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Show mi A " Mib . . " s i 8 c 3 15 - Kriti . MT Kb Ml W 75 ltt) 134 ISft 200 I iw of biuinea. and will he chare- "6 iITtru ' all WK". BCV: .!?--iwnu forwpi " ' No'ldwrtLnti ch from the State, will be at our adv.rtl.ed rate,) iUi(n ana of our STuithorited Advertising Agent. . .f interact to the ill eumlBanJcinivM" private lntore.u eriateaded to EutaAarw advertiaementa, and payment we JrUtoade. Upenoual in character l.. . .l j t rtirln. ur adverUee- uk - aij oto ut ; itturn Pinkley of the Church of the ascension, and the Rev.. Dr. Sparrow, AMERICAN. Ex-Secret- ary meutot ihueimM. OCDEN DIRECTORY. tutted States Officers for Mali. J. Wilson Shaffer, 8. A. Mann. Secretary Martkal Milton T. & Attorney Orr. C. H. Hempstead, C. Clement . Aiie Monit ). B. Orer-to- n. Suneyaf-Geurral- rwrr : ; : 1 George R. Htg'uiw of Land OJfite John U, S. Astettor C. S. ColUclor0. J. P. Taggart. Hollie:er. '" Ctif Juiliee C. C. Wilaon. ' Auodatt Juiticet 0, F. Strickland and Haw lev. . , William H. Mrjatt to CemgrtM -- Hooper. Territorial Oflloers: Atlonuy-Grner- al SltrtUl J. D. Zeruhbnbel Snow. T. McAllister. reconstruction act, in addition to hia d ties as commander in the outh. , The official proclamation was made to day of the New Postal Convention, between the United States and Great Britain, which will go into effect on January 1st. The of War and Jtutieu, E.rM. Stanton, died this morning at 3 o'clock; of congestion of the heart. Stanton has tment, and the principal officers of the . navy and .marine service. The diplomatic corps was represented by Minister Thornton and others. The city council and memhers of the bar and large number of othef citixeus were also in attendance. Only a few intimate friends were privileged to see the face of the deceased been confined to the house about a week. previous to closing the coffin In the chamber where he died the The President and the Vice Psesident, called last Saturday at his residence, it floral display was the finest ever seen being his birth day, when the former here on a similar occasion. An advertisement appears in this tendered him his appointment as Associate Justice of the Supreme "Court for morning's Herald, headed "Northwestern which Stanton express d his gratitude Republic, Red River, British America," and, acceptance,. Yesterday- - .Stanton for capable men, soldiers preferred, as complained of sickness, but the family guides to parties leaving the United were not alarmed, a he had been in a States, writen application only received worse condition frequently: Shortly af- at the American Annexation League, 447 ter midnight the symptoms became al- Brown street. The Tribune, in an editorial on the Barnes was arming. Surgeon-Generpresent on his accustomed visit and found Rupert's laud troubles, takes the ground it impossible to afford relief. The Rev. that the United States should observe a Dr. Stankey of the Church- - of the Epih-pan- y strict neutrality and not allow the pas' (Protestant Episcopal) was sum- sage of troops or munitions of war moned, but shortly afterwards the suff- through our territory. erer lost consciousness and was unable Annexation YjCagttc. to converse with any-on- e. The Sun this morning says an AmerirThe pulsation of the heart ceased for a few sec can Annexation League has recently onds and then returned, the breathing been formed in this city with the avowed being very faint It was not until an purpose of procuring, by persuasion or half-hobefore his death that his famiforce, the annexation to the United ly could realise he was dying. About 3 States of all countries and provinces in o'clock this morning he expired quietly. North America, and all islands along the They maintain the national passing away without a struggle. At coast. his bedside in