Type | issue |
Date | 1895-08-03 |
Paper | Millard County Blade |
Language | eng |
City | Deseret |
County | Millard |
Category | Anti-Latter Day Saints |
Rights | No Copyright - United States (NoC-US) |
Publisher | Digitized by J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah |
OCR Text | Show J.. 4; On all questions whether Oil Motto:-f'Th- e Country People Read if i Absolutely Independent Political, Social or Religious, la the Blade. Truth without Fear or Favor." Terms; 2.00 per year, in advance, Six months, $1.00. ) The BLADE . . - ; . 1 LOCAL INKLINGS On Saturday evening a gentjje rain falling and continued ahoijt half jan e-g- au hour. This is. the day wheu our friends, the Republicans, will .commence to have gbod cv ' Times. ; A Jew of the last few days have been rfr vW-- y I ' Sl f-- h1 Sir: IJ.JH ii - hot ! MoNallY & IJ YOU ynu Of THIS FIWCZ ifr" HZ C.OOD POiiiTS (in rfl)iLt iust tj fnvn tfWt thc cooo fin T W' Foirtr 5hOCfittR5 of bostom III V M ran 1 1 sSa m S s?!v 1" 23 ej rw swSW 53 AT THE PRESBYTERIAN. Speaker. attendance at the Sabbath evening, 28. h. Alf. Orme and Thos. Worthiogtoneft July The pastor, I O. S. Wilson, preached for th San Pete mountains yesterday. from the text, Sam. 3:9, 44SpeaS, Lord, morning. They will make a shipment of for thy servant heareth." When any one of God's servants is unmuttons to Chicago. J his place and work is given to faithful, Conference visitors are invited: to another. Thus Samuel was called, when cail at The Blade office during Confer- a child, to tak the place of the Old prophence and have their name3 enrolled on et Eli. God spake to Samuel in audible words. our rapidly-growinHe speaks to us by his written word; by subscription list. Selectman Jackman's horse bec'ue all nature about us; by the sickness and poverty in our midst. He speaks to our tired of the recent protracted session" of inner our consciences. I we fail life the County Court, untied himself and re- to Iihmi' thebyvoice when He st eaks it is not God's faulj but our own. Happy turned to Levan, en Monday afternoon, are we if we hear End answer as little Don't the people of SouthernUtah know Samuel did. 'Speak for thy servant they can save money and time by sending heareth." at Preaching every Sabbath evening their mail orders to McNally & Lunt? 7 "45 o'clock. The general public is corDruggists, Neph'i. dially invited. O. S. WilsdN. The Iepni Salt Co. commence i mined Obituary. iately to ship 600 or 80J tons of rock salt The remains of Mrs. Ella H owarth. to Tiiitic. It will go by wagon and will keep about 25 teams employed during mother of our townsmen, Orson and Roan Howarth, ware brought over from several months. and interred in the On Wednesday The Blade received a SxnpeteonM nday oa Tuesday. Mrs. HowNephi cemetery box of delicious reaches and pears with arth waa born in Lancashire, Eng., on the 'compliments of Mrs. M. A.Gaad," February 11th, 1325 and died July 27tb and for which that lady has our most 1S95. heartv thanks. The County Courts We are sole agents forthe celebrated recent sitting of the County the During Rutterick Patterns fo. Southern Utah, Court as a board of equalization, reductFashion plates mailed ou application. ions and remission of taxi-- s to widow? Mail Grders for patterns receive prompt and indigents amounted to 311 25. attention. Hvdk & WTJiTilO RE. Selectman Deprezin was authorized to Messrs. Black, Abbott & Bro adhead insure the Eurjka Court house for 3000. Bids for revisio n of assessor'.6" maps and certainly have faith in their coal find, for are a road up Four mi?e plats, deferred to regular session in Debuilding they canyon to their mine. They purpose! cember. One thousand dollars were borrowed of hauling coal over the road before snow lilies. M. A. Grover to meet current expenses. D. Marshal H. Following is the list of appropriations City Goldsbrough has made to at the special sitting on Monday. Nine Carbon gone Mile, County, and .21.00 will take an outing on the Mynder;:' F. W. Ciinppell 84.00 H u;ro Dprezin Slctni:fii ranch. In the mean time his brother Selectman, Cluis. Foote 24.00 r 'ctin ;uv A. 2S.40 J aelvraan Robert will ring the curfew bell an (Eilivl li Suplies hustle the ,'kids" toward their paternc.'