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Show 1 We fir II II I I fV w nu-- v "Wrf""U It l II. .... mustering all his strength just to hang on and fight the cold, which never seemed to go away now. He I II He fiddled with the inthekeyholeforseveralhours. It was beginning to get light. He was running out of time. Finally, he knew if he was not going to get caught he better return to his celL With the help of gravity it was easy dropping back down hole to his through the celL Carefully he put the stove pipe back in place, hoping the guards would not notice the missing clay. When the guards entered the jail that morning, Port was lying exhausted onhispileof dirty straw, determined to try again the coming no longer disliked cold corn dodg- from His naked body was black the soot of the chimney, and streaked with red, his own blood from cuts caused by the jagged edges of the logs. He didn't know where the strength finally came from, but finally, using every last ounce of energy, he wiggled once more into the jail office. Getting his wire he resumed picking at the front door lock. He had picked locks before, but this one must have had some different workings, because he simply could not get the bolt to blood. By the time Reynolds arrived Rockwell had been revived with a bucket of cold water. Without a word, the sheriff walked over to the drawer and pulled out a second pair of shackles. When he was through, Port had one shackle connectinghis left wrist to his right ankle, an d the other connecting his right wrist to his left ankle. The chains connecting the bracelets were not sufficiently long to allow Port to stand up straight Let's see you crawl through the hole now," Reynolds growled. Crouched over like an ape, Port shuffled towards his basement move. night. This time he didn't notice the first light or morning, so determined was he to conquer the lock. It didn't help that his hands were shaking. He could hardly keep his knees from buckling. He began to feel dizzy. The room began to spin. When the jailers entered the jail that morning they found their pris Getting through the hole the second night was more difficult-H- e just didn't quite have the strength to push himself all the way through. The heavy shackles on his ankles didn't help any. He tried again and again, feeling his arms get weaker each time he ers, devouring them like a starving wolf. With shackles on both wrists, the only way he could reach his mouth to feed himself was to sit against the wall and curl into a tight ball. He could no longer reach his hair at all. Without care it soon became a matted wad of greasy filth. Sometimes he spent hours trying to follow the travels of a single lice in its search for food across his scalp a task that became impossible as the number of lice increased. With the shackles on his hands and feet the sanitary handling of his bathroom functions became impossible. While his own smelling senses were deadened from constant exposure, he knew anyone coming to his cell from the outside would be sickened by the stench. (To be continued) oner unconscious on the floor naked, black and streaked with failed. cell. Behind him he could hear Reynolds ordering the guards to cut the prisoner's rations in half. In the weeks to come Port crouched in the corner of his cell Really Care! Body j Aura Intensive Car Care & Automotive Repair Painting Harts I 8 State Peck's Professional Bod; Care S DeR Greene - owner freeway Quality Care Worth Finding Quality Paint Work One Year Written Guarantee FREE Estimates Insurance Work Unibody Frame Specialists Personal Service 880 No. 100 East, Lehi 768-355- 8 Citizen, Press, Review - Wed., Aug. 30, 1989 - Page 13 57SO-5700- 9 Deadline Deadline Tues., 7:00 p.m. Tues., 7:00 p.m. PERSONALS TIMP MARINA AF Family HELP WANTED MEMBERSHIP. 8394 SLC. oriented. ATTENTION-HIRIN- Government lobs your area payments lower through FORMATION your 13 Chapter FREE FOR Bankruptcy. 8885. Ext Stop creditor and harassment call Bruce A. IN- Embry, planning also available. CHILD CARE home. NEEDED in in my Lehi Thursday, p.m. Three boys ages 11:30-4:0- Monday. Tuesday. office help 9:30 1:30. Thursday. Need RECEPTIONIST worker, graveyard, wage negotiable. TO Expenses paid! Please call our attorney, Linda Lach, anytime collect at (408) PRODUCTION suburbanites pray for baby to love. Legal, confidential. We can make baby's dreams come true. Call collect. (201) your WORKERS. shift. r set shifts. benefits, EEOC. Utah State Training School. for general i hiring $300-90weekly. Excellent pay world travel. Hawaii, plus Caribbean. Bahamas. Call now C. Call Daytime hours. ExFull or perience preferred. Will train right person. Call for appointment, PERSON for shop. hours. delivery or older. 