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Show TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 16 THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE 2000 Y CHRON CLASSIFIEDS 2 BCPKOOM. Custom kitchen, Inckxks heat No smokers. 133 $6O0yma Kensington 05OC SJ 118 E. 463-611- HOME FOR SEKT. 3 bedrooms. EAST MtUXREEK btK Call room, living room. $L20CVrnor,ih 'am-i- 1 34 deposit 118 474-37- UNFURNISHED ROOM (3 rooms available). TkAVU. AGSXT 5PXIAUST 'Where In the world In would you like to go?" I have 23 yean booking sst mlfjtt ar) student travel. Save t$$ cn 485 83S8. DHing to woniwide travel! CS Kolty 2K) Meet You Inc. end TraviH. tipfK( $290mo. utilities Included 764 L Garfield Ave. 0875 South) Lwge home with spacious living room and kitchen, Convenlentiy located quiet neighborhood, fjrtr storor 699- age space & parking. Can 485-382118 4050, leave message. A8 DISCLAIMER reserves the right to 0ny or edit classified tdvertisemenis on th tasit of good words taste and propriety. R3tes are as follows: words $37Sdiy, $1S.0Oveek (5 days), NOTICE-T- Chronicle he d deadline The classified $6.25dy. $25O0wek. Is noon, 2 days prior to publication. Classified advertisements will not be taken over the phone. Ads can be brought to i40 Union or mailed with payment to 200 12 Rm 240. SIC. UT 84112. For '. in keepInformation about classified ads call advertiseto run honest Chronicle's with desire the ing ments, !f you have tsny prool or evidence to the conCentral S. Dr. Campus trary, please call our office Immediately. van. (or your car. truck, It's worth your while to call 485-511- Nookupi, tilt floor. (T135 E.) covered parking. $63Smg carpets. 118 359-471- now. $425 515. Clese to U. See at NISHED, Available 1234 Alameda Ave. (40 So.) Cull 118 328-853- 428 wwwcarsold corn 1j4 8a:;rr5j3Cpi?4jM678. transportation and references for Information and Interview. PLAY ACTIVE required. THAT COLD WEATHER HERE, don't you IS 5TH ANNUAL VORTEX BACKPACKS BLOWOUT. Sittt it the world. Seconds, Wtms. demos. Jan 1414 So. 700 W. In packs 118 old ye.r & Ca!! Polly houiswk, 118 582-664- processes, dlssertatlonwlth s, laser prints stu-resumes. InternationalGraduate' rierits Wir.iiow's. welco-n- R$l"ES, thesis, dissertations, reports, etc Transcription & fx larriinetlng. Marsha capabiliiies. Velcoblndlng 428 583-132- 3 COMPOSED, edHixi, word WORDS PROFESSCNALLY Formats: legal. Campbell, MLA, VC Microsoft Word, APA, T'trablan, Excel 7.0. 12, 30 years FREE pickup and Laigs selection of diamonds, bridal sets. Everything wholesale! Rocky Mountain Diamond. Ca3 for appointment 428 of delivery. 428 Carolyn. REV AIL PRICES!!! PAY mailing lists, medlcff, Pnss, Others. Programs: WordPerfed, university experience. JEWELRY DONT RUSIHtSS, thews, diversified. APA, YEARS EXPERIENCE. Resumes, cever letters, J WP Suite 8. Papers, TYPING PLU3 CALUSSAPKY. resumes, .ariscrlptlons. Hand lettering fcf envelopes, certificates, treasured wrHlngs. Excellent referencas. Bartwra 487-823428 ' COMPUTERS 35C MHZ PENTIUM II" COMPUTER. 128 MB RAM, IBM 12 S6K modern, CD Rom, 3 ext ditto floppy, flat bed se&nnw, losdsd with many other programs. $1000 obo. 114 coloi printer, monitor, office microsoft & Angelika VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES REAL ESTATE drive. !7;J CONDG, 2 BED, 1 AC, covered BATH Fireplace. park- wd hookups, pool 900 L 3"M0 So. Moving so priced $4,000 below appraisal. Asking $91,900. 