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Show Wednesday, November is, The Dally Utah Chronicle - 9 1995 Pissed off? Budget Cuts Will Hurt U.S. Poor jjpi" which most poor and middle-clas- s retired persons receive health care. The possible elimination of federal standards for nursing homes. This population would lose more income the Editorial measure was signed into law by Reagan in an effort to stop nursing Columnist home Considerable weakening of env- Chronicle vausm. working-clas- s wants. The United States already stu- - ILL spends more on "defense" than the rest of the industrialized world combined. Corporate defense contractors will reap a financial windfall as a result of these bud- studies estimate the lowest 20 percent of the population would lose more income under the Republicans tax and spending Provisions, hap- in increases Unprecedented "Internal executive branch The Republican majority has passed proposals which would essentially put an end to the nation's social safety net, already low by standards of advanced population defense spending. The Republican Congress wants to give more money to the military than the military itself than the wealthy. Legislation that would make combined. Meanwhile, the highest 20 percent would gain more from the tax cuts than everyone else combined. these areas typically fall more heavily on the Write the Editor. He'd love to hear all about your problems. Find him in 240 Union spending provisions than the rest of ironmental and workplace regulations. The effects of deregulation in Ronald Reagan told his colleagues, "We have to move forward, but we're not going to leave anyone behind." These are interesting words in context of today's budget war, spo. ken by the patron saint of conser- - nations. Here's a sample of what's pening: under the Republican's tax arid rip-off- When accepting the Republican presidential nomination in 1980, Angry? Just plain mad? low. Internal executive branch studies estimate the lowest 20 percent of the .spending for Medicare, the means by John Frandsen get increases. Math This Republican Congress oassH TDM couldn't have come at a worse time. The United States is breaking apart under the weight of inter nal violence and economic des- - Deration. A virtual Grand Canyon already exists between the haves and the have nots. Who can honestly believe that the Republican budget priorities will heal our nation? Even Reagan insisted that seven key programs be left a part of the " m bilfhnn fhp rpxt nt the tonbulaOne hundred sixty-nin- e rT t- lion dollars extracted from mm cumuinzu. Medicaid, from which millions of poor Americans receive their healthcare. dent loans harder to obtain and payOne hundred and two billion dolbeaments higher and less flexible. lars from welfare. While not a Consider now how our most con example of efficiency, a program American safety net: Head Start, fed. and that keeps millions clothed wealthy citizens will fare under this billion dollars from Head Start, a program providing an educational "boost" to Republican majority: Billions of dollars in subsidies, tax loopholes and tax breaks for corpora- children. At least $23 billion cut from the earned income tax credit, a program enacted in the 1970s that allowed for greater tax refunds to poor working families. Reagan called this program, the best "the best measure the best to come out of Congress." A reduction of $270 in projected ucts such as alcohol and furs, and the subsidization of tobacco, all remain unaffected even receiving funding increases. billion Two hundred forty-fiv- e s working-clasdollars in tax cuts. Many for won't Americans qualify these because their incomes are too Twenty-seve- n pre-scho- ecohomically-disadvantage- ol d anti-povert- pro-famil- job-creati- y, 95, 98 at a 105R-1- 9, tions will be left essentially untouched. The marketing of prod- - FORMERLY AT 12:05-12:5- 5 P.M. U N ET Medicare, Social Security, veterans, Supplemental LISTED For more information on Security Income, school lunches and summer jobs for this and other courses contact: youth. Now, six out of these seven programs have fallen to the knives of U-N- Republican budget cutters. There are few in America who don't believe we need to trim budgets and make government more efficient. ET 501-575- 2 2190 Annex Building But there are fewer,' including Reagan, who believe we should take meat from the poor and feed it to the rick Idler Being awhat it used to be! CLM t HUCHULUKlf part-tim- e employment while you are in SClhlOOlr! LEARN WHILE YOU EARN CAREER OPPORTUNITY in the hank. Tellering is the primary entry job for many future positions lead to a career with Zions Bank. Being a teller while you are in school may Who knows, maybe you've got what it takes to be a banker in the '90s! COMPETITIVE PAY Candidates with no previous experience can start at $6.00 per hour with the potential for frequent increases. GAIN VALUABLE EXPERIENCE has no career potentiator no value to Why waste your time with a job that future employers? Being a Zions Bank teller has value recognized by many include in your resume. employers. It is experience you can proudly Zions provides free training for tellers in a variety of skills. 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