at the hands of oi?r discerning and some cause or other, and started off at a rapid rate in a northerly direction. intelligent community. Coining to an old large fence ditch, they We notice that Mr. C. made a halt, crossed it very carefully, PnooREsgiMo. and then turned cast, running at the Woodmausce'g fine large rock building on Main street, is progressing, and is lop of their speed up Tithing Office being pushed forward to completion. Street. Sorcrm! attnipto'were made to ve nave not The work on the stores of Mr. Jennings,' jlop tncin, out in vain.resulted serious from opposite the Ogden House, is also being learned anything vigorously prosecuted. Many other the stampede. buildings, in various parts of the city, "JomKAL or Education." We have designed for business houses, are going No. 4, Vol. 2; of this interesting received p. In fuct,' the sound of the ax, the with a request to exchange. hammer, the saw, and the plane, may be Periodical, No. 4, contains articles on "The Science heard, all over the town from early morn till dewy eve The spirit of enterprise of Language as a Branch of Education." Forces." "Educational is rife, and everything bespeaks the "Resolution," of "The political economy in Pub- study "good time coming." lie Schools ; "School House Design, No. Citt License. We direct the attention 1; " Should Teaching be made a Pro of our readers, and especially the busi- fession ?" "Educational Psychology," ness portion of them, to a notice pub- and numerous other well written articles. lished in the present number. of the The "Journal" contains sixteen pige. of Jchctio, in relation to Licenses. It matter, printed in large type, on good nay save - those interested much time, paper. Wt shall place it on our exchange list. labor, and expense. Ain-phlo- n, To-jho- ht, Lscu'. fifty-thre- , , , t Wi-Hu- ,i,NoETH Haed Times ix Chicaoo. According OaDEN.Qn to a description given of. her by one of Friday, the 2th ult., President F. D. our Richards and Bishop Walter Thompson exchange, Chicago is cow experiaddressed the people of North Ogden encing a rather sad reverse of fortune. Her finances are in a depressed condition, and opened their new Store, labor hard to obtain, and everytnxly just completed of burnt bricks. It ia a to have the "blue:" seem creditable building and evidences that the people who built it are awake to Time aire hard and money is scarce in their true inlfreet. Persevere Presi- Chicago; twenty thousand men are said dent Holmes until your whole District to be roaming around, the street there, seeking employment and finding none; realises the importance of the Institution and, taking things as a whole, commercial and financial affairs never looked ; among them. blue ia that city since the first brick was Gcs SraousEwa tried recently before laid on the banks of the Chicago river. . the Probate Court of Weber County, oa That is a sad picture to draw of a city a charge of murder. He was . found which has thriven so fast, aspired so guilty, and sentenced to be shot on the high,' and bid e fair to become the lith iaat Associate Justice Strickland star of the west, and who has has since the trial ia this city, issued a so many of her cUter oiti6 in commer-ia- l writ of habeas oorpus,' i - answer to enterprise and wealth, in such a hica ha bar been taken to Salt Lake' comparatively short time. Well, such City. t lifal ' IN out-rivall- ed Mattke At The Kaueoad Jumctiox UST OF are very lively just now, and in a short REMAINING UNCLAIMED in the Post time LTT118. hence they will, of course, be much moreto. The arrival and. departure of s, trains, the hurry and bustle of the the loading and discharging of freight give to things an air of real business, such a baa not existed at Ogden ' heretofore. Many buildings have within the few past weeks been erected, and many more are in progress. Among which we may mention the following t their dimensions being furnished to u by CoL A. H. Se ley, who superintends their construction. One large building containing six rooms, including warehouses, offices, Z'lx 130 feet; with rooms-anplatforms en each side, and at each end of the building ; a very large shed, under which to discharge and to ship freight l'JiJOOfcet These two buildings belong to both the J U. P. C. P. Companies. U. The P. Co'. Express Office, two x 40 feet;' the passenger house, 20 stories, 20x65 feet; eating house, two stone; 24 x 00, feet, , and contains 16 rooms, 4 below, and 12 above; the baggage house, two