125 Ky!i ing, BE A PART OF A GREAT TEAM. Volunteer teaching Call assistants needed tor elementary school gr. Ruth at or 355 6975 (eves.) 5 WAKTED, 118 266-133- 1 ORUW!OE PITCH COME THE THE FIRST EVER WANTED Festival and pitch your movie idea io the !nternet, wher you can reach Hollywood & the world. The festival will be held ech day from Z pm te 4 pm in the Interactive lOunge located at 427 Main Street, to For Pails more Info, City. go 118 wwwshowblzdata.compltchfest.com UtU. ROOMSiMTS, ,ipartm?nt. 25 FErtALS HMTZXi. Z ittdroom 300 deposit, E. S. DOO ROMMATf TO SiiAPE 3 8ED8ATH area. Washerdryer, big yrd, near $300 13 utilities. Call HCUSE In gj'et of U. Must lova U INTEIKXr (25SK DSL) phonecable In each room. Share remodeled house in Sugarhouse area. $300, E. FURNISHED LARGE ROOM 14 block (rem U, for order- oven gentleman. Kitchen with microwave 124 grad student only. $235mg 363-538- FURNISHED UCHT LARGt ROOM 4 houses from U for lady. Rent or mature, 124 work part-tim- e 1S2 exchange for !n FURBISHED BEDROOMS, UNFURNISHED. aV $425 $515 Deposit $250. Close to U. See at 1234 111 for appt Alameda Ave. (40 So.) Call bedroom apartment for AREA. Clean or UNSVERSrTY rent. $425mo. No petsno 112 323-174- smoking. t ROOMATU WANTED IN 33RS SC. 23RD $334 per month t3 utilities. Weshardn-er- . or 560-'54- 1 MF ROOMMATE WANTED who flnancijlly smoking. Available ASAP. First last month plus damage 114 & deposit of $250 needed. TTVTTTVTT SUCARHOUSE, SHARP MILLCPEEK HOMES FROM BEDROOMS. PET OK. Off in bidg. $690 TO $1175; PARK. 2 TO 4 SEMESTER LEASE AVAILABLE. 121 809-742- AVENUES 279 . ZHO to UMCT location.close HIGHLAND & $525 per & 2 bedroom. AVE. laundry facilities downtown, month Great Proactive Management UNIVERSITY AREA- - 572 S. 1200 E. 1 Property 114 8 118 responsible, Call anytime. VIS 898-487- Cement floors. SENIORS! PHI KAPPA PM Is offering graduate fellowships of $7,000 to graduating sanlors who are applying for fkst y?ar of graduate studies. YOu must have a cumulative CPA of 3.8 or tetter. Contact the Office of Undergraduate Studies, 132 Sill Center, for With applications as well as additional Information. questions call Ann Bl?nchard at Recipients must be members of Phi Kappa Phi on the date the awards ar nwde. Deadline Is February 1, to turn In 114 completed application. LAKE-189- 4 S. 200 E. 1 & apartmenis in secured entry buil"i. ities, walk to SLCC! 6, $400 2 ba. spacious Laundry $47Smo. Property Management facil- Proactive 114 SERVICES . experience working with groups ot ichoo,' age children, 'deluding behavior mar.agment skills. 9 Pirt-timhoursweeK. after hourly position, In for an icpMcttion s.' school hours. P'.ease corn submit a resume. Submit your resuoesppHcetlon with two retr-eno- ? tc Salt take Community Education, Salt hv City Sdwol District 440 East 100 South, Room Lake City, UT 84111. For more iiilornutlon call 1A4 Lati 211 Slt AER09ICS INSTRUCTOR NEEDtD for aerobics. Taught MWTH evningi at &rymi Int Starts 1 11 S or 553-171lr Jan. C all t SKI SN0W6OARC cashiers technicians nd environment, flexible Sandy iocatlon: 92-310- for ! BEDROOM. Security building, i block from U, Free heat, hot water. & parking. 