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Show .ill Li" I" I" She 9fld cn function. - PuT1!hh1 0JDl:, Saturday Vkabn auo, the place where Ogden city now stands, with a wide stretch of country around it, wa little else than a barren waste. The howl of Nimikkn wry Wedmnday and Flatnrday. Morning-- UTAH. Jan. 1, 1870. , KAMTATOHl. la conformity the wolf, the yell of the savage, the weird croaking of the raven, and the shrill chirping of the cricket and the grasshopper,, except the crash of the thunder during the war of the elements, were the only sound which then awoke the silence of these mounts in regions. Seldom, up to that period, had the foot of whit men pressed this portion of the earth, ait J so forbidding was the aspect around them, that it was deemed impossible for a while man to subsist by cultivating the land in this regipn. Prom the character of the soil gener ally salt, sal rat in. and alkali it was thought that seeds, if planted, would perish when they were placed in the earth; that they would never germinate, much less would a plant from them, of any kind, mature, and yield a remunerative increase to reward the toil of the husbandman. West of here, and nearer th rivers Weber and Ogden, between the conflo ence of whose streams the eity ia built, the land was of a better quality. Bo elder, Cottonwood and willow covered the bottoms, but in the spring time when the snows melted, the streams were much swollen, their waters accumulated acd, being obstructed by drift-woorrau uui urer a vai area oi me to the time honorod us age of the. quill driving persuesion, it will m doubt be expected of us in start inr a t'tnnr. that wc should declare or shall-nthat publish. We don't jt much on ' stfch pro mine in ad vance, but may m well just state that in our opinion the time has cuuie when the' best interests of all concerned require the publication of a paper in Of den, nm particularly a religious, political or scientific :pAper, but such' a one ui hall bri serve the interests of our fit y, County and Territoiy to give the latent fiewa, to advertise business, and to ourselves instead of being mis represented by others. While therefore we do not hang out under any of the specialities of new pa' per classifioation, we hold to the privilege of writing on either, or any subject that may effect the interests of our reader, and we hope to reuderthe Jvsc Tio, interesting, instructive and valua ble aa a people' paper, thai shall merit eommendiition from all the right minded of its reader, at home or abroad. Tiir OoDkx Ji nctiok may be an odd banie for a puUie journal, but what of land. U? It Wu an odd affair to lee the rail But by the determined energy, the laid ia Uiit City last March, while con- indomitable perseverance, and the skill tinuing it way weKtward toot a little odd of an untiring people, these natural dis that the connection by lightuiug should advantages have, to a great extent, been The" waters have. In a treat Lave b?n reported from l'romontory, to overcome. an astonished world, and perhaps no measure, been controlled, the wilderness lessaa oddity that the two Companies has been redeemed, and ntade to admin had not till about a month ago ascer-taiae- d ister to the sustenance and comfort of that it was for their Interest to innn. form a junction at this place with the Utah in tli fajl of I8f0, a company of Central. iStill it is good to k&ow that cil urns from Salt Lake City settled in better councils have prevailed and all this part of the Territory, and com parties seem to be taking the more menced to lay out, fence and cultivate farms. In these pursuits they labored enlightened view of the subject. While our town has become the Junc- Under great disadvantages. The