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Show rtw H DAILY E ui m in- jly-iTW- CHROKICLE UTAH DIVERSITY T""""""" m n pK Ft tpv (pi 8 ' . Uie City. WW ToTtS- - V TV, J !T T! Chrteaasi -.- - J-- k. Wife, EC.". D Professors and State Legisiators Argue Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Should Get Credit Where Credit Is Due SHANE MCCAMMON Chronicie Feature Editor the forefathers did...and we're unwilling to associate his name with his accomplishments," Samuels said. Samuels, who is added that by not calling the holiday "Martin Lather King Jr. Day," the state is in effect erasing his memory. "Dr. Martin Luther King was a major voice of the 20th century and a revolutionary in the way of Washington and Franklin were," he said. "I don't see a need to erase his name. It speaks to the resistance we still find in our nation." African-America- HERE IS NOT MORE CONTROVERSIAL date on American calendars than Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Never before has the designation of a holiday endured so much debate, criticism, hemhaving or bureaucratic red tape than the djy that has been set apart to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr., and his A I accomplishments. No A. A ANN VARANAKIS Chronicie Advice CoSuain.st Dear Ann: I have krown ray fiancee for two months. We are piannrng to get married in March. However, I am Iming a major problem with his famiiy. They think tliat we are rushing into marriage. I am 19 and he is He it extremely close with his v. c,'vil Rights Leader Shot n A"ci Killed Martin nent leader Lusher Kin. prom- - n, ag,. Phis to of sor coorn.. lied m hour ' fST to Mem. W0!s. other date on calendars hanging in Phoenix, Ariz., kitchens or Concord, N.H., offices has gotten people so stirred up. The controversy regarding if and how Martin Luther King Jr. Day should be recognized and celebrated has affected the state of Utah as well. While the University of Utah officially celebrates the holiday and gives credit to the man who fought for civil rights for all Americans, the state of Utah chooses instead to celebra te "Human Richts Dav." While most people know that Human Rights Day is just a different (more inclusive perhaps?) name for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the state's reluctance to cail the holid?y what it is bothers some people. One of those people is Dr. Wilfred Samuels, a professor of English at the U. "The sad thing is, you have a major historical figure King who committed his life and died like some of - U at Pstner Be, ttm. The werck ws W4a is Ow U " i" )i ri .2 tt7i 1 ni nil d ecvironrrB. THE REASONS (AND EXCUSES) BEHIND THE NAME Dr. Ron Coleman, professor of history at the U, says that the Utah State Legislature essentially decided to use "Human Rights Day as a way of selling the holi- Although King received plenty of attention at his death, some argue that Utah's Human Rights Day should bear his nime in remembrance cf his cause. day to Utahns. "A few states, such as Utah, in order to get their legislatures to support the establishment of a King holiday, chose to compromise to get support for the bill," Coleman said. However, Coleman doesn't think the political compromise is a valid excuse for refusing to name the holiday after the man it is intended to honor. "It demonstrates the provincialism of the legisla tures, Utah included," Coleman said. "It also raises questions of the attitudes of the legislators 3t the time." Karen Dace, the U's vice president of diversity, says tlie Legislature's refusal to convene on another date isn't necessarily an insult to the memory of Dr. King. "What I was told is that the Utah Stats Constitution stipulates the Legislature must meet on that Monday," Dace said. "It is not a sleight to King. It would require a change to the constitution." She added that the Legislature always begins the day's session with a tribute to King. "Legislators feel like their hands are tied." she said. IGNORANT LEGISLATURE OR POLITICALLY BOUND Speaking of legislatures, the Utah State Legislature has come under fire the past few years for the perceived refusal of the state's body to honor Martin Luther King Jr. by closing the day's session. CHANGE !N THE WINTER WIND? All of that could change, however,. According to Utah State Representative Duane Bordeaux. Lake City, this year's Legislature will debate a bill that would amend the constitution., allowing the Legislature to stay at home on Martin Luther King Jr. Day or whatever the state chooses to call it. LAW-MAKER- law-maki- family but desperately wants to get married. I don'J want to come between him and his family. What should I do? Pride to Be Dear Bride: I am firm believer that the only people who should get man-teafter only knowing each other for two months are the people who get married inside the Elvis chape! of Las Vegas, 1 agree with his family. Hold on to your hormones and WAIT! I know that the sparkling diamond on your hand and the idea of playJng house for real sounds wonderful, but marriage is forever and it is net always easy. You both have lot of growing to do. Learn and and then get married. ftemeEiter, when you marry him. you also marry his family. Since a your fiancee shares i close relationship with his loved ones, it might be best to heed their warning and hold orf on marriage Best of Luck! Ar,r, Dear Ann: Next week I rwe a job interview with a brge company that is to tike place over dinner. It has been my understanding that events such as this is cause for people to drink alcoholic beverages along with their ntcal. I don't drink, and I arn worries :ha my potential employers miglu see this as a lack of social interaction. What is the best way to fondle this? grow-togeth- CHRONICLE FEATURE EDITOR D-S- Eear Sarah: Sobf Sarah Drinking ukohol is not a sign of masteitd social interaction. How?v- - SHANE MCCAMMON cr, since aicobol Is consumed tbee functions .frequendv li iiwhwi problem going to class. I arn totally burned cat on school I have a Jigtt ioad of classes ibis semester, but I just don't thin!; I can look at one more syllabus, I am excited about d getting a pfc after graduation, but I dort know if I can make it Hesse help me! I ay in L ayton Dear Lazy: GET A LIFE! You say that you are excited about a d job" after graduation do you think that employers in; going to be wieh your lack of motivation? If the end result of college is what is motivating you, then I suggest a vi?it to the Career Services Center. Located in room 350 of the Student Services 3uild''ng, Career Services hn an excellent way for you tc more career-oriente- "career-oricntc- Ann Dear A fin; am a senior in my last semester I 581-704- il of college and I am having a serious t be smwt. Politeiy refuse the aienhnfir beverage and order some kind of beverage. L?t ycUf social skills and exceptional nunaers shine. Ordering alcohol;.; beverage at business functions is a person! decision based on one's knowledge of how much be cr he is affected by alcohol consumption, and how well he or she holds their liquor. Good luck with the snifrview and den't be afraid to review an etiquette book to brush up on any table maunets that you msy have questions about prior to it. SHANECHRONICLE.UTAH.EDU imiiubipi gt 1 |