114 2 BEDROOM, FREE UTILITIES. Close to U. Washer, dryer. S650mo. References required. Call Danlelli at 553-5191465 . 1300 Sa 12! 4 5FDROOM HOUSE. U of U area (1255 F. 4C0 S) No petAio $554-316- Washerdryer. $900mo. l or page smoking. 6 Call Bryan 114 GRAD STUDENT Of? PROFESSIONAL wanted to share large home near campus (1300 Harrison- 1375 South) with provisional femal? and two dogs. Finished basement for rent wth three bedroom, family room, oath, laundry, $55Cv'ino. l2 utilities Detjils: Mary 6 114 JMH445. EXPANDING !NC 500 COMPANY seeks outgoing, motivated Individuals Jo be top producers In local market. Excellent training provided. Call 124 288-014- DOOR KHGCKER3 $300.00 PER EVE!fc5. U.S. Alarm Is looking for students to go door to door to sell home security systems. We have been in S.L.C. fa- 3 years and are the exclusive authorized dealer for Smith and Wesson Security Systems. We will train you and go with you to close saies; we pay you $300.00 per ssle. No stdrt up rost or any hidden gimmicks. We will start 114 Interviewing Pec. 6 1999. Call Terry 483-260- wlnr hours, Cottonwood location: 1JS artemocn Ocseret News in tower student housing ares. Driving routs aio open In Emigration Canyon; pctenttol of $275mo. Must Ph: TDD. (801) Fax: !801) 56!-2ie- i, Equal f mp'oyy, Onportirrty DCJ (BOD http7wvw.meUrtaruedu 114 ANTED: HELP $7.00hour to start Call H:00am-4:0- M-- 0 pm. 121 573-175- EAW $29.00 and learn more iboui ycur Mood ores-surIndividuals of African American, LatinoHispanic Asian, nd Native American background needed for 2 bets U of 'J study on ethnicity and certevasculr function. No indfvtrtuils on cardiovascular medication. For more Inioiwiaikxi please caS Jullanr at 565-554428 THE OLD SPAGHCTTt FACTCY at Trr4iy Square is buisers, greeted, and serwri. (Serve 's most be 21.) Many day od some "vtnlng shirts are avallafe;. Flexible schedules- - free meals, a.id hetth now hlrihg av3st2. insurance Please in person 5 poly Monday-Frida- exi have dependable car, lesa, GYMNASTICS B5TRUCTOR 115 3607. NFEDCO. iMckgnwind, ability to progrtm tor kids work with kite most Important Traii-ilnprovided. how ;temoon shifts. Apply t the Linte VIS Pr, Gyrn, 1400 So BUTTE GARDEN seeking to employ a fast typist (at liast 65 wpr.i) with no fear of computers. Part time, 0 hourswk, very flexible, pay acordlng to experience. RED Start Immediacy. Contact Julie CjutoII jcarnjlUTedbutte.utah.edu. TUTORS (Grades WEEDED 7, FOR TUTOR SLCDS or 114 4 SCHOOL, or more hours per week. $7.50 per hoof. Monday thru Thurs efternoonevening. 114 Experience preferred. Call Heidi Clark 578-837Needed i$ LCOKEc for a secretarial Excel, Word, W'iKiows Operations, sod Computer Literacy- - JoO pays $9 to $12hr, depending on qualiflcstions. P!ase bring Salt Lake City, Utah, resume to 526 Wt 800 h. 84101-223Intenit-may be passi'ois at tr time et 4 aeration ALL POrmONS, FLEXIBLE HOURS. Apy at Marie Caliendars: 1313 So. NCW HIRINCy Full & Part time. Foothill Dr. AGENCY 114 582-321- SEEKING NEW TAAJENTI farhlon, promotions. potential $$$. MIDDLE Mo Movkts. exp. necessary. extras, Iricome 27 j SCHOOL STUOEJTA)VOCATE. Facilitate infsractive Responslbiliiifs: groups emphasizing problem solving, seif esteem, conflict studee'et resolution, and adolescent Issu-is- . support and mentoring based ci needs, interests, and