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Show 2 n THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE 2002 THURSDAY. JANUARY 10. rTA n Xi ' - "c- 3 ' H lZZd i ' - I I iJ L-- S x J V' Li i r. en ? La I Your Honor, people j the mart, I dhmt it rnrre than fircently spent quality time more minutes alone with a Nil! I)umon J i.lV JAMES SEAMAN, RED MACAZINE WRITER y l Li stoi. iiJ h a 'WPM7 JANUAfsY 10 .c . f...."iAn.!', ...i..r..s.j.. ar.d srurii chir o.stei rui.rg rr....:.i ::cc rr.:r..i:i-- r ures cf the t i r.v r.-.- Af.-'i.-- fr. . i Y.i' L :.-- alleged to n.i t r - T.iT. G.r. r Cr..tfs J. . - r iza-l-- ir.- - r - " '- .st.:-- 'cr .c er.:s rir.;..a:. c tz. t z ge-- r a.:h:r.t i. r.. z. err.rr.cr.t'j s.i.r I.., lea.t Kit !'s tarraeis -- a I r.ej:y after recognizi'g Karzai$ inter- - jwei to go back to their te .:h their families. fChan said. e r.cy hcrr.es ar.i I.ve r.a-.- a' ho have surrendered are our allowed then to live in a have t rr.arr.er. They will not be handed over peaecf d said. "However, they will not Khan to Arrchca. participate in politics." defense Khan ir.it.ally said the minister had been arrested. But Yousaf Pash-tooan aiie to the Kandahar governor, said late "A'eincsiay that the man was actually a former frr-'-- rr with the same r.arr.e also M. :IIah, spelled Obeidul- - "These rr.er. sen:; ct ...:.i t r.es: rcrrcis.e -- to bolster the r.c - tr.c cap.ta!. Pr;rr.e r ... - ..cn to cr.i.re ar.i .'ct.rn to their rr.;Ii-tar- v :i n, ir. ja.l. three ct l Ir.ter.er M.r..stcr Yor..s Qir.oer.i sa.i 'Aeir.cs- ith-- a t r-.- minister Turabi had been a leading architect cf the Taliban's strict interpretation of Islamic law. His religious police roamed the streets beating women considered not properly covered, as well The erier allocs cr.ly ur.;ferrr.ci pc!ice or. Kit .1 s streets, where f.ghters from sar:cus .s tr.stl-r.- f :th rocket ar.i auto-rr.i- .: car r.s hae rr.e.ei freely s;r.ce the Nov. fac-tior- Congress Members Private Company OK Airport Raid May Buy TRAX Utah Transit Authority is considering selling its soo million light-ra- il system to a private company and leasing it back to take advantage of federal tax law and raise millions of doilars. e UTA officials said the back plan, ta cse in several other states, could provide an immediate $25 million to $50 cillion. - An cption to buy tack the property after 25 years or so would be mcl u ded in the contract. "We are essertiaUr selling the tax benefit to a private entiry because we can't take advantage of that," UTA attorney Katbrya Pett tcld Democratic legislators Tuesday. SALT mem- CITY-U- tah bers cf Cer.grcss general) support tr.e Dec. :: f.eera'. raid tr.et res.itei ir. the arrests of 69 Salt Lake City Ir.terr.stier.I Airport wcrkcrs with access to scc er ty areas. The arrests cre fer the werkers allegedly fa!sif:rg credential cr .rg on ap p ..eat io ns. Most were cr.ie--e m ertci Lat.r.o immigrants. A ret her id; criers ho i.i net have sec.r.ty passes were f.rei b- -t net charged. members cf the Utah delesaid the raid points to a need gation ;r immigration reform. F.eps. Chr;s Canne: ,.TZ :sen sa; ser.s.b.e imm;gra- t.er. a: see.r.t go hand iz hand. LAKE CITY-T- he sale-leas- -- To UMIVERSITY WEATHER 3523 Did You ICnsw. PARTLY CLOUDY T; uau SchK-larshe- 3721 ::v r..:ra tinr ::s-:t?- : : ori. v is . i 'St. CHRONICLE C'?-'-: V-- ? "-"r -"- y - s :v tS '.VXmTi ST - : ::' l : S S;:"s It fc.C; ' -- v' i, rr.-jf'S ri. ' j :: - :-- ;::' zv tr.s-rn- t'." Ufi ut . S- : :t: Ui'i-- i' r".Z.'.'. C ' 'e E.s 'fss " t or katt cahham JkmlO WriTLEY In C -- A:::. -.- 2-: -- ve' wyHM pasry rt f -- wm'.;rseuzm ccles w WATT HATFIELD wr CA'fE HCWEL1 fo CZZtM Af AtCEKSE m-- : .- : r 3rsr"i'.i" :'' -- - cr r v :. i ric-m tu LAuRA B. MEISS ARH m Kt i itrjejK jZrt .'t:wnv - HALLY" MALCEK e.