59 BALLOONS E. Main HELIUM BALLOON BOUQUETS for anoccasion, birthdays, I love you's. We deliver, too. Helium tank rental for parties. any niversaries, Lehi Drug. IN- 40 gal. repairs, 14 years experience. Dell PLUMBING service. Waterworks and yours will tool 756 5846. systems Sprinkling installed and repaired. 136 N. West WASHBURN New SMALL ENGINE t SONS p.. TC Thehi, REPAIR SERVICE for reroofing. Call or 0 - illL STIHI1 LHomelight Poulan Weed Eater Nw chains t iharpnlng for chain tawi DOnli- RIGHT! Todd Licensed Greene Roofing Company. contractor. Free estimates. 8047, Mike 7684700. PAINTING installed R $12 , Todd-7- PAINTING, Very Professional. Free Service We can handle a INTERIOR. commercial estimates. service. - We will: pump septic sewer unplug fix dripping tanks, Hi lines, faucets and leaks, etc. CASH'S WASHING business and residential windows; Phone Brian Mellor at 7561559 before 9 a m. or after 5 pm, or child home Responsible 785 5505. NITURE ft AND CARPET CLEANERS. 41)60 " Call Western Auto H86 leave message on phone recorder. E. Main, Lehi 768-448- 4 11 ratio. cellent, in my IN MY HOME. Meals Call provided CHILD CARE IN LEHI MY HOME., insp to Meadow Elementary. 68 3986 ARE TIRED YOU of Johnson. doing AND PRESCHOOL housework? Let me do it for you! cleaning and extras. additional help in reading, writing INSTRUCTION - A phonics. Age FREShTnEW PRESCHOOL TRAINING New INSTRUCTION. classes beginning Sep 8 in Lehi. Call Shauna EDGE. curriculum. 12:30-2:3- fall CARE FORK home. IN AMERICAN MY Preschool activities individual attention. Two or three days. Reasonable rates. Call PIANO More has openings for fall schedule. Advanced. Intermediate, Beginners and Adults. Call AM or Sharon Haskell, ' PIERPONrS PM Part-Tim- Three e day. Carilyn Reading emphasized. Licensed. teachers. Pierpont. adults. PRUNING-TRE- in my Home I Flexible arrangements for e or odd hours. Northeast American PRESCHOOL afternoon. or readiness Experienced teacher has openings. Beginning, Near advanced. intermediate, Barratt School. Children and e Child Care Lehi City is accepting applications for the position of part-tim- e Recreation Director. Those interested can pick up applications at LESSONS. Call Limited enrollment. PRESCHOOL EXPERIENCED enrollment. now! MUSIC LESSONS QUALIFIED THE Certified teacher. Math, music, art, tield readiness, kindergarten trips, new creative graduation. LEARNING TEACHER CHILD TUTORING, children who need for especially Weekly Joyce FUR- Director TEACH in my fork AF piano lessons BEGINNING E SERVICE home. Call PRESCHOOL home with fenced yard and professionally built JOY'S playground ABC has PRESCHOOL for openings session. Call Kelly KjllnP Mtywttin P'unit,' """""I a.m. Certified teacher. 785- 756-571- 9 11 - II 3gQ4 "wt "O""! I hedginf. fruit trees 1 1 free estimates! 1 iiiiip NEED FIREWOOD? CUT A GREAT DEAL you love SKILLED NURSING but want to be part ot an innovative new concept in health care, then our new 14 bed HOSPITAL BASED Skilled nursing facility is where you should be. Our Transitional Care unit provides individually planned nursing and rehabilitation services for patients who can benefit from a week course of intensive therapy before leaving the hospital. Included Limited Andrea Accepting Full or Fit, d BEGINNING session. enrollment. HOUSECLEANING PIANO" E. 100 North teacher-chil- experience. Exprogram. years care NOW CLOGGING BABYSITTING Recreation WITH HUSQVARNA. Stability of a Reg. hospital Immediate patient access to medical services Up to 100 tuition ''J $jlCjfy Being a staff member allows you the potential to grow and develop as your personal needs change ana also en titles you to the excellent salaries and benefits our hospital provides. Ossi issitim fsr UN's are ' full sr e j- j- part-tim- OesRsstltlsmfsrCKA'sirs m 71 ail 11-.. part-M- a 7. "1 Qj jjjfijr I ' "- - " : m 380.95 Galo299,s assistance Bonus for extra work fk . full-tim- In our fi$ w!'!lrS cu. in. 49cc to on tough jobs, this use Easy chain saw puts professional performance into the hands of non- professionals. Efficient, quiet, vibration dampened, the 50 users is perfect for part-tim- e e who demand performance. Inertia activated chain brake standard. 50-- 3.0 benefits are: Excellent Nursepatient ratio mobile Guaranteed work. Call WINDOW PRESCHOOL, is looking tor one or two playmates in her Pleasant Grove Morning . IRIAN'S DAYCARE md food provided. residential, yV fjft&v e cain sow professionals. PImm apply Immediately to: Marten Lt. ...... repair parts "Tho Plumbing Store" showroom SalesServicHnstallation Bott, RN, Nurse Recruiter 1 1034 North 500 West Provo, Utah 84604 4 I f 111 ft Western Auto 7mm of complete dept. in store CASH'S 286 E. Main, Lehi all needs, plumbing plumbing to a WINDOW WASHING A HALF and TRANSITIONAL CARE Supplies and from reasonable. OUTSIDE RAINBOW REGISTERED NURSES CERTIFIED NURSE AIDES 68 and AND WHITNEY If your exterior. 