-:r).r3o for paupers to. :a). Tb Bladk, piintiii;? roofs. house' Orson Ilowarth, the discoverer and one 40. 50 K.W. I'et svseji, ro;nl wup; isor, itn iui of of the owners the recent coal find near s. K'. Malin'reen 10.00 L:v;lll (.'nstahl no.oo evs to Foot1.', ui on called ('has. su))liL's j) and Wednesday reports H. Nephi, . fruit ire iiirton, Inspector the tunnel in 33 feet and the vein. 23 inch- U. Adams. Deputy SberiiV 4. z:, es wide. Twelve men are now pushing The Br.AUE, i iiilii!',1;:.90 II. Love J. m and development work iking the wag Dr. E. E. Wilcox, medical .seviic to adopted the insifillmeut plan. i j j until paid, you can secure any clothing you desire. Orders from the Southern Counties Solicited. Seud for samples and measuring tanks. - ! Satisfaction Guaranteed. La Sz. ios E&Jrza iLc I Oompany, MERCHANT TAILORS, Next door to P. 0. . . . j EsLa 7 j j For - - - ". at ROTHERf W. J. Shimrnin is the registrar forJuab County, and Victor Candland will enroll the names of ladies and gentleNenhi. men who are Nephi's entitled to the franchise. The Blade editor is trying hard to become a sub or proxy for 41 Vic, " so that be can 44chm" for The Blade at the same time. For three months, Victor Candland has been studying a glossary of names in order to select one for the boy that arrived last May. A3 fa3t-da- y (laBt Thursday) drew near, the strain on Victor's nerves became so intense as to alarm his friends. However, on Wednesday evening he gulped down a quart of catnip tea, aud has named the boy Victor Irving. Messrs. Gage & Edgheiil have closed their saloon and will not until times improve. In running their saloon, the proprietors have gained that which is one of the most difficult things to achieve in the saloon business, namely, the goodwill of the entire community. Their place of business has been a model of order. Said Mr. Edgheiil a few days after he had closed. 44 we have refused patronage right along, because we would not accept from any man the money that w,ir needed to buy bread for his", children, rather than do that we have closed up. ' The other day, The BLADE-mastrolled into the apiary of TBomas Belliston. The re-op- en In order to make room for our fall stock to shortly arrive. A o.oo )1is()llM A Great Sacrifice is now being made of Sumpier Clothing anid Mens' .Russet Shoes . - on road. rr. C'. S. Ilosiiier, medie;il service to 3iist)iier 2.00 1.00 Francis Sells, waste basket ... e road. A short halt was made at Mona where the Doctor has a rafkier serious case ot The,Dr..patient was im-a apDendicetis. with and proving nicely, his seat Hosrher, in the took buggy iight heart, and we were soon speeding westward accross the valley where the i road turns northerly and passing over a low divide, descends into Kimball creek canyon. An extensive farm, five rods wide and nearly a mile long, alternately occupies tne narrow bottom on each side of the large creek which supplies the land of Goshen with irrigating fluid. ItisgS years ago last May,. since the writer went down Kimball creeic with i herd of beef cattle. Yet, an occasional k seemed familiar. Well down vhe canyon, a sharp turn brings the traveler in full view of one of the most ihrifitr wH kenfc farms in Utah, and there are several of them in the little valley that is formed by a bending outward of the low hiils and bench. Gram, vegetables, alfalfa and corn are realy luxuriant, and hardly a weed to be seen. The lew farm houses are embowered among beautiful groves of silver poplars and surrounded with thrifty orchards. And it is a lovely picture of rurai altogether, oeaee and plenty. Leaving the little valley toward its northern extremity, the road leads up on dry, barren betich, but the attention, is immediately attracted to an out of Utah l3.se which thrusts itself past the nurth point of the mountain range that Over seperates Goshen from Utah valley. this range the Tintic branch of tueli. G. VV. ploughs its way,its and after It'y. the diagonal flats, begins crossing ascent of tne Tintic range, and after a the trail of A Cirth-datortuous route, as crooked Party. a serpent, enters one of Utah's chiel On yfondV.y evoiiiny at, the