Indiana, tion for Railroads, it is no let a at the period referred to, being hostile, Junction for publle sentiment. From the ritiicns were under the necessity of east, weot and every point of compass, building a fori, in which to live, ami to defend themselves against the aggressions Borne those who are ready to paw judgment upon the "peculiar people." Some of their rid neighbors; beside which it was necessary to keep a constant guard lHtsoiiaty like the Kailroail Companies, both will conclude their intercuts best proday and night. But notwithstandthe ing moted by fMUihing their conmeetiun vigilance of the white settlers, iliey were often attacked by the red here also, and Soncludc the more they know us the better to like us. What kins. Skirmiiihe were frequent, and Instiiutlolt is there more Important to the possession of the land wa often con our prosperity than a paper, or. what tested by the force of arm. The' formham more appropriate than Tu Ouoex er, however, were never the aggressors, but invariably acted on the defensive Jrfrnw, . lit addition to these Intending to upare neither labu r amount of Inlmr and difficulties, a vast expense devolved expense t tuake our, paper, what it the in settlers upon making roads, temshould bo, we invoke the blessing of buildine porarily bridging streams, Oml nptm otir enicrprlKc in the interests '" houses, etc. stock, guarding of this people, and hope it may exist and Captain Jam lirown, having previContribute to the happiness of its readers settled here, bought out the claim ously New a Vtar. many of Captain Uoodyenr, which consisted of an extensive tract of land, and in 1849, Olllt 1 1 (Mitt LIXE. Mr. Drown built a substantial bridge on Withia a few rods of the Jinction the Ogden river, (which stream at high Office Is the tei minus of the Utah Ccu-u- water was not fordable, and the attempt Railroad, the first line built and to cross it at such seasons with teams owned by cJii-etf this Territory. sometimes resulted fatally to those who The people of Utah stepped forward, made the rash endeavor) thus rendering iw response to the re- travel safer and comparatively comfortvest of President Young, and graded able, for the thousands of over two hundred and fifty miles of the who now began to pour through this great Pacific Railroad, the two lines of Territory on their way to the gold fields Which have been united at this point. of California, the Territorial Legislature Then, the necessity of a line to collect having granted Captain Hrown a charter Ibe national highway with Halt Luke for the bridge, and regulated the rates . City demanded a continuation of their of toll to be collected thereon. , In 18.V), Lorin Parr, Esq., built the labors, Which have beeti energetically devoted towards its completion. We are first grist mill, and the first saw mill in proud of our home line. A considerable this city. They were located ou what is Stretch of it Las been graded by cititens now known, as the "Old mill site," of this county; and their work has been uorth east of the city proper, and about well done. As the locomotive shrieks mile from Ogdea kan-yothe announcement of its departure from The former now furnished facilith terminus, bearing on the iron to ties for flouring the grain and saved the templet the portion of track laying yet citueus much time, labor,- - and exposure to be done, it sounds a gladdening note in traveling to a greater distance to of gratification at another result of home a grist, while the latter furnished enterprise, industry and energy. Com- them With lumber for building and other petent judges, who have passed over it, purposes. In the same year, the first military pronounce it one of the best newly-ma- d lint- - on the continent; and a