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Show 1 Aug. 31, 1988 - Page 15 - WedL, Citizen, Press, Review 756-706Deadline Deadline Fri., 5:00 p.m. Fri., 5:00 p.m. When your want ad can't wait... just call us late until 7 p.m. Mon mail-deliver- 756-766- i 9 GARAGE AND MUSICAL APARTMENTS YARD SALES INSTRUMENTS FOR RENT LOWREY CELEBRATION. IfF1 STALL BARNS: RIDING BARNS, HAY ARENAS, Any size 179 3113 BUSINESS CAMPGROUND A MEM- timeshare? We'll take it! America's most successful resort resale clearinghouse. Call Sales Resort tree International, hotline NOW! IT DO Lose weight, stop more. Hypnosis and smoking WOOD HEAT PRUNING-TRE- COMPANY looking for personable service person. Must work well with customers. Metal work and electrical knowledge 'STATEWIDE at Alpine Fireplaces. 782 State. Lehi, Utah. W 3 24x48x10-5296- 0 Don't lose your diamonds. We check & clean free. Read's Jewelry & Gift a complete store. All work done on premises. 36 years in business. HELP ON Someone to ride FINANCING. For gelding. Mike Larson BEAUTIFUL GUILD SITTER IN PLEASANT MY DRIVER DOT. TRAINING, GOVERNMENT JOBS. Assistance, Financial Aid Available. t Correspondence-Residen- Training, Member Accredited NHSC. 1714 547 Now BALLOON tor BOUQUETS NURSING ASSISTANTS NEEDED, full- - or Rewarding work, benefits and paid Hundreds is my specialty. satisfied, clients. while harassment of stop creditor make you payments you can afford. Initial consultation FREE. Call Bruce A. Embry, Attorney at Law, Nadeen Call holidays. or BE NO SOLUTELY & one-mil- e the of radius Paul a H. ranch. Mendenhall Violators will be arrested & CLOWN LULU CHILDREN. LOVES NEEDED. COOK Experience preferred, but Excellent train. working Merlene or will con- magic INSTRUCTION-TRAININCOCO THE AVON income. Flexible extra earn can hours. LaRee, birthday magic balloon sculpturing Clown college graduate with live years' DAY NOW HIRING HELP. Must be available to work afternoon shifts. and between in person and 2 set of keys. Vicinity 1100 N. Center St. on 100 W. Pleasant Grove. after 6. HELP WANTED Good work. ,.titil.- p.m. at American Fork Taco Time. Ask Starting for Becky. garden SCHOOL JACQUELINE'S Combined Emergency insurance claims. pads cleaned le CARPET AND FUR- Call 756 CLEANERS. NITURE skills. apply in person between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m at 119 East 200 North Forbes School. or call BABYSITTING block from HOME, VIOLIN LESSONS. Even with bad credit. No one refused. Call ext. (213) CAR- For Sign up now 7:30 a m 1:30p m.: 6 p.m.; 7 p.m. No smokers. Apply in person at: 119 East 200 North, Alpine. HELPER, week days $400 month. Job offers MOTHER'S flexibility to mother with student or e child one sportation necessary. Tran- Call Mary K HAIRDRESSER Ask for ARTIST, ENTHUSIASTIC BRIGHT, Jane NANNY wanted for livein position. To care for boy. Located in suburb of Boston. over 18. Phone No smoking, 9036 APPAREL OWN YOUR OR men's, ladies. large sizes, petite, dancewear aerobic, bridal Add lingerie or accessories store. Brand names: bi color analysis Claiborne. Healthtex. Chaus Lee. St Forenza. Michele. Levi. Bugle designer. discount over Lucia Grown Boy Or $13.99 one price multi tier pricing shoe store family or yard lor top Retail puces unbelievable Irom quality shoes normallypriced $M to $60 Over 250 brands 2600 900 in styles 517 900 to $29 training. lutures airfare vi'nloiy ILD CARE--P- 15 giand opening etc Can open 42? days Mi loughlm '612i 888 DAYS PRESCHOOL Beginning Sept. 6. at- FUN oilers SCHOOL state old years to today. visit at 55 E. local I INTERIOR. HSR m ROOFING REPAIR AND Gravel and shingles, call Lawrence Butterfield 763 8243 WASHBURN New or estimate t SONS ATTENTION: Homeowners. Call REGISTERING NOW mornings Wednesday, ternoons program enrollment 9187 or af- Crane i UPHOLSTERY, guaranteed. 