his last moments were hie safety of the United Stales demands the family, consisting of Mrs. Stanton and acquisition of all North America and the four children. tVept India islands. The Star says the death of Stanton Prominent citixens are members of was first announced to the l'resiuent this league. The officers are the followmen: while walking in Pennsylvania Avcnae ing well-know- n Col. Geo. W. Gibbons. President wih Senator Williams ; the President's Gen. A. L. Gurney, first remark was one of surprise, and when assured of the fact, he showed (Jen. A. Cole, Secretary. much emotion. "Gen. Jus. E. Kerrigan, Financial SeA large number of prominent citizens cretary. called at the residence of the late SecreGen. Jas. B. Coil, Treasurer. -- F. J). Mt.2l'n LeMer J. Ilerrick, Henry Ilobaet, Richard BalUntyne. CUHk and RrtordTV. 8 Richards. Aureliun Miner. Ffoucuting Attorney Sitrtf Gilbert Belknap.DfuUy Sheriff William Brown. Aueuor and Collector Sandford - . Cormer Win. N. Fife. Sareryor and Superintendent --Wia. W. I ' ! Bing-La- n. Israel Canfield. Trmwrtr of Sehooli Burton. City CiioTcriiiiieitt: Ineorporated by Act of Jan. election biennially Municipal fecoad Monday of February. of the City Council on 18, 1861. on the Meetings weekly, Tuesday at City Hall, Main Street. evenings, Sluifor Loren Farr. Alderman Y. A. Brown, L. J. Ikrrick, 1st Ward; 2d . i Joseph Parry, 3d Counselor) C. W. West, Ja mes Waller Thouipr-on- , Win. Burton, Jofiith Lcavitt. Retordrr TUoa. G. OdelL Mc-fla- Miner. A. Attorney N,mhalV. N. Fife. Trniiurer Aaron Farr. Anrtmr and Collector S. Bingham. W. W. Burton. Surveyor Captain of Police?. G. Taylor. Ogden Post Office: from 8 aim. to 7.30 i p.m. to 7.30 p.m. Daily Mails closk, until further notice, ' fr Salt Lake City at 5 p.m. 9 .m. ,ror the Last For the West 5 p.m. m. Sundays, from ABBITS From Snlt Lake City From the East - 10.30 . ' .m. 6.30 p.m.' West 10.30 a.m. MAILS 1 0 O r on Monday at PUia City, .on: Thura-- . 6.30 p.m. For Hunteville, on ' Tuesday and Friday, at B p'.m. SEMI-WEEKL- Y Clow for North Ogdea 2.30 p:m. For ay,t Express .Trains Leave Ogden Sh ' daily, until further Lake City at 11.30 a.m. and at 10.5 ,m, For p m. For the East, t'e West, at 6 p.m. no-f- or ' held , every Sunday, in the Tabernacle, "'11a.m.; and in the School Houses or the Tarioua Wards at 6.30 p.m. , '' 0i)gS( Salt Lakk i .... . European steamship lines refuse to carry mails after January 1st for the sum offered by the Postmaster General two cents each letter. Cresswell is now here, endeavoring to arrange matters. The TVwwsays all conspicuous persons implicated in the drawback frauds have been taken as Government witnesses. The latest addition to the - number is Urnm-nr-- T. i - DlatChforrt. The Star says there is greet distress among cigar makers in this city, one of the heaviest firms of manufacturers having discharged a thousand hands within the past three weeks. Other trades and business are suffering in proportion, owing to the unsettled condition of the gold market. Whol- rymen have gone in pursuit to-da- y. lIItlTAlX. FRANCE. Traupiunn on Trial. Paris, 28. - The trial of Traupman, for the murder of the Kuick family, commenced in was this city The court-roodensely packed with spectators at the opening of the proceedings. A prominent railroad man, a number of the league has promised the troops free transit to within 200 miles of the border line. From that point to the place of operations, the filibusters will make thh way bv forced march. They will depart from New York in squads of one to two hundred,' as quietly as possible, to avoid detection or delay. The first squadd will start before the 15th of January, perhaps as early as the first month. The last detachment is expected to leave the city before the beginning of February. Four bodies, numbering 