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Show Citizen, Press, Review Wed., Aug. 30, 1989 Page 16 Beverly Sills' keynote speech will be televised September 9 Beverly Sills, gifted singer and head of the New York Opera Company, will keynote the Second Annual Governor's Conference on Strengthening the Family, Saturday, Sept 9, at Cottonwood High School. The keynote address will be televised on KUED, Channel 7, from 9 to 10 a.m. Registration for the conference will begin at 8 a.m. and for the first time, conferences will be held simultaneously in Salt Lake City, Cedar City, Logan, Price and Rich- magic of grandparenting, sports and family relationships, plus many more. The cost, which includes a lunch, is $ 1 0 per person or $ 15 per couple. Special scholarships are available from Utah Issues at Spearheading the conference as chairman is First Lady Colleen Bangerter, with coordinators Barbara Thompson and Margaret Jones of the Department of Social Services. According to Mrs. Bangerter, "We realize that each family is different, whether your family is a traditional one, one with no children, a single parent family or a blended family, there will be workshops to field. Workshop leaders include top educators, social workers, psycholo- gists, authors, doctors and other professionals from across the state. Workshops will be presented on a myriad of topics such as positive the effects parenting, of rock music on behavior and learning, talking to your children about sexuality, enhancing your marital relationship, stress management, juggling career and parenthood, managing a family budget, helping your child succeed in school, the help everyone. "The perfect parent or family is a myth. Each of us has faced insurmountable problems and needed help. We hope people will see this conference not as a final answer but as a first step in strengthening their families." For more information regarding registration, please call self-estee- 538-398- Hello World August 21 Boy to Charles and Wendy Turner Wood of Lehi. Girl to Ronald and Lorraine Mitchell Mangam of Pleasant Grove. Boy to Kerry and Amber Lee Gofford Robertson of Orem. Boy to Brent and Maria Kay Abbott Peterson of American Fork. August 22 Boy to Steven and Jacqueline Phillips Guibord of Orem. Boy to Shon and Julie McLachlan Johnson of Lehi. Boy to Richard and Rachelle Wake Crofts of American Fork. Girl to Douglas and Beverly Sparks Hampton of Orem. Boy to Willis and Larae Capell Willson of American Fork. August 23 Boy to Jerry and Susan Phillips Valerio of Orem. Boy to Richard and Veronica Pagana Welker of American Fork. Boy to Kimball and Betty Barton Wirig of American Fork. Boy to Jay and Wendy Richards Whatcott of Pleasant Grove. August 24 Girl to Michael and Leslie Leland Brown of Highland. Boy to Glenn and Jalayne Garlick Bangerter of American Fork. Girl to Michael and Mary Walters Raddatz of Lehi. Boy to Charles and Charity Loughe Wilson of Pleasant Grove. Girl to Christopher and Lisa Gardner Christensen of American Fork. August 27 Boy to Mark and Patrice Adamson Austin of Highland. Opera West sets auditions Thurs. for 'Sweeney Todd' Annual Rose Parade tour planned for seniors, others ter. Local travellers, especially SenOne evening will feature two ior Citizens from northern Utah of fun in an 11th century hours Rose the can enjoy again County, castle setting. Some European-styltour annual to Parade through an southern California during the New other special features (admissions included always): Disneyland, Year's holiday. tour is from Dec. Universal Studios, Queen Mary and The eight-da- y the Spruce Goose (includes escorted 26 through Jan. 2. The tour includes front row tours of both).. A Las Vegas show, one or more seating near the 101st annual pameals daily, complimentary beverrade beginning, and one convenadveriently located California hotel (less ages and treats and other un of the all pack- are tised and part stops unpacking). packing to a is visit Another highlight Contact Leo or Edna, the Lawrence Welk Resort to enjoy 1 for more a buffet plus a live performance of or Deseret Travel Theathe at information. Girl" Village "Funny e 224-811- roster of the Utah Performing Arts Tour are currently available at the Utah Arts Council. Professional artists and companies must submit applications no later than Sept. 29, 1989 to be eligible for consideration. The Utah Performing Arts Tour is a program of the Utah Arts Council, a division of the State Department of Community and Economic Development. The tour is designed to make performing arts experiences available to communities across the state at affordable costs. Artists accepted for the tour present a evening performance, as well as an outreach service to each community l 489-464- 2, 262-254- 6. 