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Show A rn III 711 I THE DAILY HERALD OF UTAH COUNTY, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1922. (SAf'TV Daiices II Voters eWok of the very enjoyable Nelke' Reading club was held Taun- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. J, Mrs. George P. Parker V. Robinson. was the assisting hostess. The rooms were prettily arranged with narcissus and a variety of potted plants. An excellent program, including the following numbers was rendered: Die-A OCT ARE SHOES I by Clyde Fitch, given by Mrs. Fern BrimhalL 'Mrs. J. C. Ellsworth of Pay-soand Mrs. Clifford Young of American Fork rendered several pleasing musical selections. They were accom panied on the piano by Miss Rschae! n Holbrook. At the conclusion of the program, a daintily prepared luncheon was served to 45 members and guests. Including a number from out of town. Mr. and Mrs Complimentary Aivln Martindale, who will leave to morrow for Loa Angeles, Calif., Miss Lily Horsley was hostess at a de- YOUR BOY lightful socail affair Thursday evenThe guests, who were as fol ing. lows, first attendsd the play "Don o' the Mountains, at the Sixth ward amusement hall: Mr. and Mrs. Martin-dale- , Miss LaPreal Bullock, Miss Lyle Nelson, Miss Elolse Stewart, Frank Clayton. Joseph Nelson and Calvin Bee. Pretty decorations of Easter lilies and violets were used. Luncheon, music and dancing made the hours pass merrily. - I b1 If, in addition to long wear you could get properly fitting shoes that cost no more, wouldn't you in justice to your boy ' get them? By all means. SHOES ARE THE ONES YOU WILL BUY The wearability and strength was sealed into the leather by THEN OUR the best known system of tannage. The shape and fitting quali- we say to you, that there are no clerks in Utah who have made a more exhaustive study of fitting the feet than have we, PRICED FROM $1.95 42 TO $5.00 West Center St., Provo. 9Read- - Come ' Monday evening N. W. EUertson was pleasantly surprised at bis home by a number of friends, in honor of his 67th birthday anniversary, which occurred on that day. The rooms were prettily aecoratea in dariodiis, narcissus and ferns. A short program waa enjoyed, followed by games and music, during wnicn luncheon waa served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. David Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crow- ther Mr. and 'Mrs. Erastus Kofford, Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim EUertson, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. EUertson. Air. and Mrs. Clarence EUertson, Mrx. Mary Brown, Mrs. Esther Long, Mrs. Gee, Mrs. Eva Kay, Miss Reynolds, Miss Llla EUertson, J. Leo EUertson, the Misses Ortba and Afton Kay, Berry Jolley, J. W. Armstrong, Jesse Stubbs, and Wm. Petty of Emery county. Mrs. Jerry Cluff and family enter tained at a delightful social affair Thursday evening In honor of Mr. Cluff, the occasion being his birthday anniversary. Daffodils and evergreen formed thtf attractive table decora Mr. and Mrs. John T. Winters have tions. Covers at dinner were laid for returned to their home In Altonah twelve, Games and music were later after spending a week in Provo with enjoyed. relatives and friends. Miss Delia- - Lisonbee entertained at Monday evening the Elks' ladies an Easter dinner Sunday evening. A met in regular session at the Elks' club color scheme of green, yellow and rooms. Cards were played and the white were used throughout the enter prize winners were Mrs. J. B. Somo, taining rooms. Covers were laid for Mrs. Pick Boshard and Mrs. Fred Wll fourteen. son. Refreshments were served. O. R. Thomas, manager of the Provoi IMrs. Georgia Johnson of Salt Lake Greenhouse, and Mrs. Aftbn M. Jen In Provo with son were united tn spent the week-enmarriage in Salt relatives and friends. Lake City today. The Elks ladies are preparing for a J. Leo EUertson spent the week-endancing party to be given Monday in In Salt (Lake with his family. the I. O. 0. F. hall. Members of the . . Elks ladles club and their friends will N. W. EUertson has returned to his enjoy the evening. ' home In Mona, after a few days' visit ' here with his children. Miss Winifred Nelson of Murray was a Provo visitors Wednesday and The members of the "Bluebell" club Thursday. met at the girls' room of the tele phone office Thursday evening, for Mrs. H. S. Pyne will entertain at the purpose of officers for the dinner this evening for the members of coming years. electing The following were the Progressive Sewing club. elected: Lucile Buckley, president: Grace Mary Hansen, vice Mrs. James Borg of Mt. Pleasant is Robbins. second vicepresident; Eva president: in ten with Proov her Wilson, secretary and treasurer. Foldays spending Mrs. Ken lowing the election, a short son and daughter, Mr. and program neth Borg. was enjoyed and the girls were entertained by Miss Alice Russell. Peanuts Miss Norma Foote and Miss Bernice w.we served. Condon, of the telephone office, left today for Price to spend two weeks Mrs. A. D. Sutton entertained the with relatives. Alternate Thursday Afternoon Bridge club members at her home Thursday Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jamison and Mr. afternoon.