785 3846 WASHING prompt, free business and residential windows: Phone Brian Mellor at 756 1559 workmanship before 9 a m or after 5 p m., or leave message on phone recorder. roofer, specializing in trouble free service estimates, WINDOW . - .- J Servi7 YARD CARE. Call Steve Calton rl v b p m nil SPACE AVAILABLE at 405 State Road. Am. Fork. Call Stan Robinson, Century 21 Robinson and Wilson Realty. Lawrence STORAGE UNITS T M RIDING BARNS, HAY HAULING other steel. BARNS, SET Ms OF HARNESSES, Contact 768 8714. FOR SALE ONE SHARE Highland BATH SET, AND excellent condition-$1Large Fender amp. like new $295 768 9159. table saw. IBL Day 756 75 torch, etc and bag Clarinet $125 $200 new- supplies. or COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIA- mn FABRICS, lace inside pets. $150 deposit No Fork. Sept. R&W , Marvin 1 Corner 756 7671. Realty home MARINA TIMP 756 CLUB BOAT for sale MEMBERSHIP Make oiler 2382 building. PG. Realty, RE, lot. $39,950 word processing i NOOK. IBM word term papers, processing Resumes, and reports, letters, proofreading ol manuscripts editing Reasonable rates. Call 7562356 Norma Penrod 1200 sq.ft. Mansell THREE ROOM, redecorated, partly furnished apartment Couple only No pets, smokers. 60 W. Center. PG FOR SALE BY OWNER HOSPITAL WHEELCHAIRS, BEDS, commodes, oxygen, other hospital supplies Call 756 5712 ot 756 4021 Sept chest cabinet coffee table many collectible small items dishes and eweliy typewriter, oldet games. unfurnished, three large rooms, one bedroom. No pets. You pay lights only $225 756 fry T36C7 Melaleuca Oil fiom Several times as ef- PROBLEMS? SKIN days. 6440 evenings until 9 one-an- FOUR PLEX, utility. $260 Lehi Call 768 4716 or 768 3665 a half bath. AC. large Pure Natural Australia 2 IN AMERICAN FORK, Call 4 Saturday 9 a m to North East 100 washer, much more ABSOLUTELY NO SALES PRIOR 10 10 00 MANUSCRIPTS TO MEMOS L PROP. 768 3012 $200 other hospital Call DUPLEX, American $350 will smokers no THREE Paid SERGER, WHEELCHAIRS, pets. $265 month. FACTORY-LO- BEDS, APARTMENT NICE NICE 4683 NEW HOSPITAL all Saturday Sept. 3. 10 am 4 pm 317 East Main American Fork cedat Antique tables, dresser, scarves, MISCELLANEOUS commodes, oxygen, FOR RENT or INDY TURBO remote control Works great $35 Huffy 20' boys' bike good condition $45. Daisy BB gun, $10 768 3979 Wednesday-Frida- ladies' 0 FOR RENT in Lehi. GOLF CLUBS WOMEN'S TYCO books, American Fork APARTMENTS 44 Black pistol- $150 50 calibre powder Hawkin. new $175 Craftsman 10' fork Kent (blue) electric new. $200 357, YARD SALES china 12x30-$5- 100 North, 32 West water. irrigation DAN Pleasant Grove 785 4296 Specializing in: air icindil Miners, trusses. Iiiihl poles etc Crane can be equipped with workman s basket, welder, STORAGE, ; Rosenhan. Lee of 9xl5'-$35- Honey ONIONS Friday. FORK 6xl5'-$25- ; MISCELLANEOUS sell lor SALE: $44-m- AmTrIcAN STOCK. GARAGE AND OF AVAILABLE $30 deposit. Call 21 Robinson. Stan Century Robinson & Wilson Realty. TOP PRICE FOR LEHI IRRIGATION SPOOL LARGE AMOUNT 12 x26' 785 5647 wiftition UNITS STORAGE WATER SHARES quarter or Excellent sue hoise Appaloosa Honda 650 generator 768 3392 SALE, GRAVEL SLAG, II H Model SALE, SAND, Call Ron Clark buildings, colored Custom Farm Buildings. ,!( Orchards n CUCUMBERS. p in WordPerfect Business documents, Fast, etc histories, resumes, efficient. Call Karen 756 7237. ami 1200 sq.ft. All or Call Jack, salon fective as Aloe vera. Distributor inquiries welcome Call Bob or Kalyn. 785 2503: Steve or Barbara. 756 5 BEDROOM HOUSE IN NICE close to church and schools. 