8, il Jr. Drill Team winners of the Freedom Festival Grand faraae, rrovo unuarens raraue, S American Fork steel Days raraae ana r.u. Strawberry Days Parade. Ages No prior experience needed! Registration and instruction begins Ousts include: tions. Driildown Splits Kicks Showmanship Tap Marching Jumps Precision Ballet Jazz Tumbling Cheerleading Applications may be picked up at the Utah Arts Council, 617 E. South Temple, Salt Lake City. For more information, call Nielson to speak Congressman Howard Nielson 373-679- For more information please call or Utah Gnld&n Girls II nity services and budget constraints. All businesspeople and the general public are invited to attend. will be the featured speaker at. a businessmen's luncheon sponsored Area by the Pleasant Grove-Lindo- n Chamber of Commerce on Friday, Sept, 8, at noon at Beary Best Ice Cream and Restaurant, 45 W. Center, Pleasant Grove. thru Nov. 4. 21 Join the Applicants will also be requested to audition live or submit audio or videotape sample program selec- full-leng- th Sept 6 $14month Wednesday, I I or Help your child develoi mm m more informatioi and registration call Colleen Bills II' discipline & The congressman will discuss the clean air act which is an issue of great interest to people of this area. He will also address other timely items. 785-754- Co for 8 the gold! Enter the BOW HUNT TIRES Your Headquarters Big 0 Texas 0 XT BIG Tread Utah's1 for General Tires Mud Terrain Great Quiet Ridins High Mileage Backed by off-roa- d and ; esav. vvr in Tire Tire Excellent ridins, Ameri-Tra- on-roa- d Backed by Bis O's exclusive warranty c Bis O's exclusive warranty All Season ONE SIZE ONLY mm $64.95 PS3S75M5 Tread Omsn KM Balance, May Vary NonfcjO (rand Air.cri-Stc- (MOQQC AWarV 15513 True! Dew May Vary Hut lalancc, Nan $ O tend Hj O Brand Balance, Hon $27.95 155SK13 Djn Manet, Hon ltj O lrnd Treat) Hub May Vary utfties. - electric ps, phone, etc. - tre buried every- Heavy Duty - BLUE STAKES and find cut if you can dkj lilt. Unprow your Human and hanrjlnj tar IobI re In the Salt Lake area only, cal Price Inckxfct fteMnc Oftc or Drum $13,00 for metallic (tninji. rwi vano wiui any mnsr I Add I o"- Expires September 9, 1989 - Expires September 9. 1S89 c9 a Los Angeles 355-2CC0CL- C) COMMUNICATIONS Ml yhM iOMbi I $34.95 i proper aNvvntnl promotes even treed wear end looser treed Kfe. Not eNd with any other offers. Muidock Fbwm Tebwttoeattam The World. pMi mMm ft f&t efcttfe, mmI $19.95 ytttcfi &u5& Abe, Cal For Special Vntdmitbai ThniiHMl C32-500-0 Crchcs Alisnmcnt often Expires September 9. 1989 it 111 0 -Q- C0-QS2-4H Featured Specisl Stocks $s3$9.95 utty BLUE STAKES n n AS LOT AS $21.99 T Within two working days of your cal to BLUE STAKES, each fine utSty wM send company personnel to rnerk your FREE so you or your contractor can tfigstfery. locations Cal TRACTION tread OMtn May Vary in - $109.95 AHSesson Rsdisl AS LOW AS ITO57S1610M.V suae, down aleys, under vacertgrourrf end along to boundaries. When you (fig Miything from a poet-hol- e property a major excavation, you run the risk of breaking up a utSty he. where hwy know until you cal BLUE STAKES, a FREE sorvko provided by your Utflrty fines SMALL CAR RADIALS HssiUsSpecbl If You won't el Or tht Mdedi Travel Mmat ynd 740 E. STATE RD. AIERICAN FOUR 703 N. n. AaTfcaaetViaAeAafeaaai they visit Performing artists in the following categories are invited to apply for the 1990-9- 1 roster: theatre, dance, classical, jazz and traditional music. Evaluation criteria include artistic merit, adaptability of program to rural communities, touring capability, innovative commu- 1990-9- 1 Webb-Mora- are needed especially men and Apply now for tour with Utah Arts Council for the "Sweeney Todd" will be directed Neil Vanderpool with assistance by from vocal director Merrilee Rehearsals will start in September, with performances scheduled during Halloween, Oct. energy levels. Callbacks will be Aug. 31 from 9 until 11 p.m. All roles are open and all types 768-344- 2, Applications women in their 30 to 50's. There are 12 roles for women and 16 roles for men, but no parts for children. Opera West will hold auditions on Aug. 31 at 310 W. 500 North Provo for its upcoming production ofthe Tony award winning musical thriller Sweeney Todd." Auditions will be from 7 until 9 p.m. Auditioners should prepare a song not from the show and a one to two minute monologue of intense 21 9 756-60- 00 STATE. OREM 224-- 1 177 Dale rt Orctn AMerican lorti dry OoMr Ownef |