- ASAM WAS3 va-re;- !" Vf trC - i rvrrt wt n't tjn- Tt'CM OJt ttk V V Mf t. -- V - iz'.z' mn?Y f-- jjp rs-r- s ?T4ir; 4ue - si c International Lecture Series d, presents "Tht Cccl Games: Winter Olympics WASHINGTON A U.S. military search-and-resc- ue word on casualties. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said be understood the plane was car, r rying passengers. In a brief statement, U.S. Central Command said the names of the service members were being withheld until their relatives had been informed of the crash. Central Command, which is responsible for VS. military operations in aircraft Pakistan, said the KC-ij- o crashed as it was making its landing approach. At the Pentagon. Rumsfeld said he was saddened by the accident but did not know the circumstances of the 0 crash or whether the was on a missionXhe refueling plane's flight originated in Jacobabad, Pakistan, and was making multiple stops. Central Qxmmand said. Last day to trcp a As part of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Cele- bration, a panel discussion titled, Rtaefi!ng Etry Patient: Health Care for Dlvtrsa Cemmarytiis" Is taking place at noon In the Huntsman Cancer Institute Auditorium. The Stegner Center of the College cf Law and the Marriott Library's Unrequired Reading Group present John Campbell reading from fa "A&senct and U;ht: Mtdl-tatlcfrom th Klamath CLEVELAND A man was sentenced to five years in prison Wednesday for ramming Ohio's largest mosque with bis car six days after the Sept n terrorist attacks. Common He as Judge Kathleen Ann Sutula sentenced Eric Richley. 29, of suburban Middleburg Heights, on burglary, ethnic intimidation and vandalism charges. He pleaded guilty to the charges. He admitted driving a car up three steps and through two sets of doors of the Islamic Center of Cleveland, in nearby Parma. He smashed through a wall, knocked over three pillars and landed on a fountain. Prosecutors said Richley had told police that he was upset about the attacks and that his brother was in the Audltcrium. " JAflUARY 17 - LtV eett e- Jarnmu-Kashmi- r. The standoff was the latest violence in Kashmir by Islamic militants who are at the center of tensions that have brought nuclear-arme- d India and Pakistan close to war. The two countries troops, massed at their borders, traded fire again Wednesday across the line of Control dividing Kashmir. An Indian army officer also said a small unmanned spy aircraft was spotted flying ever Indian territory in Kashmir fir about 10 minutes on Wcd,icvdy. ".e'ct ti- . tle .1 at r : -- 1 t i Union ': &i rc: sent a semlrjr ft frc.na F. , z'l'r 4 rf Pf rsp;ct':' i i fr-- v Zi-.tt- T's 1 -) to 2 -- p.m. I.i R::n to?, cf IS? Mines Cl;s:rc.: n C. li'r.g. 'C Vtr:: Th tnte rr.j'l" crash. He broke bones in his back and both feet He denied the ramming was a case of ethnic or religious bigotry. Muja-hedee- vr.f--- . addrts f.rV - 2002 Il:r-t'- n Richley was in court in a wheelchair Indian officials said the two milin tants, belonging to the Hezb-u- l militant group, had sought refuge in the mosque in Bamurada, 18 miles northwest of Srinagar. the summer capital of the Indian state of : :'.. iss-J-tttiz- because of injuries suffered in the Kashmir. - activist and ffarttnez ? ' V r:.note isdslrtfr'Chicar.a rnilitary. NEW DELHL India-Ind- ian security forces shot and killed a suspected Islamic militant and captured another after a three-hou- r standoff in a mosque in the disputed Himalayan region of ns Mtrshss tss.1 V.'ssi at 7 ' p.m. in the library's Gould prsscrtst: " plcs: An LTtcre Series , s; : -- zt 'Cls.vSjrl p.m. In tv CV.i t ASUU In the Hrst deadly JERUSALEM Palestinian aoack on Israelis in nearly a month, two Palestinians stormed an Israeli army post near the Gaza Strip early Wednesday, killing four soldiers before being shot dead in a gembarje, the military said. The attack, claimed by the Islamic militant Hamas grcmp, dealt a severe blew to US. truce efforts. Earlier this week, a VS. tsediator had left the region on a hopeful note, saying both sides were working toward a truce. The four soldiers killed Wednesday were cjembers cf the Israeli army's Desert Recorenaissance Battalion, made up almost entirely cf Bedouin Arabs. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said he was staking to the truce. However, Israeli arrr) chief Lf Gen. Sha-I Mcrfaz held Arafat's gwerrimect responsib le, saving the pros ed "be -ji any d --b that the Palestinian AiTtboriry is not fighting against the irJrastructure of terrorism." diss. JAflUARY. IS a Violence Lull Ends Indian Forces Kill In Isreal; 6 Killed Suspected Militant the in JAflUARY 12 Plane Crashes Into Man Who Rammed Pakistan Range Mosque Gets 5 Yrs plane carry ing at least seven Marines crashed into a mountain in Pakistan Wedrjesday night A mission was Launched but there was no 2" 0SH auditorium. Taliban leadership are of great interest to the United States, and we would expect them to be turned over, he said. In Kandahar, Khan said the Taliban officials were let go on condition they swear to obey the interim government and recognize its sovereignty, which they did, he said. "From the very start we have said when they surrender, and give up their guns and their cars, they will be given amnesty." Khan said. Intelligence Ministry officials in Kabul would not comment Wednesday on the reported surrender and amnesties. vm$ ft. 1924-200- at 7u30 p.rn. mad Sadiq. Myers said Tuesday at the Pentagon that U.S. officials were looking into reports of the surrender. "Obviously individuals of that stature in the ar.i need more in a schclarvhip Drf'lUTAH r; The Winter Olympics: An mg ita "sr.: res .rr well-accepte- dcaiLrjes are com-If jm are bterested p up 4235 3223 :.'.:r Ce-'"- dered were Abdul Haq, former security chief of Herat province, an ancient cultural crossroads where the Taliban's crude, extreme Islamic rule the minister of mines, was never Mullah Saadudin, and senior officials Raecs Abdul Wahid. Abdul Salam Raktt and Moham- KC-13- TKUESDAY: mir: as men who trimmed their beards or cut their hair. Others who were reported to have surren- if?! UTAH SALT LAKE et criiCials in brothers ar.i it. an atterr. Mcar.r..le, Ci. :cr$ r.a t c ct. r r. v -- j A f.arci rcl.fio.s pcl.ee. :r.-- . r' j- a! , . 1, gcr.sral ' . rr..r..$tcr, ; r.ir;..r: ;s.i e . . c: :r. c: tcr .j.'i.-- i r ir..:e . t !!;.;:,. ;r.j.:r.ir. cf the fc.r.t S'it'f. si.- - arl..r tr.aT US cff.cials j - c s x -- icrrs fig- ere- l . r.;..i'i S r .' . r. . ar the Tal.ia - Inter-at-c-f eac a!w3 arrr.ei tr.e c:ty are of lar.iahar Gov. Ja'.al Kr i". a close G.i A;:.- - t:id Tr.e Assciaei Press that the z ass-ocLa- : - . n - - h.;r.-ri'i.- Brandels University Professor Kanan Makiya will present the first lecture cf the ASUU lecture series In a speech titled, Tht Middle East and Stpttmfctr tt," at noon in the Marriott Library's Gould Auditorium. ' preserls a ' -- H 7:30 tedium. iseture by Utah Putllc Safety Ccnmls-siontRobert Flowers titled, 01yfrcSscudty, r at'noon in the Union Panorama Rsom East. JAflUAUYlO Aaron Olson is having an cpt nlng reception for his, artshew title d, Th A;;rss!v t'ilt" from 4 to 8 p.m. in the Union Art Gallery. ; . Thf ASUU Presenters - Office l$f cf 0 I f 'iti -- tSi;"s Ui'-frKir.g- l ., - Pz '; jt tc;cn-r'.nor in he p.-- '" t Jr. , r e -, : tills env U-'- :n . ii Dar.'lo Ft tez ir i Ms band the l.!cttrf-.- a Preset will perfcrn as patt cf the U's Miftin Uther King, Jr. Day Ct!itratfn at 7 p.m. In Kingsbury Ms!!. www si tnn namcit xesi , |