re ' 'Treasuries of tne gods. ' -: But Goshen, whore in thunder is of 'Mr. aiul Mrs. Tho. OnK Mi-born rnwrenn, recent iy 'ropi f.tv Gcsnen? It is a human weakuess, mortai vanity, that prompts us to tell KnIandr i?ave a bit tlwiay- n.irt .f our companions wno are not acq laiuiea .luaiuer m ner . i,;ie-lrintjs. vith the locality, how much wo iiuow of f incHidir. provitlet1;. been looked the country that may P:ivo Th:4 ?v.f!iii drink. at a quarter century or more ago. Tne summer i :i y t ncr. a cam's, eic writer had given ttie Doctor glowing was situ- young uiuu-- sitinilllie To Me. ; how it description of Goshen ated away out on a mineral fiat that is oab! giff, for t.u'funo tt!inr ri' laved by the placid waters of the Uiah McCuno. and huvin' lake. How the principal scenery is comif aii ;.f r(iao ru- thau i.ije itcjiu chief too and posed cf mirages, products ;t iadio.nig :i are acclimated mosquitoes were M Mr. anil rs, jiresc' so large as to come wi'thi'i tne projection V i'if chi'nrt John M:,, name oi theerame laws. But where in the A. Ill McCuuo: Mi,ses Had a pititui of Jehosophat is Gqshf-nV Proviusjnce caught up the littij village, arid ' .u'ri? Sa;'r'!iM). Mnssre. was it now witnin speaKiu j distance oi 'i'i! t'V B:i'ley; Miss .Vi i tne city or lii.noen f aere, where in the Mir-- Grhco Eum: J.f is-- in' ti e to got tome world Mr. iCobt.- trrd- ttrnl Mr were too hungry to think cf goiug after rreo: l:..:li. the city of Goshen. Besides we were not dressed for such exniicd society, and the Joctor's suave manf owever-muc- h ".srysvaSc "Tatters. ners might answer, the s:yle of one who 1 o t h i .i Kdixoii Bl g ; had spent his life in tne cow co untie? iative io con de tin t'.ie Mono! nine ' would not feel "to hum.'' The little sorrel had been trotting along bay been d o"h e arid it is pre' and suddenly a city appeared at- ihe loot work: will not e.jain start a boy wnat We of the beuch. town it v:as and he said ."Gosiiea." A v. At the Dai ton, rich gold ore miracle had certainly wraugiit, it had not been translated, but moved tight been struck on the surfaci, ah miles from its old site down on the rial to pleasant, sloping land. It was just above tho old workings. Tl". such a miracle as .President Young per- was made by Rube PeWitt a' formed a number ol times. Down iu ley. A'ter two weeks of Miliard county he once said co the towns ' he vein is two and one h.;ir Godf arson savs the pi ;.", jf Kanosh and Meadow, "remove in-to Mr. noc trm ore as succors u treat and better and the higher ground,'' od, ;n;d twt a ccmbinnt .;i was obeyed. junction w i be We entered the town and it has every roasters . rr ir,4'sing or ino; appearance oi tbriit and has plenty oi men is will rue not ret.trd the v; cadh, so it is said, although we failed to mine where three eighi-hoget in the circulocutory current. We drove over a hill to the residence employed with most gratify:: Isaac Jennings o Siilr. L: and mill of Henry Draper aud secured m ef Chicago ur-Sarles the longed-fo- r Mr. dinner. has one of the riiiejt mill sites in Draper and v!K, ana nicae two trip Utah, 3n the succession of water-falls- , the green mine up Cottonwood. An; iii e bunk house are i;; CJ ec shrubbery, moss etc., is a little gem oil and Snarls is also oresident scenic beauty. J. A. Simpson, late of Nephi, is re- - Canyon Mining Co. and Ab modehnir Mr. Draoer's flour mill ,mrl ii nens m earnest. of fcucpLa-doing a good job. In company with lor consisting r.rigat .liie Clyde are Jyiug at Messrs.Draper and Simpson, we drove out j which looks as if the Com pa 1.3 on a line bench and took a bird's-evofKimball valley which will soon blossom 'hess. as the rose under the magical influence of .Measles ar plentiful batli the Nebo reservoir coniDany's canals. It Circloville. Whooping ooaaii is a line valley, and it is estimated 'that i company it in many' been t ut one fatal case thus f r 60,000 ucres will be reclaimed. On the return trip, we drove to the site a cihi of John II. Fuli-aef.i of the dam now being built by tho Nebo Marysvale, July 29ph company. It is located in the northwest corner ot Juab valley, and right at a point whereKimball creek cuts through Notice of Annual Msctin