2 1 baths, fenced back yard, Whirlpool stove and NEIGHBORHOOD dishwasher, refrigerator optional. 2100 sq ft finished. $68,000. Some financing available. Call 785 1109 ot 756 9611 for ap- pointment AMERICAN two bedroom North 400 FORK East. No 6355 smoking, pets. 225 7044 American FORECLOSURE. 80 condo townhouse. Fork duplex, full brick. Low down. large, basement. Assumable All AMERICAN FORK loan Only $68,000. L- USED "INDUSTRIA- MACHINE. heavy Will materials SEWING canvas 756 7473 sew DUPLEX or AMERICAN large garbage hookups. 2300 WHITE OVERSIZED 'building bricks Call 785 3787 or 785 5176. IN drinkers. disposal, FORK. spacious, washerdryer No smokers, pets, $300 $300month, deposit. Three To place a statewide classified in over 35 newspapers for only $69 Call 756-766- 9 STARTER HOME. bedroom, family room, basement. Low down. Contract sale. No closing costs. Only $42.000. 768 3979. WUD PROCESSING rxmovt or i M American notions to dark 668 dark Call E WORKS Iree trimming 768 9392 '! grown free (mm poisons xcellent toi winter storage Call 756 9132 ot 920 last ESTATE SERVICE b 15 Wed I 756-287- 1 I- today! PRUNING-TRE- Sit link on south SWEET and Limited Carilyn Pierpont 768 and Yakima otter on all items 710 North 1150 last Lehi Sat Sep 3 from 10 6 I mornings Also $35 available- $60 STALL inage Any items donated All proceeds go to Ihe Muscular Dystrophy Association to help their kids Bikes, typewriter. Inys odds & ends Come and make Welding $30 Call ALPINE MOUNTAIN TOPSOIL 756 Nancy I Burt's or Butterfield great in neiinlains and with kids. $650 for -, and tack 756 7092. car GRANNy"$ BRIAN'S Geneva MARE,' 11 t CAKE, also do FALL TOR PRESCHOOL Emphasizing reading readiness with three experienced for teachers program Special Friday three Thursday. and Quality-minde- WEDDING takes occasion 2814 colors. All Free delivery, 8 yards $90. Also 15 " slag Available all retriever BAY E mil . K ii'll organically GARAGE-BAK- WINDOW WASHING Contractors yards $50. LIKE DO YOUR Main RENT, American Fork. Super Call John Jolley. location OFFICE 756 5473 ME FOR SPACE L ALPINE TOPSOIL Brand Haskell free 0416 FOR LARGE MILD LET Hadfield, Limited enrollment individual attention Two or three days. Reasonable rates, Sharon teacher. fxpenenced Fork. lowest prices in the state. Pendesl Upholstery Free estimates. 768 4120 TOPSOIL-GRAVE- ''V1?054 664H6 Debra ROOFING. for ADDING RENTAL MACHINE and repair service Sherwood's Otfice Supply 785 7676 Professional reroofmg 785 AND PICKLING lifestyle More or stop in for a 400 North, American PROFESSIONAL f Open 'ipen W"d Sa! mailable also M 465 HI Piyson CANDY LDS PRESCHOOL Transportation schools. Call UPHOLSTERY ROOFING head. 110 SALE. open hi Sal 12 6pm and nut nt Santaqiim on Highway and prepares children for a successful school experience. Music, memory academics. Call training, and NATURE'S OUTSIDE .v.! sheet cakes and mints jnacks and lunch from 6 00 a m to 6 00 p m for children 18 mos 12 Ml 700 North Enhances the licensed child care with certified Montessori Preschool instructors Child care includes breakfast available I'll Ameiican WEDDING CAKES, PRESCHOOL CHESAPEAKE pups Born Starting at $150. Call 224 0194. il'l' 'tales a'" i"ady nnw lor yom eating :ileas!i'e mil early canning needs eek H Hales will he on the first 'ii S"i pirkpd daily Id' freshness tintts are in Paysnn nn south Mmhway Sheila Adams, 768- - KIDS LATTERDAY 3598 THE 1h !'