such district was organised in this couuty; it reflects the highest credit on the off- officers were elected, and the companies icer" of the company and all engaged in were filled up, being armed and equipits construction. ped according' to law, and regularly The life, luistls and animation which drilled according to th tactic then in pervade the junction of the three rail-rea- d use. The citiseus were now in a better UaM, art evld of how rapidly vendition to defend themselves against Ogdea has grown ia a short time, and tits incursions of thair red foes. The tell of a prosperous and prominent fu- military dirt riot was under the command ture. But w av no notion of resting of Major David Moore, In 1861. Ogden City was Incorporated; quietly in the eoatompUtion of what has More railroading will its boundary lines wer defined; the been, MUiplMad. city b doje; tW hem enterprise will be council was wrganiied with municipal officers duly elected in their order. The inaugurated, and prosecuted to a issue; and the1 development of following is from the city record; th territory will he emtinaed;all of Lorin Fsrr, Esq., mayor; Jas. Brown, which laudable effort the Oam Jrnc-- f Edward Uuaker, C. R. Pan a, aldermen; toil will aim to aid and sustain, 4 cm D. B. Dill, Dnnl. Burch, Lemuel Mallo-rtS to Ithamer Sprague, J. Q. Browning, rewewed labors couragepeople of usefulness. councilors; David Moore, city recorder; Gilbert Belknap, city marshal , The army "ehaws" and smokes $19,000 Mr. Farr ha .continued in the mayorWorth f tobacco per month. This nutriment is furnismtd at alty of Ogden from the dat to th prsaetit tint. For the presrot bv the lcarteruiasters. J'lic Louisville Ci'y Treasury is empty. ent ninuietjs! officers, sts the. city di ot l -- d. al ts whole-souledl- y, gnld-sccke- n. -- ob-ta- iu sua-lawf- ul y, - above-mention- ed rectory, published in this issue of the "JlKOTlOS.? tn 1862," the, depaxlflient at Washing ton granted our.pejuioti, and established a post office iu this eity and" appointed Oa the Judg.-- ' Isaac Clark pstmater. demise of tbut gentleman, he wa suc ceeded by James 0. Browning. Esq, The present incumbent is our esteemed and enterprising citixen. Gen. C. W. West. , . The population of Ogdea had now swelled considerably, both by natural increase a'ftd by emigration from other parts. . Many more farms wer opened; some of them at a considerable distance from the dwellings of the owners. The male portion of the people being much of the time, engaged in the. field, while the female and children remained at home, it was determined ;to build Spanish' wall around the isy, a a dv fene'e),' with a gate on each, side, aad at convenient distances. port-hol- e This work afforded a safeguard against any sudden surprise by the vigilaut, ud still hostile Indiun; it at the same time furnished labor and the means of pro-- . ' curing subsistence for many individuals who otherwise would, at- that period, have been out of employ. The wall being built by taxation, probably cost about $40,000. The uniform kind policy pursued by the old and new settlers toward the aborigines was not without its good effects on th minds of th latter; they became reconciled to their situation, and the former realised that it was better and cheaper to feed than to fight them, and it is now very rare that, depreda tiohs are committed by the red man upon his whit neighbor in this station of th country. In 185f, the Ogden ksnyon road was built, at an immense labor and ex pense, considering the limited Sbpulatiou. It ost about $60,fi00. It is about seven miles in length, and opens into another (Ogden) beautiful little valley,- - which is now becoming thickly settled by a thriv. ing community. This road shortens the