of Saare the solid rock. Frank L. Hines Is in Notice i3 herev y given that the a: of the work and kindly showed up charge over uhe various points of interest. The meeting of the shareholders of the. s Merchantile and Man u discriptioh of that magnificent undermust be deferred to a future visit. uring Institution will? be held taking ia the To the people of Nephi and of the Taoeraacle at s p. ni. on A The Black will say, you cannot, vicinity, a spend more profitable or enjoyable day than ust 19th 1895, for tlie purpose of trarr ' Goshen and back. drivingdowuto ting the following business to wi; Hearing the' financial' report; for tu RELIGIOUS SERVICES. eleetion of officers for the ensuing year, and for any other business that mnv Tabernacle, Sunday July 28th Counselor properly come before the said meeting. Chis. Sperry Presiding; By order 01 the Board of Directors. H. M. Mcl'UNE, Secreta v. .. , Singing by the choir: "Do what Ls right, let the consequence folNepni July 20th T6do. a-- ---- -' by-Bto'- er y I ! - j i v.-a.- s i ! ; i i s 1 T 1 U'lii'-WKi- buiI-frogs,au- d ; . i s i ! ; v.-er- - - -- a.-;ke- ,4i-her. bf-e- DEFEintED BILLS. Wm. Stent, J. I? II. Attains, de)ity siierrilr Wm. Stout, J. P PI. 35 20.40 29.55 . Millard Stakes. S. Attention. For our nest Sunday School Conference to be held in Fillmore in September, please prepare the following songs. (See Sunday School song book.) Jubilee Song- Love at Home God is Love Today Page 11 44 112 154 Hope of Israel Gladly Meeting The Cause of Truth The Songs of Ziou Sacramental Hymn When Shall Wre Meet Thee I tali, The Queen of the West Zi m Prospers, All is Well - - - - Pare JS 77 104 176 ;;2 CO 82 85 - 10S Kind Words are Sweet Tones - - - - 140 Days Glory to These Latter 11 Beautiful Words of Love O. A. IiATliFt, Assistant Supt. Millard Stake S. S. Notice to the Fureka P. Wl. The Eureka postmaster is respectfullj' to cease giving or selling samrequested g ple coDies of The Blade to e stores. otue and establishments, millinery Those roppies were for gratuitous circulation. If that kind of business is kept up, ran will hear from us still more forcibly and effectually-- . dress-makin- n nMWwMqgwMwwwMMcawemgiaaMgMeM q s i i j'' sc-hT.- i Kx'l:-doi,M:'i'('- nt and-mar- 5 j Iiitter-day-Sii'nt- " 4 1 their persecutions, the received in Missouri and Illinois , ths Kingdom of God could not have ben es- tablisned in the mountains, beaiusa, would not willingly have Iafi th'sir pleasant and comfortable homes. The; speaker bore his testimony to the diving mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith aacf to the work he had established, The choir rendered! a short hymn in 1. manner. 3weet, inipre-ssivElder Stevenson.said the last. !Sundiv he was in Provo Valley, where for twsa'. ty years the people hal not been out of the sight of. snow. The valley is lnoi;? than 5000 feet high, yet,- under the bless s mg of God the people up there are and contented. Tne speaker then-referred to the progressiva nat ure of exaltation. The body, must be. susf-aiand nourished by wholesome food; soil muse oa wna tne raiuu ana spins; m order to orogress spiritually, the food trim be wholesome. IIan is always unsaiis-rievith" his acquisitions whether H weaitn or KtiowledgQ, and that this wit! characterize man's hereafter and be an Incentive to eternal pro pression. The paople mast be ooedient to the Gcsoel before they cm tnow the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Elder' Stevenson then spoke of the transitioa. in our first parents, from immortil rnoriai, or what is termed the fail. Saiq it was a perfectly natural view to believe that by the partaking ui the 4f orbiddeu ,v or mortal fruit, the spirit that had circulated inAdam's veins before his fail, would be gradually changed into blood, the circulating fluid in mortal veins. Tne prhici-oleof the Gospel are a grand oi infinite progression; and each man and woman vviil receive just what they earn, what they work for, and they vviii just not blame the Almighty for what they do. or do not receive. President Sperry announced th Stake Conference will convene at 10 a', n. on Saturday, Aug. 3. It ii desirably that as full an attendance as possiole ta present. Singing; "Oh God. our help in apast." Benediction James ,W. liiu.