- Potted plants and sweet peas were used in decorating the en tertaining rooms. Mrs. Lee L. Baker was awarded the card favor. A dellc-ious luncheon was served to the following: Mrs. John U. Buchi, Mrs. Frank Cory, Mrs. Lee L. Baker, Mrs. Agnes Whitecotton, Mrs. E. D, Sutton Mrs. R. E. Sutton, Mrs. C. H. Ward. Mrs. J. T. Farrer, Mra. Wm. Ferre and Mrs. D. L. Walllck, Mrs. Henry Gease and Mrs Howard Lee were Invited . guests. PARENTS CLA8S.. ' ' ' d .. .., . ties were designed by the world's best shoemakers. And Parties cusslon of the life and works of Rich and Mrs. L. A. Hills have returned to f"1 Mansfield by Airs Rhoda Ander-- Price after spending a week in Provo. to TOO GOOD FOR .mmifr CIubs d . - 1 Shoes Which Spoak m mg n l i Saturday specials Ladies' Silk Dresses, each 95 Jap Lunch Cloths, each 95 Table Damask, 2 yards for Children's Dresses, each 95? Muslin Gowns, 2 for 95 Serpentine Crepe, 10 yards for. 95? Ladies' Union Suits, 2 for 95? Table Runners and Scarfs, 2 for 95? Ladies' Skirts, each .. ... . ". .. . .95? Towels, for 4 . Umbrellas, each .. . -- 95? Ladies' Silk Gloves, 2 pairs for. SseOur Mdows-Door- s ADprnortAL ; SACRED CONCERT. ' The B. YU. band, under the direc tion of Prof. Robert Sauef, will give a sacred concert Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock at College hall. All are Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Sparks, Jr.. of Denver, are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine baby boy, born here Tuesday morning. 'Mother and baby are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Sparks and baby will return to Denver in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. John Allen of Eureka were Provo visitors today. Dr. Newton R. Jackson of the iL. D. . hospital in Salt Lake spent the week-enhere the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson. d PAYSOMEWS Good Jersey heifer, at a iMrs. Joseph Reece entertained with bargain; wtlt freshen in 10 days. a luncheon Thursday afternoon In . 5 Phone honor of her two nieces, Mrs. D. L. FOR RENT Modern four-rooapart- Mitchell, who la leaving in the near ment, heart furnished;' close in. future for Las Vegas, Nev., to Join her Phone 161. husband and make her home, and for WE BUY AND SELL all kinds of poul- Mrs. H. I. Smith of Salt Lake City. try. Phone 517-J- . Mrs. Emma Cravens loft Wednesfor Los Angeles, Calif., after a day furnished RENT Three rooms, FQR two weeks' visit here with relatives. 753 S. University Ave. Phone 594. She was accompanied by her niece, , Miss Lisle Cravens, who will Join her sister Iona there and remain indefinitely. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bates announce the birth of a baby girl Easter morning, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Daley announce the arrival of their eighth Mr. and Mrs. daughter April 18. Daley's family consists of girls. Mrs. Ray Stevens entertained the members of the Entre Nous club on Mrs. R. V. afternoon. OF SPANISH FORK" jjj Wednesday Douglass was a especial guest. Two Day A-2- 284-W- A-2- 8 'WW -- A-2- 7 I Friday and Saturday Only SI ST ERSl Will display hats Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, April 24, 25, 26, 27, at the Webster tailor shop, Springville. Ladies' hats, prices $3.50 to $7.50. Children's hats, $1.25 to jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj jjj $3.00. With each Ladies Hat purchased we will give you your choice of one of our Children's Hats for ACCIDENT VICTIM TO BE BURIED Funeral services for Claud T. Downs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Downs of Orem, who was accidentally shot on a ranch near Boise, Wednesday, will be held at the Sharon ward 25 Cent! chapel Sunday afternoon at o'clock. Interment will be in the Pleasant Grove cemetery. The body arrived at the Berg Mortuary today. 2 . Allen MfflineBT rubber heel, Black Oxford, genuine first quality calf, Goodyear welt, rubber heel. Priced specially at . $3 .95 20 N. University Ave. akc Your Laivns Green and beautiful by applying ."Inland Fertilizer," a product of concentrated potash, nitrogen ann phosphoric acid. One hundred pounds is equal to four tons of barnyard fertilizer. It gives to your lawn that green, velvety smoothness that means added beauty to your surroundings. AN ERROR CORRECTED. On another page of today's Herald is printed the advertisement of Irvine's store, in which The Herald composing room made an error in prices which is corrected in the item below. The price of the silk special should have been 89 cents. Lawns and gardens must be kept fed to be fertile and productive. No weeds, no odor, easily applied. Ask us about it. TOMORROW, SATURDAY We carry a full line of Field, Flower and Garden Seeds, Alfalfa Seed, Clover Seed and Certified Seed Potatoes. ONLYSILK SPECIAL Carpenter Seed Company 76 ffmffffItRv!7 MUUJNEJfT FECIAL A-2- 7 NELSON W North University Ave. 8k Provo, Utah. One big lot of Silk Messalines and Taffetas, beautiful quality, wide range of colors, 36 inches wide; actual values to $2.50. On sale Saturday only, at yard JQp UuU REMEMBER j Brown Calf Oxford, Goodyear welt, modified toe. A real buy at IMJUUY FOR SALE 4 Mrs. Christen Jensen will review the poem "Vicar of Wakefield" be- fore the members of the parents class at the Fifth ward Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock. All are invited.-- ' ri UJ classified .95 ir 9' M .95? 95 Open 10 a.m. Saturday Of Summer Combine comfort with quality and style in your warm weather footwear. We have the shoes that will not only fit you, but will add elegance to your style and comfort to your walk. The best of leather, the best of workmanship, the best of service, all at the lowest possible price. ... ' see our 07 .50 i cfnnorPIate If vou measure the value of your hosiery by the wear you get out of them you'll find real satisfaction and your money's worth in this hosiery. They are "perfect in weave, wear and wash." We wear 'era and can recommend them. BUSTER BROWN SHOE STORE I AimMfEII JyJ LrU j U UU ZLlUU UUU Sitirin. Anril j : : : ?M jJ |