goals. OuaUficatkms; Experience working with young adolescents (6ih-t- h grade) jndor ether work rfljiteJ erparlences, demonstrate management sk'.fls and techniques, dtnnonstrate understafiding of edulescont development strong computer skiiis, effective humn relations SKiilrt successful secretarial experience, willingness to leam and Improve. Submit your resurr with two reference: to: Salt Lake Community Education, Siit Leka City School District, 440 East 100 114 South, S'iom 211, SLC UT, 8411, DELiVEKY PflXStM KEEDED for furniture sti.s e. Hwvy hourswee. $8nr bonus. Call lliting requi ed. 20-3- 0 114 Chad 484-100- AND SUPERVISORS SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS Mever too early to plan your summer employment Call Kids Togetrttr at needed. UPSIZiMC: Progrsssive seeks success-minde- d n individuals dollar health firm to help run new 22 office. Call SALES MANAGEMENT ScAFCH CO. seeks Individuals with sales, sales minagement communication skills. Call pr, and good 22 SCIENTISTS NEEDED- - PART T!M. Outgoing peo--t s needed to present fun sconce activities fc children at elemntry schools & Birthday parties. Excellent job for futur? elemental v school tsachjrs. Need car, leadMAO ol sclsnce, ership, experience w kids, svallabia afternoons at least 3-- 4 days a week. "(Kilning J6.V24 provided. $10hr, Call Mad Science (801) 292-8- y from CARfi!ERS NEEDCB TO OEUVEft V2t TOWW THEATRE AKD VSa Under new need people with film knowledge, computer, media, and retail experience. Pro)ectiofi expecienct a plus hut can train. PT or FiT - schedule somewhat flexible. Email resume to towefSsrosJwt with hours available and 514 woge reuuirements. REP. NEEDED. FIELD SALES, telecommunications s t Simple FAST PACED product new Interesting Commission only. Caff 118 942-184- COMPAWY needs cuitoiner orients individual. Must have excellent phene skills and basic Calk compuster knowledve. 486-053- 1 118 Fax:485-920- sWng knowteaVW and fritfidly csnoidates who wat to work for a greM company. We pay weil and offer great benefits. W are seeking a Maket'ng Database Anatyst to work In our Group. Duties growing and exciting FRANKLIN COVEY is include creatine; benchmark reports and distributing them to appropriate internal stakeholders and strate-gi?- e with internal marketing channel Rvsnaqers to tarq camget and Sitect ihe best prospects fro paigns. OuaHHed candidate must at b;st have soiiw be PC literate, and h?ve related college backgrour-strong Zxcrt undor database segmentation and datshase knowledge. Please apply at Frar.yjn Covey, 2200 W. Prkwa- - Blvd., Salt Lake City, UT 84119, or fax attn. Tyler, or to (801) et7-874-7 rasun t)burnfri!!ncoveyxont (Only applicants invited to IAS Interview will be contacted) AAEOE. FIX t EASY SALES JOB making lots of easy $. FT, FT, to start Call Jason today! very flexible hours. 486-7590-. 113 Technician for manufacturing POSmC aix) engineering at high tech drug delivery company. Computer proficient wordprocessing and spreadsheet PAfiT-TiM- E scuie, $S.50hf. C!l Wade Location: 350 West DOO North, Suite 118 320. Excellent opportunity to gain experience. 20 hre per waek, flexible Hull: 350-020- INTERN SHIP. COMPUTERWEBSITE $iatour part-tim- e schx-- l credit. Flexible scheduia. Must knew Java Script, Java, HTML, Windows NT. Position wit: Involve troubleshooting, creating web pages any various management reports, and heiplng maintain computer network within the office. Great learning opportunity. Cail Ashley CFFiCT. 