-trate-a ! To meet the jwishes of many of our BliADE editor accepted an invitation Irom Doctor C. S. llosmer-t- o ride down to Goshen. There is nothing Under the sun thaj.the average country editor will not accept, provided it costs him nothing, from & deadrhead ticket to a 'nigger' show to a fujl grown thegttre ticket from a,' gill of strawberries, a db)zen cucumbers, a quart of honey Up to an entire ranch ; from a blind kitten to a race horse, or a to a buggy-rid- e pass oa a rail- d j oK5tome)rs to place TAILOPwMADE .SUITS within ttje reach of all, we have morning, The On Wednesday honey-makin- foul-brob- bee-keepe- ri. 5 s .. iwK-svur- . . , i . u V- ' , j ! j e j j i j r Personal Mention. George Ostler and Miss Lizzie Taylor hum of the busy bees resrembled that of have gone to Manti.(?) Tne BLADE conan empty, revolving threshing machine ; Mr. Belliston has more than gratulates. Cy Hinder. will Smith arrive John Henry Apostle 2C0 hives from which he has exto just attend the Stake Juab th.'p morning tracted about 3,300 lbs. of an extra qual Conference. . of honey With a veil over his head:, ity After a visit to the North for several and hands in hia pockets, The Blaoe Wm; Paxman of the scribe was initiated into. the mysteries df weeks,, President g; of! quenes and drones; of Juab Stake, will return this morning. u Prof. Witsoe, chemist at the Agriculetc, otci' Mr. Bellworkers, iston is certainly a successful tural College, .of Utah, was in Nephi A sting from one of those pugnacious lit- Thursday in interest of that institution. tle workers dosen'.t "faze? bim,v and he A. C. Christiahsen'of Oasis, i3 iriNephi. handlesn them without gloves. The Mr. C. reports a high temperature down BLADE-maalso' jescaped contact with in that part of Millard, and considerable the 'business" ends of the honey makmorbus. ' ers and returned with a jar of friend Bell- cholera Rose Mrs. Jones, and the MisseS Floi'a low." iston 'a best honey, and for which.thanks. and Lizzie Maiben- - ofProvo," were visitPrayer by Thomas' Crawley . Members of the 49tb and 71st quo- ing with their sister, Mrs;' Victor Cand-an. Singing: the first of the week. rums of the Seventies met in the Taber"The happy day is drawing nlgli.4 nacle on Sunday evening. Elder Eckvard Henry 'Adams,' member from Juab President Sperry then announced that L. Stevenson, one of ihe first seven pres- County to the Territorial- Republican Elder Edward L. Stevenson is with us, meeting, returned on Tuesday idents of the Seventies, called the meeting Committee and reports an harmonious and Success- also that Elders Charles ' Abbott and W. to order, and afte a few remarks on the ful meeting. A. Garrett, home missionaries, would duties of Seventies, the organizations tif Harry Foote and Miss4 May speak arid ivhateyer time might 'remain Wright the two quorums was completed and susfrom ' FishLake where they would be occupied by Elder Stevenson. tained as fol lows presidents of the have been for a few weeks, seeking' James Wm. 49th, Jenkins, Tunbridge, pleasure and a coo!, shady place to spend Elder Abbbtt said many in the world John S. Cowan, John A. Booth, D. seem to believe that all things have come the? ideal summer day'a. Brown, David Broadkead and Charles b- Miss Ailie Ilowarth ahd her mother by chance, but the Jensen, with Mark A'; Coombs as Secr Uieve God created has the Universe. Tha tary and John Belliston as his assist- came down from Salt Lake Sunday to atant. The presidency of the 71st quorum tend the funera.1, ot Mrs. Howarth,, Who speaker then referred.'tb the general duconsists of Israel Bale, Hyrum Kienke, died at Ft. Greeri and was buried in Ne- ties of the saints, and of the necessity of George Ostler, Chas.' II. Grace, Nephi phi, and of which mention' is' made in as well the people by Thomas speakin example columri Jackson, Belliston and John T. another j of The Blade. ; as Kay, with Thomas Bailey as secretary and By faith the by precept. prayer "Gene'' Pulv'erT'- - -- illuminated The' and L. A. Bailay jr: as assistant. office on Tuesday.' Our ' foreman saints can overcome all oj their weakBlade