250 men, have started for the Red River country already, frftin the four cities, Chicago, Buffalo, Detroit and St. Louis, and probably crossed the border line; but no news ha yet been received from them. m t,o-u-ay. and Utah. Eerjlody desirous of learning facts soncerning Ogden, Salt Lake and Utah, chronological, statistical, historical and 'gioui, with ft reliable sketch of Mot wnwm; and have a thousand and one questions answered that are being daily xkd concerning Utah, send for a copy of Sloan s Salt Lake Directory. Mailed fr"m the Junction Office for a dollar an,l a quarter. TO FARMINGTON, WILL BB OPEX Trains will connect at Farmington with Stages from the City at 8.1 a.m., and 4 p.m., and arrive at Ogden in time to connect with the express Irain going East at 10.40 a.m., and the Express Train going AVest at 6.40, p.m. The return Trains will leave Ogden at 11.30 a.m., and 0 p.m., making close connections with the Stages at Farm ington for Salt Luke City. For all infrniailun concerning Freight or Paa- age, appiy i; s JOSEPH A. YOUNG, BCl'fclUNTEKbKNT. FARES: lie. ltf Freight Agonta, Ogilen. GILMER & SALISBURY'S STAGE LIXES. SALISBURY Great Central Route. House positively deny the story tiiat they Mr. Charles Welch, the Watermaster because they expelled disabled soldiers of Ogden, brought in his report, which voted the Republican ticket. The J'ott places the loss of the Me- showed that the sum yf $646.75 has been irregu-lariie- ' . j' . 5- - r ir MICHIGAN CENTRAL nAiLnoAD EASTERN CONNECTIONS. ill TNI D1KKCT -- . -- guides have been Washihotom, Dec, the River country, with familiar attended.' was largely hired, of Stanton The services were merely those of the who "will conduct the troops from the Prostestant Episcopal Church, and were last railroad station across the border Fifteen hundred. Spencer rifles performed by the Rev. Dr. Stoker, of the line. Church of the EpiiAany, of which the hare been stored away ready for use, deceased was a member, assisted by J Ammunition aud other supplies also are funeral rolled, Twenty-fiv- e CORN 11. OD per bonlwl. 11RAS A BHOHTS-- l.l fl.SO, per cwt POTATOKS 5ie (d 7V, per barbel. 12c per Ih at iliop ; c on foot ' HKKF I' 2He (a. 26c, ner lb. POKK c (ft, 50c per lb. Bt'TTEK In roll. KfiOH I'er doz, 44W fa lc. OM1CKKN8 oOr. eut'li. TURKKYS lHc pej lb, par pair. annually in Milan, while m P spies, which used to itund next to l'uris, lew than one quarter as many are now man ufactured. A Sunday-schoteacher was giving a lesson on Hnih. ' She wanted to Lriug out the kindness of lioax in commanding the reapers to drop larger handluls. ox wheat. '"Now, children," she said. "lloax did auother very nice thing for' Ruth; can you tell me what it was?" "Married her," said one of the boys. A verv curious mode of trying the title of land is practised in Hindustan.. Two holes are dug in the disputed spot, iu each of which the plaintiff's nnl defendant's lawyers piu one of their kjr", and remain there uiiiil one of them itf tired, iu which cuxo UUi client is defeated. In this country it is the client, and net the lawyer, who puts his foot in it. An improvement in the .manufacture of horse collars has just been devised by a 1'h.ladulplua mechanic. The collar, being stuffed with elastic cork, is light in weight, ana adapts itself to tbe shape of the animal as readily as if It was moulded. It is highly elastic, does not chafe or gall the neck, aud, the eork being a injury from the heat is prevented. , t There was some years ago a trial tse murder in Ireland, where the evidence was so palpably insufficient that the the case, and directed the juretoslopped a verdict of not guilty. A well- jury known lawyer, who desired, however, to do something for the fee he had received for the defence, claimed the priv-eleof addressing the court. 