distance between Ogden and Bear Lake vallfy about fifty miles. ' - . TO UK fOXTI.M KU. 1S70. .'" brings u nearer our and to opens up the great neighbors, universal in and national for highway tercourse with the world. What the events will be which will transpire during 1870, of course we eaunot say definitely; but from the signs of the times, and from the appearance of things generally, we have no douM they will be as momentous as those which characterised 189. However, let them be whatever they may, w shall endea vour faithfully to chronicle them as they transpire, and to lay before our readers reliable information and news of interest .oa the topic of the day, nd to devote our. energies for the advancement of their best interests, and to promote the welfare of th community.' . Trusting that, under the blessings of Divin Providence, we may enjoy health, peace and prosperity, w again tender our- - patrons the compliments of the season. Immense. i But w will cease to contemplate so sail a picture, for ar happy to note that the march of human progress, hits be N onward, and that it is still advancing! Many mighty achievements have been effected during the past year, the greatest of which, it will be conceded, ,1s the Completion of the great Pacific lUilroad, which now spans the American fcbntl. nent, and unites th Atlantic to the Pa & HflciaV Montana. 0 To all whom it uiuj MAIX - STItEfcT. OflDEX, AND SALT LAKE CITT. Dralwt in QM Duxt, Coin , ami Curiwy. Draw s oa Su francux-oMouUiut, lienvrr, St. Louut, Nw lora, and all part of auropa. promptly at tended ColUftion A. tf to. IN Kit. 91 i ATTOENEV buaiuM THOS. Ge. ODELL, City Recorder. attf-Dita- i promptly to. ltf . II. WI1KAT. OLIVER DURANT. to make the following extracts from a private letter to D. H. Peery, Esq., of this city. Th letter is dated Buck's Garden, Taxewell county, Va., Dec. 11, 180& "I have been laboring in Russell since you' left, with good results. I have bap tized twenty-eigh- t, aud have left at many more halting between two opinions, I have also left there a great many friends. The church ia that place now I expect to return number fifty-fou- r. ther again in February, when I think It probable that I shall visit our friends in Kentucky, even, if it be but, foe shoit time. I was truly glad to hear of the union and prosperity of the Saints, for my heart and soul is with them, aud I long to see the day when we will b one indeed aud iu truth. "I suppose, from all accounts, Ogden bids fair to beccme the great emporium of the west; ami, if all thing suit when 1 return to Utah, I shall make Ogden my home. I think some I wo or three hundred souls will emigrate from my field of labor to Salt Lake valley next season. Some of them will need help. I remain, yours truly. Thomas B. Lewis." GRAND CONCERT, WHEAT & A C L E. 0dt OltDEJtS l'ROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. SIIIPMKNTH MADE EVEIIY DAY. itTOat'OXrKKT MiUMiMi- - m ! t W. Ca. ham aim on kuul ' aw!8IIVUkBAKER'8 WAGONS. which they will wll ior fauli or tiraia. is n ax i? I) t'-leu- AI 31 Ir Coilsi, CiiiMMriM, n.Alfl. I AI S, liDUT.S, SHOES, ins choiot IlmileiiWiita. AMi-uttilr- are nUing Yi SALKa IMPLEMENTS,ETC. of MECHANICS' Mm Artk-I- . Bianufkt-tur- u. luau. oi ua ALL of Raised,- Tanclled, Moulded ut rest promptly or ly oi la Um riition , , of CALL AT T1IK NEATLY KXKCFTKD, ON SHORT and on RKA IN A Ill.Jt TKKM8. WORK to Ordar fniprlstor. ' 1S70, ' c. b. McGregor DMlanla Mato Co. & MAGAZINES, Etc., Et GOOD 4 JTAH CENTRAL K. " FURNISHED TO ORDER. WRITING " PAPER 'XnD ' kept constantly for sale cheap, MY PUSHFASIOX. ON TMAYK MdINtommr . i uiarksi with arh aar. No otb.r nark: mo liraniU. Th owiwr i rMiOMtoa to pravs projwrty, py charg, snd WK Bin aWBJ MARTIN, ,, ; ENNELOPEo KSTI1.1Y. J. " -, Pens, PecellM, IViihoIdem, ' InkK,ete. DOOKS ? ,.'r. . NJEWSPAPJEIIS lUttttmaye Solicitni. Vm r.br. EESTALIU'T RAILROAD SALOON, Est side U. C. R. R., PUBLIC SYUARE, r., leau wcINaired ItedM. tail THOMAS Main Miwt, .r KKKfll OYfTKUS, by the raw, ran, or plan-- ; Scwl r Kw. Thw ItiralTw are ncvivwl ilally from Baltimora. lir iu a rail, arriTl. Pig' )ot jut JUK SIVMUNrt, UyUr Ual.r. ltf 8awi . Of dan, January lut, the Oyden WU. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! of Lumbar ihortwt uotirs.' wairMtal to OotnuiiMion. Mm Moelct Wett Hotel. " OOtEN CITY, 4 AM. f . . .;..J. ISitlllisi(j Sc DrfM8f(l Lumiier. Office, miliars TaUson th prvnuJts. si.lt AllbntoreforLasOT Km will amt with prompt atMattoa by !- LAMiT A JTUURIltD, Proprietor . and DEALER in ALL KINDS iimi uakUnal. ILJ.NEWMAN, AMD IBQM P11TF WftBkTB - Ogitm, and - D.W.PAMHUMT, JOHN R. POfiL. Prni.rw.tor l-- A C1IOICK UK AND OF UQttORg, a No. 1 Artirla sf X.&UEB VKfcK. A arfvaar.. I DOORS, Sz, "WINDOWS. GENERAL PROVISION MARKET, MAIN PTREt" OtlDKN. IN U. P. BREWERY, H Pay BOOKS, STATIONEIIY, LUMBER YARD, COAL STABLING, . Kinds All MANL't'AtTUltEK aud personally N.B. Lath and MUukIni solil i f 7m per T.rai. It E A D , attetKieu to. ANDWEllARRAN8ED Proprietor, KTITDKXTS1 HALF A BLOCK EAST OF THE "JUNCTION" OFFICE, OGDEN. HOUSE, i-- tf to S p.m. 250,000 Shingles at 14 pef Thousand. Xrary Davis count v,' ctah. HECTOR C. 1IAIGIIT. p.m. SUun(el Xorlh F.iul of C P. Freight Depot. & With excellent accommodations. t pJa. to THUCKEE RIVER DEPOT, MEAT, CRAIN FIRST-CLAS- S HAT Rrivl at oa - Sot, AT mm HOTEL. !l SASH, aud . Carpenter, . Joiner, " , a.m. to 12 - . PHI M AUY JTXCTIOX. CONFECTIONERY. Iwj Half iiUk , A UOOb SUPPLY OK ltf UNION . I pm. S. S. TUCKER, JOHN DA VIES, rVoprUtoe. ttxviw. - t . A Xt. 1 Article of It T, . LUMBER YARD;': r PATRONS CAN 1IJCRK FIND All Orders EXTENSIVE ikh ks or M(kt Oku Proprietors. ItEASOXAltLE CHARGES. A ' Iu. MERCHANDISE, MAIN rtTKKkT, OPfOMITK AMD i . atnl 0GDEX CITY BAKERY, Best of Accommodations - IN OPPORTUNITY. llay Claw A.- - Oden, DRY GOODS, ALSO, OGDEN, U.T. "- . raK r HtrMt, GENERAL WHITE HOUSE, FAKMI-NTGrTOINr- A.-- C. WOODMANSEE, Liquor uud Cigar. MAIN-STREE- V Cull nud Ho tli Nohool. d tina-rrir- oota,'Siii. Hotel in OUR Th BAK aturhod in oruTi.led with th liran.ln of 4 it, pnpan-- MAIS STKKKT. (Ml DEV. HAM A tll.NKIlAL AfSORT. HAVK OXof Dry lliivik Hal. Vmxm. C1TV, UTAH, Oyden. v fart-ful- l GOLDEN Sviml J)intrirt Zion'it COOPERATIVE MERCANTILE MAIN STREET, OGDEN I r Lik.wiM an .XiTlleiit AwirUiwnt A Good Supply TOOLS on hand. Proprietor, First-Cla- ns Uoutd MAKE XOKT (Hit, J'aintt, Glaif, eta., GROCERIES, HOUSE. WRBKK- COrXTT luiprovlus; (he Preavent Chemical; "What is Truth ?" 30T252XsS. the only t or Ilavo on Iwnil a plni.11.1 Htork of AGRICULTURAL C. W. WKST, 18 NOW PRKfAKID TO RHt'KITX JErtDKNTS. TDE YOl'XC ME HTH K' E T, IV la-- THE OGDEN ltf Vi'pntite Uithitp NVs's. nt the TalMTiiaoIe. Mailt Tin aouirs. Suhjert of the Ux tiire ft ITT I Hn i .in i .Vlmnwiim. ;sk-- j .V.ItHlflN. WHO H.48 RKCKXTLY TVf !!!j Xfi arrival hrr from the Kast. ou lur war to l l;.riiia. will Deliver a I.KCTt'KK, at tli Talr- , . to IIm Juvrmlm of tliia at narir, Ju'Hm k kiiu on Sunday, January i, ISTo; ami at ranillc sue will early a LIXTl'UE light, to OGDEN FirsI and Third Ward 1 LsM'turt a-- if BPUITTl A avwntttv of BOH SLKIM anil VANfT January 1st. 170. all of wlia-2.Vt. lur prtin. 