stories, 20 x 30 feet ; lodging house, one large story, 20x50 feet; and the car department, two stories, 20x35 feet : the Master Mechanics bouse, 20x30 feet: and the engine house, 40x157 feet D. O. Calder & Co'., warehouse, (Agent for the Chicago, and Northwest ern Railway: Utah Central Railroad, and Kanyon Coal Ct,,) 80x-6- 0 Gray feet. The Utah Central engine houses, 14x60 feet and the IL C. R. R. bridge that crosses the Weber river, is isover 700 feet long. In addition to the buildings above mentioned, there are numerous others in great variety. Many of them up, and the balance in course of erection, and wide awake men seem anxious to establish themselves in business a near the Junction as possible. Some of them having already done so, and, a far a we can learn, they are thriving. The number of engines plying in and out, and about the terminus daily, at present i ten. A the Spring opens, the machine shops built, and busmen increases, we anticipate lively times here. . past-enger- t Alikemans Cofkt. two men Offiee in Ogden, Territory of Utah, the 1st of January, 1870, which if not called for before February, 1st., 1870, will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. - Bartlett A Bett . ' Wm " Beaoet Mr BeunioHi T Beutly LC .. Bevette G Benin J Bird JBinn J D- - . Bla Keslee J Booth' Mr Loyd ,r Matthewson B Maguire M Marshall F L Mackey J Maxwell W B Manning A E Miles W II Moore R P 8 Morrisey E N Morehouse J W Montague n S - BurriusJK . C Caldwell T R Carraway J C Cartwright W Caution James Cary Hamilton Carroll' J M ' ; ' . : , Chicago...- The Timet' Washington special says the. name of Jos. Holt mentioned iu connection with the appointment to the Supreme Bench in. place of Hoar i not confirmed, l'roniincne Georgians will present the name of Gov. Erstein of that State. Montreal. decided that the Judge Coursal evidence of forgery against Caldwell conclusively established or denied, tie be committed for extradition according to the terms of the treaty. Caldwell's council. gave notice that they would appear to a higher court; as to the question of jurisdiction in the matter. This will delay if not prevent extradition. A heavy shock of earthquake is reported at the city of St. raid,. 40 miles below Quebec, which lasted one uiiuute. . , f - 'v ? t: IV - D Dewy J . Donnell H S Dxcherty P Dodsworth & Co Doan 8 Douglass W II. Dumin 8 - : E Pratt to-d- FUAXCE." ' "Paris. The approaching session of the Corps Legislat if - Is fixed for January 10. Rauher will be named President for 1870. journal publishes a letter from the Emperor to Mr. Forcade, saying that he accepts vhe resignation of the Ministry with regset, and it affords him pleasure to acknowledge their- valuable past services. The official - ' ' . London, . Suet letter in the News says work the canal ha been stopped but lb A passage ia still hazardous for vessels drawing more than 24 feet of water. . A correspondent in Rome writes that the Pope's innueuce over the Ecumenical Council ia visibly growing weaker. ' During the performance at the theatre in Bristol last nigh!, an alarm of fire excited the audience, and in the effurts of the crowd to escape from the building eighteen' person were killed' and many wouuded. " FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE, of which are constantly Assortment .0 F 2 , being replenished with all the Staple EDUCATIONAL, . ;,' . .. AGRICULTURAL, Item necessary for Families and AND RAILWAY JOBBING TRADE. DOMESTIC NEWS. R R Arrived this Week: Rinyer II C Rolfe B F THE 8 FsUp,J Sendder W . Schwartx II OGDEN JUNCTION SchoffCH2 300 Kegs Hails . Sheaffer J Shanks J-- A Shay M 3, Foye Eldridge Forbes II B Foster C ' Frame J ' Gatej, dimmer E' GillisS Goiiffh J GrAffaat, Lieut.-''G .W , Vi GrayGRGunn J "Tirine : . IIallmanJA2 lkirr ? Hull CC . . "" Yik Lone Ingrain G F T' J 2, ' . Ingram " ' J .. r-- ' M ." - i- & '4' OITDERST . 100 Sacks A . Co Young C E Y'ork NY'-.- - - ' Y 500 Gals. Coal Oil ' Wrtghf7 : ' in Wood C A . T'- m & Co 2 Wright .... . A II Glass . Webster, 0 F Wheadon J , , Willson Lieut. R M'illson B , ,. , ' Wilson T " - Hand Bill, ' : vZ ' "Zltting CA Sagar, -- ... LADIE S LI8T. . M A Mrs Fouler Mrs Polly Barnes ' II Baker Mrs LK Hart Mrs A U Barker E B Bclell Miss C Heyese Mr E A Hue Mr M Brown Mr Ella L ., Browh Mis PA -' . Lewellen Mis M .M-'- ; Cokellon Mr A " i --McCarty M J Davidson Mary ,' ,Mire Mr C 8 . D6ftgass,Mrs'l!, ' F Smith Mr E Forsyth .Misp 8 .... .sStewart Mre M E 4 aeiing tor y aoove, picas say M give date." 