4,We'll hear you with pleasure. Mr. B," said the jiidg; "but, to prevent accidents, we'll first acquit the prisoner. "My compef!tor,"exclaimed a political orator, "has told you of the service he has rendered his country in the late war. Let me tell you that I, too, acted part in that memorable contest.. When the tocsin of war summoned the' loyal masses to the defence of the nations, animated by al flag, I, that oairio4aertrit which clows in everr American bosom, hired a substitute, and the bones of that man now lie bleaching on lb, banks of the Rapahannock." A young lawyer was examining a bankrupt as to how he spent hts tnuuey. There was about $2000 unaccounted for when the attorney put on a severe, scrutinising face, aud exclaimed, with much "Now, sir, I want you to tell this court and jury how yon used ' those $2,000." The bankrupt put on a serio-comi- c face, winked at the audience and exclaimed, "The lawyers got that!" The judge and audience were convulsed with laughter, and the councillor was glad to let the bankrupt go. . , feUow-eitiieii- amdko. M'Culloch, the statesman, once made a good repartee, as follows: Miss Anthony and Mrs. Stanton, the greaUupholdcrs of the woman's rights question, attended the secretary's reception, and Mjss Anthony facetiously remarked. "Of course, you did not think that the strong-mindewould leave Washington without besieging the Treasury?" "Ah! Miss Anthony," said the secretary smiling, "the Treasury does not suffer so much from as the strong-handethe strong-minde- d Sthomq-I- I d" d. NIAGARA FALLS The Architectural Ren'ev and American? Builder' Journal givs an account of the removal of Pelhaui House, in Boston. AND ALL POINTS EAST. In order to widen a street it was necesC UUIATEB rut sary to move this house sideways about twenty feet, or to pull it down. It was decided to adopt the former alternative. For thenpelytraiMportAtlon nf all kinilaof freight The house is seventy feet wide by one runa oxcluaive over the withiail hundred feet dein. five stnrvs hicrh. and is supported on sqnare granite piers, with heavy partition walls of brick; it Tbe only Kaxtern Line from Chicago running the BiugtnAient is said to weigh 60,000 tons, and is aa Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars hotel arranged in the French mode. The motive force was got by means of On iti Paaaenger Tralaa. sixty or seventy huge wooden screws, R. E. SARGEST, Oea'l fiaa't, Ckleafe. with their heads 'against the first floor, H. 0. WFNTWORTH, Oen'l Paea. Agt, Chicago. and their heels as'iiiiii't the paving at the TUOS. I100P5, tieu'l Freight Agt, Chicago. curbstone, the intermediate ground having been extracted. The house began to travel on rollers at eight o'clock in tho morning of August 21, and performed Irtl-Wester- a its journey safely at the rate of fourteen inches per hour, carrying with it all its furniture and its boarders. Via NEW YOItK, BOSTON "BLUE LlflTE" t, Great Central Route . Cllcapi RAILWAY. . The direct route from Omaha to Chicago and the East, WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. Two Dart Taaocoa Taants leave the Misaotnu Krvaa, oppoalU Omasa, npm tha arrival of Tralna from tha Weet over tha ' y. or AM II Tiironsii Passenger and Freigjit Pouti p- -r OIL-,p- . Milan has lately become an important seat of the kid glove manufacture, utmost rivaling Paris. One hundred ami, fifty thousand duzen gloves arc now made ge TO Through Fare to Ogden, $3 OLIVIER pi-- to-d- ay 2V, $1.0 COACHES -- The - - TO KAYSV1LXE TO UliKKN KAYtfYILLK TO OCiDKN I). O. CALDER CO, FARM1XOTON FAKMI.MMTOX Woods & Callay, provisions, dry goods, and groceries. Chas. C. Smith, cigars and tobacco. esale clothing firms, with a thousand emceased almost have ST A GES LEA YE CORIA'XE DAILY Henry K. Brine, groceries. entirely ployees, sales. for future & Co,, restaurant Sullivan goods manufacturing FOR MONTANA. Some thousands of carpenters, brickPain & Lancester, restaurant layers, coopers and others have left the S. J. Lees, general merchandise. & city in quest of work. Proprietor. It i understood that Mayor Kalbfleish J. Geo. Le Bel, groceries, boots and ltf of Brooklyn, in his annual message, will shoes, unfold some facts relating to unfaithful Cronyn k PerrtSj merchandise. police justices, who are suspected of re-in collected McCarty & Cloud, restaurant of a money taining portion John R. Bums, boarding house. fines. The officers of the King's County Alms Captain Evans, groceries. " - AXD rASSEXGERS. SUCCESSORS : 27- FREIGHT FOR The City Council met, pursuant to adjournment, at the City Hall. on Tuesday, WELLS, FARGO Si CO. December 28th, 1800, at Six o'Clock p.m. There were present His Hon. Lorin Farr, Mayor; Leister J. Herrick, Joseph Parry and; F. A. Brown, Esqrs., Alder On and after Monday, Dec.C men; JKiah Leavitt, Walter Thompson, James McGaw, and W.W. Burton, Esqrs., Councillors, Thos. Ge, OdelL Esq:, City Record?; William N. Fife, Esq., Mar- WiU Ware Salt Laka City daily at & ajn aud 12uL, to shal; and Charles Middleton, Esq., Clerk of tha Police. Connect with the V. C R. B. it The following licenses were granted: J. M. Walker, druggist. Fariuingtou. D. Mendelsohn, general merchandise. J. Spiro, peddler. A Finland vessel has just conveyed to St. Petersburg two enormous blocks of stone from the banks of Lake Ladoga, each weighing 72,0001b, to be used for he pedestal of the statue of Catherine ol Municipal. i . 'f'J OCDEN wounded. - 3 The Utah Central Railroad, which is FROM s. 11. Momltiy.Evce.Otli.lHOO ' London. 28. During the performance at the theatre in Bristol last night, an alarm of fire ex- citct the auaience, and in the efforts of the crowd to escape from the building, eighteen persons were killed and many . ON AND AFTER Terrible Scene in a Theatre. s rchant's Exchange Bank by the expended on the Weber Canal during the of the cashier Bt $2(M),(K. 1869. , year James The ferry boats, Jay Gould and The Report of the Road Surveyor was in the force with terrible collided Fisk Republicans. Superintendent, they were ' The Gould struck also brought in, which showed that the North river . They are all cripples, her hull. sum of $2,415.68 has been expended on the Fisk crushing amidships 25. Boston, bows had her Gmild The partly stove in. the highways of this City during the The Union Pacific Railroad Co., which in a advertised to pay, their coupons early at The Fsk was towedNoto the dock condition. injur- past year.,' passengers the sinking decision. reconsidered. have Boston, directod to was ed. Road $20,000. The , Loss, Supervisor and will pay them in New York to those A New York special says postal au- travel the crossings from the corner of who wish on and after tbe ion. s thorities expeet to complete negotio'.ions the street next the ' ' ' ' Lafayeile. Tithing Office; also with tha Inman, Anchor and German Snyder's Opera House was burned to lines for carrying European mails at the crossing of the next street South. day; lo.s, $40,000. The west room was reduced raies; the new arrangements A variety of other City business was occupied by the post office. The mails take effect on the 1st of January. These transacted. and office fixtures were saved. lines guarantee to carry the mails as At eleven o'clock the Council adjourn Washington special says the Govern promptly as the Cunard lines have done. ment has instituted means to bring about has been started in Was- ed to Tuesday next at 6 p.m. A.inovenient a treaty between all the maritime nato raise a considerable Sum of tions on the subject of ocean cables; and hington for the benefit of Stanton's fami Commercial. ' ' has instructed our ministers