Just a short time! ago, the Chief Mag- looks pale and slightly "emaciated but nesses. Elder Abbot bote his testimony, istrate of bur Nation was greviously "Vlis- - will rapidly recover in the purer air Of and prayed the Almighty to bless' all of Up to the present writing Mr. his children. it was a girl. in the family Nephi. hasen't charged 'his wife with of Major B. J. Clayton of Nephi, "there Pulver turned "Elder Garrett realizad kis weakness ia his watclf.. back and there-' having " arej m hi that caH b1trr-V, to "nlls.rtlle ;oaustn If aics", by epeaking to'tfie saints," but" that God 13 j ve -- . T ' . " V d, .inbepenbcnf in pchtfisi nb HcItuon, Xlepotcb io tl'jC- - - people. JJIore rtjan 6000 : Leading dVeekly South of SalbLako V ' ; Heaters ' GOOD: ADVERTISING fEDIUM; NEPHI,. UTAH. Latter-day-Sain- ts mA : -- JL ."JLm . . , We'an save Salt Eake freight from IStee and Stoves Ranges from buytng your by you C coper , 5ll.)WPii j ifi'. Pypex NKPJTjf. ... &--G o - fJve-lasHy-bw- y f- . j ths Ml Nebo Reservoir. - pros-oerou- -- Go, -' able and willing to strengthen Hia vants. ETder Garrdtt then spoke of the testimony of the truth of the Gospel th?t is found id the persecutions to whicij-thehave been subjected. Except - Rev. O. S. j Leaders in Low Prices. H. Thill & H. Thill & Co. I Go- life-tim- e j KXBLS OR MERC TLE over to Blade: Aan Takes a Buggy-rid- e sheh Kimpail Valley and the 4 ' We have the Finest and Lartrest Stock of Footware ever shown in Nephi, and although leather goods have advanced from 25 to 10D per cent, we are blill selling at Old Prices. Buy at once and save money at TO GOSHEN ten-ce- g t EE F, r R .'i a O n v b v ) I EPH Ljx?'i Evening , S. evr ' AMD , 4 er Services Last Sunday Wm. Bailey was appQinted Superintsnd-eti- t Wilson the of water works in the place ,ot There was a good ' D..W. Miller, resigned. Presbvierian Church f.V J-- 3, 1805 called our popular Mayor by a paternal name, except by mistake. For weeks the Mayor has been hoping against hope, and last week it was quitely rumored that it was a girl. The rumor was premature. On Suuday the sixth boy arrived at Mayor Clayton's home, and all of the sweet, femenine names that bad been selected m advance will have to be discarded, and the list of masculine names once more ransacked for a fitting cognomen for the Druggists, NephS. At a recent meeting of the City fat her? - - but no sweet femenine cherub has new-com- Rasters,! (Wenr - enough to draw a blister on the heaji of tiny stranger. With a host of the. Mayor's friends, The BLADK offers its condolJack Frost. and ran ence, only one .way out Prof, and Mrs. J. A. Smith, from Salt of the dilemma,suggest and that is, to"swop" the Lake City, are to teach in the Methodist for baby Marion. There is one term. obstacle, will the mammas be school the coming only Tne Blade is pleased to anwilling? Genuine vvateppad trusses for sale by nounce Mrs. Claytoh is doing nicely. that " - SHOES - NEPHI CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST III VOLUME 1 f ' The advertlsementa in the Country Papers, and as has the Largest Circulation of any , ; Paper in Central and Southern Utah, It offers the heat poasibi-- medium' for Advertisements. Mi " - Leamington's Loss. The Ibex promise to pay all vruearaaes by August 2nd, to th3 employees that have' waited sineeMarch 1st for their pay, has been broken. Tho k smelter has been making money is proved by Receiver Humphrey report to be andrJud'ge Merritt has ordered the concern to be closed down and the personal property toa sold, with the understanding that the:: Ioex Company's realty will follow. Thus closes the last chapter of accidents" in tho history o Leamington's smelting industry under the management ef the Ibex people. While there ia plenty of room for criticise, The Blade will indulge in no strictures relative to the Ibex o, xVir. Underwood spent his money ireejy and, jn thecommencemeut mush of and uuwiseiy ,,drtWaSmt.extl'avaE;'aQt,jr ol!fortuna to Leamington dfrectiy """.'".mw oatuern! miains intereils . - un-tru- ei . ad-adver- se ' |
ARK | ark:/87278/s68m1j5f |
Reference URL | https://newspapers.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s68m1j5f |