!' till FRESH PEACHES, "aily CARROTS, Call 9 mosphere. Hot meals activities, computer skills taught video of child's growth and large fenced yard State and city license 785 limited enrollment. G care loving to DISCOVERY ages. CATHY'S .'4 t " TYPEWRITER Why COMMERCIAL OFFICE l.' $42H5 y4 x .illMl 'tno' ti!'' TOMATOES Excellent DAYCARE. Call 7367669 free estimates, Professional, Guaranteed work Call 768 40 15 JJ PRESCHOOL Improvements PAINTING, I REPAIR, TYPING Service Directory for Building, Remodeling and Home POINTING Stereos TYPEWRITER $11 Hills Beverly Camp All from SHOE STORE. Choose 2000 others. NAIL AND-O- OWN Organically evenings daytime i UMTA. Member HOME. A DOWN BUYS Marlene. pay rent? Call Jack or 756 5520 CTR Homes, beauty part. 1 Authorized RCA, Zenith & Sharp for $100 Street I on TV's, VCR's, 7684777. lones. OPPORTUNITIES DECORATING '4 .IT $Wi h I';1" or Grady at Service AF acre, Victorian rambler, fruit trees, irrigation, oak and pine $42,500. trees, well insulated ADORABLE KITTENS. September 8 1pm. Mlnlwav Utah Cows sell with tomtit lbs milk Heifers from 'Inns with 35.000 milk 1400 Fat1 STORAGE STEEL ,1 Professional Fast, call information, of fun e. location. Low rates, fenced WORK. n Cartwnght. home Marvin Realty RENTALS pm inn HOLSTEIN BUILDINGS. , a half baths, one-an- Call home all t iistum BEDROOMS, - COLORED r ri. 'Pioneer Electronics in- Peck. Linda $8.50-on- 3 KITTENS. MINIATURE CUTE FREE offer. LIVESTOCK ARENAS, Rhodes, PIANO LESSONS. two. LICENSED liu luiti"- - t7r 'ii School Shelley my home. Lots E- and good food. BUSINESS SIM41! and latin: discounts in area. Call Debbie. DAY Guaranteed $14mm5 (Jth-- r BARNS: structor. Student of BYU Master Cellist. Julie Bevan Zunsteg. near CARE CHILD Fork. American 12 . , Certified technicians te. Lisa fall. DEPENDABLE ANYONE INTERESTED IN SELLING MY IN after FARM-GARDE- LESSONS. CELLO available. PC PRODUCE CARE. One gentle. Ihmsday 1 CHILD CARE committment. Benefits. $3.35 to start. No smokers. Must take GATB test at Job Service, then r ilHUl? .i Excellent workmanship Reasonable rates Sr. Citizen AND KITTEN. CAT trained, a good To 225-755- 0 school. Sego-LilLearning activities. Lots of room. References WORKER. . x available MUSIC LESSONS DAY FREE AREN RIDING STALL hh'-'h- Is Prompt service in your home or our shop. t. half half MOTHER AKC REPAIR Call Val 4060 wage-$3.- pay. US Charge. Visa-M- C. thS GOODWILL (Karate). PUP MONTH-OL- Lab 756-516- 7 S'l Dan Third instructor accepting registration now. Classes to begin in September. Kuk Sool Won and Yang Moo Kwan HapKi-DFor information call No shrinkage removal, HmmT HAP with a good cleaning job by the 'Steam Genie' Fast drying professionals. hours), safe on all types ol CARPETS AND FURNITURE water SIX FREE FIVE PIECE SET best FOUR FORK. AMERICAN R8.W after 4. K 4n accepting new students on 4 through limited basis-ag- es adult. KOREAN carpet. with queensue 3 BEDROOM HOME, baths, fenced yard. 8573. plus deposit. 768 garage. No smokers or pets. Available short haired pointer free to a good home. 756 7055 of living room OF BALLET AVON, call Kalyn. ANYONE CAN APPLY! '' -, a Lehi Alpine, FREE Litter box FARM BUILDINGS BARNS. CLEAN, BEAUTIFY, PROTECT YOUR LOVING PRODUCTION pi Kh;. tiimv lii 5 LOST: to and yard t.ee TV Horsemen-sadd- hr. for TV SERVIlt. .."ve e Reasnmhl" it" HEALEY G 9146 after 4 58 FOR RENT HOMES REMODELED PORTABLE, Vi 4 704 is now 24 hrs. SELLING .!" REPAIR O fun for a CLOWN Shirley, $69,405. area. Call (refundable) Ext. F 6700 for Federal List. Apply LOST AND FOUND WANTED job am., after 9 p.m. WHY furniture. $100 or experience. JOBS $18,037 to Immediate Hiring! Your morning TEENAGER i"M $335monttt. street SUPPLIES MUI2 gasoline sell stait ?0fl amp and Ciattsnnn $500 plan! washer BEDROOM, THREE immediately. headboard, honey pine $150 or best 'timers 7 PETS AND and cabinet hnnkshell lothi's large We pay heat, you dryer hookups. Nice, private yard. pay lights. AF DINING OAK black WATERBED, come to your party. Games, lots of fun! Let her RAINBOW your cooperation. Call