in England, money the headed subscripThe President, ' Office of Ogden Junction, Ogden City, France, Germany, Spain and other coun- ly. tion with $1,000. tries. The Government asks that no exUtah Territory Jan., 1., 1870." reasons for belief that are There good clusive concessions shall be given to any Government will suggest to Congress to COKKKK Rio twr k. Sic r lb, have t he take means to audit the TKA tlJUl t. $ ..VI per lb. Alaparty, and no government shall BACON 27c r IK right to examine telegrams. The cables bama claims filed in the State Depar17 to HICK r 1!. shall have all the rights or neutrality, tment for tne purpose of ascertaining the MJOAK r fc.5o per k. war to " and their dcslruction in time of r k. criiMliml, fi'i.AO, exact amount due to individuals from fTKKEVTS tic rr lb. r I.I, be treated as an act of peace; persons British authorities. lb T01iAUX Sic Nvv, rilKUSK a per lb. v Indianapolis, engaged in the work of destruction to v be tried in the courts of any country ttlOo M;t Sehool per Ih. of Convention At the SuperiCANHY U ir per 11. e J;-V ntendents held here the school question capturing them. fcR I'KI'f H. . Hi. SPICK .13c George Francis Train delivered one of waa fully discussed, nhowing the nece, Tammaat 1.75 per Ih. M'TMKOH his characteristic harangues ssity of mixed schools. The State Teac$U.uO ( iX Tr box. CAKDLKH t hers' Association also commenced their t ny HaU last evening. fWtltA lr Ih. A case has come to light of an agent Both assSOAP I. X. L. hraixfe .76, pw box. annual meeting loth American South KA18INS Repub- ociations are largely attended. of a prominent per box, t.!. OOA I. ra, 110.76. lic, .who. was deputed to come to this LY E $13 per rase. has and Expeditions.' FillbuMteriiig to purchase gunboats, 0LA8S Kxlrt pur 1kx, $S.. country The organisation is preparing Itself 10 i ii, 9iO. been swindled out or nearly a minion affairs in the MA Y Full Mipply, at $10 par tun, . active for participation dollars in bonds by pretended shipOATH 2Jir Ih. ' pr par country brokers. , r going on in the Red Biver BARLKY lb. lif. tbe representative of the CanWIIKAT tl.no to 91 .25. per bnht. Ten more of the Spanish gunboats to .no par Mok. : a fnll wpplT ah" FLOUK 3,50 adian off expedition will by governmenf, went below yesterday. They lay I tan rlonr comparm iir of fifteen hundred men, of whom for prantwith(fcumnu. Weatcrn Brand, nuwle from bnat Quarantine until the last tbre"e, which C6nsisfhundred tbe have already been en- favorably wiDtar wurat, are short of men, can join them. eight - PIOXEEll TlXU OF J7TA1I. NOW COMPLETED p The Union 1'acUio Railroad has ordered a large lot of blankets from the MarysvilleWooIeuMills for its employees. A little boy out West was asked if he knew where liars went, and he answered yes thoy went to Jcw York to write for the papers. After all there is not much difference between the followers and the opponents of Dr. Jenner. The one are vaccinators, and fhe others are vaccine-hater- RAILROAD. Cheyenne. mail and divve off, leaving the passeu-ger- s to walk to Cheyenne. Sixty caval- " Arrive from Salt Lake City, 9.40 a.m. "a 5.25 p.m. From the East, 6.25 p.m. From the West, 10 a,m. BlTlne Worship s New York, 28. is- UTAH CENTRAL Bold Stage Bobbery. y. General DelWery p The President y. sued orders, announcing his death to the people and paying a high tribute to the official labors of Mr. Stanton, and dirt ecting all departments to be draped in mourn'ng and closed on the day of the funeral. Secretary Belknap also issued orders, announcing the decease, the wording of which was highly eulogistic of Stanton's character and services.. He directed that proper military hamir lx observed on the day of ' the funeral, which was to take place on Monday at noon. , He will be interred at Oak Hill Cemetary, by direction