'they ae adertiacdr '' . o ': RtMKttY roSt . la DRY GOODS, Deed, Order Book, v . '''. , Invitation, CXOTIIIXGJ, " rarty IIAT, Tickets, Carde, Ate, etc, BOOTS, " IW master. . Blank, a-r- W.IVesT', Letter lleiiul, Jlill Heads, And a variety of other Item ..,.,.; CHAVi n Fostcn,, ' ' -,: JOB PRINTING Watson E J , Wanton D Weaver C L . L , In the finest style. W ' ' .' n 50 Box sWindow II Walker, A H Walker B T Warner C M D Hcnlv J Hill G W Horsley W Hooper J. llogum J R J Yobs' T Harder J Harmon description of IT Tontyn T T Turbert J R Tygard J L Vancamp facilities for turning out every a V Hall G Hunscom R G 3 Hart II . , Hammond Major Had.fon AS . Hanfoid J Hart Jas A Is supplied with the latest Improved Island Plows Taylor J 2 Taylor W ' II . Hall H E 2 Hayden W C 2 50 Uo. 7 Rock Suhley D W T .. . J JOB PRINTING OFFICE (Assorted 8ixes,) Snow E S Smith W II Spencer C . Stalling J3 , Steward T 2 Steel J W Stafford B F . O" . ' ITEMS, LOCAL" HOME CORRESPONDENCE, . ReeganP RiepenT - Earl J C Edwards T -- Merchandise. Patterson J J 2 Parinter Carlton Palmer D F Peterson W 2 Pearce W ' Pederson T Pearson M Peck M II Potter D Pratt R II Curran J Jones RELIABLE P ' Cblclbugh 3 Johns General ...KiclsonM O'Niel CookT COSTAII COLUMN Newell H -' Clark Conway J Cottier II Cottell T Ineson IT Nagle S J. 2 E T Il.i.l.lU-io- AND N ; Clark:)' Green 4 SATURDAY McQueen R W A Cheery- rdter Dry T. And already enjoy an extensive circulation. J McCabe Broucr.F Bradshaw R Brown' R Brown A Bussell J Buckley T Burch R Burch J Buckley T 8EMI-WEEKL- CYCBY WEDNESDAY J F Mct'abe J 3 McDonald A McFersou F Mcllenry F McLaughlin J A BomanH2 Butter WHOLESALE & RETAIL Loiners F Bi onsen T. BY TELEGIIAPII. . ' ' 18 PUBLISHED Littleton E J Lonergan P W 2 Loyd G W 2 . w OGDEN JUNCTION Lewis W Lemon J W ' - FugcA , ... on . - . M Barclay J THE K Baxtkrua-- BaktrS OGDEN CITY. Keely A II Keisler F Knight F IT Kuckarts L Kyle P L Larson II Larson E L Barron E 0 Fike D M Fiolayse.it D ' Johnson W T Johnson J Jackson F S Bart'.ett DA Herrirk, one for drunkeness, and dt tarbiug the peace. He was fined $10 and costs. The other for petty larcery, He wag fined $20 and cost. ' X. J Allen James B Andrews 0 C Anderson C Anderson AP Arnold J H FaganJ were brought before Alderman Ferry J There ha been trouble between Ilor ace Lingard, the Captain Jinks of the Grand Opera House and his wife, Mie Alice Dunning. The oase was ventilated before Justice Dodge yesterday. An aniucing squabble between the parties took place in court. One feature of the case is that it involves the reputation for chastity of James Fisk. Lingard was require 1 by Jnstice Dodge to give bonds in one hundred dollar to observe the peace toward Mis Dunning. The affair was settled and both parties ap peared together at the grand Opera House rant evening. Judge Daley decided yesterday that steamboat companies, a common car riers, are liable for baggage of pass mi' gcrs left in State roonin, iiotyitiHtanliHg uoticca may have been put up that bag gage is not allowed iu cabins or state rooms, and that when placed there is at the risk of the owners. The State officers of Kansas have pre sented a protest against the apoiutment of Hugh Ewing of Ohio as minister to llacue, as from Kniisus aiid say lie is not a resulei'it, is a Democrat, ami don't represent the loyal people of that State. C. Tit. GENT'S. LIST. A On Wednesday IMLltlClV.. New York. 25. 1U70I NIIOIX, Prompt! ftttendetl to ft&4 An effectual Small-po- x. is said to have remedy for small-po- x Etc., Ktr. been recently found ny a surgeon of tlie treatin The mode China. of British army, ment is as follows: When the .preceding fever" is at it Light, and just before the eruption'tppear the chest is rubbed with crotoo oil ami tartaric ointment This cause the whole of the eruption to ap pettr on (hat part of thebody, to the relief of tbfe resl. It also secures a full and complete. eruption, 'and ihiis prevent the All Order addressed to 8. P. TEASDEL, disease ; trora .;. aMwrking the internal ' the established mode Ogden City, will have prompt organs. of treatment in the English army in China, attention. and is regarded as a perfect cure. FIRST'ClASSYORKUAnSHiP ' - . tUAllANTEED. Ti,rftw . . "Standing room only," is advertised at Cincinnati church? during the pre4 '" sent revival. . 11.1$. . boarding house keeper at Keokuk kept a corjse in the house until the board bill was paid. A l-- f CLAWS OX, Superinten4eiit. BOOKBINDING IN ALL IT8 BRANCHE8. - ' |