1,8 ASSISTANTMAIL ROOM. $7.5Chr flexibSe houre tor small liisurance Appraisal must b proficient. Ca in Sugar House. Casual atmosphere but organized, professional, end computer Great career opportunity. Call Ashley 110 MODEL W.WJTEP for eve.iirtg Adult Education part time for drawing and sculpture classes at Giympus Community Schjoi. CaH 273-216Jj8 PAST-TIM- E POSITION day care. Flexible PAST-TIM- E working with hours, closs to U. DawnRobin 118 POSfTiCN WORKING WITH CHILDREN with autism. No experience needed. Close toU. Ftexlble hours. DawnRobin i18 MATH TUTOR (through Calculus III) for all Veterans wltn a DD 214 (it lease a general discharge). 5 for Contact tne Veterans Affairs Office at more details. 210 114 Proacjlve Prop?rtanagemen222j650(). AVAILABLE. SERVICES POSTiCNS for studtnts. Working with autistic and developmcnte'ly disabled Individjais in group-hom- e and part-tim- e setting. Full-tlpositions available. Beginning salary of $7.83 an hour. Evening and shifts. Call 260-488- 7 e? corns by 545 E. 4500 5. Building E. Suite 220. 124 COUP ANY seeking season. Fun RENTAL tOfTAJ. ASSJSTAXT". The Uridmity of ijtah. Hospital 1 OWcs currerstly has temporary (apcrox. 3 mr-th- ) opportunity for a Dental Assistant tfequiremenls of a Dental thciude successful completion of Assistant Course or equivalency, sit months experiencs as a DentaS Asilstant. and temonstrateJ kiwwsede of chair side assisting techniques, human Resources, 421 Wakar Way. Suits V40, S! C UT 84108. 428 FREE SALT LAKE- - 300 N. 218 W. S4. 2 bedroom. Balcony w gre3t overiook. orf sireet parhing. $475 per month. $440. . UPS now offers $2,00Cye! tuition reumbursement Select shifts. For more information or to schedule Interview cn campus contrct Siudtnt 3 or UPS JoNLie t Employment Services at 973-377114 bent-fits- RAPIDLY e i N m FCCHf VUAG has InvneOate ovrr tsgsi Soth full and prt-day shift aveJaota. Frve mtr!t from campus mafcrs it easy to come ana go ftom classes. Appiy in person at tne customer sorvfee 121 desk at 1420 FonthHI Btvd. ZCMI WHY NOT? New lamps. 677 So. 7th East STA-TA- JI14 SOUTH SALT UPS HAS GREAT PART TIME JOBS with full time Perfect SCHOLARSHIPS ATTEHTON School. The position rvrijirs t, tnmmitiTKmt through the etrd of May. Various shifts available. xt 317. S6.90hour. 573-850- 0 42B High SOCIAL W 428 S. Main. TITORTRACKER POSITIONS OPEN The UVSC School, Coilege and Univjrsity Partnership has openings for tuiortracKers to worit with students at West Shared 583-214- 290 for Social Science, CPVQRVJUm Eduostlon majors and ethers to gain experlf8 working with individuals who have dtiatttttfes. Available positions are thrc'Kjhout ttie wasaxh front & heve flexible schedules. Apply: TURN Comm'jnlty Services, 535 E. 400 S., SLC er 428 EXCELLENT Liberal Largs elder hoi.se. nonsmoking. $180ivio 1254 1. 5O0 South. BASEMENT. ixL walk to the U. 3 available. Proactive Prop?rty Management Is 2 people across from president's Circle. parking, laundry facilities, $425 per month. AREA. secure, yet fun to share 3 bedroom home with bathroomkitchen. petsno E. FEMALE WANTED TO SHARE 2 9ED2&ATH. $2S7mo. 12 utilities. Fireplace, dishwasher, balcony. 