of the President. The President signed the bill to reimburse the loyal owners of steamboats and other vessels taken by the United States during the war. The claims under the bill amount $400,000. - New York, 25. The weather was fair to.day and the penpl) generally enjoying themselves. All the Episcopal and Catholic churches were crowded to suffocation. The charity schools and institutions were well provided for the holiday, which, has been most happily spent. The large tea warehouse on Front street, of Merritt & Robinson, was burned last night; loss, $30,000. A young lady returning from a Christmas eve party last night, was instantly dashed to pieces on the New Haven rail road, near Harlem, whije crossing tne truck. Sixteen disabled soldiers were turned out peunilw from the JJrowklyn House yesterday, because, as stated by, the . Wrler County Officer: , ur tary Stanton Juiiitor William CViiyton. Trtatttrrr David 0. Calder. Saterintmdritt of Common School Eobert L. CumpbulL frokfc and County Judye further great expense On Monday night two men stopped the ators and representatives now in the city Denver stag fifteen miles from here, The President issued an order the members of the cabinet and Judges containing tbe driver and twe passengers of the and District offto General comtake Courts, Supreme assigning Terry mand of the Georgia District under the icers of the army and the War Depar- all unarmed, The robbers, after firing several shot, took the stage team and al 0rr on hand; and no is anticipate!, , to-d- ill be till forbid. I. VOIi. COUNTY, UTAH, JA9T17A1IT 1, 1870. Among those present were President Grant and the officers of his household, with Cc'.fax and the Sen- Stanton. on the copy with the .l,',uwn intrtxl BYt FELEG11AP1L Death of retalred on be charged twenty-- HI rrmui nt marked ri -- lofl CUMiiW"" lite priTur I 86 J John C. Fremont is said to have obtained a loan suQicient for the proposed Southern l'acitio Railroad. 0 to be oaid for In advuuce. or H.Xlr, I I ....iMnllowBd to change at pleaautts. rf twenty-nv- e actional " BV l.ul the will be imm "! OOIEXvWEBEIt k , l U JMCTION. Father Ilyaciuthe is studying English. - $15 $ 20 $ S6 t8 M lftcellaneona. Devoted to News, literature, Agriculture, Science, and the Arts. a fi fi .. utt ...mull iu.aAAa a 2. 3 ' '2 , , " : P- 4-- a - -- OF ADVERTISING. TIlES A THE OF SUBSCRIPTION tfftltt m t ... UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. Tbii being the dlreot ronte, anj 11 IfDet er.orter than tlie lower line, Karei 6 Houra in time, and Imnreeconnactluna with all Eaat-er- a A Southern Kailwaya, having choice 1 of Rout. Eaat of peee-nge- rt BAGGAGE Chicago. CHECKED THEOCGH EASTERN CITIBi. TO AIX ft Pullman's Palace Sleeping Coaches run through to Chicago without change. B. PATRICK, f.Oea. raaa. t A-- CEO. Chloaf o. U DUNLAP, Oau. aupt. Singular Suicidks. Two very sin gular suicides occurred a few days ago, one in Indiana and the other in Illinois, ' and both committed by .children. la . tha firat o.ma a hnv named Rlanlea Clarke, living in Cannelton, Indiana, , went to his mother, and asked her for some money to go to a fair in the neigh boiiThood. His mother replied that she would be nn willing to have him go;. to which he answered, 'Yon will let ma have it, I" know; went into his room, shut the door, took his pistol, and blew out his brains. In Quincy, Illinois, there was a young girl named PetM'Kay, who is described as having been "beautiful and accomplished." She went for a walk one day, and drowned herself in the river, leaving a note pinned to her cloak stating that she had killed herself, "not for love, and sot for shame, for she was yet as pure as the beautiful snow," but. because "everybody hated , her, her friends were her enemies, and this was a cold dreary world to live in." . |