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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT 72 but never for speculation, and it is never sold for money except when it is necessary to dispose of old wheat and purchase new. Many even of the small wards own granaries that are filled with good wheat. The women who serve in the Relief Society devote freely time and talents to the amelioration of mankind, without expectation of reward, save the reward of a clear "conscience void of offence toward God and all men." It is a labor of love, the consecration of all that they have and are on the altar of their faith, to promote good in the world, to make life happy for their own, to build up genuine homes, where peace and unity abide. Meantime, we believe in cultivating all the graces of mind and body and in promoting the highest in art, literature and science, that the future of the generations now living, and of those which are to come, may be nearer perfection in attainment than that of any race that has ever inhabited this earth. That the earth itself may be cultivated, its waste places made habitable and beautiful by the hands of industry and the blessing of the Lord, that the Western continent from North to South and from East to West, and the whole of this goodly land of America, may be as free and desirable to dwell in as our own glorious United States. In this good work women as well as men, have been and are engaged, and none more so than our honored and beloved President of this Society, Mrs. Bathsheba W. Smith, who has from her early life been a woman of thrift and She is enterprise, as well as economy. therefore eminently qualified to stand at the head and direct the efforts of these hosts of workers, because she has passed through the varied experiences of a long and useful, as well as successful life. She is in appearance a queenly woman, though now nearing her 84th year, with all her faculties in excellent preservation, and her cheerful countenance and dignity of manner betoken the innocence and purity of the soul within. We also wish to mention with tenderness in this report, the great loss to our Society in the demise of one of our most honored and revered sisters, the Treasurer of the General Society for 21 years, Mrs. M. Isabella Home, well known formerly to many of the leading women of the Council, having been a delegate from our Society in the Congress of Representative Women at the Columbian Expo- ad sition in Chicago in 1893, also parin social its entertainments. ticipating Her address in the Art Palace attracted throughout the world. We rejoice that she lived so long and accomplished so much for humanity; and we realize that all our lives and the lives of all women have been elevated to a higher standard of excellence through her heroic exertions and enterprise in behalf of her sex; and we feel assured that the work she loved so dearly and to which she consecrated her life and talents will not slacken, but that those whom she stimulated to these high and holy purposes will strive to carry it forward to its ultimate victory and triumph. With greetings from the President and officers of the National Woman's Relief Society. Respectfully submitted, Emmeline B. Wells, General Secretary N.W. R. S. RELIEF SOCIETY REPORTS. SAN JUAN STAKE. The quarterly conference of the Relief Society of the San Juan stake was held at Bluff, April 28, 1906, Stake President Most of the Mary N. Jones presiding.wards had a representative present; all gave encouraging reports and spoke of their desires to keep up with the other A great many acts of charassociations. ity have been performed by the sisters during the past winter, as our stake has been visited with a great deal of sickness, and some deaths. All have shown their willingness to care for those in need and distress. Each of the associations expect to do all in their power during the coming summer to lay aside means to purchase grain in the fall. The stake presidency were present and gave very timely advice to the sisters, encouraged them to keep the spirit of their work, and God would bless them in their desires for good. Sister Priscilla Warner, fiirst counselor to Stake President Mary N, Jones, was honorably released with a vote of thanks for her faithful labors, as she had moved trom the stake. Sister Lucinda Redd was also released from her position of stake secretary for the same reason. Sisters Annie M. Decker and Beatrice Nielson were chosen to fill the vacanciesWe hope to continue in the work of the Lord, and look for success in our labors as long as we are faithful. Mary N. Jones, President. . - - much attention, when she related the story of crossing the plains in 1847, and the many peculiar circumstances of her pioneer journeyings and experience. UINTAH STAKE. We desire to unite with the National Council of Women in any Memorial TribMinutes of the 38th Relief Society Conute they may make to the memory of our ference of Uintah Stake of Zion. held at dearly beloved leader and General, Miss Vernal, Feb. 21, 1906, at 10 a.m.. PresiSusan B. Anthony; and to express our dent Sarah M. Colton presiding. heartfelt love and veneration for her grand After the usual exercises President Coland noble efforts for women everywhere ton made opening remarks. She felt that R. K. THOMAS DRY GOODS CO. 67, 69, 71 Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. WE ARE IN OUR NEW STORE, and solicit your patronage. as much as possible for your money. We aim to give you TRY US with a little energy there could be a little better attendance; she reported the stake with the exception of Jensen. Sister Annie K. Bartlett reported Jensen Relief Society; both president and her counselors reported the stake in good condition. After the stake reports an essay was given from Naples Society byAdell Hunting; select music on the organ by Abbie Henry from Vernal Relief Society. Reports from the presidents of the different branches as follows: Mountain Dell, Prest. Mary J. Searle; Jensen, Prest. America Orser; Naples, Prest- Annie Casper, followed by Nancy A. Colton (oneof the stake board) upon knowledge and Sister courage, practically temperance. Mary O'Neill made a great many comments on the lecture. Sister Sarah Pope, former stake president of the organization, said while looking over the congregation she felt to thank the Lord, for, said she, all looked as though they had plenty to eat and wear; spoke of the early settlers in the state and the hardships they had to pass through, of the Relief Society and its organization; she also spoke upon the Word of Wisdom and its benefits. Counselor Agnes Bennion spoke of the sisters trying to find employment for their children and upon education and the books we should read; she read an article entitled "Questions of Amusements." Bro. Aloazo Hawes said that he could testify that the Spirit of God was here; he spoke of the good counsel that might be given to the boys and girls; spoke of the good work the sisters of the Relief Society were doing. Sister Phebe Hislop, president of Mae-sSociety, reported that society in good condition; she also related some of the effects of card playing; she had never had a card in her house nor seen any in her father's and benediction. Conference adjourned until 2 p. m. Afternoon session we continued our services by the choir singing then prayer and singing, minutes, etc. General and local officers were sustained, statistical report read and accepted. Reports from the different wards. President Hannah Odekirk, Vernal; Prest. Mary J. Hardy, Glines;each in good condi- er house-Singin- g tion-Sister Althura Collett called unexpectedly to speak, but her motto was to respond to the call from those placed over her; spoke of prayer and home missionaries. (To be continued.) Save Your Money! a And when get dollar, deposit it Savings Bank & Trust Company, the oldest and largest savings bank in Utah. Since the establishment of the bank we have opened more than 41,191 savings accounts. The laws of Utah permit married women and also children who are minor, to open savings accounts in their own name, subject to their own order. Have you such an account? If not, open one NOW We pay FOUR PER CENT INTEREST on any amount from ODe dollar to five thousand, and compute said you with Zion's interest WRITE for any information desired. Joseph F. Smith, Prest. George M. Cannon, Cashier. No. 1 Fast Temple Street, Semi-annuall- y. |