FARM EQUIPMENT pin-- ., for Thank you fined. SOLID Large 7W after school WANTS and weekend housecleanmg Experienced. Shirley. J. Rosemary iMltVS GOVERNMENT DOVE within HUNTING AB- HOUSECLEANING STUDENT CARPET CARE WILL gnl s Chustmas present ,'Sh 145 evenings seamstress . items Hllie EXPERT party, Call $55 00 tli'Mt ALTERATIONS r inch only Mteitinii,availabl" 75bHM CALL ditions. THERE meals activities new provided. an occasion, birthdays, niversaries. I love you's We deliver too Helium tank rental for parties Lehi Drug 768 3548. BIRTHDAY CLOWN afternoon shift, CHAPTER 13 BANKRUPTCY SEWING, HOME. MY WELDER, (1)805-68- Call Headquarters: Clearwater, Florida IN CARE CHILD 5991. e like lined 24 disposal. CONSOLE pay or Donna double pedestal table Mth leaves, tour side chairs, two btiftet with drawers innchaiis t xcellent condition ind doors Currently selling new lor $3 000 Asking $1 500 Call Marlene 756 BREEZE SCHWINN Light yellow MwTMnsi. dishwasher, $2,700 condition. Must tu 'ion Book value '.800 0B0. asking to $1235 BED, "COCHRANE" BICYCLE. BALLOONS WITH CONCERT BALDWIN ELECTRONIC excellent $175 condition Queen size 768 8526 BICYCLES GIRL'S Your Hiring. 6000. Ext. for current Federal list. Area. LOWREY FURNISHINGS SET. lots of fun. All ages. Call Swings, GUITAR Like new. cost asking $950 785 7105. any Kim, Cer- Placement Job tification, Pruning, topping including fruit trees & hedging. Free estimates! 756 5432 removing, THREE $550 Call CASE 6191 sell Denise, HELIUM NEED delivery 756 HOME SOFA 7564976 i. ORGAN. Flawless & ' ' WPLFi MOVE AC. basement unfinished Carport. PLEASANT 768 8833. before 10 estern Tree Service r your little ones. Dependable, loving, fenced yard, activities. Preschool lunch. Preschool GROVE HOME, TRUCK MASTER, FREE AVAILABLE . jewelry UNITED TRUCK DELIVERY LABOR. SIZES antique gas stove with oven excellent condition $300 Call 785 3787 or 85 517b laundry. 7684632 Dead-en- PIANO. "LIVE OAK" : Dixie Call drop-of- t best $450-o- r SAXOPHONE, oiler 768 8182 ANTIQUES mm:-- much experience has fall ' Roomy home and LET ME TEND MINK RANCH. pretty appy more information, call with 30x60x1 40x60x10-5510- BROCHURE WANTED: MOTHER Stud. apartments Utilities paid Cable 1 and 2 bedroom. One E SERVICE LDS LICENSED openings. convenient 756 7323 24x36x10 52421 01HER works. KITS BUILDING 24x24x10-5188- helpful. Some work in field and some at business in Lehi. Should have good problem solving ability. Apply STEEL SPECIALS' COVERED ALTO Lehi Veto REMODELED NEWLY LEHI BEAUTIFUL CHILD CARE top cost-$- other BARNS, colored steel buildings Custom Farm Buildings storage Top. organs Our 378: sell for $5 950 owner Exquisite instiument the home of ALFALFA, BERSHIP or SET with STEREO large Precision Acoustic speakers Turntable Receiver. over $1,000. Priced to sell quickly at $325 7 85 5 835 available OPPORTUNITIES good 4 CoJ - HELP WANTED CASE, O. TECHNICSJONY ed lwtiin PERSONALS condition Fork American WITH TROMBONE Business EVERYTHING MUST GO! equipment and supplies, tools home furnishings sporting goods. Continued daily until everything is 257 East 700 North. gone In order to better serve you, we've extended our classified deadline to 7:00 p.m. every Monday. Now you can call as late as Monday evening and still get your ad in the classifieds that really work. Ads will appear Wednesday in the Citizen, Pleasant Grove Review, Lehi Free Press and North Utah County to every Shopper, home from Lindon to Lehi almost three times as many (in this area) as the Daily Herald! Ask about the fourth CITIZEN PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW time free and our "guaranteed sale." LEHI FREE PRESS 59 W. Main, Am. Fork 756 - 7669 NO. UTAH CO. SHOPPER Til GOT 9 |