39th S. 7th W. CaM 118 Ajess a 596-917- UNFINISHED No plus utilities. Deposit required. 1i8 one bedroom basement apartment. Washerdryer cccess. $500month Includes utilities. Ouiet, miture Large backyard with deck & view of Mi. Olympus. Call Char V 6103 or call K.C. at then enter access i MIKcreek. $300month to share ncme In Call CANYON RIM AREA- - Ouiet le'ghb.si hood. Furnished person wanted. VM FOR 2 FEMALE ROOHlATES i Columbus Community Center 1,14 KREE LOOKING FOR RENT 52 1.4 SSlCVmo, utIIKIes. utilities tnctuAd. Tom ly Flexible hrs and great residential working sivlronment; Taacfr living sh!!!s to psoole with dlsNiitl PT evesVknos, accorr,paivy on ectlvities & provide basic care. $8.37Sr Call ',68 6346, fax resume to Paula or fill out application at EARN WHILE U LEARN t13 Part-tim- LEADtRFACKJTA TOei Responsibilities: to facilitate interactive groups of elementary students skills, orlqirval activities, emphasizing proMam conflict resol'jtion, mentoring, fietd trips and s&vlce leariing projects. Ou'.ificitloiis: Applicants must be 58 years ef age and oWec, have e high school diploma, and assistant Ouailficat.'cns rquiiet ROOMMATES e Rl Este PAYROLL COMPANY 266-076- ENTERTAINMENT part-timapart-men- ASSiSTAifrWiNrtER assists? marted 2Cr30 hrS9el. No experience necery. Bas'c effice. rrgnaa'-iansi- . compu'ef slulls and car requsrsd. Start at $7.00 (plus mBeage). Position opera Jinuary 20. Please ct Doug OFFICE 428 AA Others. Graphics: AirtoCad DIAMONDS: 428 58:-2C2- alfamily histories, applications, 22" CONSOLE COLOR TV. $50. Excellent condition. 114 Call 863-014- 2 and leave message. 583-565- wd FORMER EMGUVi TEACHCfi edits, processed, typed, proofread, transcribed (cssette Theses, tapes), Ksnned. laser prloted, faxed, dissertations, resumes, pipers, manuscripts, person- FURNITURE 114 with five and two dinner help. 428 467-273- papers, proposals, Spreadsheets, mailings, lahets, er.eiient grammar. fAX. Reasonable, professional, fast. Brenda. 263-637- FOR SALE pm. Tuesday AFTERNOON CHILDCARf. for 2 children, ages 10 Frl. Own and 1:30-6:3- 0 5, 2:30-6:3- 5.1). laser printer, editing, IBM typing. Can check spelling, grammar, references (A PA. Turabien). Mrs. Nelley, also rt.anmerlpts, rW CROUP WORD PROCtSiiNC (WordPerfect TRANSCRIPTION, CHILD CARE NANNY NEEDED; Monday 8 TYPING Free mainte:ience wortuK. HexUsle tcttt&M for rent Stiriertt dscourrts. Cat! 261-- 5 M transcribes, AND UNFUR- FURK1SHED BEDROOM ONE aVTWO nr wish you had some snow tires? Get a pair of I55R-1- 3 and ask ftx ftersie.T. 120 for $30o.b.o. Call TOP DGLLAa PA t)iV l MW Sa Elizabeth NOW AUTOMOTIVE .'''A ntwvufcn i OUIET 2 BEDROOM. Hard to find. 432 SUPCRCLEAN APARTMENT tAJA0CR. FUU.-TKC- 2 TRAVEL d hookups. GET SfSSAP.CN EXPERIENCE IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY Psydi Undery: 4J04-C- 4 od'.ate Unearth Aswinri Needed Far T!iE YOUNG PARENTHOOD ?iim FO GRADUATE EAJN UPPtii DIYIilON EARN A LETttt SET YOU OF down your Insurance PROJECT Ta'k to me about how safe drivers can sava. STMOOL MH slate. HtOHS I5ECHWEMCATI0H " OWK SCHEDULE You're in good a Instructor: Dr. Fowl Fiorsfceim (oil Asislty aJ S81 689 in find oiri mors. Inksilwlory meKtiug in 1324 SSS,I2 noon, 1. 199 Ailjt: insitriMK BLOCK Citpf hands. Off CAMF!IS KofhbrrKfd, tlimoii. )W00 rxJXJMx |