7 TERMS: Life Membership $5 fjfj 10 ets. per voL per week. OpM Daily bstwaw Um hour of I and I pM C. B..MIGREGOR, ln Ubrarian, at Opka Pmt OOca, a&MMJEli CIA L COLLEGE OGDN, UTAH. IT. Contains Umpired Volume, rooiittlni fa cboie collKtiou of SuMvlanl Works of Muiuat w..w.. v oiwii-f- l mmj rt, rvliu lit. retu re, Portical Works. Wmr.rity tiurtim, tc. MAIN STREET, WAREHOUSE, - CIRCULATING LIBRARY s.ral INSTITUTION, Willi Dm int. ,o;ih:y AND AXD 8TATIOXERV. E X . OGDEN DEALERS IN PRODUCE. X.B. PrcHt-rip- t THE AMPHION QUARTETTO ill, iu CO., FLOUR, CRAIN '-- TARE RX The Office of the Cjty .Recorder is at the Office of the "Ogden Junction " Seventies' Hall, aear the-- U. C. R. R, Station.. t a Ofat Hour from. IX) a. vliU 3 p. n. . HORACE Correttpoudence. We have been permitted LORIN FARR, Mayor. Osdrn Hotel, 00HKN CITT. i, n-tri- VTOTIfE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THtt 11 all Persons engi;el in Business i. Ogden City, (for which the City Ordi. nances provides that a license must h, oMained.) without 6rst proctiripf license are lialde to he taken before Aldesman of said City, and bs subject! to a Fine, By order of the City Council, COUNSELOR. Office eppoitite All kinds of Uga! CITY LICENSES. DABLER, BANKERS, WHOLESALE , We issue the first number of the on the first day of the New Year. It is customary at surk-- time to AT 1 OlSSElf ; C. L. DAHLKR. v ' Ji'xono review the .past; and also to - sinllluir bone. the future' with hni We' are very apt at such season to lay out and mature Hans for Our future operations, &iid we are equalfy apt to build many .airy castles, and to indulge in the anticipations of many grtea't and lasting benefits which will accrue to us from the realisation of our dreams. The earth ha oonipleled another reso lution. The year lhli'J has pasvd into eiernuy, aim me momentous events which have characterized it, have stump ed their impress en the page of history. How many who entered upon' the' past year, in the bloom of youth, health. and vigor, with prospect of a bright and huppy career before them, but who now How numerous are the sleep iu death changes which have taken place, and how varied the events which have truns- pirud since the opening of 18GU. Sickness aud disease have swept through many parts of the earth and left their lircful impress tipou the human counte nance 1 Death has entered the mansions of th great and the cottage of the humble, and hearts, hearths and homes have been made desolate in consequence. Revolutions and earthquakes have con vulsed the physical, political and the moral world. Financial speculations of money holders and money changers but recently threatened many business men in this nation in Europe with ruin. Man paled before the startling occurrences which they daily witnessed, aud which foreboded calamities they felt unable to ' , avert. Crime and wickedness, with their attendant train of miseries, have increased to an alarming extent. Highway robberies, burglaries, murder, infanticide; foeticide hare been aw'ully frequent; and the accounts of which have.filled a long black list. Th demon war, pestilence aud .famine, have spread devastation and destruction aUtong the nations of the earth. Fixes seem t"hveWn more frequent than in former year, and millions of dollar in property and lives of many beings have fallen a prey to the ''" "'J devouriug elements'. "; Ftorms at sea," shipwreck, steamboat and railroad accidents have also been of very frequent occurreno. aad tha Joss of human life, and of property,, on th ocaan, the river and railroads, halt been WASSI.V HL'SSKY, Halt Laksfity. cific by an iron band, UROM NINti, Prupritor. pa-ELsriTJTj- s: AT THE POST OFFICE. ' orders for ' All - 0 Books, Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, etc., will receive prompt, attention, and be furnished- - at PuWUhers' Prices.'. A ' 0 ' .. o .. . " Particular pains ld to aceoaimwiato rtt. tonwra, anl .rary artkl. rwjuirwl l.y ta Urnal ' UadtlK fntdir. if mtl m ttmA ka hmAai . at ih. norteit I If aM. .. |