84043'fr Iff USA. Sept. 8, 1989 Equal Opportunity Employer free EROOFING interior ii ; ROOFING. estimate. HOUSEPAINTING, .cleaning job by the 'Steam Genie' professionals. Fast drying (3 5 hours), safe on all types ol carpet. No shrinkage Emergency water removal, insurance claims Horsemen saddle pads cleaned qualify, send $1 and SASE 11 ROOFING AND Meadow Elementary in Lehi. HMerences available. Call Becky. b8 8652 m YOUR with a good exceptional talent. If you think you for your link to Music City, 8Z05 N. 9550 W. AND FURNITURE W '199" State Rd., American Fork. LAWN MOWER origgs t stbatton CARPETS for looking i U 5yr. warranty Bert's Call Next BABYSITTER. home. Responsible, loving care Meals provided. Applications will not be accepted after 4 p.m. on . L Heater LICENSED PROFESSIONAL, math reading, OK. Take and drop-inidvantage of our five discount niters through Sept 30 785 8816 nnking. Highland CLEAN, BEAUTIFY, PROTECT 30 years in the business, is 95 Water STALLATION and CLOWN for a fun P PLUMBING VINYL THE party, magic, balloon sculpturing. Clown college graduate with six years' experience. 756 6738 Lehi DRAPERIES Nurturing rates. Affordable TWO Lehi City Offices CARPETS, FLOORS, AND COCO birthday to become a country recording artist? Big name in Nashville, SERVICE DIRECTORY CARPET CALL Ages environment. art. Music, Peppermint House. CARPET CARE to family and friends or at your workplace, too. Call Kalyn for information Equal Opportunity Employer W. Main, Am. Fork 1112 EXPERIENCED and AND DAYCARE 6 a m to 6 p m. PRESCHOOL AWOULD YOU LIKEft DOOR, Sell Lehi, Utah 84043 at: DEBBIE'S THAN DOOR TO IS MORE AVON MANUFACTURING 380 toning monthly Help Wanted PYKE a.m. No stuffing or collections. Must be 10 years Apply in person free literature low BIRTHDAULOWN product samples today! Serious entrepreneurs only. Bob or Kalyn Steve or Barbara. Please apply at: by 7 retail floral flexible write for SUNBEDS, New Commercial-hompayments' beds. Lamps, lotions, tanning accessories. Call today. FREE color 6836 (UTNET) catalog can you WOLFF Lyman, Paid HolidaysVacations. hand delivery on city routes 1000 tables. own and operate from your own Distribute home. Melaleuca products based on the natural Melaleuca oil from Australia. Call lighted teacher platform-fo- r L. high visibility. Coordinator Insurances. Up to six carriers in each city will be selected to test only. public the first week in October with several sessions daily starting 100 ft. at 6 a.m. on the spring floor. Professional very best sound system is built in. Spacious Medical, Dental and Life in American Fork, Lehi and Pleasant Grove. DESIGNER. DELIVERY ,j Morning Newspaper Carriers Wanted refundable. FLORAL WOMAN MATURE NEAT, CRUISE SHIPS 133 Pyke Manufacturing is looking for additional seamstresses. We pay top wages and other excellent working conditions, along with an' excellent benefit package which includes: housecleaning. hours per week. $4.50 per 'hour. after ix, HELP WANTED Ext OR WILL TRAIN 119 East 200 North, Alpine. ACCOUNTS. Made $8000 last winter. Call Ask for Ouane or PRESCHOOL CHILD CARE SATURDAY, Street. American Fork. Applicants should wear aerobic gear and be prepared to lead other applicants Selected 10 for min. each. teachers will begin teaching the SEAMSTRESSES through $3.50 to start. $3.75 after 30 days. Benefits. Please take GATB at Job Service, then apply at WITH SNOWPLOW CHILD CARE RELIABLE BE WILL Sept. 16 at 10 a.m. for two more at APOLLO aerobic teachers AEROBIC CENTER, 50 N. Church EXPERIENCED Monday OPPORTUNITIES 763 4175. No Friday. CLEAN, week. Excellent AUDITIONS experience necessary. Decorating candies and candy eggs. Six or OPPORTUNITIES or week. Pykettes eight-hou- secure PIZZA NURSE RN. letter to: Personnel, P.O. Box 461. American Fork, Utah 84003. at WORK facility. starting wage. 680 N. State St., Lindon. Happy WITH all shifts. S3 50 up. lehi. have good typing, spelling, skills. Must also be able to handle telephone calls in a professional manner. Send resume us help with legal adoption! Happily married couple wants a healthy baby to adopt and ADOPTION. HELP PRODUCTION, and ; BUSINESS BUSINESS NEED or love. F 8 Must TRAINERS PREGNANT? Let M SECRETARY, 00 3 00. Type and WP helpful $4 per hour Call for interview 851137 from partWmeffice help inTehl 6. 3. and 3 months. SECRETARY, 22 minutes. Hours be mature and work well with people. Send resume to: Medical. P 0 Box 7. American Fork. and Tuesday Bakery SMOKING needed. to Estate Attorney, STOP MEDICAL $17,840 $69 485 Call MONEY PROBLEMS? HELP WANTED HELP WANTED BUSINESS irn lire ii weiiev fl RE8I0UI MEOCM. CENTER AhtilMyaflmamotinuiAMalihCtrc Kqial Opportunity Employs MFHV. p M I... i |